The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 29, 1900, PART 2, Image 5

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u a
ataia ' " iBhabltaata ef the terri
.... hereby ceded to the I'd! ted 8uie
M determined by the Coagresa."
Eleven days thereafter, Dec. 21, the fob
lawtag direction waa (tees to tat eonisaand-
ef our force 1b tbt Philippines:
-The military rommander of the failed
Stale a enjulued to make known ta th ln
,,oltat of Hit Philippine Island that, la
. t - t. rha initr:t. at Knain I a
neeeeuiL-B .
KrlDf tht former political reiatioaa or tot
laSabltaatB aua io esiaimsuing a irw polit
ical rower, tht autborltj of tht United
lutes la to bt exerted (or tht aecurlng of
tbt person aoo property oi iat peopit or
the laianda and (or tbt confirmation of all
tbelr private righte and relation. It win
ta tbt duty of tht commander of tbt force
,( occupation to announce and proclaim la
ike Dost public manner that we come not
li invadere or conquerors, but aa friends, to
srOteCt tDe OailTea iu luru avuiri,
Bloyuienta and IB their peraonal and re-
Hjioua rights.
Sent Cemnsleeion.
Is erder to facilitate tbt moat ho mine,
IftflC and enective exicusiou i iiriu'ini;
'trough-tit these islands, and to secure, with
tbt least FOsib!e ot'lllT' lhe b'nflt of
vlte and generous protection of life and
roD-rty to the Inhabitants. 1 appointed In
Jtauary, ISM. commission consisting of
j.cob Gould Schurman of New York. Ad
miral George Dewey, U. 8. N.; Charlea
Iienby of Indiana, Professor Dean C. Wor
cester of Michigan, and Major General El
avil B. Otis, U. 8. A. Their Instructions
tontalned the following:
"la the performance of thli duty the cotn
ajlatloners art enjoined to meet at tht
artiest possible day In the city of Manila,
sad to announce by public proclamation
Ibelr presence and the mission Intruated to
tbem, carefully settlrg forth that, while tht
military government already proclaimed la
to be maintained and continued so long aa
aecesslty may require, efforts will bt made
to alienate the burden of taxation, to estab
liib Industrial and commercial prosperity,
and to provide for the safety of persons and
f property by such inpans at may ba found
conducive to those end.
Given Carefnl Instruction.
"The commissioner will endeavor, with
out Interference with the military authori
ties of the United State now In control of
the Philippine, to ascertain what ameliora
tion In the cotnlitlon of the Inhabitants and
what Improvements In public order may be
practicable, and for this purpose they will
study attentively the existing social and po
litical ante of the varlotia populations, par
ticularly as regards the forms of local gov
ernment, the administration of Justice, the
collection of customs and other taxes, the
Brass of traiiKportatlon, and the need of
public Improvements. They will report
the results of their observations and
reflections, and will recommend such execu
tive action as ma from time to time seem
to them wise oud useful.
"The commissioners art hereby authorized
to confer authoritatively with any persons
resident In the Islands from whom they may
believe themselves able to derive Informa
tion or suggestions valuable for the pur
poses of tbelr commission, or whom they
may choose to employ as agents, as may be
secessary for this purpose.
Avoided Marsh Measures.
"It Is my desire that In all their relations
with the inhabitants of the Islands the com
Bilssloncrs exercise due respect for all the
Ideals, customs and Institutions of tbt tribes
which compose the population, emphasizing
pon all occasions the Juat and beneficent lu
lentions of the government of tht I'ulted
"It Is also my wish and expectation that
fh commissioners may be received In
manner due to tbe honored and authorized
representatives of tbt American Republic,
fuly commissioned on account of their
knowledge, skill and Integrity aa bcarera of
the good will, the protection and tht richest
blessings of a liberating rather than a con
.tiering nation."
On the Gib of February, 1809, tht treaty
was ratified by the Senate of the United
dates, and the Congress Immediately ap
propriated t20,CK)0,O00 to carry out Its pro
visions. The ratifications were exchanged
ky the United States and Spain on tbe 11th
tf April, lMiti-
At early at April, 1800, tbe Philippine
commission, of which Dr. Schurman was
president, endeavored to bring about peace
In the Islands by repeated conferences with
leading Tagnlogs representing tbe to-called
Inanrgent government, to tbe end that some
general plan of government might bt offered
them which they would accept.
Pleated the Native.
great was tbt satisfaction of tht Insur
ant commissioner with tbt form of gov
ernment proposed by tbt American com
aumloiicrs that the latter submitted tbe
ronosed scheme to me for approval, and my
"''Ion i hereon la shown by tbe cable mca
ge following;:
"May ft, lhli'.l. Schurman, Manila! Yonrt
"b received. Yon are authorized to propoae
hat, under tbe military power of tbe Presl
'"it, pending action of Congress, govern
ment of the Philippine laianda shall conalst
f a governor general appointed by tht
''resident, cabinet appointed by the govern
or general, a general advisor) council elect
ed by the people, tht quallflcatlone of elect
fa to be carefully considered and deter
mined, and the governor general to bavt ab
olute veto. Judiciary atrong and Inde
pendent, principal Jndgea appointed by tbt
'resident. Tht cabinet and Jndget to bt
chosen from natives or Americana, or both,
svlng regard to fitness.
"The President earnestly desires th eeesa-
'b of bloodshed anef that tbe peopit of tbe
I'blllppliie Islnnda at o early date shall
ve the largest measure of local aelf gov
ernment consistent with peact and good
Signs of Treachery. .
