Supplement .TO- THE DALLES CIIRONICLE., OCTOBER , 1HO0. ISSUES DISCUSSED BY MEN OF ALL PARTIES, McClellarTs Tribute 1o .be Sol fliers of Our Small Army. frorress of the Campaign Commented On by Pmmii of Ail Shades of Political Thought Imperial Ua No Ismc A nUionrr wan sen to convert Pewey to Democracy at Manila. II presented the biok! potential politiciaua In tb Democratic party those who could nave givea tln the nomination if he ' would haw consented to few-line aenti' menu and glittering generalities. If pewey had consented at Manila to be a Democratic candidate he would un- aueatloaaMr ' have been tbe candidate, He would bare been a a iniperialiiit some tblng like; an imperialist waldn't hare nurt the Democrats a bit. I ho Demo cratic party wouldn't hare cared a rap bout tiuperlaiiisni nor about silver at lti to 1 or at 83 to 1. They would have cone la on tbe heroics. They would have celebrated a conqueror aa their candi date, and been glad and proud and stuck no anil happy to aupport a man who had shed blood, -conquered territory and sur rounded the world with hi glories. That U wfeflt the Democracy wanted. Marat llalatend. Whoever afternpts under whatever pop Uf tn cJiu'ke Ihe stHhilltv nf the imh- lie currency and bring on distress in anoney matters, stabs your In ti' rent and your tiappiaess to the heart. Dauiel Webster, in the Senate Jan. 31, 1834. "Militarism," "Imperialism," are terraa sed by newspapers, politicians and plat forms to scare the people and catch votes. They ore weaponsutterly grooudiess enea at the most demagogic import used to stir the people w hich no weU-balanced statesman or newspaper will use. I here is no more danger of either condition in this great intelligent tevwity million freemen and great aggre gation of States fortified by those States' rl glits recognised by our constitution and nstiflned by otir courts, than there is of England beroming nn absolute despotism. Cantos (Miss.) Times, Dciu. Ail the incidents of the past prove that the army will never have tbe disposition to Jeopardize the free institutions of the country. Our nation would be safe in deed, for ail time, did the mass of its cit liens place upon its institutions tbe sniue Intelligent appreciation aa that in which they are heJd by the army, and were honor, integrity and respect for the lawa a much the rule among the people aa tbey are in the army, which has given too many proofs of heroism, of integrity, of devotion to the country, to be regarded as a source of danger. On the contrary, he who understands its history must re tard it with pride and satisfaction as on of the ehie ornaments of the nation, as school wherein are taught and prac ticed the virtuea of valor, self-denial, obedience and patriotism, and aa an in otitution which has never railed the blush -of ihntne to the face of an American. George B. McClellnn, Democrat, and nominee for the presidency in 1804. Ttiere ore 0,000 people connected with the glass buaineas in Indiana alone and their vote will make the State go for alelCinley. We are only protecting our Interests. Our wages have been raised 15 per cent ia the past two years, 8 per cent last year and 7 per cent this year, Just restoring the cut that was made un der the Democratic administration in ISOT.-William Peck, Glass Workers' tlnloa. Bryan's name la a household word In overy Philippine hut. They are thor oughly familiar with bis anti-expansion lews, and In him think they see their "deliverer." Ilia nomination and candi dacy alone mean the loss of much prop erty and many lives, for it will infuse Kw life into the insurgent cause and cause them to break out anew. It. M. Shearer, Inspector of Customs, Mauban, P. L Imperialism la a false cry. Never havo I aeen a Republican who wanta to bo O king. I am military man, but I have ever been able to find out what they one an by "militarism." If by "militar ism" they mean they are opposed to our young men learning the thinga that will enable them to uphold tho Bar, then they re opposed to patriotism. One of my oons. Col. Uuy Howard, was killed in the Philippines while fighting for tho lag, and knottier one la fighting over there now. Don't talk to me about tak ing down our flag and giving tbe Philip pines away. It ia an