THE DALLES WEEKLY CHJiONICLE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 6. 1900. of The Weekly Ghroniele. AdvortUtpg Kttiti O t tnoh or le In Diljr II O er two tncbf mni uii.Iit four lnchcn ) 00 Orer lour Iuch.' nuil uuder twelve lucbea.. 75 0'.-r twelve luchM SO AA1LY AKU WKEltLY. Jubinoh or lew, per IiicJi 12 BO Over one tnnh mud under lour InrfiM 't 00 Orer four tiirliei.l uuder twelve lucbea.. 1 50 Or Jr twelve iuctiue 100 YOL'XO MAX ABSALOM IS ALL RIGHT. "Is the. 3-ouDg trail Absalom safe ?" is the text of a recent sermon of Candidate I'.ryan, wherein be popu listically and socialistic-ally bewails the fate of lhe)'American youth, as doomed by the trusts and combines and gold standard and money power and other and sundry octopi and troglodytes to perpetual poverty mid wage slavery. We have met with no better answer to Dry an' dem agogical rant although it was writ ten btfore Dryau's sermon than the following wholesome words of Am brose Itearce, in the San FrflDciseo Examiner; aboilt the last place, by tbe wy, one would expect to find anything wholesome. 3lr. Bearce says : This is not a country of equal fortunes; outside a socialist's dream no such country exists nor can exist. But as nearly as is ossiblc this is a conntrj of equal opportunities for those who begin life with nothing but nature's endowments and of such is the kingdom of success. In nine instances in ten successful Americans that is Americans who have succeeded in any worthy ambi tion or legitimate field cf endeavor have started with nothing but the skin they stood in. It may almost be said, indeed, that to begin with nothing is a main condition of sue cess in America. To a young mar. there is no such hopeless impediment as wealth or tbe expectation of wealth. Here a man SDd there a man will rise, so abun dantly endowed by nature as to over come tne handicap of "artificial advantages," but that is not the rule; usually the chap "born with a gold spoon in bis mouth," puts in bis time sucking that spoon and without other employment. Counting possession of tbe spoon success, why should he bestir himself to achieve what he already has? The real curled darling of oppor tunity is the youth born with notb ing in his mouth but his teeth he who knows or is likely to knoar what it is to feel his belly sticking to his back. If be have brains a-plenty be will get on for be must be up and doing tbe penalty of indulgence a famine. If he have not, he may up and do the uttermost satisfaction of his mind and heart, but the end of that man is failure, with possibly socialism, that last resort of conscious incompetence. It fatigues, this talk of tbe narrow ing opportunities of today, tbe "closed avenues to success," and the rest of it. Doubtless it serves its purpose of making mischief for tbe tyrant trusts and the wicked rich generally, but in a six months' bound volume of it there is not enough of trutn to float a religion. Men of brains never had a better chance than now to accomplish all that it is desirable that they should accomplish; and men of no brains never did have much of a chance, Dor under any possible conditions can have in this country or any other. They are nature's failures, God's botchwork. Let us be sorry for them, treating them Justly and generously; but the socialism that would level us all down to their plane of achievement and reward is a pro posal of which they are themselves the proponents. Opportunity, indeed 1 Wbo is holding we from composing a great opera that would make me rich and famous? nat oppressive laws lorbttl me to work my passage up the Yukon as deckhand on a steamboat and dis rover the gold along Bonanza creek? What is there in our industrial system that conceals from me the secret of making diamonds from charcoal? Why was it not I who, entering a lawyer's olTice as a euitable person to weep it out, left it as an appointed justice of the supreme court? I have bad a dozen years to f rove to the proprietor of this newspaper thai be can afford to pay me $23, 000 a year? He is just a languishing, good man, to give it to me; I have only to show bim that my services are worth it. What prevents me from making the proof? And what prevents you, most excellent of all possible cob blers, from beatirg ice out of tbe field by writing like an angel with a reed ? The uumber of actual and possible sources of profit and methods of distinction is infinite. Not all the trusts in tbe world combined in one trust of trusts could appreciably re duce It could condemn to perma nent failure one man with the talent and the will to succeed. TEDDY AXSWhllS Tllh 1TES. IiRYAX- While at Lex.jgton, Neb., the other day Governor Roosevelt gave the following