The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 27, 1900, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
. . . .... i. , ff. ,..,1 l, tl,...rUi LAMENT OF "OLD SOUR DOUUM
' ! ! IV J 1113 UVIIll' .1.3 1 IV li.ny J J - wmmwm I
found slrona enough to huld his to curb the growth am) At vtlopment
body on the gallows tree, as has or destroy
hapKiied to tyrants heretofore. '
the combination of in-
We have seen those who
I ra trudged. I've starved ud I've fnacn
All over tbi. white barren land,
R here the aeastretrt.. -tr-lKht, white aiid m.i -:'t
Whtrr the tiuiucrle. white moiinuiin -..and :
rioia Hie while i-cmH thai Kleain I" the hjiioo-
I. ike the Kinnent tUxt sraeea the aoul.
.lil.t ( (lie Hal-a.
That una I.A.fnr.1 Mr l'.r -Hi's knew little of statecraft and less of
irjDC, but Mr. Stevenson, his running economics uige the adoption of laws vt he re toa Waek tfcaaowa brood r. . 1 1 n d toe pom
O ijli.rn or le la Daily ft t i I. . . j
o rtwlncheiii uinler linn inelie. i i mate, who was a knight of the to regulate interstate commeicc anil ,,ray don t r-raaume from tbla prelude,
I) .-ar (our Inch and under twelve Inchea . "i I , .... . That u Itamc of taa-Ueal ore
o -er twelve incim ( i olden Ciicle after the war and a to prevent combinations ai;! tiusts, , , . hunt from my brain like baaaaa
D..LT inn waaafcT. , .... ... .. . .v.. : For I ve only been tuning a lyre
iaa laak tna, per loek 12 &o copperhead always, could tell us and we have also seen that these roth low, tad veieeaf aatagar,
OT. r one inch and uni. r four Inche I "0 ; ... , ., 1 ... 1 I Who a lnaplred to Mng you aVM fart.
Orer lour tnchea aud Bueler twaiva Inehea l so some exceedingly interesting things measures, when enacletl, have been KeKardi: ;u.j.roement In "ataklaa
Over twelve iucliea 1 DO 1 . - . , , A nd the men t ho nduc with un an.)
about what he and his fellow copper tie very instruments employed to
B ... . . 1 . a 1 n. I I've anned from feru to I'olat Harrow,
l.fvi.U ll.i.iKiht mid said of the man deurive labor of the bcni-lit of Hut 1 never -i--atii a claim
, . , ., I 'Till I'd follr pertaeded ray conacleucc
whom Hi anius now exalt to a place organized effort, while at tl.e same Tr,at "oai-diri" pervaded the ame.
, ...ii 1 . 1 And tbi, is the coiiMe of my sorrow,
among the goils. j lime iney nave sinipiy pmvcii iu- a jou .nil 1,. ( tu aim
1 ,1 lieu r.iu leal ii ii.iw i ri fi. icwi i.-f ......
r in AT Ann
Mr. Bryai sais that every trust is
bad, that every monopoly is bad and
ought '.0 be im:ished. Thai is what
We dia'overed tlx-creek wa a "hike
Had nothing left In It to "takc."
Cl'ntives to 11)1. II' SUtnl V and SUreiy Ha dumped U tier tailinf-t m-
Docs Mr. Hryan know the com- Hubncnlc the wheels 01 capitals ,. ,ked alili my partner all .iimimr
.... . .... . . . ' (,, . i-uttlng a euHsed eol.l .-reck,
. . I. 3 I . 1 1. . X . . . . . . I. . . . I ...... . 1 . . . . . - , . . , , u ' . . nr. .... . . -. . - . , ... .
M imn J going 10 0Cl Whelm IIIO 111 .... , , , lL . rnlew we ptnk.
