Mmks jsb: Whs gspsfff WWfl 51 :i II III R H SI t .--v- m It I II II li VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1U00. NO. 35 CAN NOT LIVE IN OREGON a Obsolete Provision of the State Con- stitatiou Prohibits Negroes Livio-j, Vutioj, or Owning Heal Estate Here. Salem, Spt. 24. Governor Geer la Iu receipt of a communication from David Millborn, of Parsons, Kin., making iu- quirv as to the rights of the negro an I niullatto, under tne constitution of Oregon. It seeuis that Kansas politic ians are making capital of the obsolete eeclion of Oregon's constitution, pro hibiting the colored man from voting. "It is claimed in Kaueas, so Mr. Miil- burn states, that the condition of the negro in Oregon is woree than it ia in the south, and that a colored man; i prohibited from voting, living in or paesiug through the state. As similar inquiries have been received from the east recently, toe governor touay an swered Mr. Millborn. He said : " 'No free neurn or mulatto, not re siding in this state at the time of the adoption of the constitution, shall come, reside or be within this state, or hold any real estute, make any contracts, or maintain any suit therein. And the legislative assembly shall provide by iienai laws for the removal by public I officers of all such negros or uiulattoes, 'j and for their effectual exclusion from J the state, and for the punishment of f nnv.i-tna a hn fitlll Kt-irif. thllin 1 11 tliu state, or employ or harbor them.' "At the time of the adoption of the constitution, in 1858, this set-lion was submitted separately, and the popular vote was 8040 in its favor and 1081 against In. That was in the (rood old demociatic dave, when the Vdiviue" institution of slavery, handed down to tliut generation by the authors of the Declaration of Independence end their co-workers, was In the prime of its growing power, and Oregon had been largely settled by people who had foil its blighting influence. So that, while an amendment in favor of slavery wis voted down at the same election by a vote of 2645 in favor of and 7727 against, the Krctioii for the expulsion of tree negroes was adopted, probably as a com promise, and, as viewed from this datp, a disgraceful concession to the slavery element. "Our constitution stands today as adopted in 1858, in every respect, al though nia7:y efforts have twin niadi! to amend it in several particulars, and ?o fixed in this respect does the public mind seem that it ie doubtful if it will ever be amended in any way. Five amendments were submitted to a popti lar vote lust June, and each was over whelmingly defeated, and among them was one to repeal the free negro section. Some of them appeared to have real nierit, but the sentiment of the people seems to be to let our constitution alone until the time comes for a constitutional convention, which would have been called several yeurs ago, m donbt, but (or the appearance of populism and (ilverism, and now that Bryanism has become the paramount issue in Anieri can politics, our people will object to undertake the forming of new consti tution until these latter-day heresies have bad their run. "The free negro section of our consti tution is as Imperative as the tariff law of 18'8, and was from the beginning. It wis never enforced nor was any attempt ever made to enforce it. Every negro in thie state has as many privilege as any bite man, and always bad. The at tempt of your democratic speakers to Wake capital of this obsolete reminder of democratic days only illustrates the empty condition of their campaign lock er. When your disarmed Kansas dem ocrat compares our constitution with the condition of the negroes in the southern states, just refer him to Senator Till man's speech in the senate February 2ft, of this vear, Congressional Record, page 2245 : 'When that happened we took the government a ay. We stuffed I tie ballot boxes. We shot tliem. We are 't ashamed of it. Ho we called a con stitutional convention, and we eliminat ed, as I saiil. all the colored i.eonle horn we could, under the 14ih and 15th amendments.' "There you see the difference between the condition of the negroes In Oregon nd in the southern states where Mr. Bryan wi'l gel most of his electoriui votes in the con let t where bis heart bleeds, every day for government which derives Its powers from the consent of the governed." recline in Itlltfr. Hash-ion, Ph., Sept. 24. Bittalion "i Eighth regiment, arrived at McAdoo. the nearest point in Sknvkiit county to Hazieton, early this morning. Lieu-Unant-CVoRol Hutchinson, iu com mand, snij he was ordered to make a demons' ration by marching bis rneo thriiih McAii.o and the surrounding towns. Efh man carried twenty round of ammunition. Troop were received ' by :n'.a rant with evidences of enmity. ! Many jeered them. Or.e woman, after! the troops had passed, shouted to a! ! group of (iien: "If vou don't shoot wmie oi trxse tellowi yon are no g-xd." Edward G. McGeehan, the Burgess of the town, declared the action of General Gob!u in send:cj