THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1900. PiiOfclUX'S SUMMER BEDROOM. Am AtlMH Coatrlvaar to lacrraaa the Vo.alblllli- ol UettlBgf a, Little Mrrp. The cottonwooiU have shed their caterpillars; there hus been a tliuuts.'r Ktorni; mesqiiite wood luis fallen in price; Indians are selling low uinl ar rows; the rose unci the oleumur nav long iM-en out; oranges are in bloom the umbrella tree is putting out it leaves; lust summers suit has bee cleaned and pressed; the small boy ha jrone swimming in the canal; the wise iiinn stays up nij-'hta and steals irri(.ra tion water from his neighbors; alfalfa is most ready to cut; strawberries bav been shipped; mulberries are nearl ripe; summer will soon be here, an the Phoenix summer bedroom will soon be a necessity, say the Arizon Graphic. 1'hoenix sleeps out of door in th summer, and the bedroom is born of that necessity. It is on stilts, is built of wire screen of fine mesh, for the Phoenix mosquito is microscopic size. It is furnished, according to th taste of the occupant, with interior curtains, to keep out the morning: sun the gaze of the curious andi the sand storm. The bed is- a cot of canvas or woven wire, covered perhaps with a sheet but even a sheet feels like a' feathe betl on a 1'hoenix mi in me r night. Th bed coverinjr is the roof of the bed room and careless folks who consult their comfort oDly don't wear night shirt. Phoenix is proud of its climate dur ing- eight mouths of the year, but it doesn't talk much in public about it midsummer. It is a right warm da when the government weather burea doesn't know what the sun tempera ture Is, and is unable to determine it and that is how hot it gt'ts in Phoenix. I called on Observer lltirns one da last July and- asked him what the "of ficial" temperature was in the sun He said he did not know, and that the government couldn't afford to ex pertinent to that end. lie said he had attempted to catch the sun tempera' ture during- the summer of 159K, one had broken a three-dollnr thermom eter in the attempt. To please mv curiosity he hung- a thermometer it the sun, watched it until it registered 136 rtegretys, and then took it in, fear ing- it would break. Ihe dryness of the atmosphere re lieves this great heat of any ter rors to all living things except womet and cats. a saying- in Phoenb that in summer women and cats ur nervously prostrated, while men anc dogs thrive and prow fat. There is luxury in quenching one's thirst dur ing the summer heat that is pjssiblt nowhere this side of the hereafter, anc nothing" will quench it so well as ollt water. The average mortal can d.rinl a gallon of water per day during the heated time, and apparently every droj of it comes out through the pores of th skin. . A r PEOPLE EAT TOO MUCH. Starvation Is Sacceaalally I'.ed as Care for Many by a ' Philadelphia Physician. A Philadelphia physician of note, Dr, Edward H. Dewey, claims to cure all sorts of diseases by starving his pa tients. The brain, says this practi tioner, never loses weight in eiUier tickuees or starvation. Usually the mind remains clear when the body has wasted away. The head is the power house of the body. The stomach is run by brain power. When the stom ach does too much, work it makes too great a demand upon the brain. ror more than 20 years, writes this doctor, "I have permitted my sick to .do whhout food so long as there was no desire for it. Not a mouthful was enforced in an- case, not on mouthful denied on the first hint of hunger. "In this I have had all the medical textbooks and the entire medical pro- lefsion as authority unquestioned against me. That food is needed to sustain. -the strength of the sick has never been a matter of question with the medical profession. "Many of my sick have gone for more than a month without food. One very sick, in bed for more than a month with acute rheumatism, waa able to wa.k about the room on the forty-sixth uay before the first food was taken Another patient, a woman, of 57, went until the forty-third day before she uroKe ner last, and without any omis sion or her ordinary dutitw A dis eased stomnch was cured is the result ana now, after five years, there has been no return of the trouble." Physicians are pretty generally agreed that- Americans tat too much especially too much meat. The no breakfast habit may not be so very silly after all. With Mallclona Intent. Mrs. Gibb I have just been reading an item to the effect that-o member of