U. ... a I. a n lr.i.iij ulnit it I a rior.un.iin that .a fi ntn la fiiit . . . ... . . .....
,i I tn I KSS. MlJl IHIKHI IU Ituun "Uiik it 13 vwu i iiilv'i mat blu iw taw .1 i .1 J J.flt HI 1 1 1 1 I'loM' I in
i tii BJto lilt oaik i
T.ibune, forthete is much truth in t;'lkin ab'ut- ls he is . capable of preventing the l- gilimat.
what Mr. Stanchfield. the democratic PO ing his waj V I, he ogni.ant of development or natural concet.tra
mmmdUUtm for governor of New Yurk. lhe "ftbods by which the vast sums lion of industry
aava f,,r k. Pfinfp,o, that il.o rtim. ! uave been collected necessary
bines which Mr. llrvan is denouncing m8ke Lis vi9it' witb iu enormous , lion would beyond doubt react with
ivrIr.,,.teverv important im(ll9trv demonstration of bands, banners and greater force and irjucy upon the
in the land." The hostility of Mr. rcl1 uu' wl11' it3 ll linl-,, uos'8 of 1 wot king people of our country than
BryaO tQ til these, for he does not ' uoarcliini? mercenaries, the lavish ; upon the trusts."
; climax of the most costly cnmpaign
to that have eOOM under our obscrva-
All the piopositions Where the n indeer no: round fur ll.cil feed.
And the hungiy Laplander v. no nems ineaj
Oevourx them before they can breed
Here It seemed as If good claimx might be pleut.
Aud we thought we would "stake out" per
hapa. Put we .'ound to our grief that the 'gulthei
were atukod"
In the name of the "Lap.''
ASt,'etable PreparalionforAs -siroilating
ilie Food and Hernia
bug dtc Sti'iaaclB andBovyels of
McKiniei's re election, but
case of Brvar.'s election.
uiscriminate, lias causei. iiiousanos -- ; J ' " Isryan will be beaten by
of contracts to be made subject to ui- w . ,0,h ' as I lofft v than he was befo.e and that
void in '''"en! .' IMS he know tuat the ' " .
'UI" 111 will lui Ihn mrl fif him fir (vor mfirp
prUM of Ins harbancully inagiiilicenl . . BJ
n s nfrwiftrnlifJ i i , 1 1 1 . I . I lion
Alreadv too ajanw maimfni turers i welcome is wrung out of the poverty
.iriaii , 100, m.inj nianuiaciurers " r jryanisra will burst wide ooen. Ihe
... If. r.rpnnrp ff.r what UI1(' eXtOltCll from the V1CG OfNew ' . . ...
are beginning to prepare for wiiatj ..... ! majority will come hack to their
m.v COme in case of nontilistic ork ' ,)ocs hc know lllat 11,18 ! i i . i
mi. conn, iu case oi ,i popuiisiic ; senses and repudiate and renounce
triumph, and all these things 8lt. ! gantry which gleets h.m ,s an J TbouMod.
having their effect on voters. This m m ln Ule expense oi an exira
thougbt is dawning on millions of ! munic,Pal Rovernmcnt which, in ab
minds: -McKinley's election would ! sorl,ed ''Mention to its primary
cany with it no menace to any in- A"" of working for my own
1ustrv between the leas; Bryan's PockRt evcrv h choking the
election would m an paralysis to hospitals witb loathsome disease, the
business " prisons with criminal youlb, the pot-
That knowledge will decide the I ter'8 QcId with a" ever growing train
election. The peoplo think withjof n--""elcss and dishonored dead?
Kckles, "What is the use of electing I Does Mr- J?rJ'an '" brief' realize
a president who will have to be put ! in" nc 18 Seiu"8 B Parl OI luc Pro
A hundred long league to the Northland
Over untrodden, un-baniir.hed snow,
.,'......... I ...',... i. . I . . I :.i .i.hi.l
larger fo the eu where the atauueh whalers go,
. . We found there red beaches of Tiihy'
ll that And mountniiiH of "plaeers' and lead.,"
But all the aky was pre emptisl
by salt-water sailors and Swedes.
under bonds to insure the country
against loss?''
The tide has turned, and Mr.
Bryan will drift further and further
from success every day up to No
vember 6th.
Even the Salem Journal, that used
to be one of the most rabidly radical
free silver advocates in the state, has
flopped" on the money question to
the extent, at least, that it insists on
the election of a United States sen
ator, who will maintain the existing
standard of money so as. '"'to insure
security and stability in our financial
affairs," remaikable language for a
paper that used to insist that Ihe
"security and stability" of our finan
cial affairs dc;iended o:i free coinage
at 1C lo t. The Journal says:
"Oregon lltodid send man to the
senate who is a positive quality and
:3 this is a republican legislature we
shall advocate the election of a man
who will maintain tho present stand
ard and currency system as a matter
of principle to insure security and
stability in our financial affairs. The
gold standard is established in
theory only. We still have a credit
paper system resting on the flat and
promise of parity, with neaily four
times as much currency as there is
gold to redeem U with. The money
question was the issue in 18DG and
should not be disturbed by electing
trimmers and uncertainties to the
eeeds of the "Cost of Tammany Hall
in Flesh and Blood ?"