soldiers then was an on tragi-J th town was teaceab, "I stun! not be responsible for anv overt act committed in this town while the troops are here," he said. i ne enure uax.eion region was ex tremely quiet thie morning. louay was expected to witness eitner a big brenk anion? the strikers or the going out of r large additional number of workers, but Deither happened. GEER TOWTn A LITTLE HOT SHOT Answer to a Frantic Kansas Xe?to Brvanite Editor. Sai.em, Sept. 2(i. Oregon' obsolet Section of the constitution relative to colored people seems to be a burning is sue in the Kansas state election. Gov ernor Geer is in receipt of another letter, enclosing him a copy of the Colored Citizen, a democratic papei published at Topeka, by a negro, w hich has kept standing the obnoxious section from Oregon's constitution with the heavy blHck-letter beading : "Oregon's Biack Lhw. Worse Than Disfranchisement, or Tilliuauteu.. That Mate tiave inc Kinley 10,00') majority, and Refuses to Repeal the Following Law." Governor Geer answers the last letter and refers to the newHpaper in question in the follow nig characteristic style: "Your leiter of the 21t inst., with i copy of the Colored Citizen, of Topeka, ia at hand. I had just received a similar letter from a gentleman in Parsons, Kan calling my attention to the desperate straits to which the democrats of Kansas are reduced for campaign material. will enclose to you a copy of my answer to him. In addition to that letter I win!) to ear tnat the mental depravitv of the negro w ho will, for any reason, justify the treatment of his race in the Southern stales by what this editor calls 'T'llman ism,' is past comprehension or character izition. 'Tilltr.anism' stops nowhere short of the admission made by rTanator Tillman himself in the senate this year when fie declared that 'We stuffed the ballot-boxes, we shot them and we are not atdiamedof it.' Your Colored Citizen 9.1 vs that this obsolete section of our constitution is 'worse than disfranchise ment or Tillmanism.' But the difference ia that that section of our constitution was never enforced, while 'Tillmanism' is, and whatever else is not known by the average voter of this country, be docs know that this section was repealed and rendered null and void by the adoption of the 14th and 15th amend ments to the Federal Constitution. The principle of the 'consent of the governed" in its larger and truer s Dse is In opera tion everywhere in this country save in that portion where Mr. Bryan will re ceive nearly all of his electorial votes. "I desire to say, further, In regard to this Kansas matter, that since discover ing that you have a negro in your state who is so unappreciative of the great privileges conferred upon himself by the republican party as toimlorse and apolo gize for the treatment of bis race in the Southern states, I believe it should have this obsolete section of our constitution engrafted into its own organic law and rigidly enforced. I would be in favor of enforcing it here if we had such negroes." Nail Accident at linker t'ltj. Bakf.u City. Kpt. 20. The 2-yeur- old ilanghter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marcus died this morning from Injuries receive I yesterday afternoon In a very peculiar manner, A neighbor, In pass ing the house, discovered the criilil bunging bv its neck from the swing in the shed at the rear of the Marcos house, and which was used for the amusement of the children. It is supposed that the little one had either attempted to climb into the sw ing or had been left sitting In it bv some of the older children, and had slipped, twbtmg the rc.p" about her neck. When found the child's feet were just oil tho ground and its body cold. A physician resuscitated the child to life, but it went into spasms and died this morning. BLOODSHED . p LAilLU i n that dar.anJ Das Dcen trai.eo I up t he mountain. This explains away the apparent ab j surdity of a man shooting himself from Fever Men Workia? Today Than Anvjbip npward to side with a Winchester. Time Since The Strike Began. riitNANMAii, i a., rx-pi. ."Mxieen """" - - ,u " " '"owu " "'J w hicii extends fourteen miies along Broad Mountain. The actiou of the men is a surprint? to the military and the mine owners. It was entirely unlocked for and has given renewed courage to the strike leaders. They declare that the mine workers around Shenandoah have gone out on a fvoi pathetic strike. Tbe presence of the uiiiitia is believed to have caused tbe present condition of affairs. The rioting foreigners Lave struck and will not work'. Tbe American, English, Welsh and Irish emplovea are not thoroughly organized and were at work last week nntil iutimidated by the foreigners, composed of Hungarians, Poles, Lithuanians and a half a dozen other nationalities. A chance to work guarded by the troops was given thorn, but the would not accept it. They fear bloodshed and do not want to t.i be drawn into any affray. Remaining away as they do they have added to tbe strength of the