WEEKLY (Tib f t THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1900. NO. 39 4 Hi ar IS STRIKE IS NOT j they were right upon ns. But they mere out. The? tried to shoot na an.-i kill ns yrT CTTTI rrt! hollets nd shells, then to I L. I OL I I LlU i ,,urn DP. tben to blow as op with Bat Efforts Are It Several Held. Being Made to End ! thrir mines, and at last to starve ns oat. j Oh, this is not ail ; the kept laying traps I to tret as to come out nl nnr f,rtin..t i citT with Lrnniifte tn t..t n - iA t; Conferences Were rvin or (u t, to ,he Tsun II Yaman to j be onfler their protection. We did cot listen to tbeiu. "We ate horse anl male meat,' and t, ,. B , . - , I w BJ ; We ate rice, rice and rice and Philadelphia, Sewt. S. The coal i, WA. ,,,, , ... ... . t . a9 good. 1 will te:'. too we are -r - - grateful; we know bow to be. For two r".. V.J , ,la-T9 iieJdogt for the Chine... ieauiug uujb.ua ui nin t-um-cnrry lug j r railroads were plentitni. Beyond the general statement that the principle RESULT OF ENG LISH ELECTIONS point under discnssion was the advt.a bilitr or practibility of granting the mineworkers a 10 per cent advance in wages, very little of the details of the meeting could be learned. The oper ators generally expressed the opinion that the increase cinld not-be granted, and the operating; expenses met, unless there is an advanco in the price ol coal. The larger operating companies, how ever, took rather a hesitating view ol the proposals to increase further the price of anthracite, contending that th competition of bituminous coal was now to sharp. Piesident Mltciei), of the united mineworkers, is reticent on the general question of accepting a 10 per cent crease without other concessions, and declined to be interviewed oa that point, Meantime, the strike leaders are con tinning their efforts to induce the work ing miners to join in the strike. Q iiet prevailed today throughout the mine region. All eyes were turned toward New York in expectation of gome important announcement from there President Ca9Sutt. of the Pennsylvania Railway company, was asked whether be had anything to say with reference to the statements as to the settlement of the strike. Mr. Cassatt replied that he had read the statements, but that the Pennsylvania Railway company had not been a party to the negotiations referred to. The company was so small a factor in the anthracite trade, he said, that the great anthracite carrying companies could act without reference to it. Mr, Cassatt said that in all such matters it had been the uniform policy of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company throughout its entire existence to deal only with its own employes directly, and it had always found them quite ca pable of presenting their own case and of protecting their interests id the dis- cas-ioDS which occurred. Access was always easy by any of its employes de siring to present any sach natter to the executive officers, and the officers of this company were firm in the belief that it was wine to adhere to their uni form policy in the present instance, be lieving such a course to be for the beet interests of both employer and em ployed. In saying this Mr. Cassatt added he had no desire to criticise the acts of any other company whose officeis thought to ne other course mora condu cive to its interests. LETTER FROM MRS. CONGER Describes Horrors of the Siege of Pe kin Legations Their Wonderful Defeases Chinamen Tried to Shoot, Burn and Blow Tbem I'p. ie night of the 13:b was the m lerrinc mglit of all. We were under fierce and angry firing the night through. They again opened their cannon on us. It seemed as though they would" break inrouga ami come down on us. The bell In the tower cf the legation tolled and tolled for every man to come to bis post. A general attack was opon ns. "I cannot tell you how dreadlul all this has lieen But the almighty band of God alone has saved ns. No human power could. Of course I depend upon Mrs. Woodward to tell you. Mr. Conger has much to do here, and so have most of the other ministere. All nave worked with a will. Our barricades, ditches, etc., are wonderful. The troops came into the city with little firing at last. "Your affectionate sister, , "Mrs. E. H. Congeb." Cerman Officers Preparing for War. Nuw Yobk. Sept. 28. That the officers and men In the German army are firm in the belief that war is imminent be tween Germany and China is reflected in the unusual number of applications which have been made to a life ineurancs company in this citj for policies on their lives. Hundreds of applications have been received through a Berlin agency. The process of issuing these policies for rieks'which have proved acceptable was begun several days ago by one com pany, and a large corps of clerks has since been employed night and dsy pre paring the policies to be sent abroad, Information which came from Berlin was of such ii character that th declara tion o' war was believed to be close at hand. With each application