Judge A. S. Bennett made a
political speech in Pendleton Mon
day night, and the Biyanitc paper of
that town commends his political
candor in conceding that Mr. Bryan
made a mistake in "yielding to the
entreaties of the republicans and
asking his friends to vote for the
ratification of the Spanish treaty."
So it appears Bryan di In'l of his i
own volition urge
friends in the senate to vole for the
of them will swear by all the gods in
the Koman pantheon that they never
believed in Bryan but were for an
honest dollar and good government.
The minority will go over, body
and breeches, to socialism as the
place where they feel at house. And
thus socialism will become an im
portant and most disturbing clement
in our political life, for socialism is
the next door to anarchy and an
archy is the next door to perdition.
This is what democracy will have
brought upon the nation by cuddling
Bryanlsm, for parties, like persons,
reap only what they sow.
There is pathos in the announce
ment that a distillery will be built
on the garden spot of the old Meth
odist mission at The Dalles, says the
Kugenc Guard. But the entire
stullin' will be knocked out of the
Guard's oalhos when it learns that
his 'democratic I the dislillcry j3 M bujU on ,be ol(,
Methodist mission at all.
We climbed the cold creek, near a aUMtoa
That Is run by the ageut of i.od.
Wiio trades Bible, and prayer-book, to heathens, j
For Ivoiy, seal . kin and cod.
At last we were sure we had struck It,
But alas for our hopes of reward,
The landfill Iron ea beach I" sea line
W'as staked in the name of tin I.rd.
We're tia slow for the new hrc.d of miners,
Embracing all classes of men.
Who locate hy powers of attorney
And pro.K.'et their claims with a pen :
Who do all their line work through agents
.And loaf around town with the ".ports, '.
On intimate terms with the lawyers:
on similar terms Willi the court..
Wc had sime knocks on the Klondike
From the enb-lloialg unpadded i aw,
And snitv-red from shocks and high license
And other Immutable laws.
Hut the. robbed us hy regular schedule,
So we know ju.t what to exjact
Whjle at Nome we re scheduled to struggle
Until we re tinanclally wrecked.
We're scared into submission and silence
By the men whom the government semis
To force tu to keep law and order
While they keep claims for their fi iends,
And collect in tin indirect manner
An exceedingly burdensome tax.
Assumed for a time hy the traders
And theu transferred to our backs.
I am sick of thp scream of the
And the laws of dishonest de.imi.
And I m going in quest ot a country
Where a miner can "locate a mine.
When 1 have rustled an outfit,
These placers will know me no more,
For I'll try my luck with the Russians
On the bleak Siberian shore.
The Dalles, Oct. 5a, 1900.
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful
nessandRest.Coniains neillier
Opuim.Morphuie nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
sHx.Smn -!ltlU
Smlm -
h nnvot
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stonvtch, Diarrhoea
YVbri ns ,Coi Wl MOM , Fever i sh
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and pk,-u
The Kind You ht
Always Bought
Bears the
ii i ii i
For Over
Thirty Years
TH. C.MTaua COMM.., Ntw TOM em.
ratification of the treaty but was
11 lDB-flft rained into it by the wicked If the caiupaiun were to last longer
republicans. Wonder where the I a prize might be safely offered for
judee got bis information ? It seems 'any Bryanite etn on the sheets of
to us he has lyeo criminally Btgli-1 Salem. They are growing to be
gent in witholding it till almost the
last moment, (ioodness knows the
Bryanites h.ive had need of all the
help that the knowledge of this
wicked republican trick on the good
Mr. Bryan would have afforded.
Tiic New York World is frank,
anyhow, says the Oregonian. It
publishes the result of a canvas3 of
its own establishment on the presi
dential question, from which it ap
pears that a majority of those cm-
ployed in its editorial department
arc for McKinley, the leading edi
torial writers standing four for Mc-
mighty scarce, says the finlcm States
Hees in juii in a Nan Light.
