The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 26, 1900, PART 1, Image 1

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NO. 33
Sard battle
Which Uncle Sam's Boys Were
130 Against 800 Filipinos 24
Americans Were Killed and 19
Wasiiisgton, Sept. 20. A dispatch
hss ben received from General McAr
hor which confirms th report cable.!
to the Associated Press from Manila
concering the activity of the insurgent.
The dispatch is aa follow :
"Manila, Sopt.,20. Adjutant-general,
Washington. There is considerable ac
tivity throughout Luzon. Fighting is
reported in the vicinity of Carlg and Es
tella Isabella proviuces. Iosurgents, es
timated at 500, probably much exsgsje
rated, but sufficient in force to make
trouble in a district heretofore quiet. In
the Hoc m provinces Samuel B. M.
Yonnj (brigadier-peneral) reports nu
merous small affairs, and has called so
emphatically for more forces that Kings
bury's squadron, Tliird cavalry and
Borden's battalion, Fifth infantry, have
been sent him, ami another hattnllion
will be given the same destination,
upon arrival.
"Country north of Paste, including all
of Btilaean, is very much disturbed, and
numerous contacts with small parties
throughout that district, south of Pasig,
including Tayabns province (Luzon),
where same conditions obtain. This ac
tivity has been anticipated and reported
upon in letters of August 25 and cable
Auiust 31.
"On September 10, David D. Mitchell
captain of Co. L, Fifteenth infantry,
from Siloan, Lagnna province, with 90
men, attacked the insurgent general
Cailles, who had 800 men in position at
Mavilac, same province. A desperate
fight ensued, which was pushed from
the front with great pertinacity by
Mitchell across a causeway and through
water waist deep.
"The attack was under George Cooke,
cnptaln, company K, Fifteenth infantry,
with forty of his men and ten men of
company B, Thinty-ninth volunteer in
fantry, could not reach the enemy't po
aition because of high water in the arm
of a lake, w hich could not be crossed ;
entire country was afloat in consequence
of recent rains; this very much impeded
offensive action. After an hour and
twenty minutes' fighting, the command
withdrew to Siniloan. Upon renewal of
operations on the 18th found that the
insurgents had escaped from Montivlac
the previous night, most of them no
doubt going back into contigious Bar
rios to appear for the time being, or
until called into the field, aa peaceful
"Casualties which occurred, all in
Mitchell's command, consisted of 130
men and four officers, were twenty-four
killed and nineteen wounded.
'f the Troops Were Withdrawn froai
Pekin that City Would Again Be
Overrun by the Boxers.
London, Sept. 20. It was explained
today at the British foreign office, that
it was found inexpedient for the pow
ers to accept the Russian withdrawal
proposal," aa they had reliable Infor
nation that the Boxera were ready to
reoccupy Pektn aa toon as the allies re
tired. Washington, Kept. 20. The war de
partment has received the following
cbleKram from General Chaffee:
"Taku (no date) Adjutant-General,
Washington. Pekin, Sept. 10. To
void further crowding of Pekin have
hd in mind a division of my force be
Ueeii Pekin. YangTsun, Tien Tsin, at
"is latter place leaving one battalion
n!y because the ground at Tien Tsin is
Iw, damp, and nnsnltable. Other com
"landers have no instructions, but they
assume at leant aome of their troops are
J remain In Pekin during the winter,
''"le this as Indicating what is to be
eertained here, not knowing of course,
jh action taken by the powera and the
jilted btates. Only one regiment,
"ussian troops, retired toward Tien
T'n. has yet moved. (Have troops, of
other powera dona aoT)
"Condition of Chinese aome better;
rdeoera entering the city freely, re
lieving tha dlstreaa prevailing soma dayi
2. Sl'ght resumption in trade, other
conditions very fair, tendering the eitu
aticn quitt. Expedition tod.ty, Wilson
commanding, to expel Boxers to the
wetwaid, in order to free the country
lor coal supply mine, Pekin. Head
quarters, ono squadron of the Sixth cav
alry goes to Tun Teun to camp. Tele-
graphed yon 30th. Railroad to be re
I paired- LI Hung Chang left Shanghai
J 14th. Remey reports Rockbill expected
at Taku 14th. Chaffee."
A portion of this dispatch is unintel
ligible to the department officials, and
they have asked the telegraph company
for a correction of it.
Washington, Sept. 20. The Chinese
minister has received a dispatch from
the viceroys of southern China making
sii appeal for the opening of peace ne
gotiations without further delay. They
report that a prolongation of the present
unsettled condition is n serious disad
vantage to China and parties concerned
Stole tha Mliertn' Mount.