the German parliament once talked 42 hours without stopping. Do you be lieve that to be true? Mr. Gibb To be sure I do. "Then it must be the longest contin uous performance of that kind on rec ord, isn't it?" "Possibly the longest on record, but there have been private performances that, throw that completely in the shade. Why, I know a woman w ho has talked let me see, dear. Jlow long have we been married?" Richmond Dispatch. Why pay 1.75 per gallon for Inferior paints when oa can bay James E. J Patton'f inn proof paints for 1.50per gallon, guaranteed for 5 yean. Clark & Vm'.k, agent. ml Too largest and most complete lino of fall and Inter millinery ever displayed in the city at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors, Tbo pricet will tell tbetrKxis. CIGAR STUBS OF CRIMINALS. The Have a Generic Similarity Value as Clews ta Ihe Ua teellve. el According to Prof. Hans Gross, of Berlin, valuable clews toward the de tection of criminals may be obtained through an examination of cigar tips. Of course, this upplies to those who smoke cigars the tips of which they carelessly throw away in the street or elsewhere, says the London News. "If you pick up any tip," he says, "and examine it closely the chances are that you will be able to learn some thing as to the personality and socia position of the man who threw it away In the case of criminals the first point to be considered Is the manner in whic it was cut off from the cigar. If knife or any other Instrument wa used for this purpose, then this instru meat will doubtless be found on th criminal. If, on the other hand, it wa bit off with the teeth, a thorough ex animation of the tip will show what kind of .teeth were used for this pur pose. "A man with a row of even teeth will bite off the end of his cigar squarely and evenly, whereas one with jagged uneven teeth wiil bite it unevenly and in such a manner as to leave clearly visi ble the marks of his incisors. J'y com paring the marks on cigar tips with th teeth of suspected criminals prosecut ing officers and detectives will be abl toobtain much information which the could not possibly obtain any otbe way." , GIRLS NEVER PAY BETS. Expect the Men to Settle, Hot Are Oblivions of. Their Own Obligations. The man who makes a bet with a girl must expect to lose, whichever way things go. At the Washington park race course, saya the Chicago Chronicle thousands of pairs of gloves have been wagered this season, but the dealers have not profited except when the men have been the losers. One who has had a good daal of experience in betting with the fair sex said the other day: "I'd as soon expect diamonds to grow on trees as I would to have a girl pay a bet. They have queer notions about its being made in. fun, and not counting and all thnt. There's the bet I made with Lucy Jockman the time the house pnrty was going down to Jackson park. She said she d see the lake first, 1 said she wouldn't, and it was gloves to gloves, for we both needed them. Well. she was easy. All I hadi to do was to keep her talking about the time I knew the blue water line ought to heave in sight, and she didn't see at all. Then I said: 'Lucyi, there it is. Slayibe you think I got the gloves? Well, I didn't, Didn t expect to when I made the bet. But if the shoe had been on the other foot, mind you if I'd' been the loser I d have hod to pay up, of course. If I didn t, Lucy would have called me down round'y and I d never have heard the last of it." "Xo, sir," her brother soliloquized. "A man who makes a bet with a girl is sure to be swindled. He goes into it with'his eves onen. of course, but. he's swindled just the same. Never saw a fellow who didn't think the same way. Ask 'em." The only store it this city where the Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel ware ta sold. A little higher in price, but outlastf a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam led ware. BEWARE! i Other wares look like it, but thegenu ine has the name Btransky Steel Ware on each p iece. Do not be deceived First prize at It International Exhi bitions. Highest award at World i Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by the best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem lata for purity and durability it n cheapest because BEST, Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and old in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; U notaff ected by acid in fruits or vegetables will