The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 24, 1900, PART 1, Image 6

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- C.rarv nf VfltA Inn n NhCriliatl!
v.u.j v. j
Passed Away Today Brain Ex -
haustioa Was the Cause of His
Death, Which Occuned at 0:45 This
Morniag, After Thirty Hours of
Washington, Oct. 22 Hon. Joh
Sherman, who for a period of forty years
occupied a prominent place in the legi
lative and administrative branches i
public affairs in the United States, died
here at 6:45 o'clock thia morning
Death cauie to the aged tufferer peace
fully, after almost thirty-six boura of
nearly complete unconsciousness. Dor
ing the last fifteen hours of bis life be
was all the time unconscious and passed
way while in Ibis condition. A number
ot relatives and friends who bad at'
embled in Washington in response to
summons, were at the bedside when the
end came. The most devoted of them
was Mrs. McCallum, the adopted
daughter ot the secretary, and Mrs
Sherman, who remained constantly
the bedside daring the last hours.
Funeral services over the remains will
be held In this city and Mansfield, th
Ohio home where the Secretary and Mrs
Sherman spent so many of their euni
mers. Interment will be in the fatnil
lot at that place and will occur in a'
probability on Thursday, the remain
lying in state in the Episcopal church at
Mansfield for a boot a day preceding the
funeral set vices.
Brief services also will be held Tues
day and the body taken to Mansfield on
train leaving this city that night. Tb
details are necessarily incomplete, but
are of the general nature of those stated
John Sherman was born in Lancaster
Ohio, on May 10, 1823. His father died
when the boy was 6 years old, leaving
him on the charity of relatives. At 1
tie went to school at Lancaster, where
ha secured his school education. He
studied law with his brother, C. T.
Sherman at Mansfield, practicing there
ten years and there marrying a dang hte
of James Stewart in 1S48. In 1S55 he
was elected to the S4tb congress, as a
Free-Soiler, and was re-elected to the
35th and 36tb. At that time be became
a leader, taking rank as the foremost
man on finance in the bouse.
In 1860 he was again elected to con
jrreif, and the following year, 1SG1, to
the senate, where be stood as a leader
ever afterwards daring his service.
Senator Sherman was appointed by
President Hayes in 1877 as secretary of
the treasury. In 1881 he re-entered the
senate and was re-elected in 1SS7 and
1893. It was under his policv.that specie
payments were resumed in 1897, a move
which is universally remarked by econo
mists as important in the country's
Senator Sherman was a prominent
presidential canlidate in 1830 and In
- His literary efforts are represented
chiefly by "Recollections of Forty Years
in House, Senate and Cabinet," and by
numerous articles on "Coinage Laws,"
"Finances of the United States," and
"United States National Debt."
Mr. Sherman was appointed secretary
of state by President McKiniey, and
served dating the early part of the
present term.
Some Facts in the Report of General
Washington, Oct. 22. Tn tha report
ot Major-General Otis, as governor-general
of the Philippines, tha following
concerning the government of the city
ot Mexico was made public today :
"The money expended to police and
Improva the city of Mexico, to make the
ne?ssarv repairs on roads and bridges,
to replace government buildings which
were dilapidated, to stamp out the in
fections disease of smallpox and bubonic
plague, to maintain a large native police
battalion, numbering 250 men, together
with the money required to defray the
ordinary Incidenlial expenses, lias been
greater by one-half than the city's
collected receipts. What thoie receipts
did not snpply baa been taken fom the
general fund, a the expenditure were
considered to beimperative.
."The liquor traffic bas been extensive,
specially in the' matter ot intoxicating
native drinks. In reducing the number
of licenses which Spain granted freely,
tha natives complained previously that
they were deprived of tha privileges of
which Spatn bestowed. Notwithstand
ing these complaints, they were greatly
diminished, bat could not be entirely
withheld, nor could the' traffic be
destroyed by aay tntaos within onr
power. Experience led to tha belief
that It could be controlled tbroogb cart-
ful manipulation under slilngent
llCrtlSO law."
An order Usntx! by the provost mar
thai ot Manila la also givm, showing the
restrictions that have been p!cJ upou
ttm saloon?, and giving the license fee,
wliioh are changing. Following this or-
I - . I . . .....t niia.
' '
T. ..,.., infliieni Lave re
1 auitel In placing the liqnor traffic under
the control of the police and their ollicers
and have been attouded by the reform
anticipated and promised. I doubt if
there is anywhere any more quiet and
orderly city than Manila has ben fo
tha past year, and this not ithstandin
its great mass of floating population and
divers nationaiities and the dense Ignor
aoce of a portion of its inhabitants, or
citv in which proper punishment for
crime is more swift or sure."
