THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, ASH OOINO. Friday a Daily. II. C. Jackvin, c'erk of Jacksnn, Klickitat county, was in town today. Among the visitor to the Sulem fair this week are Mr. V. E. Simonton an J Miss Alma rehuiiilt, of this city. . Mr. ami Mrs. James Stewart, of Monk laml, have returned from their weil.l n trip and aro guests of the Uuuttilla House. E. C. Miller, shipping clerk of the Oreou Lniutier Co. at Viento. wn in town today dome busiuees at the U. IS. land office. F. N. Hexton lies returned home after spending: three months in the harvest lieldi of Umatilla county and the Pa louee country. He expects to leave in the morning for Portland, where he will spwud tne winter in the Portland Busi ness College. Saturday Daily. Mr. Frank B utton was in town today from Hood River. Professor C. L. Gilbert was ft paosen Iter on this morning's train for Portland. If. Herbring left on this morning's train on a business trip to Sitn Fran cisco. Mrs. T. Twohig left this morning on a visit to her parents at Pleaeanl Valley, Waeh. Ed GrilBn, the Boyd merchant, of the firm of Griffin & Butler, was in town today. Newton Patterson, an old-time friend of The Chronicle, was in town today from Einiersby. Miss Emma Croesfielvl, who has been visiting for a few days with Mrs. E. O. McCoy, left on this morning's train for her home at Portland. Attorney G. W. Phelps, of Ifeppner, arrived here today to attend the funeral of his father, whose remaius are ex pected to arrive on the noon train to morrow from Berkeley, California. Mrs. C. J. Reed, of Portland, who has been visiting for a few days with Mrp. Lanp, left on the noon train for Pendle ton, in company with the Misses Annie end Bessie Lang and Representative M. A. Muodv. They will attend the In dian dance tonight at the Pendleton fair, and while in Pendleton will be the guests of Mr. E. Y. J mid. Monday's Daily. Mr. and Mis. George Peringer, of Fendleton. are vieiting the Drs. Ftr gueon. Mies Ruby Groat loft here Saturday to teach a term of school in one of the Tygh Ridge districts. Emerson Williams, the Kingslev mer chant, was in town todav and left for borne this afternoon. A. D. McDonald, a former prominent bnerman connty farmer, now of Spo kane, wa9 in town today. The Fossil Journal says Mrs. William Floyd and her daughter, Mrs. Stacey Shown, of Seattle, are visiting Mrs. Win. G. Keys, daughter ot Mrs. Floyd, at fossil. BUKN, This morning, Sept. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potts of this city, a daughter. Bagacloue Young; Shepherd Dog;. I have often read in the Sheep Breed er of the wonderful feats performed by do2s, and venture to tell you of the most remarkable instance of sagacity on the part of six months old puppy of my own. As I was starting the sheep for home a few evenings since, I sent the do?s down into the gulch for some cheep that lingered behind the flock. Thinking they had brought them all out, and making a new start for home, I was not a little surprised over the ab asnce of a pup, which I finally sought in the gulch, and to my surprise found bin) in a hole or washout, come six feet square and four feet deep, with about two feet of water in it. In this hole were fifteen Iambs, with the pup in their midst. The lambs were struggling for dear life, but were unable to climb the steep and slippery eides of their prison and the puppy doing his best to get them out. But for that active and anxions fellow every lamb would have been drowned. When I had rescued the last lamb the young puppy sprang out of the muddy pool and looked up with a satisfied and triumphant air as much as to say, "Well, master, we saved tnem!" The puppy was whollv un trained, wnicn makes tne feat ail the more remarkable. J. G. Hoyt, Boyd to., .Nebraska, in bbeep Ureeder. To Delinquent Taxpayers. The County Court having authorized the immediate collection of delinquent taxes, I am compelled to comply with its request, and will therefore proceed at once to advertise. If you are delinquent you will save cost and expenses by im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid will be attached at the cost and expense of the owner without fur ther notice. Robert, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. The Dalles Sept. 17, 1900. 