THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1900. Veteran, for Expansion, Tbere wa. good attendance of veter ans of the civil war and member, of the Oregon volunteer, who fought In the Philippines, at a meeting held in Frater nity hall last u!(tbt, which was called in order that they might give public ex pression to the sentiments they hold re garding expansion and the conduct of the administration toward the Philip pine islands and their Inhabitant-. J. R. Warner, of While Salmon, was called to the chair and about an hour and a half was occupied in short speeches, in which nearly every veteran in the hall jjined. At tbe close a short recess was taken, while a committee of thrte prepared the following set of resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the meeting. On their submission the chair asked for a standing vote in their favor, when every man in the hall rose to his feet. Tbe resolutions are as follows : We soldiers of tbe civil war, and of the Spauieu war, have assembled to give our views on the question of the rights of the United Stales to hold and annex tbe Philippine Islands and also to ex press our opinion of the action of the present administration in its conduct towards tbe inhabitants of those islands, do hereby resolve That we, having acquired the Philip pine Islands, and having at great ex pense of life and treasure put down the insurrection beaded by Aguinaldo, re opposed to any party or parties who agitate or indorse the idea of sur rendering any of our rights in those islands. We believe that our flag has been, is, and will always be, the symbol of liberty to all under its shadow. No wrong can be done by. planting it over any people, and when once hoisted we would never take it down. In the future as in the past our young men will always be ready to keep that flag whenever it may be planted. Forward it has always gone, and forward it must go, carrying with it all the blessings of freedom, equal rights and justice to ail. Resolved, that we have already seen the advantage of our possession of these islands as a base of supplies in near proximity to the seat of the troubles in China; it has given us a prestige we could not otherwise have had. In the future we can see this people, who fir three hundred years have been ground onderftbe beel of Spanish oppression, emerging into a great, happy ami pros perous state ot our union, adding an other and bright star to that flag for which Dewey fought and Lawton died, that flag for which only thirty-five years ago nearly a million brave volunteers perished on the battlefield and by disease, but the glorious old flag was upheld, as it will always be, by our suc cessors the volunteer soldiers of the United States. ''If any man attempts to pnll down the American flag, shoot him on the spot." Also Rtiolvtd, that we' heartily endorse every and all the acts of President Mc Kiniey and his advisers in their endeavor to erect a cood and stable government in the Philippine Islands, and we have full faith that the near future will see the people of those islands enjoying the tame rights and blessings of self-government that is enjoyed by all other citizens of our great republic; and again we most heartily condemn as atrocious and treasonable any attempt to propose to abate one atom of the rights of the United States to full ownership in, and authority over these islands and their inhabitants. The onlv store ft thi3 city where th Oenulne Imported Stransky-Steet ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlastc a dozen pieces of so- called cheap euam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look like it, but thegenu- ine has the name Btransky Steel Ware oneach piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. Highest award at World e Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred by the best cookinfauthonties, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember, this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. 