The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 20, 1900, PART 2, Image 8

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otitt-t ir z-itj DnvTrT V QATTTRD AV DHTOBER 20. 1900.
TtiXi JJAJ-iJLiJliO WJLjJViJi WtlivviiiuuiJ, -"-"
Wcdneaday'1 Dully.
Jno. W. Clarno. of Clamo's Ferry, It
in ttie city.
Mr una Mrs. Fre.i Houghton left on
the noon train on a ort visit M
W. A. Cates and family returned
yestenlsv from a two months' soj urn in
the aknna valley.
Hou. Ringer Hermann paMWtl up the
road today on hie campaign tour to
point! east of here.
E B McFarland, a former well-known
merchant of this city, arrived here today
on the noon train from Portland.
Mra. H. Clay Mveri and daughter,
Mies Winifred, arrived in the city this
oral from Granite and will make
their home in this city.
Representative Moody went to Port
land yesterday afternoon to attend the
meeting of General Carr and returned
home on the noon train.
Jack Perry was in town todav from
White Salmon, where he recently sold
ixteen head of beef cattle to J )hn Crate
for the Union Meat Company.
T. H. Johnston, the Dnfur merchant,
arrived iu town this morning and will
remain over tonight to attend General
Carr's meeting at the Vogt opera house.
Dr. G. R. Guthrie, of Indianapolis.
Indiana, has been here for the past
week visiting the family of Mr. Otis
Patterson. The doc tor ia a relative of
Mr. Patterson by marriage.
General Clark K. Carr, who ia to
speak tonight at the Vogt opera hous
in the interest of McKinley and Roose
velt, accompanied by Mrs. Carr, arrived
here on the noon train from Portland,
where he addreeeed a large and appreci
ative audience last night.
Thursday's Dally.
Representative Moody left on the noon
train to attend the Antelope fair.He
Will return Saturday. oCLcw.
Misses Annie anil Bessie Lang and
Mrs. Maud Mitchell left today on the
noon train to attend the Antelope fair,
in company with Hon. M. A. Moody.
Friday's Dally.
Chae. Chandler, of Hood River, spent
last night in the city and returned home
today on the afternoon train.
McLaughlin O'Brien, one of Klickitat
county's solid men from Centerville,
was in town today for a few hours.
G. H. McGreer, son of Hon. T. H.
McGreer, arrived here yesterday from
California, whither ho went overland a
short time ago with 100 head of horses
that had been bought in the neighbor
hood of the John DJT. He left on the
noon train for home.
Prosperity of The Dallea.
There is no great excitement in tl e
real-estate market here for the reason
that The Dallea is very conservative,
nd consequently wohave no booms, but
nevertheless, if people will take the
trouble to walk around the city
they will be surprised to see how
few houses are vacant. Another very
DOticahle feature is that nearly all of
the property is well kept and has an air
of prosperity which very few towns in
Oiegon of equal size can boast of.
Our public schools are institutions of
learniug of which wo are justly proud.
Three of these buildings are of brick and
stone, and especially our High School
which is a structure of architectural
beatuy with all the modern improve
ments and appliances. In addition to
our public schools, we havo a Catholic
school and academy conducted by the
Sisters of the Holy Names, and in con
nection therewith is a day school for
young hoys. These places of learning,
together with the churches of nearly
every denomination, are attractions,
which have been the means of bringing
people to our city who are anxious to
give their children the advantages of an
education and surround them with
church influences. It is needlets for ns
to say that these attractions are usually
bought by people oi refinement, and
consequently we are justified in saying
that our population is largely composed
of the very best classes.
Messrs Hudson and Brownhill have a
few desiruble houses for sale and rent,
but they are fast being disposed of and
to avoid being too late you had better
call on tbem. These gentlemen are al- ;
ways ready and pleased to show you
around the citv. Their office is on :
Washington atreet next to French & Co'i
The Dalles Markets.
Wheat No. 1, 46 cents.
Barley a ton.
Oats $1.15 cental.
Wheat hay S loose: $9 to !0 baled.
Timothy $10 baled.
Alfalfa Loose $7.50; baled 8 50.
Potatoes 10 cents a sack.
Flour Diamond mills, $3.50 bbl; Du
fur mills, $3.20
Kggs '.'5 cents a dozen.
Butter Creamery, CIS cents; dairy,
55 cents.
Cnickens $3.50 a doxen ; spring $2.50
to $3.
