THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1900 Tbe Weekly Chfoniele. T it K UAlil. OKKUON OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO OOOVTT. Winked in two xrU, uu r?Vdf.dayi dI'BSCKIPTION RATES. it uu., fofli .1 mnui, m immn. One faar II S 4ix mootae 79 7are month 10 lvertislmr rate reasonable, and mail known ou application. t.jdreaa all communications o"TH CHKON I' LE." The Dalles, Oregon. LOCAL KKKVITIkIS. Wednesday's Daily. Dr. Sanders, rooms 1 and 2, Chapman Mock. tf Antelops liu the promise ot a cam paign speech in the near future by Sen ator C. W. Fulton, of Asti.rU. Jack Daley brought oyer from .Sher man eorifity a lot of potatoes that for - and thape are hard to beat. One of them w .-ih four and a half pounds. Thevare of the Irish K uller variety and from eeed that Jack brought over from Ireland two years ago. County court held a short session yes terday. The only business transacted was the granting of a retail liquor li cense to John Kinti, of Moeier, and the ordering of a warrant for $20 to be drawn in favor of Aden Glover fur work done on the l'yen hill grade. In New York City James Kilduff, a wealthy democrat, deposited the other lay $2(1,010 in cash to be bst on the pre- ailing odds that Bryan will carry Oh u. Hookmaker Ulluaan says that the chances are 6ve to one against Eryan and that he will take part of the bet. W illiam Kelly, who robbed the store of E. .), Collins A Co. Saturday night of i a quantity of gents' clothing, was exam ined today before Justice Brownhlll and bound over to the grand jury in the sum of $500. Not finding ball, lie was re manded to the custody of the sheriff. A gentleman called at this office yes terday afternoon with a silk badge that was worn in the presidential campaign of 1840. It lias printed on it the legend "Whig State Convention at Burlington, Vt , June 2, 1840. Favoiable to the Nomination of W. H. Harrison, the Log Cabin Candidate. The People's Choice." Said Barlow Adams today : "I have seen many a fruit exhibit in my life but 1 never saw anything to equal the one now at the fair. I would like to see a big streamer in front of tho fruit booth with the letters painted on it in big letters: 'Wasco county apples against the world,' for the world cannot beat ns." An Indian, bailing from Columbus, while under the influence of liquor yes terday, was robbed by a white man of $1.50 in money, a pair of buckskin gloves and a pocket full of arrowheads. The robbery was done in broad day and In the presence of spectators, who, Btrange to say, allowed the thief to es cape. Representative Moody was advised today by the postal autnorities at Wash ington that the mail service between Shaniko and Prineville had been in creased from eix to seven times a week, to lake effect on the I4th, and that the new service between The Dalles and Shaniko will take effect on the 15th. Both of these contracts provide for Btur route box delivery, which is practically free rural delivery. We learn from the Weekly Examiner of the 4th that Francis Bradley Durpby, h ' will be remembered by Dalles peo ple for his connection with the North Dalles shoe factory, has got himself into very hot water down in Flureka, Calif. , through lr'ing too much married. Two women claim to bo bis lawfully married Wives, ami there is talk of a third. Dnrphy claims that he got a divorce 'rom one (,f the women in Clatsop county, and the woman claims that the divorce is fraudulent. President L. E. Crowe, of the Com mercial Club, has received a telegram from George, Taylor, Jr., president of 'tie Portland chamber of commerce, an nouncing that The Dalles invitation to the members of tha chamber of com merce, to attend the carnival had b.en accepted and that us many as possible would come hereon Friday's noon train and leave for home on special train Bt 7:80 p. in. President Crowe has ap pointed a committee of prominent citl lens lo meet the Portland visitors at the ' itilla House on their a'rival. Tliurwlay's Daily Mrs. Geo. L, Zink, ol Litchfield, III., is a guent of Dr. and Mrs. Kshelnian. Mr. S. f, Kout, an,i Miss K. A. Jokes Were united In marilage at high BOM to ''v In dm parlor of the Umatilla