17-29J-W Lost Thn morning, a pocket book containing a twenty-dollar bill. A lib eral reward will be paid for its return to Sinnott A Fish, Umatilla House, or the owner, G. T. Andrews, Wasco, Sherman county. Hustling yoong man can make (00 per month and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark A Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, . i8-tf The largest and most complete line of riurn cohimo fall and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. The prices will sell the goods. i8tf Floral lotion will care wind chapping sod sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke talk. KHEDIVE OF EGYPT. Mode of Life and Characteristics .of Abbas. Hla Taatea and Habit Arm More Those of English Cowwlry Uaatletnan Thaat ot Orl The life of his hitfhne&s Is very differ ent from that which in the western world is usually associated with an eastern sovereign. To begin with, the khedive has received a splendid Euro pean education. He learned English us a child under tutors specially selected und aent. to Cairo for hia benefit and that of his brother, Prince Mehemet. When 12 jeurs of uge he entered the celebrated Haxius school, at Geneva, and afterward continued hUscholastic career at the T lierewaniim, at Vienna, from which he was called by the sud den death of his father, Khedive Tewflk, ta ascend the throne of Egypt at the age of IH, in 1S'J2. At Vienna he was something of a favorite with the Austrian, emperor, who also taw that the prince was given a military train ing in addition to his ordinary fenool work. Naturally highly intelligent, Ab boa proved himself both industrious and capable. He, has the gift of tongues, and can talk in at least six languages English, French, German, Italian, Turkish and Arabic, the last being in common use throughout Egypt. Every official day of his life he will most- probably converse in at least four of these languages. highness, eays "the Iondon Chronicle, has a prodigious, memory and great capacity for mastering de tail. He is a hard worker, and every moment of his time is parcelled out with exactness. He usually rises' at 5:0 in the morning, nnd then goes out riding, an ex err is of which he Is pas sionately fond, till about eight, when he lias -riretkfast. Soon afterward he is busily engaged in state affairs with his secretaries and ministers, and this fills! up the forenoon till luncheon; but, that meal nvrr, he is at work again with his staiT until his public reception hour comes around, when he meets all those who have the right to call upon him and a good number who hnven't. In the evening there are dinners, balls, receptions, the opera and the theater. All this gives one the Impression, a per fectly correct one, that Abbas is no lan guid oriental, but a prince of high abil ity and remarkable energy. Nor is he less interesting from th purely domestic point of view. As sovereign lie has to be n great deal at the state palaces of Abdin, at Cairo. and lias-el-Tin, nt Alexandria, the for mer being the winter, the latter th summer capital of Egypt, but he like nothing better than to leave these to his more private palacesof Koubbeh o Montazah, bis seaside place. Koubbeh is some five miles from Cairo, and here his highness, lives' after much the fame fashion as might a great English land owner of the most, modern tjpe. II keeps' a splendid stud, and his beautiful horses, English bred as well as Arabs, are his special pride. On the estate it self he has brought into use the latest things) in American agricultural ma. chinery, and he takes' an active part in the supervision of his numerous farms and cotton