Apples Table, 60 cents.
Drying preparations simply (level-1
op dry catarrh; they dry up the socretions,
which adhere to the membrane and docom- .
M causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry-
iag inhalant, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will core catarrh or cold in the head !
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
60o. sue. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren 8t., N.Y. j
The Balm cores without pain, docs not i
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself .
over an irritated and angry surface, relier
ins immediately the painful inflammation.
-With Ely's 'ream Balm you are armed
jsgainst Masai Catarrh and Bay Ferer.
Not Affected as Yet by the Chines
rsfjls of l'eklnal Tientsin list
Little .More lu llu mill the Hual
ur Than tu Art aa For.
warding; Agruli.
A recent report from San Francisco
to the effect that the revolution in
China had Interfered with the tea
export business to such an extent that
there would soon be a tea famine and
that the price of ten would go up
chukciI a stiff in the teu drinking aofa
One of the largest importers of tea
in the I'nitetl States said, according
to the New York Tribune, that the
Chinese tiuulile had not ill any vtny
affected the tea trade as yet. Con
tracts are being executed as Usual
for ten, and order are lieing received
for goods in exchange, and the large
merchants have no fear us to ad
vance in price or scarcity of tea. In
that part of China where the tea
grows it is brought to the towns in
bulk, and sold to merchant who col
lect, assort and cure it, and then put
it up iu cans, eases and other pack
ages for t ranspoitat ion. When it
reaches that part of the country
which is now in a state of revolution
it is ready for shipment to this or uny
other country, anil the people of Pe
king or Tientsin have really nothing
more to do with the tea business than
to act as forwarding agents.
The tea buying business begins in
May anil lasts until December, and
the present troubles have not served
to keep the men who usually make
the trip to China from Kurope anil
America from making their usual
tour. As to prices, it is believed that
the Chinese will not use the present
i imilii ions ns a lever to raise them,
although the opportunity for doing so
is favorable. Hut the scrupulous hon
esty of the Chinese merchants keeps
him from making use of his advan
tage. In speaking of the characteris
tics of these people, Edward Kunge
"A Chinese merchant will drive a
close bargain and do his best to get
his goods at the lowest possible price.
He will haggle and see every competi
tor before he gives his order, but once
that is done he lives up to his word.
He signs no contract and asks no
written guarantee from the man with
whom he makes the bargain. When
the goods are delivered he pays for
them, and he does so cheerfully, re
gardless of the changes that may have
taken place in the market value of his
goods. He pays as he agrees he will,
and in that particular he is more re
liable than many Euroiienn mer
chants. The Japanese has papers
drawn, hns them vised and signed by
consuls and consular officers, and if
the goods should be cheaper when
they nre received he would find an
excuse for refusing to accept them,
nnd would compel the producer to re
duce his price. 1 have known Chinese
merchants to club together and make
up a large sum to help a competitor
pay his debts, and this spirit of mer
cantile honesty exists in all branches
of the trade."
In all Its stages there
thould be cleanliness,
Ely's (renin Balm
cleanses, soothes anil heals
the disca-ed membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
away a culd iu the bead
Cream Bslin is placed Into the nostrils, spreads
over the mem'rano and is aiworbed. Relief It im
nediato and a cure follows. It Is not drying does
pot produce sneezing. Large. Size, 60 cents at Drug
gists or by mail ; Trial (size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY DtsOTUERS, SO Warren Street, New York.
Cureil of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty
Yens or suffering-.
"Suffered for thirty years with diar
rhoea and thought I was past being
cured," says John H. Halloway, of
French Camp, Miss. ''I had spent so
much time and money and suffered so
much that I had given up all hopes of
recovery. I was so feeble from the
effects of the diarrhoea t Hat I could do
no kind of lal)or, could not even travel,
but by accident I wa9 permitted to find
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking
several bottle 1 am entirely cured of
that trouble. I am so pleased with the
result that I am anxious that it be in
reach of all those who suffer as I have."
For sale by Hlakeley druggist.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cared.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a hi. nut or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it von must take inter
nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Core is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for yec-s, and
is a repular ptescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood prjrlflets, acting direct!)
on the mocous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produce! soch wonderful reenlts in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. 1. Ch!ky A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7ftc.
