The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 29, 1900, PART 2, Image 8

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Wtdnesdav Dally.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Iliukle, of Ante
lope, are in town.
Deputy Sheriff Sexton haa goue to
Wapiuitia ou otticial business.
F. II. Button, of Hood River, was In
town lust night and left for bouie ou the
KeguUtor this morning.
Martin Z. Donnell and a if left fester
day for North Yakima. hwn they w ill
vieit the Washington atate fair.
Mrs. J. G. Robertson and daughter,
Miss Maudie, wera passengers on the
Regulator thia morning for Portland to
iiwnd a few days visiting friends.
Max I.uedileuiann, of the Antelope
Herald, ii in the city for the purtiosa of
attendioe the wedding- of bis brother.
Krn-t. w4iich takes place tonight at the
M. E. chnrch.
Professor ciandvitr lft on th noon
train for Ileppner, where he will orea
nize a weekly dancing class next Friday
night. He will be back here in time to
conduct his Saturday night dance at the
Thursday's Daily.
Miss Maude Gilbert came np from
Portland yesterday, where she ij attend
tag the rortianu iiusiness Collide.
Utto Yaisli, a prominent citizen of
Cross Keys, called at this office today.
He will bo lu the city for several days.
Miss Elizabeth Schooling, who has
been ill for over two months, was takeu
to the Good t-aiiiaritaa hospital in l oit
land on the noon train.
Illthlr rltmd Yuuni Couple of
Tha Wall tailed la Wedlock.
Miss Evelvn Steele, who arrived yes
terday frnna Portland to attend theLned-deinann-French
wedding, will remain a
few days, the guest of the Misses
Remo Rondeau, son of Rem! Rondeau,
of Kingsley, was a passenger on the
afternoon train for Philomath, where he
goes to attend a second term at the col
lege of that place.
Carl Peetz, the well-known Sherman
county rancher, was in town today on
his way tiome from St. Martin's Springs,
where he received great relief from an
attack of rheumatism.
Friday's Dally.
Hugh Jackson, of Wapiuitia, is in the
Mr. G. F. Purdv, of Olix. Gilliam
CJuoty, called at this office today.
John Leiland Henderson, the Hood
River attorney, was in town today.
" Mr. Rig. Yoiinp, of Astoria, is visiting
with the family of Mr. (J. J. Stubling.
J. W. Hopkins, a Prinevllle attorney,
was in town today on his way home from
Chris Dethinan. a prosperous fruit
man of the Hood River valley, was in
town today.
Alias Harriet Mevens. wtio acted as
maid of honor at the Leuiklemann-
French wedding, returned to her home
in Portland on thia morning's boat.
This Escaped Kilttorlal Censorship.
ine waiia waiia Matesuan, since
Colonel Parker left it, i-i one of the tnoBt
intense calamity howling Institutions
that Thk Chronicle wots of. Yet here
is what it uUished last Tuesday in the
form of an interview "with a Walla
Wal'a man who hail just returned from
Visiting a number of logging camps on
the Sound:
"I found them all in a flourishing con
dition, both in thepoictof increase since
last summer and in general permanency
I never saw the West Side in such a
prosperous condition; industries of
every sort are in full operation, and
there is not an idle man to bo seen. In
fact, there is a great scarcity of laborers
ami thousands of men are right now
needed in the immense logging camps of
PiU'et Sound. Good wages are being
paid lor every kind of labor. When 1
was in the little town of Cosmopolis I
had the pleasure of seeing over two hun
dred men line up, last Saturday even
ing, Uj front of a large lumber and box
lactory to receive their week s wages.
About six hundred men were paid off
tbat evening. Ihe same condition ex
The long and intimate relation of Mr.
and Mr. D. M. French to the business
and social history of The Dalles is
adequate reason for the kindly interest
manifested by t'jis community in the
betrothal and marriage of their daughter.
Miss F.lizgbetu Eleanor French to Mr.
Ernt Lueddemann.
Added to the high esteem In which
Mr. and Mrs. French are held. Is the
fact that Miss French was born aDd lias
grown to a charming young woman in
this city, and has won for herself a warm
place In the affections of all wbo know
her, and'Mr. Lueddeuianii, during his
two or three years' residence here, has
established a reputation as a young man
of integrity and good character, and
ciadu many warm friends.
In response to invitations a large
number of the friends of the bride and
groom gathered, on Wednesday evening,
Sept. 2(th, at the M. E. church to
witn'sa the ceremony which united their
lives in wedlock
The church had been transformed into
a beautiful bower by a profusion of ever
greens, delicate vines, potted plants and
white and pink cut flowers; over each
aisle was erected an arch of ivy, the
arch over the right aisle having at the
top the letters L F worked in flowers,
while that over the left aisle bad but the
one letter, L.
At halt past eight o'clock the wedding
party entered the auditorium of the
chnrch to the strains of Lohengrin's
wedding march rendered by Mr. William
Birgfeld, who presided at the organ ; the
party was led by the ushers, Messrs N.