boil, stew, roast and bake without imparting flavor of previously cooked food and will last for years. We cau tion ths TrllWlC nirainrrt imitation Plays & Crowe SiaiaueaaasaaasamaaaBaamaaaajssaa psnar TIMS SCMSDULI. :! JJ 'KOM IUU.SS. OM Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fat Mall Worth. Omaha, Kan- Mall 12 26 p.m. ana City, i-t. Louis, 106 p in Chicago sad East. Atlantic Malt I-aks, Denver, Ft. 4:45 a. in. Express Worth. Omaha, Kan ana City, He. I.onls, Via Hunt Chicago and Etui. Iiigtou. Bpokane Walla Walla, Kpekane, Bpokant Mali Minneapolis, fct. Caul, Mail and iJ u 1 u t b, Milwaukee, and Express Chicago and Kaat, via. Express Spokane ad Hunting ton; also all points in J. 25 p. m Washington and East- 8:30. m era Oregon. 8 p.m. Fbom Pobtlsn 4 p.m. Ocean ftteamshiiiS. For fcan Francisco Every Five Pay. s p. m. 4 p. m Ex.Bunday Columbia Rv. Steamers., Ex.e)uui' ITo AtTowA aud Way t Saturday Landings. 1U p. m. 6a.m. WiLLaXETTi Rives. I:30p. m. Ei-eiuiidaylOrtgon City, Newberg, Ex.fcuuday j bak.-m h Way Lund a. i I 7 a. m, WlLlAMtTTS AND Yam-I B:30 p. m. Tuui.lhur. hill (mini. Mou.,Wed aud tint. Oregon City, Dayton, Slid Fri. aud Way-1. ending. SXAXE RlVXR. I.I1TI Lv P.tpnrla RIparia to l.ewlston. Lkwikton diitiy dnily 9:00 a. in Parties demrina: to eo to HepDner or point nn Columbia southern via tnouia take No. 2, leaving 1 ho Dulles at 12.40 n. iu. making diixf t connections at Heppner junction and Bikks. Returning maklngdireptconnectlon at tieppner junctum and Mugs itn o. l. sr riving at -j he 1'allea at 12:30 P-jn- ZJ For full particulars call on O. . N. Co.'s agent ihe tialJea. or addreas W. II. HCRLPTRT. Gen. Paa. Agt., Portland, Or SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Tralna leave The Dallea for Portland and vat auuions at : jo a. m. ana 3 p. m. Leave Portland.. .... 8:80a m ....12.30 am 7:00 p m 10.50 p m ' Albany ... Arrive Ashland 12:3:1 a m 11:30 am " Bacrnmrnto 00 pin " ban Francisco 7:46 pm 4;&5am 8:15a m Arrive Oirdon .. 6:45a m ... 9:00 a m . . 7 : o a in .. 7:45 a in 11:45 am 9:00 a m " Denver " Kansaa City. . . " Chicago 7:25 i 9:30 am Arrive Los Angeles ... .. l: :0pm . . 6:00 p m .. C:::0am ... 9:.r)5 a m .. 4:00 a ni .. 0:'.'5 a m .. 6:42 a in .12:43 pm 7:00 a m 6:00 p m 6;:i0 a m H11-H80 " Fort Worth " City ol Mexico . " Houaton ' New Orleans... " Washington.... " New York 9:55 a m 4:00 a in 6:25 p ni 6 42 am 12 4.1 p in Pullman and Tourist cars on hoth tralna. Chair cars 8acramentn to Often and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, 6t Louis, New Or leans ana n asnington. Connecting at Sun Franelnco with several steamship linea -for Honolulu, Jftpnn, China, -niiippiuua, central aua oouin AUiurica. See agent st The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Gcueral Passenger Agent, Port. and, Or " fc4rf- 50 YEARS' V "V EXPERIENCE Trace Marks Copyrights Ac. Anfoti pnrtln n nketrh nnd docriptoTi ma!' qiik-lcty ftsrtnln nnr opinion free if hut hrr a hirnntlon ta probnblr pntpntnblA. Coniiriurrt(,fc. tUimitrict)r Ofialent1f.L Ifmnhnnk on latnt 5cnt free. OWr-nt atzancj tor nocuniifr patents. Iii.t taken thrmith Munn A Cu. rcclr tp f rial notice t without chnrtto, ta the Scientific American. A brxnilfomoly llltintmtM wwllr, l.nrvent rtr- rnl'itioti of any ri?i:Mtl? 1"iirnui. Tvrnm, f3 Tr: four mmtbss $ byaJI newsfl.-nlerp. MUNN & Co.30'0' New York Uiancta umca. Oi V HU Waihiuuton, U. C FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNERALBANKING BCfclNEH Letters of Credit Issued available in ths Eastern States. Bik-ht Eichanss sod TeletrrsDliK Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Loolfl, Ban Francisco. Portland Ore iron, Heat tie Wash,, and various points In Oregon and Washington, Collections made at ail points on fav orable term. WH. MICHELL, -Undeitaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended tr promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local, 102. Iioa't ban It In, Joit wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Sdotcli remedy, and the pain is gone. Soid by Clarke A Falk. Floral lotion will care wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarks & Falk. Special values In Men and Boys cloth- iDg st the New York Cash t tors. QuiDBin FaoifiG Oo . v i -x. v NOTICE FOR PCBLICATIOX, Land Orrics at Ths Dallss. On., Ht-plnr.tH.