Insult. Geo. Oli ver O. Howard. Tht Bepnlillcan party In Wyoming la la excellent shape. The State la quite prosperous. This Is particularly true of the waol industry, which has been stlm Isted by the tnrllT and the general hns loess revival throughout the country. The wool growers all realise that their future depends largely on the continu ation of the prosperity which now pre wills and I believe that they, to a man, will support McKluley. Our people ore psyliia little attention to the so-ralhd liniM-rinlixm, but are content to think se riously nf (he financial nnd tariff ques tions. Wyoming will glre a hand-nine majority for McKlnlcy and Roosevelt. K. A. Slack, Cheyenne, Wyo. We all know that there has ever beeo 0 party in this government, since its foun dation, were first laid at Hunker Hill ami Vorl town, opposed to our territorial ostxnsioa and aggrdlseniot. Wlia that party I have nothing In common, tad the history of ray couutry bo that lis power and its creaking prophecies of evil bsve been disregarded, detu-U aud spum ed by the chivalrous spirit of Au;;lo- fc..... Kl 1 - 1 - 1 .-nvu uiwu, wannest ueuny, American progress or whatever you may cli.!. to tall it. Daniel V. Voorhecs nf Indent, a Democrat, at Washington, D. C. 1YU 14. ls. While I wih Mr. Bryan no ill fortsne. 1 deem his eleetiou as President would be a misfortune to him and to the coun try under present conditions. If elected be would have such a hetemgoueou mas of discordant Democrats, Populists, free silveritea, greenbarkers, anti expan sionists, mossbaeka and dissatisfied do nothing to contend with that no harmo nious or settled policy, legislative or ad ministrative, could be established Vol. Geo. W. Warder. Kansas City, Mo., a Democrat who voed for Bryan in ISiW. Imierialism is no issue at all. There Is ouiy oue issue In this rammim n.l that concerns the business interests tbe poeketbook issue. While the people are threatened with another financial panic and business depression their thoughta are not going to be concentrated on any cry of imperialism. It is folly to assert that little war over in the Philippine Islands ia of more importance to the peo ple of the Uuited State than their Indi vidual and collective interests at home. There ia nothing like imperialism In the policy of any political party in Uiis coun try, and, therefore, it is an impossible is sue. Dr. George L. Miller of Omaha, a sound money Democrat. Our Foreign Trade In Corn. Total ei porta of corn to all foreign countries were. In IRfltl. 99.902.S35 bush els; in 1899. 174,089.O4 bushels. The following shows the value of the exports of beef and hog producta in lS9ti and in 1S99: 1S99. Reef ?2f).720,2:8 I'ork!9.727 Bacon and hams C2..i:;i.lM Lard 42,208,4112 lfeTfl. l,2S.(Mr,M4 4.017,290 4rt.112.fll0 8Jt,ri89,tC.l To China, Japan, Asiatic Russia. Aus tralia, Hawaii and he I'hilippine Tsl anils, exports of the following two corn derived products were in 1S90 and 1891) respectively in value: 1S99. 1S90. Provisions 0itl.775 J518.190 Fertilizers 730,531 114,988 WHAT IS A TORNADO? What la a Tornado? ia the question yon will hear Aaked by every one you meet at this time of the rear. It teems so awful stupid, that I often feel inclined To Cyclone with my Intellect the whirl wind of their uiiud. Now, a full-grown Tornado, It la very seldom seen. It leave it tracks behind It, and you know where it has been. It cornea so very Hidden, and at quickly doth depart. That Its coming and Its going is Imprest- ed upon your heart. Now, I've told you all about It, there ia nothing more to know. Until early in November, when McKln- lev's snre to show A Monsoon and a Typhoon, with a whirl wind on the side, Oallvanting through the country, tanning Democratic hide. Jamet L. "Bromley kite" Pilling. Bryan on Pension. Mr. Bryan's utterances about the sol dlera of the Civil War are worth repeat ing. Mr. Bryan, as editor of the Onisha World-Herald, passed this Nor. IS, 1892: Tha next session of t'ongres will have to wrestle with one deficiency of 30.000,000. This Is on account of pen sions. The appropriation for next year mn.t he not less than Sl.'O.OtlO.tXH). It is therefore easy arithmetic to perceive that the appropriation that Congress must make must aggregate not less than $18il,- 