The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 06, 1900, PART 2, Image 6

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i . ill .mjuik rijti rioLitAwuj. Dumittuna
Wednesday 'I Daily.
Mr. aod Mrs. J. B. Haveley, of Boyd,
were in town last nitftit.
John A. Cradlebaugh and son. Rudy,
are m the city and will leave tonight fur
tlio Greenhorn district, where Mr. Cra
dlebatigh may spend the winter looking
alter hie mining interests.
J. H. Smith, the Grass Valley mer
chant, was in town todav on his way to
the warm springs, near Collins Landing,
where he will spend a lew weeks in
hope of relief frora an acute attack of
Mr. and Mrs. C.ry Jenkins are in the
city paying a short visit to friends while
on the way from Ccenr d'Alene to Port
land, where Mr. Jenkins will finish his
course of studies at the North Pacific
dental college.
A. Paffenberger is in the city in the
interest of tbo Pacific Farmer. Mr.
PafTeti border has not been in Tbe Dalles
since the big fire of '91, and he was sur
prised at the way the city has grown
and extended since that time.
Isaac Joles returned yesterday from
Spanish G'llch, Wheeler county, where
he spent the summer working on his
placer mine, with fairly satisfactory re
sults. He will spend the winter with
his family and resume work on tbe
mine nest spring.
Thursday's Daily
Mrs. Tolmie.who has been in Portland
the past month, returned hnnday even
ing. F. W. Silvertooth and wife, of Ante-
lopo, are registered at tbe Umatilla
Mrs, T. J. Twobig, of this city, has
enne on a visit to her parents in Pleasant
Valley, Klickitat county.
Homer D. Angell left several days ago,
by way of Chicago, for New York City
where he will enter the law department
of Columbia University.
Mrs. Jessie 8. Vert, of Pendleton,
Worthy Grand Matron of the Eastern
Star, in the guest of Mrs. W. S. Myers.
Mrs. Vert is on a visit to tbe Eastern
Star lodges of Eastern Oregon.
Geo. R. Campbell, who has been em
ployed since April as a U. S. deputy
surveyor, left for Eugene today. Mr.
Campbeil is a senior in tbe University
of Oregon and expects to receive the
degree of civil engineer next June.
Friday's Dally.
Dr. K. E. Smith left on the afternoon
to spend Sunday with his relatives. He
expects to return Sunday night.
County Clerk Lake went to Hond
River this atternoon to take In tbe fruit
fair at that . place. He will be back
Miss Evelyn Steel, who has been a
guest of the Misses Micbell for tbe pRt
week, returned to her borne in Portland
yesterday afternoon.
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at mueh less than wholesale
prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out "before 30 days.
All eoode will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets
and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be wine. Call early and secure
Corner Second and Court Sts.
Laud Ornca at Thi Villi. Or., j
Septemoer l iu.
Notice la hereby given Ih.t the f..llowlns
named settler haa riled notice of her Intention
to make nnal proof lu .uppur t ot her claim, and
I lliut Mild proof will he made before the Ktitiater
! and heceiver al 1 he Dalle, Oregon, on Weduea
I day, October -4, lwu, iu;
Jaaet F. atart, f The Dallti, Or.,
' u v Vn .VM for the F.'J SE'i E or M: qr Nee
'', Tp 1 S. K l'J E, and s W qr N W qr Sec ou, Tp 1
X, K i.l K. W M.
eh namea the following witnesses o prove,
her continuous residence npou and cultivation
of said land, six.:
It. I. Nelaou, E. T. Shary. John Fleming,
Daniel (ilea art, all u! The l-.llev
aepli JAY P. LLC A3, Register.
At Monroe, Wis., Oct. 3d, Mrs. Juliet
L. Hill, mother of Mrs. J. B. Condon,
aged 86 years and 4 months.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to A. M. Williams & Co.
Phone 234,
Land Ornn
at Thi Dallis. Oa.,
r-epteinoer, lu, w, I
Notice la hereby (riven that the follnwitig
named settler baa Hied notice nl hla Intention
to make final proof In support ol hia claim, and
that anld proof will be made before, tbe winter
and receiver at The Dalles, Oreg.m, on Saturday,
October J), I'M). U.:
tharlea II. Matoay,
of The Dalles, Oregon, H. E. No. 5DM. for the 8
hf NE qr and W hi SE qr, eec 1-', ip I o, tt n
He names the following wltnessea to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of "id Unci, viz. :
A. s, Eox, P. : Fagan, Charles Coaaon and Y.
C. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
aepl5 JAY P. LUCAS, Eeglster.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Tbe Oregon Kailroad Si Navigation Co.,
Paol Mohr Agrees to Italse S)200,000 In
JMnety Ilaya.