Miners Ait Weakening.
PoTTBViLix, P., Oct. 22. The effort
of the labor leader In the Schuylkill re
gion are Ibeiog directed to keeping th
men in line. President Mitchell is com
ing to Pottsville tomorrow, when there
will be a monster demonstration
miners from all over Schuylkill county
On this occasion a speech is expected
from biin explaining his position on tb
powder question, which now stand in
the way ot a settlement of the strike.
Among some of the miners, the
opinion is expressed that thoy should be
allowed to go to work, now that the
Reading company bas grauted theui the
10 per cent increase asked for by the
Scran ton convention, and they are
getting powder for $150 a keg, but their
leader will listen to nothing of the kind
because they intend keeping the Schuyl
kill men out until the operators ot the
upper belt submit.
It is learned that even should the
strike be settled this week and all the
collieries resume, there will not be much
reductiou in the price of coal tor the
present, so that the public will have to
largely bear the cost of the strike.
'Ivu Hard Blow.
Astoria, Oct. 22, The storm which
lately swept over the coast was one of
the most severe which has raged for
years. The force of tho gale was not
felt in Astoria, hut the storm hit the
eilue of the coast. At Seaside the wind
blew a hurricane, ana the oc?an was
lashed' into fury, the waves going high
upon the beach. The water, il is re
ported from Seaside, washed over Tilla
mock Rock lighthouse.
The pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer ex
perionced the full force of the blow, and
is now in port for repairs as a conse
quence, i tie gale carried away ner dui
warks, and during the storm her rudder
worked loose. For a time it was feared
the steering gear would be rendered use
less, but the pilots managed to run into
Captains of incoming steamers report
that the storm was the worst they had
ever experienced on this coast. So far
as can be learned, little damage to prop
erty resulted.
A Life And Death Fight.
Mr. W. A. Mines of Manchester, la.,
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death, says: "Exposure after mens
les induced serious lung trouble, which
endod iu Consumption. I bad frequent
hemorrhages ami coughed night and day,
All mv doctors said I must soon die.
Then I began to use Dr. Kind's New
Discovery tor Consumption, which com
pletely cored me. I would not be without
it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation and
all say it never fails to cure Throat, Cheat
nd Lung troubles." Regular size 50c
nd $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
Drug Store. 4
Roosevelt Btuinps Jiewr York.
Nxw York, Oct. 22. Gov. Roosevelt
started at 11 o'clock this morning on a
ftccial train for a stomping tour of the
state which will last two weeks, and
the republicans are hoping that the trip
will offset any effect Bryan's tour may
ave had. The candidate said be was
In excellent shape for the tour, but looks
worn from his western campaign. His
voice is hoarse and shaky. Today the
itinerary opened at Myack and closes at
a red ef Chronle Diarrhoea After Thirty
Years uf Buffering.
"Saffared for thirty years with diar
rhoea and thought I was past being
cured," says John S. Halloway, of
Frer.c1) Camp, Miss. ''I bad spent so
much time and money and suffered to
much that I bad given up all hopes of
recovery. I was so feeble from the
fleets ot the diarrhoea that I could do
no kind of labor, could not even travel,
but by accident I was permitted to find
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking
sveral bottle .1 am entirely cured of
that trouble. I am so pleased with the
result that I am anxions that it be in
reach of all those who suffer a I have."
For sale by Blakeley druggist.
Cats tad Hi arises Julckl)r;nealed.
Chamberlain' Pain Balm applied to a
cat, braise, burn, cald or like injury
will instantly allay the pain and will
beal tbe part in leci time than any
other treatment. Unless the injury is
very sever It will not not leave a scar.
Pain Balm also cure rhumatiam,
sprains, swellious and lameness. For
tala by Blakeley druggist.
Have just secured tbe very latest and
handsomest design in picture molding.
Call and see them. Wo, Micbell.
The Weekly Ghroniele.
rrtk oallkn. . -
l'ni!ilu J in luu Ji-irf, on He Jiiftduyi
tad H-itnf tlaii.
sv H.UL, rorTAG raai-Ato, in apvaxl'B.
One year 11 SO
Advertising rates reusonsble. ami made known,
lltl S lit. I li-M tli ill
A-idress all communlcstlous lo"TIIJf CHKON
tCLK," The ball, uregou.
Tha Co-opera'.lve Brotherhood jdve
nile bund will give a performance in The
Dalle Nov. 1st.
Final" cit'Een paper were issued yes
terday afternoon to Enoch E. Anderson,
a native of Sweden.
