The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 06, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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Crockery and Glassware Maou
Why Rkhard OIney Support j
the Nebraskan.
History of the Daily Delivery Exports Under the Dingley Law
lactu.inz Stimulated.
in the Country.
Show Vast Growth.
The British Consul at Chicajo Makei
He Alwayt Has Been a Believer ia Hiai.
lof Uowa the Flag and Shirkiuj
Responsibilities Falling to
tbe Couo ry.
Demerits Said that th Plan Wat Inv
practicable, but the Republicans
Have Thorourbly Demonstrated
Its Value to Farmers.
The Demand lor Ra Material la So
Report to Hi Governmcat laJora-
Great that Imports ol Manufacture
era' Material Have Also
Greatly Increased.
Idj the kcpub.icao Proac
. i . i i r i ' i w i at r i l m am -x. m ijkr. a am i j
Roral free delivery of mall i the off
spring of the McKinley admlnUtrstiou
t the Postomce Department. It de
velopment from aa iuslgnitieant begin
ning of forty-four routes end so appro
preattoo for the fiscal year which closed
la 1897 to Its present maguificent pro
portions with tin null routes numbered
y the thousand and an appropriation
of Sl,7f0,OUO voted for lt further exten
sioa during the preseut fiscal year, has
all been brought shout by the McKinley
A movement to. broaden the free deliv
ry sf the mails was stsrted by Post
master General Wanamaker under the
Republican administration of Gen. Har
rison, ft took the form of village frea
delivery, and wn more au extension of
city delivery to smaller communities thaa
a free delivery to farmers, but limited aa
waa Ita scope and euecessful tliougli It
was In lnrrcaing postal receipts and
postal facilities. It encountered Demo
cratic opposition. When Mr. Cleveland
came In, his Postmaster General fearing
lea effect In popularizing Itepiiblieau prln
clplea and disseminating Republican lit
erature, ordered It dropped.
(t was a Republican administration
that conceived and executed the Idea of
brightening the home of tlie farmer, ed
eating his children, increasing the valui
f his laud, compelling the iinprovenieu
of the road, and bringing the news of
the market an. I the weather so as to se
cure him a better price for hie crops by
delivering daily his mnll to him on h
farm. Every Dviii.wratic House of Itep-
resentativea since the idea was firs
broached of carrying the mails into the
rural district. ha declared against it.
The Forty-third Congress, with a Demo
crat from North Carolina as chairman o
the committee on postofilces and post
roads, proclaimed the plan Impossible,
and turned it down. Postmaster Gen
eral Bissell, Postmaster General Wilson
and First Assistant Postmaster Genera
Jones In the - Cleveland administration
all took nj the cry of extravagance and
Impossibility of execution. Consequently
tittle or nothing was done to give the
farmers access tp the mails nntil Cleve
land Went Out of ofllee.
When First Assistant Postmaster
General, Perry S. Heath took up the
rural service tinder the. direction of the
President and the Postmaster General I
Vlarch, ISO". It was languishing to the
point of extinguishment, and in a few
months more would have been starved to
death, like Mr. Wnnainnker'a village de
livery. The official reports of the Post-
office Department record that it was with
surprise that President McKinley and
thoae to whom he entrusted the adminis
tration of postal affairs, learned that
there was such a thing as an ex per1
mental rural free delivery mail service
In progress.
They at once grasped Ira possibilities
and advocated Its Immediate development
and a Republican Congress generously
seconded their efforts. Under this vivl
fylng touch. It has grown until there Is
aot now a State In the Union that haa
not felt the civilizing and educational in
fluence of rural free mail delivery, and
aot one that does not desire a further
expansion of the service. On the 1st of
June, 1000. there were 1,200 rural ser
vices In actual operation and 2,000 ap
plications for an extension of the system
In process of establishment by specla
agents appointed for the purpose.
