The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 10, 1900, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle-
but civ heart Lbs gone to stone. One lUo 1 a day receired by tbe men
man in ray company 'bas experienced: mining anthracite coal lew than 1
AdiartUlnc Kai.
tbe death I have Just spoken of, tnd
every man has made a promise to
avenge bis dealt). Our brave and
good quartermaster, No'.rie,
O rtwolnchmnluii1orfvurliirtirs I ! njjuling, HKe a IierO mat be was;
while the rest, with the exception of
Oral four tuche and uudei twalv iiicbea
O'er twvlv I uehv SO
)n inch or 1. per inch 13 M
Over oue inch ana under four Inche t"0
Oy-t four Incur ud under twelve iuche. . 1 f
Over twelve inches . 100
The organization, on Frids), of
tbe Lawyers' Sound Money Cam
paign Club of New York, with tbe
ilon. John G. Carlisle as its presi
dent, is one of tbe most important
and significant events of tin present
Tbe principles nod purposes of tbe
club, as expressed in resolutions
adopted at the meeting, are "alle
giance to tne principle of tbe gold j
.standard' and condemnation of tbe
"revolutionary doctrines" reallirmed
in tbe nomination of Itryan. Ac
cordingly, these dietinguis.bed .'aw
vers announce unreservedly "that,
in our opinion, the defeat of Messrs.
Bryan and Mevenson is essential to
tbe permanent and efficient main
tenance of tbe gold standard of
value in this country."
Mr. Cai lisle, tben of Kentucky, as
secretuy of the treasury in tbe cabi
net of Mr. Cleveland long ago de
clared tbe allegiance to which be
now remains faithful, and expounded
sound currency doctrines with a
power and a lucidity of statement
unexcelled. He now refuses to fol
low the example of Mr. Richard
Olney, tbe only other man in that
cabinet standing on an intellectual
level with him, in a sac ri fine of bis
consistency and bis reputation as a
statesman to short-sighted ideas of
political expediency.
Mr. Carlisle, too. is a man of
.Southern birth, a life-long democrat
of great distinction in bis party. As
a coriespondent from Georgia says
in a letter, it is "a great severance"
for such a man to put himself in an
attitude of seeming hostility to the
democratic party; and when it is
made it is indicative of the profound
cst and slncerest conviction. But
neither in the case of Mr. Carlisle
r.or in that of any other southerner
or any other of tbe distinguished
one who was taken prisoner, retreated.
The man who staid was court
martialed, tbe others were given
awards of merit. I did not bear tbe
straight of that story until I got to
try own company."
Tbe executive committee of the
gold democratic party has issued a
long address to tbe members of the
party. The address attacks Bryan
bitterly, anil insists that silver is the
issue. I be address concludes as loi
lows: "Mr. Bryan seeks power by
an appeal to anti-expansion, and tbe
anti-trust tentiuoent of tht. people.
Tbe difficulties of our external policy
were unforseen, as their solution is at
present unrevealed. The evil of
trusts bus no party paicntage, and
will be remedied hy tbe combined
intelligence of our political parties.
Without rrinirr.izing the perils of
either, we affirm that no greater evil
can be fill our government than tbe
impairment of its vigor, the destruc
tion of our credit and our industries,
which Mr. Bryan is specially pledged
to effect If he gets into power.
Therefore, wo appeal .to our country
men again to avert disaster from
their country by bis defeat."
democratic kwvpr nf c Ynrb
.. i ...... . The Dalles veterans did tonight."
associated with him in tbe orcaniza- & '
One of the best expansion speeches
of tbe old soldiers' meeting of last
evening was made by a veteran of
tbe civil war,' who was an open and
earnest supporter of Bryan four years
ago. If all tbe old soliiers think as
Tbe Dalles veterans do, it is mighty
cold comfort Bryan will get from
them. At the clo?e of the meeting
B. F. Pike, senior vice-commander
of tbe Oregon G. A. R., said to tbe
editor of this "I am not sur
prised at tbe result of tonight's meet
ing. Br3'anite papers try' to create
tbe impression that many of tbe old
soldiers will not support McKinley,
and do not believe in expansion. So
far as my experience goes nothing
could t.e farther from the truth.
During the past few months I have
visited near'' every post in Oregon
and the old soldiers talk everywhere
a day tbe year round." Here is Mr.
Bryan's positive statement that
anthracite coal miners receive less
than 11 a (lay. What are the facts?
In their cwn demands upon their
employers the men mining anthracite
ask: That labors not miners now
receiving less than 11.50 a day be
advanced 20 tier cent, but to not
wore tban 11.75; that laborers now
receiving from 1.50 to tl.75 a day
be advanced 15 per cent; that labor
ers now receiving $1.75 or more a
day be advanced 10 per cent. For
the miners proper, as distinguished
from laborers, no advance ie asked
Tbe miners ask relief from certain
grievances as to the price of powder.
weighing of ccal, etc., but arc satis
fled with their present wages.