-r 1 1, l'JOO. KMr 1 hereby given that tho lollowlng named tiler baa tlltl nolice ol her Intention to make Dual prnot in support ol ber claim, and that wid proof will be made before the Keguter and Kwelver at I he iBll, Oregon, on Wednes day, Ot-totr 24, 1!M), tu: Janes F. Stewart, ofTh Pallea, Or., H. K. So. KM, for the Y.K SK1 SE jr K K qr fee '25, Tp I N, K 12 E, aud oS qr S A qr tjee 30, Tp 1 S, K U K, t M. Sb numea the following wltnemei o prove her rouiiiiuoua rekldeuoe upon and eultivaiiou of aald land, iiz.: , . 1). L. N'elouu, K. F. 8har-. Jobo Fleming, Daniel Ktewatt, ail tit The lalles. aeplS JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Orrics at The Dalles, Ob., t septeniber, 10, h0. ( Notlcs Is hereby given that the following named aettler baa tiled notice ol his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that sidd proof will be made beforo the reglkter and receiver at The La!lei, Oregjn, on Salurday, October 30, UioO.v U.i Cnarles II. Matney, of The Dalles, Oregon, It. E. No. 509, for the 8 hf f K or and V hf bK qr, bee 12, Tp 1 8, K 11 E, W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: A. n, t ox, V, ;. r agan, t nar;ea irosson ana n. C. Clurk, all of The Dalles, Oregon. teplj JAV P. LUCAS, lugister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lano Orrics at Ths Dam.sp, Or., KeMember 10. KO) ( Notice la berebv given that the fullowiDg- nniiu-d ctller has filed notice ol bis Intention to make 11 mil proof lnupportuf his claim, and that axid proof will be made before the Kegistcr and Receiver at The Dalle", Oregon, on outitr day, October 20, l'JOO, vIa: Arrlioua S. Fox, of The Dalles, Oregon, H. E. No. 5151, for the S hf NV qr aud W hf MV qr, bee 12, Tp 1 8, K 11 , W. W. Ho names tho following wltnetses to prove his routinunus residence upon and cnnivuuon ol said ltiud, viz: I. C. Matncy, :. II. Matney, Chnrlcs Gosseu and W. C. Ciuik,all of Ibe Dailt-s, Oregon. sepl5 J.1Y P. l.l'CAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Land Orncg at Tuk Daileh, Orb., iout 2, moo. Notice Is hereby given that the following iiHmcd settler has filed notice of his intention tion to niiiko final proof In support of bis cl.iim, and tnnt said proof will be made be fore the regi.-ter and receiver at The Duller, Oregon, op eaturday, November 10, liWO, viz: Calvin .1. Dnnakln, of Mosier, Or., H. K. No, 5121, lor the SE qr, Sec 31, 1 i , K li l-., n. H. He names tne following witnesses to prove bit continuous residence upon, and cultivation of sain ianu viz: Michael Doyle. R. E. Doyle, The Dallea, Or. James M. Drown atd l arl J. E. Carbon, of Mo sier, or. JAl t LICA8, s29 Ke .isivr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orncs at Ths Dallss, Or., Oct, , luoo. Notice Is hereby given thnt the following named settler has hied notice of his Intention to make final prooi in BUpport of his clulm, and that said proof will be made before the reginer and receiver of the V. t. land nlllce at The Dallea, Or , on Saturday, Nov. lo, l'JOO, viz: Peter stoller, Jr , of The Dalles, Or., H. E. No. B4S7, for the W hf w qr and bis qr r. qr bee Ji, ip 2 N , U 14 IS W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultlvutiou or shiq lann, viz: John Dulrvniple. Fred Vlckinan. C. C Ene- list), J. K, Johnson, all of The Dalits, Or. octo jAi r. lucas, Kegister. Sale of Real Property. Notice Is bcrelfy given that under and by vlr tue of , an order dulv made and entered in the County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, on the 2Uth day of August., luO), the undersigned, ad ministrator with the will annexed, of the estate of Jonathan Juckson. deceased, will, from und af ler the 1st day of October, WOO, sell at private saie in me manner provided by law lor the sale of real property by executors and adininUtra tors, all the right, title and interest ol the said Jonathan Jnckson lit and to the following de- scnoea reni property, being lu Wasco County Oregon. to-Vlt; The NW'4 of the of section fifteen (15); the 8H of the 81-; andtlieS'fof the 8WJ4 of section twenty-two (22): ; the riYM of the bEti of section fifteen (15), the V.$ of the 1E! arid the NE of theHEJ of section twenty-two (22), the Eli of the NE'4 and the 6S of the NE! anc mo bi-.'4 ol me cr section twenty- seveu (27), nil in township our '4) aouth, range fourteen (14) east. W. M.: said sale to be for cash or upon credit in the manner provided bv niw lor me sale ol real property upon credit bv At.