Hall's Family Pilla are the best. 12
Don't Kate It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Care, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain ia goat. Sold by Clarke A
V. 8. Lasd urm z,
A sufficient contest arbd
roa Fsoat Usu.cs. I- W
Vast laslt Lak . Denver. Kt. Fn-t
Mll Worth, Omaha, Kan-l Mall
p p. ts. sa City. tit. Louts,: l-u5 p m
j Chicago and KaaC j
Atlantic Halt Lska, Denver, Ft 4:41a. m.
r sprcat Worth, Omaha, Kn
12:50 a.m.! City. at. LuuU,,
Via Hunt Chicago and East.
1UX l" I.
Spokane Walla-Walla, Spokane,
Mall Mtnm-apolls. ft. Paul, Mail
and I iul u t h, Milwaukee, an. I
'Express Chfrago and Kaat, via Express
I Hpokaneakd Huntini.'
ion ; also all points lu
9 25 p. m I Washington and East I SO a. m
em Oregon.
Ip.m. Kaon Porn-ASS j 4 p.m.
Ocean oteemshlpt.
For San Francis
Every Five Days.
j !
8p.m. 4 p. m
Ex. Sunday ColumDla Rv. steamers. Ex.iiuce.
;To Astobia find Way.
Saturday landings.
10 p. m.
I ;
fta. m. WllLAatETTK Riveb. 4:30p.m.
Ex.bunday Oregon City, Ncwherg, Ex.BuudaJ
Salem 6i Way Laud'.
7a.m, WiLtAMfTTS and Yam- 3.30p.m.
Tues.Thur. HUJ. Ktvsas. Mon.,Wed
and Hat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri.
and Way-I findings.
Hmaks Rivsh. Lsavb
I.v Riparlii Rlparla to lwlaton. LgwisTOH
daliy dally
1:35 a. m. 9:00 a. m
I tract to enter the
! the l'nited stater, i
lied i.i appear, u-spoi
1 log said allegation a
I nlted '.-t-trt land o
Palis. Os.,1
r 1 110. (
laviiu be r led
r and receiver at tb
n ihe DsUes, Oregon.
ing. in
Jullelal District ot Oregon, made at t
and daied -e Member 2 luot) rh"mbert
AtT ( Plainu;
, set forlb la
ence tie: !!!
man,', n
davit, Hied AufTUat 1
hh. w that afttC due
of ll.U : i . ran
rdered and directed that mca notice oc gneii .
by due and proper publication.
sepU JA f. Ll'i 'A;, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Otegon for
W asco County.
ti... it ;:r.u.r A vlirntion Co..
,ulv"' plaintiff.
barh H. .irabam: Hoe and Richard In the firenlt Couitof the State .if Oreeon
i ... ........ ...nniikimtn. tt asro county: "'egott
To John 11. Koberg, Emma Kobeig, his wife:
Charles H Craham : John Doe and Rlc lard
Uoe, whose names are unknown. Defendants:
. w. -. ,k.. ..I Cirttrnn
in use imiiic.'i ..... - - .,. . r-
A h ,,f , ii. are hereof nolinca mar. .r "r. - - - -.... juu in
I: u .-;-ichinger, liulatlu",
Henry Sptichlnger, Defeadar.t.
In the name of the State of Oregea
"'"' itrjuireu i.) appear an 1 an.
e enmnlsint filed aaralnat . ..I ""'
ssi ature
lu.-l l,v
f the
Notice a heteby given th it the undemigced 1
has duly tiled with the County Clerk Of WSSre
County, OrtEOD, bis linal account atd report as
ailmlnisirator of the estate of Adolph Agidlus, !
deceased, and that ibe Honorable County Court j
has lixed Monday, the 5th day of November, 10UU.
at 10 o'clock u m. ofaid day as the time, and
the County Court room of the County ourt
house in Dallea Cite, Wasco County, Oregon, as
the place for hearing said final SSSOOUt and re
port. All persona lnteristed iu said estate are 1
hereby notified to appear at said time and place
a, A .K..,l- ll ul.v to-. At' KMIll TelKirl
shouH not he approved and said administrator
Dated this 5th day of October, l'JUO.