Mr. J. E. Renins was united in mar
riage last Sondav to Miss Annie Hate
son at the residence of the bride's
father, Mr. Thomas Huteson, near 8nm-
ralt Ridge, The marriage ceremony was
performed by Elder P. P. Underwood,
of Boyd.
When Mark Hanna visited Winside,
Kansas, last Saturday he found the
town placarded with the following no
tice: "Populist farmers beware! Ctain
yonr children to yonrselves, or keep
tbem nnder the bed! Mark liaona is
in town!"
We have a beautiful little cottnge,
with two lot well Improved, fir sale
cheap. Good location and convenient
to scbcols. If sold within tbe next
thirty days will sell for fSOO, on easy
terms. This is a snap. We have vn
merons other bargains for sale or rent.
Apply to Hudson & Brownhill.
Tho distillery will commence opera
tions tomorrow. The company received
on last night's boat twenty-two addi
tional . mash tubs. Mr. Stringer, the
senior member of the firm, weut to
Portland this afternoon on a short busi
ness trip. On his return he expects to
buy up all the'applea he can advan
tageously handle.
A. II. Curties, of the Diamond flour
ing mill, paid a visit to tbe mill this
forenoon. Mr. Curties, we are pleased
to learn, is slowly recovering from his
late accident and has again full nseof
his limbs, but the fall on hi bead has
resulted in, temporarily at least, depriv
ing him of the sight of one of his eyes.
Black Crook, Jr., would stand several
more performances at the Grand, but
tbi management was able to place only
one night here. It is a bright medley
of vaudeville specialties presented by
performers wbo in the main are artists.
The Black Crook Jr. played to a good
bouse last night, and the various num
bers were accorded hearty applause.
Tbe company made the most of every
opportunity, and a really meritorious
performance was given. Iowa Capital,
ept. ISth. At the Vogt Saturday, Oct.
It appears certain that the men ar
rested at Antelope Saturday, by Deputy
Sheriff E. B. Wood, were not the wen
that robbed Mr. Campbell, keeper of
the Summit House on tbe Barlow road,
a short time ago; nor Is it probable that
they are engaged in tbe business of
passing counterfeit coins. One of them
had $1UC0 in good money on bis person,
while the others had lesser sums but all
genuine. hat the antelope authorities
did with them we have not learned.
The men were probably ordinary toughs
that went to Antelope to practice eome
skin game during the fair.
For the first time in the history of
Waeco county a full-blooded Indian, the
other day, paid hi quota of county tax,
all tbe same as his pale-faced brother.
And all the same as some white men,
Pete let his taxes become delinquent
and bad to suffer tbe consequences.
Indian Pete has run a band of horses on
the Deschutes below Sherar's Bridge for
many yeats, bnt never till thia year was
he; honored with a place on the assess-
ment roll. Ui. .bar. of the public
burthens was 21.8 and some )5 of this
mount was for mileage of Deputy
Sheriff Wood in collecting it.
This afternoon at the auction sale of
dry goods at Mr. S. L. Brooks' store, in
tbe East End, the bidding was for a
time tame and slow, and in order to
(five a little variety to the entertainment
Mr. Crossen held op a (20 gold piece and
asked for bid. Mr. Crossen assured the
crowd tbe coin was genuine and some
body offered 23 cent, then 30, then 85,
and tfcuj slowly and cantiously tba bid
ding went on till $15 was reached, when
somebody asked what kind of money
was wanted in payment for the (20, and
the auctioneer answered "Silver dol
lars." But nobody wanted to bid any
bL-her.and the sale was called off after
Mr. Crossen hai assnrred his audience
that if Bryan U elected on the 6.h of
November they won't see a 20 gold
pie for tbe next four years.
Tbe people of Tbe Dalle believe that
they have the material for a 6 rat-cl as
football team and are willing to sab-
scribe the money for the same if the
young men ot onr town, who should be
Interested In this, will organize tor good,
hard effort. The football game between
Heppner and our borne team was played
withootany practice wotth mentioning,
and though onr bovs were not defeated
j a very large score, yet inch a bow
ing It not creditable, A meeting I
called (or the armor? in the opera hoiife j
i at 8:3'J this evening, for tha purpose of
Alt a'h-
TT-VKruTjU-lW. verrl,,ly e!,e iuUre.ted,
h,.il 1 i:i.e nut. Re ireiuher lliat lhe
Italics people WH'it t) I represented in
j this matter, and propose to tf;ve anl nil
iancially to a orauiz ttioti It. at meatis
Tha :ae novelty promi-ed fur the
Dear lutnre in this city is a musical
f.i'rce entitled "A Wi.-e (J.?y. Veo. M.