The appropriations for the rural free
delivery aervice have been Increased from
130.000 In the lineal year 1807-U8 to tM),
000 In 1 SOS-flO, and then to $40.000 In
1S90-1900, and lastly to $1,750,000 for
the present fiscal year 1000-01.
Three years' experience haa shown that
la well-selected rural districts the msils
eaa be distributed to the domiciles of the
eddressees or in boxes placed within rea
son a hie distance of the farmers' homes
at some cross roads or other convenient
spot at a cost per piece not exceeding
that of the free delivery In many of the
fltlea of the United States. In the vast
majority of communities where it has
keen tested, the rural free delivery ser
vice has obtained so strong a hold that
public sentiment would not permit Its (lis
eontlnnanee. It has been a revolution
and revolutions do not move backward.
It costs very little more than the old
tolonlal style of postal service which It
nperscde. and It Invariably hrlnas
large and compensating Increase In the
tmouut of postal receipts turned Into the
treasury. But even If It does cost more
than the obsolete old plan, are not the
farmers entitled to some of the benefits
ef the government which they help so lib
erally to support by their taxes? The
country can well affurd to continue and
extend a system which makes better citi
ens and happier homes and contributes
largely to the mental, moral and material
advancement of all the people.
Rural free delivery of mail has come
to stay, and the Republican adminlstra
tJon which brought It into belug will atay
with It.
Trade Kxpsnslon In Honth America
According to the Manufacturer, the
prevent disturbances in China have em
phasised the necessity of American man
factnrera developing an outlet for their
goods In Central and South America
above what they now control. Produc
tion baa reached a point of development
that manufacturers are seeking every
eutlet for the production of their mill
and works. Quite a number of the lead
ing exporters are looking south for new
fields of enterprise. This U as It should
be. for the mure good that are manufac
tared and exported the greater the pros
perity and chance for wage workers at
vine. '
Grow tli of Foreign t.'ntnineroe.
Onr foreign commerce under a Kepnbll
au administration In pas) was wortTi
$2.!M1.l'.i3.--i:l; under a Demitcratic free
trade administration In 1 St Ir was worth
enly l.."."l!i.."iM.i;t!. an Increase of seven
im died million dollars a year In favor
f the Republican party.
The manufacturers of the United
States are making their greatest record
lu this closing year of the century. Busy
workshops, smoking chimneys, factories
running on double time aud, In some
esses, the full tweuty-four hours with
three shifts of bauds, ore an evidence of
this; but exact proof is found in the re
port of the chief of the bureau of statin
tica, just Issued, which shows an enor
mous iucreane In the Importation of the
raw materials which they use in manu
facturing and an equally enormous In
crease In the exportation of finished man
ufactures. Importation of manufactur
ers' materials in the fiscal year 1000
were more than double those In the fiscal
year 1804 and, during the three fiscal
years lu which the Dingley law haa been
in operation, have- exceeded, by more
than 100,000,000, the Importa of raw
materials, in the three yeara in which
the Wilson law waa In operation, while
the exportationa of finished manufac
tures. In the three yesrs under the Ding
ley law, have exceeded, by more than
$.100,000,000, the exportationa of manu
factures In the three years under the
Wilson law.
Evidence from Official ftonrces.
Here are the official figures showing
the Importation of manufacturers' ma
terials and exportatlons of manufactures
In the fiscal years 1805, 180(1 and 1807,
all of which were nnder the Wilson low
tariff, contrasted with those during the
fiscal years 1808, 1800 and 1000, which
were under the Dingley tariff. The Wil
son tariff, it will be remembered, went
into operation Aug. 28, 1804, and the
Dingley tariff on Jnly 2(5, 1807, so that
the fiscal years ending June 30, 1805,
18'Jfl and 1807, were practically all with
in the operations of the low tariff and
those of 1808, 1800 and 1000 were prac-
tically all within the operations of the
Dingley tariff.
Importa of manufacturers ma terra hi
and exports of manufactures nnder the
Wilson and Dingley laws, respectively:
Imports of materlala Exports sf
fur manufacturing, mauufacturea.