'be latter part of May another group
r represent atlrea came from tbt Insurgent
leader. The whole matter waa fully dla
ensed with them and promise of acceptance
seemed near at band. They assured our
oninilsslotiera they would returo after con
"dtlng .lih their leader, but they never did.
a result of the vlewa expressed by tht
rat Tagalog representative fsvorsble to tbt
of the commission. It appenra that he
"s, by military order of tht Inaurgent
'sder, stripped of his shoulder atrapa, dis
missed from tbt army and sentenced to
wrive yeara' Imprisonment.
The views of tbe rommlssloa art beet Bet
""lb In their own worda:
"Deplorable aa war It. th one la which
are now engaged waa onavoldablt by ns.
Wert attacked by bold, aertatorou
othusiaatlc army. No aiteraatltt waa
leit to ua except Ignominious retreat.
Hatl to Beaaala.
It la aot to bo coaceived of that any
Auertcaa would have Moetieaed the aur
render of Manila to the Insurgent. Our ob
ligations to other aatlona and to the friendly
Ullplnoe a ad to ourselves and our Bag de-
-..ura mat tore should bt met with force.
Whatever tht future of tho Phlltnntn m..
be. thert la no count open to na bow except
proaecutioa of tkt war antil tka lasur-
genta are reduced to aubmlssloa.
"The eommlsaloa It of tht ealnlsa that
thert has been ao time since the destruction
or tht Spanish aquadroa by Admlrhl Dewev
whea It waa poMlble to withdraw our torcea
irons the lalaada either with honor to our
aelvea or with aafety to the Inhabltanta."
After tht most thorough study of tht peo
ple of tht archipelago th commission re
ported, among other thlnra:
"Their lack of education and political ex
perience, combined with their racial and
linguistic diversities, disqualify them. In
apltt of their mental gift tod domestic vir
tue, to undertake tbe task of governing tbt
annipeiago at tht present time. The most
that . .... . .
..... v.u in eipectea or mem it to co-oper
ate who in American In th administra
tion of general affaire, from Manila aa a
center, and to undertake, aubtect to Amer
ican control or guidance (aa may be found
necessary) the administration of provincial
and municipal affalra.
Would Invito 1...,!,.
'Shonld our power by any fatality be
withdrawn, th commission believes that the
government of the Philippines would ped
Hy lapse Into anarchy, which would exenae.
if It did not necessitate, th Intervention of
other powers, and th eventual dlv'slon of
th Islands among them. Only through
American occupation, therefore, la the Idea
of a free, aelf-governlng and united Philip
pine commonwealth at all conceivable.
"Thua the welfare of th Filipinos coin
cides with the dlctatea of national honor In
forbidding our abandonment of th archi
pelago. W cannot from any point of view
escape tho responsibilities of government
which our sovereignty enta'.la, and th com
mission la strongly persuaded that the per
formance of our national duty will prove
the greatest blessing to th people of tbe
Philippine Islands."
Satisfied that nothing further conld be ac
complished In pursuance of their mission
until the rebellion waa suppressed, and de
siring to place before th Congress th re
sult of their observations, I requested tbe
commission to return to th United States.
Their most Intelligent and comprehensive
report, was submitted to Congress.
Dutiea of tbe Commission.
! March, 1900, believing that the Insur
rection was practically ended and earneatly
desiring to promote tbe establishment of a
stable government In the archipelago, I ap
pointed the following civil commission:
William II. Taft of Ohio, Profeaaor Dean C.
Worcester of Michigan, Luke I. Wright of
Tennessee, Henry C. Ide of Vermont, and
Bernard Mosea of California. My Instruc
tions to them contained the following:
'"You (the Secretary of War) will Instruct
tbe commission to devote their at
tention In th drat Instance to tbe establish
ment of municipal governments. In which
the native of the lslsnds, both in th cities
and In tbe rural communities, ahall be af
forded the opportunity to manag their own
local affalra to the fullest extent of which
they are capable and subject to tbe least de
gree of supervision and control which a care
ful atudy of their capacities and observation
of tbe workings of native control ahow to be
consistent with the maintenance of law, or
der and loyalty.
Await the Report,
"Whenever tbe commission la of the opin
ion that tht condition of affairs In tbt Isl
ands la such that tbe central administration
may aafely bo transferred from military to
civil control tbey will report ihat conclu
sion to you (the Secretary of War), with
their persooal recommendations as to tbe
form of central government to be estab
lished for tbe purpose of taking over the
"liegiiinlng with the 1st dsy of Septem
ber, luuO, tbe authority to exercise, subject
to my approval through the Secretary of
War, that part of the power of government
In th Philippine Islands which Is of a leg
islative nature ia to be transferred from tbt
military governor of tht Islands to this com
mission, to be thereafter exerclaed by them
in tbe place and atead of tbe military gov
ernor, under auch rules and regulations aa
you (the Secretary of War) ahall prescribe,
until tbe establishment of tbe civil central
government for tbt Islauda contemplated la
the last foregoing paragraph or until Coa
great ahall otherwise provide.
LeajlBlative Authority.
