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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1900)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1900. The Weekly Chronicle. Aal.n ti.;ng Kat... the gold standard its ten thousands,' panied by a balance cf trade of jOO,- testimony of hit American Lien, Is mm while only : few mouths go the I 000,000 against ti e I'liited states, i hj h"ve frcm five t0 M'-eeii " , Jiryanite party reallirmed the Chicago ' A shotter period of protective tariffs 1 i!1 1;u--4l-i ! cans" are really respoutib'e for much .f ' O is lr."h or les In P.nly v o cr ti meti. ai.d un-ler four im four tucif? cul uuJi'r twelve ini'ii- Li .-el mow im hi s Daily IM; vtt.LT. ne Inch or l-s. ivr iii:i Dver one i'H'ii and four inches. ... Ovt-r fi':r inches uJ uitilr-r twelve Cictje Overtilvei:K:Tr 1 IV platform which charged that mono , has been accompanied by ft balance metslism had "locked fast the i los-j of trade of ?2,oiKeo0,U00 iu favor perity of an industrial people in the , of the 1'nited Slates, paralysis of hanl times." If this is! - 60 i rralysis, may a merciful heaven ; 3 i keep us pars j j ; thousand yens! ;; ikecp us paralyzed for the i:txt Bryan U ivl unlike F.s Trcs'ilcut The liryani'.c Seattle the prolongation i f this war. I was i Svltuniiy assurred loday by a prominent J I Free-Mater, confined io l'jrl.n on his ! i-r ..,..! Parole, a'lJ n urnii who is an ttnitiiatu I A MAKVEL'ilS RECOR!. BUY. IX .S:.IZS BR Jo the campaign of 130 Bryan did not poitt a road for the nation to travel that would not have led to disaster, and every road that he designated as dangerous has led the. people in safety to the land of pros- eritv tuev so eairoriv ana so oti" I - - u tj : friend and adviser of ex President Stevn, that thev have been asurd hv i mini- Harrison in some respects. V.' j nent "Irish Americans" thai' if they - Deifying sncther u publican prcsi-1 cold oniv hold out until September. Mr. Y.IX CtMi'.KT. j dent so sooul And befiie he is ! T'1 would intervene, and they would get their Iiee.ldiii. lie was under ttiu impreeion that our campaign begun in June, and lbs election took place early i.i September. - Ho had been in the Di van seated in Croker's triumphal j car cor.firms the alliance and the j bargains which he has denied. He! advertises his greatest shame to the L.. world by notorious nets. And aslPiU acts speak much loudir thau words' j he gives the lie to that ri jjincr in j winch ue tucd to save himself from i dead! Four years from tmw blankety pops will be deifying IUnra. these ! Mark j BOERS FOR AMERICA Had sousni. the odium of a compact with the , i'-E- -"-j-'-iew lorKboss. i maile the following prophecy: '-If McKinley and the republican party are successful and put in power for the next four years, wages will be decreased, bard times will cou.e upon us, mortgages on our homes will be foreclosed by the money lenders, shops and factories will close. We will expott no goods and we will import from foreign lands all the goods we use. Thus will ruin, want and misery be with cs." Now for . the facts of history. II ive the factories closed ? Have our exports ceased? Let the record answer. In 1892, under the Mc Kiuley tariff, our exports for the first time passed the billion dollar mark. In 1803, the Drsl year of Cleveland's administration, under the depressing effect of threatened free trade, otr exports were $180, 000.000 less than in 1892. In 1893 when the Wilson tariff was in full operation, our exports were $222 0000,000 less than in 1892. In 1897, the first year of tho McKinley administration, under the encourag ing influence of the promise of pro tection and the assurance of financial honesty, our exports again touched the billion dollar mark, making gain of over 1200,000,000. During the last two years of Cleveland's last term, and under the Wilson tariff, our exports exceeded our imports only 1 80,000,000. Dur iiig the last two years of McKinley 's administration, and under the Ding lt'y tariff, our exports exceed our imports more than 1000,000,000. In Dther words, we sold to foreigr ers .894,000,000 more of products dining McKiulev's last two vears, uud tinder a republican tariff, than we did during Cleveland a last two years under a deniociatic tariff. At the end of the Harrison ad ministration the balance or trade in our favor was 2 12.000,000. At tho end of the Cleveland administra tion the balance had decreased to 1102,000,000. At the' end of the McKinley administration the balance will exceed ,ri 11,000,000. These figures include all our ex ports of whatever kind. If we look for a moment at our export of mnnu facturcs alone we have, if possible, still more convincing proof that Bryan was a false prophet when he predicted that under the gold stand ard we could not sell our products abroad at remunerative prices. In 189C, under Cleveland, wc wiil to foreigners for manufactures 3;l;5,(iOO,000 and sold manufactures to the amount cf 280,000,000, leav ing a balance against us of fclOd, 000,000. In 1897, under McKinley, 'o paid out for manufactures 27, '100,000 less and received 19,000,000 more than in IHW, leaving a balance igain.H u of only 27,000,000. I 198 we received 00,000,000 ! ""Me fur manufactures than we paid t, and In IS99 this balance was Increased to KO,000,000. In 1900 Wu aie exporting every day more one million dollars of the Products of our factories and we are "ot In, iny money on the goods. !' sum tip- During McKinley's ad mi The terms of the agreement asj they were repotted in the Chicago Times-Herald were that Croker was to carry the Kmpire state, that he was to raise a fund of 2,000,000 for that purpose, and that he was to contribute 100,000 in cash to the democratic national committee, on the understanding that in tho event of Bryan's election he was: . To control the federal patronage of all New York. To have a cabinet position, the secretaryship of the navy, for his friend ex-Senator M'irphy. Immediately upon the publication of this dishonorable treaty Mr. Bryan hastened to Chicago to read the riot act at the rooms of ;' e national com mittee. It was there that he located the leak, because the terms were sup posed to be a committee secret. They had first been arranged be tween Croker and William J. Stone in New York, and Stone Ltd set them forth at a meeting iu Chicago which was alteuded by Mr. Uiyan himself, Chairman Jones and Com mitteemen Johnson and Campau. There the deal was officially appioved and Stone went back to New York to hold Croker to his. bargain. Such were the facts which made Bryan conclude that discipline was needed at headquarters, and there wa3 a stormy lime after his arrival. It was then that he issued his signed statement with the denial that he had prou ised any position to any-1 one, but the following day ll;e Times-IIerald's New York corres pondent reiterated the charges down to the minutest details, and his assertions have stood unchallenged. If, however, they were doubted the humiliating spectacle of Tuesday will dispel all doubts. No presiden tial cacdicatc of recent times has stooped to such degradation. Tildcn, a New York democrat, crushed the rings of the Tammany corrupt i'onisls and was nominated in spito of them. Cleveland, that other New York democrat, was three times nominated and twice elected in defiance of Tammany. lie never courted the organization, never tried to conciliate it, and in 1881 and in 1892, when its opposition to mm was most out spoken and he was forced upon the delegation from his own state in convention, he won at tho polls. There was the measure of Tammany's fame and Tammany's popularity. Mr. Bryan is in reality cursed ny that alliance by w hich he hopes to succeed. He is hated for the friends he has made, not loved for the enemies he Iia3 made, ns were Tildcn and Cleveland. Moreover, he is doing an irretrievable injury to his personal reputation, 'lhe Times Herald withdraws all its tributes to his sincerity, for the man who sells himself to such a scoundrel as Croker can have no principles. All Their Wavs Utterly Unstiitcd to Our Civilization Did Not .Meet an American Who is Xot in Favor of the English "Irish Americans" Responsible for the Prolongation of the War. Uuder the date of Sept. 22. 