The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 27, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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The Place
to Save Money
on all kinds
of Merchandise.
The Dalles Street Fair has como and gone, but The Fair Store has come to stay.
Ve are saving the people money on Men's Clothing, Underwear, Hats and Shoes, as well
as Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery.
You will find in our Store lots of bargains.
We have the best line of up-to-date Jackets and Capes for Ladies' and Misses',
and about one-third less in price than other stores.
Come and see us and we will be pleased to show you our goods.
Wo are agents for Miller's All-Wool Clothing.
133 Second Street,
An Ksaiuple lor Bojl.
It would be a gooi object lesson for
boys who would be of some use in the
worM to walk up to Paradise farm, only
one half mile from the depot, and see
what a boy only 1" yenra of age h done.
They will see a i-hntn running; by ma
chinery, aljjo a urindstone, a straw cut
ter, and a mill for making corn meal,
graham fljtir and chop, 'this rrachinery
is all run hy the spting on the farm.
Percy Adams has done all the work
himself, and says the next thing he ill
rig up will bo a saw to saw all li i s
mother's stove wood. He works at his
machinery at odd spells when out of
school. His father says lie is often
asked: "Wiat are you poing to make
out of Percy V The reply is, just what
he was born for. lie must Crst be
thoroughly educated. Then turn him
loose and watch hiin. He will just as
naturally divo into a machine shop as a
duck will seek water, or a bee make
a straight line for his hive hnn loaded
with honey. He has no taste for Black
stone, bates the smell ol pill-bags and
see ins to hare been born with little
respect for sacerdotal robej. As to
farming for a living well, he would
rattier by his potatoes than to raise
them. Hood River Glacier.
Grand Musical Concert.
The Co-operative Brotherhood Juve
nile Band consists of twenty-one pieces.
Professor H. M. Draper, one of. Amer
ica's most noted conductors, has charge
of this organization. The concert work
of this band, coneiftlng of children all
under 16 years of age, his been pro
nounced by competent ciitics as most
excellent. The high degree of profi
ciency to which this band of young mu
sicians has attained, speaks volumes,
blh for their own talent and the talent
of Prol. Draper.
The entertainment to be given by this
organization will be unique, and so great
is the confidence of its friends and con
ductor in Us ability to please and enter
tain, that special invitation is made to
those who are thoroughly critical to at
tend the concert, which will be given at
the Vogt opera bouse nest Thursday
evening, November 1st.
' The program will begin promptly at 8
o'clock. In addition to the work of the
bind, these bright young people wil!
take a band at minstrelsy. They also
have been Al as minstrels by compe
tent critics. Admission 25 cents; chil
dren 15 cents. See hand bills. 1
Wines, Liquors f Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to A. M. Williams & Co.
Phone 234,
iyly -y ittiyjfl
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale
prises. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must "be closed out "before 30 days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets
and Buttetick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure
Corner Second and Court Sts.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
The Dalles, Or.
xneonering ac cord ray s tins week, 1
"A WseGuy," will hold the crowds; of
that there can be no doubt, says the
Portland Telegram. Its initial per
formance last evening was a center shot.
So large was the attendance that Man
ager Cordray had to move the orchestra
into less area in order to accommodate
people inside the rail with the musicians.
"A Wise Goy" Is bunch of specialties
and funny business from start to finish.
It is clean and lively, and rough horse
play, such as is a prominent feature of
moBt farce comedies, is lacking in this.
Into three acts are huddled is many
laughs as there possibly could be. The
how has but one object to make the
people laugh and It ha been an un
qualified success. "A Wiee Guy" was
mere sketch last reason, but struck
such a popular chord that it was ei
panded into a three act farce comedy.
The original sketch is now the third
act. The play "made good" in New
York, which is a sufficient ffllsr.nte of
men i.
, For Infant! and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Steamers of the Regulator Line will run as ir the fol-' schedule, the Company reserving the right to change'
schedule without notice.
Str. Regulator
I.v. Dalles
at 7 a. h.
Haturday. .. .
Arr. Portland
at .:;. U.
I.v. Portland
a' 7 a. m.