there was a request that it should be issued at once and the risk made binding. The request was also made to have the policies sent to Germany as sneedilv as possible. In order to do this the extra clerks were set to work. Sweeping Victory For Conservatives Fifty-nine Ministerialists Were Returned, and Only Five Liberals and Two Nationalists. Want an Education. Chicago, Sept. 28. President Harper, of the University of Chicago, has re ived a. letter from M. G. Bumbaub, commissioner of education in Foi'.j Ricj, asking him if it would he possible for a number of poor young men and women to attend the university without expense, the letter was referred to Secretary Gootlspeed, of the board of trustees, and the matter will be bronght before the board at the next meeting. The letter from Commissioner Bam- bangh states that there are in Fjrto Rico now number of young men and women from 14 to 2U years of age who are anxious to obtain an education in iu the United States. They are too poor a pay their expenses. The United States government will give them trans portation to New York if provision can be made for their other expenses while acquiring an education. London, Sept. 29. One hundred and eixty-eeven constituencies, returned one fourth of the membership of the house of commons, made their nominatiorr today. Iu all 66 candidates were re turned. The ministeriali'ts aggregate 59, liberals 5, and nationalists 2. Vis count Cranborne, conservative, elected, from the district of the Marquis of Salisbury, was re-elected at Rochester. Among the interesting personalities on the government side returned today without opposition were Joseph Cham berlain,, the secretary of the state for the colonies (West Birmingham) ; George W. Hindman, the parliamentary secre tary of the war office (Dover) ; Charles T. Ritcbey, the president of the board of trade (Croydon); Sir John R. Croiub (Great Yarmouth ) ; J essie Collings, un der secretary for the home department (Bordesley division of Birmingham); Sir Francis Sharp Powell (Wigan); Joseph Powell Williams, the financ'a1 secretary of the war office (South Birrr ingham); Colonel Sir Charles E. H. Vincent, the founder of the United Empire Trade League (Central Sheffield) ; John Heniker Heaton (Canterbury); Charles Beilby Stuart-Wortley, former ly under secretary of state for the horn j department (Hallam division of Shef field), and Sir Edward Albert Saesoon (Hythe). The five liberals returned unopposed in clude William Court Gully, speaker of the house of commons (Cariyele), acl Sir Henry Bartley Fowler, formerly un der secretary ot state for the home de partment and secretary of the state for India (East Wolverbamton). An interesting feature of the elections is the intervention of the colonies for the first time in the election in the motherland. A dispatch from Hobart? Tasmania, announces the adoption of a resolution by the Tasmanian assembly j proposing a joint Australian cablegram congratulating Mr. Chamberlain on the British successes in South Africa and hoping the electors of Great Britain will emphatically insist on the fruits of victory being effectually secured. machine in some manner becaue clogg ed and Nice undertook to clear it by pushing the straw aside with his right foot. The machine was thrown in gear, and his foot was drawn into the feeder. Before it could be stopped his leg from the knee down was horribly mangled and the foot was entirely gone, being ground to atoms. A messenger was immediately dis patchetted to this city, a Wit 13 miles distant. Dr. O. M. Dodeon hastened to the scene of the accident and found the patient in a weakened condition from loss of blood. The leg was ampu tated above the knee, the surgeon be ing assisted by the threshing crew. SOME FILIPINO CAMPAIGN LETTERS Show Rebels Are Fighting; for Bryan's Elections More Captured Correspondence. MINERS' PAY IS RAISED 10 PER CENT Chicago, Sept. 28. A letter from Mrs. Conger, wife of tlm Uniied States min ster at Pekln, was received yester day by Mrs. J. 8. McConnell, a sister of Mrs. Conger, who lives in this city. It "as the first mail cjmmunlcation to come from Pekin since the siege, and recounts briefly the horrors eudured by those who were imprisoned. The letter came through the State department. Mrs. Conger refers to Mrs. Woodward for detailed account of the siege and speaks of her as about to leave for home. Mrs. Woodward is rxpected to arrive in San Francisco on the steamer Coptic on Saturday. Mr. Woodward is In San Fr mclscn awaitlno- Kar minimi. Mrs. Emperor Held bjr the lCmpress. New Yoek, Sept. 28. The Russian oriiers to leave Pekin have been sns pended for the 8000 troops there, the Herald correspondent at Pekin cables under date of September 13th. The other legations and troops are uncertain about remaining, yet they are inviting the Chinese courts to return for peace negotiations. The emperor is at Tai Yuen. Li Hung Chang requests his return and that of the empress dowager. The Russians and French invite the emperor