plantations in the Nile vae ley from which, indeed, he derives the larger part of his vast private wealth llis otlicjal income Is a, ICO.COO a year, and an equal amount is paid to the other members of t he Khedivial family Hesides hi pronounced taste for the life of a country gentleman. Abbas has a taste, or rather a passion, which is not. generally shared by country gen tlemen. He is a skilled musician, and is devoted to music. He keeps a private band of about 50 performers, who find in him a generous patron but a relent less critic. Woe betide the man, who makes a false note! His highness 1 a strict Mahometan, and as such eschews both wines and spirits. His abstinence goes even fur ther, for in a country where everybody smokes he will have nothing to do with the fragrant weed. Like his father he ia a monogamist, although his re ligion allows him four wives if he wants them. He is known to be great ly attached to his consort, who was a Circassian lady of the khedivial household before her marriage. They have several daughters nnd one son. tne neir appnrent, who was born in February of last year. By a special decree of the sultan, who is still suzer ain of Egypt, the khediviate de scends directly from father to son in the western manner. The domestic entourage of the khedive is presided over by tne uowager khedivah, or khedivah mere, as the princess is called. This is in accordance with usual oriental custom, which accords precedence to a man's mother over hia wife. Hart tr of a Dread of Death. Sir Lyon I'layfair, who represented the University of Etlinburtjh for .17 years, nays Health, naturally came in contact with the mot eminent med ical men of England, and he iut this question to most of them: "Did you, in your extensive practice, ever know a patient who was afraid to die?" With two exceptions, it seems, they answered "No." One of these excep tions was Sir Renjamin Krodie, who Raid he had seen one case. The other wa Sir Kobert Chrlirtison, who had seen one case, that of a pirl of bad chnrarter. who had a sudden ncci- - t - ' Don't hub It la, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Proprietors of Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 9 Phones: 51 Local, 858 Long Distance J s. Z Str. Regulator Ship your . Freight via Regulator Line. 5 v fc, Lv DOWM. CP. Dalle Lv. Portland ft Bt7 A. M fc' Tuesday B, Thuisda M. ' 7 A. M. v Monday - (i i .... 5 HatunlHV Friday k- Arr. Portland Arr. imiici st 4:30 P. M. at 5 P. M. 5 5 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, r Travel by the Steamers of the Regulator Line. rons tue oest service possible, f, Portland Office, Oak-Street Dock. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, "m?"lfki Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle tOIl FlOUr Tlli9 lonr ,s manufactured expressly for family use : every sack ia guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wj sell oar goods lower than any house in the trade, and if yon don't think so can ana get car prices ana De convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. State flormal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. The students of the Nortiial School sre nrenare.1 tn taks tlia Mat rvrHflr.ntn imnuii.iii. n- e ' .... .l.v.j. Graduate! readily secure Rood positions. Expense of year from 120 to $150. Strong Academic and Professional Coursoi. New Mirlal Driurinn in Uammi T.uini., Well equipped Training Department. For catalogue containing full announcements address P. Ik CAMPBELL, President or W A. WANK, Secretary of Faculty. Nmli'ii Paic Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK. LI ATI. Onion Depot, nrtn anil St j ABSIVl. No. 2. Fast mall for Tacoma, Peattle, Olympia, Gray's Harbor ana Houth Hend points, Hpokane, Ross land, B. C, Pullman, Mowow, Lestistou, Buf falollmnp mining coun try, Helena, Minneapo lis, Bt. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louis. Chicago and all point east and southeast. Puget Hound Express for Tacoma and Heattle and intermediate points No. 5W P. M. No. 3. 