J. P AtjlDIlTS,
Administrator of the elate of Adolph Agidlus,
deceased Otm
I :
ai sad
th Jr
I so
ai:awer nam i-omplalut on or before tt
of S"'--r, law. '.vim .i i
velntM-r. ItSSI. Is the Iflkt rlav .1.. . 01
scribed in the order for the publicati on , If o?"
summons, and If you full to answer f, ...7
Piirtiea Oeslrinir to ffO to IleODIier Or
pointa 011 Columbia Southern via Blggx, should
take No. ., leaving The Dalles at Li:40 p. m.
making direct connections at Hepptier junction
and Biggs. Returning masingdirectronnsctlon
at HeppneriUDCtlon and Biggs with No. 1. ar
riving at The Dalits at VcltF t w
For full particulars call on O. .AN. Co.'t
agent The Dallea. or address
W. H. Ill HLBt'KT,wr-,
lien. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or
LasdOffics at The Dalles. Or., (
Oct, :t, 11100. (
Notice is hereby given that the fulluWlug
named settler hns filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will he made before tbe register
and receiver of tbe U. S. land office at The
Dalles, or , on Saturday, Nov. Ill, 1SO0, viz:
I'etcr stoller, Jr ,
of The Dalles, Or., 11. E. No. 5437, for the W hf
N W or and SE i.r N W ur Sec 34, Tp - N, H 11 E,
W M.
He names the following itt cses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
John Dalrvinple, Fred Wickman, C. C. Eng
lish, J. E, Johnson, all of The Dalles, Or.
octti JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Mm him
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., (
Septeinbei h, HO) I
Notice Is herehv irlvcn that the following-
i named settler has filed nnl'.ceo his intention to
I make final proof iu support os his claim, and
that ssul prooi win oe maoe oeioie toe nmi-u
and Receiver at The Dulles, Oregon, OH Satur
day, October 30, 1900, viz:
Arellona S. Fox,
of Tbe Dalles, Oregon, If. E. No. 5151. for the
S hf N W or and W hf gW qr, Sec 13, Tp 1 6, II
E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
I. C. Matncv, C. I. Matnev, Charles Oossen
and W. C, Clark, all .f The Dalles, Oregon.
seplS JAY P. LL'CAH, Register.
Yellowstone Park Line.
union Depot, Fifth arJlsts
No. 2. Fast mall for Tacoma,
! Seattle, Olymphi, Gray s
Harbor and South Bend
; points, Spokane, Ross-1
land, B. C, Pullman,
Moscow, Iwlstou, Buf
11:15 A. M. faloiliimp mining ooun- 5,50 P. M.
try, Helena, Mlntieapo-:
Ua, 8t. Paul, Omaha,
Kansas City, St. Units.
Chicago and all points I
No. 4. 1 east and southeast.
Puget Sound Express
11:30 P. M. for Tacoma and Seattle 7;00 A. M.
j and Intermediate points
So. 3.
Pullman first-class and touritt sleepers to
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points
without change.
Vostihuleii trains. Union depot connections
in all principal cities.
Baggage checked to destination of tickets.
For handsomely lllustiated descriptive matter,
tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc , call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent. '25S Mprri
son Street, corner Third, Portland, Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
Land Office at The Dalles, Oh., j
September, 10, 1SK0. (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed unlive oi his intention
to make final proof In support ol his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregan, on Saturday,
October 30, liiOO, viz.:
Charles II. Matne.v,
of Tbe Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. 5CSC, for thcS
hf NE or and W hf SE qr, See 12, Tp IS, k il
E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz. :
A. 8, Fox, P. c. Kagan, Charles Gosson nnd .
C. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
seplo JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
mays 4 Crowe
MheiD Pacitlc Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way
stations at 1:3b a. m. and .1 p. m.
Leave Portland
" Albany
Arrive Ashland
" Bacraincnto
" Sun Francisco
. S:30 a m 7:00 p m
.12.30am 10:5opm
.12:33 am 11:30am
. 5:00 p m 4:35 a m
. 7: 15 p m 8:15 a m
Arrive Ogdnn
" Denver
" Kansas City
" Chicago
1:4. a m
9:00 a m
7 : 25 a m
7:45 a m
Arrive Los Angelas 1 :Sfl p m
' El Paso 6:00 pm
" Fort Worth :80 a m
" City-of Mexico 9:55 am
" Houston 4:00 a in
' New Orleans :25 a m
' Washington ft:4'2nm
" New York 12:13 pm
11:15 a m
9:00a m
7:25 a m
9:30 a m
7:00 a m
6:00 p m
6:30 a m
9:55 a m
4:00 a in
6:25 p m
(', 12 a in
12 43 p m
Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains.