and em press dowager to return. The Ameri cans and British invite the emperor only. The empress dowager demands guarantees for herself ami ber hostile ministers before releasing the emperor. Tried the Assassin of Haron von Ketteler Pjckix, Sept. 22. The Manchu as- Pbiladclphia & Reading Companies Are First to Posts Notices Other Com panics Will Follow Suit. Assin of Baron von Ketteler was tried by conrt-martial yesterday. o new evi dence was presented, and the conrt de elded that it would be unjustified in Woodward Is accompanied by her daugh- j pronouncing sentence npon the prisoner, tr, lone, and Miss Cecils Payne, af Mil wsukee. Mrs. Conger's letter is as follows: "Pekin, Ang. 10, 1900. We are alive nd safe. Our troops arrived on the 14th. wf' a rejoicing! What a day it wl If you could only have seen us yon conld realize a little of the true feel ing of the heart. Heart spoke to heart. "We had been besieged In the British '"nation ever lince June 20, under fire dy and night. At times the battle Wuuld be terrific. It would seem that who. will lie held in the hope that further Information will he obtained. The Russian and German legations re still awaiting developments, and the receipt of further instructions. LI Hung Chung Is expected to arrive within a week. Bo'ineis is improving and the people ere gaining confidence, but no progress is being made toward tho re turn of the fugitive government, the event so much desired by every one. General Fnkushima lias returned here after spending twelve days at Taka. Piuladki.I'hia, Sept. 30. An offer of an increase of 10 per cent in miners' wages was today made by the Philadel phia & Reading Coal and Iron Company, and this move, it is stated, will be fol lowed on Tuesday by similar notices at every colliery in the anthracite region. It is expected by tbe operators that this increrse in wages will be satis factory to the men, and they believe that many strikers will take advantage of the offer and return to work. Mining operations will in this event be given an Impetus, and the operators expect there will then be a gradual resumption nntil the colleries will again have their full complement of employes. The Phila delphia & Reading company operates 30 colleries, and of these, 27 have been shut down owing to insufficient working force. Whether the miners will accept tbe proffer of the company and return in sufficient numbers to operate the mines cannot be foretold tonight. Reports re reived from several points in the Scbuyl kill region, where the Reading collieries are located, rather indicate that the mineworkers will follow the instructions of their organisation officials and remain away. President Mitchell of the minework ers' union, received no notice of the in tention of the operators to offer the in crease In wages, and the intimation Is thus given that the miners' organization will receive no recognition from the op erators. A Horrible ArelrteuU BakrbCitv, Sept. 29. Walter Nice met with a horrible accident yesterday evening on Wolf Creek, In which be lost bis leg above the knee. He was tending a sotf-feuding threshing machine on the (arm of Hon. George Chandler. The Washington; Sept. 29. More trea sonable Filipino coriepondence has been captured which shows that the present outbreaks are for tbe purpose of influencing the elections in tbe Unit' ed States. F. Sundico, writing to an other man, shows that he is urging all of the leaders not accept anything in the way of peace proposals by tbe Phi lippino Commission, but to stand firm. He says: "If the election of Mr. McKinlev he accomplished and tbe revolution in China be wiped out, and the war in the Transvaal take on new complications, then I will be the first to accept the peace that I believe to be necessary, though it be at tbe cost of acknowled ing the sovereignty of the United States, since I consider that our forces are now impotent to defend our sacred and le gitimate rights." Sandico is the man so often quoted by Pettigrew in behalf of the anti-expan-eionists. A letter from the general Philipplno junta at Hong Kong, to be distributed among the leading insurgents in the Philippines, contains much more of the same sort, and also much in the way of misrepresentation of the purposes of this government, and urges all Filipinos to submit to no armistice unless it con tains a promise of independence. General Funston baa written a letter saying be has captured documents con taining instructions transmitted by Afeninaldo to bis subordinates to keep up tbe scrap nntil election, hoping that they may bring about the defeat of Mc Kinley, and saying that tbeir only hope of independence lies in the election of Bryan. fttlame Wolcolt. Viotob, Colo., Sept. 29. The Teller county democratic convention and the democratic club ot Victor adopted the following resolutions unanimously : "Whereas, Governor Roosvelt and party were not received in Victor with the tolerance and courtesy due to the governor of a sister state; therefore be it "Resolved, That we, the