house. Die Miing couple are from Ho n) liiver ami th( wedding was so strictly private that even tho name of tho man who ,iL'd the knot it known to the public. At the Vogt opera house last night one ' th" acrobats, while turning a hand l"ingon the shoulder of another acrobat ,,ir"" high, missed his footing and fell to 1 'I m of the stage, lighting on his head. H was unconscious for an hour and a quarter but was getting along nirel this afternoon. Hotna miscreant last night stole from "'' 'nagemenl' booth all the surplus ''xliililtort' anil rrmiuiitteea' hailires. ill save th: tan oenU adciitaton fee to tbe carnival grounds. Tbe gate keepers and special policemen are on the lookout for bogus exhibitors and committee men and will make it very interesting for any one found wearing any of the stolen badge. A poll was taken today of the twenty hands at present employed at The Dalles acooring mill with tbe result that eighteen were for McHinley and two for Bryan. When it . waa suggested that Bryan would get cold comfort from the mill one ot the lads answered : "Do you suppose that any man who bat sense enongh to work in a scouring mill is go ing to vote far a man that is a rank enemy of the wool industry ? N Jt otucb, we ain't. Attorney N. B. Brooks, of Goldendale, is in the city looking after Ihe interests I of one Charles Beard, a farmer from j near Centervl;le, who suddenly disap- peared last .Saturday and has not leen heard from since. The last seen of him was at Goldendale Saturday night. It is ; known that he had several hundred dollars on his person, but whether he j has lelt the country or ben fouly dealt with cannot be detei mined. Beard was i a bachelor and had on the ranch a I married conp'e who kept house for him. Everybody out in the Fifteen Mile neighborhood knows tne old "Dutch Mann" place. J. T. Acheson purchased it a short time since and about three weeks ago moved his family into the old farm hone. Mr. Aclieson was not long in his new home w hen he discovered a swarm tf tame bees in a cleft of the basalt cliff near bv. Having secured them ! b deferred further exploration! till lal Sunday when seeing moro bees enter clefts in tho elitr hedetermined to smoke them out. Instead of another swarm of tieee Mr. Acheson smoked out twenty three rattlesnakes, a blow snake, a skunk and a wood rat. Just what elae there is in the rocks of the "Dutch Mann" home stead Mr. Acheson expects to find out later on. Friday's Dally. ClotheB that fit the man and fit the pocket-book at the New York Cash store. Call on Mrs. Morgan for art embroid eries, also decorative work in oil and water colors. 2tf A leautiful ami artistic art exhibit mav be seen at Mis. Morgan's studio, on Third street, near Court. 9-13 Now is the the time to buy your winter suit. A full line of Men and Bova cloth ing at the New York Cas'.i store. Kemember tbe Hex ball at the Vogt opera house tonight. The price of ad mission will be, gentlemen 75 cente, ladies 25 cents. General Clark E, Carr, ex-United States minister to Denmark, will epeak In the interest of the republican ticket in this city nest Wednesday night, 17lb instant. lesterd&y evening s telegram had a very good picture of Judge W. L. Brad shaw, of this city, who was elected the other day at Astoria grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias. At ? :30 this afternoon Special Police man Gilbreth arrested a white man in the East End for selling whiskey to an Indian. Mr. Gilbreth caught the man in the act, and collaring both him and tiie Indian marched them to the calaboose. Messrs. A. E. Lake and Simeon bolton have finally succeeded in persuading a young couple to eubmit to a public, wedding. The names will not be given out before the ceremony which wul come offon tbe grounds at 9 o'clock tomorrow, Saturday night. The carnival executive committee make special request thatall bills against the carnival tie presented to the secre tary, Henry J. Maier, not lat?r than next Monday night. If yon are a creditor of the carnival please attend to this ns the executive committee are anxious to have all affairs of the carnival settled as promptly as possible. On Tuesday evening last tho citizens of