'. Monday
. .. Wednesday
Arr. Dalles
at 5 r. M,
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dalles City.
I.v. Dalles
at 7 A. H.
Wednesday... .
Arr. Portland
at 4 :30 r. H.
l. . Portland
at 7: IK) A. M.
. . . . Thursday ,
Arr. Dalles '
at 5r. a..
E, Travel by the Steamer of the Regulator Mne. The Company will endeavor to rive its pat- 3
K ron. the best service possible. For further information ..litre.. 1
Portland Office, Oak Street Dock. W. C. ALLAVVAY, Cen. Agt. i
Bears the
BlfUAtare of
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
aatW-l Milra and Knot.
Nautical miles and Knot, are ntfiiin
in a ttate of ontif u.-ion. Thin is tt'"
natural r,'su!t of the shaMerinrr of tl.e
maiden record hy the steamer Di-u'.sch-I;.
ml. We nre that she .vennicl
n.Ott knot, when, us a n.iitter of fact,
she truvirsel that number of nautical
mile.". A i.artiiii! nillr. is not a Knot.
The inttir is the mark nr en a l'-v'
line to h!jiv the rate f speed nt
which Ihe vessel i.-. prove c:i n;r. U hi n
II certain I. umber of I; nuts run oil!
on the lire in w("iin! it demon
strates that the vcs-el if making hat
many miles an hour. The knot is pro
portional to the mile, but it is not a
mile. It is 47 feet unci u fraction. No
tailor man would speak of a vt.s-el
traveling bo ninny knotx, though lie
would speak of her ffoinfr nt the rate
of so many knots an hour. This is one
of the little things that betray the
difference between the Keuman and
the landsman. X. V. Timcis.
In the Circuit Cum t of the
asco c'cuiity.
suite of Olf uil for
The Oregon Kailroad Navigation To..
Hard to Suit.
"liifjsby went tiji to see the Thou
sand Islands on a njK-ciul rate excur
sion tiiket."
How did he enjoy the trip?"
lie came back threatening to sue
the railroad company."
"What for?"
"He couldn't count but 883 islands."
Cleveland I'lain Dealer.
Strayed from uiy place on the bluff,
a 2-yenr-ol.l Jersey heifer; , dehorned ;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on
bo'.h hips. Liberal rewnrJ paid for her
olO-Uw Bket Bagley
A. Ilcnsos.
- Notary Public.
Timothy Rkow.vhiix,
Attorney at Law.
jiijosun Brovnnsi!
Real Estate,
Insurance, Loans,
Conveyancing and
We represent some of the largest fire
insorance companies in the world.
Ve have a large list of proparty, both
city and country, for sale and rent.
We have money to loan on real estate
security at reasonable rates of interest.
We do all kinds of conveyancing, and
are the exclusive owners f jr Rice's sys
tem of abstracting, which precludes the
possibility of mistakes in looking up
titles to real estate.
Any one having property for sale or
rent ill find it to their advantage to
leave it in our hands.
-Collections and all lenl business left
in our rare will receive prompt atten
tion. Will practice in all the courts of
the ttate. Correspondence promptly
answered. 1
Offices: Washington street,
French & Co.'s
next to
Land Offics at The Dai.lec. Or., (
October, m, V.w. (
Notice i hereby (tlven that the following
named settler haa tiled notice ol his intention
to make final proof in support ot his claim, and
tliat aald proof will be made before the rctrlxtur
and receiver nt The Dalles, Oregjn, on Wednev
day, December .", l'.HM), viz.:
Henry V. McKainey,
of The Dlle, Oregon. II. K. No. 'ilt, for the
SK'i bee. 21, T 1 N, a K, '.V M.