According to the Telegram Paul Mohr
promises to raise (200,000 with which to
pay bis creditors their dues and resume
work on the portage road at the dalles
within ninety days. This promise was
made at tbe creditors' meeting held in
' the chamber of commerce building in
Portland yesterday. All the creditors
present agreed to give Mr. Mohr tbe
time be stipulated for raising the money
Tbe representations he made to them
seemed to satisfy them that the money
would be fortt coming. His confident
manner, together with facts which be
submitted, seemed sufficient proof that
lie will succeed in raising the amount.
It is understood the money will be
furnished by New York parties. The
deal is now being negotiated. Repre
sentatives ot these capitalists, who, it
is thought, may be identified with the
Northern Pacific, have been looking the
property over and are reported as being
satisfied. Several creditors were seen
nd they said thev did not have an idea
of where Mr. Mohr expected to get the
. money and did not care if It came from
the North Pole, so long as it was raised
What they are most interested in is be
ing paid for the material and labor fur
nished by them towards tbe road's con
struction. If the negotiations are successful and
it turns out that the purchaser is the
Northern Pacific, it will be good evi
dence that that road purposes to build
down tbe north bank of the Columbia.
In that event the road would be a link
in a railway line, instead of a (steamboat
line as originally intended. However,
speculation regarding the future of the
road is premature, as all depends upon
the successful issue of the negotiations
now under way.
Elder Kruger'e Keply to Rhoadea,
The Dallis, Oct. 3, 1900.
Editor Dalles Chronicle:
Deab Sib,: In your paper of the 3d
in at. appears my reply as quoted by the
Portland Orcgonian regar Jing tbe state
ment of J. S. Rboades written to said
paper from Spokane, when in reality J.
8. Khoades' borne is at Hnntsville, and
be is pastor of ths TJ. B. church at that
I want to thank you for the stand yon
took In this matter in waiting to hear
tbe other tide as well. It is a fact that
w benever a report is circulated on a
minister of
drop the matter, not that I cannot prove
every statement I have made, but
simply because it would help Christian
ity very little and my aim and object in
lite is to do all I can to hid the cause
that will make my fellowraan better.
The whole sum and substance of the
attack of Mr. J. S. Rboades upon me is
stated briefly :
Firet, my stand against a part of tbe
board of Huntsville Seminary, in allow
ing a man to teach whoss breath was at
all times full of whiskey, and who would
send the pupils to eet whiskey for hint.
Second, Mr. J. 8
bitter enemy against tbe secret society
fought me on that issue. I myself being
a member of the A. O. TJ. W. as well as
a member of the order of Washington,
naturally called down upon me the
wrath of the gentleman, and being away
from Huntsville be begins to attack me.
I lived at Huntsville for over a year and
nothing was said against me, but no
sooner had I left said place then the dogs
begin to bark and a sad bark it Is.
I invite all and every one of the people
of Tbe Dalles to come out to our services
next Lords day and evening.
Paul Krugxr.
Much BnalDeaa Transacted A. A. Jajne
Kealgna aa Councilman.
Carnival Kates.
The O. R. & N. Company have made
the following round-trip rates from the
stations named below to The Dalles, for
October 9th to 13th, inclusive:
Portland $3 50
Fairview 2 95
Troutdale 2 W
Latourelle 2 55
Bridal Veil 2 40
Bonneville 1 90
Cascade Locks 1 75
Viento , 1 20
Hood River, 95
Arlington 2
Heppner Junction 2
Heppner 4 35
A position by a good all-round me
chanic and general repair man. Can do
carpenter work, paper-hanging, paint
ing, calsomining, run steam heating
boiler, repair and construct electric
bells, annunciators, and repair work of
all kinds. Can furnish very best refer
ences from present and past employers
for fourteen years past. Have got all
tools, am 33 years old, sober, an Ameri
can and anxious to come West. Address,
stating all particulars,
A. Howard,
General Repairer,
3G01 WeetemHAve. Boul., Chicago,
111. octb-lwk
tat ray Notice.
Came to my place about a month ao
a red mooley cow, with white hind feet.
branded on left bip with three lines
meeting at a point, nnder-crop off right
ear. Owner can nave her by paving
charges. Peter Godfrey,
Tbe Dalles.
Oct 3, 1900. cfl w4w
The regular monthly meeting of tbe
city council was held last night In tbe
council chamber, Mayor E. B. Dufur
The council men present were F.