Mianiko met and discussed the pro priety of taking steps to have the town incorporated, and when left to a vote every person present voted for incorpo ration. A committee was appointed to look after the matter, and in due time Wasco county will have another incor porated city and Fhatiiko will put on nnnleinal aits. Shiiuikvi Leader. Recorder Ned Gates had before him this inoining three victims of the mp that cheers, a well as demoralizes, who were arrested last night in a helpless condition of inebriety. In consideration of the fact that all three were merelv celebrating the carnival, the sympathet ic recorder dirchsrge.1 them without fine. One of them belonged to the Warm Springs braves of the Midway. At t tie request of I ft, carnival execu tive committee a special meeting of the common council was held yesterday af ternoon, at which the committee called the attention of the council to the multi tude ol street fakir that wert plying their rcvera! gambling and other device on the public streets of the city since the carnival commenced and asked that the gambling devices be suppressed, and the others, coffee ami candy stands, lunch counters and the like, should be ordered off the public streets. The council re sponded promptly to the request of the committee, and in a short time the marshal had the streets cleared of the whole gang. subscribe for The Chronicle. THE CARNIVAL IS A HUMMER Ural Might Karalpta KapraaaalrJ 7im iH-l'tat Aaaalaaiaa Iho. ear HoitlealtarlMa l .n or ulr.l tu tht Dlbpttay. Tauraday Daily. There i not a man in The Dalle who ba contributed a cent in nitney or time to the harvest carnival that i not proud ot the result. It far exceed the most anguine expectations of any body. The cash riceipts of Tuesday night repre sented 7100 ten-cent admission feet. There waa a natural falling off last night and a large number of counter- attraction outside; (till the receipt represented 4500 teu-cent admission i fees. Comparisons are not always ' odious, and we have it cn the best au thority that the tirit night receipts at ! the late Walla Walla fair, in a town of double the inhabitants of The Dalle, were not one-third of the first night re ; ceipts here. The management are more : than satisfied with the result, and are I living on Easy street to far as the finan- 1 cial outcome is concerned. And this is i ' not the hest of it. lbe vistors are i plea-ed and delighted. The general expression is that the i horticultural display is the finest ever seen in Oregon, and many of them add, "or any where else." As one said this morning : "I tell you sir, Wasco county beats the world in climate, fruits, vege tables, cereals, and everything that con tributes to the material happiness of the race." To show the interest the horticultur ists alone have taken in the fruit and vegetable exhibit, we submit tbe fol lowing list of sixty exhibitors, the larg est number that have ever made horti cultural eqhibits at one time in the his tory of Wasco county : M Kinerson, Harry Mahear, Ben Southwell, W J Davidson, Koontz&Mc Healey, L L Lane, C. W. Barzee, B I Laughlin. Fred Fisher, R J Wickham, Willis Hendricks, R J Young, W S Faueher, J E Kennedy, S F Blytr.e, H II Hubbard, C Dithman, W Kennedy, H C Bateman, Peter Ehrick, C R Smead, James Elliott, Peter Hannigan, J W Marquis, H J Henderson, Henry KHudt, Hugh Falmer, Adam Fleck, II B Gordtau, James Nelson, Mr Enckeon, George Bunn, A Sandoz, C Sigue, I)r Hudson, Theodore Mesplie, Ed Wicks, L Bonami, Louis Sandoz, Mike Spicen ger, A P Vace, L L McCartney, Hans Hanson, Wm Taylor, Marshall Hill, Robert Cooper, C Morgan, D Creighton, Sam Creighton, Dr Sanders, H W Sechler, Frank Taylor, China Pete, F C Jones, Harry Hudson, E D Colby, Andrew Linton, C W Emerson, Fred Houghton, Mr Roberts of Multnomah county, Jack Daley of Sherman county and Harry Cummingsof Morrow county. Carnival Awards. FRUIT. C Dethman, best exhibit spraved fruit; award, fifty feet rubber hoee. F. O. Jones, first prize on fruit ; vine yard plow. H. Hudson, ec jnd prize o'n Iruit ; fifty feet hoee. A. Sandoz, best exhibit of fruit and vegetables; sewing machine. CEREALS. J. C. Benson, first prize best collec tions