"Eierclce of this legislative authority will
Include th making of rules and orders hav
ing th effect of law for tht raining of reve
nue by taxes, customs duties and imposts;
the siinronrlstlon and expenditure ef the
public funds of the Islands; 'he establish
ment of an educational system thronghont
the lslsnds; the establishment of a system
to secure an efficient civil aervlce; the or
ganization and establishment of courts; the
organization and establishment of municipal
and departmental governments, anil all
other matters of a civil nature of which the
military governor Is now competent to pro
vide by rules or orders of a legislative char
acter. Tbe commission will a no uavt
power during the tame period to appoint to
office such urticers under the edu
cational and civil service systems and In the
municipal and departmental governmenta as
shall bt provided."
Utile for tbe Interim.
Until Coogreaa shall take action I directed
i;non everr division and branch of tht
government of the Philippine must be Im
posed these inviolable rules: That no per
son shall be deprived of life, liberty or prop
erty without due process of law; that pri
vate property shall not be taken for pnblle
use without Just compensation: that In all
criminal prosecutions the accused sball en-
oy the right to a apeeuy ana punnc inai, to
Informed of tbe nature and cans of the
accusation, to be conironieu wun ine wit
nesses against him, to bavt compulsory
tirnivu for olitalulnc witnesses In his favor.
and to have tbe assistance nf counsel for bis
defense; that excessive ball ahall not bt re
quired, nor excessive Ones Imposed, nor cruel
and unusual puulsbment Inflicted; that no
person aliall Do put twice in jeonsray tor ine
Snttie Oliense, Or W ruuiwitrM m muw tiiuii-
unl case to be a witness against himself;
lhat the right to be secure against unreason
i.ia searchers and seizures shall not be vio
lated; that neither alavery nor luvnlnntary
servitude sball exist except ss a punishment
for crime; that no bill of attainder or ex post
facto law shall lie passed: that no law shall
be passed abridging the freedom of speech or
of the press, or the rights of the people to
pesreahiy assemoir mu rrI,ll,,u " aowru
uient for a reilresa of grlevancea; that no
law ahall be made respecting the establish
ment of religion or prohibiting the free ex
ercise thereof, and that the free exercise
and ifhjojnient of reliitlotis profession snd
worship without illscrlmlnstlon or prtftr
euce shall forever bt allowed.
I xtencllntT Kdnctit Ion.
'It will be the duty of tht commission t
protnott tod extend, and, aa tbev Bud occa
sion to Improve", the system of edueatloa
already Inaugurated by the mllltsry stiiborl
lles la doing Ibis they should regsrd ss of
rat laaportaac tbt txttaaloa ( ayatena
of primary education which ahall be fret to
all, and which shall tend to til iht people
for tbe dutiea of cliiaenshlp. aad fur the or
dinary a rotations of a clvlliaed community.
Esperial attention abould be at once
glvea to affording full opportunity to all the
people of th islands to acquire the use of
the English language. a a
"Upon all omcers and etuploves ef the
United State, both civil and military,
should be Impressed sense of the duty to
observe not merely the material but the per
sonal aad social rlghia of th people of tbe
laianda, and to treat them with the as me
courtesy and reapect for their peraonal dig
alty which th people of the United States
are accustomed te require from each other.
All Pled area Kept.
The articles of capitulation of the City of
maana on toe 13th or August. 1SU8, con
eluded With theaa aineila! "Thla elt Ita In
habitant, Its churches, and religious wor-
uip, ns eaucationai esraDllshniente ana Ita
pnaie property of all descriptions, are
placed under tbe special safeguard of tbe
laim ana nonor or tne American army.
"I believe that thla pledge haa ben faith
fully kept. Aa high and aacred aa obligation
rests upon the government of the I lilted
Btatea to give protection for proerty and
life, civil and religlona freedom, and wise,
firm and naselSsb guidance la the patha of
peace and prosperity to all the people of the
Philippine Island.' I charge thla commis
sion to labor for tbe full performance of this
obligation, which concerna the honor and
conscience of their countrv, lu the firm hope
that through their labors all tht Inhabitants
of the Philippine Islands may come to look
back with gratitude to the day when iod
gave victory to American arma at Manila
and set their laud under the sovereignty and
the protection of the people of the United
Am neat y Proclaimed.
That all might ahare In the regeneration
of the Islands and participate In their gov
ernment, I directed ien. MacArthur, the
military governor of the Philippines, to Is
sue a proclamation of amnesty, which con
tained among other statemenla tbe follow
ing: "Manila, P. I., June 21, 1900.-Bv direction
of th President of the United Suites lhe
undersigned announces amnesty, with com
plete Immunity for the past anil absolute
liberty of action for the future, to ail per
sons who are now, or at any time since
Keb. 4, 1809. hare been In Insurrection
against the United Slates In either a mili
tary or civil capacity, and who ahall, within
a period of ninety days from the dale there
of, formally renounce all connection with
such Insurrection and subscribe to a dec-
New forestry regulation give Impetus to
ttuioer trade aad reduce high price of lum
ber. The customs collections for last quar
ter M pr rent greater thaa ever la Spauish
history, and August cotlectlona show fur
ther increase, 'the total revenue for same
period one third greater thaa la any quarter
under Spaia. though cedula tax chief sourc
of Spaoih reveuue. practically abolished.
"Kcouomy and efficiency of military gov
ernment have created surplus fund ef A which should be expended la much
ueeded public works, notably improvement
of Manila harbor. With proper tar
iff aad facilities Manila will become great
port of Orient."
The commission I confident that "by a
luillcloua customs law. reasonable land tax
and proper corporation franchise tax. Im
position of no greater rate than that la tbe
average American Mat win give lesa an
noyance and with peace will r-roduoe reve
nue sufficient to pay expeuses of efficient
government, Including militia and constabu
lary. '
No 8i of Alliance.