strikers. The situation is extremely critical. One overt act may precipitate a crisis. The strike leaders are taking every op portunity to add to their numbers. Ap parently tbe men who had determined to continue work are now thoroughly frightened, and it ia doubtful whether the Reading or any other company in this valley will succeed in starting up its mines with anything like a complement of men for many days. The authorities have received warning of empending trouble around Hazleton and desire to move some of the troops in that direction. It is now admitted that the number cf soldiers sailed out was not too many and the Ninth and Thirteenth regiments have been ordered to lie ready to march at a moment e notice. In Shenandoah, Mahanoy City and other places the foreign element are out in the streets in" full force, most of them wearing their Sundav clothes. Thev are said to be letter off than any other class, becausa iuo?t of them have money and can live. Thev do not care bow long the strike lasts and niacy will quit the regions entirely. SALISBURY GIVES A SURPRISE His Reply to Germany Identical With That of the United States. London, Sept. 25. Lord Salisbury bas replied to tbe German note in terras identical with those of the United States., Sept. 25. The foreign office officials here inform the Associated Trees that Russia and Japan have forically answered the German note, particularly emphasizing their agreement to the proposition to have the ministers desig nate the guilty. London, Sept. 25. According to a iispatch received here from Berlin, the Russian and Japanese replies to Germa ny s proposal, received yesteruay, as serted that Russia "as-sent In princi ple," while Japan's an "em phatic approval." Tie This, Sept. 23, via Takn, Sept. 24 LI Hung Chang will proceed for kin in a few days. He remains un der close Russian guard and access to him is dillicult. In the course nl a con versation with a representative of the Associated Press, Karl LI said be did not believe that an early settlement of the difficulty was probably because of the number of nations to tie treated with, and did not think the attack upon the Pei Tang forts complicated the situ ation. Annum! a More Heueetloiiel I'haMC, i i-jiPTKK, Spt. 24. Another and equally plansihle story of the recent trsgedy near the Bunker Hill nr. I tie is Kane's version, w hich he has just given. Ha claims to have returned from bird shooting that Wednesday morning to find another man in his wife's bed. In the ec.illU that ensiled his gun was dts- I charged, killing the little girl and j wounding bis wife. Hi lied to hirt brother's for another gun, but was pursued and shot just as he had gotten in through the window. He only remembers tho burning of the cabin led j him to stagor out and sink, exhausted I where he wai found. The man wai; masked, but hit description fits a neigh- J : boring prospector, who bat not been J J J;Uil? b" '". been mentioned, and rur-ent report seems to think thej ' feeling was wed founded. The wife's i stcrr is her natural defense, and is at .variance with every material point in ! Kane' statement. The man is dying i ' ', and bas received the last rites of his ! church. ' The blackened body of the little girl has been taken to Waynetown for burial. The burning of ttie cnbin, nnder this theory was to conceal the doable crime. The coroner's jury, i.1 their verdict, found that the little girl came to ber death from bullet from a gun in Fred Kane's bands, but the jurymen are not all convinced as to bow tbe shot came to be fired. The coroner may cause the inquest to be reopened and continued further The strongest corroboration of Kane's story is in the fact that Father Pesrua rais visited him and administered tbe last rites of the church. To secure this lie would have to make a confession of his sins, and on his deathbed such ceremony would not be aiade a mockery by any concealment, while if had con fessed being responsible for his approach ing death the church would never have granted absolution Our Troopa Ordered to Manila. Washington, Sept. 25. The follow, ing statement ia tbe war de partment : "The instructions of the secietary of war were cabled to General Chaffee to day that, pending negotiations for set tlement, a legation guard of a regiment of infantry, four troops of cavalry and a light bi.tterv, under the command of General Chaffee, nil' remain in Pekin tor tbe protection of our minister and American interests, and that the re mainder ol uene'al Uhatlee s lorce, along with the staff officers not rt quired, stores and material, will be sent to Gen eral MacArthur at Manila." Murders In Mian HU London, Sept. 25. The China inland mission has received a cable announcing the murder of eleven missionaries at Sib Cheo Tauing Yaii Yang, in tbe province of Stian Si. Ttie American missionaries, J. 11. Roberts, Mark WillhiniH, William Sprngue, Mrs. Sprague and Mies Vir ginia Murdock, who escaped from Kal gan. Province of Chi Li, China, in June iubt, and were chased by the Boxers