He natnea the following; witnesses to prove
his continuous rebidence upon and cultivation
of Mtiii land, viz. :
Kiank Lapier. Jamot R. Steele, Kric l.ntnlltnd,
Albert Davidson, ail ol The all-it, Oregon.
cjct27 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Land Office at Thi Dalles. Orkook,
October t-, ltmo. 1
Notice Is hereby ejven that the following
named settler haa filed notice of her intention to
make final proof in suprt of her elaiiu, and
that said proof will be madetwfore the Rcjjlhter
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes
day, December, ft, lyoo, viz:
llattie L. Bandy,
of The Dallet, Oregon, If. K. Nc, i.V;!, for the
8W'4 8ec t, T'N,Kli K, W. .M.
lihe names tne following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
aid land, viz:
Frank Lapier, of The Dalles, Oregon, Albert (i.
Mc.Kamey, of Wt. Hood, Oregon, Henry C. Wc
Kamey and Eric ilranlmid, o! The Dalles, Or.
och37 JAY r. LIT AS, Register.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has duly filed with the comity clerk of Wasco
County, Oregon, his final account and report aa
executor of the estate of flioebe J. Ilaight, de
ceased t and that the honorable county court has
fixed Monday, the 5lh dny of November, 1:), at
10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the tine, and the
county court room in the cotintv com t house in
Dalles (ity, W' county, Oregon, as the place
for hearing said final arconnt and report.
Ail persona interested in said cstntn are here
by notified to appear at said time and place and
show cause, if any there be, why said report
should not be approved and said ei.fni,,. ,n.
Dated this Win day of rlepteniber, 10.
Executor of the estnio ol Pti.u I n..i.....
deceased. (H..j
IT. A. Van Norden
John H. Koi ertr and Kinma Koberg. hl wife:
1 hiil. s 11. John hoo and Kic bard
i;i-e. u hr.-e nai:its are utiknou n,
To J.'hn II. K'.'tfTi, Kinoia Koheig, t. is wife:
hafl-s Jt. i.rahnin: Jobn Doe and Kie.iatd
l:oe, tiie names are untnonn, Defendants:
In the 111.1110 of the State of Oregon:
You. and e' h of y.iti, arr hereby notified that
the iir. j.m Knlir iad v NuvihMtlnn Lompanv
bas l;iid a cuiMp.iiii.t i'ifin.-t von i. lhecircuit
i i.urt of the i-tiitB "1 Ongon for the lounty of
tl.-m, an. I vou art- hert:Ly rsr.iuircd to at jear
mid oi.swer siid romplaiut on ir before the lust
ilav of the time piet-cribcd by the i.rder f pub
liciitloti, that i to sav on or tefore -itunlfly,
the loth dav of Novehihir, lis rt. You are further
notified that H vou luil to apiar and n' swer
the comtilaint. or plead thereto, at said time,
Ihe plaintiit will cause your delimit to been
tered and will apply to the court for the relief
prand for in the complaint: hat Is to say that
in a.scssmeut o( thedauiuges which w ill result
iroin the appropriation by the plaiiitit! of the
six tracts of land ti-l hereinai U r described, and
alMjfnmi the appropriation by the plaintiff of
Ihe light to borrow earth, stne. gravel and
other mateiial from the rive tracts of laud here
inafter described he had. ami that on payment
of the d-onaees so assessed Into the hands of the
clerk ol this court by the plaintiff, j.ichjment be
given appropriating said prnj.rty, and all of it,
to the plaintiff. '
The sit tracts of land winch are sought to be
appropriated heiein and whlen are above re
ferred to, are partlculiily bounded and de
scribed ss iollowe, to-lt:
Tract One HeRinnlng at point in the easter
ly original riglitof way liueof the railroad, which
point is li.lH ieet north and iiO feet east from
the quarter corner between sections thirty one
(.i!)and thlrty-two(.;;).toiiHhipthreo :'.) north,
raiure eleven (11) east Willamette Meridian, and
) feet distant from and measured at right
amrles to the revised center line: thence iotitli
easterly 01: a curve Pi the left, having a radius
of 2il feet a distance of L'7 fet to a point w hich
is .jo feet distant from utid lueusund at right
angles to the revisd ceucer line, thence parallel
w i'h said revised e?nter line and VI feet distant
northeily therefrom and on course bearing
south oO degrees M minutes east, a distance of
Si feet to a jKiint In the south line of said lot
four (I): thence west along said south line a
distance of lioj feet to a point which is 51 Ieet
dis'unt from and measured at right angles to
the revised center line; thence north CO degrees
M minutes west a distance ol liO feet to a point;
thence 011 a curve to the right, having a radius
of i.H2 feet a dlstatiee of !Hi feet to a point In the
original light of way Hue of the railroad, which
point is So Ieet distant from and measured at
right angles to the revised center line; thence
northwesterly al:ng snid original right of way
line u distance of 2'' feel to the place of besin
hlng, containing Ml acres.