Tbey "are preparing a atrlngent civil aer
vle taw giving equal opportunity to Fili
pinos and Americans, with preference for
tbe former where qualthYatlona are equal,
to enter at tbe lowest rank aud by promotion
reach the head of tbe department.
Kortv-Bve mllea of railroad extension
under negotiation will give accesa to a large
province rich in valuable minerals, a mile
high, with atrlctly temperate climate.
Kallroad construction will give employment
to nianv and communication will furnlah a
market to vast atretcbes of rich agricultural
Tbey report that there are "rails from all
parta of the Islands for public aclioois,
school supplies and Kogllsh teachers, greater
than the commission can provide until a
comprehensive school system Is organized.
Night schools for teaching English to adulta
are being established In response to popular
ileinsnil. .Native cniiuren snow aptuuue iu
lesrnlng Ungllsh. Spanish la apoken by a
small fraction of tbOVpeople, and In a few
yeara tbe medium of tpniinunlcatlon In tbe
court, public oillces a between uitrerem
tribe will be Uugllsb
Working for I ltnanl ty.
Preatton of central government within
eighteen month", under which substsutlally
all rights described In tbe bill of rights In
Hie federal constitution are to be aecured to
the people of tbe Philippines, will bring to
them coiiteutiiient, prosperity, education
and political eullghtenment."
This sliowa to my countrymen what na
been and 1 being done to bring th benefit
of liberty auu gooa government 10 uiese
nurds of the nation. Every effort ba been
Striking Phrases from President McKinley's Letter.
It will be noted that the (Democratic) demand Is for the Immediate restora
tion of the free coinage of sliver at Id to 1. If another Issue Is paramount, thla
la Immediate. It will admit of no delay and will suffer no postponement.
a a
We accept the Issue and sgsln Invite the sound money forces to Join In win
ning snother and we hop a permanent triumph for an honest financial aystein
which will continue Inviolable tbe public faith.
a a
It Is our purpose to establish In the Philippines a government suitable to the
wsnts snd conditions of the Inhabitants, snd to prepare them for self-government,
and to give them self-goverument when they art ready for It, and aa
rapidly as they are ready for It.
There has been no time since the destruction of the enemy's fleet when we
could or should have left the Philippine archipelago. After the treaty of peace
was ratified no power but Congress could surrender our sovereignty or alienate
foot of the territory thus acquired.
a a a
Every effort has been directed to their (Filipinos) pence and prosperity, their
advancement and well-being, not for our aggrandizement or for pride of might,
not fur trade or commerce, not for exploitation, but fur humanity aud civilization.
a a
The American question Is between duty and desertion. The American verdict
will be for duty and agalust desertion, for the republic against both anarchy and
a a a
Honest co-operation of capital Is necessary to meet new business conditions,
and extend our rapidly Increasing foreign trade, but conspiracies and combina
tions Intended to restrict buslntss, create monopolies aud control prices abould
be effectively restrained.
a a a
For labor a short day is better than a short dollar.
a a a
Unless something unforeseen occurs to reduce our revenues or Increase our ex
penditures, the Congress at Its next session should reduce taxation very ma
terially. a a a
We ought to own the ships frir our carrying trade with the world, and w
ought to build them In American shipyards and man them with American sailors.
Inrsttnn acknowledge- and accenting the
sovereignty nnd authority or tne i nncu
States in ana over tne i nnippine isiauus.
The Drlvlleo-e herewith published Is ex
tended lo all concerned without auy reser
vation whatever, excepting that persons who
hara violated the laws of war during the
period of active hostilities are not emuraccu
within tne acope or tnia amnesty.
l'ay Offered tor Kifles.
"In order lo mltlgrate as much as possible
consequeuces resulting rrom tne various ins
turbaucea which since hW bavt succeeded
each other so rapidly, and to provide In
some measure for destitute Filipino soliliera
dnrlng the transitory period which must
Inevitably tocceed a general peace, the mili
tary autnoritie or tne lunea oiaiea mu
pay 80 pesos to each man who preaent a
rine lo gooa conumou.
Under their instructions the commission
eoiiioosed of reoresentatlvc Americana ol
dlttereat sections of the country and from
different political parties, whoae character
and anility guarantee tne most xaiiuiui in
telligence and patriotic service, art now
lahorin to eetabliah atablt government un
der civil control, In which tht Inhabltanta
tbsH participate, giving inem opportunity
to demonstrate how far they art prepared
for aert government.
Onotes the Commission.
This commission, nnder datt of Aug. 21,
1900, makes an Interesting report, from
which I quote the following extracta:
"Hostility against Americans waa orig
inally arotised by absurd falsehoods of un
scrupulous leaders. Tht distribution of
troepa In 800 posts haa by contact largely
dispelled hostility, and steadily Improved
temper of people. This Improvement la fur
thered by abuses of Insurgents. Large num
bers of people long for peace snd art willing
to accept government under tht United
8'l'nanrgenta not surrendering after defeat
divided luto amall guerrilla bands under gen
eral ofllcers or became robbers. Nearly all
of the prominent generals and politicians of
the Insurrection, except Aguinaldo, havt
since been captured or have surrendered and
taken the oath of allegiance.
'All northern Luton, except two province,
ubtntllly free from insurgent. Peopit
busy plsntlug, and asking for municipal or-
fanfsatlon. Railway and telegraph lines
rem Manila to Dagupan, 123 miles, not mo
lested (or live months.