1 Cohan, a well-known creator of sketches,
j 1.1 reaursnsiiiie for the new piece,
and it is said to he his best attempt at
the fashionahle pHSthue of ' b'endinsr
music and mirth. "A Wise Guy" tells
a pretty little s:ory, and derives its
comedy element from a source previous
ly utilized with much effect by others,
vix: The happening at a surnruer
hoarding houe. filled with a party of
young residents of New York. Of course
the boarding douse is bad, and of course
the quests are disgusted, but endeavor
to make themselves comfortable by
devising means of amusement of their
own. ilie rcsuit is natnraliy a series 01
misunderstandings, complicated flirta
tions, and other material valuable to tha
construction of a farce. A company of
more than ordinary note is engaged in
the interpretation, chief anions whom
are William Stllery, Chas. Graham, El
ward Sanford, Anna Mortlxnd, Bertie
Haydn, Seville and Stewart and Joy and
Auction Sala,
The entire stock of S. L. Brooks, con
sisting of dry goods, men's and women's
underwear, boots and shoes, 'adies' and
children's hose, men's hats and caps,
men's clothing, men's overcoats, blank
ets and rubber goods, ladies' cloaks.
ladies' corsets, and a host of other things
in this line will be sold at auction, com
mencing Saturday, October 20th, and
continuing from day to day till all is
disposed of. '
J. B. Crossex, Auctioneer.
Notice is hereb? Riven thRt tbe underpinned
bas duly Hied with lhe county clerk of Waecu
county, Oregon, his final aocount and report n
executor 01 ine estate or rnoeoe J. naiKM. de
ceased: and that the honorable county court bus
fixed Monday, the 5th dy of November, l'.KJO, Bt
to o'clock a. m. of mid day as the time, and the
county court room in tbe county com t houae in
Dallei City, Wasco county, Oreon, a the place
for hearing said linnl account and repoit.
All persona interested In aid estate ara here
by notltied to appear at said time and place and
show cause, if any there he, why aid report
bou id not be approved and suid executor dis
charged. Dated this 29th day of Set.tomber, Wrn.
Executor of the estate of Phoebe J. ilnignt,
deceiued. oqt3
Chicken Lice Conperel
Carbolineum : Avenarius'.
. The moat efficient Wood Preerv!ng w
I'n I nt 1mi a Kadical Kemedy against m
Chicken Lic. Its application to in- J
side walla of poultry bouKea will per- f
manently exterminate all lice. Ke- m
suits healthy chickens, plenty of
ergs. rite for circulars and pi ices. W
Mention this paper. m
Jos.T. Peters & Co., i
In the County Court of the Stite of Oregon for
the County of V.'asco.
In the matter 01 the estate of Louts Schwa
bacher, deceased. Notice la hereby giicn that
the undersigned baa been duly appointed nil-
iniiiinicauir, wim me wm annexed, 01 tn es
tate of Louis .Schwabiicbcr, deceased. All per
soha having claims ngninst the estate of said
deceased are hereby notilied to present them,
duly verified, to the undersigned at his ortlee la
tuo store-room of Flctschner, Mayer k Com
pany, In the City of Portland, Oregon, within
fix months from thedn.e hereof.
Dated this 17th day of October, 1900.
S H.II.VIOS HIH8I.H, Administrator.
Cotton, Tcal A Minok,
Attorneys for Administrator.
oct A) ht
LAKDOrncc at The Dali.ks, Oim.,i
, . . Kept i, 1KI. (
otlce Is hereby given that tho following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
tlon to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the regMcr and receiver at The Dalle.
Oregon, op Saturday, November 10, 1UU), viz;
Calvin J, Dnnakln,
?' Motpr. Or., H. K. No, 5m, for the BE qr, 8ec
a i'f ti, r.a w , cm .
.ch'ic, n. E. iwie.The DaiiA. o,.,
J"mp" M- Browu and t arl J. E. Carlson, of Alo-
He :iater
Land Office at The Dai.lks, Or. I
September li, nam. I
Notice, la hereby given that the following
named settler has filed noilccof her Intention
to make final proof Jn support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before the mrlst.-r
mi itcrnti hi me uancs, uregon.on VYeduea.
day, October 24, luoo.vlz;
Bllsa K. Vlckera,
widow tit Sam net J. Vlrkers. deceased, of Mo-
irr, ontnn, n. r.. po. a: i, for the NUBWu
and 8' NW' Hen is. Tn2 N. n 14 v w ?
fche names the following witnesses to'proi-e
. .j , j . upon aim cultivation
of mid land, vis. ;
"eoraa Kenoe, of The Dalles, Oregon; James
nvaus, tnc trunianil, Moafer, Or.