Tract two Beginning at anoint 1:120 feet east
and 870 fett north from the quarter corner be
tween said sections thirty-one (.ill and thirty
two (!), township three ( t) north, range eleven
(11) east Willamette Meridian, which point is 50
feet distant trom and measured at right angles
to the revised center line of the ruilrono: thence
on a course bearing south CO degress 51 minutes
east, para'l I with and 60 feet distant southerly
from said revised center line adisUnee of
Ieet to a. point; tin nee on a etirvo to the right
having a raillus ol l:',s:i ieet a distance of :t.s(l Ieet
to a ointon the southerly original right ot' way
line of the railroad ; thence north westt rly along
said original right of way line a dfstaure ot li;n;
Ieet to a point on the west lino of lot three :IJ,
seelion thirty-two (:rjj; thence south 10 feet to
the place ol beginning, containing l.aeies
Tjact three lUglnning at a point on the 01 ig
thai right ol way line of the railroad, which
point is feet ast from thequatter c mer
fjctwcen-sectioiiF thirty-one and thirty-two :U,
township three (:il north, range eleven (ll east
Willamette Meiiniun, thence east along the
south line of lotthree f:;. section thirty-two :li
a distance ol SK Ieet to a point which is M ieet
distatit front and measured i.t rii;ht angles to
the revised center line; the. co on a course bear
ing n rtn 11 degrees 40 minutes west a distance
ol feet to a point in the original right ol war
Ifueoi the railroad: thence southeasterly along
said original right of way line a distance ot l'.m
Ieet to the place of b ginning, continuing .00
Tract four Beginning at a point on tho orig
inal right of way line of the railroad, which
point is i58 feet west and l'JI5 Ieet north Iroui
the southeast corner o sa.d section thirty-two
(:!.'), township three (:() north, range eleven (II)
east WilhiiDitte Meridian; thence onucouise
bearing north s5 degrees "J5 minutes west a dis
tance ol W0 Ieet toa point; thence on a curve to
the light having a radius ol 3-St Ieet ft distance
of 51:1 feet to a point which Is 50 feet distant
from and measured at rivht angles to the re
vised center line; thence northerly at right Bu
gles to the revised center line a distance ol 11)
Ieet to a point whiuh is M teet distant from and
measured at light angles to the revised center
line; thence on a curve to the right having a
radius ol 1H50 feet a distance ol 77H feet to a
point; thence northwesterly at right angles to
the rtvlsed center line a distance ol 111 Ieet to a
point which is 5'J Ieet distant from and meas
ured at right angles to the revised center line;
thence on a curvo to the right having a 'adius
of lMiO Ieet a distance of :tl(l feet toa point oil
the westerly line of lot two (2) said section
ihlrty-two !.'), which point H 50 feet distant
from and lnensurel at right Htig'es to the re
vised center line ol tho railroad: thence due
south til) Ieet to a point in the original right of
way line of the railroad; thentc tout hens' along
said original right of nay line a distance of IM5
Ieet to the place ot beginning, containing 1.01
Tract five-Beginning nt a point on the orig
inal right ol way lineol the railroad, which
point is 21S feet west and lur feet north from
the southeast corner of said section thirty two
( l-J), township three M north, range eleven (1 1)
east Willamette Meridian, and 5U feet distant
from and measured Mt right angles to the re
vised center line: thence on a curve to the left
having a radius ol 1:; fret parallel with and 50
feet distant Irom said reviled center lines dis
tance ol 778 Ieet toa point on the original south
erly right ol way line ol the railroad; thence
easterly and southeasterly along said original
ngni 01 way line a distance of Hjn teet to the
place ol beginning, contain! jg . acres.