Plans Native Militia.
"Tagalog alone active In leading guerrilla
arsrfere. In Negros, Cebu, Homblon, Mas
bst. 8lbnyan, Tsblas, Bohol and other phll
Ipplot lslsnds little rilsturbsnce exists, and
civil government eagerly awaited.
"Four yeara of war and lawlessness la
parts of lslsnds hsve created unsettled con-
onions. Native constsoutary ana
militia, which should be organized st once,
will end this and the terrorism to which de
fenseless peopit ar subjected. Tbe natives
desire to enlist In these organisations. If
Judiciously selected snd oftlcered, will he
efficient forces for maintenance of order, and
will permit early material reduction of
United Htatea troooa.
"Turning lslsnds over to cnterio of Tsga
log politicians will blight fair prospects of
enormous Improvement, drive out capital,
makt lift and property secular and relig
ious most Insecure; banish by fesr of cruel
proscription consldersble body of conserva
tive Filipinos who have sided Americans In
well-rounoeil oener tnat meir people "'
UOl UUW Hi i"l " 1 aw, n mm . , ,
dnce same oppression and corruption which
existed In all provinces nndrr Mslolos In
surgent government during the e'gln ninn hs
of Its control. The result will be factional
strife between lesions leaders, chaos and
anarchy, and will require and Justify active
Intervention of our government or to ins
Trad Follows Peace.
"Bnslness Interrupted bv wsr mneh Im
proved as peact extends. In Negroe
mart sugar la cultlvatlea thaa tvar btfurt.
directed to their pence and prosperity, their
advancement and well-Jjelng. not for our ag
grandizement nor for pride of might, not for
trude or commerce, not for exploitation, but
for humanity and civilization, and for the
protection of the vast majority of the popu
lation who welcome our sovereignty against
the designing minority whose first demand
after tbe surrender of Manila by the Span
ish' army was to enter tbe city that they
iniuht loot It and destroy those not In aym
pathy with their teitlsb and treacherous de
slgus. Civil Bervlce to Rule.
Nobody who will avail himself of the facta
will longer hold that there waa any alliance
between our soldiers and the Insurgents or
that any promise of Independence waa made
to them. Long before Ibelr leader bad
reached Manila they had reaolved. If the
commander of tbe Amertcau navv would
give them arma with which to right the
Spanish army, they would later turn upon
us, which they did murderously and without
the shadow of cause or Justification.
There may be those without (he means of
full Information who believe that we wert
In alliance with the Insurgents nnd that wt
issured them that they should have Inde
pendence. To such let me repent the facta:
On the 20th of May, IkiiS, Admiral Dewey
was Instructed by tne to make no alliance
with any party or faction lu the Philippines
that would Incur liability to maintain their
cause in tne ruture, and he replied under
date of June G, 1MI8:
"Have acted according to spirit of depart-
UltTMl lunuu, HUH. liUlll llir I II II 1 n g, 1110
I have entered Into no alliance with the In
surgents or wltb any faction. Thia aquadron
can reduce the defenses of Manila at any
moment, but It Is considered useless until
the arrival of sufficient Lulled States forces
to retain possession.
Denies Any Compact.
In tht report of tbe first Phlllnolne com.
mission, submitted on Nov. 2, ltitif, Admiral
Dewey, one of Its members, said:
"No alliance of any kind waa entered Into
with Aguinaldo nor was any promise of in
dependence msde to him st any time."
General Merrttt arrived In tht Philippines
on July 23, 198, and a dispatch from Ad
miral Dewey to tht government at Wash
ington tald:
"Mtrrltt trrlved yesterday. Situation It
moat critical at Manila. The Snanlsh mav
surrender at any moment. Mtrrttt'a most
difficult problem will be how te deal with
tht Insurgents under Aguinaldo, who bavt
become aggressive and even threatening to-
waru uur army.
Here Is revealed the spirit of tht Insur
gents as early as July, lhlis, before the pro
tocol wss signed, while wt were still en
gaged In active wtr with Spain. Even then
the Insurgents were tbrestenlng our army.
Filipinos Took No Part.
rin in. 11 If a n ! ! . wem Mnlu.ul m - A H
thla and snbsequent event tb Philippine
commission says:
hen the city or Manna waa taken. An.
13, tbe Filipinos took no part In tht attack,
hnt came folltwiug In with t view to loot
ing the city and wert only prevented from
doing to by ur forces preventing t hem from
entering. Agnlnaldo claimed that he had
the right to occupy the city. He demaBded
of General Merrltt the palace of Malacan n
for himself and tbe cessloo of all the
churches pf Manila, also that a part of the
money taken from the Spaniards as spoils
of wsr should be given up. and. above all.
that he should bs given the arms of the
Spanish prisoners. All these demands were
Nn Promises Made.
Generals Merrltt, Greene and Anderson.
who were In command st the beginning of
Feb. 10. 1900. says that be waa present st
the Interview beiweea Admiral Dewey and
law Insurgent leader. a- 'hat la this Inter
view Admiral Dewey made oe promises
whstever. He sdds:
' He (Aguinaldo) asked me If nv govern
Bient was going ta recognise his govern
meut. 1 answered that I was there simply
la a military capacity ; that 1 could But ac
knowledge hla government, because 1 had ao
authority te du so.'