7;00 A. M. 11:15 A. M. No. 4. 11 ;W P.M. Pullman first class and tourlrt aleonon to Wlnneapolls, Ht. Paul and Missouri river points without change, Vestlbuled trains. Union denot nonnpotlnna In all principal cities. Baggage cnacsca toacatlnatlnn of tickets, ror haildsomelr illustrated descrlntlvematlir. tickets, sleeping cut reservations, etc., call on or writ A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Oeneral Passenger Agent, 2S5 Morrl son street, corner mini, Portland, Oregon. A full line ol Eastman films and sap- plies just received by Clarke A Falk. We offer for limited period the wice-a-week Chbonicli, price $1.60, and the Weekly Oregonian, price (1.50, both papers for $2 year. Subscriptions under this oiler mast be paid in ad vance, tf FALT & C 9 Commercial Sample Rooms. 9 173 Second Street. How pleasing to the ear. How easy in action. How grand and beautiful in appearance are the new "Lindell," "United Makers" and "Kimball" Pianos at Jacobsen Book S Music Co. REGULATOR LINE. 1 DALLES, PORTLAND k ASIORU KAY. COMPANY -3 1 Steamers of the Regulator Line will run as per the fol- schedule, the Company reserving the right to change j schedule without notice. 'i Str. Dalles City. DOWN I.v. Dulles up, Lv . Portland , nt 7 A. H. at 7:00 A. K. Monday Tuesday's Wednesday Thursday ,3 FridHy Saturday H Arr. Portland Arr. Dalles "3 ut 4 :3U P. M. at 5 P. a. , The Company will endeavor to give its pat for iuriner luiormuuuu auuress W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agrt. SOUTH and EAST via Soumem Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at 4 :& a. m. and 3 p. m. Leave Portland 8:30 am " Albany 12. 30 a in Arrive Ashland 12:Tlam " Hacramento 6:00 pm " Hail fraiiclsco 7:5ptn 7:00 p m 10:00 p m 11:30am 4 a m 8:15 a m Arrive Ogdon Denver " Kansas City.. " Chicago . ft:43 a m . :W a m 7:'2A a m . 7:46 a ia 11:4 am :00a m ):lin i::ani Arrive ls Angeles 1:90 p m 7.00 am S:00 p m .::) a m 4:00 a m :W p m 42 am r.i rano 6:00 p m " Fort Worth :!IOam ' City of Mexico :oAam " Houston 4:00 am ' New Orleana liisin " Washington V42 a m " New York 12:4:1 pm U'ti p m Pullman and Tourist cars on both tralna. Chair cars Bacramento to Ogden and El Paso and tourist cars to Chicago, Ht Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at Ban Francisco with severs 1 steamship line for Honolulu, Japan. China, Philippines, Central and South America. Bee agent at Tbe Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or JJH. R. . SMITH, Osteopath. ROnTTll 10 ftllll f 1. rhsnman DIMh, Oregon. " The New York Cash Store it tbe sole agent for tbe Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'s line of footwear. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omci atThi Dalles, Or., Kfptmnbel in, HO) t Notice Is hereby riven that th follnwin--namvd -tt!fr has flltd notice ol hla Intention to n.uko Dual p.ixi' in support nf his claim, snd that ld proof will be m.ide before the Kvxlstcr and liareiver at The Iullos Oregon, on oulitr day, October t), 19u, vU: A relloos S. Pox, of The Dalles. Oregon, H. E. No. MM, for the b hf NW qr sud W hf oW nt, bc 12, Tp I S, H 11 E, W. ii. lie nnines the fol'.owins; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cuiiallun of aid land, viz: 1 ;. Mutnev, C. II. Matncy, Charles Gossen snd W. C. Clark, all ol The Dalles, Oregon. epl3 JAY P. LL'CAS, KegUter. 50TICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Lajcd Omci at Th Dalles. f)KEosr, j August , l'JCO. I Vnrlee Is berebv riven that the followiug named settler has llltd notice of bis intention to male final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Keginter and Receiver at me uajics, uregou, uu oaiur day, October 6, 1'JuO, viz : Hubert E. I'll 111 ipa. of AloHer, Or., ir R. So. SR0 for the SEli KWW.XWli NE'i, See. 9, and SU iH, Seel, Tp. 2 N., K. 12 t., W. M. He names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous i evidence upon and culliyutlun of said land, viz: lames I.wi, Dolly Mosler, Lea Evsns, John Miler, all of Mosier, Oregon. JAY P. LICAS, aug291 Keglt:r. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. -nt is berebv riven that the undersigned have been duly appointed by the honorable County court, of the state of Oregon, for VAasco iinutitv. cxtwiitnra of the estatj of Horatio Cor son, deceased. All persona having claims sirainst said estate are hereby notllled to present tlic same, properly verilied, to the undersigned Charles K. CorMiu, fit Wasco, Sherman county, Oregon, or at the oRice tit our attorneys, Aiene fee & Wilson, at The Dnlles, Oreg m, within six months from the date of this notice. Duttd July 14, l'JOO. OFT A RI.E3 E. CORSON', WILLIAM K. COK-loN, Executors of the estate of Horutlo Corson, de-cea-d. Jlyil U NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The, Or., Aug, l, lisio. I Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filel notice of his Intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, nod thatid proof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. H. land ofllce at The Dalles, Or , on Baturduy, Sept. 1J, l'JOO, viz: Ileury C. Gonllon, of The Dalles, Or., II. E. No W14, fur the XU 6Kl4 tec. 6, Tp 1 N, K i:i E. W. SI. tl.. (..llA., lnn H.ftnnun.. n nsona iinniVB uitr i in hit 1 1 IR nin'Vioio n (mic hin mntitiiiniiM Tfiniiianne unon and riiltivitLioii of Haiti laini, vi: ErneMt Jordan, Albert Jnrdn, John Pahek and Jumea Thonius, all of The ImlleN, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Land Office at The Dalles, Or. -September li, I'M). j Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has fileit police of her intention to make final proof in tupiort of her claim, and that said proof will be made be.'ore the register and receiver nt 1 he Dulles, Oregon, on Wednes day, October 21, l'jou, viz ; Kllia K. Vlckers, widow of Samuel J. Vlckers, deceased, of Mo sier, Oregon, II. E. No. fi-'M, for the N'BWM and 'i NW!4 Hec I.V Tp2 N, R 12 E, W. .r. hue nnmes tne following witnesses to prove nor i outiuuous residence upon und cultivation of said land, vU. : (ieorge Hcnoe, of The Dalles, Oregon; .Tnmes Miler, Lee Evans, Eric Grunland, Mosiur, Or. spl5 JAV P. LL'CAS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lnb Office at Vancouver, Wash. I Aug. 1G, l'.'OU. ( Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his IntcLllou to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. H. I'resby, IT ii I ted t-tHtes Commissioner for llistrict ol Washington, at his olliee In Ooldendalc, W ash ington, on October 1, 11)00, viz: John Watson, P. O. addrets Centervllle, Wash., who made homestead application No. VJ32, for the HU BEli dec 28, Tp8N, K 14 E, W. M. Who names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Charles Htrauhe, William Wilkinson, Jame O. Daly and Patrick Uaggerty, ail ol Centervllle P. O., w ashlngton. l W. R. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice !s hereby given that the undersigned have filed with te Clerk of the county court of the Htnteof Oregon for Wasco conntv.thelr final account as executors of the last will and testa ment of Henry linrnum, deceased, and that Monday, the 4th day of November, 1900, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been Axed by the County Court for said county as the time, and the county court nsm In Dalles City as the place for hearing of objections to snid final ac count and the settlement of Hie same. J. W. FRENCH, F. I. MAYH. CI1S F.xecutor. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNEttALBANKINO BUe'INKH Letters of Credit issued available in the eastern btates. Siitht Eichanire ami TWrr,V, Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Son Francisco. Portland Oro. gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points iu ure,oa Mia wasmngton. Collections made at all noi nt. nn fav orable term.. L. Lane, GENERAL I ...AND. r Wagon and Carriage Werk. Flah Broth era- Wagon. j- Tbird and JefTcrnn. Phone 159 Ll& jjr. e. rKRni'aoN, Physician and Surgeon, Office, Vogt Block (over Postofflce), !splmo-d THE DALLE4, OHE'rON. Pliysician and Surgeon, Special attention glTcn to surgery. Tel. 32S Rooms 21 and 21, Vogt Block JOHN SAVIN MOORE & GAVIN, BiacRsmiin liorsesnoe s'lus.mjn AT LAW Kooms ft) and 40, over V. 8. Und OHoe NOTICE of Application for Liquor LieeB To All Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that thp ..., William KlnU, will at in ..'..?. A"."'1'''' k . in i-. A - sT'irltuous, malt and viuous ii,?, quautl:..-s than one gallon, ( t; !! ster, in the county an 1 state afo fc0" pei i. 1 as hia receipt from the C,im ul snid county may call f..r: and hr..""" said license, which he wi .1 p,"i't', ,i county Court on said dutef is herelu'W Dated this 7th day of October ton WILLIAM KlS7l ratltloD fur Liquor llcBM, To the Honorable Connty Court of th.a. Oregon, for the County of Wasco: tMe We, the undersigned residents and Ieg,u of Mosier precinct. In the i -,... ?'..T'ii bt 0.0Je,.0" re"l'c;'"lly petition yoa, orable b,a1y to grant a license to Willi. e "1 to sell spirituous, malt and viuous inT, a lesa ouantittes than one M, i.. ,.i'l.uo. a lesa ouantities than one srallon i ,1?. ' Mos'ei, in the county and stat.rI ",a such period as his receipt from ihV!!1'1 treasurer of said county may call for; ' tdw A Kelneck, J N Miwlcr L Lamb, N C Mutts, J M Kill .tt, T H- nnimrson Clinton W.xrf. R P P. ttcrsou 8 D Usher, ' C A Crnmer, M r-pellruau II Thiel, E O rani und, James Jo,8, M Dlch enmnller, Sir sher, Axel E Peter.on, A F. McCouKhey N PSturgess, L J Davenport Wm A Hay, ' Cbas Prattler, A J Prober, Jas Nurse H l Patterson N C Weldner A Nordir A T Uoberts Iwis Meeks, !' llenningson, K K Hardwick, Christian Wyss, Arnold Wyss, K B Wood, B tben, Jns 8 Hunter, Frank Ijipler, H- iStoneman, M Thiel, Jacob Floch, John Armstrong, A H Godberson, M Duty, F P Weldner, J K M.Clregor, Andy Pralher, Kue Prather, (ieo Judy Geo Ireland C II Davenport A M Prichard John Noribup Sale of Real Property. Notice is hereby given that under and t,T tuo ol an order dulv mada and entertd hi tka County Court of Wasco County, Oregon on the 2tli day of Auguit, l'J0, the undersigned minlstrator with the will annexed, ol tr.eeiui, of Joimtlian Jackson, deceased, will, from tA af ler the lt day of October, luoo, sell at Mlrs sale in the manner provided by law for ths uk of real properly by cxeen tors and adminlitn tors, all the right, title and imprest of theuU Jonuthau Jackson in and to the fullowini da. Kcrib.'d reul projierty, being in Wasco Countr Or-gon, lo-wit; " The KW'i of the BE)4 of section flflorn rW)' the 8 of the SK' and the H'i of Hie sftv of section twenty-two (22, : the SK'i oi the hl: of section fifteen (1ft), the K)j of the.VE'iiraJ the N KJ4 of the HK'4 of section twenty-two i') the E!ii ol the Nfc.' and the SWy of the Sti and the SK4 of the NWJ4 cf section Iweatr seven (27), all in township four '4) south, hiir fourteen (II) east, W. M.; said sale tobeiot cash or uikki credit In the manner provided br law for the sale of real property upon credit bf executors and adminh trators. K. K. BALTMARBHE. Administrator, with the will annexed, of lln eitatu ol Jonuthau Jackson, deceased. stl-il EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the honorable court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, ecutor of the estate of Annum lluchman, de ceased. All persons having claims sgflinntiuid estate are hereby notified to present the Mite, properly verified, to the undersigned George D. Heed, at The Dalles, W asco county, Oregon, or at the ofllce of his attorneys, Menefee 4 Wilton, ut The Dalles, Oregon, within six months fion the date of this notice. Dated this 14th day of July, 1!00. GEORGE D. REED, Executor of the estate of Amiust Bachmin, c"e:ented. llrjli CONTEST