Chair cart Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso,
and tourist cars to Chicago, rit Louli, New Or -'eans
and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with several
steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central and South America.
Sec agent at The Dalles station, or address
Ueneral Passenger Agent, Port. and, Or
letters of Credit issned available in the
Eastern Htates.
Bight Exchange and Telegraph)',
Transfers sold on New York, Chit aio,
St. Loaia, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Waeh,. and various pointa
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections rmJeat all points on fav
orable term.
The only store it
this city where tht
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlast;
a dozen piecesof so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
ine has the name
Stransky - Steel
Ware on each piece,
Do not be deceived
First prize at 16
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award at World s
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by the best
cook inp; authorities,
certified to by the
most famouschem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated e n"a m
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not dtscolot
nor catch inside; i'
not affected b v acid
in fruits or
will boil,
ntew, ronat
and bake
flavor ol
food and
will last
for years.
Wo cau
tion t Ii e
n train fit
.. . . i .'....,....,,.- r.iu..'J dm.. w,i ,.i u,-,,, y
tbe Oregon i.aiiroao. a. time prescribe.1 in the order for t
has hied . icoi.ip.aint against tou lu "be circuit ,, to-wit.o ,r be ,1 t ls iS sav oiTor before Saturday, m"',L'' reo.ulrc-d t
the l'tth dav of November, 19o0. You are further
notilied that If vou fall to appear and answer
th complaint, or plead thereto, at said time,
the plaintiff will cause your default to been and will anr.Iv to the court for the icllef
praved lor in tne compiatni: mi. is
a ..... of tbedamua-es wt.lch
from the appropriation by the plal
six iructs ot land nrt nertina
also from tbe appropriation
other in iteii.l from the five tracts of land here ; ",'" na. that pUI ,W, ,lM.crllvHl he had. and that on DartDtDt ' "T -"' ,. inaiuen t , lt
ofthe dimiges . assessed Into the hands of the , l"ll,n nvmhZ Sd LUr!?? reW
clerk of this court by the plalntiir, j nlgmeiit be MJS,?!"V?i nst nu e-iiiitable.
olv;:i"!;L'f!,T,r;,,ting 'M p,OI'er,), "nrt s" 01 ! 4"' $8riJZJft
I puoiicauon m';reoi in ihe 1)allk Wis";
The sii tracts of land which are sought to he 1 1. hsoniclc for six consecutive weeks br anC
appropiiatel herein and which are abovo re- , of Hon. W. L. Bradahaw, j.idge ol tln'rT,
K-rrca w, art itt:riicumn uouuuw .s.a..., wa3 mmiij on, and
, . i t ! . ...u, I i,.u rti i.Nf iit ssiirdMir lias 'tr 1 im "
i fa to mv that thereof plaintHT will apply to the aUrvVenmilS
ieb wm'lSM ! 'Vulrf,,, .""SL'TO 't'r lu P'aladSSS
'. T,. .., plaint, to w-it: That the bonds, .f
ina'trr ,iescrib)-d aid aereUiforeandiiowexlattiigbdtweeiiiilalritiffV-ll
i stone sravel and : P!l4illtnr "' Jefendant lie In ml renmteX
i, stone. grau aim , , . .
i il..-.l i s follow s, to Wit
Tract One Beginning at a point in the easter
ly oiiiilnal right of way line of the railroad.which
piiut Is 1H18 feet north nnd 250 feet east from
Ihe .unrter corner between sections thirty one
( ;i : id thlrtv-tw.i (32), township three .3) north,
range eleven '(11) east Willamette Meridian, and
50 feet distant from and measured at right
'angles to the rtlsed center Hue: thence south
easterly ou a i urve to ihe left, having a radius
of 2242 feet a distance of 327 feet to a point w hleh
Is Xi feet distant from and measured at tight
'!?,; said Bm Ifn.'Sd M 55 i ! "' vember .0, .wf
uorthcily therefrom and on a course t.eaiinK laivin i. iiunakln,
south (?) degrees 51 minutes east n distance ot j ol mosier, nr
bears date of September 27, l'joo.