090.000. This tremendous sum would In Itself be enough to run a reasonable government. One would not complain If It were an honest debt, nut a large pro portion Is not a debt because It was nev er earned by any act of patriotism or heroic service. The government is held np and despoiled or no mean portion of this and It aeems helpless to defend It self. One cannot help Deing curious 10 know how mnny more years it will take exhaust the generation wntcn reel Itself Injured by the war. It ia safe to say that never uiu rm-i.iuu "ioi"j such remarkable longevity." .n't ti sliont time that Mr. l.rvan waa attacking the Spanish war pensioners? ItailroiMl Building Is Aotlvo. W. nullt 5.100 mile of railroad In the United State In the year ending June 30, 19(10. We built l.llal mile in m year ending June HO. 189.1. wheo fro trade bad It dlsavtraua trial. i 'J?? ff Jiff w- v , i" i i - Lw r ' l f "DEAS C0Y"LETTtR3 llo. 6 My Dear Coy: So your employer, Mr. Skinner,' says I ,,l:,t 'The Filipino ought to have their iilcrty and lulled Slate soldiers ought to be in better business than making war on au iun'M-eut people and the life out of a new republic." Since Mr. Skinner has put in a nutshell the substance of Mr. Brvan'a speech, I hall uUpose of Mr. Bryan and the whole an;i-inr,.rria'ist crew iu answering Mr. I kuow that you havciut little time to read and shall use tbe fewel words OMilile, as I shall eudeavnr to give yon a clear, intelligent view of the situation over iu our new possessions. 1. Our soldiers are uot strangling the '' sut of a new republic, for the very good reason that there never was any republic in the Philippines. A republic Is a government by the people through their chosen representativea. The people of the Philippines never were consulted abont tiie o-called Filipino puhlic. Its bead was a tricky young Tagalog named Agiiinaldo, who proclaimed him self dictator and endeavored to make himself so by force of arms. Itepublica are nut governed by a dictator. Tbe form of government which took the place of constitution in the so-called republic was a lengthy personal decree of Agiiinaldo himself. It waa not a republic but a despotism which he sought to establish. The people of the Philippine Islands are made up of many different tribes, Negri tos, Tagalogs. Moros, Visayans, and more than fifty others. These tribes are sep arate in blood, sympathies, and to a large extent in language. In addition to them there are thousands of Spaniards, Ger mans, Americans, and people of other na tions who are resident there, and whose persons and property are to be protect ed. In addition to all these are large numbers of Mestizos, people whose moth-1 ers were native Filipinos, but whose fath ers were Japanese, Chinese or Spaniard. There is no probability that one-half or one-third of all these vast nunibera of people would consent to be governed by Agiiinaldo and the Tagnlog tribe which he represent. Many of them would cer tainly fight against it. The abandon ment of the Islands by the United Statu army would mean, not liberty to the peo ple, but war among themselves, result ing In either despotism or anarchy. 2. The Fnited States has never made war upon the Filipinos. We have not even been engaged in war, offensive or FARMER BRYAN.5 NIGHTMARE HUGO DENKENSPRUCT. A Wisconsin Farmer and Ex-Justice of tho Peace to Hit Nephew. Yea, Jonathan, that Indianapolis speech as you say, is very fine and lots of it. Mr. Bryan is a sen mart man enough, but I krit him for the sake of his "sixteen to one" humbug, and the demonstration at Indianapolis makes me kvit him more. He aays he was then and the people wrong, and that he la rijrht now and the good people mmt now apologize by electing him Presldnt. The other fellows in the convention at Kansas City hare not so much faith, but they have hopes, so they compromise with Mr. Bryan and raise a crop of ca lamity imperialism mixed with the "six teen to one" old seed, saying to them selves, "Where one duu't grow the other will." Did yon ever try to drive In the barn with your hay-load too big on one side too much hnw on one side nnd too much wheels on the other? Yes, you did: and you didn't say, "Uncle Hugo, we needn't unload, all we do is to back out and paramount another big lot of hay on the other side; then w drive in the barn all rizht." 