RosEBi-RG, Sept. 20. A sensation was
caused here last night by tbe discovery
that Bert Bice, a prisoner at the county
jiil, had escaped. Bice was being held
on the charge of stealing a horse from
William Chadwick, of Riddle, a few
weeks Jigo. The discovery was made
yesterday evening that Bice had gone,
and search was immediately instituted.
Sheriff Parrott hurried to his barn to
get his horse and found that it had leen
taken, also his saddle. The supposition
is ttiat Bice, making his escape from the
jul unnoticed, hastened to the sheriff's
barn, saddled his horse and rode out of
town without being recognized.
Rohebuko, Sept. 20. Bic3 was cap
tured this morning at Myrtle creek by
Sheriff Purrott. He had turned the
horse loose in the streets and jumped on
tbe blind baggage of the south-bound
overland. He stated that he was in
hiding when the deputy went in to lock
the prisoners in the cells last night, and
slipping past him, got away unseen.
ICepubllcan Success.
Washington, Sept. 21. Recent re
ports received at republican headquar
ters in this sit y picture brilliant succees
for tho republican party in Maryland
Nebraska and Kentucky this Fall. From
each of these states comes assurances
that tbe Germans, as a class, are not ar
rayed against republicanism, and take
no stock in the false cry of "imperialism."
On the other hand, they are, as a rule,
firm believers in the policy of expansion,
as advanced by the present administra
tion, and are good sound-money men.
The democrats are straining every
nerve to make "imperialism" the "para
mount" Issue in Maryland, and are
banking much on the effect of Welling
ton's flop, and the following he will take
with him into the democratic camp. It
is generally believed, however, that tho
voters who will follow Wellington will
be but a very small portion of those who
voted the republican ticket four years
ago. Rapublicans of that state do not
fear any disastrous effects -from the
democratic campaign on the basis of
Hoar Deatroyed Their "Long Toina."
London, Sept. 20. Lord Roberts
cables from Nelspruit, on the Pretoria-
Delngoa Bay railroad, not far from
Komatipoort, the frontier station, under
date of Wednesday, September 19th, as
"Of the 3000 Boars who retreated from
Komatipoort before the British advance
from Machadodorp, 700 have entered
Portuguese territory; others have de
serted in various directions and the
balance are reported to have crossed the
Komatl river and to be occupying spurs
of the Lombobo mountains, south of the
A general tumult seems to have oc
curred when they recognized the hope
lessness of their cause. Their long Toms
and field guns have been destroyed and
nothing is left of the Boer army but a
few marching bands. Kelly Kenny is
dealing with one of these, which occu
pies a position at Doornberg."
Opening or Col II I a Keeervatlnn.
Tacoma, Sept. 21. Hundreds of land
seekers are arriving at Brewster, Onan-
ogan county, to secure location In tne
Colviile Indian reservation, which vr 1 1 1
be opened for settlement on October
10th. They are chiefly from Minnesota,
Illinois, Iowa, the Dakotas and Indiana.
Between republic and the western
boundary of tbe reservation over 100
land agent a are engaged in locating
.Btilcr. for from 110 to u eacu. uo
October loth between 6000 and 8000
settlers will swarm over the reserve to
secure possession and set their stakes.
For Nlr.
The two buildings owned by Mrs. E.
Julian, on Court street, between Second
and Third, now occupied as a lodging
bonte and dressmaking shop. Tbe
boildioga will be sold, furnished or un
furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to
Mrs. E. Julian. 13-lmd
Gerniaay Proposes That All Parties to
the Outrages Shall Suffer, and if;
Other Powers Do Xot Agree to It
Will Pursue That Policy Alone.
New Yons, Sept. 21. A dispatch to
the Herald from Berlin says: Tbe
Politische Correspondenx declares that
Germany has demanded the extradition
of the empress dowager of China. The
Tageblatt denies this. The truth is
half way between ttie two repoits.
Germany desires the accord of all the
powers in regard to those responsible
for tha outrages, and will then demand
their delivery, even if the empress
dowager should beiiuong them. Ii the
accord of all the powerscannot be
gained, Germany will insist upon her
Idea alone or with those powers that uo
con Bent.