Tract six Beginning at a point on the east
line ol said section thirty-two (.!.'), which point
is lie Ieet noith Irom the southeast corner of
said section thirty-two. (t!), township three (.)
north, rangn eleven ill) east Willamette Meri
dian, and 50 Ieet distant from anil meusmcd at
right angles to the revised center line; tnence
on a course bearing north .17 degrees :J5 miniitts
west a distance of feet to a point In the orig
inal right of way line of the railroad: thence
northwesterly along said orlalnal right of way
line a distance o! I'Ji feet to a point which Is in
feet d istant Irom and measured at tight angles
to the revised center line; thence on a course
bearing south 57 degrees HI in I mites east paral
lel wllh and 50 Ieet distant Irom sulit r...lul
center line a distance of li,7 feet to the east line
of said lot one (1); thence south 1.10 Ieet to the
place of beginning, containing .' acres.
The five tracts of land which nro above re
ferred to and tho right to excavate ami borrow
earth, stone and gravel and other material from
w hich is sought to be appropriated herein sic
purth ularly described as follows, to-wlt:
Tract 1-From that 'rar t lying southerly from
tract number one above mentioned and be
tween the right of way therein desctltad and
the original rightof way line of therailroad and
between Htatlon UI'J plus s.'i ol the revised cen
ter line ol therailroad, and the south nu 0i
said lot lour (I), containing .os acres.
Tract two Alan from that tract 2" fet III
width lying southerly from trai t n:unh-r two
and contiguous to the right ol way the'eln dc
scrllsed and between Station 1:i5l ltd and Htatlon
l.l,! on ol the revised center line ot the railroad.
Tract Ihrec-Also from that tract lying In lots
two (.') and three (n rniiili(!ii,ii to and north
eisterly Irom the right ol way described In
tract, inimlercd three and lour and Iremeen
htatlons l:w and 1370 of the revised cenur Hue
ol the railroad, being a triangular piece 24', u-l
in width at aald Station l::;daid converging to
a toliitatthelnters.-iion oi the oriMnnl right
ol way line at ritatlon I n, I, containing 1 M
Keeps oon.tontly on hand a large and varied
line ol all that is beat In Waiel Jewelry.
Clocks, Mpectaclca, Field "lasses, Hllverwarc' Ac
at prices tbat defy competition. Mall orders st
tended lo with promptness and dlttch Fn
gravlng neatly done. aug j
AiTUK.sirtl AT LAW
Booms W and 40, orsr 0. 8. Land Office
.. Tir.'!''t, ,.""rAI"" 'r'"" 'ract VI feet In
width lying souibeily from tract niiinber live
and contiguous to the rightof way therein de-
ntH-laiid la tweji, Ktaii.,nsl:is.lai.d l::'.n pin,
nl,:U5C.!.ViC'm'r,,',! '" "-'-'"-'.con.
Tract five -Also from that tract lying between
and he orlglnalrlght ol way line of the rsilroad
H i ,"1 .?'n S u""" "'" revised center
m '.!'!" r"llr"d- anil the east line of td
section thirty two i r,), containing ,0'. a"fM
All of said j.remls. s are situated in hits 1, 2, fl
,".".!. ur'1":'.' nihlp north, range 11
vast Willamette Meridian.
The date of the first pnbllcstlon of this sum
EiaiVS 'W'T' '!h ,U'"' '"Pteinb.,
ilh r?If 'ta1'1" 'Y l"",llllt Hatllfday, the
shaN iV N"1v5"'h"Mis),sn.l summon,
laid I prruKl "" '",,ura"J, -Hnl
IIm1"w"T,n2n, P",'llh'" r ""1" of the
Hon. W, L. Bradshaw, judga of th feveuth
i 1 1 u i niiri ,1 I
aud dated scpteniber 2a, pjui, M 'st,
orro.v, ikal ,
W. H. W ILsuy
'J 2i!!!r5t
!a fheClrcuit Couitof the State ol o.
ttsu'i t'ounrv: W
Ilo fcptihlnger, I'laintift",
Henry SpcicLinger, Defendant.