Per ct. fer et.
Wilson law of total. of total.
ISM.. $11)1. 119.810 26.11 l!3.Sa43 23.14
1NU8.. glW.WUl.TlT ZO.H3
2iS.R71.178 2U.4H
1897.. 214.91(1,025 28.10
2 1 l,2S3,3ul 2U.KT
Total. fOl.V403.15a
IGS9, 452.312
IMngley law
1S98.. 204.R43.917 33.20
1WSJ.. 222.013,23! 81. 8J
1900.. 802,264,196 35 o7
29O.fi07.354 24.02
837S,fi.r.A 2H.13
432.284.3G4 81,57
Total. (728,821.352
The above table la worthy of careful
study. We have been hearing, for years,
from Democratic oratora first, that free
raw materiala would help the manufac
turers, and, aecond, that a protective
tariff destroya our chances In foreign
markets, yet it will be seen by thia table
that the Importations of "Articles In
rude condition for use In domestic In-
lustrles" amounted. In the three yeara
indcr the Wilson free trade law, to $U15,
105,152, while In the three yeara under
he Dingley protective tariff they amount
to $728,821,352. Look also at the narrow
column, which Indicates the percentages
of the total Imports which there raw ma
terials form, and you will see that they
form a much greater proportion of the to-
al Imports under the Kepublican system
of protection than under the Democratic
system of free trade. Why? The an
swer la simple enough. Under the Dem
ocratic low tariff, absolute free trade In
ome particulars, many manufacturers
were compelled either to close their
works or reduce their ontput owing to
he heavy Importation of manufactures
from abroad under the low tariff rates.
Hence the small consumption of raw
uaterial in manufacturing. Thia dlffer-
nce of more than $100,000,000 In the
uantity of raw materials Imported in the
hree years means a difference of several
hundred millions of dollars In the amount
f goods manufactured and hundreds of
millions in the amount of money paid to
vnge earnera in the various manufactur-
ng linea.
Failures Are Fewer.
The total liabilities nf firms that failed
n the yesr ending June .10, 11100, was
II0.87II.8SI. In the year JSJItI the fail-
ug firma owed $22(i.0!XI.K34. It win thus
aeen that the amount lost Is only
boat one-third what It waa la 1895. It
telle the story of prosperity.
How Did He (Jet His Trust Stock and What Did lie Pajr fir It t
The composite Chairman of the Popu
list Democracy, Senator Jonea of Arkan
sas, Is still resenting with considerable
beat the charge that aince be la such an
important officer of the American Cotton
Company (capital 17,000,000; John K.
Searles, lately treasurer of the sugar
trust, grnnd mogul), it must be that he
is a high priest in the trust temple, or,
at least, that be la a reckless, abandoned
plutocrat. To do Mr. Jonea entire jus
tice, we suppose that the American Cot
ton Company Is not a vicious trust which
deserves to be destroyed, any more than
a number of other corporations of $7,-
000,000 cspital In the hands of former
officers of more monopolistic trusta. Pre
sumably the American Cotton Company
will make all the money It can. will mke
dividends. Indeed, npon Ita f 7,000,000 of
stock. Mr. John E. Searlea can be trust
ed to look after a little thing like that,
even if Mr. Jones devotes all of his at
tention for the next three months, or for
the next three years, for that matter, to
Populist Democratic politics exclusively.
The phase of Mr. Jones connection
with the American Cotton Company
which we would like him to explain is
this, ratner: How much of the $7,000,-
(KM) of the stock of the company has he
got, how did he get it, and what did he
Who is this Marcus Ilanna, pa.
That people call bim great?
Is he the man who holds the helm
Which guidea the ship of state?
Ts he like old Goliath tall
Like some steeple in the aky,
Or, la be that awful wicked man
Who winks the other eye?
Tut, tut, my son, he's Jnst a man
Like good old Iteuben Blue,
Who has his way of doing thin fa,
And "knows a thing or two!"