J. Sinnott, Gus Bonn, Forrest Fisher
and Fred W. Wilson. Following the
ushers came Messrs Frank French ia
cousin of the bride) and Mr. A. L. Gnde,
the groomsmen; Miss Beulab Patterson
and Miss Pearl Williams, the brides
maids; little Jessie Hostetler and Edna
Pease, flower girls ; Miss Harriet Stevens,
of Pirtland, the maid of honor; and
finally Mies French leaning upon the
arm of her father. As the party passed
up the right aisle and approached the
altar it was met by the groom, ao
companied by his brother, Mr. Max
Lueddemann, of Antelope, wbo came
from a room at the side of the altar.
The ceremony need by Rev. U. F,
Hawk, the pastor, was the usual service
of the church, slightly uiodiGed.and was
both beautiful and very impressive,
As tfie party retired through the left
aisle Mr. Birgfeld rendered Mendels
sohn's wedding march.
The bride was very beautiful, attired
in silk organdie over white satin, veil
and orange blossoms, and carrying
cluster of white roses. Miss Stevens was
likewise robed in white, while Miss
Patterson arid Miss Williams wore pink
and carried pink roses. The costumes
were very elegant and becoming.
Immediately after the ceremony the
wedding party returned to the1 residence
of the bride's parents where they re
ceived the congratulations of the relatives
and intimate friends of the family. The
home of: Mr. and Mrs French was beauti
fully decorated with smilax, asparagus
and other vines with cut flowers; the
hall Bnd frotitfparlor in pink and green;
the buck parlor in yellow and green;
the sitting-room in red; the dining-room
was tastefully decorated in pink and
white with festoons and lovers knots of
silk ribbon. During the reception a very
delightful wedding lunch was served.
The guests Ipretent at the reception
besides theweriding party, were: Mr
and Mrs JLW French. Mrs Nellie F
lets everywhere I visited
The editor of the Statesman ought to Bjlton, Nonearl and Curmel Bolton, Mr
cease calamity-howling or make a more and Mrs Edward French, Mr and Mrs
vigoious use of his blue pencil.
Howard Mast Die For Ml Crime.
Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 26. -The jury
in the case of James Howard on trial
for alleged complicity in the Goebel as
sassination, tins morning rendered a
verdict of guilty, with the penalty fixed
at death. The jury retired at 9:10, and
returned with its verdict at 9:43. The
courtroom was crowded with spectators,
almost trembling with suppressed ex
citement. Foreman Crutcher, of the
juiy, passed the written verdict up to
Smith French, Dr Gertrude French, of
Portland, Mrs D EGilman and Mrs J W
Gilinan, of Wheeler county, Mr and Mrs
FrankjSMeredith, Mrs J W Meredith,
Miss Jeannette Meredith, Miss Mary
Adams, Miss Paulina lAdaros, Mr and
Mrs FredLegg, of Salem, Mr Wm
Carter, offjNewburg, Mr and Mrs Walter
Moser and Miss Evelyn Steele, of Port
land, Mr and Mra Wm Hinkle and Mr
and Mrs Fred Lueddemann and Mr and
Mrs Goodwin, of Antelope, Chas Adams,
of Tygh Valley, Mr Frank Hurlburt, of
the clerk, .n.l it ... re.,1 hv Tw uaniao, .air ana Mrs j r Laugniin,
Clerk Elliott. Howard did not display Lo'd InfchH". Miss Irene Adams, Mr
the least anxiety, and apparently was
unconcerned. The verdict was a surpiise,
s the general public were led to believe
tbat the jury was divided on the question
of guilt or innocence of the defendant.
One of the jurors stated to the Associated
rre-s mat a numoer oi ballots were
taken, but the first ballot resulted in
unanimous vote in favor of a verdict of
and Mrs S L Brooks, Mr and Mrs J B
Condon, Mrs Emma Thompson, J W
Condon, Clifton Condon, Mr and Mrs E
C Pease, Mr. and Mrs J C Hosteller, Mr
Edward Hostetler, Mr Starr, Mr and
Mrs Hal French, Rev and Mrs Warner,
Mr and Mrs. W Lord, Mr and Mrs F L
Houghton, Mr and Mrs II S Wilson,
Mrs E M Wilson, Mrs A M Williams
guilty. After that the ballots yesterday "nu alT "uue njr al" al Bum
. .s tn tha rWrea nf n,!.i,.,n. M'" Carrie St. John and Rev and Mrs
Ten members voted for the death F Hawk
nenaltv. wr,il two m,t fnr lif- im. As tbe bri(1" retired to exchange her
Drisonment. The first ballot fodav rft. el'-nfl dress for her traveling costume
suited in a verdict, the two iurors who
fish knife, Mr Chas Adams; sugar
spoon, Miss Paulina Adams; picture,
Mr and Mrs J M Patterson; evening
shawl, Miss Patterson; bntter plate,
Clifton Condon ; silhouette, F Soruuier
ville; chocolate pot, Mr and Mrs J C
Hostetler; stiver dish, Mr Ed Hostetler;
Cambridge book, Mr and Mrs 8 L
Brooks; sardine fork, Mrs Chit wood;
bouillon spoons, Frank French; tea
spoons, Mr and Mrs Smith French ; cut
glass piece, Dr Gertrude French; pearl
handled knives and forks and cut-glass
dish, Mr Smith French; pillow cover.
