WHO HAVE DESERTED bryah Ue KM. Oeaeral E. M. kosser, Virginia, ex-confederate. Sound money. Ex-Mayor A brim S. Hewitt, of New York, formerly Congressman. WanU table money system. Melville B. Ingall. President "Big Four" Railroad. WanU a continuance of prosperity and sound money. William R. Grace, exWlayor of New York, one of the leading merchants of America, bound money and expansion. Charles S. Falrchil J, New York, ex-Secretary of the Treasury under President Cleveland. For sound money. Oeoeral DanlM E. Sickles, soldier, ex-Congressman, New York. "The flag now floats, and will never cease to float, over the islands in the Atlantic and Pacific. No man will ever see It come down." Judge W. B. Mornblower, the eminent attorney. New York. Nominated for Supreme Court bench of the tailed states by President Cleve land. Afraid of bryanUra in all its branches. James M. Bock, United States District Attorney of Pennsylvania A man is of that party with which he sympathizes, whatever he may call himself. If, therefore, one believes In free silver and la hauling down the American flag In the Philippines, he Is a Democrat but if be believes In honest money and in the supremacy of the flag In our territorial possessions, he is a Republican. Between these I had no hesitation in choosing. I am no longer a Democrat ; I am a Republican. William T. Baker, leading business man, ex-President of Board of Trade, Chicago. Prosperity, sound money, and believes In supporting the administration. General E. S. Bragg, Wisconsin. No use foe Bryanlsm. General John Gill, of Baltimore, Md., president of the Mercantile Trust and Deposit company, and a well-known Democrat in that section ft " flow can sound money Democrats and reputable clt sen join In sup porting this candidate iBryanj? " Alonzo B. Colt, business man and late Colonel Fourth Ohio, which partici pated In the Porto Kico campaign. " I he flag will never be hauled down at dictation Irom foreign or domestic lose, nor will Us protection bo removed, if needed, by a manor woman, white, black or yellow, over whom It floats." Ex-Mayor E. B. Pond of San Francisco. Democratic candidate for Governor of California, ISVO. Sound money and expansion. Roswell Miller, chairman of the board of directors, Chicago, Milwaukee, ft St. Paul Railroad. "If Bryan were elected there would be woeful times in this country." UTAH SILVER REPUBLICANS ARE SUPPORTING McKINLEY B. tt. CALLISTER. Chalrvaaa Republican 5tt Central Committee. 5alt September I. ISOOt Heber M. Walla Governor 0. J. Salisbury National Corruuittedniaa Clarence E. Allen Ex-Congre4aian W. H. Dickson Ex-Prosecuting Attorney , John J. Daly Bryan Elector 196 , Tliomaa Kearna President Silver King Mining Company George M. Cannon Ex-Chairman Republican State Committee.. William Glassman Editor Ogdeu Standard P. H. Lannan Manager Salt Lake Tribune C. C (ioodiu Editor Salt Lake Tribune. George Sutherland Ex -State Senator David Keith Director Silver King Mining Company James Iver Director Silver King Mining Company Ed. Loote Manager Grand Central Mining Company.... M. H. Walker President Walker Brothera Bank Eira Thompson Mayor ; Joseph Lippman Chairman Rep. State Silver Committee 1896... D. N. Straup Attorney J. M. Bowman Attorney J. 0. Lynch Mining Broker. , Henry KnolL Mining Broker , W. F. Jamas.. ............ .... Mine Owner Charles Read Mine Owner , , Lieutenant John Q. Cannon , Charles S. Burton Assistant Cashier State Bank , Alfred Beeier Charles Bishop. ,. Cuptaiu Frank Jennings Colonel KepJii W.Clayton , John Scoweruft Wholesale Merchant L S. Hilla President Deseret National Bank T. G. Webber.. Superintendent Z. C. M. I Joseph E. Caine Cashier Utah Commercial and Savings Bank, John Clark . Ex-Mayor Salt Lake City Lake City, Utah, ...Salt Lake City ..Salt Lake City ...Salt Lake City ...Salt Lake City ...Salt Lake City ...Salt Lake City ...Suit Lake City Ogdea ...Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City Provo .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City Kays villa Kaysville .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City Ogden .Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City Salt Lake City .Salt Lake City Bushrode Wilcox, German Demo cratic Farmer, tana, III. I have never voted the Republican ticket in my lite, but, wuu my Jour sons, who have al ways been Democrats, 1 will vote fur Mckiniey thin fall. William Bowerdock, cattle shipper, Christian County, Illinois. I have re nounced Bryanism and the Democratic party and intend to take the stump lor the whole Kepubllcau ticket. Owen Scott, Decatur, I1L, ex-Democratic Congressman, Bloomington Dis trict. I supyorled General Palmer four years ago, but as a Gold Demo crat. The only course open to me this year Is to vote for McKlnley. tailor Donald of the Volkablatt, hock Island, III. I have been a Demo crat for years and worked hard for Bryan In 181)6. 1 was one ot the speak ers at the pro-Boer mass meeting In Chicago last spring. I have given the questions involved in this campaign careful thought and will support Mc Klnley and the whole Republican ticket. Itr. Jules Kohl, prominent surgeon, ex-member State Board of Health un der Altgeld, St. Clair County, Illinois. I am opposed to 16 to 1 and the cry about militarism. George Crosby, Belleville, I1L, farm er. I am opposed to the socialistic tendencies ot the Democratic party. Louis Koniz, T. Buettner, Conrad Witte, Ralph Martin, all of Chicago and all German Democrats. We are for McKlnley because he la opposed to IS to 1. Carl Zwanzig, owner of the Volks JBlatt, Ottawa, 111. I am In favor of expansion. Judge George W. Wall, Duquoln, 111., former Judge of the Appellate Court ot the Third Judicial District, and two Qua. We cannot stand for the money Blank of Bryanlsm. William K. Murphy, Plnckneyvllle, 111., ex-State Senator, former lnternal reveuue collector, Cairo District, under Cleveland. I am opposed to the money plank of the Democratic platform. Marshall J. Browning, Sparta, 111., col operator. The money plank of Bryanlsm is not to my belief. James IS. Miller, Lincoln, 111., prom inent lawyer. I am bitterly against free silver and strongly In favor of the continuance ot the McKnley admin istration. Edward Willasey, Kansas, Edgar County, in., prominent Jewish mer chant, I am against free silver, race favoritism in the gubernatorial cam paign, and for McKlnley's protective administration. W. L. Mitchell, Chicago, 111., map publisher. I Lave voted for nine Dem ocratic Presidential candidates, but cannot vote for Bryanlsm, anarchism, oclalistu, Populism or 16 to 1. R. V. Helm, Murdoek, 111. I Toted for Dryan In 1896, but Democracy no 'oiiRer has any charms for me. Ulck Damon, Hancock County, Illi nois, stock dealer. It is better to be a Patriot than a partisan, and I can no longer follow the precepts of a party that always goes "agin" the govern JJ"nt. McKlnley's foreign policy Is correct one, and I, with my two on, win vote for him. c- P. Elders, Cartervllle, III. I otcd for Uryan In 1896, but am lalnst him now, and have acceptod Jj Presidency of the McKlnley-Yates Uuo at Cartervllle. Patrick J. White. Pana, 111., proml ot IrlHh-American. I never voted i Republican ticket In my life, ""ther did ,ny father but this time whole family, consisting of four on, my father and myself, will vote JM straight Republican ticket from ,0P to bottom. lnCha,rle!l Fowler, Watseka, 111., Ufe- p.,g "'niocrat and four years ago a siimr man. I have always been a """Krai, but I want good, honest "oy. the stars and stripes to be "intnlnni, the wheels of prosperity in. ,p wll'rllng round, and our labor- elus,.,, t0 hllv, pIfnty of work. 