-uiora auu auiniuir iraKjrs. It. K. BAT.TMARBIIK. Administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate ol Jonathan Jucksoi:, deceased. sipl-li ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is heteSv ctven that IIia nnd has been duly appointod by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, adminis trator Of the IKtllU) of Klirulw-th A hilithfrii deceased. All ticrsons having claiina airalnst me esiaic oi tuio ueceasea are Hereby notified to present the same, with the Tinnier vriiifimri therelor, to me at my oltice In ilijd, Oregon, niiuiii bia nMiiHUB in,m ine uaie nereoi. iMiiea Bepteiniicr 24, 19U). C. II. SOUTHERN. Adiuinlstiator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, Notice IS herehV fi-tven that the tir,rlrRlnnu1 have tiled with tt.e Clerk of the comity court of the titateof Oregon for Wasco countv.thclr rtiiul senium as execuprs of ma last will and testa ment oi rienry itarnum, deceased, and that Monday, the 4th dayol November, won, at the ouroi luoriiK-i a. m., nas been Mxed by the "uuij .,iui t iiii iwtiii itouiiiv as ii e iiinn. mho the county court room in Lialli-a ( Itr ih. place for hearing of objecilona to a dd llnal ac count and the settlement of the same. J. W. KKENLII, F. I. MAVH, ep Executors. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given tint the undersigned has duly filed with the County Cieik of V asco County, Ongon, his final account and report as administrator of tlieei-tate of Adolph Agidlus deceaaed, and that Ihe Honorablo County Court has fixed Monda),the5th day ol Novemher, Hum, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the time, and the County Court room of Hie County Court house In liallesCliy, Wasco Counly, Oregon, aa the place for hearing said final account and re port. All persons interested In said estate are hereby notlm-d to appear at said time and place and show cause, II any there be, why said report should not be approved aud said administrator discharged, Dated this 5th day of October, I'lOO. ,,,.. . J. P. ACilDH'H, Administrator of thecstateof Adolph Agldlus, QCCfMMu, arffi Gkicho Lies Conperel USE Carbolineum : Avenarius The most efficient Wood Preserving ( Paint aleo a Uarllcnl Hnmedy against g f hicken Its application to in- ' aide, walla of piultry houses will per- ( manently cxirmlnal! all llr. Ke- i aulta- healthy chickens, p entv of " e. W lite for clrculara and prices. i .Mention this paper. . a Jos.T. Peters & Co., J TIIE DALLIS, OREGON. 4 1. w. acoas. JOHH SATIS 3I00KE & GAVIN, . "'lOKNKVg AT LAW Kooms i snd u, oyer U. 8. Und Office SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol the State ol Oregon for Wasco County. The Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Co., PlaiutifT, vs. John H. Koberg and Emma Koberg, his w ife: CharU-s H. Graham; John ;oe aud Kicbard Koe, wheec nanus ara uukaown. Defendants. To John H. Koborg, Emma Koberg, hla wife; Charlea H. tiraham; John lJo aud tticaard Koe, wboae names are unknown, Defendants: In the nam ol the 8tate of Oregon: You, and each of yon, are hereby notified that the Oregon Kailroad & Navigation Company baa filed a complaint against vou In the circuit (ourt of the f lute ol Oregon for the County of Wasco, and you are hereby required to appear and auawer si Id complaint on or before Ibe last day ol the Mine precrlbed by the order ol pub lication, that is to aay on or before Saturday, the 10th dar ol November, 1900, Vou are further notified that II you lail lo appear aud answer the complaint, or plead thereto, at said time, the plaintiff will cause your default to been tered and will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint: that la to say that an assessment ol the damage which will result Iroin the appropriation by the plaintiff of the six tracts of land first herelnait-r deicribed, and also from the appropriation by the plaintiff of the right to borrow eartb, atone, gravel and other uiateiial from the five tracts of laud here inafter described be bad, and that on payment of the dnmagea so assessed into the hands ol the clerk ol this court by the plaintiff, jadginent be given approprlating-snid pioperty,aud all of It, to the plaiutiff. The six tracts of land which are sought to be appropiiated heiein and which are above re ferred to, are particiilaily bounded aud de scribed as loiiows, to-wii: Tract One Beginning at a point In the easter ly original right of way line of the railroad, which point is liils feet north and 2oO feet east from the quarter corner between sections thirty one (.il) aud thirty-two (SJ), township three (S) north, range