wheat, barley, oats and rye: plow. Martin Jaksha, best exhibit barley v Bohemian) ; $4. M. Doyle, beet exhioit yellow dent corn; $2 50. C. W. Emerson, best exhibit wheat (Pattirow); $4. Committee R. F. Gibons, Robt. Mays and C. W. Haifa t. FLOATS. J. T. Peters A Co., best merchant's float; f 10. Woodmen of the World, best fraternal Boat ; $10. H. J. Mahear, best country float; $10. INDIANS. Martin Speides, first priz? best cos tume; $5. Susie Dick, second priz;; best costume; $4. Daniel Kirchr, third priza best cos tume; $3. Indian Mart, fourth prizi best cos tume; $2. Captain John, fifth prize best cos tame; $1. FINED FOR LARCENY OF HAY. A Jury OtHt V tett a Dateh Flutter or Moltoaj a T'.n and a Hair or Hay hi. (I lie If Killed IN. F. W. Wickham, of Dutch Flat, as tried yesterday tiefore Justice Brownhill on the charge of larceny of a ton and a half of hay. District Attorney Menefee appeared for the etate and Sam Stark, a young law ttiidenl, appeared for the defendant. The juror were J. L. Thompson, Joseph T. Peters, R. L. Oaken, lieorge Kratise, John Pashek and (ten. W. Joles. The complaining wit ness was Jacob Obrlst. The testimony was to the effect that Ohrist bad baled a quantity of hay for Wickham, and Wickham not paying for the baling when the work waa com pleted, Obrist took his pay in about a ton and a half of hay, which he removed with Wickham' content from the Wick ham place and stored in a building. Obritt consented, before removing the hay, that Wickham should tiave thirty days to redeem it at $ a ton. Wick ham said he would redeem it in two weeks. At the end of thirty - day tbe money had not been paid and Wick ham, without the content of Obritt, re moved the hay from lit place of ttorage and tohi it. On ditcoveung that the bay was taken, Obrltt followed Wick ham to town and had him arretted. Thit i believed to be a fair statement of the eat a It was presented to the jury, which, notwithstanding the ear neit and ab'e plea of Wickham 's coun I, found hito guilty a charged. Probably because Wickham' act was the result of hi own folly and imprud ence and wa a: worst only "construc tive" larceny, a the lawyer would probable call it, the justice iutlicted the lowest fine, r5, or twelve and a half days in the county jail. Wickham paid (be fine and was diehrged. Summary of Aaavaaniaol It. .11 The summary of the assessment for Wasco county for the year 1900, roll as forwarder! to the secretary of state yes terday, is as follow: No. Acrea of tillable lands . s,tw7 I Acres u( iiou-Ai liable laada .',347 t inpiovcmentt on deeded lauds Town and city lot Iiupn vemenu on town and city lota Improvements on lands net deeded .... Value. ;svviii -.ll.ol, KI.OiXI CI usi JVJ.aoo .HAH ttio :l7,yi ' Miles of railroad bed 00.7 j Miles of telg. and lelepti. lines 41 .1 imitation .1 itches and ri timet 'j Holllng atoek 8te raboata, sailboat, station ary engines and manufactur ing machinery Hdse. and stock In trade ... Farming implement, wagons, carriages and money Money Notes und and accounts raj .can 4S,700 50,080 .V,ll M1.1U0 shares ol stock Household furniture, watches, Jewelry, etc Horses and mules 'attle 517 avrra', I.IH 127410 S,30 I . v" 4.1 . . . ltr.'.as; .'.v.7 Sheep Sniuu Gross value of all property Kxemptiona .:..!. -l Jo I.Iik". Total val. of taxable property IWjrW For the sake of comparison, tbe total summary for the year 189'J is here given : (res value ot nil property l,:ai7,W7 Exemptions JJ3,1,V) Total taxable property 8,111 4W 11 lb Wheat Trade. Tbe Portland Commercial Review, of the 11th instant, contains the following review of the wheat situation for the past week : "The market has been fairly active and farmers are selling freely at prevail ing prices. There is no urgent demand for wheat at Portland or on the Sound, by either exporters or millers, all hav ing plenty of wheat for present demands anu tor some time to come, but are al- j ways in the market to buy when sellers do not ask exorbitant prices. The crop of 1900 has been secured and pretty near all houeed. Farmers are realizing that they are getting all the market can stand and are willing to sell. Competi tion for parcels of wheat is not very keen amongst