1 will tell yon a little true atory which reminds me of this fosdiug up at Kansas City with the rcaflirmation business nnd the "paramount imperialism" on the top. GKK.M A N INI) K l'K.ND K NCB. A very nice talking man called on my father one day to enkrire for sheep and calves to buy. They soon struck a bar gain In which he wna to pay tvrnty dol lurt for two calves and six slieep. That was before greenbacks. He offered my father a tventy dollar bill, but as be was afraid of "wild cat money" (there was plenty of It in those days) my father said he wanted hard money. After much nice talk from the man my father said: ".No, rather have the cheep and calves." Then the man went on with his fine talk and complimented the Germans, saying pleasant things about the "German inde pendence of character." So they were about to pnrt on friendly terms when the dealer took an awful kvick fancy to one of our horses. Pretty soon a bargain was strum ror one hun dred dollars. When the buyer came to pay, however, he pulled out eighty dol lars In silver and gold and that same tventy dollar bill. Then there was tulk till you couldn't rest, but my father iid at last: "No. I rather have the hoi -e " The stranger answered: "Well. I you atr Bote for tbe bill," but my f. defensive, against the Filipinos aa a peo pie. The Filipinos number probably ten nation of people and two million of men capable of bearing arms. If thry were united in war oj'inst us, tht little army which we bave there would scarce- ! ly be a crcu:nsidiu-i in their way. But the majority of the Filipinos are a quiet, I docile people, not disposed to tight and ' uot engaged in the insurrection now prac tically quelled. Agiiinaldo had compar- , atively few supporter outside of his own , tribe, the Tagalog. who comprise prob- ably one-tenth of the w hole mass of Fili- piuos. He, iu hi mad effort for abso- j lute rule, attacked the force of tbe I'nit- ! ed States, and we were compelled to quell ' the insurrection. 1 3. The I'nited States troops are la tho Philippine for the protection of the peo ple from murder, rapine and misrule, and for the preservation of law, order aud property rights. For many years there the foreign sblpplng Uddy is willing to have been robber bands In the mountains ; contribute to the Demm-ratlc cauipulKU who would from time to time light down fIui f ,iie bill s consideration In tlcfer npoi, the village and rob and murder tht UH le ,, WHsU,a ,.0( people. The Spaniards paid no attention ; , ., ... .., , , . .. const. I.a.f .Ann, m. f .h... h.n,!. attacked a Filipino village aud. In ad.ll- A -t 'MH O.dtiO a year business Is the tion to the robbery and ki'.liug, carried ' '!? If Democratic threat of lilibus away thirty Filipino women to the hills. I teriri( aiv ellcctlve enough to Induce Two companies of I'nited State soldiers pursued them, attacked and dispersed th band, and restored the women to their friends. We are bringing to these Islands r nZ ' ""r "f islands came to ua providentially, unex pectedly and unsought. They are our j by treaty, and a treaty which Mr. Bry-1 an approved. We are responsible to tha i nations of the earth and to the Judge ; of all the earth for their care. We ac-1 cept the responsibility in the fear of God ; aud the love of humanity. I may not live j to see it, my boy, but if you live twenty i years you will sec the most marvelous development In the world's history in th rHilioniiiAa 1 1 itiul marl. siuul a,.tm,la the development of agriculture, manufac tnrea and mining, the introduction of American push and energy among tb people, railroads, and a hundred other meant of transformation. You will tea there twenty millions of contented and prosperous people who will rejoice In their liberty aud their privileges and b proud of their relations to the greatest of all nations, the Uuited States of Amer ica. And then, my boy, every Democrat in America will swear that he alwayi was in favor of that thing and that h was ever an expansionist of the first water. YOU It FAT H Kit. replied: "No, money not good enough te buy sheep won't buy a horse; perhaps you pay your note with such a bill." Well, Jonathan, I think of that cattle dealer