Washington, Sop. 21. A cabinet
meeting was hold today, Secretaries Long
and Hitchcock and Attorney-General
Griggs being present. At its conclusion
the following official announcement was
"The government has reached a de
termination relative to tho Chineen equ
ation. It will be made public as soon
as it can be made to the powers inter
ested." It is definitely known that three notes
have been prepared, one in reply to the
German proposition, one bearing upon
the last Ro-eian proposal, and one rela
tive to the communication from the
Chinese government delivered by Min
ister Wn, asking that the government
clothe Minister Conger with power to
treat with Prince Ching in peace nego
tiations. These several communica
tions, which set forth the position of
the United States, will not be made
public befoie tomorrow.
An Ohio Scientist Will Make Explora
tions to Determine the Questions.
New York, Sept. 21. Dr. G. S.
Gregor, editor of the Homiletic Review,
has just received a letter from the Rev.
Dr. George Frederick Wright, of Oberlin
college, Ohio, which discloses the object
of the trip the professor has started to
make through Siberia. He is considered
an authority on the glacial period ot the
earth' geological history and refuses to
accept the theory that the deluge merely
submerged the regiorm round-about
Palestine. He believes that when tho
author of the Pentateuch said the waters
covered the face of the earth, he meant
Professor Wright will go through the
mountains of Siberia far from where
men ordinarily go. There he will make
excavations. He will dig up the earth
until with the geologist's eye he dis
covers just that stratum which should
have been deposited during the period
in which the deluge took place. Next
he wiil explore the Caucasus range, pass
down to ancient Ararat, where tradition
says the ark landed, and emerge from
his travels somewhere near Smyrna,
Asia Minor. If, in all the mountain re
gions he explores, Dr. Wright finds the
remains of the sea for which he looks he
will conclude that the deluge was a
historical fact.
Opening- of Colrllla Raaarvation.
Tacoma, Sept. 21. Hundreds of land
seekers are arriving at Brewster, Okan
ogan county, to secure locations in the
Colville Indian reservation, which will
be opened for settlement on October 10.
They are chiefly from Minnesota, Illinois,
Iowa, the Dakotas and Indiana. Be
tween republic and the western
boundary of the reservation over 100
land agents are engaged in locating
for from $10 to $50 each. On October
10 between 0000 and 8003 settlers will
swarm over the reserve to secure pos
session and set their stakes.
Culmination of a I'ratty Itomanc.
riiiADKLi-iilA, Sept. 21 (Special to
The Evening Telegram.) The culmina
of a pretty romance was reached Wed
nesday night, when the Rev. Father Mc
Namara. of the church of the Gesu, mar
ried Miss Jeanett Elisabeth Hurly, of
this city and Dr. Claude N. Pierce, of
Portland, Or. After being graduated
from Jefferson Medical College, Dr.
Pierca entered tha hospital, and there
met Miaa Hnrly, who was employed at a
nurse. An engagement followed before
Dr. Pierce left tor the Puc'fic Coast,
where he has acquiird a large pracl:ee.
Miss Hnrly, having been graduated from
tbe Training School ot the Woman's
Medical College, still pursued her chostn
vocation, always bavin; in mind the
bright future which awaited her in the
newer fields ot the lar Northwest.
I Dr. and Mrs. Pea roe will make their
future residence iu Sumpter. Or., for
which they will leave in a few days.
Strlkere fee Furee.', Pa., Sept. 21. West She
naud ah, Shenandoah, Indian Ridge,
Kohiooor and Turkey Run collieries, be
longing to the Philadelphia & Reading
Coal and Iron company, and Keheley
Run, the pronertv of the Thomas Coal
company, all in the Shenandoah districts,
are shut down tight today. The men at
the Kohinoor and Keheley Run works
were driven away by striking Llthnniane
and Poles armed with clubs mid stonep.
They smashed windows and other mine
property. It was with difficulty that
Superintendent Baird and a posse of
men prevented strikers from entering
the slope at the Keheley Run. After the
workmen quit, the etiikers returned.
A trolley car was held up and eleven
men were roughly bandied. Some of
them, who were on their way to work,
were thrown out of the door. Chiel
Eurgess Brown, of Shenandoah, in rescu
ing his son from the hands of the strikers,
was himself beaten.
The strikers policed every path and
road to the colliery, And by threats in
timated workmen, thus inducing them
to return to their homes. Much ex
citement exists. Daniel Christian, chief
of the Coal and Iron police, stated this
morning that his force is unequal to the
task of guarding tbe collieries, and that
Sheriff Toole, of Schuylkill county, has
been appealed to for assistance.
Ked Hot From tha Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
ot Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felonB,
corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley, the
druegist. 3
In tha Yangtse Valley.
Washington, Sept. 22, An official
communication, coming through diplo'
matic channels, has been brought to the
attention of the stats department, giv
ing information as to tbe conditions in
tbe Yangtse Kiang valley, and also giv
ing detailed and fully authentic in
stances of atrocities iu the province of
Hunan against Christian missionaries.