Bnt why does Bryan hate him so,
And Popocrata berate?
Is It because he'a old and alow,
And Isn t np to date?
Oh, no, my son, yon bet your life
He's not so very slow,
For when his shoulder's to the whee.
The cart la bound to go.
The reason why the Popocrata
Now tremble at bla name,
la 'cause be did It to 'era once
An'a goln' to do the aame
Again this fall, and bury deep
Bill Bryan and his host
,In some dark place where Tagal clana
Forever more will roaat.
Where boiling oil, bolos and apeare
And Aguinnldoa dwell
A place, my son, so hot and bad,
Ita name I must not tell.
8. L. a.
Plenty of Money Circulating.
President McKinley's letter of accept
ance called attention briefly but effective
ly to the per capita circulation of money
to the United Ktatce. Thia per capita
circulation marks the high water of
American prosperity. It la now $20.83
for every man, woman and child In the
country. To show Its growth, In spite
of the predictions of the calamity free
silver cries, this table Is appended:
Tear. per capita
$17 ro
IV 41
2 02
21 82
V. I3
ft 00
give for It 7 la bis name, undoubted);,
an eminent one in some quartern. ucd it
the board of directors an a lit to i-:it-li!
mvesiorsr iiu .ur. jonen miiin im.,
par in "cash money" for the Mock that
he holds? I bin poKxexsinn nf it. or an
part of it, due to the fact thtit he is in
flu-n t i ul In the limin.-e ciiiumiiH-e 1 'l.t
United IStates Senate, sud by virtue nf
his position there could do bis company,
or Mr. Searles', or almost any company
of the kind in which he or Mr. Searlec
might have an Interest, a very important
service at a very critical time?
We have never known a gentleman of
Mr. Jones' financial prospects to grow
rich suddenly except by some means of
this kind. In other words, and in Ihv
plain, it is fair to Infer, until Mr. Jones
denies it, that he is "it." neither on ac
count of his cash,- nor his property, nor
some Invention of demonstrated value,
but rather on account of his "pull" or I.I
swing. We say that it is fair to infer
this until Mr. Jones denies it. iMvaiise
Mr. Jones, by reason of his unjust at
tacks upon leading Republicans putr
fiimself very much in the public nin!
invites attack from any quarter. Mr
Jones has no business to live in a glan.
house with perfect safety if he is going
to keep throwing such laree stoues.
The Government Will Curry Liberty
Into All Ita Domain.
At the exercises In connection with the
presentation by the Navy Department to
the city of Canton, Ohio, of a rannou
captured at Santiago, the President, af
ter repeated calls, responded as follows
on July 4, 1900: '
"My Fellow Citizens I will not con
sent to prolong these exercises beyond
making acknowledgment for your gen
erous call and expressing as well the
pleasure which I have had In particinnt
ing with my neighbors and fellow citizens
in the observation of this anniversarv
one of the most significant, if not the
most significant. In Atnerienn annnls. Tin.
aacred principles proclaimed In 177i; In
the city of Philadelphia, advanced til
nniphantly at Yorktown. made effective
In the formation of the Federal Union In
1787, sustained by a nnlted people In
every war with a foreign power, upheld
by the supreme sacrifices of the volun
teers of 18U1, sealed In solemn covenant
at Appomattox Court House, sanctified
within the last two years with the best
blood of the men of the North and the
men of the South at Manila and Han
tingo and In Porto Itlco still animate
the American heart, and still hsve their
force and virtue. (Loud ami enthusias
tic applause.) And adhering to them as
we hnve alwaya adhered to them at anv
cost, or at any sacrifice, we find ourselre.
after one hundred and twenty-four years
formed Into a more perfect union, stron
ger and freer than ever before, strenctli
ened In every one of Its grent fnmln
mental safeguards, and mightier In l'
power to execute Its hirty nil-Inn of lib
erty. equality ami Justice. Ruinmnninr
the precepts of the fathers, we will main
tain inviolate the blessings of free gov
ernment nt home and carry Its henet t
and bcn-dictlon to onr distant,,,
which lie under the shelter of our glorlou
nig. (Enthusiastic and long continued
Export Increase) $000,000,000.