P JAY P. LLCAS. Kegistcr.
T. A. Van Norden
Cnn".ifn.,,,y,Ln h,n1 " Urge and varied
! V J" '" in Watches, Jewtlry.
( locks, Hpectaclc., field Olaaaes.Hllverwar. ,c
at prices that defy competition. Mall orders at
tended to with promptness and dlpatch. Kn
f raving neatly done. v eiif i
In tha Circuit Court 0
f the tite of Oicgon for
VVaeo County.
Tbe Oresun Kuiinwd A N: vih-a:ion Co ,
John If. Kober nd tuiuia Kuh-?:g. M wife:
t hurl. H. (.ru'.tni: John ik; und Itlcliard
l'oe, h-j-e n-.KKs are unkuou-11.
To John 1!. KoVrr, Emma Kqbeig, hi wl'e;
Charles II. rahini : John la-e and Kle lard
Ko.-, hoe are unknown, Defcuji'.uts;
In the nsme of the State of Oregon:
You. and cieh of yen, are hereby notllitd that
the (uegou kul.'road & Navigation Company
I'.'d a ci rt p.iint againt vou lit thecireuit
court of the Mutu ot Oregon for tho County of
asco, and you are hereby required to appear
aud at.swer siid complaint on or before lhe last
dy of the time piweribed by the order .f pub
lication, that Is to say on or before eafjuiay,
the loth day of November, 19 0. You are further
notilied that if you fall to appear and arswer
the complaint, or plead thereto, at said time,
tho nUoitift' will cause vour default to been
tercd and will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for In the complaint: that la to aay that
au assessment of the damage wMeh will result
from the appropriation by the plaintiff of the
six tracts of land tir-t herelnalt-r Oescrined. ana
also from the appropriation by the plaintid'of
the right to borrow earth, stone, gravel and
other niHlctixl from the tive tracts of land here
inafter described he had. and that on payment
of the d-.mages ao assessed into the hands of the
clerk of this court by the plulntill', J.niginent be
given appropriating said property, and all of it,
to the pi si 11 till'.
The six tracts of lnnd which are sought to be
appropriated heiein and which are above re
ferred to, are particularly bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Tract One Beginning at a point In the easter
ly on hut I rightof nav line of tie railroad. which
p. lut la WIS feet north aud 2."0 feet east from
the iiarter corner between sections thirty one
aud thirty-tw (J.'). township threo iS) north,
range eleven '( 11) east Willamette Meridian, and
50 feet distant from and measured at right
angles to the r;vii.1 ."..iler line, liienee south
easterly ou a u ve to the left, having a radius
of OXl feet a distance of i-T feet to a point which
is 5u feet distant from and mensund at right
angles to the revied center line, Ihcnce parallel
wi ll sa:d revised center line aud jo feet distant
northerly therefrom and ou a course bearing
south rju degrees 61 minntea east a distance of
2:1" feet to a point In the south line of said lot
our (1): thence west along aaid south line a
distance of M:i feet to a point which is 5) feet
distant from and measured at rUht angles to
the revised center line; thence north 60 degree
51 minutes west a distance of 60 feet to a point;
thence on a curve to tbe right, having a radius
of mil feet a distance of iw feet to a point in the
original light of way line of the railroad, which
point la fio feet distant from and measured at
rtifiii angles to ine revised center unci tnence
northwesterly along said original rUhc of way
line a distance of L'.Vi feet to the place of begin
ning, continuing .n acres.