1900, W. S. U'Ken, a former member of the Oregon legislature from Clackamas twenty and at that time one of llio uiost prominent populists in the etate, writes as tullowe to tho Oregjnian irom South Africi, whither he went recently to look after tho estate of a dead brother : I have inquired into the possibility of the Boera going to America in any con siderable numbers, and Iain nirversally answered t hat they will not go never thought of going. I cannot do better than give the answer of a prominent Cape Dutchman, an elderly man, whose two tons joined the Boer army al tho tiret call, uud were still out when he was talking to me. He has traveled ex tensively, is familiar with the conditions of labor in the Uuited States, and is a well-educated man. He eaid : "Ho, the Boers will not go to tho United States. They never thought of doing so. All their ways of life are utterly unsuited (c your civilization. The B ier fanner knows nothing al all of making a living under competitive con ditions. All bis life he has had Kaffir servants and herdsmen, or else Hot tentots, to do the manual labor on his farm. Ho has directed them, and under phenomenally easy conditions. His life has been very nearly that of the frontier slave owner in your southern states fifty . years ago, save that he grows liveetock tor sale instead of cotton or corn, lie does grow a little maize; possibly culti vates from 25 to 50 acres on b farm of from 6000 to 10,000 aores. "The Boer furmer is usually ignorant of the woild and its ways, and does not want to learn more of it. He can neither rend nor write, and does not want to learu, nor to have his childien learn. He has stood still intellectually since his fathers first landed in Afiiea, and fie wants to do the same for tho balance of eternity, lie cannot eeo any good at all in your modern ways and civilization. AH he. wants is to be let alone with his servants and his Btock. The climate, the conditions ol labor, your ritid laws making English the only oflicial language, In short, all the conditions of hf.i with vour people, are utterly un s ui ted to the Boer farmer, and his leaders know this. "Like vour frontiersmen, the Boer farmer is generous, hospitable, sharp in a tiorse trade, and like the first genera tion of Yankees in this century, lie hates everything English individually and collectively. It is dill'erent in your country now it will be dilTereut in the Transvaal eixty years hence. A few of the irrecoriciliables will go into German Africa, but they will Hnd that they have gone from the frying pan into the fire, and cnoBt of them will come back." .Many others have answered in sub stance to tho same ellYct, but I have (pioted ni) Dntch'friend almost verbatim, Ucuuse he is an educated man, his kins men aie Boers, and bis sympathies are no strongly with them and against tbe English. I spent ten (lays in Cape Town, and ar rived here only Thursday laBt. I saw many Boers In Cape Tow n, w ho had been expelled from the TraiiBvaal, and also many Americans refugees. I have yet to meet an American in Africa who is not strongly in favor of the English in this war. Many of them admire the BoHrs as men and neighbors but strictly outside of anv political relations. Nut United States fur a few weeks! the Columbian exposition, but the hvs j of our American politics am! politician 1 were far beyond his coiiipreln-t.sion, he aid. j Alter ball an hour's explanation of our ; System, and republican majority in the j United States senate, he b'gaii to ivin-' prehend that a grtat dial of the "eym-I pathy" which has been so freely ex pressed in political platfoi ms f ir his: friends, was for political purposes prin- cipally, and that even if Mr. Bryan hsul been elected in September, lie could d 1 1 n ithiug for tho Buers, wi,i;e it ail! l,e ' altogether too lute for help when our election actually takes place, no matter! who is elected. V, s. C'Ri.n. j Voting Vrnvllle leil. I Manila, Oct. 2-1, via Hong Koiitf, Oct. The rebel, Captain Novicio, 1ms been tried by a military commission at