answer to those Bryan itcs wbo have been urging that if he were sincere in his opposition to the New York too trust he had the remedy in his own hands and as governor of the state had the power to destroy it. To this the governor replied : "That is hardly correct as a matter of governmental knowledge. I can not call out tbe militia to destroy a trust. What can be done is to have the legislature pass and the governor sign a law to do away with the trust, and then have the attorney-general proceed under that law to enforce it, according to the best of his capacity. "Now, are not these ihe only things that can be done? Well, I have done them both. Iu the first year of my term ns governor we passed a very severe anti-trust law, and now the attorney-general is proceeding under that law against the ice trust. Tbe difficulty comes in the delay caused by the trust counsel, as they are appealing, as they have a right to appeal, to every legal technicality, and ate making every effort to stop a decision on the merits of the case. The people wbo are responsible for the action of tbe trust's counsel are the stockholders of the trust, wbo are, among others, Mr. Richard Croker, the leader of the democratic party in New York, and Mr. Van Wyck, who was my opponent for governor of New York two years ago, running on an anti- trust platform, and who is now one of the biggest stockholders in tbe ice trust. Tbe attorney-aeneral is now pro ceeding against the ice trust, and if Mr. Croker, Mr. Van Wyck and the associates who are members of the trust were not employing tbe best counsel in the state to delay action, we should have bad a decision of tbe court long ago. Tbe republican at torney -general is pressing that action under that law, introduced by a democrat, but passed by a republican legislature, and signed by myself. We are opposed by Mr. Bryan's ardent supporters in New York, the heads of tbe democratic party of the state. with tbe party that is in favor pulling the fla? down. General Summers, of the Second Oregon, has the matter in hand and expects to call a meeting in a few days to be held in some centrally located hall in Portland. The de cision of the veterans will be awaited with interest. It may not have the effect of changing tbe opinions of a great number of people but it will have a tendency to materially strengthen the cause it favors. By all means let us know what tbe veterans tbink of expansion and how badly they are reared at the . bogey of imperalism. TR VSTS'lX POLITICS . York Sun tbe treaty of Paris and that "the: devil would roast them for it in the next world." Meanwhile the cap. tain in roastiu? tbeai in this. He said that "the pension department a rat hole into which millions of dol lars arc annually poured and wasted,1 and he made this graceful appeal to tbe foreign-born voters: "There one sentiment which is ground into my very bones and mixed with tbe lime, America for the Americans an to hell with all others." Capt. Be must be making votes, but perhaps be is not making them for bis own side. is LET THE VETERAXS SPEAK. From the Portland Telegram we learn that it is proposed at an early date to call together the veterans of the Civil war, as well as those who fought for tbe honor of their country in Cuba and the Philippines, for the purpose of securing an expression of sentiment in reference to tbe admin istration's Philippine and Cuban policy and ascertain their position in reference to the' American flag planted on foreign soil. Those wbo have fought for their country and the honor of its flag, whether at home or on foreign soil, are beliaved to be entitled to a re spectful hearing. Thjy have dem onstrated by their services what their sentiments were in the time of war, and it is desired now to obtain from them an expression in time of peace. It is barely possible that a declara tion from the nation's defenders may have a material bearing upon tbe action of voters wbo are in doubt whether to sustain tbe administration in its determination to protect tbe American flag in the Philippines or to repudiate its policy by voting A writer in the New gives out the following sensible re marks on tbe illogical and thorough ly demagogical way business comoi nations are treated in tbe United States, as contrasted with the way they are treated in the countries of Europe. The illogical attacks of Mr. Bryan and his party upon business combinations astonish the nations of Europe. Their experience with trusts has extended over a far longer period than ours, but they are not accustomed to a demagogical treat ment of the question. These combi nations flourished in all tbe great trading countries of continental Europe long before America