Leiupke, A. Kel'ar, II. C. Liebe, Wm.
Shackleford, A.A. Jayne, F. S. Gunning,
W. A. Johnston and F. W. Wilson.
A petition was presented to the
council by N. Harris and others asking
Rhoades being a ! for the construction of a sidewalk on tbe
old brewery grade. On motion of
Councilman Gunning'the matter wa9 re
ferred to the committee on streets and
public property.
II. Yoemans applied to the council for
the privilege of running a phonopraph
on the streets of Tho Dalles for the period
of fifteen days without cbaige. In sup
port of bis plea be affirmed that he was
an old soldier and bad only this means
of making a living, and that other cities
had accorded him the privilege be asked
here. The recorder was ordered to grant
Yoemans the privilege asked.
The carnival committee, in tbe persons
of R. B. Sinnott and C. L. Phillips, ap
peared before the council and requested
that an ordinance be passed granting to
the officers of the carnival the exclusive
privilege of any show, exhibition, enter
tainment, game or merry go-round or
privilege whatsoever that may operate
or exhibit during the five days of the
fair. Tbe request was refused all the
members voting against it save F.
Lempke and II. C. Liebe.
Tbe matter of purchasing the winter
supply of wood was referred to the com
mittee on streets and public property.
The marshal reported tbe existence of
a nuisance under tbe Baldwin restaurant
on first street and tbe matter was re
ferred to the committee on health and
Councilman Jayne tendered bis resig
nation as a member of the council for
the reason that be is about to change
his residence from The Dalles to Hood
River. On motion of Councilman Wilson
the resignation was accepted, coupled
with regrets on the part of the mayor
and council. A vote of thanks was
tendered Mr. Jayne for his efficient
services as councilman.
The treasurer's report for the month
was as follows:
Sept. 1 Availablecash in fund. 14589 58
Receipts for September 408 85
Lasu Office at Thr Dali-is, Or.,
(September lu, l'.HU (
Notice la hereby slven that the following
named "tiller has Hied notice ot bit intention to
muk final proof in aupport of bis claim, and
that a, id pnwf will be mwle before the Keuistcr
and Receiver at The Dalles Oregon, on Satur
day, October SO, 19UU, viz:
Arrllooa R. Kox,
of The Dalle, Oregon, If. E. No. Sl'4, for the
bf N W qr and vt hf SW qr, Boo li, Tp 1 S, K 11
, W. M.
He namca the following witnesses to prove
hia I'ontimiouH residence upon and cultivation
of .aid land, viz:
J. ('. Malney, C H. Matncy, Charles Gosben
and W. C. Clark, ull ot The Lai"ka, Oregon.
scpl5 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Land Office at Thk Dallies, On.,l
eept 11HI0. f
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of hla Intention
tion to make final proof in support of his
clxlm, and tnat said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver nt The lmllet,
Oregon, od buturday, November 1U, 11)00, viz:
Calvin .J. llnnakln,
of Mosier, Or., H. K No.Sl'Jl, for tbe BE qr, Sec
31, T i N, R 12 E, W. M.
He namea tne following witnesses to prove bis
continuous reaideuce upon, and cultivation of
aid land viz:
Michael Doyle, R. E. Doyle, The Dalles, Or.,
Jamea M. Brown aud t arl J. E. Carhon, of Mo
sier, Or.
29 He :istct
Land Officb at Th Dalles. Oregon,)
August 2f, luuu. i
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of bis intention to
make final proof in support of bis cIhIiii, and
that said proof will be made before the Keginter
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Butur
day, October , 1W0, viz:
Robert K. Phillips, of Motler, Or.,
H. E. No. .S5S0 for the NE?i NAV', NW NE'-4,
Sec. 9. and HU SEW. tec L Td. 2 N.. K. 12 E..
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz:
James Lewis, Dolly Mosier, Lea Evans, John
Mllcr, all of Mosier, Oregon.
aug29-l Kegiater.
U, 8. Land Offici, Thk Dallss, Oa.,
September 15, l'.xjo. I
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this tortice by Joseph 11. Sherar, contestant,
against homesie id entry No. 7152. made June 3.
!!. lor S hf N W qr Sec 2M, and E hf NE or See
21, Tp 3 8 R 14 E, by William Gill comes fee, In
which It is alleged that said Wiliiara (illl has
wholly abandoned said tract and changed hi
residence therefrom for more than six months
since making said entry, and next prior to date
oi uoniesi; ana ma neaia noi aoana the
tract to enter tne military or naval service o
the United States, said parties are hereby noti
tied to appear, respond and otler evidence touch
Ing said allegation at 10 o'c ock a. m. on October
27, 1'JU), before the register and receiver at the
uniieo. Mtaies iana oince in lbe Dalles, Oregon
The said contestant havine. in a mowr will.
davit, tiled August 11. 1900. set forth fuels which
show that after due diligence personal seivicc
ui una nonce can not oe made, It Is berchy
ordered and directed that such notice be given
w iucnuu urouvr nun ica Lion.