Dr French; salt and pepper shakers,
Lewis Peeples ; candelabrum, Mrs F L
Houghton ; cut-glass salad dish, Mr and
Mrs Pease; carving set. Max Luedde
mann ; knives and forks, Mrs Goodwin ;
cut-glass punch bowl, the ushers; olive
dish, Mr and Mrs Streeter; clock, Mr
and Mr Chas Pease; cut glass row
bowl, Mr C Lord and Hurlburt, Arling
ton ; vase, Mr and Mrs Truman Butler;
picture. Miss Carrie Butler; ojive dish.
MrsECLytle: spoons? Mr and Mrs J
M Sampson ; floh set, Mr and Mrs Lued
demann; bag, Besie Barker; cream
spoon, Miss Ella Lord, Ohio; rose bowl,
Mr and Mrs Hal French ; pearl-handie
table set, Mr and Mrs J W French;
aspiiragne fork, Mr and Mrs Ed French ;
ice cream knife, Vivian French; pickle
dish, Mr and Mrs B 8 Huntington; cut
glass almond dish, Miss Carrie St John;
antique brass, Miss Williams; doilies,
Miss Ida Adams ; gravy spoon, Mr ami
Mrs Moser; fruit knives, Mesdames
Esbeluian and Myers; pearl necklace
with diamond pendant, the bride's
parents; dollies, Mrs Lneddemann ;
teaspoons, Mr and Mrs Prinz; vase,
Mr and Mrs J B Condon; placque, Miss
VinaAbrams; silver creamer, Mr and
Mrs Sidney Young; cut-glass piece,
Mrs tula Sweetland; black pearl set
diamond scroll ring, from the groom;
salad eet, Mrs E F Agnew; cut-glass ice
cream dish, Mr and Mrs W Lord; cut-
glass berry dish, Mr and Mrs E O Mc
Coy; tomato lifter, Mr and Mrs DE
Gilman, Mr and Mrs J W Gilman;
celery dish, Mrs H W Gude and Albert
Gude; pie knife, Mrs Thos Anderson
and Mies Finley ; silver sugar shell, Miss
McClisky ; vases, Mr and Mrs F A Legg
and Miss M E Adams; teaspoons, Mr
and Mrs B F Laughlin ; cut-glass water
bottle, Mr and Mrs Frank Meredith;
napkins, Mrs T Davidson; gravy and
table spoon, Mrs C Lueddemann ; cream
spoon, Miss Irene Adams; gravy spoon,
Mrs N J French Bolton.
Telegrams of congratulations were re
ceived by the bride and groom from
many absent friends, and the reading of
these at the reception added pleasure to
the occasion. Among those thus re
membering the happy couple were tbe
parents of the groom and Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Bruckby, of Tuecomhia, Ala., Mr.
Balf Johnson, Astoria; Mr. and Mrs.
F. P. Mays and M. C. Lyon of Portland,
and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Geiger of Hepp
ner. A pleasant incident of the occasion
was the presentation bv the bride to
each of the maids ot n beautiful pearl
stick pin, and by the groom to each of
the groomsmen and ushers of a similar
ecarf pin.
The bride and groom left cn tbe early
train Thursday morning for Portland,
whence tley go via the Canadian Pacific
to Washington, New York and other
eastern cities, returning through the
South, where, In Alabama, thev will
vieit Mr. Lueddemann's parents. Thev
will bo abeent six weeks or two months.
Through the months of June and July
our baby was teething' and took a run
ning off of the bowels and sickness of
the stomach," says O. P. M. Holliday,
of Darning, Ind. "His boweis would
move from five to eight limes a day.
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhcei Remedy in the
house and gave him four drops in a tea'
spoonful of water and he got better at
once. Sold at Blakeley's drugstore. '
had voted for life imprisonment gave in
to tbe majority and voted for the death
After the verdict had been rendered
Howard was remanded to jail, where he
was followed by his bosom friend, John
G. White, who seemed almost paralyzed
by the verdict. Howard's cheeks also
blanched as he stood np to accompany
the jailer back to his cell. The jury
consisted of nine demscrats, one re
publican and twoanti-Goehel democrats.
Clarke A Falk ha ye received a carload
cf tbe celebrated Jame E. Patton
strictly pare liquid paints
the bride's bouquet was cast from the
stairway and caught by Miss Evelyn
The wedding gifts were nnmeroas and
elegant, evidencing the hearty good will
of the many donors to the bride and
groom. The following it a list of the
Cat glass celerydith. Mr and Mrs
Ketchum; picture, Mr Eilery; spoons,
Mr and Mrs Stanffin; embroidered sofa
pillow, Mrs II 8 Wilson ; vase, the
Misses Gude; game carver, Miss Evelyn
Steele; handkerchief, Mrs W ,G Simp
son ; vase, the Sommervilles ; spoon, the
Misiee Kach; salad set, Mrs Hinkle;
cut-flsis wa'.er bottle, Miss Meredith;!