knew them because the conditions that made them desirable existed in Europe long before they appeared in the western world. But European demagogues have not succeeded in dragging trusts into politics as has been done in this country. Even in Austria-Hungary, where there has been some sort ot organization against business combi nations, the people will not follow the lead of the anti-trust agitators, Tbe reason for this is Austria-Hungary as in Germany is, as Consul- General Mason writes from Berlin, because trusts are regarded by the people as giving steadiness and regu larity to business and as necessary under conditions that tend to stimu late fierce and reckless competition which is ruinous alike both to tbe selling and buying public. The European nations regard trusts as a purely business matter, serving legitimate purposes and sub ject to regulation by law so that tbe interests of all may be conserved. Trusts, both in Europe and America, acquire and retain a large volume of trade only by tho merits and cheap ness of their products. Our democratic friends themselves have repeatedly defined and indorsed those views on trusts that are held by intellizent men tbe world over. The Hon. B. T. Clayton, democratic congressman from Brooklyn, for ex ample, said ib the bouse last winter: "I would uot advocate or assist in passing any law that would injure legitimate business or prevent com binations, whether of men or of capital, for honest and proper pur poses. We must protect capital when used to develop, our resources, to establish and carry on our manu facturing establishments, our rail roads, our various industrial enter prises, and our commercial business. It is only necessary that laws should be passed to prevent the abuse ot the power ttat comes from the combina tion of large interests and to remedy those evils that now exist." This is a fur statement of the views and policy not only of the re publican party, but of tbe great busi ness and commercial interests on both sides of tbe ocean. The deglutition of Washington populism by the Bryanites of that stale has been at last accomplished that is to say all but the tail, which refuses to be swallowed, and instead of wasaine tbe AVashington demo. cratic canine as formerly, will no bitch itself on to the nether extremity of social democracy, commonly known as Debsism. At the middle- of-the-road state convention, held in Spokane Tuesday, it was decided not to place a ticket in the field and resolutions were passed urging all populists to oppose the fusion ticket and support the social democracy, This is tbe natural drift and tendency of populism which is only a step nearer socialism, whose end is an archy and ultimate perdition, than Bryanism. REV. MR. KRUGER DENIES IT, Slot Kiting m Ministitr or United Breth ren Church. He Waa Not Expelled At Ashland last Saturday night Governor Geer made the remarkable anr! gratifying statement that the number of convicts in tho Oregon stste penitentiary has decreased near ly one-half during the last four years. In fact the number has become so small, tbe governor says, that there is hardly men enough to run the In- stitution. Four years ago Bryanites talked much of the relation between poverty and crime. They are not saying much along this line this year at least Dot in Oregon. Capt. Ben Tillman's tongue has not lost its cunning and it baa been putting in some of its finest licks in Missouri. At Trenton in-that state be said that democratic senators were bought to vote for the ratification of Saturday's Oregonian contained a dis patch from Spokane which stated that Presiding Elder Rhodes of the United Brethern denomination had lately pub licly announced, in that C'ty, that Rev. Paul Krugor, now pastor of the Christian church at The Dalles, had been expelled from the United Bretbern coiircn "lor sufficient cause and was not a minister in good standing. Tbe Chronicle did not print tbe item, bus. pecting, as is nearly alwavs the case that there were two sides to the story, and because we would ten times rather print something good about minister of the gospel than something evil. Here is Mr. Kruger'a side of the story as it appears in tbe Oregonian of this dte, Oct. 3. rtev. ram uruger lanes issue with a recently printed statement that he has been expelled from the United Brethren church. In a letter written to the Ore gonian from The Dalles, he emphatically asserts that he was not a member of the church, and that the statements made by Presiding Elder Rhodes, at Snokane. are wilfully false. In this letter. Mr. Kruger makes a vigorous attack on the charscter of persons annotated in the management of Hnntsville Seminary, of Washington. Trouble