across the Gobi desert, traveling thence by way of Siberia, will sail on tbe An chor line eceamer City of Rome, which is to leave Glasgow, September 27th. Farmer For McKluley. CmcAtio, Sept. 25. Secretary of Agri culture Wilson arrived In Chicago today enroute to Topeka, Kan., where he w ill address the Good Roids convention next Thursday. "I have just concluded a week's speak ing tour in Ohio," said the secretary, "and I found tho agricultural district fa vorable to McKiuley. The farmers want no change in national policies. The only source of doubt is the cities. I mav tour Kaueas and Nebraska before my return to Washington." Boers Will Merest the ttrltlsli. London, Sept. 25. "Messrs. Steyn aud Keitz," says a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Lonrenco Marques, "will remain with the fighting burghers, and it is estimated that a force of Boers ag gregating from 7000 to 12,00'J is planning to harass the British lines ol communi cation. Native C'hrmtlaii Women Itutrhered. Hono Kov4, Sept. 24. Advices from Canton say that a boatload of native Christian women at Kuui Clink (on West river) was (ired upon, and that the women were then taken ashore and butc oered in cold blood. Million Ulttn Awer. It i certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to tl.e needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for con sumption, cough and cold, have given j an hv over ten mill ion trial Pottles ol ILIs great medicine ; and hajft the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of, hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Bl.ikeler, the Druggist, and gpt a free trial ImtHe. Regular size 5(c. and (1. Every battle guaranteed, or prico refunded. 3 Iteal t.aiate (or Nkle. Twenty-three lots, ioca'ed from Sev enth street to Twelfth, for sale at from $50 up. Inquire at tho Columbia Hotel. alt) tf BOER DEFEAT IS COMPLETE Fiaal Simple at Komatipourt Was Bloodies Fighting Spirit Gone Burned Ail Property and Fled "to Neutral Territory. Nkw Yokk, Sept. 20 A dispatch to tbe Herald from Lonreue i Marques says Tiie Boer defeat is complete. Bv dint bard riding from Btrherton you' cot respondent overtook first General Ham iltun's division, then that of Genera Pi le Carew, and finally entered Koomati poor i. ot a snot was Doe I i or was a Boer seen during the marvh. Evidence of the enemy's destructive cess was everywhere to tie seen. The bridges bad been dynamited, the stores buildings and homesteads looted and burned, as bad been also the railway properly, all the chief stations being smoking ruins, among them being Kaap Muiden llectorspruit and Koomatipoort At the last place there is an enormous area over which the Boers have wrought destruction. The devastation includes hundreds of wagons, trucks and carriages, which have been burned, together with all kinds of stores of clothing, ammunition forage and provisions, such as sugar, cof fee, rice, flour and stationery. Thousands of tons are still burning. General Pole. Carew bas secured hundreds of locotno lives. The whale of the Selati railway line is simply blocked with roiling stock, On my way from Barberton I saw at Hectorspruit the horn Boer guns and the destroyed stores. In the Crocodile river there were vinible literally acres of damaged gun ammunition, wagons dynamite mi l stores of every sort. At Koomatipoort there were, Iteeides the burning stores, hundreds of tons of am munition. The enemy bad left standing many tents. The great waste in the effects of the Boers was evident. Furniture, trunks provisions, clothing and other articles were lying about iu every direction. In the rocky bed of the river were enor mous quantities of stores, ammunition, rifles, cannon and f-xulstuff. Any good police fotce say one of 20 000 can do the rest of the wotk of pacification for security. it uenerai tiuiler and the others move on to seize the passes, neither Vilioen. the nuiv commandant general with Steyne and Schalkberger, nor Koetze, with the rest of the derelicts from Koouatipoort, cuii escape through the mountains toward Lydeubur and Piet ersburg, while to remain in the low veldt at this season of tbe year spells death for men aud cattle. The Portuguese have disarmed all the Boer refugees taken. Fifty truckloads, with nearlj 500 tons, have been dumped down on tbe island of Sheffeen.offLoiirenco Maiques. The Irish-Anieri, an mercenaries are clamoring for pay, and threatening the Boer officials. The linal collapse of tho Boer army may be summarized as follows: When the Boers, numbering 20C0, evacuated Koomatipoort, they took up positions between the Lobombo range and the river. They had good positions, and could have made a capital stand, but ow ing to the disorgiiniz ition ar.d lack of discipline they were prevalent, they were only half hearted. Wishing to avoid a conflict and un necessary bloodshed, the British consul general cons-tilted the Portuguese governor-general, Senor Mac h ido, as to the best course to bo pursued to attain this end. He aked that emissaries should