buyers, but all of them are doing something. Valley wheat is the only variety that brings good prices, on account of the short crop in that ter ritory, and competition is onlv amongst millers, exporters paying veiy little at tention to Valley this season. While foreign advices are of a harden ing tendency and the market generally is of a broadening character, there has been no material alteration in values. Ten vessels have arrived during the week, pretty well distributed to the va rious export houses, and none of the same will be detained on account of grain, as everv warehouse here hat plenty, and it looks as if the month of October will be one of great activity. Six vessels have cleared since our last review, three on Puget sound and three at Portland. A number of vessels are due yet this month, and there will be no detention for lack of grain to go on board ship. Prices are: Club, 55c; Bluestem, 58c; Valley, G0o per bushel. PKOI'LK CUMINII AND OIIINO. Thursday's Daily. Fred Clarke arrived in the city yester day from Moro. J. P. Jones, traveling passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Turner, of Hood River, came up on the Iralda today and went out to Dufur to visit friends near that place. B W. Wells left on the noon train for Heppner, where he expects to buy a band or two of 6heep to place on hi ranch near Prosser. Mr. and Mri". James Keil v, of Kingsley, are inthecltv looking over several pieces of property with a view of purchasing a home and residing here. Mr. Kelly recently sold his farm of 400 acrea to John flicks. Friday's Dally. Miss Nettie Crimes came up from Portland yesterday and is a guest of the Misses Knell. Mrs. W.H. Oillespie, of Cclfax, Wash., is visiting in the city with htr brother, I;, (i. Davenp irt. Miss Augusta (iiesv, who is on her way from Salt Lake City to her homo in Salem, arrived here at noon today and will spend a few dava with the Misses Michell. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the SlM nature of Katray Notion. Came lo my place sImiiH a month ago a red mooley cow, with white hind feet, branded on left hip with three linet meeting at a point, nnder-crop olf right ear. Owner can have her by paying charget. Priait QMVBBT, The Pail.-. Oct 3, 1900. oo-wlw THE BIGGEST DAY YET SEEN Delations From Puitlana and Hcpp ner Artivcd This Afternoon and these. With a Host of Other Visit ers and too School Children lammed the Carnival Grounds. Yete- 'ay'a a'lendanceat tbe can ival was lar r it, an that of Tueday and oiue M 1 1 I I in la a:i tickets oi H kind were sold. Tod 'g wili far exceed . ..eninc day. At 1 oYloalfc aoine eisdi T gentlrnieu and ladies arrived Inun Portland. The gentlem-n in part, represented the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Auuv g the vi-ii rs were thirty ladies. On account of the death of Dr. Strong, a rtdvive.'.President Taylor was obliged lo telegraph Ilia regrets to President L. K. (oe, of the Commercial Club, that he was not able o accompany the Port land drl-gati n. The visitor were met at the Umatilla house by the Dalle nana and a large number of prominent citizens, a ho escorted them lo the dining room of the hotel, where Mayor K. B. Dufur, in a uent and appropiiate ipeech, welcomed them to tbe hospitality of the city. On behalf of the delegation Ex Senator Corliett, iu a pleasant little talk of a few minute, thanked the mayor and citizens of The ll tiles for their hospitality and voiced the pleasure it gave the delegation to pay a visit to The Dalles. After luncheon ll.e parly inarched to the fair lirounds in good lurM to witness the banner procession aod rxhibition of the carniva , the marching of 600 Dilles school chirdriii from the academy grounds to the fair grounds, each dri v ing an Amnion tl ig. .No spectator will ever witness a prettier sight than ttiis was ii be live a thousand years. The procession was led by the band, fol lowed by the queen in her carriage, ac companied by her pages and followed by another carriage containing the maids of honor. The children marched two abreast, the little tots of ti and 7 in front and tho pupils of the High school closing up the rear. Walking closely to gether they