I'1! JAY P. LUCAS, Registor.
Total $41)90 42
By warrants issued $ 116 91
Sept 10 Trans to sinking fund. 2000 00
T. A. Van Norden
Total f:J010 31
Bal in general fund Oct 1 $1979 51
Tbe following claims were allowed
and ordered paid :
T J Driver, marshal's salary ...
Geo Brown, engineer
James Like, watchman
Ned Gates, recorder
C J Crandall, treasurer
Dalles City Water Works, rent.
Frank Connelly, labor
Keeps constnntlT on hand a large and varied
line of all that is beat In Watches, Jewtlrr,
the gospel, no irratter bOW at prices that defy competition. Mall orders at-
falaa Ihnra nonnla In , "n Prompiness and dispatch
K - graving neatly done. ug2
believe it, and to some It Is a sweet
morsel. And this also holds good with
same newspapers. I may state here
that the Oregon Ian did not publish my
reply in full. However, I am ready to
TjKingf)OHrrift . .
Physician and Surgeon,
Special attention flvsn to surgery.
Tel. 32S Rooms 21 ud 22. Vof t Block
DE Fisher do
Wm Galbrath. do
George Harvey, do
James Walsh, do
W R Brown do
W D Mardon, do
T J Driver, 32 meals prisoners. . . .
C J Crandall, office expense
R G Brooks, wood
Irwin JalUn, sawing wood
L D Oakes, hauling
Electric Light Co, lights. .
Senfert A Condon, telephone rent
and alarm system
$75 00
75 00
60 00
50 00
20 00
50 00
2 00
11 00
22 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
4 80
2 75
6 (X)
17 Uj
14 64
4 60
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sta.
All orders attended tn promptly. Long
instance pnone iJd. iocai, wz.
bonce Is bereav triven thnr. the nniipMiniioii
uns uuen uuiy appoimpo. Dy tne county court oi
the state ot Oregon, for Wasco county, adminls.
tnitor of tho pirnt r lriiaKAtK a
deceased. All persons having claims against
uivvniHifui mm ueceasea are nereby notified
lucrciii, me smiie, wun me proper vouchers
mereior, to me at my omce In Oregon
m.iiii, m ii,,iiin irom nit; uaie nereot.
uatcu Bepieniner 21, liwo.
c. ;r. snrTirpnv
"Of26 Administrator.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., I
Oct, a, l'.wo. i
notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
loiiinne mitti prooi in aupport of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before, the register
and receiver of the il. H. land office at The
,CTi v., uii caiuruay, ov. iu, iyou, via:
Peter atoller, Jr.,
"'The Dalles, Or., H. E. No. .-M.17, for the W hf
" " r uu on qr j v .jr sec 31, Tp 2 N, K 14 E
lie nnrne the following wltnowii to prnve
tl In flfint llliolla 1 ,(...... ... a .... '
mi in i ue i Milieu, ur.
JA V '. IXCAb, Register.
Notice is hereby given th it the undesigned
has duly filed .w th l lie l'.n,m. ... u"
, t 1 . . ! tit and report aa
administrator of the estate of Ailolph Agldlus.
decease.1, and that the Honorable County Court
tum t Toil Mniidai Sl.KtU 1 . 1
atlOo elm k a. m. of said dv aa the t ....1
tne county J.onrt room of the county court
port. All ra,-rsona inffrest..,! i . .. . "
.H I n"Mn,,d appear at aald time and place
J.'" ld bo "Pproved and aald administrator
uutea this ath day of October,
Administrator of th. J ..A.r.i,?,!i'!?'
deceased. ' -""" '".
a ww
IPO Pntinnnrnrl
Carbolineum : Avenarius.