Kasy to Kin J Fa alt.
tVon'd not eur adversaries hare sent
Dewey s Beet to Man ia to capture and de
stroy the Spanish sea power there, or. dis
patching It there, would they have with
drawn it after tht destruction of tht Span
ish Beet; and If the latter, wh.ther would
tbey have directed to eaii? Where could
It have gone? What port la tbe Orient was
opened to It?
Do our adversaries condemn the expedi
tion under tht command of General Merrltt
to atrengtheo Dewey In the distant ocean
and asaiat In our triumph over Spain, with
which nation we wert at arf Was It not
our blgheat duty to strike Spain at every
vulnerable point, tbat tbe war might be
successfully concluded at tht earliest prac
ticable niouicnt!
Askt for Hoaeat Opinion.
And waa It not our duly to protect tht
lives tnd property of those who came within
eur control by tbe fortuuea of war? Could
we hsve come awav at any time between
May 1, lf'.iS, and tbe conclusion of peace
without a stale upon our good name? Could
we hsve come awjiy without dishonor at any
time after tht railflcatlou of tbe peace treaty
by the Senate of tbe I nlted plates?
There haa been no time since the destruc
tion of tht enemy's fleet when we could or
should have left the Philippine archipelago.
Afier the treaty of prace was rat I tied nn
power but Congresa could surrender our
soveretguty or alienate a foot of the terri
tory thua acquired. Tht Congress has not
seen fit to do tht one or the other, tnd the
President had no authority to do either. If
he had been so Inclined, which he was not.
So loua as the soverelantv remains In ua It
It the duty of the ezecutlve. whoever he
mav he. to uuuoia tnat sovereta-nty. aim ir it
be attacked te suppress its aasailauta. Wou'd
our political adrei'ssrlea do lesa?
Hegan by Inaurireuta,
It baa been asserted tbat there would have
been no fighting In tbe Philippines If Con
greas had declared Ita purpose to give Inde
pendence to the Tagal Insurgents. The iu
surgents did not wait for the action of Con
gress. Tbey assumed the offensive, they
opened Are on our army.
Those who assert our responsibility for
tne beginning or tbe connlct have forgotten
tnat before the treaty waa railned In tne
Senate, nnd while It waa being debated lu
tbat body, and while the Bacon resolution
was under discussion, on Keb. 1, 1SW, the
insurgents attacked tbe American army,
after being previously advised that the
American forcea were uuder orders not to
Art upon them except In defense. 1 be pa
per found In the recently captured archlvea
of tbe Insurgents demonstrate that this at
tack bad been carefully planued for weeks
uerort it occurred.
Only One Course Open.
Their unprovoked assault upon our sol
dlers at a time when the Sennte was dellb
crating upon the treaty shows that no ac
tion on our part except surrender and aban
donment would have prevented the righting,
and leave no doubt In any fair mind where
the responsibility rests for the shedding of
American blood.
Wltb all the exaggerated phrasemaklng
of this electoral contest, we are In danger of
being diverted from the renl contention. We
are In agreement with all of those who sup
ported tne war with Spain, nnd also with
those who counseled the ratification of the
treaty of peace. I'pon these two great es
sentlul atena there can be no Issue, and out
of these came all of our responsibilities. If
others would shirk the obligations Imposed
by the war aud the treaty, we must decline
to act further with them, and here the Issue
was made.
It Is our purpose to establish In the Philip
pines a government suitable- to tbe wants
and conditions of tbe Inhabitants, and to
prepnre them for self government, and to
give them self government when they ire
ready for It, nnd as rapidly aa tbey tire
ready for It. That 1 am niiiilng to do under
my constitutional authority, and will con
tlniie to do until Congress shall determine
the political status or the luhabltaiila or tbe
Plea for Consistency.
Are our opponents apalnst the treaty? If
so, they must lie reminded that It could not
have been ratified In the Senate but for their
assistance. The Senate which ratified the
treaty and the Congresa which added Its
sunctlon by a large appropriation comprised
to another power. lith Is ultiioot eiperl
vnce or tralmag or the at illij lo m:il rain
stable government st home and absolutely
helpless to pert.. i in Its iuiernailoual obliga
tions with the rest vf the world.
Will Defend Our Title.
To thla w are opposed. We should not
yield our till abbe our ol-ll.r last.
In the language of our platform, "line au
thority should not be less than our repoul
billty." aud our preaeut responsibility is l.
establish our authority lu every part of the
No government can certainly preserve
the peace, reamre public order, establish
law, justice aud stable conditions at ours.
Neither Congress nor ibe !. uilve can es
tablish a stable government lu these lslsnds
except under uur right of sovereignty, our
authority snd our Bag. Aud Ibis we are do
ing We could not do it as a protectorate power
so completely or so suecrssfuUv a we us
doing It now. As tbe sovereign power we
csn liilllste sctlon snd shspe means to ends,
sud guide tbe Filipinos to self development
and self government.
As a protectorate power we could not Ini
tiate scl Ion. but would be compelled to fol.
low and uphold a people with no capacity
yet to go alone. In the one case we can pro
tect bulb ourselves and the Filipinos from
being involved In dangerous complications;
In the other we could not protect even th
Klllpluoa uutli after Ibelr trouble bud come.
Content of tbe C.overned.