The account Is given by one of the Christ
ian missionaries who escaped and who
makes the report through the official of
the government now forwarding It to
Washington. In one case it is stated
a missionary had his eyes burned out,
then a portion of his body was cut off,
and finally a red hot staff was driven
through bis back. In another case, a
missionary was wrapped in cotton, the
cotton was soaked in oil, and the mass
set on fire.
Concerning conditions iu the Yangtse
Kiang valley, the representative states
that tbe viceroys there have exercised a
most pacific influence, despite orders to
the contrary from Pekiu. It appears
that the Pekin government ordered the
viceroys to assemble a large army and
march it to the north, but as the vice
roys personally were opposed to an anti
foreign crusade the order was not exe
cuted. Instead of that, one of tbe offi
cials assembled an army of 3000 undisci
plined coolies, who marched north aa a
formal compliance with tha order. This
action of the Yangtse viceroys in re
sisting the Pekin influence against the
foreigners is said to have had an im
portant effect in preventing a general
spread of disorders.
Working Mght anil lit
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listleseness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building ur the health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley.
thediuggish J
or five boys, going
Four or five boys, going to school
during winter, to board. $12 a month
with room and plain washing. Across
street from High school. Apply at
C11 hon ic-i. a office. dAwlm
That Chas. Stubling is still doing a
retail business at bis newj'place. He
sells in quantities to suit all customer,
from one bottle to a barrel. Family
orders delivered promptly.
Kent ttatata for Sale.
Twenty-three lots, located from Be
nth atreet to Twelfth, for sale at trout
$50 np. Inquire at the Columbia
Uotel. a29t(
asks tirvrn to Defend lue Dcmocrctic
Policy as to Trusts.
Cleveland, Sept. 23 Senator Han
na left for New York this evening. He
will remain at republican headquarters
there for two weeks, and wiil then re
turn to Chicago. Ia an interview today
he said :
"The speech I made at. Chicago on the
so-called trust lsue was misquoted and
garbled. What I said was that there
were no trusts In the meaning of tbe
law. When I said that I did nqt say
that there are uo comtdnations of capi
tal, nor did I say that there are no com
binations that work injustice to the peo
ple. This so-called trust isue is nothing
more than a bugaboo of Mr. Bryan's to
eitch votes. What anti-trust laws have
been enacted have been enacted by the
republicans. On the so-called trust is
suo Mr. Bryan is on the defensive, lie
should tell why the democratic party
has never supported tnr proposed any
legislation to regulate the commercial
combinations of the country. Mr. Bry
an cannot defend the democratic party
on that issue, and it, with the issue of
imperialism, will soon be relegated to
tbe rear. The money question will soon
be the paramount issue. Mr. Bryan
will have to meet that Issue too."
Senator Hanna said he had not decided
to go on the stump in tho East, but he
would do so if he thought best. He do
dared, furthermore, that ho had issued
no challenge to Mr. Bryan for a jiint
debate, nor had he challenged anybody
else to debate. However, be said he
said he was not afraid to meet anybody
on the issues of the campaign.
Catarrh Cannot It Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the beet
physicians in this country for yeers, and
ia a regular prescription. It is composed
of tbe best tonics known, combined with
the tiest blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Elder Were Tarred.
Mansfield, O., Sept. 23. Another
mob broke Ioobb here this afternoon,
and Elders Ephirain Bassinger, of Bluff
ton and Silas Moot of Lima, were it vic
tims. Tiie two elders got off an Erie
train early this morning unknown to the
authorities They were recognized by a
small crowd which refused to let them
enter a cab, and then followed them up
tho street and surrounded tbem near
the center of the city. They were taken
by the mob o the Richland Buggy
Works, where Bassinger disrobed, but
the crowd tore Moot's clothing from his
body, as he refused to disiobe himself.
A paint bucket and a brush were then
secured, and a smokestack varnish, a
tar-like substance, was daubed over
them from head to foot. It was matted
in their hair, ami no part of their bodies
escaped but their faces, Their bodies
were tiien partially covered with their
clothing, and the elders were inarched
to the home of E. II. Leiby, a Zion fol
lower here, who was driven out of the
city last Sunday. There they promised
not to returned to Mansfield, but later
they said that they agreed not to return
unless Overseer Piper ordered them to
Through the months of June and July
our hauy was leetnlng and loott a run
ning off of the bowels and sickness of
the stomach," says O. P. M. Hollidav,
of Deming, lnd. "Hie boweis would
move from five to eight limes a day. I
iiad a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Disrrhcet Remedy in the
house and gave him four drops in a tea
spoonful of water and he got better at
once. Sold at Blakeley 's drugstore.