NOTICE. U. B. Land Office, The Dallik, 0t, September 1ft, l!l. I A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this'tillieo by Joseph H. Hherar, coutesUal, against homestcrd entry No. 7-152, made June 3, IhW. for H bf N W or Sec 2X, and E hf NE o.r tee 20, Tp 8 8 K 14 K, by William Gill enntestee, 11 which It la alleged that said William bill hu wholly abandoned said tract and changed hi residence therefrom for more than six montl since making said entry, and next prior to dtlt of contest; and that he did not abandon U tract to enter the mllltarv or naval serviced the United gtutra, said parties are hereby not), tied to appear, respond and ctler evidence ton Ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on October 27, l!KJ, before the register and receiver at tbl United Htates land olllce in Tbe Dalles, Urefrw. The said contestant having, in a proper lU davit, filed August 11, 1), set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal aetvirt of thla notice can not be made, It is heirtf ordered and directed that such notice be fives bv due and proper publication, seplfl JAY P. LUCAS, Begiiter. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Offics at Th Dai.lks.os., I Heptemher, 10, l'JOO. I Kotla la ti dIvi.i, that the follOWlUrT named settler has filed notice ol his lntenli"" to make final proof In support of his claim, that said primf will be made before the reglt and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on bsturta.', October 30, 1W0, vis.: Charles H. Matney, of The Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. MM, for the hf NK or aud W hf BK qr, rice U, Tpl, K W M He' names the following witnesses top his continuous resideuce upon and cultlvsuw of said land, vis. : . g A. B, Fox.P, :. Fagan, Charles Gossonsnas. C. Clark, all of Tbe Dalles, Oregon. sepl5 JAY P. LUCAS, Reglitt NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Laud Office at Th n.M, OjM August 31, li"' ' Notice la hereby given that the t.Mo'W named settler has filed notice of his in ention make final proof In support of bis Hsim, that said pnmf will be made before the K'"" and llecelver at The Dalles, Oregon, on wean" day, October 10, l'JOO, vit.: Oeorg. W. John. Ion, of The nalles. "''' II. K. No. MM. for the NWJi VK'i sw NWt Boo 18, Tp 1 N, K 14 K, W. M. w He names the following witniwtnprort eontlniioiis residence upon, and cullivs""" aald land, vis: , i,.(no n4 F. P. Taylor, Wm. Sharp, J. W. Johnston R. K. Teague, all of Tho Dalles, Oregon. .5.1 JAY P. LfCAS, Kegl. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Ornca at Tub !'-,'" C" I September U, 1"':1,,wr,,l. Notice Is hereby given that the ';! ' named aetller has filed notice oi nir ., . to make final proof In support of hi r ',,, that .aid,1 will be made before the ""L- and Kwclver at The Dalles, Or.'gon, "" day, October 24, l'JOO, Tl: n, J.n.l r. M...rt, ofTh. ' If. K. No. fl2M. for the E'j BE'i HK qr M' x 2... Tp 1 N, It 12 K, and HW qr 15 W ir M0 - N, K 1.1 K, W M. ,. tn lirrfre Hha names the following wltn.iTultlvalt' her conllnuona resldenca upon and cui of said land, vis.: , ,hn rlcl1, D. I). Nelson, E. F. fiharr, John " Daniel Htewart, all of The i ai a ni,tor. n, niij - - - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laho Orn..s at THi'.X'l .,JV l'foll"""r Notice la hereby glvan that t tflltU named settler haa filed notice of '" '. to commute and make final p'" 1 " .ms-Is her claim, and that said proof will D lmlle, for the register and receiver n ' ft Onion, od Thursday, Beptainbcr JO. A, ll.lm. ofTb. P-J "fa ii. e. no. aim. fr the NW'i kK fKE;V' and HW'4 Hen. H, T. I 7; erovs Hha namea tne following wltne-s's UoI ooiitlnuoUBmaldeucaupoiit IIU " aald land vis: ... , , harles H"'' Pelar Fagan, O. Wetmorj, h"" V. Fo, all oi The Pallee, Ufa r trW, ll'Xkll. Oil SIOIMlriV tlkA ki : " ". j oi ot.,i uio st e oeing me regular Oct r., ," of court, ai.plv to the County CwmV?, If I "irgiiUHII OMJU COUIltV f,i -