We extmrted $l..1!lt.47'.l.2l I worth of
merchandise In the year ending June .TO
10O0. Thst was under s iiei.iibii,.,,.
administration. In the year ending .lure
30. IHriri. nnder a Democratic admlnjs
trarion. we exported goods worth 7!i:t
3!l2.r.!!. The Increase favorine th. nL
Mibllean policy is almost exactlv six h
dred million dollars in the yesr.
Advantagea of the protective tariff sys
tem accruing to the workingmen or imi
.intrv it shown in a report of the Brit
ish vice consul at Chicago to his govein-
j went, in which be deals wltn tne cmu,
' .anhenware and glaaa trade of Chicago.
! if. rw.inr. nut that the high tariff on
-...i- .,t this character haa enabled
A...r.n t. start factories for the man
'. nf.etur. nf these goods, and more will
! aoon be built. In hi report the vice
For yenra the British potter baa been
the supplier of the American market.
snd he still continues 10 leuu, oui n
fjje ,,,,1 jncrenne of the production In
,k. fni'te.l State, and the rapidly grow
ing competition from Japan, thia lead
. i ; I 1 .. ..l.. n-afh
cttn only be mainiauicu ui m.
heinir kent ou the market and the natun
of the goods demanded, as well aa the
uromut tilling of orders. Chicago buyers
ifo over ouce or twice a year to Europe
to buy for the local market aud the large
district sumilicd from that city as a dis
tributing center, and it should be the aim
of producers to get In touch wltn tnem,
Imuorts increased 13.03 per cent in 1899,
aa compared with 1S98, and the value
fl.R1S.riHS from fl.33i.4.i2.
"There are no potteries In the consn
lor district of Chicago, the chief onea
being in New Jersey and East Liverpool,
Ohio, and the output last year was ti.
IHH).(MX). The sale of American crockery
lias increased immensely, and Is only
checked by the works having all they
can do. The Improvements in the last
few years In American pottery, especial
Iv at East Liverpool, have been great,
and there are now aixty factories, but of
these only ten are turning out first-clnss
work, and none can equal the best for
elgn products, hut it must be remembered
that the demand for the more expensive
arriclc is limited
"The high tariff. 00 per cent, which
assures the American product of a mar
ket, has had the effect of increasing the
number and size of the American fac
tories,-and with a rise in the price of the
British article they will still further In
"The American enrtlieuware takes
place near that of the English and is sn
pcrior to the coarse (Jeruinn earthen
ware, and the product of most potteries
Is heavier than the former and is more
durable than the latter. The colors are
not so well put on as In the British, and
the Whole article Is, as a rule, coarser,
and yet uiiderglnzed patterns and Hon t
blue have not been made successfully
and, with the process the same, purchas
era will not take the American article.
Every manufacturer in the United States
procures specimens of each new Itriti
design, and copies are made if it is
thought likely to take In the market. The
manufacture of china in. the United
Statea is not yet competing with the
United Kingdom, but is improving rap
"Cut glass, for the manufacture of
which there are one or two small fac
tories In Chicago, has a large snle, and
the American article Is said to be vastly
superior in design, cutting, shape, polish
snd luster to any other, and it is claimed
that the polishing by acids has a great
superiority over the hand polishing. Bo
hernia n glass still has a pood market, bnt
It is found that the British glass is made
too fine, snd the thin stemmed goblets
are not good for tlje rough treatment they
receive in the United States. American
or Belgian cnt glass Is preferred. The
demand for glass which formerly came
from Leith and Edinhurg, has now turn
ed to the united States, which also ex
porta cut glaas to Great Britain nfid Ger
Demand for Hog and Cattle Prod acts.