The most efflelent Wood Preserving 0
J-altit, also . ludlcal kem.Hly against Ui, IfsappllWon to In-
wnua 01 iiooury houses will ter
manently exterminate all lic.(.
aulta healthy chickens, pienty of
Jos.T. Peters & Co.,
John H. Kober and Kmma Koberg, h! wife;
Charles H. Graham: John lioe aud Klcbard
Koe, wboae names ar unknown,
To John 11. Koberg, Emma Kobeig, hla wife:
( bar tea H. brahain: John Doe and Klenard
Hue, wboae namea are unknown, Defendants:
In the name of tbe State of Oregon:
You. and each of you, are hereby notified tbat
the Oregon Kailroad fc Navigation Companr
baa filed a comprint againat vou in the circuit
(ourt of the state ol Oregon for thfl County of
Waaco, and you are bereoy required to appear
and answer said romplatut on or before (he last
day of tbe time prescribed by the order of pub
lication, that ia to aay on or before Saturday,
the loth day of November, Hj0. l'ou are further
notified that If you fail to appear and answer
the complaint, or pieaa tnereio, at aaiu time,
the plaintiff will cauite your default to be en
tered and will apply to the court for th relief
prayed for In the complaint: that is to any that
an asaeshment of the damages which will result
from the appropriation by tbe plaintiff of the
six tracta of land first hereinafter described, and
also from tbe appropriation by the plaintiff of
the right to borrow earth, atone, gravel and
other material from the rive tracta of laud here
inafter described he had. and that on payment
of the d-tniHaea so assessed into the hands of the
clerk of this court by the plaintiff, Judgment be
given appropriating said property, and all of It,
to the plaintiff.
The sig tracls ot land which are sought to bo
appropriated heiein and whieb are above re
ferred to, are particularly bounded and de-
scribea as follows, 10-wit:
Tract One Beginning at a point in the easter
ly original right of way line of tne railroad, which
point is liil feet north and 2'0 ieet east from
the quarter corner between sections thirty one
(;:l)and thirty-two (.!'), township three 18) north,
ranee eleven (11) east Willamette Meridian, and
50 feet distant from and measured at right
augles to the revised center Hue: thence south
easterly on a curve to the lef c, having a radius
of i'JU feet a distance of 3J7 feet to a potnt which
Is M Ieet distant from and measured at right
angles to the revisd center line, thence parallel
with said revised center line aud 50 feet distant
northerly therefrom and ou a course bearing
ninth BO degrees 51 minutes cast a distance of
'2$ feet to a point In the south line of said lot
iour (I): thence west along said south line a
distance of 2oS feet to a jsdnt which Is 5(1 Ieet
distant frora and measured at riirbt angtca to
the revised center line: thence not th 60 degrees
61 minutes west a distance of ft) feet to a point;
tlience on a curve to the right, having a radius
of I J feet a distance of W feet to a point lu the
original light of way line of the railroad, which
point is 51) feet distant from and measured at
right angles to tne revised center line; tnence
northwesterly along said original right of way
line a distance of 25t feet to the place of Decli
ning, containing .nj acrea.
Tract two Beginning at a point 1320 feet east
and 870 fet t north from tbe quarter corner be
tween said sections thirty-one (31 aud thirty-
two (ft?), township tnree (.1) nortti, range eleven
(11) east Willamette Meridian, which point is 59
feet distant trom and measured at right angles
to the revised center line of the railroao; thence
on a course bearing south I'iO degrees 51 minutes
east, pa nil 1,1 with and 50 feet distant southerly
from said revised center line a distance of 5W
feet to a point; thenceoua curve to the right
having a radius of 1.13 ieet a distance of Mnj Ieet
to a point on the southerly original right of way
line ol the railroad; thenco northwesterly along
said original right of way line a distance of 1 1 M 1:1
ieet to a point 011 tne west una of lot three l:!l
section thirty-two :I2; thence south 10 feet to
the place of beginning, containing 1.2 acrea
Tract three Beginning at a point on the orig
lnal right of wav line of the railroad, which
point ia V!."i6J feet east from the quarter 0 rner
between sections thirtv-iuieand thirty-two ;ij,
township three north, range eleven 11 east
Willamette Meridian, thence cast along the
soutn line 01 lot inree section t,nirty-iwo
a distance of 18 feet to a notnt which is 51) ieet
nisiam 1 rum ana measureu ax riant angles to
tne rcvisea center line; tne, ce ou a course bear
ing nertn 41 degrees 40 minutes west a distance
01 -l'U ieet to a point In tbe original right of way
line of the railroad; thence southeasterly along
said original right of way line a distance of l'.M
feet to the place ot beginning, containing .mi
acies. .