In the name ol theriutaol Oregon -
entitled suit on or ttie last
time prescribed in the order I ,r tho
v.. ........ k,oii or Dei-. s
utive v.ecss Irom the tfnli ,iv , '"
I'M", which said JVth day of .pte1a'ST-i
Ihe date of tho llrst publii-,iti,, , .
Dions, to-wit: Vo l are required tot il1
cuinpiuini on or b'Urt is-
ol November, nasi, which tald loiaa .
vemlwr, r.S'O, l the last day of ih. ,
scribed in the order for the p!:t,li(-.,ftm !
siiniinons, and it yon fail to answ
thereoi plaintiff will apply to the .u0r'.,",,
plaint, to-wit: Hint the band, u" 3, J?'
heretofore and nowexistiug,,,
defendant be dissolved aud held Utt S
voroed from eardi other, and that ?r
name be changed to her maiden ii.iu. w
lna Dole. and for a ich othp aj ......
u. to Ihe court mnr u.,n 1 1 ""UIWn.jj
This summons is served ui,n 1,1 , f
8)wichliigr, the above named deleiL, J
publication th-.-reoi In The Dalles I,
Hii.iMCLa for six consecutive weekihr
01 non. vt. i.. iiraclslisw, ji.Ke of ihr.i
entitU-d court, which onicr ,.,7. ...!?'7 1,... ""'', o(
NEIi il. rjTE?
tyi ' Attorney lor FUnlm
Notice is hereby given that Ihe tnidm
has been duly appointed by the comity esiit.
trutor of the estate of Klixabeth A. Bouthw
I dlWUNlHl. All TterKOIIM huulun a
tne estate of said deceased are hereby
... i - - - .... , ...... suv ,iiun;r ViH'PnMi
therefor, to mc at my office in 1! (,;
" ucivoi.
Dated September 2i, 1'J.X).
C. II. BOVTHr.Ils.
se;2 Adiiiiiiitmt,
Notice is hereby given that the nnl,TirM
have tiled with ti e Clerk of the cmnm rmjriJ
the state of Oregon lor Wasco countv, their lis
aeiotilit as executors of the last mj ,.)U.
mcnt of Henry Barnuni, deceased, ann it...
Monday, the 4th day of Novemlwr, hw, it ij
hour of lOo'clocit a. in., has been tixo.1 by tkt
i uuiiv; .uu. v ,,Fi noiu :imiiii MS mo Utl.ll, nj
the county court room In Dalles ritr .. i.
place lor hearing of objections to s.iid CmHi
comii aim ine seiiienieui oi ti;e sune.
.1. W. FKKKCH,
F. I'. MAYS.
seid5 Ktecutun.
U. 8. Land Oitob, Tim Call's, 0i,i
September is. limi. i
A snrtifient contest altidnvit hiiviiij rsvu fild
in tins oince by Joseph li. eiierar, cimtwian,
iiKHlnst homesto d entry No. 715' niwle Jn:.
IKtii, iorShf NW qr 8ec 2M, and K hf NEatt
it, Tp 8 8 R 14 K, by William (illl ciHitettw.
wnicn it la nlleged that said Ml lam bill h:
wholly abandoned said tract und chsLved
resilience therefrom lor more than six mmi!
since making said entry, und ntxt prior to J
o! contest; mid that he did not iibHniion tc?
tivct tn cuter tho military or iiiivnl service or
the I'nited febites, said parlb's ate hereby imti.
tied to apja'ar, lesjiond find oll'er evlileiH'eV.ucc.
Ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on Oclelw
27, hJ, rxdore the rcaister and receiver it the
L nlted Ktstes land office in The Dalles, Oreg.
The said contestant having, In a lirniver iS
davit, tiled August 1 1. l!im, set forth facts urhieli
show that after due diligence personal wtvir
of this notice can not be made, it Is hmlrf
ordered and directed that such notice bt (hti
by due and proper publication,
sepl!) JAY 1'. LUCAS, Rcglitw.