4 It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; it notaffected by acids in fruits or vegetables will boil, Etew, roast and bake without imparting flavor of previously cook a food and will last for years. We cau tlon ths public against Imitation Plays & Mm AH03U THE BOEHS. ka American Journalist's Accoup' of Camp Life. Tb Hatch Soldier. Han N. DIhU pllaa or Science, Hat Are Not Laeklasr In the Quality of un itary Iloraa Sena. Jacobsdol was still quiet on De cember 4. There were not more than 50 guards out on that day, though the English outposts were within about three miles. On the 3d Presi dent Steyn ordered all the ammuni tion and supplies out of the town, and all were busy till late at night trior ling the wagons, suya the London Timea. On the 8th I visited the camps which lie on the north side of the Modder. The large wagon laagers In these camps present a strange appearance. In some of the larger commands tin many as 250 wagons are grouped in a large irregulur circle; inside this there are fuw tents und muny large awnings. The wagons are all loaded with supplies and ammunition. - In nearly every one there are a number of steel trunks, large and small. In these the burghers carry their spare clothing, and perhaps some luxuries brought from the distant furm. All the time the roads were crowded with men hastening to the front. Al most all of them had merely the most primitive Kind of outfit. The cheap "store saddle," which the majority of tl.em have, lias a few paltry bags at tached to it in which the rider stores n limited supply of food. All the clothing, boots und blankets tl'e men use nro the usual "shoddy" thut is sold in fhe country trading stores. It seems incomprehensible why no pro vision was made to clothe und mount the men in a serviceable munner when one thinks of the Immense amount of ready money on hand. There appears also to be a great lack of order, und it is surprising that the primitive system has stood the strain so long. It is the marvelous adapta bility ot the people that upsets a stranger's estimate of whnt results of their methods lire likely to be. During the time I have been among them I have not heard one man really grumble or refuse duly. The discomforts are accepted as unavoid ably incidental to the war, to ba borne with eqiinniuiity. A consider able proportion of the younfc- men are well educated, and many of them have been to Kurope to study or for pleas ure. There was u large corps of ex press riders under Capt. Fichardt and (apt. .Tooste doing splendid work on horse and bicycle around Jacobddnl. On the morning'of the Cth President Steyn returned suddenly to tha vil lage from his tour of the camps. AD ruptly "entering the door of his prim itive hotel, he found that tha wcll fillod table left no room for visitors, so he sat outside on a dilapidated bench till the men hnd finished tbeir breakfust. The president is distinct ly democratic. For a conveyance he had nn old blue farmer's cart, with out a hood or shelter of any kind from the scorching sun. Thnt morn ing, ns he and Mr. Fischer sat on the bench, they received people, read and dispatched their telegrams and at tended to all their varied business. When this was done the president visited the hospitals, and, nfter pass ing n few cheerful words with tho dozen wounded who remained there, he left for I'loemfontein. During the whole of that day mounted men and wagons kept streaming into Jucobsdal from the front. The general at last seemed to have recognized the necessity' of protecting the place, and ut the same time using it ns a base for attempts on the English rear and on the rail way. During these days the English showed no signs of advancing, but kept working at the repair of the railway bridge while they waited for reenforcemeuts. It was practically impossible to ar rive ot any reliable, estimate of the strength of the liocr army. Iiy the Gth it was perhaps 7,000 men, and constantly increasing in small nna- lers. It seemed to me impossible for this small number of men to oppose the magnificently equipped army that might attack them at any moment. rhe English, moreover, retained con trol of tho railway behind them, and thus had constant supplies of nil sorts. The Iloers, on the other hand, were 100 miles from their base rail way, and had to d?peud on the on wagon, rsevertheless they seemed to have complete confidence in their ulti mate success. . On the 5th about 1,300 men. lustily singing "Praise (od from Whom nil blessings flow," started out to take up a position for nn attack on the Eng lish rear and railway. With them went three cannon nnd the Scundhin- vinn corps. The Scandinavians were to use the dynamite when necessary. Their corps consisted then of KiO men. speaking nine different hingii'ip'S among them. I heard Danish. Swed ish. Norwegian, Pussian. Finnish and Polish. They have, together with the brigade at Lndysmith, a great reputation for rcckie? bravery. A Jew with whom I talked told me he had made his money in the Transvaal, and would fight for it, to show tho world that all Jews were not mere cowardly money makers. We offer for HrniteJ period the twice-a-week Chbokicli, price 1.60, D and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.60, both papen for 1 year. Subscription ander ttiii offer mait be paid in ad- Tnce. tt mm DIVABT TIWl SCHEDULE. ARRIVE roa Prom Vallx. Pro Fast Halt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fat Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mall 12:25 p.m. sn. City, bt. Loula, 1:06 p m Chicago and East. Atlantle Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. 