democrats of Victor, in convention assembled, con demn the spirit of intolerance and dis courtesy exhibited on that occasion, and disavow all responsibility for the dis turbance of the speakers in a public ball and for the subsequent violence indulg ed in by members of the republican marching club; and be it further ''Resolved, That we also deplore the folly that induced the republicans of Colorado to prvoke disorder by bringing Governor Roosvelt to this city nnder the auspices of tiie cordially detested traitor nd renegade, Senator Edward O. Wol- cott." MIDWAY ATTRACTION THE DALLES NEVER SAW THfc LIKE OF ITS GREAT AND WONDERFUL REVELATION. Ktrrele of Cairo; tho Oriental Theater, Hlreeta or All Mtlnni, Mexican Thea ter, Animal Shows, and a lioien other Ammnnmii to 1'leaae and Captivate Visitors. Mills Close for Lack or Orders. "Chicago, Sept. 29. Regarding the report that several mills of the Illinois Steel Company would be closed for a ' month or more, President E. J. Buffing ton, of that company, gave out the fol lowing statement : "We hava shut down our Joliet plant for lack of orders. We shall be com pelled to shut other mills within the next ten days for the same reason, al though we hope to keep inoet of our nulls in operation. "As the preeidential election approah es many of our best customers are post poning lor the reason, as they state, they wist, to watt nnttl they are certain of the remit of the election before plac ing any large orders." The world's greatest fair was held in Chicago. The splendors o,f the Colum bian exposition linger like a dream in the minds of tliore who taw them and were darzled by their grandeur and matchless beauty. The Midway Plai s,auce whs the greatest feature attraction. It was unique, its was diverting, in structive and far-famed. The Dalles is' about to see a reproduction of the mem orab'e show with all the features th.it recently made such a hit at Portland. The Jarbour Midway is seven big shows in one and each is an attraction within itself. Probably the first in in terest will be the Streets of Cairo. Here will be seen 25 real Egyptian people, men and and women, who came from the Nile and have felt the scorch ing desert sands; people who have faced i . . me uerce narmattan winds and were soothed to repose by the gentle siroccos that blew from Lydian shores. They have scaled the pyramids and marveled at the sphinx of Gezeh. These weird people will give an exposition of the manners and customs of their country men. They will imitate an Egyptian wedding procession that, in some ro spects, will outrival the splendors o Lalla Rookh, leaving Delhi for the vale of Cashmere. The Egyptians Bre wond erful athletes. Their sword combats are intensely intereatiug. Their ".rest ling bouts are exciting in the extreme The l'adon women will illustrate the theme of Egyptian home life. They will tell fortunes by the stars and by other methods known only to their mys tic art. Rajah, a real Egyptian noble man, is wun mis Miaway ana appears daily in bis inimitable specialties. In tbe streets of Cairo Is the noteworthy Oriental Theater. This is tbe sanctuary of La Bella Fa tima, the Little Egypt of the WeBt. She is tbe central figure of a coterie of honris whose dark skin and darker eyes are fas cinnting as they twinkle like stars newly flung from the hand of the Maker. Her troupe is composed of the most celebrat ed niUHcle dancers from the land of the Pharaohs. The danse du venture, or Conche Chouche, attained great popn larity at the World'e Fair, and today it is still looked wonderingly, as it is the national dance of the strange peoples portraying it it. The so-called stomach dance is not piroutting, ricouchetting, gyrating; it is what it is, and must be seen to be thoroughly understood. Lit Belle Fatiina wears proudly the gold medal won at the World's Fair, Paris, for tbe most graceful and artistic danc ing. She has won eo many trophies of a similar nature tbat she is "hunj round with ribbons and stuck o'er with medals." ietible. '-Nellie" and "Nero," the trained lion, have no equal on the saw dust arena. Thev are the finest speci mens of the family of I.-o that can be found iu America. Mns. listen beck, their fatuous tJainer, enters their den and feeds them daily. He puts them through their p.ices, pretends to shoot them and gives a thrilling exhibition of nerve and daring at each performance. Two camels will act as beasts of burden by carrying all those who would .experU ence the sensation those enjiy who sail in the "ships of the deneit." Three dodkeys and a whole menagerie of animals, wild anil tame, will compose the other myriad of attractions. dirnmn Vlllaee. A troupe of Unions Tyrolese slngore will entertain those who sit in the tier man village and dream of the Rhine. Their program will be of the uaudeville character. It will include many of the most celebrated warblers of the con tinent. Several ot the artists are can tatrices ot international reputation. Mighty Midway. One of the most startling