Tract four Beginning at a point on the orig
lnal right of way line of the railroad, which
point is '.158 feel west aod l'J15 feet north from
the southeast corner of said section thirty-two
(&!), township three :i) north, range eleven (H)
east Willamette Meridian; thence on a course
bearing north (,. degrees 2ft minutes west a dis
tance of 2to feet toa point: thence on a curve to
the light having a radius of 3J21 feet a distance
of M;t feet to a point which is 50 feet distant
from and measured at right angle to the re
vised center line; thence northerly at right an
gles to the revised center line a distance of 10
feet to a point which is BO feet distant from and
measured at light anglea to the revised center
line; thence on a curve to the right having a
radius of 1S50 feet a distance of 77ii feet to a
point: thence southwesterly nt right angles to
the revised center line a distance of 10 feet to a
point which ia !i) feet distant from and meas
ured at right anglea to the revised center line;
thence on a curve to the right having a radius
of latio feet a distance of :U0 feet to a point on
the westerly line of lot two (J) said section
fhirty-two (:!), which point is 50 feet distant
from and measured at right anglea to the re
vised center line of tho railroad: thence due
south 60 feet to a point In the original right of
way llneof the railroad; thence southeast along
said oilgtnal right of way line a distance of 1MI5
feet to the place of beginning, containing l.w
Tract five- Beginning at a point on the orig
inal right ol way llneof the railroad, which
point la 218 feet west and inns feet north from
the southeast comer of gMld section thirty two
(f), township three (.1) north, range eleven (1 1)
east V lllaincltc Merlilin 11. Hurt Mi M iil.i.,i, I
from and measured at right ana-lea 10 the re
vised center line: thenco on n curve to the left
having a radius of 1:1X1 feet parallel with and 50
feet distant from said rev I set I center linn a dis
tance of 778 feet to a radii t on the oriotni ..,th.
erly right of way line of the railroad; thence
eagerly and southeasterly along said original
right of way line a distance of 8-JO feet to the
place of beginning, containing .88 acrea.
jract six Ilea Inn fiicr mt iniAn .
line ol said accf Ion thirty-two (M), which point
Is I lt'18 feet north from the RnmliiHi.r n..... ..f
said section thirty-two. (.U). township three (.0
north, range eleven (II) cast Willamette Meri
dian, anil UI Uvt dlKtant from and measured at
right anglea to the revised e,.i,t,.r 11,,.. ,,...
on a course bearing north 1,7 degrees ;W 'minutes
instance 01 1 ieet toa point In the orig
inal right of way line of the railroad; thence
northwesterly along said orlirlnal right of way
line a distance of iw feet to a point which Is f 0
Ieet d istant from and measured at right ancles
to the revised cenl..r Hum. ih.m.. .... . !
hearing south 57 degrees m' minutes east paral
lel with and 50 feet i ...1,1 .'?,'...,
center line a distance of 11,7 feet to the east line
of said lot one (I); thence south P.M Ieet to the
place of beginning, containing .li', acres
Ju-liH.I TMIfI., sv
. : . i orefnn .
ana uatea September isoi.""" rW
fOTTO.v. TEI a. ...
Attorne,., or
of Applic.tioDjorDq,lorLi(eB!(
To All Whom It May Con, .
Notice is hereby given th. ,k
William Klutz, will 10
neon, on Monday. ih ,. th.
th. .f . " -" y 01 iv.,k "
of Oregon fTr WaeVnS.V-0!1" '
" ' "cocouiltv. for li '
pirituoua, malt and vinom fu licw wjT
quautltiea than one galLnTn th ,U,', E.
aiar, in tbe eounty n Tl sute mtZ t
period a. his reeelpt fr!m th. c ,or"t
of id eounty n,.,eiTttiy Tr
said license, whicn he wi l pleln" !Z
county Court oa .aid totf'Sr&S&m
Dated this 7th day ot September 190a "
r.tiu.. for Llqilor
To the Honorable County (.n,lrt , .
Oregon, for tho County of W.wo- Ul8u
L;...- ... !-""'. 10 me count i u.""i
oiie ui oegon, reapectfulivnetiri. "fc
orable b.xiy to graclTllce Jt w ? w 5
to sell apliltuous, malt a id vluouil?"
leaa quantltle. than one gall,,,, Z a
Mos ei. iu the county and atate .f,,"
such period aa hi. receipt fro m
treasurer of said county may e4 i or """"I
Edw A Keineck,
I. Lamb.
Lewis Meeks,
P Henninirson'.