'w McKlnley ' fUmll' 1 "m threfor 0. P. Arthur, Aledo, 111., life-long Democrat, former publisher of the Democratic organ of Mercer County. I am for the Republican ticket. I have Just returned from Colorado, where I edited a Democratic paper for three years. McKlnley will carry Colorado, the slump from Democracy being very heavy. W. S. ' Campbell, Springfield, 111. former Assistant Adjutant-General un der Altgeld. We have organized a R publican club with 100 charter mem' bers, all former Democrats, of which I am secretary. There are 1,600 Brit' lsh-Americana In Sangamon County, and 90 per cent of them will vote the Republican ticket this fall. Jesse H. Donnell, Moweaqua, 111. have always been a Democrat, but I am for McKlnley and Yates, and know of twenty Democratic friends and neighbors who have also changed Logan Combs, Marlon County, Illi nois, sheep raiser, life-long Democrat. In 1896 I received 11 cents per pound for my wool, while In 1900 I received 22 cents for it, so why should I not support McKlnley when it is of such great advantage to the farmers to do so? Chris Schaeffer, Salem, 111., old sol ! dler, life-long Democrat The McKln ley policy is the only true American policy. James Foster, elected Constable on the Democratic ticket at Salem, 111., two years ago. I have always been a Democrat, but will this year support McKlnley. Clem Greene, Samuel Smith, promi nent farmers, Onarga, Marion County, 111. We were supporters of Bryan in 1896, but are for McKlnley and the en tire Republican ticket this year be cause ot the good McKlnley times. Charles Mittsollbrook, farmer, Saline County, Illinois. I am a Democrat, but the times are good enough tor me and I do not desire a change, Ex-Judge John L. Hunt, leader of the Democratic silver forces ot Geors:la and the originator of the state sliver conventions in 1896, which anticipated and controlled the action of the Democratic State Convention, has come out In violent opposition to the present campaign of William Jen nines Bryan for the presidency. Ex pansion and national honor are the reasons. Dr. C. W. Matthews, physician, Cass County, 111. E. Ellery Anderson, New York. Sound money. William J. Jordon, banker central Illinois, and a leading Democrat. John A. Gillespie, farmer, Keyes port, 111. Prosperity. W. 8. Wilson, former Superintend ent of the Illinois Central at Plnck neyvllle, 111. J. L. James, Superintendent of the County Home, Salem, 111. O. A. James, Salem, III. George Tuhbs, Salom, IIL J. T. Davis, Salem, 111. Henry Vursella, Salem, III. John J. Hopkins, former Democratic Supervisor, Salem, 111. R. S. Hopkins, Salem, 111. C. E. Minor, Omega, 111. Thomas M. Smith, Salem, 111. E. H. Boyd and sons, Klnmundy, 111. a! F. Tibbotts of Newgayo, Mich., who ran for Congress In 1896, declares that he Is an expansionist and that he leaves the Democratic party because of Its unpatriotic attitude and Its Incon sistency upon trusts and other Issues. Richard Wedeklnd, twice Mayor of Raymond. III. Prosperity. A II Provlnes, Populist, Henlds btirg Cal. Favors expansion and tip holding authority In the Philippines. Captain A. L. Dok'ambre, of Mount wi-..J. m v a well-known Democrat nf Westchester County, has announced that he cannot support Bryan and the Kansas City platform. Captain 11 cambre hss a son who served In Cuba with the 71st Keeiment. He believes In expansion and li letting the flag fly In the I'ullippinea. Hamhlcton A Co., bankers, more, Md. No tree silver. COLORADO SILVER MEN WHO SUPPORT McKINLEY A. B. SEAriAN, Chairman. W. H. BRISBANE. Secretary. Denver, Colo redo, August 31, 1900: A. M. Stevenson .... J. M. Downing