In the Circuit Court for the Btateof Oregon for
Ioa Spclclilnger, I'lalntlrT,
Henry SpclcliiiiKer, Defendant
In the name of the State of Oreeon:
You are htrcby required to spoenrand answer
the cimp!&int filed siralnst you in the above
emiliea suit on or belore tlie last dav of the
time nrexerlheil In the outer for tho tmliliratlon
of this summons, to-w(t,on or before six noniteo-
utive w . from the 2:ith day of Sopttim ber.
no, which SHld aith day of Hf-uteinber. l'.mt). Is
the dale of the first publication of this sum
mons, to-wlt: You are required to appear and
answer said complaint on or befure the loth duv
of November, latm, which said loth day of No
vember, l'.Hio, is the last day of the time pre
scribed In the onler for the publication of thia
summons, snd if you fail to answer, for want
thereof plaintiff will apply to the above entitled
court for the relief poijiil for In plaintiff 's com
plaint, to-wit: inac ine nouns oi ma'rimonv
heretofore and now exmtlnt between nlaintiil'
be dissolved and held for naught, and that
plaintiff and defendant be In all respects ell
forced from eeh other, and that plaintiff's
name be changed to her maiden name, to-wlt,
Ina Do le, and for such other and further relief
as to the court may seem )ust and equitable.
This summons Is served niton ynu, Henry
SpeirhiiiH-er, the above named defendant, by
jMiiMM-niiim ui--noi ill in. PALI.EH KB KLf
chhonici.s for six consecutive weeks by order
of Hon. W. I.. Hradhhsw, J'ldire of the above
entitled court, which order was made on, and
bears date ol September 2', '.
S29 Attorney for I'lalntilT.
Laud ornca at Thb Dam ks, Om.,
Sept Hi, !. I
Notice Is hereby (riven that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
tion to make final proof In sunonrt of hi.
claim, and tuat said proof will be made he-
fore thr refl.trr and receiver at The I wile.,
Oregon, on Saturday, November to, l'jun, U:
Calvin .1. Ilnnakln,
of Mosler, Or., 11. K. No, 51J1, fur Ihe 8E or, Seo
31. Til N, K 12 K, W. M.
lie names tne following; witnesses to prove bis
continuous resideuce upon, and cultivation ol
said land viz:
Koyle, R. E, loyle, The Dalles, Or.,
brown and t arl J. K. Carlson, of Mo-
ln the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oiegon for
W co County.
The Urvgon Kallroed 4 Navlsallon Co.,
John II. Knberv snd fcuima Kober. his wife:
( harles H. Oraham: John I -tat aud Kleuard
hoe, hoe Domes are unknown.
To John II. Kober. Emm Kobei. his wile:
Charles II. i-rahin: John loe sod Klc lard
hoe, whoae names are unknown, jA-ieudanls:
In the mine of tbe State of Oregon:
Yon. and eacfc of von. are hereby notlrkd that
the Oregon kailroad at Naviajailnn Couipanr
ban filed a eoinp.aint airainst von in the circuit
tourt ol tne elans oi wretron ior mt- . ounv,
V, ac, and you are hereby required to sfpear
and answer complaint on or before Ihe last
ilav of tbe tlni preseritwd by the order I pub
lieatiou, that Is to say on or ix-fore c-iturdny.
tne loih day of Sovembar, You aw fur. her
notnicd that If you tail to appear and answer
the complaint, or pleud thereto, at mild time,
Ihe plati.tiir will cause your default to been
tered and ill apply to thecuurt for tiia relief
praved lot In the complaint: that Is to say that
an a.,eM.iuent of tne oain;ics whirb w ill result
from tbe appropriation by tbe plnintilf of the
six tracts of land Br-t hereimift-r described, and
alvofroiu tho appropriation b the plaintiff of
he tiht to borrow en rift, stone, ifiavel and
other mateiial from the rive tracts of land here
inafter tiewrined he had. and that on payment
of the dimitaes so icw-Owied lilt t Ihf hand of the
clerk" of this court L-y the pl.ilntirt, Judgment bij
irtveu appropriating sjod p'toperty, aud ull of it,
to l ho plalntilf.
The sit tracts of land which nro sought to be
approntiatei heieln am! which are above re
ferred to, are particularly bounded aud de
scribed as follows, to wit:
Tract One Beitinnlne at a point in the elder
ly olivine! way Hue of me railmail.whu.'h
potut is ltiia feet north and i0 feet eat from
Ihe qur.rter corner between sections thirty one
(,;l) and thirty-two (?.'). township three i;l) north,
rauee eleven til) cant Willamette Meridian, and
M feet distant from and meatuieu at riicht
angles to the revised center line: thence south
easterly on a curve t the left, having a radius
of -M feet a distance of ;7 fe-t to a point which
Is 60 feet distant from and measured at right
angles to the revied center hue, thence parallel
wiili said revised fouler line aud M feet distant
northeily therefrom and on a course bearing
soutb no degrees At minutes east a distance of
; feet to a polut In the south line of said lot
four !):' thence west along said south line a
distance of JUS feet to a point which lsoi leet
dis'ant from and measured at rlaht angles to
the revised center line; thence north 60 degrees
M minutes west a distance of (0 feet to a point;
thence on a curve to the right, having a radius
of feet a distance of feel to a point lu tne
original light of way line of the railroad, wnicu
point Is ii feet distant froni and measured at
right angles to the revised center line; thence
northwesterly along said original right ol way
Hue a distance of Z' foet to the place of begin
ning, Containing .h3 acres.