eleven (II) east Willamette llerldisu, and 50 feet distant Iroin and measured at right angles to the revised center Hue; thence soulh easierly or. a curve to the left, having a radius of 2242 feet a distance of 327 feet to a point which U i) feet distant from anil measured at right angles to the revisd center line, thence parallel wills snid revised center lino and 30 feet distant northerly tberefroin and on a course bearing south 60 degrees 61 minutes east a distance of 2:W feet to a point In the south line of said lot lour (I); thence west along said south lino a distance ol 20,3 feet to a point which is 5) leet distant from and measured at right anglea to the revised center line; thence north CO degrees 61 minutes west a distance of 00 feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right, haviug a radius of 28 12 feet a distance of '.W feet to a point In the original light of way line of the railroad, which point is 50 leet distant from and measured at right anglea to the revised center line; thence northwesterly along said original ritht of way line a distance of 2ots feet to the place of begin ning, continuing Mi acres. Tract two Beginning at a point 1320 feet eaxt and S70 left north irom tne quaiter corner be tween said sections imrty-one (oil ana iniriy- two (:f2), township three (;l) north, range eleven (11) east Willamette Meridian, which point is 50 feet distant from and measured at riitht angles to the revised center line of the rnllroan; thence, on a course bearing south 00 degress 51 minutes east, para'l 1 with and 50 feet distant southe' ly from said revised center line a distance of feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of l:KI feet a distance of :M) feet to a point on the southerly original right of way line ul the railroad; thence northwesterly along said original rig lit of way line a distance of 10U3 feet to a point on the west line of lot three (:i), section thirty-two CI2; thence south 10 feet to the place oi beginning, containing 1.2 acres Tract three Beginning at a point on the otlg lnal right of way line of the railroad, which point is 2 4)2 feet f ast from the quattcr c rner between sections thirty-one and thirty-two ;I2, township three 31 north, rango eleven 111 eut Willamette Meridian, thence east along the south line of lot three S, section tlilrly-two :!2 a distance ol 18 feet to a point which is 'i0 leet distant iroin ana measured n rii;nt angles ta tne revised center line; the ce on a course bear ing norm 41 degrees 40 minutes west a di -lance ol 220 feet to a point In the original right of wny lino of the railroad; thence southeasterly along said original rlnlit of way lino a distance of liM feet to tho place of b ginning, containing .Ori aciea. Tract four Beirlnnlne at a nolr.t on the otic lnal right of way line of the railroad, which point is '. feet west and 1'Jli feet north from the southesst corner of said section thirty-two (:i2), township three :!) north, range eleven (II) east Willauiitte Meridian; thence onaoourse bearing north Si. degrees 25 minutes west a dis tance of 210 feet toa point: thence on a curve to tho light having a radius of 3224 feet a distance of 51.1 feet to a point which Is 50 leet distant from aud measured at rlaht angles to the re vised center line: thence northerly at right nn- Rles to Ihe revised center line a distance of 10 leet to a point which Is W1 leet distant from nnd measured at light angles to the revised center line tnence on a curve to the rmiit havlne a radius of 1K50 feet a distance of 770 feet to a point; thence southwesterly at right auglui to the revised center line a distance of lo feet to s point which la i) feet distant from and meas ured at right angl to the revised center line: thence on a curve to the rlalit havlne a mditia oi inu reel a oistauce ol iu Icet lo a point on the westerly Hue ol lot two (.') said section thirty-two (:12). which point i 50 feet distant irom una measured at light ang'es to Ihe re vised center line of the railroad; thence due south ) feet to a point III the original right of way lincof the railroad: thence southeast nlona said oilglual rtuht of way line a distance of IM5 ict to tne place oi bes-iiming, coiitsinlng 1.04 Tract five-Bcelnnlna- at a nolnt on Ihe orl. lnal right ol way line of the railroad, which point is 21H feet west and lM leet north from 'he southeast corner of said section thirty two (32), township three (:?) north, range eleven (11) east