M. J. Anderson, of Dufur, who
tDntptd parts of the county tear vears
ago lor Uryan ami tree silver, publishes
a rattling good letter in today's Orego
nian giving the reasons why he can no
longer follow the fortunes of the fusion
candidate. We quote the following racy
paragraph :
"The Bryan of 1866 was well maeked.
if he was the same Bryan of today. I
saw him then as a patriot. I gee him
now as a hypocrite, if nothing worse;
the greatest dictator this centun has
ever known talking of the will of Ihe
people; the idol of our country's ene-
Kinlcy lo one for Uryan. This looks I mle9 preaching patriotism ; the slander-
as if the World's editors didn't take i er o( our coan,rv'8 ido18 fearin8 for onr
much stock
in their own editorial i
national honor; the man who secured
the ratification of the Paris treaty right
ing against the fulfillment of its provi-
I -phi ; ti.e avowed friend of labor asking
The Grand Army mar. who votes! the wage-earner to fight his own and
for Stevenson will have to hold his I his employer's interest ; the great advo-
nose during the process. When c,le ' the Pr'n-"':Ples of Jefferson op-
- . ., posed to expansion ; a man hacked bv
Stevenson ran for vice - president in : , , , . .. '
1 everv disloval southern brigadier nuot-
1892 the New York l'rrss punlisued i iog I(incoln . prmK.,lin(. c,,nl)ent of the
the affidavit of William B. Whiffen, J governed for the brown man and march-
editor of the Metamora Sentinel, ! '"8 m arm with those who have ' wheat, that he is willing to pay. Port-
The other day, sa)s an exchange,
an Ohio paper, the Bucyrus Forum,
printed in large type, quotations from
Lincoln, with appoving extracts
from Brj an's speeches. It occurred
to John Hopley, the veteran editor
of the Bucyrus Journal, a republi an where Stevenson resided in 186j,'laken the babot from the hiack man." land Ownmerwal Bevlesr.
The Wheat Trade.
The wheat market during the pasd
week has been extremely dull. Some
attribute it to political reasone, and
others say it is sentimental. There is
no use denying the fact that the mark
ets all over the world are very dull, and
wheat ha9 toiictied the lowest mark for
many months past Here. Farmers are
not selbng at prevailin;: rates, but pay
ing ino'o attention to farm wutk ae the
ground received a fried soaking last
week, arid fal!-?pwn wheat is being pnt
in wherever the weather permits. The
selling claed has become imbued with
the idea that prices will materially i
advance after election. Why they
should advance then ie a hard matter to
Reports received from every section
of the wheat belt state that farmers are
putting in more wheat acreage for uext
season, ."specially in the Williamette
Valley, and it looks as if Ihe farmers
there are not discouraged over the short
crop of this year. Kxporters here are
Indifferent w hether they buy any wheat
at the present, for nearly all of them are
heavily stocked and those who are pay
ing over quoted prices, must be buying
for the future. Ships are getting rapid
dispatch, hut notwithstanding this yards
of all the warehouses are Dlled with cars
to be unloaded, waiting for room in
ea-;h warehouse. Shipments this season
so far to date txceed those of the year
previous, by about 20 per cent, and ton
nage is coming in quite freely, and for
the first;tbird of the season there will
be a handsome showing over former
seasons in the export trade. We quote
club wheat bluestem 55c, and val
ley HOc to 02,; per bushel. The latter
h Dili uhll ur a hi rtru m m
ijurii i'. .irrct rtur ami carnival we are KOintf to omr the greatest
'l!l ! HI .mil lliif Mlchlnurf ui (r .1. I ,. i, .. . f fl lit .
riruii r r.i iui'h S ur -nurl VI i loi.inai. .. . 1 i
----' - i-fit 1, ou lb Will llfllj Ul IiHV VM'ir RIM
save yon Umo; it will make your old lioree ffuter; it wil pleaie vourwifeto
...t n- ( l'-''lllr L 'Uli: ItJ TI-IT llll . Il l li st IlflU.' fill 11 -.1 till -J II I J I I
. v t.iuiutv- 111 ill'- 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 r i II y 7 1 I 111 1 rt I a i n 1 ri r 1 it,.. iiin Ms
reap trie nenent. for nuttier particulars inquire or write Iu
unncnu 0 DDniuuuii i tl n.n t.nnn
nuuoun ft onuwnniLL, nib Udiibb. uicgun
paper, that he temembered utterances I which said that
on Lincoln in the Forum that did j heard of the m'.rdei ot Lincoln "he
not tune with these latter-day lauda- 9aid he was glad Lincoln was shot
tions. He went to ihe flies and and that he should have been killed
found that the I'.iruin on August 21, earlier."