Tract two Beginning at a point 1320 feet east
and 870 fet t north from the quarter corner be
tween said sections thirty-one (31 aud thirty
two i!), township three (3) north, range eleven
(11) east Willamette Meridian, which point is 50
feet distant from and measured at right angles
to the revised center Hue of the railroau; thence
on a course bearing south 0 degress 51 uiinutes
east, parallel with and 50 feet distant southerly
from said revised center line a distance of 5mm
feet to a point: thence on a curve to the right
havli'g a radius of feet a distance of :tno feet
to a point on the southerly original right of way
line of tbe railroad; thence uorihtvcsttrly along
said original right of way line a distance of loo-'t
feet to a point on the west line of lot three ;i,
section thirty-two :'J; thence south 10 feet to
the place of beginning, containing 1.2 acres
Tract three Beginning at a point on the orig
lnal right of way line of the railroad, which
point is feet lastfrom theqimiterc rner
between sections thirty-."tneand thirty-two
township three (;;1 north, range eleven 11 east
Willamette Meridian, thence east along the
south line of lot ihree fsj, section thirty-two .U
a distance of leet to a point which is "i0 leet
niHtaut from and measured tt runt angles to
tho revised center line: the- ce on a course bear
ing nrtn 41 degrees to minutes west a dl'tance
of feet to a point lu the original right of way
line of the railroad; thence southeasterly along
said original right of way lino a distanco of I'M
feet to thu place of b ginning, containing .00
Tract four Beginning at a poll. t on the orig
lnal right of way line of the railioad, which
point is tus fee' west and l'.il.i feet north Irom
the southeast corner of sad section thirty-two
(:U). township three (:i) north, range eleven (11)
eaet W illamette Meridian: thence on a course
beitrinsj north N degrees '2o minutes west a dis
tance of 2to feet to a point; thence on a curve to
the tight baviug a radius of 8J'J4 feet a disbiuce
of ot.i feet to a point which is ,0 feet illsUmc
from and measured at right angles to the re
vised center line; thence northerly at right an
gles to the revised center line a distance of 10
feet to a point wnich Is tV.) feet distant from and
mc'isured at light angles to the revised center
line; thence ou a curve to the right having a
radius of 1S.VI feet a distance of 77ti leet to a
fsilnt: thence southwesterly at right angles to
tne reviseu center line a instance of JO feet to a
point which is AO feet distant from aud meas
u red at right angles to the revised center line
thence ou a curve to the right having a -adius
of Imhi feet a distance of 310 foet to a point on
the westerly line of lot two (;) said section
thirty-two (;), which point is 50 leet distant
irom ana measured at right ang'cs to t lie re-
vli-ed caiter line of tho railroad; thence due
south 60 feet to a point In the original right of
way li no of the railroad: thence southest alonir
said oi Iglnal right of w ay line a distance of Imi.'i
feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.U4
Ben a.
Jo-licial District of Oregon, Bade 'at chambers
aud dated September JH, louu.
H. K. C'iSN'oH.
W. Ii. WILaON.
19 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
LtsaOrma at Vascocvis, Wash.
Aug. 10, I WO. 1
Notice Is herebf given that the following
named settler has fikd notice of bis inter 11. m
to make linal proof in support of his clain', a4
that said proo! will be made before W. b. Presby.
I'nited t-tates Commissioner for lustric; f
W ashiagbin, at bis omc in (ioldendale, w ash
luglon, ou October 1, WO, vt:
John Wateoo,
P. O. address Centervlllc, Wash., who made
hmo'sb-ad application No. 93:12, for the o'i '.
ad- ;2, Tp 3 N, tt It K, W. M.
Who names tbe following to prove
hjs contiuuous resideuce upon aud cu'.ilvaliop
or said land, viz.:
Charles strsube, William WiUlnaot., Jame
C. lialv snd Patrick Haegerty, all of Ceutcivlile
e. O., Wasbiugtou.
aH-1 ' W. B. DUNBAR, Register.
Lasid Orr:ca at Ths P-iixks. Oa., f
rteptember 1 , l'.sO. I
Notice Is. hereby given that the following
named settler ba Hied notice of ber Intention
to make ritml pr.s.f in support ol ber claim, aud
that said prooi will be made before the Ketrtster
and Kif-iver at ihe Dalles, Oregou, ou Wednes
day, October it, l'.sj, viz:
Janet P. Ktewart, f The Dalles, Or.,
H. K. No. rjsl. for the E1, HK'i K qr NK qr foe
25, Tp I X, K 12 , aud oW qr N V qr Sec 30, Tj 1
N. ti i:I K. W M.
phe names the following wltnesvoa'o prove
her continuous residence upon anil cultivation
of said land, fin. :
li. I) Nelson, K. F. Sharr, John Fleming,
Iianiel Stewart, all o." The I -allcs.
aci'13 JAY P. LL'CAS, Iteglster.
ot Application for Liquor Lie
To All Whom It MayConTrn-
William kiulx, will . 1 ?h o.u,
noou. ou Monday" tie i,L , n iE1-
Wng the reguUr4 "? t
of court, apply to thei.Tf..' ". h,
T '.r.." and vh,.a,. ,T""sts.r
quai.uties than one gallon , " "1"rs ta
sier.iu K.eeounty i K.
ot .sid county m;r-urT T.
said license, which he wi'l' i!ilhu itW "
UatedtbUTthdayof Oclola, I9W
r.tlUo , Lienor l,.
To the Honorable County ( o,Irt '
Oregon, for the County of wll itu.
We, the undersigned residents sn'a i
: . i , "spectfuity t-iiii ;
orable body to T . ' t'eu.tliil .. ,
- -- ue-nse to uin;':'
cii spirituous, uin.t a,,.!