when I read what Mr. Bryan aayt of the independence of tbe German vot ers in hit recent speeches, and especially when his subject is "sixteen to one" and tbe sturdy independence of the German voters. COUSIN GERTItUDE'8 YOUNG MAN. Perhaps you don't remember, Jonnthan, when your cousin, my Gertrude, used to have calls from a dandy young man. lis sometimes sent her fine roses by his little brother from the village. I got suspi cious of that young man, Jonathan, and by and by he stopped all at once coming to see Gertrude. You want to know why, Jonathan? Because one day he was driving by, down the road, and fsald very kindly and sociable like to himi My young friend, I guess you becdnt trouble to bring or send any more roses tw I .oetsililA knfln ,- aaliA anwa alia III. .. ! to Gertrude because she says she likes 'em fresher than when you send 'em she has nermission to heln liorsolf" Yon see, I watch that young man when I vold- nt a" l-'K the effect It he goes home late one early morning, and wi" have upon tlielr party followers I saw him steal my roses on the way out ithnt will surely result from the dlseus of the front lot, and In the evening next ! sion In the Senate of the ship subsidy following he sent 'cm to Gertrude. If ! bill at this session, to d.sdos-e a sub he only keeps the roset for bis partikler ! a a it al c. n! iKcnt of their own party friends In the village It wouldn't to much Ls.-oelates iu advocacy and voting for matter; but when he steals them to mak tu , j Sng"Ab:i , .,. Lincoln's speeches to try to make the peo- n'"' 0P "J"'''I ""o poMpen ng Du ple think how much his party loves th 0,118 tK'ln,l"n of t,,e i-bUy bl people when all the time before, th ' 't the present soslon. the Demo rat Democrats had no use for Mr. Lincoln. I Lincoln was a great Republican, whom to love Is fashionable, even with Demo crats now. But when their great man, Mr. Bryan, offers Republican voters roses out of Lincoln's garden they nat urally feel like Gertrude thry like 'era fresher, and they bave permission to help theniielrcs. WILLIAM E. ANDERSON. Gold Supply Nearly Doubled. Mr. Bryan said in 1MM, "We want tb free coinage of silver because there is not enough gold in the country to run the finances." When he said this the amount of gold In circulation was $!!H,- 4111.2 12. Since then the amount of gold in the country has increaserd to $S14,- (H'sl.!.).') in May, 1!MH, and is almost dou bled. Is this , "enough" for Mr. Bryan. or has free silver some peculiar super natural power over human aafflrs, that lr. Bryan still Insist on the 42-ceni dlar? A cloud "with a silver Hula' " vefof Ma '. BILL. MEASURE HAS BDLY DISCON CSrftED THE DEMOCRATS. Ia Atlrmptinii to Make Tarty Cap'tal t'ut of tiie Sh.i uv Hill They Miow 1 hemsclvc to lie About kvwalv li vije.l For and Against It. The iKMiiocratio leader iu Cnngvs lme I cell making elaborate pn ,iar:i lions t make the shipping bill a caiu piiijiu Issue. They have attempted to tcrrvi'ize the 11. puM cans Into tbe abuii doiinietil of the bill at the present scs- ! slim at Ic-i.-t. It is not known how much I '"V th 'fet. Kepi'blu nns to xistKiiie the considi ia j tiul) of the shipping Mil, the foreign I hlilpplng lobliv, tlielr free trade allloa aml Deinocintlc dttiM-s will eut b bave carried their point. tip to this tiimt la the more amazing, as their owu dla- orgii nidation on this .iiticstlon la dis closed. It would be ImugiiHHl that they would lie united Iu opHisltlon to the bill. If Intending to make a cnnipiilgn Issue of It. Just the reverse la the case. I 'lliey are about evenly divided for and I against It. This la nhown by the two I minority reports that bnve been filed by the Democratic members of the HoUHe Wfclinnt Marine nnd Fisheries Committee. The first report filed wa alined by Messrs. William Aator Chnu- ler. of New York; John H. Small, of North Cnrollnn. and Joseph R Itan dell, of Louisiana. Their report advo cates government aid nnd opposes free ships. Tlielr Hiigjrested amendments to the hill are not of a character to aerl ouslj- mluiml.c Its effectiveness. The other' 'our Democratic members of the House Merchant Marine nnd Fisheries Committee who signed the other reiort nre Messrs. John F. Fit Ecrnhl, of Massachusetts; Marlon De- Vrlt's, of