Willamette Meridian, and 50 feet distant Irom and measured at right amrlea lo the re vised center line: thence on a curve to t lie left having a radius of l:fs.i feet parallel with aud 50 feet distant from said revised center line a dis tance of 77K fi-et to a mil n t on the orlo I mm I ih. erly right of way line of the railroad; thence easterly and southeasterly along said original right of way line a distance of MO feet lo the place of beginning, coutaiuCig .M acres. Tract six Besinnlni- at a nolnt on th it Ineof said section thirty-two (;!. which mint ItlM feet north from the sonilipuut said section thirty-two, (32), townhlp three () north, range eleven (II) east Willamette Meri dian, and 50 Icet distant Irom and measured at right angles to the revised center line; tneucc on a course bearing north 7 degrees 35 minutes west a distance of 62 feet to a point In the orig inal right of way line of tho rui'roail: II.imi,, I northwesterly along said orlaiual right of way line a distance of IU2 feet to a point which Is L0 fi-et d intaut from and measured at right sn(les to the revised center line; thence on a course bearing south 57 degrees 35 minutes east paral lel with and 50 leet distant from ,!,! ni,..l center line a distance of U,7 feet to the east line of said lot one (I); thence aoulli 121) Icet to the nice : rx-girinlus;, conlnlning ,ilaciea. The five tracts of land which aro above re ;rnil to and Ihe riant to 1-XCMVHte atifl h.ipsi,i -arth, stone and ara-el and miier mnirii r which la souaht to be appropriated herein ate particularly dusctibed as follows, to-wit: Tract I From that frnr t Ivlnv ,niii,pi i... tract nuniher one above mentioned and be tween tho right of way therein described and the original riaht of line ir ih...uii....H between Htatlon 13:19 plus K, of tho revised cen ,ei '!"."' '"r""rHid, and the south Una of our (i;, contitiniiig .on acres. Tract two Also from thwr trt nr. r....s i width lying southerly from tract nu in her two and contiguous to the rlaht ol way therein d scrlll ,) between rttatlon l:W-S) aud Hlatlon LI-nMIUol Hie revlsett center line of th. Tract Ihreo Also from that tsct i, i. i i.... two U) and thri-e (.'I coriiliriinna t.. .. esslerly Irom Ihe right ol way deaoilbcd in tracts nuui'ercd three snd lour and between Htatlons LMaiid :fi0l the revised center Hue ol the railroad, being a trlansular pli-e 2l' fwt In width at said Station 13,0 and converging lo """'"-' ion or tne orivinal right way Hue at Station 1:il. contnii.i... it. acres. " Tract four Also from ih.t ... ,j i . ildth Ijlng soiithielr Irom tract numtH-r live fid eoiitliriif him iik il,,, .ii....a ... I ii . . . . " wny iiierein lie- ' stf f 11 ' betwi'n Htatlons I.IHH and l.MI plua . .. - Vi, , ,,iiV ui me railroad, con. talnlng .05 acres. ' tJj?tr JVA'"0 jm" "t tract lying between th right of war di scrlbed In tract number l am l.e orlglnafrlghtol way line of Ih. mllj-o,,! at lb.-tw.-..nHtntl.. :M , Ih. revised center line of the railroad and the east line of ,,,1.1 section thirty two (.r.), containing .05 acres. All of tald premise am situated In Iota I, 2. a e:.lta.i;.rl;;.?,.,,',, " '- mTT iln!f ?f V" Publication of this snm- .)tl',?:.i''M,h" 'V Vol'; ahJ l ilT i m' r?11"' ''"".snd aald summon, laid prcal "" U""m "' "n Horil,w'UTlnu".,,! "'"llshc-l by order of the Hon. W. L. Uradshaw, judge ol th. Jullclal District of Otwns , and daled September 2?l.mka el "kt rniTAVT . H-r.-ciiNi!!, W. U. WILSOV.' Attorneys for n,,, Summons. In the Circuit Courtol the St.i... W.scoCounty: ' 8ta,eo' Otejo, Ius opeichlnger, Plaintiff, vs. Henry Speichitiger, Defendant In the name of the State of Oreron tbe complaint filed against joTl,,K,n' entitled auu on or before the J, b,"". lime prescribed in the order for t hZ J? 'H. of Ibis summons, to-wlt,on or be oV??lM,,' uLve weevs from the a-jth dar !ilew lU0, which said 2tri a, $ &lWmZ. the date ol the first publlcsu.; - mons, to-wit: Yo t are required to.,1"' anawer said complaint on or before th?K of .November, laoo, which said loth ,2 vember, Wo. 1. the Ust day of tS. seribea In the order lo, the Vubllcau " aumraona.and II you fail to uw l " a thereof plaintiff will apply to the '' court for the relief prayed f" l,p& plaint to-wit: That the boiS.i'if',? heretofore and now exlstine bntweuAi nn"'uy defendant b. disWdved snd heWh,?''"' plaintiff and defendant be I T s A " vorced from each other, and that!'" name be changed to her maiden Mmt"f Iua Pojle, and lor