Tract two Beginning at a point 1:120 feet east
and SU lett uortn trom tne quaiter corner be
tween said sections thirty-one (31, and thirty-
two (), township three (3) north, range eleven
(11) east Willamette Meridian, which point Is 60
feet distant trom and measured at right angles
to the revised center Hue of the railrnaa; thence
on a course bearing south (i0 degress ol minutes
east, par-i'l. 1 with and 50 feet distant southerly
from said revised center line a distance of AX3
feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right
having a radius of l::si ieel a distance of hxo led
to a point on tbe southerly original right of way
line of the railroad; thence northwest; rly alot.g
said original rignt 01 way line a distance ol 11x1:1
teet to a point on the west line of lot three 181
section thirty-two t't-'l; thence south lo feet to
tuv piaue 01 uegiiiuiiia, comaming 1. acres
Tract three Beginning at a oolnt on the otlir
trial right of wsv line of the railroad, which
point is 2ooJ feet i ast from the quaiter e rner
between aeciinns thlrtv-oueand thirty-two :.'l,
township three 1 north, range eleven 111 east
Willamette Meiiulan, thence east along the
south Hue of lot ihree ,", section thirty-two aj)
a distance of '4S feet to a point which Is nO leet
uiHiHin irom ana measured nt runt angles to
the revised center line: the. ce on a course bear
ing m rill 41 degrees 10 minutes west a distance
01 JO leet tin point In the original rightof war
line of the railroad; thence southeasterly along
said original rightof way lino a distance of Uu
feet to the place ol b. ginning, containing .06
Tract four Beginning nt a point on the orig
inal right of way line of the railroad, which
point is y.j feel west and 1'.H5 feet north from
the southeast corner of sa,d section thirty-two
(!), township three (3) north, range eleven (II)
east nuiamttte nenuiiin; thence on a course
bearing north SS degrees 'lb minutes west a dis
tance of ls feet to a point; thence on a curve to
the lixht having a radius of si feet a distance
of M.l feet to a point which is 60 feet distant
irom ana measured at ngnt angles to the re
vised center line: thence northerly at right an
gles to lhe revised center line a distance of 10
leet to a point which Is it) leet distant from and
measured at tight angle to the revised center
line: thence on a curve to the right having a
n. 1. 1, ... i' -j n uinmntc in till jevt U a
point; thence southwesterly at right angles to
ine rtviseo center line a instance 01 10 feet to
point which is W feet distant from and meas
ured at rignt angles to the revised center line
thence ou a curve to the right having a .-adius
ot imiU leet a distance of aid feet to a point on
the westerly line of lot two ) siiid secilon
thirty-two ;, which point is fiO feet distant
irom ana measnrea nt rignt angles to the re
vised center line of tbe railroad: thence due
son in mi leet 10 a point in tne original rightof
way llneof the railroad: thence southeast h'mi
said original right of way line a distance of IMS
ieel 10 ine place 01 De.lunlng, containing
Tract five- Beginning at a point on the orig
inal tight of way line of the railroai., which
point is 21S feet west and lis feet north from
'he southeast corner of said section thirty two
(:!), township three (i) north, range eleven (II)
east Willamette Meridian, and 60 feet distant
from and measured at right angles to the re
vised center line: thence on a curve to the left
having a radius ol :N1 feet parallel wltb and ')
feet distant from said revised center lines div
tancenf 7TS feet to a point ou the original south
erly right Of way line of the railroad; thence
easterly and southeasterly along said original
right of way line a distance of tcW feet to the
place of beginning, eontslni ig .M seres.
Tract six Beginning st a point on the east
llneof said section thirty-two (XJ, which point
is lit feel north from the southeast corner of
said section thirty-two. (821, township Ihree ()
north, range eleven (1)) east H ttlamcttu Meri
dian, and ID feet distant from aud meat 11 red at
right angles to the revised center line; tnence
011 a course bearing north 7 degrees :IA minutes
west a distance of 62 feet to a point In the orig
inal right of way line of the railroad: thence
northwesterly along said original right of way
line a distance of 182 feet to a point w lilch Is ID
feet d Istant from and measured at right angles
to the revtsert center line; thence on a course
bearing south K degrees &" minutes east paral
lel with and 60 feet distant from said revised
center line a distance of in; feet to the east line
of said lot one (I); thence south i;m feet to the
piace 01 uegiuning, containing .J sores.
The f'.ve tracts of land which are above re
ferred to and the riviit to sscuvstM anf,
earth, stone and gravel and other material from
1.111111 ia milium in ne appropriated herein are
particularly described as follows, to alt:
Tract 1-From that ra t lying southerly Trom
tract number one shove mentioned and lie
tween tho right of way therein described and
the original rlahtof war linAff ti,ArUii-....i
between Htalion l:u(B plus S6 of the revised cen
ter llneof the rs I In .art, and the south line of
iut if, i-oiiuiiiuug .ea seres.
Tract two Also from that tract 26 feet In
width lying southerly from tract number two
snd contiguous to the right of way therein de
scribed and betweer, Htation MM-M and Htntlon
liMMju of the revised center Hue of the railroad.