Tbe letders of tbe miners state
that in some mines tbe least skilled
laborers are paid as low as 90 cents
day, but they estimate tbe average
wages of this calss of anthracite
mine workers at $1.25 a day. That
the average wages of many laborers
must be more than $1.25 a day tbe
men's own demands prove, These
Ogures, taken from the mine workers'
own statement, prove tbe falsehood
of Mr. Bryan's assertions as to wages
in the anthracite region.
Tben Mr. Bryan is worried by the
"full dinner pail" in another way.
"1 want to ask the laboring man,"
be wails, "if he is content to live
and die with nothiDg more tban a
full dinner pail?" Certainly not,
nor does tbe republican party ask
birn so to live and die. But the re
publican party very' promptly asks!
the laboring man to contrast bis
present full dinner pail with that
vessel's condition when we last ex
perimented with the democratic
party. The full dinner pail is in
sharp contrast with the soup kitchens
of not many years ago. Mr. Bryan
dislikes the full dinner pail argument,
but he cannot a,et away from it.
And unless tbe American people
have forgotten their country's his
tory and tbe democratic party')
record tbe) full dinner pail will ab
solutely block Mr. Bryan's road to
the White House.
a nf"ii. "
T. A. Hidom.
.Notary fublle.
Acgetable Preparationfor As
similating foe Food andBegula
Lng the StomaclB andBoweis of
Promotes Dige3ti0n.Cheerfu.r-
ness and Hest.coniains neiiner
Opium.Morphine norlincrai
fmf-td .kiqr
hkJnmn norm
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
the . t
For Over
Thirty Years
tion and'direction of this club, can
it now be regarded in any quarter as
an abandonment of democratic doc
trine and principle. Tbey turn from
Bryan and the Chicago and Kansas
City platforms because tbey lepudi
a'.e them as false to democracy and
fatal to it. Tbey associate them
selves with republicans distinguished
at tbe bar simply for the patriotic
purpose of contributing their ability
-and influence to defeat an assault on
our social stability and national
security and honor, and incidentally
to relieve tbe democratic party from
an odious incubus put upon it.
Such democrats as Francis L.
Stetson, of whom Mr. Cleveland was
a law partner, George Hoadly, form
erly a democratic governor of Ohio,
and Wheeler H. Pcckbam, George
L. Rives and Franklin Bartlett, of
life-long distinction as democrats,
appear in tbe list of officers of this
club; but everybody knows that such
a relation does not imply any change
in their political faith. Because tbey
are democrats their influence is all
me more commanding in this cam
In 1898 the San Francisco Ex
arainer said : "Tben, when it came
to securing military bases in the
West Indies, these same democratic
leaders chaffed and haggled over
items of war expenditure. Now,
again, tbey are giving . evidences of
opposing the popular will in the
matter of the annexation of the
Philippines. It is high time to call
a halt. The democratic party will
not follow such leadership. The
people already have repudiated it."
Now tbe Examiner is wildly anxious
to get these same democrats to ap
prove what tbev repudiated four
years ago by the Examiner's advice
and consent.
The Glacier publishes an interest
ing letter from Edwin Ilendersou,
an Oregon volunteer in tbe Philip
pines, to relatives at Hood River,
which gives a frightful picture of
the savage cruelty of the George
Washington Aguinaldos, for whom
Bryanism is just now shedding so
many crocodile tears. Kea tbe
following words and say if these
savage beasts are tit for self-government.
"They take an American
prisoner," says Mr. Henderson, "and
begin with a bolo, cut bis scalp into
strips, cut off his ears, lance his nose,
cut off his fingers at every Joint,
then at the wrist, tben the toes in
tbo same manner ; cut feet and arms
off, tben put ropes around the stomps
and unjoinl the legs, do, do, until
you are dead. I love them at much
as I love onions or pole cats. I used
to pity them when I was in Manila
Where is Prof. Coin Harvey in
these awful hours? He is missed in
the "financial circles of tbe sons of
silver. Many issues have their little
day of paramountcy among the
Bryan brethren, but Coin is para
mount no moie. He bas retired to
Arkansas, thinking great thoughts.
Tbe Jeffersoninn five-cent cigar was
his invention, we believe; but that,
like imperialism, would never draw;
and so Coin is sleeping tbe unquiet
sleep of plutocracy and waiting for
his reappearance.
The Malheur Gazette rounds up
tbe Baker City Democrat in tbe fol
lowing handsome fashion: "Where
is McKinley's prosperity?" asks a
democratic exchange in a long article,
and the local department answered
it in these words: "There is not in
Baker county an idle man. who wants
to work."
The full dinner pail greatly wor
ries Candidate Bryan, says the
Chicago Inter-Ocean. In his frantic
effort to get away from that practical
proof of prosperity he adds false
statement to his usual trick of sug
gesting falsehood. In bis speech at
Kansas City on Tuesday be said:
"Whenever any republican holds up
before you the full dinner-pail argu
ment, ask htm what be thinks of less
Calarrb Cannoc Be Cured.
with local applications, as tbey cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
Is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nai remedies, nail's catarrh care is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh, bend for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnggistn, price 75c. .