extended from the carnival entrance down Second street to the court house, as handsome nil 1 healthy a lot of youngsters bli the eye ever gazed on. No wonder S. B. Adams got excited looking at them and, with a suspicious moisture iu his eye, pointed to them and said to a bystander : "If anybody asks yon what is I he greatest and best product of the Inland rCmpire, tell them its our children. If you will tell any mother of one of these little ones that that ain't so, I'll give you $20 a hair for every hair on your head five min utes after." A large delegation arrived from Hepp ner this afternoon, juat how larite we could not learn, but a rtill larger number is expected tomorrow. At 3:30 this afternoon the grounds were so full of people that standing room was almost at a premium. The following are the names of the male portion of the Portland visitors, so far as we have been able to locate them. The list falls five or ten short : Hon H W Corbett, Hon F P Mays, Chas Hyde, S J Mayer, E R Kimble, Hon Arthur Wilton, H A Heppner, II E Dosch, E C Maaten, Dr G H Chance, E B London, A (i Thureton, 1 Mendel- son, S a Soule, W V Maxson, A H Breyman, F L Stinson, B B Hannawalt, F D Franklin, H W Mitchell, Q A Hardy, L Coblentz, F M McFarland, C A Whalen, R W Blackwood, F D Simmons, C W (iray and daughter, W C Gardiner, Hon II H Northup and party, Ambrose M Cronin, Jas Thomp son, K W Ciichton, V. Lombardi, ,1 K Gill, H S Hagnn, Win Harder, Chas E West. F Patterson, R Yoder, John Kngclhardt, (i A Vogt, James Hopkins, W Smith, D M Averill, F W Sherwood, I. Storv, Delot D Near, W I! Honeyman, I Wheat, Russ E 8 trail, H D Griffin, L II Welle, Jno Windblast, A Noltner, Theo Bernlo'im, Julius Heilbron, S B Sturrctt, C M Wynott. i- i I. tiller. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the posU'ffice at The Dalies un called for Odtober 12, 1000. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised: OKNTI.KMKV. I Annie, Will Iturite, FrBnk j Hen t ley, Kev I J Megrem, P II I Itjiini'w. Fians Cowan, Arthur I DtMfcla, H Qtta H lierkins, Thos j Mali, (ieortre I lobnton. Harold A lien, Weslay Krown, Wesley Piddle, Fid r.owiiian, liny Campbell, Freeman Coats, Harvev Freileiiberg, Tom (iaringer, Frank Oibson, lack Huston, Koscoe Johnson, Peter Kelly, Uriah D Nicholas, Finley (Hliver, Oscar Poott, Walter Wagner, Chat Williams, W H Kress, lre.1 N' wmati, l.eiler Nielson, 0 I Koberts, Henry leoM, L II Williams, I.on UMft Armstrong, Martha Andrews, M I. Heavy, Mrs Ketta Crawford, Lillian Chamberlain, l.niiiteCamphell, Mrs It Claak, M J Chaw, II H Dehart, Mr F W Fowler, A W tiardner, Mrt W McKellar, Lillle Nelson, Inei Terrill, F'anney Wilton, Jerniet Complete Cine of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. Just What You uuant. New ideas la Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stork. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Filegant designs, tasteful colorings, voura for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. r ..CHAS. FRAM.. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on dratiBTht the celebrated COLUMBIA Bit EE, acknow: c.tirct the best beer In Tho Dalles, at lit u.siial price. Come in, try lt)M be convinced. Also the I i i. ; brauda of Wines, Liquor and Llirura. Sanduuiehes ol all Kind alwaya on band. tub BoinmBia FacKing gb., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON a)RIKD BEEF. FITC. 8. 8CHIKCX, President. II. M. 1IXALL, liable first national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Oeneral Ranking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to fight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection, slight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa Nw York, San Francisco anJ uort 'and. oiNBCToaa D. P. TtiuMpaos. Jno. 8. Hcbincb. Fn. VI. Wn.i.UJft. liio. H. Litaa. II. M. Bbaiu Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs If. L. Jones has opened icw cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard's old Untli She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. Tho place ha been thoroughly ran- -ovated, and a (hare of tbe public patron age i tolicited. BP hoP, possibly, of using them to a to j