Mos et, In the county .,ut "
.. . ..u vouuty nuy can tat ":i
Land Orr:ca at Thb Dalles, Ob., I
September, 10, l'.SK). (
Notice la hereby given that the follnwlcg
naoied settler has filed notice oi Ills intention
to muke final prisif In support of his claim, aud
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on batuiduy,
October 20, WOO, viz.:
Cbarlea II. Matney,
of The Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. &0M!), for the 8
hi NK qr and W hf bK qr, eec 12, Ip 18, K 11
E,W. M.
Ho names the following witnesses o prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said laud, viz.:
A. 8, Fox, P. :. Fagan, Charles Gosnon and W.
C. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
epl5 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Land Cmci at The Dallks, Orc.,1
August 31, 1900.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of bis claim, and
that said proof will be inude before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Weduea
day, October 10, l'JOO, viz.:
George W. .lohuatiin, nf The Dalles, Or.,
H. K. No. SKH, for the KV NE'i and NEt4
; w H rcc in. iUJ,a ii r., u. m.
He names the following wltnoscs to prove hli
continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of
said land, viz:
F. P. Taylor, Wm. Shnrp, J. W. Johnston and
R. . league, all ol The Dulles, Oregon.
S5-1 JAY P. LUCAo, Register,
Kdw A Reineck,
i, i- in n.
I-eis M-ekf,
P lienuingson,
H F Hardwii k.
Christian Wyss,
Arnold Wyss.
K B Wood,
B Kben,
Jas 8 Hunter,
Frnnk Lspter,
H Moneiuau,
M Thiel,
Jacob Floch,
John Armstrong,
A H ciodbersoii,
M Duty.
F P Weidner,
J K MiGregor,
Andy Prather,
Rue Prather,
Geo Judy
Geo Ireland
C H Davenport 1
A U Prlchnrd
John Noribup
; Mosier,
? C 8tl!tt,
J m tin tt,
' llhtotl Wunrf
C A ( rm-r,
i- Graiiltmd
James J11Mi
M I'ich enmuller,
" t. I isner,
E I'enon,
A h Mct ougUey,
f Muntnu,
I- J Davenport
W H A Hay,
Chas Prather.
AJ Proher,
Jas Nurse
H V Patterson
H C Weidner
A N'ord
A T Roberts
Notice is hereby yiven that the nndcra'gned
has been duly appointed by the county court ol
tne state oi uregon. tor wasco county, tuimtuls
trator of the estate of Kllzabeth A. Kontherii
deceased. All persona having claims against
tne estate of said deceased are hereby untitled
to present the same, with the projier vouchers
tnereior, to me at my omce in u id. Oregon
wuuiii six moncus irom tne date nereot.
Dated September 21, 1'J.X).
se;i20 Adiiiinistrntor.
James M.
tier, or.
Tract Ave-Beginning at a point on the orig
inal right of way line of the railroad, which
point is 21H feet west and IHM li-et north from
he southeast corner nf raid section thirty two
(32), township three (3) north, range eleven (11)
enn, niiiniociie .iieriuian, n:m .si teet UlSlallt
from and measured at right angles to the re
vised center line: thence on a curve to the left
having a radius of 1:M feet parallel with and 50
ieei oist irit irom said revised center line a dis
tance of 778 feet to a point on the original south
erly right of way lino, of the railroad; thence
easterly and southeasterly along said original
right of way line a distance of turn feet to the
place of beginning, contaiui ig .km acres.
Tract six Beginning at a point on the east
Hue of said section thirty-two (.12), which point
is I IAS feet north from the southeast corner of
said section thirty-two. (32). township three ( )
north, range eleven (II) east W illamette Meri
dian, and 60 feet distant from and measured at
right angles to the revised center Hue; tnence
on a course bearing north o7 degrees 35 minutes
west a distance of k2 feet to a point In the orig
inal right of way line of the railroad; thence
northwesterly along snid original right of way
line a distance of I!i2 feet to a point which is f,0
feet d istant Vrom and measured at right ancles
to the revised center line: thence on f,.i,..
bearing south 57 degrees .V minutes east paral
lel with and 50 feet distant from said revl.wl
center line a distance of 107 foet to the east line
of said lot one (I); thence south 120 fi-et to the
place of beginning, containing .in acres.
The five trncts of land which nro nhiwa
ferred to and the right to excavate aim liorn.u.
earth, stone and gravel and other material from
which is ought to be appropriated herein are
particularly described as follows, to-wif
Tract I From that 'rat t lvtnir srmrhr.rie r,.
tract number one ahovc mentioned mi h...
tween the right of way therein described and
the original right of way line nf the railroad and
between 8billon Bis m of the revised center
line of the railroad, and the south Hue of said
w ium it;, euiiiniuiiiK ,un acres.
Tract two Also from that truer r i-
width lying southerly from tract r,.,
ano eoiiiiKuoiiB to me ngni oi way therein do.
scribed ami between Htation V.Vti-on and Hlatlon
13."-ouof ihe revised center line of the railroad.