F. C. Gou.lv J. W. Rockafellow... C. H. Brickenstein.. . Judge Hart A. J. Vivian D. H. Moffat Irving Hubert I. N. Stevens Crawford Hill E. B. Coe T. 8. Mc Murray J. B. Beltord Charles D. Hayt W. S. Strattou J. F. Bums W. N. Dixon Q. Q. Richmond Jud Brnsa Vi a, Scott Lee , C.C. Bolhrook , John L. Routt O. E. Rose-Lewly..., Dr. D. H. Dugan Rev. Thomas Czzall . E. B. Fields Rodney Curtis .. C. B. Kounts Dennis Skeedy , W. H. James Dr. 1 E. Lemea O. E. LeFevre Willard Ames Late State Chairman Teller Silver Republican Committee Aspen Denver Gunnison v. Alamosa Pueblo Greeley President First National Bank Denver Capitalist and Ex-rliairmnn Ren. Stnts Central Committee Chairman National Silver Republican Parly Proprietor Denver Republican Denver Manager Denver Times Denver Ex-Maynr Denver Ex-coogresstnan Denver Ex-member Supreme Court Denver Capitalist Colorado Spring Capitalist Colorado Springs ...... .District Judge Pueblo Ex-District Jud;e Cripple Creek .......Ex-Llouteuant Governor Greeley Ex-Mayor Denver District Judge Alamosa Ex.Governor Denver Vice-President First National Bank Denver Cashier National Bunk of Commerce Denver Methodist Clergyman Denver President Telephone Co Denver President Denver Tramway Co Denver President Colorado Notional Bank Denver President Glob Smelter .'Denver General Manager Omaha and Grant Smelter Denver General Surgeon Union Pacific Railway Denver District Judg Denver Ex'Assessor Arapahoe County Denver E. F. Dnulevy Clerk District Court Denver Wolf Londoner Merchant Deuver Walter S. Cheesetr.an President Denver Union Water Co v Denver I. H. CI eg born Ex-Warden Penitentiary Pueblo T. M. Bo wen Ex-United State Senator ..Fneblo W. G. Smith. Ex-Lieutenant Governor Golden Geo. Kephart , Durango E. M. Sabin Lawyer Idaho Spring Elmer W. Merritt Ex-State Senator Denver Paul J. Sours Ex-State Senator Deuver J. 8. Wolf Ex-Internal Revenue Collector ' Frank Kratzer..... City Clerk Denver Harry Mulnix. Ex-State Treasurer Maxcy Tabor Managor Brown Palace Hotel Denver VluJ. E. B. Hurlburt Ex-Speaker Colorado House Representatives Denver Simon Guggenheim Smelter Owner W. A. Smith Ex-Warden Penitentiary Otto Mears Capitalist Henry Gebhart President Colorado Packing A Provision Co Charles Kibler Stove Manufacturer I. E. Barnum. Judge E. Monasb Merchant John D. Flemming Lawyer Frank Church Ex-County Treasurer E. Bromley State Senator J. C. ElwelL, Ex-District Judge Tueblo A. Sutton. Cashier First National Bank Colorado Springs F. O. Roof. Wnlenburg Ed. F. Brown Cripple Creek O. K. Gaymon Ex-State Senator Breckenridge J. W. Boaman. Sheriff Pueblo J. C. Trombly Ex-County Commissioner Brighton J. W. MeCreery Ex-State Senator ,' Greeley J. M. Freeman Ex-Slate Senator Greeley E. J. Eaton. Ex-County Clork ....Colorado Springs W. G. Evans Deuver Tramway Co Deuver J. C. Plumb Ex-County Commissioner Colorado Spring D. R. C. Brown Banker and Capitalist Aspen J. H. Fesler Ex-State Treasurer Richard Broad. Ex-Chairman Silver Republican Committee ' WYOMING VOTERS WHO HAVE ' RETURNED TO McKINLEY Hon. J. M. Wilson Sheep Business Douglas, Wye Hon. Timothy Kinney Sheep Business Rock Springs, Wyo Hon. Melvin Nichols (Suiorted Bryan on Silver Issue, wns formerly a Kepubllcau) Sundance, Wyo Hon. A. D. Chamberlain. Prosperity Donglas, Wyo Hon. John Beckwith Prosperity Evnnston, Wyo Silas Guthrie Sheep Business Muorcroft, Wyo William Daley Sheep Business Rawlins, Wyo Thomas Painter Prosperity Evunxton, Wyo A. M. Bunce Sheep Business Lander, Wyo Hon. John McDermott Sheep Business tileudo, Wyo A. W. Phillip Prosperity Douglas, Wyo Hon. D. A. Kingsbury Prosperity Buffalo, Wyo Thoma Reed Prosperity ....Cheyenne, Wyo W.W.Crook, M. D Prosperity Cheyenne, Wyo John Cahill Prosperity Cheyenne, Wyo Frank Bon Prosperity