Cnllfornln; Thonuia Speight, of Mississippi, and Win. D. Daly, of New Jersey. Their support oppose eiibsidtes nnd In effect ndvocntea free ships. Their report, bttld to have been writ ten by nil attorney of the foreign Kteiiniship lines, is largely nn attack upon the only American steamship line engaged Iu tlio transatlantic trade. The odium attaching to the Dcnio crata who nre lighting the buttle of the foreign shipping lobby In Congress, nnd who advocate the imrclinse of shipa built nbronri. Instead of their construc tion In the United States, presents thorn In n very sorry figure. They will be Infinitely more busy In defending their owu attitude on this question than they cnu be in assailing tlint of the Kepiib liciina and a large contingent of their owu party associates. The Democratic lenders had mudc desperate efforts to prevent a public disclosure of their dif ferences, but the courage of nearly one half of the minority made furUier con cealment of tlielr condition Impossible. The Democratic members of the com mittee who advocate government nld by Independently filing their report la advance of the submission of the other minority report, forced the signers of the latter to Inmely limp Inst Into the public eye. Their hopeless division shows how utterly impossible it will be for thorn to nialte a successful cam paign issue of the shipping question. If Democrats attack a goveruineiit nhled shipping, Democrats who have the best of the argument may be quoted in answer. Republican uioinun.tion wlili which to refute Democratic attacks of this character need not be used -It la furnished by the more honest and cour- .tgeoua of the Democrats themselves. '1 h t Is a tittuit ou which seems nl most prov.deiitial for the uuited Re publicans. They aeem to be assured of the votes of a large co:it ng nt-pis-l bly oue-liaif of the Deuiociata iu the House iu favor of the ship subsidy bill. if it la brought up tor passage now. Such nn opportun ty has tint bceu pre tented Iu n genera t on, and may never aaln occur so fa voluble. 'I'll tame situation, exists in the S nite. The Democrat theie aie un ali.e to prepare, nun li less present, a minority report lu oppo I:Iou to the sh p subsidy b 11. It ia well and pub- kuowu t,,nt ,,, of I)emo. " ciats will spcali and vote for the bill. What the Dcmocr. tic leaders d sl.e to le able to co'icenl tlielr own weak- uess iu divided np;uv-it on to the snip sul sidy II I in the Sen ile. A II t e m :'d 'lit Inn deary dcinoust. ated tills, lint shown the ilcspeiutlou of the Item xratlc Iced r. The Chairman of the Democratic Na tional Commit ee. In Lis ingc at the tiling of the Chaulcr-Small Kan-dell re port, sent for IIicm' gentlemen and lie .nti to angrily iipbra d them ns tr.iitirs in their parly, so the report goes, nnd lie told 1 1 1 im that by Hie r ill tiimd ex 'iiMt.oti of independence ami honesty iliey bad sacrilicul a splendid bsne pen wl Icli tin1 1 'cmoiTut-t ecu d l ave itiaektd tbe Rcpu! I cans In Hie cum Hi cnmpnln. 'I hi lioinoetnt c C. nlr nan. so It is said, was icu le e l almo-t peechless when he was very einphiit.e illy fold by Messrs. Clinuler. Small and Innadell that be had no authority to leuouuc their nct.cir that the Deiuo- : o Tl t T ClTT I V ' Oil 1 1 O I' iJOl IJ I 1 , crat'c party bad not declared Itself on this subject In It lat national plat form; aud that lu any event they were decidedly opposed to the dragg ng cf the shipping ipieotion into part.sau pol ities. They told bill) that the th pp ti quettlou was a bus not preposition-a commercial question, and of great and p.efuJS' national Importance; that tbey so considered It, and that tbey were quite ready to defend their posW tion at any time. In these very favorable clreum tauce, for the Republicans to defer action on the ship subsidy bill until the I 'einocratlc National Couvcutloa can be w hipped into adopting nn expression In Its next national platform, opposing Government aid for tin upbuild of American shipping, will make It Infin itely more difficult than ever for cour ageous and patriotic Democrat to aup po:t the measure. It mean to gvaveiy impel II, If not actually defeat, IU Boat parage. The prestige of Democratic tucces lu compelling the Republicans to defer action at