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Chamberlain' Cough Kemedy Great
The soothing and healing properties
of tliis remedy, its pleasant arid prompt
and permament cures have made it a
great favorite with people everywhere.
It is especially prized by mothers of
email children for colds, cronp ami
whooping couph, as it always affords
quick relief, and as it contains no opinm
or other harmful drag, ii may be given
as confidentially to a baby as to an
sdult. For sale bv Blakelev druggist.
A position by a good all-round me
chanic BnJ general repair man. Can do
carpenter work, paper-banging, paint
ing, calsomining, run steam heating
boiler, repair and construct electric
bells, annunciators, ami repair work of
all kinds. Can furnish very best refer
ences from present ami past employers
for fourteen years past. Have got all
tools, am 33 years old, sober, an Ameri
can and anxious to come "(Vest. Address,
stating all particulars,
A. Howard,
General Repairer,
3001 Western Ave. Bon!., Chit-ago,
III. octblwk
fcatrar Notice.
Came to my place a boot a month aeo
a red niooley cow, with white hind feet.
branded on left hip with three lines
meeting at a point, nnder-crop off right
ear.. Owner can have her by paying
charges. Petbh Uodfrky,
The Dalle.'
Oct 3, 1900. o6-w4r
To whom it may concern : My wifi
Llllie Henningsen, having left my bed
and board, I will not be responsible for
any debts incurred by ber.
Mosier, Or., Sept. 27, 1900.
l27-2tw Pktcr IIenninosis.
During tbe Street Fair and Carnival we are going to offer thn greatest bar
gains in Grinding Machinery ever offered in the State of Oregon. We want every
farmer to have a Star Feed Mil!, because it will help to pay your taxen it will
save you time ; it will make your old horse fatter ; it will please your wife to get
cracked grain for her chickens; and thin is a sure way of getting it at, a sacrifice
for we are positively going to clone out ihe mill now on hand at ACTUAL COST.
A change in the business comoelB ne to do this, and now is tho time for you to
reap the benefit. For further pniculars inquire or write fj
HUDSON & BROWNHILL, The Dalles, Oregon.
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much lest than wholesale
prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-littina
ami ButtKiick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early an
g Cornets
d secure
Comer Second and Court Sts.
Yon will not have boils if yon
Clarke A Falk's snre enre for bolls.
State flormal School,
Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900.
The Mudents of the Korunl Saliool are prepared to Like tlio Stnto (;crtlflra Immediately oo
CiraduattMrwidllT ORUre K'rd p-ltlnn. Kxjionne of yenr from to VA.
Strong and Prn'tKslonal Jounca, New cjprctnl D imrturc In Manimt Training
Well etiileri Mining Oppartineiu.
For catalogue contuinlnn full announcements ddro
P. I.. CAMPBK1X, rreMdent. or W A. W ANN, S-rrf ary of FariiKy,
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot 11 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SfndMLkE'D
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr Thi'1 Floar " "nnfactured expressly for family
nr. ii . , . ns: eve""rsaok is guaranteed to give satisfaction
Ws sell our goods lower than any bouse in the trade, and If you don't Think
call and get cur prices and be convinced. 7 "
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Real Estate,
.Insurance, Loans,
Conveyancing and
We represent some of the l.rla-,
msurance companies in the orj !r'
We have a large list of proper,. K v
city and ountry, for sale and reVi" H
We have money to loan on re.U,
security at reasonable ratM of inj
We do all kinds of nonveyamir.
are 4he exclusive ovner, fr
tem of abstracting, which precl
possibility of ir.isiakes it look?'1
titles to real eetale. ,00k,"ir
rent u.l find .t to their idvan Zl
leave it in our hands. al"jto
Cnllprtifr. nl li l i l
" w-TT ' reeeive vnmPt snf
tion VV ill practice iu all th ,n . ,
tfe .tat-. Correspondence
answered. p'uohij
DIRECT from the .'ACTORY
The Druggist
pipe Jailori
A complete line of Fall and Winter
Suitings, Panting and Overcoating, not
on display. 100 diUerent varieties toM
lect from.
Suits, $20 aid up.
Call and examine goods before joinf
elsewhere. Second street, opp. Mijt
& Crowe's.
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
Two Nights, October 10 and
I' t& KP
I ilii:itiiiiiii,.tt ).- 0,-jj,
Rormr r Imp! rr"rni
RllimiMirMMi. I'lirifr th BIim.H,
A miTimlit nf thn bowstli rh d x..n-
Advertise in The Chronicle .( wteOTMsa"
This Season's Big Suivess.
The great Cbinese-Ainericaii Sensation.
KING of the
The Scenic Marvel of the 2(Hh CWJ
A Monster Kaleidoscope ot Orient!
m-.i . " K .. t'TH
iirar anvun rnwn. i ji
sion.OOc. Keen re your seats '
Falk's drugstore.
. Clurks
-- -