and sensa tional features of this congress of rare attractions is the daring trapeze act by Mons. and Madam Cober, who have no equals in the aerial world. This great act occurs under the broad canopy of heaven only. The "Jap's Slide for Ltie" also is astonishing. Tbe miraculous bicyclers never fail to elicit salvos of ap plause. Urava Men rail Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feel ing. But there's no need to feel like that. Liston to J. W. Gardner, Haville, Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters art just tbe thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I coulu take. I can now eut anything and huve a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Blakeley's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 Murdr at frosaer. North Yakima, Wash., Oct. 1. W. W. Scott, of Kioua, this county was shot and killed about 1 o'clock this morning at Proeser bv an unknown man, sup posed to be the robber who held up a traveler on a freight train a few hour earlier. Another man was shot and perhaps fatally wounded. Scott 'a murderer escaped. Scott, armed with a shotgun, and accompanied by the man who claimed to have been held, went to s box car on a siding at Prosser. Tbe men inside were ordered to come out, which they did. Scott's companion identified the two men as the robbers. As he pointed them out, four shots were fired by one of them, and Scott feil dead. shot in the bead and heart. The man wounded was not concerned n the melee, but stood some distance away. He was a tramp. Scott was a merchant at Kiona, where lie had been station agent and postmaster. There is no clew to the identity of the murderer. Streets ot all Nation. These will be intensely interesting. Prominent among tho attractions will be tbe family of Japanese performers. Little Irene, the 3 year-old Jap, bas no equal upon this habitable globe as a con tortionist. Her work is not alone clever. but marvelous. Mr. and Mrs. Chamber lain, the champion sharpshooters, give exhibitions of their skill In hadling a gun that seems miraculous. They nave challenged Johnny Graham anil Annie Oikley, of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, and offered to shoot a match with them for any purse they might name. Next of importance to the Streets of All Nations is the Million UlTsn Wanted. Four or five boys, going to school during winter, to board. $12 a month with room and plain washing. Across street from High school. Apply at CiiBoxici.a office. tl.twlm Buy meal ticket at the Umatilla House restaurant; $5.50 for (. sl tf Meilran Theater. Four of the chief actors are princes and princesses from the Latin countries of South American, where monarchy was one time ail important. The other members of this company are Mexicans who bring with them the airs of mysti cism that surrounds all those who hail from the land of the Montezuoias. They will give a continuous performance of the higher class. Only the highest priced vaudiville artl'ts compose this celebrated company. H ere is no rr.nsic more entrancing than the lilt ol Mexi can ong, where the philomela an l the lu'e hold swnyt Those who rieluht In the nnnilolin and the "bulbnr will go into extscies when they hear the troll bailors of Mexico. Animal Shows. In I liia zoological congress will be found animals from every clime. The boxing kangaroos, "Jeffries" and "Fltz Simmons," are a whole host in them selves. They give a splendid exposition of the manly art of self-defenFe. Tbe performing monkeys are perfectly irre- Away. It is certainly gratifying to tbe public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to tbe needy and suffering. The proprietors f Dr. King' New Discovery (or con sumption, coughs and colds, have given way over ten million trial Lotties of this great medicine ; and huve the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands ofj hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoaMcnees and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are purely cured by It. Call on Blakeley, the Druggist, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and $1. Fvery battle guaranteed, or price redinded. 3 Red Hot From the Oun Was the bull that hit G. B. Steadman ot Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty years. Then Bucklen's ArnSc Salve cured him. It cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Beet pile cure on earth. Twenty-fire cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist. 3 Worklns Night and la The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New I Life Pills. Every pill is a sngnr-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, liallesxness into energy, brain-f ig into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per Ikix. Sold by Blakeley, the drngg'st 3 The Campbell & Wilson n illinery parlor is the plac to buy up-to-date head wear at riiJit prices. All the new things in street hats. Patterns and trimmed hats can be foun 1 there, also a fine line of children's school hate and baby bonnets. tf