K K Uardwick,
Christian Wvss,
Arnilrt Wyaii,
K B Wood,
B Kben,
J as H Hunter,
Frank Lapler,
H Sloneniau,
M Thiel,
Jacob Kloch, 1
John Armstrong,
A H Godberson,
M Dutv,
F P Weidner,
J K Mi Uregor,
Andy Prat her,
Rue Prather,
Oeo Judy
Geo Ireland
O H Davenport
A M Prichard
John Xorihup
J N Mosier,
C' Sttltls,
J M kill ,tt,
T ilenuiiiMon,
lintnii v,ml
R P P. ttersou
D I isher, '
f- A Crmi-r,
M 8iellmau
H Thiel,
K tiranlund,
James Joss,
Bet isher,
Axpl K Peterson,
A E McCoughey,
N P Slurgess,
L 1 Davenport
Wm A Hay,
-'has Prather.
A J I'r. her,
Jus Nurse
H l' Pattersin
N C Weidner
A NordT
A T Huberts
Sale of Real Property.
Notice Is hereby given that nnoernnd bvrts
tue of an older .!nU made and entpJi 11
County Court of Wasco County, or,,n L t
idth day of August, MUhe'SiSS
ministrator with the will atmoed. of
of Jonathan Jackson, deceaasl, , n j08me''"
after the 1st day of October, l' 7iv,,l
sale in the manner provided by l. , the
of real property by executors ud mimim.i,..
tors, all the right, title and mtetesl "
Jonathan Jackson iu and to the lolluwim d
scribe real property, being in WoU,uitT
Oregon, to-wit: "
l be NW)i of the SE'i of section fifteen ra
the 'i of the SKif, anl the S'4 nf the SWi. i
section twenty two ir-'i: the SE of the sEi;
of section fifteen (I.-,), the K' nf theNE'i.ul
the N K'i of ihcSK'4 of stetlmi twenty-two ")
the E j of tho Nfc' and the SW'14 of the SYh
ant! the 8KX of -the W4 cf section twenti
seven 27), all In township four '4) south, runtj
fourteen (II) east, W. M; ssirt saletobelot
cash or mam creoit In the manner provMei bt
law for the sale of real property upon credit bt
executors aud adrnluh
Administrator, with the will anneied.oltbi
estate ot Jonathan Jackson, deceased, lepl-j
Lakd Opfice at Thb DiLLi,0u.,
August dl.liou, j
Notice la hereby given that the follnwlt
named settler has tiled notice of his intention m
make final proof In support of his claim, ul
that aald proof will be made before the Kerltat
and Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, on Wedus
day, October 10, PJO0, vli.:
George W. Johustoir, of The D.llei, Ot,,
H. E. No. 8103, for the NW'i NE' and Si
NWH Sec 18. Tp 1 N, K 14 E, W. M.
lie names the fnllowlns witnesses to tmrve til
eontltiuoua residence upon, and culUv.tiomf
aid land, viz:
r. r. lay lor, wm. Hharp, J. w. Jonniton IM
R. E. Teague, all of Tho Dalles, Oregon.
5-l JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
1. w. acoai
3I00UE & 0AVLV,
. T--.A n ........ . .
Aiiunnais AT LAW
Booms W and to, oyer V. 8. Und Offlcs
. ... v,..... , jnuii wninn aro a nnao re
ferred to and the rlzht to e,-v,.i .n .;......
earth, stone and gravel and other material from
which s soiiKht to be appropriated herein are
particularly described aa ollowa, to wlt:
.rTr.'"'t '-r1-0'" ,hnt ft lyl"t aotitherly from
tract nnm ri nns ahnn, .
lh.H,,0.r"!h.,.o'.w"'r ""rWl' desctilsd and
tlieoriglna) right of way H,, f ihcrallroad and
between htation :t plus K". of the revised cen
ter line nf the railroad, and the aouth line of
aald lot four (4), containing .08 acres.
-MtlT't 'wo-AI'' '"m that tract m Lut In
Width lying souther ir fr,.,n .
I;'HlC:Hn,""."."," the rl"ht "' "X therein d."
TJl!l1 ltwf.n: 8latlo ixa ( and station
MdMIUuf tho revised cenbr II,.,. l .1.. .... " J
..... ,,, iniiiiwii,
Tract thnnAlso from that ,
two (2) and three Mi .,,,
easterly from the right of way de.c iraT In
trails n 11.11 tered three and four and IimiuJ,!,
of the railroad, being a trlangnr p,.e in i'll
In w .Ith at s.1,1 .uuot, l;);.,1.,,,, ,, lV"rfn ''
a point at the lnter...on of the ordinal right
"I way lino at Station l.lil. r.,ni.i.....i
acre. ' - -....i.a t.w
Tract four Also rVn,n ik.i . . . .
width I vlna t,i.the . ?' ".'"r',,n
" ,h" V' - n'ne"
"tttTW' "nt II... rtih.'rallr.Er
and he or.g.naf right of w y ne ,, f the rid I road
i M, : t1",M."r""" ,,, u,e H ot "a d
neclloii thlrty two ( tj), oonlaliilng .05 acrea.