Resides, If w cannot establish any gov.
eminent of our on without the consent of
the governed, a our opponents contend,
then we could not establish a stable govern
ment for them or make ours a protectorate
llhom the like consent, and neither the
ii.a purity of the people uor a minority of th
people bate Invited us to assume It. w t
could not maintain a protectorate even with
the consent of Ibe goterued without giving
provocation for coLtlli t aud possibly cosily
Our rights In the Philippines are now free
from outside Interference and will continue
so in our present relations. They would not
lie thus free In any other relation. We will
not glte up our owu to guaraulee auotlu-r
Our title is good. Our peace commission
ers believed they were receiving n good title
when they concluded the treaty. The execu
tive believed It was a good title when he
submitted It to the Senate of the l ulled
States for Us rat itlcstlou. The Senate be
lieved It was a good title wbcu they gave It
their constitutional assent, and tbe Con
gresa seems not lo hare doubted Its com
pleteness when t lie v appropriated '-0,00 i,0 SJ
provided by the treaty.
Title I Unqueationahle.
If tny who favored Us ratification belleve.l
It gave us a bad title Ihcv were not sincere.
Our title Is practically identical with that
under which we bold our territory acquired
since tbe beginning of Ibe government, an I
uudcr which we have exercised full sov-
ereignty and established government for the
.It Is worthy of note that no one outside of
the United Slates disputes the fullness and
Integrity of tbe cession. What, then. Is tht
real Issue ou this subject? Whether It I
paramount lo any other or not. It Is whether
we shall be responsible for the government
of the Philippines, with lhe sovereignty nud
authority wMch enables us to guide them to
regulated liberty, law, safety nml progress,
or wnelher we shall be responsible for tlm
forcible and arbitrary government of a mi
nority, without sovereignty and sulliorltr
ou our part, aud wlih only the embarrass
ment of a protectorate, which draws us Into
their troubles without the power of prevent
ing them.
(lliratinna of War.
There were those who two years ago were
rushing us on to war nlth Spain who are
unwilling now to accept Its cleur conse
queuces, as Ihere are those among us whit
ndvocated the ratification of the treaty of
peace, but now protest against its obllga
lions. Nut Ions which go to war must be
prepared to accept Its resuliiint obligation,
ami when they make treaties must keen
Those alio profess to distrust the 1 1 he nil
and honorable purposes of the ailmiul-itra-
lion In Its treatment of the Philippines are
not Justltied. Imperialism has no place Its
Its creed or conduct. Freedom Is a rock up
on which lhe Itepubllcnn pnrtv nns luilldcil
and now rests. Liberty Is the great Itejiub'l-
can doctrine for nhlch the people went it
war alio Tor which a million lives were of
fered nnd billions nf dollars expended 10
make it a lawful legacy of all Hlihout th
consent of master or slave.
Struin of Hypocrisy.
There la a strain of 111 -concealed hrnocrlsv
In the anxiety lo extend the constitutional
K.n.lnn anil Uun...uiilallini ,.V 111, ii.mi . .......... ... ,1,. 11... i.i.ii i
....u.v.a .... . v m v. ..... .v. uni .inrrn ... inr (Tni)'ir ! Ill,- l ll 1 1 1 pll lll'l..
of all partleB. I while their nulliflcnl Ion I- openly nil vo.-nte.l
vvoum uur upiioiieiiva surreiiuer 10 me in- ar nouie. jur oppun'-ni may u.s'ru-i ihe'.n-
aurgeuts, abandon our sovereignty or cede It
to them? If that be not their purpose, then
It should be promptly disclaimed, for only
evil can result from the hopes raised by our
opponents In the miuds of the Filipinos, that
with their kuccoss at the polls In November
there will be a withdrawn! of our army and
of American sovereignly over the arcltlpela
selves, hut tlie.v have no rlL'ht lo discredit
tbe good faith anil pat riot Ism of lh major
ity of the people who are opposed to them.
Tbey may fear the worst form of Imperial
ism tilth the helpless Filipinos ill their
bnmls, but If they do It Is bic.iuse lln-v have
parted wlih the spirit and faith of the fath
ers and have lost (lie vtrihtv of the fomulei-a
fro, the complete Independence of tbe Taga-'of lhe pnrtv which ihev profess to represent,
og people recognized and the powers of The Kopnlilloiin pnrtv doesn't have Ions
government over all the other peoples of the; sert Its devotion to the Iieclnrnilon of I into,
archipelago conferred upon the Tagalog pendence. That Immortal Instrument of the
Prolong; the Rebcll on.
The effect of a belief In the minds of the
Insurgents that thla will be done bas al
ready prolonged the rebellion and Increases
the necessity for the continuance of a lurge
army. It la now delaying full peace In lhe
archipelago and the establishment of civil
governments, and haa Influenced many of
the Insurgents against accepting the liberal
terina of amnesty offered by lien. MacAnbur
under my direction. Hut for these fnK
liopea a considerable reduction could have
ben had In our military establishment In the
Philippines and the realization of a atable
government would be already at hand.
The American people are asked by our op
ponents to yield tbe sovereignly nf the
United States In the Philippines to a small
fraction of the population, a single tribe nut
of eighty or more lubnliiilng the archipelago,
a faction which wantonly attacked tht
American troops In Manila while In right
ful possession under the protocol with
Spain, awaiting the ratification of the treaty
of peace by the Senate, and which bas since
been in active, open rebellion ngjlnst lhe
United States. We are asked lo transfer
our aorerelgnty to a small minority In tbe
fathers remained unexecuted mull lhe tieo-
tilc, uuder the lend of the Kepubllcau parly
In the aw ful clash of battle, turned Its prom
ises luto fulfillment. It wrote lino the Con
stitution lhe amendments guaranteeing po
litical ei)tinllty to American cli leiishlp, unit
It bas never broken them or counselled oth
ers lu brooking lliein. It will not be guided
In ita couiliicl by one set of princ iples at
home nnd another set In the uew territory
belonging to the United States.