Anilout to yult.
Piiiladrlpiiia, Sept. 23. At the end
of the first week of the strike in the an
thracite coal fields of Pennsylvania,
theae are not wanting signs of a desire
on the part of soma of the strikers to re
turn to their work. This sentiment is
generally confined, so far aa reported, to
the EaiHsh-lpaaking element among
tha aalnsworkari. Experience bai
shown that thou men are the most con
servative, the foreigners !ing impulsive
and hot tempered in strike times.
Notwithstanding the seriom outbreak.
necessitating the sending of troops to
Schuylkill county, everything is report
ed quiet in the entire coal region to
night. There is a fetling that efforts
ill be made in til districts Monday to
start mines that are imv idle.
The peraistenca of corporations and
individual uiineowner in as'urting that
tlity will consider giievances of their
employes individually, but will uever,
under any circumstances, treat with the
United Minoworkers, has undoubtedly
bail its effect, and it would not be sur
prising if many mines that have been
closed since the striko began, resume op
erations, at least partially, the be
ginning of next week.
A Mlulater Ootid Work.
"I had severe attack of bilious o lie,
got a boUle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Choler and Diarrlm't Remedy, took two
doses and was entirely cured," says Rev.
A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My
neighbor across the street was ick for
over a week, had two or thrf e bottles of
medicine from the doctor. He need
them three or four days without relief,
then called in another doctor w ho treat
ed him for come days and gave him no
relief, so diecharged him. I went over
to eee him the next morning. Ho said
his bowels were In a terrible fix, that
they had been running off so long that
it was almost bloody flux. I asked him
if he bnd tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhiei Remedy and hd
said, 'No.' I went home and brought
him my bottle and gave him one dose ;
told him to take another dose in fifteen
or twenty minutes if he did not find
relief, but he took no more and was en
tirely cured." For sale at Blakely's
drug store.
Confidence Urow.
Washington, Sept. 2. The uneasy
feeling which has been prevailing among
republican leaders Is giving away to one
of confidence now. Reports of most of
the states are very satisfactory. Of the
states that voted for Bryflu iu 1800, Kan
sas, Wyoming, South Dakota and Wash
ington are believed to be safe for Mc
Kinley. Kentucky is practically aban
doned to the democrats, and doubt
hovers around Indiana, Maryland end
Weft Virginia.
The scare about New York, New Jer
sey and Connecticut seems to have sub
sided. The Crocker bets in New York,
which excited so much interest, have
been found to be "wash bets," for
money that Croker has put up is secure
ly hedged.
Campaign contributions have coma in
pretty freely, ond the apathy so notice
able np to within a week is generally
disappearing. At the same time, there
will be no relaxation of efforts upon tbe
part of republican manasteis.
ttftiirt to Iteanma.
Philadelphia, Sept. 23. Tomorrow
morning will open the second week of
the great anthracite coal miners' strike
and developments having an important
bearing on tbe outcomo of the struggle
are looked forward to. An effort will be
made in the morning to start work in
collieries located in Schuylkill county
with the protection of three regiments
of the state national guard, in all num
bering about 2000 men. Some of these
mines were voluntarily closed Saturday
by the operators at the request of the
county sheriff with the object of check
ing the disorder in and about Shenan
doah, where the riots occured Friday,
which resulted in the killing of one of
the rioters by the sheriff's posse.
The operators and mineowners claim
that a sufficient number of hands to run
many of the colliers are desirous of re
turning to work if they can be protected
from assault from the disorderly ele
ment. The Sherifl found himelf nnable
to controll this element and henco his
request for troops was complied with by
the governor
llrara Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in lo?s of appetite, poisons In
the blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tired, lir(tle?s, run-down feel
ing. But there's no need to feel like
that.- Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville,
lnd. He says: "Electric Bitters are
lost the thing for a man when he is all
run down, and don't care whether he
lives or dies. It did more to givo me
new strength and good appetite than
anything I could take. I can now eat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only 50 cents, at Blakeley'i drug store.
Every bottle guaranteed. 3
"My baby was terribly sick with the
diarrtuiM," eays J. H. Doak, Williams,
Oregon. "We were unable to cure him
with tbe doctor's assistance, and as
last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Remedy. I am
bappy to say it gava immediate relief
and a complete cure." For tale at
Blakeley'i drng store.