Tract thren Also from that tract tying In lots
two (j) snd Ihree (-) contiguous to and nortb
eislcrly from tbe right of way described lit
tracts numtered three and lonr and between
Htatlons l;M and 1X0 of the revised center line
of tne railroad, bring a triangular piece 22S feet
in width at said atallnn i:i;0and converging to
a point at the Intersection of the orlsinal right
of way Una at Million l.r.i, Containing 1 in
Tract fonr-Also from that tract 60 feet In
width lying soiiiheilv from tract niimber five
slid contlgiiou. totlm rightof way therein rte
scrlbedatid between stations :riatid I .'Ml plus
Ml of the revlseil center line ot the railroad, eon
talning M acres. ,
.v.Tr!'',u?TA,,0 1rrm tnf,l 'n lietween
the right of way de.,b,-,l n tract number six
and the original right of way line of the railroad
snd between station 1;I of t, r.-vlsert center
Hue ol the railroad and the east Hue of said
section thirty two ( r.), containing .0". seres.
All ot said premlaes are situated In lota 1, J a
iT. w..TRPM1n ti- !"wnIP north, rangtll
east V lllamrtte Meridian. "
Tha date of the first pnhllcstlon of this sum
mons la Saturday, th uh day of Septcmlier
,'!',KJl", '.''v",e P"bl",nalur.Uy.tha
Itlthdayof November, i-sai. an.i ..1.1 .......
shall I published on Saturday of each week lor
said period.
iiX.hl,ivn1""nJ" PbHahe4 by order of lhe
llou. W. L. Brsdshsw. iudaa nt ih u...,.,k
JnHcial District n .
anddatedeeptemtjer-s 1... Me eh
iv. irii . .
I!. K O.SS,,r-"-'X0.
V. H. WIL&4JN.
In th-Clienit Couitof the State of ti,
Aaco County: Ie 01 ftejnn fc,
It.a Spilt-Llnger, Plaintiff,
IleuryS;eichluger, Defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon
Y ou are herebr required to airiHiir.-
the coucp'Hiut filed against jwTii,
entitled suit on or beir the last - b"
time pre-ctibed In the order for the .mM 0'
of this summons, to-wit,on or before ... f,,i'
ntive weess from the t.nh di, J i Ue,,.
1-J, which , said 29th davof Zxl.
the date of the lirst publication . , .""
moos, to-wit: You ari r,uiii to .
answer said complaint 01, or before t,J "J
of .November, lytsj, which said luth .."
vember. IHtO.l. , last day oi the ii. "
scrilsdlntheonlerfor the public. tf,m S
summons, and if you fail to.uZn,u-,
there-.f plaintiff wtll apply to the a W.
court for the relief praied f. Inp'ur
plaint, to-wit: That the b ,i,d Tof J!??
heretofore and now existing btweennUi.,V,5'f
defeudsut be absolved and held, u.S?"
plaintiff and defendant b3 i "S,"?
vorced from each other, and that pf
name be changed to her maiden n. Jrr1.i"T
lua Dolo, and for each otner and f,,...w!.
as to the cout t mar seem inst .,.,1 ..frV,1''
This summons is served utsm L
arelehiinrer. th .l.iv ,.2!u,i..uu: M"i
ecta )us lu Th. Dallw 'T
c hkonicls for ix consecutive weeks 1.. "
of Hon. W. L. Bradsh.w, Judge ol th.T"1''
entitled court, bich order wm made on
bears data ol September 27, ljn Ki
Attorney for Hanltlff.
Notice is bereky given that the mrn...
has been duly a
ppointed by thecontuy counTr
the state of Oregon, for asco county, sdmist!
trator of the estate of Elizabelh A SouuS
"""oeoo-nty, sdmlni,.
thzabelh A. South-.
tue estate of said deceased are hereby nmhu
to present ths same, with the proper voueim.
therefor, to me at my othce In B ,d, Orrn,?
within six months from the date hereof
Dated September 2i, 10J0.
88 " Administrator.
ucvrnacu, ah jrvjrrmnin nHVl.iif fiiti ma .1i-aff.
Notice Is hereby given that the undereignaj
have tiled with the Clerk of the countv court oi
the State of Oregon for Wasco countv.t'heir ln2
ac ount as executors of the last will and tests
ment of Henry Darnum. deceaseil. .1...
Monday, the 4th day of -November, hnio, .t tt
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., bas been fixed br th
County court for said county as the time and
the county court room in Dalles City as tu
place for hearing of objections to s.ild finals,
count and the settlement of the same.
.'. W. FRENCH.
epW Kxecuton.
Land Offici at Thr Dalles. Oa, i
September It, 19C0. !
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her Intention
to moke final proof lu supiMirt of her claim, snd
that said proof will be made before the Keg-Inter
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, ou Wednes
day, October 24, IUOO, viz:
Jssst F. atewart, or Tha Dalles, Or.,
II. K. No. 5281, for the YM SYM f?E qr NH nr Bee
25, Tp IN,K 12 E, aud oWqtN W qr Sec 3U, Tpl
N, R 1.1 K, W M.