Baler, Northern Luzon, charged with burningallve a seaman named McDonald, of Lieutenant Gillmore's Yorktosvn party. Novicio was found guilty and sentenced to death. The commission's sentence is now in the hands of General MacArthur for approval. Testimony was produced at the trial showing Novicio also caused the death ol Venville, another member of Lieutenant Uillmore's party, by delivering him into the hands of the native tribesmen known as Igorotes, who, under the pretext of going fishing-, luted Venville into the woods and murdered hi in with two Spsnish friends, who wire Venville's fellow captives. Tho tribesmen bout.d Venville, opened bis veins and sucked his blood until be was dead. The evi dence also showed that Novicio killed a Filipino named Kodiiguez, who was suspected of being friendly to tbe Ameri cans. Geueral . Wheaton has approved the commission's sentence. Tho lvlntl You Have Always liought, niul v Well lias lccii In use lor over SO leari. hornet Iho nlo-iiahirn nf - ainl lias been made under Ms pcr- f'. 7 mmiuI super vision since lt Infancy. KCKAAi Allow no one tmletvlve you iu this. All Counterfeits, Imitations ami Just-us-jrood,, tiro but Experiments tliat triito with ami endanger tho health of Infant mul Children 1'xporieneo against Kxpcrliucut What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare guric, Drops ami Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootlo Mibstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AVornn mul allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea anil AVI ml Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ml Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates tho Stomach uud IJowcIs, giving healthy ami natural sleep. The Childicu's Panacea The mother's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMK CCNT.Uft UMNNI, ft MURRAY .TftCCf. NEW VORR CfTV. McKinley Captures Yule. New Havkn, Conn., Oct. 24. The exact figureeof the p'oll of Yale university for presidential candidates, as announced today, were 1418 for McKinley to 150 lor Bryan. Divided into departments, tho vote stood: Acsdimic McKinley ;JI8, Bryan 22; law school McKinley 107, Bryan 32; divinity school McKiniey 40, Bryan 9; medical school McKinley ."!), Bryan 23. AdterllReil Loltern. Foilow ing is tbe list of letters remain ing in the postorTice at Tho Dalles un called for October 27, 1!)00. I'ersons calling for the sumo w ill give date on which they were advertised : Aonler, Patrick Ilurnuni, Miss Ora Brown, Mrs Pollie Chamberlain, Louise Cartwrmht, D P Coats, Harvey Douglas, Frank Ketch, Ed Montgomery Chas MeGurgan, W E McGreer, Nellie Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Kegardless of Cost. Dry Good?, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much l-ss itmn wholesale prices. Will fell in bulk or in .lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets Bntterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court ts. and bargains d jr jrs ji q if, Proprietory Commercial SampIe 'mutation our excess of expoils ovor imports has been five times as ln"'h as it was during the one hun 1 r t- 1 and sixty years prior thereto, n inn iy ?;h:!,()2.s,197 against 2,02s, "!,l,8 I. and our manufactures cx l'et 1 those of Falkland, France mid ( 'Ci 'in any combined. The history of 1,10 world fu.n.shrs no t.arallcl to nrolective tnrilTs have been in opera- record ; and yet only four short lion, to enable a practical demonstra-1 Kar n'A llryan Insisted that pro lCtUon "ai1. tlain Us thousands nnd Protective tariffs have been in operation in the United States during fifty-two years of the 1 10 years since , nn American I have met lias g jod word the adoption of the constitution, j to say of .Mr. kroner or of his govern-Durin- these fifty-two years exports '"'' TI.ey nni.o is saying that it was 11 a J , J , ' tho desiie and intention of the Boers to exceeded imports by more than two, c alj9l)l)tl,v in ., aru,to FoverD and one-half billion dollais. I)urin C0IIItr9 with or without their consent, the fifty-eight years in which low uml without any political representation tari,r3 were in Operation, imports CX- in their government In any form. I am cccdcd exports by more than live fully convinced that the Kroger govern-1-1 1 , ,. meut was an oligarchy pure and simple, hundred million dollars. Here i'O" ! R very dl.,p(,ii,. Iie, Hnd not in any sense have a ttiMiciently lon peiiod or of t10 worij r,.,, t,!i(: r A free govern- scries of periods (more than f half i nient as we understand the words and, ' .... .1.