lie sent up with an address to the Boers pointing ont the nselessn"ss of continu ing their resistance and the absolute needle 8" r.ess of going on further. Be sides, if they continued to tight there was a feir of the natives rising. Owing to the fact that the Portuguese bail been most kind to the Boers, and as they had guaranteed their and repatriation and promised to rend them back to their country free of Charge, the schema succeeded beyond t(lB ildest l.npos of its originator. Instead of b Z"n coming down to Lourenco Matqtiez, 250U arrived in this wise. Diplomacy, therefore, triumphed by bringing the war to a speedy and bloodless c!oe. 1 hey Sleek Freedom. NTKKAI., Sivt. 27. J'liree- Montkkai., Svt. 27. Three- Moikan delegates from Southern Russia have ar rived here from Ottawa, accompanied by Frank Pedley, tbe superintendent of immigration for the Dominion govern ment. The purposo of tbe visit is to make arrangement with the Canadian Pacific railway for tho transportation j next w'nter of 7000 of their compatriots who intend to leave the czar' domin- ions In southern Russia to settle in the , Canadiau northwest. Ast xm as satis j factory arrangements have been com I pleted, tbe initi. i jrat; ta will begin to ar rive. The Mo'.kans are spoken of as a high ly desirable e!as of settlers, industrious, and frugal, w th a know ledge of farming and rudimentary handicrafts. They hold peouiiar religious ter.e's. They are Cbristains and their views are obnox ious to the ruling authorities in Russia. Their ideas of social and family life ari similar to thut much persecuted sectiou of Russian Jews. They do not object to military service, but they have long suf fered iimler Russian oppression, and are lookii-g forward to a prioJ when they can establish themselves under free In stitutions. THE SITUATION . IS VERY SERIOUS Boxer Leaders ia Control of the Chi ' ncse Government, and Heretofore Pro-Foreign Viceroys Make Haste to Get in Line with tbe Govern ment. New Yoiik, Sept 27. A disnatch to the Herald from Shanghai says: The situation in China is now more serious than ever before for those w ho are in terested in preserving the integrity of the empire. The Chinese government is In the power of Boxer leaders who are not- likely to submit to the Empress Dowager any proposition un favorable to them. The frieudly vice roys ol the south are still loyal to tbe throne and any foreign aggression in Southern China will precipitate an armed uprising. Already the governor of Nganhwei province has addressed a memorial to the F.nperss Dowager, declaring that his signature to tho viceroy's agreement with the foreign consuls in Shanghai was forged. There is danger that the friendly viceroys will be replaced. SUeng, the friendly Taotai of Shanghai, has been ordered north, and ttirit practically means bis death. Russia is holding all the forts nnd strategical points from Taku to Pekin. Rii9sja's possession of the Railway shows by the permanent arrangement her officers are making thut she intends to swullow the north of China. No one here believes that Russia will ever move- out except under overwhelming pres sure from the other powers. Germany's assurance that she does not desire territory in China, if the lat ter be uble to pay an indemnity, is mis leading. Her demand for the punish ment of the leaders of the Boxers as a condition precedent to peace negotia tions means continued war and perhap the complete disruption of the Chinese government. Friendly feeling between Russia anil Japan is increasing, France is band in glove with Russia, Vice-Admiral Seymour's attempt to undertake. the .isolatedj British occupa tion of Shanghai and to patrol the Yang tso Kiang has weakened the British po sition, while losing a detinue agreement r non-partition ol the empire with Japan. The United States is consistent but. powerles. Lu Li Chniin Liu, who, it; is unollij- ially Announced, is to he the new vice roy of Canton, is anti-foreign. N Uulesa the allies protest the friendly Vic Toys are likely to nave no fnen-la left in China. The only method for dealing w ith the situation not involving the division of Chinese territory is through the friendly viceroys, gradually removing tho throne from the power of ttie Boxer leaders. Americans on tbe spot believe that the settlement of the present question will decide I lie I ite of Hit enormous and increasing American and Chinese trade. II rave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney trouble as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poi'ons in he blood, bsckHche, nervoiisiie, s, bead ache and tired, lixtless, run-down feel ing. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idnville, Ind. lis says: "Electric Bitten aie jilrtt the thing lor a mail w hen he is all run down, nnd don't care whether be lives or die. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I c mid take. I cau now eat anything and have a n?w b'.uo on iiio." Only lit) cents, at Blakeley's drug stort'. Every bottle fii irautc-j-I. 3