HlbH. OAim
W Attorney for Plata ttf,
Land Orncg at The, uat.,(
6ept 2C, pjoo i
Notice it hereby given that the Inllmti
mimed settler has Hied notice of his Intc-itiio.
tion to make final proof in support (if his
atajaa. nud tnnt said proof will be made be
fore the regUter and receive, at The Ii.nZ"
, sOi,,,rt.,v V. ...... ... I
23m feet to a point In tbe south line of said lot
lour (1): theme west aiong sain muuh one a
distance of 205 feet to a iwlnt which Is 5) leet
distant from and measured at right angles to
the revised center line; thence north CO uegrics
51 ininntea west a distance of 00 feet to n point;
thence on a curve to the right, having a nidiiia
of 1813 feet a distance of feet to a point la the
original light of way line of Ihe railroad, which
point ia 50 feet distant from and measured at
right angles to the revised center line; thence
northwesterly along said original right of way
line a distance of 25T feet to the place of begin
ning, containing M acret.
Tract two Beginning at a point 1320 feet east
and 70 fei t north from the quaiter corner be
tween said sections thirty one (31 and thirty
two (32), township three (3) north, range eleven
(11) east Willamette .Meridian, which point Is 50
feet distant irom and measured at right angles
to the revised center line of the rallrono; thenca
on a course lieating south 80 degress 51 minutes
eatt. nara:l. 1 with and 50 feet distant southerly
from said revised center line a dlataneo of 5a
leet to a point; thence on a curve to the right
having a radius of I3s3 feet a distance of tsO feet
to n point on the southerly original right of way
line of the railroad: thence norihwesttrly along
said original right of way line a distance of 10113
feet to a point on the west line ot lot inree (3j,
ssciion mirvy-swo isgj i inence sown as icei 10
the place of beginning, containing 1.2 acres
Tract three Beginning at u point on the orig
lnal riirht of wav line nf the railroad, which
point la 2562 feet i ast from Iheouiiiter i rner
oetwecn sections thlrtv-.uic and thirty-two 321, 1
township three II north, range eleven 11 oast
Willamette Meridian, thence east along the
south Una of lotihree L section thirty-two 32
a distance of 38 feet to a point which Is 50 leet I
distant from and measured st rkht angles to
the revised center line; tbe ce on a course bear
ing in rtu 41 degrees 10 minutes west a dt-oance
of ."20 feet to a point In the original right of wav
line uf the railroad; thence southeasterly along
said original right of way line a distance of ft
feet to the place of b ginning, containing M
Tract four- Beginning at a point on the oiig
inal right of way Hue of the railroad, w hich
poult Is lir.H feel west and 1015 feet north from
the southeast corner of said section thirty-two
(32), township three (3) north, range eleven (11)
teal Willamette Meridian; thence on n course
bearing north SS degrees 25 ininntea west a dis
tance of j:n feet to a point: thence on a curve to
the light having a radius of 3224 feet a distance
of 513 feet to a point w hich Is 50 feet distant
from and measured at Mailt angles to the re
vised center line; thence northerly at right an
gles to the revised center line a dlstanc.' of 10
feet to a point which Is 00 leet distant from and
ineusured at light angles to the revised center
line; thence on s curve to the right having
radius of KM feet a distance of 77" feet to a
imlnt; thence southwesterly at right angles to
the rt vised center line a distance of in feet to a
point which is .'.'I feet distant from and meas
ured at rlirht nnirli-s to the revised center Hi:,':
thence on a curve to the right having a adlus !
of lhiio feet n distance of ::( feet to a tmlnt on
the wcstctly line of lot two (2) salt! recliou
thirty-two if.'), which polm is N feet (lislant
from and iio'iisinel :'t tight angles to tin- te-
vised center line of the railroad: thenee due
H. E. No. 5121. for Ihe B c
31, T 2 N, K 12 K, W. M. 1 ' -
He names tne following witnesses to prove h
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
s i.l land viz :
Michael Doyle, R. E. Doyle, The Dalles Or
James M. Brown and t arl J. K. Carlson, uf Mo-'
sler, Or. ,
sp Ke istcr
Lan-u OrricB at The Dalles, 0, i
September 1J, WOO, j
Notico Is hereby given that the follnwliit
named settler has tiled notice of tier Intention
to make Until proof in support of hci claim, and
that said proof will be made hclnic the register
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, uu Wednes
day, October 21, UOO.TUt;
Elizsi K. Vlckers,
widow of Samuel J. Vlckers. deCessSS. of Mo
sier. Oregon. H. K. So. '.::" i rtheSUSWu
and HVa fWK reo 15. Tp 2 S, It 12 B, W. jf.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her i ontlnnous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz. ;
(corge Kenoe, of The Dalles. Oregon; James
M.lcr. Iaso Evans, Eric tlrunland, Mosh-r, Ur.
spl5 JAY P. Lt'i AS. Iteglster.