aach othnr "it. as to the ootitt may seem iust ami ..f ,?,"' This summons is served u,k,T,Tu T 8ichinger, the above named de Glaf.? publication thereof In Xua IIallss ? k' CHHOK1CI.S for six consecutive u.s.k""-t of Hon vv I. k,.H.k.r , .. ." "etts by ota. entitled court, which order w mad''l"U", bears date ol September 27. i.kmi m,waiaai SID aEU "-GATES. Att"f"ey Jurl-uuiiiif NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Kotlce la hereby given that the nndr,i 1 baa duly filed with the county clerk oTi county, Oregon, his final account and rltZ1 executor of the estate of Phoebe J. w,," ceased; and that the honorable countvc,',,,, fixed Monday, the 5tl day of Novemher ,1?" 10 o clock a. m. of said day as lh-i i me county court room in the poimr .. 'u "u Dalles City. Wasco co.intv. ii,-,,; . ulei lor Louring said Una! account and report All Jjeraons interested lu said estate art ken. by notitled to appear at said time aud Mars ,2 show cause, if any there Ic, why mui i abould not be upproved and said exwutoVdl charged. Dau-d '.hla 29th day of September, wo . ...... FK.A'.K MENEPEI. r-jKUBH ui iuo estate ol hhuehe J. Uui.M doecuscd. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Land Ofkice at Ths 1aiiii, oe i .... , . . September li, luoo. ' ( Notice- la hereby given that the follow! nr. named settler b.a filed notice of her inr.n Z to make final proof in support of tier claim 3 that said proof will be made be'ore the mr'isier and receiver ut '1 he Dalles, Oregou.oa WeJnes. day, October 24, HAW, viz; .nln. Ella K. Vlckera, widow ol Samuel J. Vickers. deceased, of Us sier, Oregon,. H. E. No. 5i':. for the N SWu and N W rkc 15. Tp 2 N, K 12 E, W. s? " She names ths following witnesses topmre her i ontluuous residence upon and culUvstioa ol said laud, viz.; tieorne Itenoe, of The Dalles, Orcgm; Jsnin Miler, Lee Kvans, Eric (irunland, Miier,0r. pl5 JAY P. LUCAS. Kegister. CONTEST NOTICE. U. 8. Land Offick, Ths Dallks, 0b.,I Bcpteinoer l 1900. A sufficient contest affidavit havuubeen flirt In this office by Joseph II. Hherar, cootestsnt, against hoinesie id entry No. 7152, mnde Junes. 1XU9. lorHbf NW qr Heo 2, and E hf KEqrsn SJ, Tp 8 R 14 E, by William (illl nu-su, in which It la aliened that said William GUI hu wholly abandoned said tract and changed hit residence therefrom lor more than six montbn since making said entry, and next prior to dstv of contest; and that he did not abandon tlx tract to enter the military or naval serviced the United States, said parties are hereby noti tled to apjiear, respond and oiler evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on October 27, l'.KW, belore tho register and receiver st the United Ktstea land ottlce in The Dalles, On. The said contestant having, in a proper ifJ davit, tiled August 11, l'.HX), set forth hv-U which show that after due diligence iiersonal aorvic of thla notico can uot be mail.-, it is nerrbT ordered and dliected that such notice bs given by due and proper publication, sepia JAY P. LUCA3, Register. T. A. Van Norden Keeps constnntly on hand a large and varW lino of all that fa Iwst In Watches. Jewiirr, Clocks, Ksetncles, KieldtilanseB.siilverwsre.ilA at prlnes lhat dely competition. Mall orders in tended to with proinptnesa and dispatch, in- graving neatly done. sngJ lllera Pi Yellowstone Park Line. THE D1N1X0 CAR ROUTE FROM P0ltTUM TO TUE EAST. THE ONLY DIKKCT LINE TO THK YELLOW- 810NE I'AKK Union Depot, Finn and I Sis : " No. 2. Fast mall forTncomu, feattle, Olympla, (iray's. Harbor and Houth llendi Vo. I points, up. sane, rio ;lnd, B. C, rullmKi'.i Miw-ow, Ilstoii, Huf- 11:15 A. ll.lfalollunipinlnlnKCoiiii-, J,V)I'.. I try, Helena, Minnisino Ills, HI. Haul, Omaha, Kansas Clly, rU. iiuls, Chicago and all points! oast and southeat. No, Vo. 4 IU) P. I'nget Hound Hxpres-a M.lfor Tacoma and heaillel 7,00 A. land Intermediate points rnllnian flrst class and tourni aim Minneapolis, HI. Haul and Missouri rivet P" without chanso. nntlo Veatlhiilert trains. Union depot eonne In all prlncltMl cltle. ,i-su. Haggago oherkel to destlnat on of tl' Kor handsomely lllnsi,atc.lderlpUT'", tickets, .let-plug car reservations, etc.. writ A. D. CHARLTUrx, . . ...,. Morrl Assistant tiencrai ri'rr; son Htieet,orneT Third, Portland-. jjr. b. st, wmntii ntis, rii)sicinn and Sorgcon. Offloe, Vogt Blocs (over P.istoBoe). K DA1XB4.0J; 20aplmo-dw Till D HoiiiiMDnitrrdi Thysician aud Sargeon, ipwlsl sttenUon fln w ,or," fwt Tel. Ruoms 21 sad Jl.