18H8, three yeirs after Lincoln's
death, made this coarse utterance:
"Abe Lincoln is the worst char-
when Stevenson ! A. N'. Heigh and Mary Masters were
united in marriage in the county clerk's
Kltil.rn Wrlght'i ami Mi-iKurri.
lie- Had itny at iv.irk. ber, aud will be phice I in th handj oi
. 1 t ! ikM.t,)i thf
- -j - 1 -- - -.w. ( iu u( i-iiti.t. i.,- i cluu
1 -
II I., vmuvb- ..... .... .
"A boy named BoyUn created a panic I willjl tne p)an, for ttlP tMat railway
and cauee-l aerious darnaue this morii-!Tka i -: umniiinn.
1 iv I'nnri", 111 uiii- uik'" '
" - ' m j III fCf WHICH Will lit! Ill' lii'M
oil can to the tail of a vagrant cay use at j tl)e cheaper and heller menu of
leuu.ii.a; nil. mipi r 111 i n mn
.... nli. ana1 -....I 1 i .1 .1 I . . ..:)
" " ""' any Drtiieg anil tjelilo, a i-aiml or n uui c
uown tnai lliorouglifare, entered a j W8y
harness shop lo heat a hasty letreat,
was prevented from ente, ing two grocery i e,.i.i.c.n Mk
stores and a barber shop by the elf irts , Governor T. T. -eer will spssk
Oltne tiroltrietnra ami Li alim ... ra., .. ... . i .. : O..I ".
' ' - , ,,, n00(1 uiver Minriiav evennia,
against a pair OI horses hil.lio.l in I at . r, i. :n ,.,.s ul II:
- I n IB I I KM I 1 .1 V Villi r ..." - - -
- ' i '. - nooii grove, riooo i.ivu., -
- '' "" iiiine.i i imov Ht . , ,,, mihi at i uie -
the harness. This stampede caused tho yiat Hani River, at 7 30 n Mi
horses of another delivery wagon in the1 ion O B Moorei viillspsskst
, .. .. r :iilD.
! resulting in vrcrking the vehicle. The .nrl at. Ai.telotie B.lurdiT, Kef.n
nurse continued in Ml course down Ihe , 7 ;) m. m
1 hill, and it was later reported that the fh reMtbllcini expect M "
a .ying in a nying coQaitioB prominent ipMkar for
1 oiMow tow 11 irom inn e . ( t ;
..riPM llUB liriKh ,.u!,t I II all 1 ...... . I ..
how had the miller in the valley wants ! ,wme',,"tl' frightened, I fur TUnreday, Nv
dates. The conple were stranners hen;
and when the licenic was issued they
desired to be s,iliced ith Ihe least pos
sible delay. Judge dates was telepliomd
Democratic apotheosis of Lincoln
! is history repenting itself, as it did
! iJi(U Vliir nnfi emrturr llit'vc.n u-hf.rri runijf n illi riu tinir ill! mul ami l..u
acter lint history ,ve9 any account' denouncC(, , . wonh: Mi cn-iderably out of hack.
of. loca h,mabM,teisali.,elonlWoctinto . The j ,., a snperstiti , that a mar-
the dog. lie can not be character- , , , , , riage cerempnv performed by him with-
ized truly by a metaphor. He must I 2? 'TV "C slicked and a white ehoker
minus niiini un-ui, ; ) v ui.:ii around Ins MVB wouldn't stick. M he
witness that yc allow the deeds of excused himself for a moment to tlx
Fn ir tahlesroonfuls of liquid, one
or a quarter of a mp.
A tab'espoonful of liquid, half
HI. la Wanted ' lH - Tr,c
... ...... ... .. . .
office this afternoon l.v Kia hnnor .Inilo. I lour teai)Oonfnls of lionid nnlin or... 1 ,. .... . the night 01 .ov. oo
. 7 " 1. all enipe-. n 1 III ri quest (it the pro
! prietor of one of the w re( k-d vehicles
mil I 11,1a all. .... . .... i ...J h. t
, r ip (.,,, ,,H'll HI'I""'"" -
U ..,..!. (j. a .I..... ... .... I . ..Inn 111.
i - ' -"""i.i Kent if men in.- .