4:45 a.m. Express Worth, Omaha, Kan i2:&0e. m. aaa City, Ht. Louia, Via Hunt- Chicago and East, lngtun. . Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Bpoksn. Mail .Minneapolis. St. Paul, Mall and i u 1 u t h, Milwaukee. and Express Chicago and KmI, via; Expreaa Kpokaneakd Hunting ton: also all points lu 9:2& p. m Washington and East- 9:30 a. m era Oregon. I p. m. From Portlav. 4 p. m. Ocean Steamship.. For fean Francisco Every Five Dart. 8 p. m. 4 p. m Ex.buuday Columbia Ry. Bteameri. , ulS To Astoria a id Wayi Saturday Lauding. 10 p. m. Sa m. Willamette River. 4:30p.m. Ex.bunday Oregon City, Newberg, Ex.tmnday Balein k Way Laud's. 7 s. m, Wiumtiti akdYik- 8:30 p.m. Tues.Thur. hill kivtsi. Mod., Wed and Hat. Oregon City, Dayton, and I rt. aud Way-Lundlngs. Snake River. Leavr Lv Rlparla Elparia to tawiston. Lewiston dally dally 1:36a.m. 9:00 a. m Parties desiring to go to TfepDner or point on uoiumoia southern via Biggs, should take No. 2. leavlnir The Dalles at 12:40 i. m. making direct connections at Heppner junction and biggs. Returning maifingdiiectcnuuection ai neppnerjuncuon ana Biggs wttn NO. 1. ar riving at Tbe Dalle at 12 :ao p. m. For full particulars call on O. . & N. Co. agent The bailee, or address W. H. HCRLBTRT. Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW BIONE PARK. LEAVE. Union Depot, Finland I sts NO. 2. Fast mall for Tacoma, Seattle, Oiympia, Gray's Harbor and Hontb Bend points, Spokane, Ross land, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewiston, Buf falolluinp mining coun try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St, Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points east and southeast. Puget Sound Express for Tacoma and Seattle and intermediate points No. 5;S0 P. M No. 8. 7;00 A. M, 11:15 A. M No. 4. 11;30 P. M. ruuman first class and tourist iWwn ro Minneapolis, at. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vestibuled trains. Colon depot connections lit nil principal utiles. JiagUHire Checked to destination of t:plt For haildsomelV lllllHCrfltid fltwrlnHvnmattiw tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etn.. call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 255 Morrl on (street, corner Tnlrd, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via sru Pacific Go. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at 4:2i a. m. and 8 p. m. Leave Portland. " Albany.. 8:30 s m 12.30 a m 7:00 pm iu:au p m ll:B0sm 4;5 a m 8:15 am Arrive Ashland 12:S1 s m " KacrHmento 5:00 pm " Sau trauclsco 7:46 p m Arrive Ogdon " Denver " Kansas City. " Chicago &:4.r a m . 9:00 a m 7:2ft a m 7:45 a m 11:45 am 9:00 a in 7:25 a in 9:30 a ni Arrive Los Angeles 1:20 pm 7:00am 6:00 p m 6;'I0 a m B:55am 4:00 a m 6:25 p m 6'42 a in 12-43 pm 1 rno 6:00 p m " Fort Worth 6:30 am " City of Mexico 9:55 am " Houston Mini ' New Orleans 6:25 a in " Washington 6:42 am " New York 12:43 pin Pnllman and Tourist ears nn hnth train. Chnlroars Sacramento to Orden and El l'o and tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or- ivaus auu nasuingiou Connecting at San Francisco with stoHmvhlp lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, uiiiiiui, ieiurai auu sou in America. Bee agent at Tbe Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Pnrt.and, Or WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washlntrton Sto. All ordcra attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local, 102. K. X. K. rKROUHffif, Physician and Sargeon, Office, Vogt Block (oyer Poatofflce), JOaplrao-dw THI DALLI4, OtIOON. lira Pali; soui NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION'. Lakd Ornca at Thi DaU.h. Oh., t (eptember 1A 1). t Notice Is hereby givtn t&.t the following named setiler baa filed noti.