A I ) M I N 18 TR ATX ) 1 V N 0 TI0E.
In the County Court ot the State nl Oregon for
the County of v ... .
In the matter ot the estate of iruis Setiwi
bacber, deceased. Notice is hereby gi.en that
the undersigned has been duly a). pointed ad
ministrator, with the wilt annexed, of thi es
tate of LoulH Sch vvabacber, deceased. All per
sons having claims against the estate nf itld
diKsensed are hereby notllicd to present them,
duly verified, to the undersigned at his office la
ti e store-room of Kleischner, Mayer A Com
pany, In tbe City of Portland. Oregon, within
eix monttiB from the date hereof.
Hated thlt 17th day of October, 1900.
S II.OMOS 11 1 RSi il, Administrator.
Cotton, Teal ai Minos,
Attorneys for Administrator.
OCt2H St
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has duly filed with the county clerk of Wateo
county, Oregon, his final account and report aa
executor of the estate of Phoebe J.
ceased ; and that the honorable county court Baa
fixed Monday, the 5th day of November, 1000, it
in o'clock a. m. of said day as the time, and Ibe
county court room In the countv court house in
Dallea City, Wasco county, Oregon, as the place
for hearing said final account nud ri port.
All persona Interested In said estate are here
by notified to appear at said time nnd place and
show cull sc, if any there be, why said report
should not he approved and said executor du
charged. Dated this 2!'th day oftieritemls'r. 1:0.
Executor oi the estate ol Phoebe J. llnlnt,
deceased, e
that th- unilera'tiir-il
south OH feet to n point lu the original right of
wav line of the railioHil: thence solllhiiist ,iloinr
said oilglnal right oi wav line a dlstuiK f l-r, i Notice Is hereby given that tli - ti ii.lcra'gmo
feet to the place of beginning itslnlng I. el i has lioeiidiily appointed by tin r .will) courtoi
acres. the state of Oregon, for W asco county, mlmlnl
Tract live- II. ginning at a point on the orig- fiFrwmBi
inal tight ot way line of the rail: '. which ' .. , ",, , . ,.,,'
point ,s 21s feet west ami 11,0s ,,rth from I h?.-mi ih t i rop-r" voucher.
(32), tow nship three ( ,) north, range eleven (II)
ease Willamette .Meruiiari, nnd ..n toet distant
from mid mejisured at right angles to the re
vised center line: thenee on a curve to the left
having a radius of !:,; o ct parallel with and 50
feet distant from said rev sei center line a d!- i
tance of 77s feet to a point.on the original south
erly right of way line of the railroad ; thence
easterly and Mailheasterly along snld original
rigni oi way line a nistaucc tit ssi leet to tne
place of beginning, contain! ig .SK acres.
Tract si-; -Beginning at a polnton the estt
line of said section thirty-two (32). which point
is 1I0H fei t noith from the southeast corner of
said sirtinn thirty two, (M), township three ) i
north, range eleven ill) east Wiilaiintte Meri
dian, and CO feet dlsUint from and measured at !
right angles to the rev I led center line; Inence
on a course bearing north .7 degrees 35 minutes
west a distance of 2 leet to a is.lnt tn the orig
inal right of way Hue of t tn- railroad; thence
northwesterly along said original right of way
line a distance of 102 feet to a point which la fo
feet d istant from and measured at right augics
toine revised center line, thence ou a course
hearing south ., degrees 3 . minutes east paral
lel with and 50 feet distant fmni said revised
center line a distance of Ir.T feet to the east line
of said lot one (): thence south 120 feet hi the
place oi h. innlng, containing acics.
The five tracts of land which are above re !
terred to and the right to excav ate ami liorjow
earth, stone arid gravel and other material from
which Is sought to he appropriated herein are
parin many ileserlbcu ns tallows, to wit :
Tract 1 Prom that 'rat t lying southerly from
tract number one above mentioned and be I , R i3 r., M. ,., i prorf
on !. ,.f ., , j . . . . I ul.u .,...,. rhn fntlnu'l. C u. 1 is I , ...
therefor, to mc at my oitice in Bj)i urejau,
within six months from the dale hereof.
Dated September 21, Pull. .
kc 20 Administrator.