Tract three Also from that tract lvln. in i.
iwo ii ami iiiree i.ii rontlicllous to soil north.
eisterly from Ihe right of way ricac lined in
tracts nniniered three and four anri lialn
Htalions 1:101 and 1370 of the revised twnb r Hue
of tne railroad, being a triangular piece 22' feet
In width at said station 13r0apd cotiverglng lo
ijiNi,B,iieiiiirr,.--imi oi tne orwinal right
n way une as Bunion l.'iiil, containing 1.5H
Tract four Also from thnt ir.,. rxi r. i
width lying southerly from tract ntimlw,. lu.
and contiguous to Ihe right of way therein de
scribed aud betwe-n Htattons l:iMi and 13'i-aof
the revised center line of Ihe railroad, contain.
lug .is, acres.
Tract five Also from that ii.. i.
the right of way n.-sorlbed In tract num tier six
am the original right of way line of the railroad
and between Htation I.hsi of the revised renter
line of the railroad and the rast line of said
scetlou thirty two (.fc), containing .a-iaeree.
All ol said prcniis-s are siliiatcd In lota 1 2 1
""d . s.., ;U, Piwnshlp a uonh, range 11
east W lllametlc Meridian. range u
The date of the first publication nf this sum
"inns Is Hatnriluy, tlia tf.ih day of He ,bcr
ar? VJ"" r'i'-tion8,u da - ,r;
IhKli IJ. L fl'VV"'"- ""'. '! ld summon,
mdd iaTr.'"l "" l"'"ur""r '' each w k for
uJu1 V"Tlnn"'t. P"bl'","' by order f f,e
Hon. W. L. Itradrhaw, Judge f f neventh
utm ssi. H&B!MMK9&KfIMpBm
lit. r.i rt
12:25 p. m.
12:U s. in.
Via Hunt
:2"i p. m
t p. m.
tims scnkoulc,
Fboh Dalles.
8nlt Lake, Ilciiver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha. Kan
sas City, tst. Louis,
vnicago ana cast.
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
north, Ouiiiha. Kan
sua City, 8t. Louis,
t.nicago ana cast.
Wnlla Walla, Rpoknne,
Aiiuueapoiis. ri. caul,
i 11 luttl. .Vlilwaukee
Chicago and Kt, via
Bpokaneakd Hunting
ton ; also alt tioiuts in
Washington and East
ern Oregon.
1:05 p m
4:45 u. in.
8:3-1 a. in
From Pobtlai
Ocean Steamships.
For San Francisco
Every Five Days.
8 p. m.
F.x.guuday Columbia Rf. 8U-amers,
io Astoria and Way
..'.ni.T.nj l-IIUlIlgS.
p. Ul.
4 p. m.
OA. m. Wtuism, lira..
tx.buiiday Oregon City, Newherg
baieui it Way Land's.
4 p. tn
I 4::0p. rn.
7 a.m. WruiMttT. . n v .
Tuea.Thnr. hill KlVKIts.
aud sat. Orevon city. Iiminn
aud Way-L:iudlngs.
Lf Itlimrla
3 ::- a. in
Bkaks Rivrk,
Rlpsrla to iwlsum.
3:) p. m.
and Fri.
0:00 a. in
destrino- m an tn ti.i..,.. ...
t.b. ".iiiiii.-rii via niggs, should
take No. 2, leaving Ihe Dalles at 12:40 p. ri.
making dlrej-t ennnrntlons at llcppner Junction
and Biggs. Returning mai,.gdln.tco,,noJ.i lion
at Heppner Junction and lllggslth No. 1. ar
riving at l'he Dallcaatlz:i p.m.
Sale of Real Property.
Notice is herebf given tht
tue of an order dulv inad and enS -r
County Court ol Wasco County, t,,?4, '
20th day of August, 190), the rilVdSiaS'
ministrator with ihe win . , erJ'i. at-
of Jonathan Jackson, deceased, will ft, "1
after tlie 1st day of October, laou Ki ni Zm
sale lu the manner provided by lw J.,, .k."'
of real property by executor, and JmiiiO?
Uirs, all the right, title and interest I "Z
Jonathan Juckaon in and to the m.T
scribed real property, being "Ji
Oregon, to-wit; "waitty,
Tho NW'i of the mi of section ilftna.
the BVi of the Sliv, and the ai of theli'1'
section twenty-two 122): thSEiJ oftb. i?
of swtlon ftfiecu(l5). theK'of th.MvS
the N V.M of tho8KU of section tt?,S?
the i of the NE'J and the W'ohht st
and Ihe 8Ew of the NWUrl iio . '
seven (27), all In township four 'ilsuutb tnJ
fourteen (14) east, W. m; sail .74 t,', K
Y"""" msiiner vroyinerl br
law for the sale of real proiajrty upon credit hr
executors and Mdminl, '"J
Administrator, with the will annexwl.ol Hip
""lie oi iivuuiuhu jaexson, aeceastsl. stiti-ji
U.J. Land Officb, Thk D.ue!,o.,i
Senteiiiher lii. Ifun I
A sufficient contest allidnvit havini; bn Slot
111 this ctlico by Joseph H. Khernr, eoutMUal
against honiestc id entry No. 7I"2. made June!
Ih'JO, for 8 hf NW qr Sec 28, and E lif .N'Kqrw
S.i. Tp 8 8 R 11 K. by William tiill contwiw, m
w hich it is nllcied that said Wil inm bill hu
wholly abandoned said tract and ehatifel hii
residence tlierofrom for more than six mnnttii
since making snld entry, aud m xt prior to fin
nf contest; and that he did not abandon to
tract to enter the military or naval nerricto!
the United Stab s, said parlies are hereby iwti
liiil to appear, respond and oiler evidence tMrt
Dig said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Octobtr
27, Hsfl, before the register and receiver at Us
United M.tes land orilce in The Dalles, Orenm.