Cheyoune, Wyo Baltl- a a ITnrner Phllnrlplnh In. Pa., man ager of the Bed Rock Dredging Co. Bryan's election would unsettle business. H. H. Grace of Wisconsin, Demo cratic candidate for Mayor of West Su perior two years ago. Frank Jones, a leading Democrat of New Hampshire and a large con tributor to Democratic campaign funds. Th iinv. P. M. NvBtrom of Iowa. who stumped among the Swedes In South Dakota and Webraana tour years ago. nnt T r. Wear. Ponlar Bluff. Mo.. Drominerrt for years In Missouri Dem ocratic politics. nn li N. Mclntvre. former Attor ney-General ot Missouri and an ex Confederate soldier. nn fha Massachusetts list are: Charles Francis Adams, AIpheu3 S. Hardy; John T. vvneeourgn, tormer manager of Governor Russell's cam-nni,rn- llenrv W. Lamb. President of the New England Free Trade League; harles A. Lonurd, once a Democratic undldate for Congress, rrnl. R. E. Anderson of Hannibal. Mo., a life-long Democrat. Wants the American flag to stay where It is. in mo Nolan, farmer. 72 Tears of sge, Old Jtipiey iownsnip, uonu County, Illinois. "Under the last Dem ocratic administration I fed two or three tramps every day and sometimes even more than that. Now I have not seen a tramp since the Democrats went out of power, and If you fellows are smart enough to keep the trsmps away I'm going with you this time." Twenty-seven members of the Nich ols family, Burlington Junction, Mo. A. R. Haughawout, Webb City, Mo. Sound money. John T. Grow, prominent attorney, New York. "I shall not support Wil liam J. Bryan this Presidential year, nor can ' I in any respect sustain the declaration of antl-imperlaJIsm, antl expanslon and anti-militarism, con tained In the Bryan Kansas City Dem ocratic platform; they are bogles to frighten the timid voters." George W. Rutherford, Populist, Sa lem, HI. Is convinced that America docs not need 45-cent dollars. Col. M. M. Price. Populist, Woon socket, S. D. Prosperity. Frank Klmler, Iroy, 111., a life long Democrat. Prosperity and na tional honor. Thomas M. Smith, grain and Imple ment dealer, Klnmundy, 111. McKln ley's election is for the -best Interests ot the people. General Ferdinand C. Latrobe, old line Democrat, Baltimore, Md. Served several terms as Mayor of the city. No u; for Bryanlsm. Gustav H. Schwab, agent North Ger man Lloyd Steamship Company, New York. Sound money. Judge K. P. Wheeler, New York. Sound money. Judge W. H. Peckham, New York. Sound money. Henry Apthorp, Ashtabula, O., and formerly Democratlo railroad commis sioner and member ot the Ohio legisla ture. Cannot stand the Kansas City platform. Resigned as a Democratic member ot the railroad board. MONTANA SILVER MEN ' ARE IN FAVOR OF EXPANSION Hon. Lee Mantle (Keasous given in Hon. J. E. Kicards.... Hon. W. H. Sweet W. McC. Whit. Col.C. F. Lloyd Col. Byron H. Cook.., Malcolm Ulllis. Hon. A. F. Bray Col. P. R. Dolman.... Eugene Carroll M. L. Holland Charles Lyford J. R. Thompson J. Chauviu Savin Lisa C. W. Klliugwood D. J. Uirard B. F. Plummer Cot J. D. Jeuks SilaaF. King Charles Mattison Charles M. Parr tieorge Haldorn ...... Miles Cavauagh B. N. Beetle Henry C. Smith A. J. Seligmnn Hon. F. J. Edwards... Carl Hatch A. M. Hotter W. R. Logan J. E. Morse A. J. Bennett. Elmer Metcalf Hon. D. J. Tallaut.... Joseph M. Dixon. Ex. U. S. Senator and Ch'rmaa of til Rep. State Com.. ..Butt his proclamation disbandiug the Silver Republican party of Itoutaoa.) Ex-Governor Butt Ex-Speaker Montana House of Representatives Butt Chairman Silver Bow County Silvar Rep. Committee..... butt Lt CoL Sd Vol. Cavalry, Griggsby's Regiment. Butt Lieutenant Colonel 1st Montana Volunteers Butt Chairman Silver Bow Couuty Republican Committee. ...Butte Merchant and Ex-Member Montana Legislature Ex-Trustee of Moutaua Soldier Home