" repairs n,K l, -- bji. ((. ,1,,,
No rtDH0td voter under the laara nl t rack on site sehcled
be described. God marked
him as
signally as he did Cain; not peiliaps
that all men might slay him (one
Ml was found enough lor that
duty), but that all might beware of
him. Omnipotence could add noth
ing to the loathsomeness of his per
son As is the invariable
rule in such creations the inner man
was as hateful as the outer.
When he was shot ,'four years loo
late) happily he was embalmed
lor in haet?, and, MM knowing what he l'unc..
was wauled for, rushed lo the court A pint of liquid weighs a pound.
A quart of sifted fl ur, one noiind.
Three kitchen ctlpfn s of e irnineal, one
pou ud.
Konr kitchen cupfnls of fl jtu, one
One cup of butter, halt a pound.
One solid pint of cboppe I, one
vour fathers: for tin v indeed killed himself up, but came hack with his neck
then, and ye build their sepulchres." upsi',e ,.7' neve; k"w tll,! i A 2J "' I "PI''r' "n bUl "
' ilifference till all was ever, lo keep the ; spoonful.
matter from leaking out, the iudiie A pint of bro-s n sugur, thirteen ounces
.1 . h!i
1 ,,l 1 ne i"'
I Oregon need kMI bit vole t tbtr nrrsi- I'lans mid spHfllons can '
j .... ., .... ... 1 1 , ,11 Ii II. Ji"
111- Ml.. 'IMl'l HI: la 1 . IliM 1,11.1'., II. Kj . ' '
. lMII ,'Wa- - . ru
; aA.i ..ii i . . , ... . r .. .m... U..I.. ;i in. iiiieni-,
irira.uu i:e neeu (K to g"l In- vol.. (u wci. awm, .
' la til h it I'n .1... ...It. I...!. .1 . . . ., , . I j ,. nL'uiiiliif v, lit. ill H P' ' ' "
i 'ii- hi n in ; 1 1 . - r , ; i - ..-"
that tt-,! ,.,..a.. a .... otH.'M of O. .1. I''l.i . I li -
' . !" r'- " ; . . . ... .... ,,r
MtWfnOI lb.) I a I led Stales 31 .ears of reserves the rmht to nj
) age, who ha reoide.Uix months in the . bids.
state, is a qmlll! -d vuter. its i eratle !
ill IIIIIMri.ii'rri V it '-i J H l.e Ink. I, ul , l.,rl I
.. I -I. ..-1,1- ill w"
. ... ,1 ..... i i , . . . . . .. in vi . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 n i ....
voter who was unregistered and got hsjlWW "V 'n
i ties eVW at i :au p.
r ......... i . - - i . ..
. ' trcatcl the haft in the office to ice 1 Two cupful and a hail of powdered Vo,H ,n "5 freeholders ' alhdavlts in .1 KJM
with authonly for and or organized : ctMm ,Mj caKe, cigsrs for those that sugar, one pound. -I.arMes' Home Jour- iM ''"v" -'u the same for the presb
labor, recently defined his attitude smoked and a package of chewing gum I ML i dential election, and shuuld tie pi epared
ior -IIU IIOIIOII. .. ,,, ,.r ,1
n V. H Wiiod. of
toward trusts and attempts to legis
late them out of existence as follows I At ,he P-'Pnlar millinery parlors of
in an in the American "P1" vv!1"0" cn '"'"
, , , ! latest llnngs in street bats, trimmed
Fedcrationlst: "Organized labor , h.Ui chllJren., lcho0 hal,( aod al,0
lo-k? with apprehension upon Iho j Um-o'-shsnter.
Hustling young mau can make 60 per
month and eipenses. Permanent posi
tion. Kzperinnce unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark V Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
phia, I'j, t.i(
,. n.
.i,..i ... The Dillei ..i i.r.iuy.
at 7 M p. in.
. ...
l..n u..... I I-..I .---
The survey retently made forjthe canal j spesk at Hood ftlwr
--.. uvat.ui.iiiiiin in tin .lv ... ml-i' u
i.liiiii-a. n.....! .. .1 n . ..... I ' r
.,..,, ... .,,,,. mhii. souii e in I'ortlntnl. lions, r. i- vw" '
The report of the survey will he for- will speak at M isicr S iturdsv.
warded to Wailungton early in Novem at 7 JO p. m.