She names the following witnesses to prors
her continuous residence upou aud cultivsllon
of said land, vis.:
I). I). Nelson, E. F. Sbary, John Fleming,
Daniel Stewart, all of The I "alles.
sepia JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
U. 8. Lakd Orrid, Ths Dalles, Oa.,1
Beptember is, WtiO.
A sufficient contest amdavlt hsvlns been filer
in this fitttoe by Joseph H Sherar, coDtcstsnt,
against homesieid entry No. 7462, made June 3,
lff.. for 8 hf NW qr Hcc 2H, snd E hf NE qrfeo
2i.l, Tp t 8 K 14 E, bv W illiam dill contestee, In
which It is alleged that said ililam (iill has
wholly abandoned said tract end changed his
residence therefrom for mot than six months
slnca making said entry, and next prior to dste
of contest; and thst he did not abandon the
trsct to enter the military or naval service of
the United States, said parties are hereby noti
fied to apjiear, respond and otier evidence touch
ing until allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on October
27, Unit, before the register and receiver at ths
tutted Htates land othce In The Dalles, Oregon.
The said contestant having, In a proper affi
davit, tiled August II, liMI, set forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal smvica
of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby
ordered and directed that suci notice be given
br due aud proper publication.
sepl9 JAY P. LUCAS, Register,
Notice Is hereby given th it the underricned
has duly filed with the County Clerk of Wasco
County, Origon, his final ncconnt and report as
administrator of tha estate of Adnlnh Afidltn,
deceased, snd that the Honorable County Court
has tlxed Mondn,the6lh day of .Nnvenioer, nwi
at 10 o'clock a. in. of said dny as the time, srol
the County Court nm of tho County uniri
house In Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon,
the place for blaring said final account and t
Iiort. All persons Interested In said estate
lerehy notlliwl to a linear at said time and pises
and show can mi, II any there be, why said report
should not be approved aud said adminisirator
Dated thia 6th day of October, lli.
Administrator of the estateof Adolph Agldim,
deceased. oe"i
Lakd Office atTh Palms. Or.,J ,
Oct, a, ico. t
VdlW tm html,. that thA following
named settler has filel notice of his intentiim
to make final proof In support of his clsltn, ana
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver of the IJ. H. laud office st ids
Dulle,.Or , on taturday, Nov. in, l'.sw, vii:
I'ator stolUr, ,lr ,
of The Dalles, Or., H. E. No. 5417, for the J'
is w or and St or J w qr sec ih, 1 p "
W. M.
li n . n. u ik. I..II..-.I..H Mrltreases In prove
his continuous residence uoou aud cultlvstloa
Of said land, vlx:
John Dalrvinple, Fred Wlckman, C. C. Eng
lish, J. , Johnson, all of The Dalles, Or.
IK-IB JAl P. l.L IsiTt
I.AJ13 OFFICB atTh Da llis, Or.,
u .l.r IO IKM 1
v,i. 1. v..-.. ,1,., 1 h following- ut,l. 1 aii ..!., -.1 hla IlltentliiB w
maks final proof in support of his cla '
that said proof will be marie before the "
snd Kecelver at Tbe Dslles, Oregon, on cam.
day, October sX), IVOD, vis:
Arellons P. fn.
of The Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. MM. '"'""f
S hf N W or sud W hf W or, hco 12, Tp 1 , "
K, W. M.
He names lhe following witnesses tc 1 prjjjj
his rontitinons residence uoii and cul'ivsu
of said land, vlx: ,r,pn
I. C. Matnev. C. H. Mstney. Charles C.ossen
and VV. V. Clark, all of 1 he Dailos, Oregon.
scplJ JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Lakd Orrn a av Tm Kahi". Oa., j
(September, 10, ips
Notice Is hereby given that the M o
nainctl settler has flleil liollce ol his nietio
to make final proof f support ot hi; ' r'";.Mt
that said pr..f will lie made before h n"
and res-elvcrstThe Dalles, Oregjn, on saturusj.
October ii, I'.aji, vlx.t
Charles II. Malney. .
of The Dalles. Oregon, If. E. No. '
hf Ji Kr and W hf bK qr, Sec W, Tp 1 s.
He' names the following "n".,,,1?vjuB
his contlimons residence upon snd cultivs.
of said land. vis. : , and ff.
A. S, Fox, r. :. Fsran, Charles Cosson "- "
C. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
ser-lA JAY P. LUCAS,"'"-
Physician and Surgeon,
peels I attention liven lo surfery-
Tel. XA
Roc ml 21 aud 22.. "