Superintendent Butte City Water Works. Ex-Assessor Silver Bow Couuty Republican Nominee for Assessor Silver Bow Couuty. Miuiug Broker Merchant ........Merchant , Merchant Merchant Stationary Engineer Contractor , Capitalist , Attorney Attorney Attorney M Attorney ..Clerk Judg District Court Ex-Member Moutana Legislature .... Mayor of Helena Attorney Merchaut, Miner and Capitalist Ex-Agent Blackfoot Indian Banker Banker Ranchman Ex-Member Montana Legislature ..Butt ..Butt ..Butt ..Butt ..Butte Butt ... Butte Butt Butt Butt butt Butt Lutte Butt Buu Butt , Hutu, . Butt Helena ' New York Heleua Heleua lieleua Heluua Dillon Virgiuia City bluveusviile liieal Falls Nominee for Legislature Missoula General reasons for non-support of Bryan by the above named are opposition to hi populistie teudeucios and his autt-expansiou ideas. W. W. Bryan, Populist and farmer. waco, mo., a distant relative ot vvii liam Jennings Bryan. Prosperity. John Barkiey, Populist, Suiithneld, Mo. Expansion. W." W. McDowell, Populist, Smith- neid, Mo. Expansion. John Lochiu, road commissioner. Carl Junction, Mo. Prosperity. Judge J. P. de Mattos, New What com, Wash., formerly Mayor and mem bcr ot the legislature. Expansion auJ prosperity. L. J. Callinan, Michigan. All of Mr Bryan's preuictionj of isyti were false. He has opened a beuoud battle on prosperity. Uundlach family, about 30 votes. Behuville, 111. Samuel Brown, farmer, Old Ripley Township, Bond County, 111. Prosperity. Richard A. Montgomery, a promi nent attorney ot Luusiug, Mich., has come over to the Kepuullcuu party since four years ago, and was a dele gate to the Alieui;;uu state convention. Hon. Allen B. Morse, ot Ionia, Mich., who was a Gold-Democrat in 'at, is an out-and-out MuKiuley man now and will make speeches for McKlnley dur ing the campaign. Morse was formerly Chief Justice of the Michigun Supreme Court, having been elected as a Dem ocrat, and in l&H'i was the Democratic candidate tor Governor. Charles H. O'Donald, of Clare, Mich., a prominent shingle manufacturer, supported Bryan four years ago, but now says that the Republicans have demonstrated the truth ot their claims In 1896, and that he wants no change; so will vote for McKlnley. Captain John W. Toler, Carbondale, 111., postmaster under President Cleve land. B. A. Jamison, of Sensmount, Md., Democratic candidate for Congress In the Fifth Maryland District in 1896. "Bryan's evasion of the money ques tion convinces me that either he has ceased to believe In 16 to 1, or elso is afraid to preach that doctrine be cause of the belief that it would hurt his chances of election. My confidence in him as a leader and as a sincere man is gone." Hon. T. C. Early, prominent lawyer and old-line Democrat, Cripple Creek, Colo. "President McKlnley's eminent services as a soldier, statesman and President of the United States com mend him most favorably to the people and a change would create panic aud work disaster.." S. S. Blum, merchant, Deadwood. S. D. "I voted for Bryan In 1896. He made us believe this free silver remedy was the proper thing for the bad times. Well, we have had splendid times since McKlnley was elected, and I have come to believe that Mr. Bryan Is an unscrupulous politician, ambitious for bis personal ends and nothing else." General W. H. Hardin, Owensboro, Ky. Will support the Republican can didate for Governor. Goebellsm. John A. Gillesnle, farmer. Kcyes- port, III. Prosperity. Joseph Morwltz, president of the German Democrat Publishing Com pany, of Philadelphia. "From the Information I have been able to ob tain as to the attitude of the German Americans in New York, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Louis, all centers In which not only their votes, but their nfluence will be very strong