this tesa'on on tho thlp tut s'dy ti ll eince postponement will b regarded the country over a a Demo cratic, free trade, foreign shipping vic tory will make It all tho easier for thetn to defeat action at the next aet slon, and all the harder for Republican to secure fa vo; able action. The opportunity of a generation l wltlfn the grasp of tb Republican leaders In Congress If they bave the courage to grasp It by pasting tbo shipping bill before adjournment at this session. PORTO RIC AN S. PLEASED. British Consul There About th Only Man Who Want Free Trad. . A private letter received from an. American in Porto Rica Indicates that in k of the hardships pred cied to fait upon the Porto Ricans follow lug the enactment of the tariff aud civil gov ernment laws for the island Is moon shine. In hU letter be says: "The people hero. Irrespective of caste or condition, hail the passage of the Poruker bill with the greatest de light, and are uow beginning to prepare for a revival of business and good times. There seems to have been a very grave misrepresentation of fact made in the United Stutes concerning the wants of the natives and business men of this Island In so far as It re lates to the tariff. It Is a mistaken Idea that free trade N wanted here. On the contrary the merchants (09 out of every hundrtdl want a small tariff la preference, and in fact did not at any time object to the 25 per cent first talked of. They are bright enough to prefer a small Indirect tax to a heavy diiect form of taxation, to raise th revenues uecca-ary to conduct the gov ernment of the Island. About the only ones desiring the benefit of free trad are a few foreigners like Mr. Flnley. the British consul at San Juan, who have bought up all the sugnr and to bacco In sight at a low figure, and hav been holding the same lu anticipation of a free entry to the Stales, thereby enabling thetn to realize more laigely ou their Investnieut Peart llutton Industry, Pent'l button-making waa first made possible lu the United States by tbe McKluley tariff Of 1SD2. Of courso tb industry was nearly destroyed by to fiee-tiade Wilson bill of 18114. After further protection was given the Indus try by the Dlngley tariff of 1807, tho eighth biennial report of the Bureau of Ijibor Statistics for tbe Slate of Iowa says: A remarkable development of tb business was witnessed In 18'. 13, no less than thirty-six factories being estab lished during the first six months of that year." Seven towns In H'lnols and six la Iowa are centers of button-making. It supports an Important fishery, and a the report aays: "Besides the people thus directly con nected with the business, many other In more than a score of towns are bene fit d. Including merchants, machinists, boatmen, draymen and trnnsasrtatlon companies." Democratic free trade will kill tb p nil btitton business, throw lots of people out of employment and Injur local trade and transportation. The Flnemv's Conntry. The Republicans have captured the Bryan kopjes In Nebraska, the boy ora tor's own Slate, and are lining tip In great shape for the Mg tussle next falL They were successful In many munici pal contests, and carried Lincoln. Bry an's home city, by the largest major ity In years. Is Nebraska becoming also "the enemy's country T' Troy (N. Y.) Times. Fewer Trade Fall nre. Only did trnde failures last month, with liabilities of $7,214,7S7. Compar that with the April failures In the tws Democratic ysa.s of 1SU5 and 18P& Thus: April. is: i.-,.. ivn;.. IUU0. . Number. l.Oxil l.tloO 70J Liabilities, $lM.i;i-").7."0 14.920.714 7,214,787 Where I thit Slump? We would humbly Inquire of the Min neapolis Journal ami some other gliosl dauciug contemporaries where they find the great antl Republican slump that was to punish the perpetrators of the Porto Rico bill? The election turns show heavy Republican gains al most eveiywheie. Sioux Falls S. D Leader. lifmnnt for Comment, The fore gn demand for commeal Is becomliv; quite a fib tor. tlian!,s to tho elTnit-i rf the Dcp.irtmt nt of Agricul ture, mid. r this nil ulul Initio:!. Not ConTlnclbte, This year tl e Democr.itlc orator will be charged with the diillcult task of trying to convince tl e man wall tho full stomach -iat be ia uuo :ry. e i I a r t 1: V. V