-e of her Intention to wake dual proof lu upport ol her claim, aud that said proof w ill be made before tbe Keirlster and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes day, October 21, liMJ, via: Janes F. atawart, sfTha Dallas, Or., H. E. No. 52M. for the K'i 8E'-4 E qr NE qr ee 25, Tj I X, K 12 E, aud b W qr N VV qr Sec 30, Tp k V K 13 E W M. ' 'ehe uai'nea the following witnesses o prove her continuous reaidenca upon aud cultivation of said land, via.: D. D. Nelson, E. F. Sbarr, John Fleming, Daniel Stewart, ail of The I "alles. epl5 JAY P. LLCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tin Dailis. Or., Heptember, 10, l'JOO. ( Notloa Is hereby given tbat the followirg nameri setiler has filed notice ol bis Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver st 1 he Dalles, oregau, on eaiuruay, October 30, woo, vix.: Charles H. Matney, of The Dslles, Oregon, II. E. No. , for the 8 hf N E qr aud W hi bE qr, sec 12, Tp 1 S, K 11 t, w. si. He names tbe following witnesses o prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation or urn laud. viz. : A. 8, Fox, P, u. Farsn, Charles Gosson and V C. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon. seplS JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Septembe: 10, l'.OJ Notice is herebv lven that the following- named settler has filed notice ot bis intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and mat sum proof win be mane neiore me negisu-i and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, October xj, iwxi, viz: Areliuna 9. Fox, of The Dalles, Oregon, H. E. No. 5154, for the 8 bf N W qr and W hf SW qr, Bee 12, Tp 1 s, K 11 n . 31. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, viz: I. C. Mutney, (!. H. Matney, Charles Gossen and n. c. Clark, an ot J ne Danes, Oregon. sepl.5 JAY P. LUCAtf, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Bent 26. 1W0. Notice Is hereby given tbat the following. uamed settler has filed notice of his intention tlon to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be rore ins reguier ana receiver at rne imiios. Oregon, od Saturday, November 10, 1OU0, viz: Oalvln tf. DuDakln, of Jlnslcr, Or., H. K. No, 5121, for the 8E qr, Bee He names tne following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of sttiu iiiiiu viz: Michael Doyle. R. E. Doyle. The Dalles. Or. James M. llrown and l arl J. E. Carlson, of Mo- siur, or. JAY P. LLCAS, s29 Ke aster NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Obkoom, August 25, I'M. Notice !s herebv ffiven thnt the fnllouriiur. named settler has Aled notice of his Intention to make flnnl proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Keceiver at 'ihe Dulles, Oregon, on batur uuy, ucuioer o, jwu, viz: Robert J. Phillips, of Noiliir, Or., H. E. No. 55.S0 for the NEJ4 N NWK NE'., W. M. ci-u. v. anu by am, oeu 4. id. n, rz t. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of ssia lana, viz: lames Lewis, Dolly Moslcr, Lea Evans, John inner, an oi rosier, uregon. JAY P. LUCAS. ag29-l Register. CONTEST. NOTICE. u. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Ob.,1 bentem ber lo. 1900. A sufficient contest alhdnvit having been filed I this vimce by Joseph H. 8 herar. coiitestiint. gainst homeste id entry No. 7452. made June St. 1H'J!I. for 8 hf N W qr Sec 2, and E hf NE qr tec 21.), Tp 8 8 R 14 E, by Wllllsm Gill contestee, in which It is alleaed that Said William (illl has wholly abandoned said tract and changed his residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry, and next prior to date of contest; and that he did not abandon the tract to enter tne military or naval service ol the. United States, said parties are herehv notl. fled to appear, respond and oiler evidence touch- ng saia allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on October 7, 11HO. before the revfster and receiver at th L ii ueu Mmes land otllce In The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant havitnr. In a iimner Hill. davit, tiled August 11, 1900, set forth facta which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made. It is hereby 1'iucim auu uiitxioi iiihi mien notice DC given uy uuc auu projier puuiicauon. ep!9 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby ffiven that the as been duly appointed bv the conn tv court of nunc ui vsrvgou, lor n aseo couniy, adnilnls. trator of the estate of Kllxnhpth a &.,utium duceasd. All persons having claims against tne estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same, with the proper vouchers therefor, to me at rnv othoe in II. nd. (innm. within six mouths from the dute hereof. Liaiea eeptcmber 24, l'Joo. C. If. BOUTHERV. er2 Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LahoOfficb at The Dalles, dr., I tint 'A 1'HIO I Notice Is hereby given that the foilowinir allied settler baa filed notice of his ltifnti,.n to make final proof in snonortor hisciuim u,wi that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the II. H. laud ofllce at The Dalles, or., on Saturday, Nov. 10, 1000, viz: Peter Mollrr, Jr., The Dalles. Or.. H. K. No. M:f7 for tha w hi W r und 8E qr N W qr Bee 84, Tp 2 N, K 14 E, He names the following witnesses to prove ? uwuviiiiioiin Feniueuee ujion ana cultivation said land, viz:' John Dalrvmnle. Fred Wlckmnn. r f Pn. sh, J. E, Johnson, all of The Dalles, Or. OCtO JAY P. LUCAS, hfvlater. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given th it the nndcrvlcncrl n duly fib! with the County i:lerk of Wasco uumv, wrrKon, iiis nimi account and rennrt as adn mlnlstrator of the estate of Ail,, It. I, ti,ii,,. uceased, and that the Honorable County Court s nxed Monda),the5lh day of November, IHOO, lOo'clcK'k a. in. of said ilav as th timo n,i the County Court room of the County Court "line 111 l'llll!- City, I BITO I Olllll V, Oregon, IIS tie place for hearing said final account and re. ort. All persons Interested in suiil iminiw hereby notilled to appear at said time and place id show cause, It any there be, why said report ould not be annroved and ssld,i,.r Mcharircil. Dutwl this 5th day of October, 1000. . . , , J. P. AOIDItIS, Admfnlstrntor llf fhl ttutatant lnl.ll... - ... . ,,,, nuiuu niiiHi. deceased. nctu Chicken Lice Conprei r use Carbolineum : Avenarius" The most efficient Wood Preserving Paint also Kaillcsl Remedy sgnlit Chicken Lice, lis application to In side walls of poultry houses w p,.r. insnently exterminate all llco. Re. suits healthy chickens, pienty ot cags. v rite for circular, and prices. Mention thi. paper. Jos.T. Peters & Co., THE HALLE. OKEOON. I J. t. MCOal. JOHN OAVIM MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Boom. and to, oyer U. 9, Land Offlo SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor Wasco County. Tbe Oregon Railroad fc Navigation Co., Plaiatifi, vs. John H. Koberr and Emma Kobcrg, bis wife; Cbarlra H. tirahani: John Doe and Richard Roe, whose names are uuktiown. Defendants. To John II. Koberg, Emma Kobeig, his wife: Charles H. trahain; John Doe and kieuard Uoe, whose names are unknown. Defendants: In tbe name of the State of Oregon: You, and each of yon, are hereby notified that the Oregon Railroad ii Navigation Company has filed a comp.aint against vou In the circuit ourt of the Slate ot Oregon for the County of Wasco, and you are hereby required to appear and answer said complaint on or before tbe last day of the time piescribed by the order of pub lication, that is la say on or before Saturday, the loth day of November, 1900. You are further notined that If you fail to appear aud answer the complaint, or plead thereto, at said time, the piaiuuir win cause your aeiaun to tie en tered and will apply to the court for the relief praved tor In the complaint: mat is to say that an assessment of the damages which will result from the appropriation by the plaintiff of the six tracts ol land first nereinain-r aescriDed, ana also from the appropriation by the plaintiff of the right to borrow earth, stone, gravel and other material from the rive tracts of land here inafter described be had, slid that on payment of the damages srvassesset into the hands of the clerk of this court by the plaintiff, judgment be given appropriating said property, and all of it, to the plaintiff. The six tracts of land which are sought to be appropriated heiein and which are above re ferred to, are particularly bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Tract One Beginning at a point In the easter ly original rlghtof way line of the railroad, which point is liilii feet north and 250 feet east from the quarter corner between s:tionsjliirty one (31) aud thirty-two (32), township three i3) north, range eleven (11) east Willamette Meridian, and 50 feet distant from and measured at right angles to the revised center Hue: thence south easterly on a curve to the left, haviug a radius of 2242 feet a distance of 327 feet to anoint which is 50 feet distant from und measured at light angles to the revied center line, thence parallel with said revised cuter line and 50 feet distant northerly therefrom and on a course bearing south 60 degrees 61 minutes east a distance of 23M feet to a point in the south Hue of said lot four (I); thence west along said south line a distance of '205 feet to a point which is 50 feet distant from and measured at rlxht angles to the revised center line; thence north 60 degrees 51 minutes west a distance of 60 feet to a !oint; thence on a curve to the right, having a radius of 2312 feet a distance of 96 feet to a point lu the original light of way line of the railroad, which point is 50 feet distant from and measured ut right angles to the revised center line; thence northwesterly uLing said origiual rixht of way line u distance of 256 feet to the place of begin ning, containing .83 acres. Tract two Beginning at a point 1.120 feet east and 7U let t nortn trom the quarter corner be tween said sections thirty-one (31 1 and thirty two (32), township three (3) north, range eleven (11) east Willamette Meridian, which point is 50 feet distant Irom and measured at right angles to the revised center line of the railroao; thence on a course bearing south IK) degress 51 minutes east, pa rail-1 with and 60 feet distant southerly from sutd revised center line a distance of o'vS feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of l:K! ieet a distance of ::mo feet to a point on the southerly original right of way line of the railroad; thence norihwesterlv alonir said original right of way Hue a distance ol 1003 feet to a point on the west line of lot three 3, section thirty-two 132); thence south 10 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.2 acres Tract three BcKlnnliiE at a point on the orlir iniil right of way line of the railroad, which point is 2A62 feet east from the quinter c rner between sections thlrty-nne and thirty-two 321, tnwushlp three 31 north, range eleven 11 east Willamette Meriuiiin. thence east ahm the south line of lot three 31. section t hirlv-two I:!lI a distance of feet to a point which Is 50 ieet distant from and measured at riht angles to me reviseo center line; tnei ce on a course bear ing nertn 41 degrees 40 minutes west a dliimtrw of 220 feet to a point in the original right of wav line oi tne ranroan; thence southeasterlv nnir Baid original right of way lint- a distance of Pm ieet to toe piuce oi oi ginning, containing .06 acies. Tract four netrlnnlntr at a nolr.t nn th o?l. iiiai riant oi way line oi me railroad, winch point is . leei west anil l'ju ieet north from tne southeast comer of said section thirtv-twn (32), township three (3) north, range eleven Illl east Willamette Meridian; thence on a course oearing norm so aegrees minutes west a dis tance of 210 feet toa point; thence on a curve to the ilnlit having a radius of '2t feet a ril of 643 feet to a point which Is 50 feet distant irom and measured at right angles to the re vised center line: thence northerly at rleht an. gles to the revised center line a distance of 10 feet to a point which is 60 feet distant from and measured at light angles to the revised center line; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of lh50 feet a distance of "70 feet to a point; tnence souinwestcrly at right angles to the rt vised center line a instance of 10 fi-et to a point which Is 50 feet distant from and meas ured at right angles to the revised center line; thence on a curve to therlirht hs tho westerly line of lot two (2) milil .. nn i iws u distance oi ;(iu lt to a .mint on thirty-two (:l'2), which point Is !) feet distant from ami measured at right angles to the re vised center line of the rsllrnan: rin south 60 feet to a point In the original right of way llncof the railroad; thence southeast along ,nm unpiiiai riKiu oi way line a nisiance of IHii feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.04 acre.. Tract five- Bcelnnlne at a nnlnt nn ihn n,i. Inal right of wnv line of tha rallronrl. u hn.h point Is !(1K feet west and 1"0H fret north from he southeast corner of said section thirty two (t2), townshln three lil north. east Willamette Mcrldinn, and SO fcetdlstunt from aud measured at right angles to the re vised center Hue: thence on a curve to the left having a radius of l:ix;l ieet parallel with and SO feet distant from said revised cenicr II no M Hlu. tancenf 77H feet tos point nn the original south erly right Of wav Hue of the rnllroml i, ...... u easterly and southeasterly along said original iKii oi wy line a aisianee of feet to the place of beginning, con tai ui. lg .M acres. Tract six Rczllinlllir St a nnlnrnn fl,. ...I Ineof said section thirty-two (.), w hich point s l lliH feet north from the souihcuat c,,n,,.. ,.i said