The said contestant having, In a proper it
davit, filed August 11, l'."i. set forth (sets whirt
show that after due diligence petsmisl wivici
of this notice can not bo made, it is bfrt?
ordered and directed that sucrt notice be given
ov one ana pioper puoiicatlon.
sepll) JAY P. LUCAS, RffUter.
Land Officb at Tux Dalus, Or .i
Aug, Is, l:.
Notice Is hereby given that the fnllosint
named settler has I! led notice of his lntentu
to make dual prisif in support of his claim, sod
thntasld nrnof will be made before t.nerreiiw
aud receiver of the II. H. land nllioe tt Tin
Dulles, Or , on Saturday, Sept. 20, l'.MI, vu:
Henry C. Oordlon, of The Dalles, Or.,
If. E. No 4011. for the N1.' 6KM eec. t. Tpl X.
K 13 E. W. M.
Hu naiiics the fol owing witnesses to timn
his continuous residence upon and ctiitlvsiiM
of said land, vis: t v
Kruest Jordan. Albert Jordan, Jonn rums
and James Thomas, all of The Dalles. Orwoo.
atlg22-l JAY P. L-otAB, nexinn.
Land Ornca at Ths Dai-l-s, fla. I
Hepteuiber li, JitsO. 1
Notice Is hereby given that the followlnt-
named settler has Hied notice ot her liiTeoiioa
Pi make final pnail In supiairt of hei claim, M
Unit uiii.i ,.r.uif win lu. iniiiie beiore the rclter
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wain
day, Octolwr 21, loou.vls;
Kllxa K. Vlckers,
widow of Pamucl J. Vlckers. deceased, of
sler, Oregon, II. E. No. lor the .vo
aud S N W'i sec 15. I p 2 ft, it i-' r.,
she iiamca the following wltnes prnis
her mntliiiious resideuce uwu and culUrswi"
of snld land, viz. ; t Umt.
oeorgo Henoe, or Tim naiuw, uri-s."', --
Milcr, le Evans, Krlc lirutiland, M.ader, W.
spl5 JAY r. I.UI.SO.IW-
Land Officb at Ths Dallbs, Or., I
Scpt. inU'1 I", IWl 1
Notice Is herebf given that the l'''"
named settler has filial notice ol bis inic o'""
make final pr.aif In support of nx"i,Kt
IIJIi HftlU r)"I Will UT1 lltn'iw: in s.,.- -atllT
and Kecelver at The Dalle-, Oregon, oasa
day, October 0, loot), y is:
Arellous ft. ro,
of Tho Dalle-, Oregon, II. E. ? ,'Jg u
8 hf N W qr aud W 111 8W nr, Heo 12, Tp 1 s."
He names tho following witnesses f PJ
his continuous rosideiiSe upon and rtil'usu
of said land, viz: ,.u..,r.nma
I. C. Matticy, C. II. Matnev, . """" ,
and W. C. Clurk.all ol The Dalles.
sepU JAY P. LUl Aio
For full particulars call on n
agent The Dalles, or address
At N. Co.'a
tion. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or
JR. K. K. rrtKUI'sliK,
Physician and Surgeon,
omce, Vogt BIcKk (over Postofllce),
20aplmo-dw THK DALLES, 0HF.OON.
i. r. acoac
At Hllt.M.ys AT LAW
Rooms 3J and 40, oyer 0. 8. Land Ortlre
RlXllllS 10 and It. flhantnan lll.-.l. Ti..
I?uy mnal ticket at the liiBtilla
IIouso restaurant ; fj.50 for f). sl-tf
Land ornca at Ths Pali .f . ""''j
Notice Is herebf given "".'w
named settler hns died notice of hi' tn '
msko final priait In support of "i""u,.li,ut
that said prisif will be iioiile More insri a s
and Receiver at The Dalles,,on r
day, OcUiber 0,1000, viz:
Kohert . -hllll.s, of o.i
If. E. No. Man for the NK'; N'v-T r ilK,
heo fl.and Ba KX, Heel. Tp. ' "
Wil names tne folmwlngwltnc-ses 'oppwlij
eoullnuoiis lesbicnce upon aim
ssld land, yls: .
lamea Mwls, Holly Sinner,
.ea Kvsni, JM
Mller, all of Mosier, 0r,"n-JAV p. MIC.
augyjl -
v.. i. bnhv alven that the "n'dis
have filed is-lth lerk of tl' tielr fl"1
11 n llieo hum i'.' " ' " - ..ntOT.tliei'
the Mtateol tisKim lor Wa'ncniiii .
amount as executors of the
lli.nrv llarilliru
Monday, the ih day of Nove
sin! hi
iy, the 4in iiafi'i " . i. by
hour of iiio'elia'k a. m.. has i .:... an"
l ountv Court for said conn tj .". ' rr u "
... ... ..... In llslics ' m
ine roniiiv etnii -- - . H4lf np - for hearing of nbi.fti;' ' 'l.ine
count and Ihe aettlenieut "'j'1" kkKVi-1,