Doctrine nf l.inco'n.
If our opponents would only practice a
well as preach the doctrines of Abraham
Lincoln there would be uo fear for the safe
ty of our Institutions at home or their fright
ful Influence In any territory over which our
flag flouts.
Umpire hns been expelled from Porto ltlee
and the Philippines by American freemen.
rl he fl.ig of the republic now flous over these
islands ns nn -emblem of rightful sovereign
ty. Will t lie republic slsy and dispense to
their Inhabitants tbe blessluus of liberty,
education and free Institutions, or steal
away, leaving them to anarchy or imperial
Ism? The American question Is between duty
anil desertion. The American verdict will
Islands without consulting the majority and , be for duty nnd ngnlnsi de-en Ion. for th
to abandon the largest portion of Ibe popu
lailon, which has been loyal to ns, lo the
cruellies of tht guerrilla Insurgent banda.
Demands Cannot He Met.
More than thla, we are asked to protect
thlt minority lu establishing a government,
and to thlt end represt all opposition of tht
majority. We are required to aet up a ata
blt government lu the Interest of those who
havt assailed our sovereignty snd fired upon
our soldiers, and then maintain it at any
cost or sacrifice tgaiust its enemies within
and against those hating deslgnt
from without.
Tbla would require an army and nary far
larger than Is now maintained In Ibe Pblltp-
Clnes and still more in excess of what will
e necessary with the full recognition of our
sovereignty. A mllltsry support of author
ity not our own, aa thua proposed, la lhe vary
essence of militarism, which our opponent
In their platform oppose, but whlrb by their
fmlicy would of necessity he established In
ta most offlenslve term.
No Premium on Murder.
Tht American people will not make tht
murdereri of our soldiers lhe agents of the
republic to convey the blessings of liberty
snd order to tbe Philippines. They will not
make tbem tht bullilera of tht new common
wealth. Such a course would be a betrayal
of our sacred obligation! to tht peaceful I- III
nlnos. and would place at the merer of dan
gerous adventurers the lives and property of
the natives nnd foreigners. It would make
possible and easy tbe commission of such
atrocltlea aa were secretly planned, to be
executed on the 22d of February, 1 Sim, In
the City of Manila, when only lhe vigilance
of our army prevented the attempt to assas
sinate our soldiers and all foreigners aid
r Hinge aud destroy tbt city tnd Us auirouud
n gs.
lu short, the proposition or those opposed
our occupation and until the surrender of 1 to us to continue all the obligations lu the
Manila, state that there was no alliance
with the Insurgents and no promise to them
of Independence. On Aug. 17, IMP,, General
Merrttt was Instructed that there must !
no Joint occupation nf Manila with tbe In- ,
eaestnta. Ueaeval Aadrraaa yadsr Aatt tf I
Philippines which now rest upon the eoveru
ment, only changing the relation from prin
cipal, which now elta, to lhat of surety.
Our responsibility Is to remain, but our pow
er Is to be diminished. Our obligation Is In
bt ao less, hut fir Uilt la te be turreadered
Ifcnubllc against boih auarchy aud Imnerial-
The country has been fully advised of Ibe
purposes of the United States In China, and
they will be faithfully adhered to as already
PufTerers In Peklri.
The nation la Oiled wltb gratitude that the
little band, among tbem many of our own
blood, who for two months hnd been sub
jected to privations and peril by the uttacks
of pitiless hordes at the Chlnese'caplial, ex
hibiting supreme courage In the face of de
spair, have been enabled by tiorl's favor to
greet their rescuers and Bad shelter under
Ibelr own flag.
The people not alone of this land, but of
all lands, have watched and prnveil through,
the terrible stress snd protracted agony of
the helpless sufferers In Pekln: and while
at times the dark lldlnga seemed to make all
hope vain, the rescuers never falter. il lu tho
heroic fulfillment of their noble tusk. We
are grateful to our own soldiers aud sailors
and marines, and to all the brave men who.
though assembled under many standards,
r pi'i sen' lug p. opb a and races s rangers In
country and speech, were yet nulled In lhe
sacred mission of currying succor to the be
s'caed, wl'h a success that la now the cause
of a world s rejoicing.
Pasnlniz of ectlonnliam.
Not only have w e reason for t h:in';g1rli'(
Tor our material Ule-isiiu'S, nut we sio,i. re
joice in the complete unliicat Ion of th- peo
ple of ell sections of our eoun'rv that has
so happily developed In lhe Inst few yenrs
snd made for us a more perfci t union, l he
obliteration of old dlflferenees, the common
devotion to i lie? flr.g aud the cocmioti sue
rltlces for Its honor, so eousplon.msiy shown
by the men of llie North and SMrii l-i the
Spanish w sr, hsve so renin hencil the fb
of frteiulxhip anil mutual respect ilial noth
ing cau ever saln divide us.
'lhe nation face the new century grate
fully and hopefully, with Increasing of
country, with firm faiih In Its f.-e ItisMtu
llons. and wlih hiuh resolve that tlicy "shall
not perish from the earth." erv nspectfu.
Ir youra. WILLIAM U ki.sLkl.