between him and these men, he says, over what he re garded misconduct of theirs, is at the bottom of the declaration of Elder Rhode. The article was written with the in tent to injure me," says Mr, Kruger. "In Elder Rhodes' communication he nses tbe term 'for sufficient cause, ' but fails to state the cause. It is but justice to me nod to the public that tho cause oe stated, or if he cannot state the caune. keep silent altogether. He attacks mi character, and would like to make it ap-pi-hr that I am not respectable. I am willing to have any one investigate my character. "I do not deny the fact that I wor shiped with the United Brethren church at Huntsville, Wash., as well as in Ne braska, and I also preached for them, but only because 'the church of my choice was not represented there. Not feeling willing to stay away from church, we worshiped with them. But the real reason of the attack is that X was at one time financial aaent for the Huntsville Seminary, and had dilricultv with a Dart ot the board." , Mi. Krnger says the trouble grew out of his charging certain members of the ooara with nn-Cliristian and ungentle, manly conduct. In the contest follow. ing the charges, he savs Elder Rhodes upheld the members of the board. We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Chronicle, price fl.CO, and the Weekly Oregonian,. price $1.50, both papers for 2 a year. Subscriptions nnder this offer must be paid in ad vance. tf Ihe Campbell A Wilson millinery parlor is the place to buv np to-dale bead wear at right prices. All the new things in street hats. Patterns and trimmed hats can be found there, sIho a fine lino of children's school bats and baby bonnets. tf For Hale. Fine seed wheat for sale; red Russian. Price, 75 cents per bushel. W. W. Ra-vso. seplO lrn Tbe Dalles, Or. Hustling yonng man can make JIJO per month and expenses. Permanent pnsi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write qnick for particulars. Clark A Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, 8tf New shoes for fall and winter just re ceived at the New York Cash Store. i ' ' 1 ANcgetahle Preparaiionfor As similating HteFoodandBegula ling the Stomachs andBowels of GOT tt lHtt.l tY:i..i,iW. I Promotes DigeslioaCheerfiil- neas and ifcst.toniains neimer Opium.Morphine nor funeral, NOXKAKCOTIC. PumJn Scut" tfrmie - III I'urO-nuilrSUm ftertfi Srt.4 -Clminl .Uigur hiiUKyrmt FUnmr. Aperfccl Remedy forConslipa- tion, sour sromacn.uiarrnoca Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. For Infant on A ra.-n vuuflw The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHKT. "rill i Hi CXACT COFr OF WRAPPER. the . 3 biffnaturfi I Jtt tlf n V . .-L- if s ft $' li I u.-lr woe IKJr- For Over 1 Thirty Years ....MEET US ON W Ml -AT THK- arrest mi Sire i October 9 to 13 inclusive. This will be tbe greatest event in the history of the City of Wheat, ooi nu rrnic ana an upen itiver to the Sea. I he Droiiuctn of thu Dro- othen .. uv,. Bl... ami an vyjicu mvtir 10 wie oea. i no prouucis ni mil liGc region will be on exhibition, and farmers, flockmasters and all o will witness an exhibit that will be both interesting- and instructive. SPECIAL SOCIAL ATTRACTIONS! BAND CONCERTS EVERY DAY! A NOVEL STREET PARADE! Excellent entertainments day ani night. Five days of sight-SMinj and pleasure. There will be ample accommodations for all guests Corns and The Dalles will entertain you. Producers from all" sections requested to make exhibits, for space in the lair buildings. No entrance fee. No charge Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines. COME TO THE DALLES. A BIG SALE OF STAR FEED MILLS Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish cut flowers and all kinds of floral de signs on short notice. Phone number 307 slO-lm a During the Street FRIT IITlfl Porl gains in Grinding Machinery eer ollered in the State of Oregon. We VV farmer to bare a Star Feed Mill, because it will help to pay your txfH save yon time; it will make your old horse fatter; it will pleas your i'4t0fi: g,.,,, ,r , er cnicaeiis; and this is a sure way of getting I' ""wfsT for we are positively ninap tn eln .v,.. m . i - apTIIAL i i 41 , - - - 1 ' v 1 1 it mini, iiuw nil itniiu n t.v - j. Achangeinthe business compels ns to do this, and now Is tho tim tot joo P in oenent. or further particulars Inquire or write t-j .rv-sr.- HUDSON & BROWNHILL. The DallesOregon. State formal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. Th Mi ilen tn nf rrmhmUon. r"i"'"" r iirajxirea 10 m m bhh (irtidiidt! rMllT ,,lr, tool po,Uon,t KlrH.n,8 of jmr frm jn to l 0. Traiala( rrctltuoconuinliiiliilnnomici.mcnua.llrii , .j r-tulV- l U CAMPBKlL, rrnldent, or W A. WANN,9srttrj