suction thlrfy-two. (:). townshiu three (o orth, range eleven ill) eust (ilui,.it.. i..rt. dian, and M) feet distant from and mcttsnrivl mt right angles to the revised centi-r line! ,.,.. on a course bearing north ii7 degrees mlniiUs it njnuuiceoi ieet in a point In the orig inal right of way Hue of the railroad: thi e northwesterly along said original right of wav line a distance of 10' feci ii, i.i,, u.i.1,.1. feet d lstant from and measured at right angles to the revised center line; thence on a course bearing south f7 degrees :i. minule. east i,rui. iwilh and M feet distant from lil i.i.,.i cenU'r lino a distance of li,7 feet to the enst line of said lot one (1); thence south feet to the place of beginning, containing .ill actes. The live tracts of hind . ... .,.,.,. fern-d to and the rlsrht to CXCHVHlM ntlil lui.mui "' ' aravei ana other mnlerlal from which a sought to he appropriated herein arc particularly docrlbed a. follow., to-wlt: Tract 1 From that trar t lying southerly from tract number one above mentioned and be tween tho right of way thcr-ln described and the original rlaht of way line of the railroad and between Htatlon 1TO plus s.1 of the revised cen ter I ne of the railroad, and the south lino of said lot four (I), continuing M acres. ,T.r."J!t. ,wo Al" ,rom ,hl,t 'rant 2.1 fect In width lying southerly from tract number two and contiguous to the right of way therein dc Tli fH .'", "i"'" Htatlon l:nl and Htatlon l.lOOot the revised center line ol the railroad. Tract thrift-Also from thst ir.i 1.1... i.. ... two (i) and three () contiguous to and norlh csslerly from the right of way described In N ations 1.U.I and 1:170 of the revlso.1 center line of tne railroad, being a trlnngulnr pl e -n't ,.et in width at sa d autlmt mi. . a tsliitatthclntcrs..cion of the orl.Ini.l rh(ht of way line at Htatlon l:ul, containing acres. -mTsT'i ,p"r-l"' 'rn"l 'hat tract W) feet In width 1 v I risr southerlv fn.n, i i ...... and contiguous to the right of way the, .-in ,e. ; , . """"" niaii'ini i: ami l.flri plus If i i ,",r.,'vl"",t center line of the railroad, ton lalnlng ,0.i acre.. .v.Tr''l.?,,SA ," ,rnm th 'ract lying between therlghtof way deacrlbe.1 In tract iiumtsT sU ad the original right ol way line of the railroad and between Htatlon l:wn of the revised center i !,,.M':.t,!". "1 th" Ml'I siwtlon thirty two (.!, ooiitalnlug .0,'. airea. All of said premises are situate.) In lot. I. 2 i .n:lw&,hir.,n:h'p 3 n,,r,h' r""9n Th. date of tha first publication of this sura- niil'r '''Ith t,l,,'l","lnH.tiifday,the ih.ll JZ. 1,h,,'1"b",' lw. uui-i on. ld pTrmd " 8"turc1"' of ecn week for Hon" V" ?,nun"l ,"b",h"1 br o th. Hon. W. L. Hr.dsh.w, judg. ui th. Hcrautb Jll-HrWail nialtlk a-v and dated beptmbe, 2NSui.mle Wbe, COTTON, TON tru H. r.cosxoS- OS. H. WIUiON." "ornerfcri1.n,i. Sale of Real Property 2th day of August, 190). the ,T ' " ta. mlnlstrator with thi wili u.1?, '",'" of Jonathan Jack,on7deceasrt win" after the 1st day of October 1.,' I,1, M sale tn th. manner provided b?U?fc?,JW'2 of real property by executors and tor., all the right, title and iS.M,""",' Jonathan Jackson in .,,3 1 Itatsus scribed real property, feing in wT1Clt,' Oregon, to-wlt; "cot-wiat. mesr. 4 oi tneSE'i Of section T to. . 11 theE'iof the Nt4andne5iTeul,T-,W0 57. je.eir;;, an in townsh In four '41 soinh fourteen (14) east, W. if; sald's-u' cash or upon creoli in the manner ,2 law for the sale of real pmprty" executoraaud admlnli trators. ui bj Adminlstratnr, wlthbe- wn'iSPS estate of Jonathan Jackson, S, NOTICE FOK x-UBLICATIo Land Office at The Dalle.,, o,, , , August Hi, lUKj ' Notfce is hereby given that ti n named settler ha, filed notl" of hi, ln! make final proof in support o Ms 2 . ?00 that said prK,f will be made Wore the aud Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon on day, October 10, laOO, via. : ' u George W. Johnston, of The n.liss. n. H. E. No. 5103, for the NW'i (JEli .nn r NWX Sec 18. Tp 1 N, R 14 E, VV M M KE He names the following witnesses to rirovr hi. ultUnd?"vizfldeIM: UP0"' "nd E. P. Taylor, Win. 8harp, J. W Johntr. . . R. E. 'league, all of The Dalle., 65 ni S5-I JAYP. LUCAS, Register. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon (or Wasco County; ""Tpxiiot Iua Bpelchinger, PlalntifT, vs. Henry Speiehiuger, Defendant In the name of the Hti'te of Oregon' You are hereby required lo apuesrsiid n.. the complaint filed against you liMb.'S, entitled suit on or before the Isst d1VOlih. time prescribed in the order for the piibiiriti of this summons, to-wlt,on or beforpsir a,,,. utlve weeas from the ISOlh day of tmrMr 1900, which said Lith day of tenibor law I. the date of tho first publication ol this sum mons, to-wlt: You are required to stiuearsud answer said complaint on or before the loth -Isv of November, l'JOO, which said loth a of No vember, l'.s.0ls the lust day of the time -scritied In the order for the publication of thli summon., and if you fail to answer, lor want thereof plaintiff' will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in plaiutlu scorn. Elaint, to-wlt: That the boudsuf ma'rlmony eretoforeand now existing betweenDlalntllt and defendant be dissolved and held for 'naught, ami plaliitlir and defendant be in all resneett di. vorced from each other, and that flaiotitr. name, be changed to her maiden name, to-wit. Ina Doyle, aud for such other and further relief as to tbe court may seem just and equitable. This summons 1. served upon vou, Henry Spelchlnger, the above named defendant, by publication thereof in The Dalles WKistr CIIKonicle for six consecutive weeks by order of Hon. W. L. Ilradshsw, judge of the ilion entitled court, which order was niadeon,and bears date of September 27, l'.mo. NED II. OATEs, Ur Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has duly filed with the county clerk of Waaeo county, Oregon, his final account and report u executor of the estate of Phoebe J. ceased; and that the honorable county court Du fixed Monday, the ftth day of November, M0, U 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the time, and the county court room in the county court bouse ia Dalle. City, Wasco county, Oregon, as Ihe place for hearing said final account and report. All persona interested In said estate are here by notilled to aptear at said time and place and show cause, tf any there be, why said report should not be approved and said executor dis charged. Dated this th day of September, 1XH). FRANK MENEFEE, Executor of the estate ol Phoebe J. Haignt, deceased. octt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Office at The Dalles, Os, I (September la, l'.. Notice Is hereby given that the foltowlnf named settler has (fled notice of ber InteutMi to iiiuke final proof In support of her claim, awl that said proof will be made before the rcgisler and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Weduo day, October 24, 1900, viz ; Kllaa K. Vlckers, widow of Ramtiel J. Vlckers, deceased, of Mi sler, Oregon, II. E. No. fir.;iO, for theN'iiWM and 8! N Kec IS. Tp 2 N, R 12 K, W. If. hho names the following witnesses to pmve her nntiiiiinus residence Uion and cultivation of said land, viz. ; (ieoree kenoe. of Tha Dalles. Oregon: JrH Miler, Lee Evans, Eric (irunland, Mosler, Or. BplO J A 1 P. L,Ul-AB. ntgiam. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Ornca at Vancouver, Wake.! Aug. IS, lW I Notice Is heniln sIvati thut tlie follnwIK' named settler has fllt notice of his Intettloj to make final proof In support of his cisiir. that said proof will be made belore V. B. PresW. l:,ilt.wl kr.tu. i'nmn.i.Li..,ii, f,,r lllatrirl Washington, at his ollice lu (ioldciidale, " lngton, on October 1, 1000, viz: John Watson, P. O. addrest Centervlllc, Wash., who B" homestead application No. V.U1, for theo'iW cc -a, Tp N, R 14 E, W. M. V, ho name the following wltneuss m r " his contliinnns residence noon and cahn""" of said land. viz. : .. Char e. Htrsuhe. W lliam WilKirnof" " 0. Dalv and Patrick Haggerty, all ol l'el" P. O., Washington. alSl W. R.DUNBAR, rW. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the underslrnw ve tiled with the (ilcrk of the comity O"'1""! nave uieo wun me i.icrs oi me "i"" . -, the Mtateof Oregon for Wasco coimtv.inr r acr ount as executors of th. last will an0.""... ment of Henry Itanium, dcccau'd, and tW Mnlidnv. the II h itsv of Noveillln'r, WW. ! ' ' .... 100, at iw hour ol 10 o pIim-r a. . m nas nceu n'.; - t aid county ' tl" "". tho room In Dalles '""'iL has been tlx'"' 'I" ('(unity Court for sal lilscn for hi-nrlna of ohiwillons to snld linsi v count and the settlement of the asm. ., J, W. HtKMHi F. P. 1A"- epin Krcutri T. A. Van Norden 1st Keeps epscnnstontlrnn hand '"'"jraalr?' .,( .11 in. t is tsst III Clocks, Hiwtaclcs, Kleid ( i lasses, "Trf. sl at price, that defy com"tltlon. '"",,,. tendwl lo with promptness and mi tafx graving neatly done. ' line j-j h o k i s no b r r Thysiciau and Snnreofl, Special atuntton flT.n to wrft- Tel. US Rooms 21 and 21. ui irt v l.