Through the Republican poller of onen
Ing the mills and of restoring confidence
to general business, practically every
workman In the United Statea has be
come able, since 1890, to have all the
fresh meat he wants. The fact that the
city workman can afford to eat more
roist beef, chops, name, veal cutlets
bacon, pork, sausages, etc., thon he could
In 1890 means of course that there must
be more money in the farmer'a business
or raising corn to reed to cnttle and hogs.
Take the many other products derived
from cnttle and hogs, which bad been
raised on corn, like lard, glue, gelatine,
isinglass, curled hair for muttresses, etc.,
brush bristles, felts, soap, glycerine, am
monia, fertilizers, hoofs for button mate
rial, cnt bones for knife handles, etc.,
poultry fooda from dried meat acrnps. nl
biimen for fixing colors and finishing
leather, neafsfoot oil. etc., all these hiivo
naturally more extended uses wln a times
are prosperous than when they are not.
For Instance, lard nearly every cracker
made Is about one-eighth of It lard, hi
prosperous times the families of work
men go on picnics, travel, eat nv.t..
stews, and do other things which great
ly increase me consumption of crackers.
As a result of such Increased demands
for the products from slamrhtcre,! h...
and rattle, which in turn means better
demand for corn, there baa been an en
hancement In the value of live hogs and
cnttle ss follows:
J -n. 1. 1S07.
Jan. 1. 1900.
Cattle $."i07.!I2!I.-I21
Hogs 1i(l.l'72.770
Total $ti74.202.1fl $!)3.-.21 1,200
tmerl. sn railway SuppP, Al.roatl.
A 4.(Hsl ton steel rail i-f,n!ri,. h.
been booked In Pmiiisv1v..iiI t.. ....
Cape Colony government rallwars This
follows aunt her order of 3.(HKI tons nf
rails delivered before ti e war began An-
uiin-r recent ampment is 3.IHS)
which have been sent to Borneo,
Is good commercial exiiaiKiuii.
One . ,,,.. S,tw -
T,..- I. . . ,.,. -"
j nere is a siirtilus nt Nt 9 u ::i i.. .l. 1
ITnitml Hi.,.. .J " 1
unueu mates tre-in irv. Piv. . ... i
.. ' - j'"'-.o,
u" m.-.m, ,
Mf. Richard Olney baa done a puhM.
aervice to tbe utire country by for,.,,,,
every voter to face the fact tbt u
Kryan'a election means scuttle.
Mr. Olney wsa one of an adtniuisu-i-tlon
which withdrew from the Hawaii,,.
Islands.- He would repeat the set Wa
are in the Philippinea. Mr. Oluey woul.
leave. President McKiuley'a adiuioi.
tiation baa protected American citiu-i
iruiu massacre ana American hquwb
from outrage in China. Mr. Olney u
nouncce ita acta as tbe acts of u,,
"weakest and . silliest of aduiiuistrs
tlona." Tbe administration has dcuuns
ed the open door in China, aud wlies
Mancbo reaction and niassacre threat
ened to close and bolt the door fivsl
dent McKinley haa thrust in tL wtdj
of 6,000 victorious American troop t
keep the door open from Chinese intol
erance or European aggreasion. But this
ia part of that policy on which Mr
Olney urges Mr. Bryan's election, b
cause "so far aa the injurious conss
quencea of past courses can be averted
or mitigated something houed
from those not primarily responsible to.
them." .
"From their official authors and Jiuti-
Here notnlug but persistence in the$t
courses can reasonably be expected,"
says Mr. Olney. lit is right. If r. j
slstance to American authority comes
on American, territory President Me
Kinley will suppress It. Where the flag
has been hauled down, as In Hawaii,
he will replace It. and the Americau pea
pie will vote to keep It there. Wher
citizena are In peril President McKinley
will protect tbem, lu all lauds. VVuer '
their claims to just Indemnity, u B
Turkey, have been systematically Def
lected by a previous administration, ot '
which Mr. Olney was Secretary of Stat,
President McKinley will insist on pty
Mr. Olney objects to tbla policy. Tha
American people approves. Vermont
demonstrates It, That New Euiland
State stands for the flag and all It pro
tects. Mr. Olney demanda a policy of
scuttle. To him thia "outweijihs" all
else. He admits that panic wiil com
with Bryan; but better, he say. In
substance, "Scuttle and Panic" thaa
"Sovereignty and Security."
e accept the Issne. We trust Mr.