-.. .1 ... I.... L'.....A f. V. more mail IIIRi, llium i mucr vu., nor the Boer and Hollander element, which kept them in power, ever had any intention of estahlisliing a free govern- Castle, J L Castile, F G Clover, Will Fox, Susannah Howard, Pert ,2j Laranr, Morrison, J VV McGregor, Capt M Nealev, O L Negus, Earl Pearson, Andrew Pentecost, Jess Pfenning W A Parson, Hanna Scott, Walter Kobinstm Bros Waite, Miss Maltic Steal, Mrs Ida (2) W alters, Mrs M lrlHitulutlon of I'artncrMliln. The partnership heretofore existing between J. A. Carnaby and J. W. Blake ney is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The business will be continued under the style and firm of Carnaby & Summers, who will collect all bills and pay all obligations of the late firm. CaKNAIIY it SU.M.MEKN, The Dalles, Oct 1, 1000. olO-4w GOING EAST If you intend to take a trip ICast, nek your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kinsas I City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New .England points. All trains ruu via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. linn C. Clim:, Paciiic CuH!-t Pans. A.'t,, Los Argeles, Calif. C t) Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 ' Delivered to any part of Hie City. f 11'0,'f'8- wsng Distance. 173Second Street. O (LtfSa- C-5lC" ti'C-i'CO r trw rw: ifK. t d !r rx Jt j-: ?r, tt$ jrtf iAr ir rtm iW iA; wt 5t -An jfc jfi m JVt ip -v" V "v: V v V '-V1 V1 v m SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! 0 to l) i you know that John Pashek, the tailor, is agent for two of the larg. st merchant tailoring bouses iu America? D'i you know that he will sell you a suit, made to your order, as cheap a the hand-me-down, ready-made, you buy in the stores, and guarantee n fit or no eale? D i you know that be has already tn band for the coming fall and w inter trade the handsomest and finest line of samples ever shown in The Dalles? JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. &k iftr c &i j 1 "V Jir vji fci a..; ryt r..r V r-V V ' o o r SV jT. W A r- i- v; i A BIG SALE OF STAR FEED MILLS. S. Ch.vnk, (i. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Lutrfty Notl'. I I lowTw - I I 12 IS. if l Jr' " . Sil-rr ' Dilring the Street Fair and Carnival wn are going t.i oiler the greatest liar irains in Grinding Machinery ever ell'ered in the State of Oregon. We want every f iirim-r to A !sUr VpajI f i i ' . iil-i' HliM it will lit'' i, tit njv rnn, I .... it tU Cam" to my place about a month g'J .aVe von lime; it will make vour old horse faiter; itwillpiea-e vour w He to iret a red mooley cw, with w hite hind feet, c-rRekil ginin for her clnckern; and is a cure w av cf getting it at a so-riMce, branded on left hip with three lines ! f.,r e are positively uoing to clne out the millnnow on haml at AC I l.. I. t () 1'. meeting al a point, unuer crop on rigia a (.,anirn in tho business eompeN ns M duthis. and n v.v i thu time for to century of each) in which low or tion of their effects upon commerce. melll or a rea ret,ublic, now or hereafter. The low tariffs have been nccotn-1 1 stato this conclusion solely on the ear. ( Inner charges. Pave tier by paying Pi; mi ti.iiimcv, 'lhe Dalles. c(i w 4 w reap thu l enelit. For p rl iculars inipiire or w rite t j Oct o, l!iO0. ICral oi. for Malr. Twenty-three lols, located from Sev enth street to Twelfth, for sale at, fr m foO up, Iinpiire at tho Columbia Hotel. a'Jittf Wo offer for a liuntel period the twice-a-week Chiio.vk i,k, price f l.od, and tho Weekly Dregonian, price ft. .(.), both papers for 2 a year. Subscriptions nndcr this viler must be paid iu ad vance, tf a. HUDSON & BROWNHILL, The Dalles, Oregon.