AMofSsid ntnnlin .11 .1 .. . . - -
lothrli .. ?y,Kh" t"ihllcatlonHaturrtav,Jri
shall t, l,n:,.V,"."b"r:,;",,"", Ml" '""'n'n!
aald pVrCl ' "" w,",r',y a ' r-.r
lion. w. L. Uradshaw, judgo of the Heveuth
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregontof
vtasco county:
Ina Spelchlnger, I'lulntllT,
Henry Spcichiuger, Defendant.
In the name nt the Hhite of Oregon: '
You are hereby required to apnearand iniin
the couip'alnt llleil against you In thobnn
entitled suit on or before the last day of IK
time tiresciibcd In the order for the publicum
of thla summons, to-wit,nn or before slicon-
ulive wee.a from the aiith day ol septetnon,
liato, which aald'.nth duv of Hepteiiiber, uul,
the date of the Aral publication of thlnna
mons, to-wlt: You aro requlnd toapyM'sriw
answer aald complaint 011 or before the win mi
of November, pain, which said loin dsyol
vemher, 101KI, Is the last day of the time Dtfr
KTibed iu the order for the publication of this
summons, and If you fail to answer, for Win!
tnereoi planum win apply to me iKmriu
court for the relief prayed for in plaliitltricoa
blalnt, to-wlt: That the bonilsof roa'rlmM'
heretofore a nd iiowexIstlugb.-twi'eiiplalntllH"
defendant be dissolved and held for na!ibt,
plaintiff and defendant be lu all resist"
vorced from each other, and that plsl'i'i"
name be changed to her maiden nsme.
Ina Dole, and for such other and further wlM
aa hi the court mav aeem Just and eiiiUb.
This suiniiiona la served iism you, H"T
Upeiclilngcr, the above named deletnlnl.
publication thereof In Thk Daliks "
CiiKoNici.r: for six consecutive wee's ay1
of lion. W. I.. Bradshsw, Judge oi the "
entllltil court, which order was Biadeon,
bears date of September Ti, lots'.
NED 11. fiTE.
f.9 Attorney forfUualH
Notice la hereby given that the 'd'"K5
has duly tiled with the noimty elerk M "
county, Oregon, his final account and n'! Z
executor of the estate of ph.a-be J. I'"1" "
...... , i ......iitv rtiiirl riai
ceast'ii; ami mai toe nouorione .unii;.. - A rf
fixed Monday, the 5th day of Novemher, 1
10 o'clock a. 111. of said day as the tliiis, '' "
county court room in the cmntv cnuri ir
liHlle. cily, v asco countv, itreiini, .
for hearing aalrl final account ami n !"
All la'rsons Inleresteil ill aald ett f .
by notllled to apja-ar at said time awl
show cause, If any there he, why ld l
shouhl not be annroved and said necaw
cbargeil. M
Daud this 'Ji'th day of 8eptni,rs;r, ,W ft
Executor of tho estuta ol i'hirebe J. ',,
Laud Ornca at Ths 'a '" I
81-ptemlsT Is. I'"",v., ,,.
Notice la hereby given that '
named settler has llleil notice of h. r 1 " .
to make filial proof In support of her lW
that said priHd will lie made belorc t M tys
and receiver at The Dalles, Oreg " "w
day, October 24, lixxi.vls;
Ellaa K. Vlcker..
widow of Bnmuel J. Vleker". VHhu Wn
sler, Oregon, II. K. No. fttiini. lor "i,'V
and H' N W'-i eo 15. Tp 2 N, K I: K, wrt
Khe names th. following ln7""'li iijii
her cnnlliiiioiia residence uisin and cm"'
of said land, vlx. : ,, .. Jim''
Ocorge Kenoe, of Tho Dalles,
M,ler,L. Evans, K''.";.''
i- . i.. .i..n thst IheunrtersIP;
ave lllcd with the Clerk of "' .T.Hr "nri
Stale of Oregon for Wasco " ' ;' ," .tr
i .. unt a. o.t ubiraof the last will aj M
mcnt ot Henry liarimm, - .. a W"
Monday, the 4lh day of b""" L iid W
hour of HI o'clock a. tn has "a"" , ,t
mcnt of
hour of uiocioex a. in., iimt.
Coiintv Citurt for aald conn y '' " ., if
lhe..ootHT court n'iri l t'"',!.'
place for hearing of ohecllons n
oount and the auttiemei
nl "'"'VFJkSCH,