Olney can be induced to accompany
Mr. Bryan on his platform camnniL'u t
urge scuttle with a vigor and iilainneu
of speech his chief, his leader and bit
guide dodges. Mr. Bryan talks of a
"stable government" In the Philippines.
Mr. Olney objects because we "forcibly
expelled Spain from her Philippine pos
sessions." Sir. Oluey returned the Ha
waiian Islands to one tyrant. lie Is
ready to return tbe Philippines to an
Tbe American people is not. Mr.
Olney is a lawyer. He knows that the
legal choice lay between Spanish sot-'
ereignty and ours. He prefers Spanish!
American voters do not. Mr. Olnoy
talks of much el.'e, but bis heart ia la
policy of scuttle. He ricnui.iices tht
iJincley tariff. Perhaps he thinks voters
prefer the tariff his chief sieaed slid
which brought depression, desolation
ami deficits. He complains of "th
most Intimate relation between th
United Statea treasury and the money
market." As be looks at our credit oa
2 per cent basis and British bond
seeking a market in .New York he per
haps hopes to persusde the country that
those were better and more prosperous
days when Mr. Olney approved secret
contracts with money changers dictating
their temis at the White House, whea
our bonds had to be aold in London t
usurious rates to buy gold and prop the
sinking- credit of tbe treasury, which
cowered before bankers who to-day bin,
no word In Its policy.
Mr. Olney haa done well for the Itej
uhlicnn party. He has recalled to tha
public those dire day of a Ieinocratle
administration of which be was a part
when our railroad were In the hands ol
receivers, our factorlea closed, our tren
n ry empty, our credit gone and our liaj
disgraced. He demands again nays o!
pauic, of a free trade tariff, (f crash anj
failure, of breaking banks and h-mkrud
linn. These "calamitous possibilities
which were calamitous certain'" undJ
the Cleveland-Olney administration, al
outweighed.' arrs Mr. Olney. bf n
certainty "of a policy of "scuttle" fro
Mr. Bryan. Under aim citizens will t
longer, in peril, aee the Dng coining wl
salvation In Its folds, brought to 1'rk,
by "the weakest sad silliest of aiiiiiim
rations;" tbe flag will come down in s
Philippinea. and it will be wiihdriiun.i
Mr. Olney withdrew It in Hawaii. th'l
In Cuba Mr. Olney Is willing to brx
ath.nnl fnlth and protests agnmsi i
Island being "alien territory." 1
proslnvery Democrat to grab Cuba i
to insist, as he does, that It ninst
com an "Integral part or .me i m
Ktalea," which the Republican pint
ot accept aa to annexed territory w
rged for alavery and will not ren
ed for scuttle. I
Mr. Olney Is a Democrat. He
mirtv. Ma haa mi other. It e.
strange If he did not support a I 'I
cratic caudidate unless he weir a lj
peril. A puhMe peril he admits
Bryan la. but since Mr. Olney m''
port him. In spin of thia, It is of I
ulilie service that be has maoe v"
II men that Mr. Bryan not only
snster at home but disgrace noro
policy of scuttle, surrender and re
Philadelphia Presa. i
France I)lspioea of McKIn
It appears that President MM
letter nf acceptance hna met with !
frost v reception lu France. I'r
' ' r""l,,J
1'tn pp ties does uo nn-ei
. . i.,on
or the Freiien press, an i v
. ' . .. . I -
sn ror sustaining i"- ;
k. ... ,.Jua trual memory.
a - - -