Notice is hereby given th it Ihe undersuTitt
has duly filed with Hie County clerk of 'sw
County, Oregon, his dual account and repert u
administrator of the estate of Arinlpli Agifliuv
deceased, and that the Honorable County Court
has fixed Monday, the ftth day ol Noveiiiutr,lsi,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the time, i:
the County Court raun of the ( oiintjr tourt
house in Dalles City, Wasco County, OreKorj,
the place lor hearing said final account and n
port. All trersons Interested in said estst re
hereby notified to appear at said time andvlsre
and show cause, il any there be, why said rc.rt
should not be approved and said aumiiiiirf
Dated this 5th day of October, 1(M
J. V. AtJIDH'8.
Administrator of the estate of Adolpti Agldlns.
deceased. wlt
Land Oifice at Tin Dallis.Ot.,1
Oct, :i, 1'ji. I
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has II lei notice of his Intenlw
to make final proof in support of htP claim, snd
that said proof will be made before th
and receiver of the l, H. land ofllco it I"
Dalles, or , on batnrday, Nov. in, I'JUO, vlj:
1'eter stoll-r, .lr ,
of The Dalles, Or.. H. K. No. 5137, forth WM
KW or and HE qr N V or rite M, Tp 2 K, K 14 ,
W . M.
Her names the following witnesses to twmt
his continuous residence upon and cul"1""1"
ol said land, vie: .
John Dalryniple, Fred Wiekman, C. C.Enj
llsU, J. , Johnson, all ol The Dalles, Or.
ocl li JAY y. I.I CAH, KefltW-
lu the County Court of the St. to ol Orefoa '"'
the County of V. as-o. .
In the matter Ol Ihe estate of Unli"""
bacher, deceased. Notice la hereby Kl't','u'V
the undersigned baa been duly appnln en so
mlnistrator, with the will annexed, of In'
tate of Ixillls sell OiT. di-ceased. All PJ
son. having claims agMlnst the estate i '
deceaurd are hereby untitled to present' "
duly verilled, to tho iindersigmsi at hlso"'
tna .tote-room of Flelsohner, Mayer L
pany, In tho City ol Portland. Oregon, Wilms
Ix inonths from thsdare hensil.
Hated this 17th day of Octolier, 1!.
K')I,OMON IIIKsil II, A'linfnlatrator.
Cotton, Tkai. A Minor,
Attorneys for Administrator.
l.AKD OFFIC I AT Till nAl.l.g, 0 "J
Sepl '. I'" ' '
Notice is hereby given that the J"
named settler has filed notice of his H"" ,
Hon to make final proof In ")'l"r'.H. he
claim, and tbaMsaid proof will be n"?1Wl
fore the regl.ter and reel ver at The
Oregon, ou oatunlay, November 1, l ,lu ''
of Mosler, Or., II. F.. No, 51.1, lor the r. qr, "
He names tne following witnesses to prnve rf
pontlnuniis residence upon, and cultusuuu
Midland vis: , ,lu nr.,
Michael Doyle, ft. K. Doyle, The l. (p
.Umim M. Itrowii and t arl J. t. CarlK"'i
sier, Or.
I.A!0 OFFICATTlir IUM.F.'- j
September l. I!;"',1o,i,
Notlco Is hereby given that h" '"."u'
named settler has f, U-l notice of her "i
U make rlnsl pna.f In supiairt ol n, ,1""J1,irr
that said pnaif will be made tie ore '".'n-s
and receiver at 1 he Dalles, Oregon, "
day, Oetota-r 4, l'.asl, vl:
Kllsa K. Vlcfcers,
widow of KamiKl J. Vlek-TS. d.-s'.sl,
sier, Oregon, II. K. No. 5ii. for "J
slid H' N W ; Hon l v Tp J N, K '. f-.
hhe names th following w1"1'"", 'n.U'Hi
her fontiiiuous residence upon and cin"
of aald laud, vis. : . ,, ,..,.- Ji""
i.r., of The Dal les, OW "; '
Mller, Leo fcvan., Krle liriinland,
.1,16 JAY r. i.nt-"1' "
riiysiciau and Surgeon,
Tel. CM Kooms 21 and 22. V