Notice Is herehv alv. n tloit ihe uiidersigien
have tiled with the clerk ol the eeimly eiinriia
the stateol Oregon for Wsteo cotintv.thtlr WM
ar-. mint as executors of the last will anil teatj
ment of Henry llarnum, ot-t-enscd, sna WF
Monday, the 4th day ol Novcmls r, iMO, M J"
hour of 10 o'clock a. in., bus I i nv"l '') ' ".
County I ouit for sal. I county Innc.ana
tbe county court nsmi iu Dalles ' ity
pTae for hearing nf objections to - id sr
count and the settlemenl of ihe uj'.
J. tt. KKKM H,
K, r .MAif.
I v. eaters.
Land Orncs at Tug
Sept. i i.i. ia
Notice I- hereby given thai the (.; " settler has died noil '"'M m 23
to make hnnl proof lu .upporl ' '"ier
that said ptool will b- made Is i.e. the K g'"
and Kccelver at The Halle.. " iuiln"
day, October 21, 1IJ0, Tl.
Janet I", sisaarl, of ' I m-
H. K. No. Ml, for the K', SE'. SE .(rNl qM
25. Tt.l S. R12E, iindhtt i' .' l,,p
I H 1 11 r W M
I way therein dcscilhcd and ! H"e iiaim a tne " ' . oniUvatS
ner eonii.iuoos iipihohbui'
of said land, til. : klemln'-
I, Ii V.d.on. V. V. Hilar- . loll"
Hsnlcl Mtcwart, all of ThelislNv
seplj JAY IN' "
Clothes that fit the man ami fit the
pocket-book at the New York Cash store.
J)K. E. E. r EHOOMW,
I'liysiciim and BvgaOB,
OfBce, Vogt Hlock (over Pottofficei,
20aimo-dw THE DALLE!, OHELON.
the original right of way line of the railroad and
nciwecii siaiion i; ;i pins of the revised eon
I tcr line of the railroad, and the south line of
said lot four (I), containing ,GH seres.
Tract two Also from that tract 25 feet in
I width I) Ing southerly from tract tiumtfr two
am! contiguous to llio rlallt of uav llinruln it..
I scrllssd and between Station 1X54 (10 and Station '
i.i .-.r ... oi in,, revised center line of the railroad.
I Tract three Also Irom that tract King In lots
two ci and thn e , i) ,.iig ls to ,i,i north
le.aterly from (he light of wav dcsorlL.-d lu
.tracts riinnl end Hirec and four and he c ween
stations l i.i and l lTll of the revlse.1 ccuti r line
of tne railroad, helng a triangular piece ii; feet
1 In width at said St'illon i::7(i and converging lo
a point st me intcrsisciinn of the orl-lual right
I of way line at Station lafii, containing 1 f,s
acret. "
Tract four Also from that tract 50 leet In
width lying southerly from tract number live
and contiguous to the right ol way therein dr
. i "''"' -n siarions i isi, ami l: i pin.
-2 . if the r.", l.ed cent,., ,. ,,( n, ,. railroad, con
talnlug ,f acres.
.uTr".''lnvS Al" ,r"m th,t tract lying between
the right nf way dcaerlla-d In tract iiumln i -I t
and the original right of way line of the railroad
and between station 1:19a ol the revised center
Hue of the railroad and the cast line of said
section thirty two (.1.), containing .05 seres.
All of said premises are altunted In lota L 2, 3
mi' I, sw tioii :, township 3 north, range II
cast Willamette Meridian.
Th dab' of the first publication of this sum
I",'"'" 1 Saturday, the .".1th day of Septemher
"to, and of the Ust publication Htturday. the
intli 1 day ,,f Novemher. won, and aald summons
-ha I l.e pobllshi'd '.11 -iilur.lay of each week f,.i
aald period.
iiI.hl,u?"',"'"u""J". P"bllh'tl by order of the
lion. W. I. Bradthaw, judge of the Seventh
T. A. Van Norden
1 .arid
Keepa coii'tontly on hand a la'g j,,,.
line .if all that la heat In '' '','rwsrft
lock .. M pec MOleS, Maid 1 1 la"'", VSSt
at prices that. Id y em ipelin ,,,,, M to with" "" ' 1 aiUf-'
graving ueally done.
Physician and Surireou,
.. ....... tt. st. arlvt'll 1 1 1
n kt H 1 iiii'-iinwii
1 m