and pos sibly decisive, I believe that It Is overwhelmingly against Bryan." W. C. Stripling, a dry goods mer chant of Fort Worth, Tex. "Bryan Is pledged to free silver, but nobody in our country believes he will touch It, and few want It." Judge W. W. Gatewood, Carlsbad, N. M. Favors expansion. Imperial ism Is a bug-a-boo. Wants sound money. Colonel Gentry, member of the staff of the Democratic Governor of Ken tucky. McKlnley's administration ha been a success. John W. Sullivan, member of the Democratic couuty central coaimitlee, ban Jose, Cal. "We have been silling tor lilty years on the extreme western eute ot American commercial and gen eral business development. We have felt the eiiect llieieof in a slow rate of growth aud a minor inriueuee iu tne councils of the L'uion. U is a no torious fact that Calaoritia bus been rateu as 'small potatoes aud few in the bill' in the busy Euot. Pucilic aud Oriental Expansion will chauge all that. It Is the interest of every Cali toinian, of wbatever political taith, to stand in with the policy of Pacinc aud Oriental Expansion. And 1 very much mistake the temper of our people it they do not take thut view ot the case." Police Judge Frank Freer, Fort S m an. Ark. "I don't like Bryan's pol icy. As tor those islands over there, we ve got 'em and ouglii to keep 'em. Yes, gentlemen, if I were a yom.g mui I d vole the Repubiicuu ticKet." ll;us since said he "leu like a young man." James E. Miller, prominent attorney Lincoln, 111., formerly master In chau cery under Democratic regime. Wauia no change of policy at home or abroad. Louis H. Li eker, prominent Demo crat of St. Charles, Alo. "The mo ment the Democratic party condemned President McKiniey lor what Its lead ers style his 'imperialistic' policy, tbat moment I decided that they ceased to be tair-minued and patriotic citizens." U L. Kubel, of BiiUiSelord at Co- stove founders, Louisville. Ky. ob jects to' the control of the minority uuimtiaiiB wno ruie iy uoeoeiism. Wilton Alperson, stiver mine owner. Spokane, Wush.. The free silver senti ment of Washington has been on it deathbed for four years. We know what expansion is to the Paciiic coast. and we are for it." Charletant Lewis, editor New York Evening Post. Is an anti-expanslouist, but will vote for McKlnley ou the money issue. The GrabeukrucKtr family. 12 votea. Nashville, 111. Sound money. J. W. Hanlord, formerly a traveling; man, at pieotnt merchant, Carboudalo, in. Judge W. P. Lightfoot. police Justice, Carbondale, ill. Edward K. Porter, druggist and schoolmaster of Bryan. Caioonduio. HI. Charles Thomas, blacksmith, Car bondale, 111. J. H. Thomas, ex-Collector of the Tort, Annapolis, Md. Opposed to 16 to 1. C. F. Gu nther, ex-altlermnn and prominent candy manufacturer, Chi cago. Let well enough alone. The people are buying quantities of luxu ries they could not formerly afford. J. L. Babler, El Dorado Sprlug. Mo., old-line Democrat. "The gold standard has bad the opposite effect from what Bryan predicted. Every body Is prosperous." R. Mabry, Altamont, 111. Prosperity and axainst "Isms." William Soaps, Altamont, 111. Pros perity. Judge J. C. Mitchell, leading attor ney, Ottuniwa. 111. For expansion. Says, "Imperialism T It Is rhetorical babel sheet-iron thunder, noisy, but not dangerous." John W. Overstreet, attorney, Ma con, Ga. Sound money. J. W. Ilaugh, ageut Adnms Express Co., Mt. Vernon, III. Prosperity. Harry Bramble, late sergeant Co. It, Forty-second United Slates Volun teers, Watertown, S. D. Expansion 13 sue. John L. Hopkins, merchant. Carter, III. Prosperity. Geo. W. Tubbs, Salem, 111. Horace F. Temple, proprietor Re publican, West Chester, Pa. W. R. Curran, county Judge, rckln, III. Prof. S. 8. Hsmlll, Bryan's teacher ot elocution, Salem, I1L