THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1800. OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. It In rrl4 a Time f lnta laiereat. VLi'.e !n Pcrt'.ani lst Siturday tte eiitor of tbl pPr pent a thort tia.e io Ibe roon-i cl tte Ore;3n Uittcric: Society on tte tcp floor ol the city t.'.i. Tbe vieit reveUlicD. He ti no iJa ol the bomlreds of ir.wr et;og relic ol the disc verr anl ertt'e tue&t of tte Oregcn territory ttal tti uefal tociety bit fathered tcftetter. Tkee re'.ic t l n uonitcr of larje rooms. Many of them ne heirSoocit of iani:r that fijawl in tbe early hlttory of thii ejuctry, and date back to period loc ntedating; the birth cl any cne now Urine. Many of them are connected with important ciiete in Oregon bitory or with pioneert boe name bae be come booebo!J word" in tbe Far Wett. Tbey are of every conceivable kind, from a b'g aea ebett.tbat wag in the hip Colombia ben tbe great River of the Wert aa discovered to the firtt wagon that ero;ed the plaint, tbe firtt prinlicj prett ever operated wett of tbe Rockies, book! and pampbieta and nevtpapert fifty to ona hundred year cU, chair owned by Genera!, then Leotenant Sheridan : one cf the cacooo bail that Le fired at the Indian at the Cascade in the memorable attack on the block house, in ls36, dalcb ovect and pant and tpidert and gant and rifle that crceeed the plaint with the early pioneert, and bandred of other tbiogt each ard all having a bUtory, than which the writer cvn conceive no tub- lanarv tati-?ct mora ia'.erestica to an Oregonian. We write thit that ottert may enjjj treat that for nt was, alaj, all too hort. We could have tpent week in the roomt and enjoyed every moment of the time. The roomt are free to vieitorewho are cordially welcomed be tbe ifficial io cbsrje. Mr. Ilimft pol.tely left hit dek and (pent r.eai'.y n hear pointing ont the otjecu of more than ordinary interett and answer- ing question. If the reader of there line ie an Ore gouian and hat never visited the roomt cf Ibe Oreg'.n Historical Society he hat missed the treat of a lifetime. We shall certainly pay them another viait at the Tery fira.t opportunity. Soldier Boy' Opinion of Brjitiim. Ojr soldier boys, whonc Ex-Consrees-m in Tow ne denounced the other nigbt io Portland, and wishes for whose defeat io the Philippines were applauded to the echo by Towne'i Bryanite auditore, would, if we mietake not their tempera ment, make thort thrift of Towne and hie bott if they had then: over there for a little while. At any rate here it little ttory that hat moral to it. Otbo SkagKt, of Co. F, 3 Uli U. S. Infantry, whose father, by tbe way, wat once pastor of the Christian church of thit city and who it also a veteran of tbe civil war, wrote a few dayt ago to hit father from the Philippines and among other racy things taid : "Some time ago we took a vote of onr regiment of between 609 aud 700 men and found they stood a little over 200 for Bryan and the rest for McKinley. A few days ago copies of Bryan's letter of acceptance were distributed among the boys. After they bad carefully read the letter another vote was taken and It stood three for Bryan and tbe rest fur McKinley, and as I write the boys are balloting to tee which of nt are going to form a detail for shooting the three and I am hoping that I tball get a black bean. Tell Mr, Bryan for at that before be turnt these magnificent islands and nine-tenth of their poor, ignorant and deceived inhabitants over to a band of murderous Tagala or the rapaci'y of foreign invaders, be will have to whip into subjection 05.000 of as brave and patriotic American soldier boys as ever fired a gun or drew a sword." FEOfLK CUM1.WO AKU GOING. T. D. Driver was in town today rem Wamic. Rev. D. V. and Mrs. Poling left es t?rday on a short visit to friends in Salem. Mrs. B. F. Jackson and son, Howard, of Clyde, Ohio, are visiting with Mrs. Hugh Logan. Miss Maud Gerking, of Goldendale, Is in the city receiving osteopathic treat ment for nervous prostration from Dr. K. . Smith. James Lackey, formerly agent at the Warm Springs reservation, now of Port land, it in the city the guest of the Umatilla House. Mr. J. G. Peters, of Ealtimore, Md., arrived here yesterday with the Inten tion of spnuinp the winter with hit uncle, Mr. J. T. Petert. Mrs. Winnie Boldman, eldest daugh ter of Iter, and Mrs. C. P. Bailey, of this city, arrived here on the morning traiu from Dayton, Wash., on a week't visit with her parents. Mrt. Boldman wat accompanied by Mist Le!a Biglovr, alto ol Dayton. Nasal CATARRH la all It tUtrca there Bhool j b cieaalmeM. Elj't Cream Balm dcac , soothe and hetls tbe diseased nieniran. II care cstsrrhaaddrires airiiy a cold la the bead quick!. r JWt I'mn Balm Is placed Into the nostril, spread aver th membrao and It abtorbed. Relief 1 Im soediat and a ear follow. It It sot drying doe not produce meeting. Large Size, to oenti at Drag gift or bf mail ; Trial Size, 10 cent bj mall. . U.Y IXKJTUEIta, M Warren Street, Xtw York. CLERKS IKSCRAJtCE. inrrea.fal Overall. f Dcpartaaeat. I Aid Iwtcltilti ta GTr- j naent O -A Uw year ago." laid the .ecretary of a departmtct&l aid aoctatica. re port the Wih.r.gtcn Star, "one of the a bus- of dc!art mental life was the si mot conjoint pafirg around of the hat for collection to aid the widow and family of a clerk w ho bad died ia trv ice. -Very often the deceased had been lor many year la the service of the got ernmect and at hi ricath it would be found that be left scarcely enough to bur;'' him, and toiuttinie cot that. Aud thia would be true of clerk in the higher gTariea. It mule a clerk appear mean to refue to contribute with the other, though he may have had but a peaking' acquaintance with the de ceased. To thoae on the outride it would not item that these contribu tions would be made aufficiently often to amount to a drain, but they were, and I bare known of three clerks dying within a month in one larg-e division. I recall the chief clerk cf a bureau dying udii-tJy, and his widow did not have enough money to pay for his laying out. The word waa paused around in the bureau that the chief expected the clerks to contribute liberally, and most of them hand-d in from 13 to fS, but there was a wtxocg undercurrent of kicking. "In all of tbe departments tbe solicit ine of money for any purpose is strict lv forbidden now. All have their own Iteiierolent associations, which are en eouragtd by the chief. These asso ciations have by-laws, con&tituticrs and officer. Their object is to furnish to the clerks who are members an in surance which will be immeciately available on death. In fact, the money is turned jver to the heirs on the same day that the association is notified of the death of tbe member, and this rtadv mcnev is often all that the willow or the heirs have in the world. "The Pea&ion Bureau association publishes a complete pamphlet report annually; others rendera report to the board of directors only. The annual receipts from the assessments of the Pension P.ureau association are about io.f.OO, and i'-'SO is paid on death to the iieueficiary. Last year it lost about 25 members, and S30.C00 has been dis bursed since its formation in. 1 SOI. The assessment is 21 centa, and the mem bership is l.OGO. Clerks do not lose their membership in these associations they retire from their respective de partments, voluntarily or involuntar ily, as long 83 they pay their assess ments. The assessments range from 25 cents to $1. "In the post office department the as sessment is 50 cents, and the amount paid varies from 1200 to $275, according to the number of members. "The treasury department has two aid! associations, one of which pays $230 on the death of a member and the assessment is $1. "The interior departments associa tion numbers about 900, ami it was or ganized: in 1S95. About 100 members have since died; each, receiving at death S200, while over 120,000 has been dis bursed. 'The bene-ficial association of the war department has recently been re organized, having been in existence 14 years. It has a membership of 430, tbe assessment is $1, tbe amount paid at death $250, and about $5,C00 has already been disbursed. DISCARD THE CORSET. Philadelphia Clrla Follow the Ad Tlee of tbe Chinese Minister, tVa Tlnar Fans;. The corset ha been relegated to ob scurity by many of the most fashion? able young women of Philadelphia Mme. Goches Sarrante, who believe that women wearing thte unhygienic thing should be punished by law, haf rauied a host of followers from Phila delphia around her flag. Led by Dr. Grace Spiegel, of the nor mal school, many of the young girl of Philadelphia are banding together against this article of feminine wear. They consider it not mildly unhrgien ic, but actively harmful. Dr. Spiegel' opinion on the question are: "It is really wicked for women, and especially growing girls, to force themselves into such strait jackets. They need free play of muscles to give them the best, physical and mental health; they need loose clothing to allow free play of muscle. Xo need, at some think, of a girl s looking untidy because she does not wear corsets to form her natural figure. She can be neat, carry herself properly and feel happier without them. "Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minis ter; puts tint wearing of corsets on a par with foot-binding, said a mem ber of the Society of the Philadelphia omans Medical College the other i!ay. She knows, because she has been agisting in th entertainment of the dUtineruished foreigner during his recent visit to that city. "In his ad dress to our alumnae," continued the medical woman, "he cited the Chinese dress as one mark of the emancipation cf the women of his country and their ruperiority over Americans." State Official Who Couldn't Write. The Philadelphia Kecord My that a man wan once elected to a responsible slate office in Pennsylvania, ard tcrved acceptably, who could not write hi name. He r. intelligent and of sound business judgment. For Haie. Fine teed wheat for rid Ri'sian. Price, t'i ccntt r bnsbe'. W. W. IIawsox, teplO I n The Dalles, Or. Clark A Falk are never close I Sunday Hon't forget this. Tan Dallo Htfttlt. Wh?t Xa. 1, 51 cent. BarleT IH a ten. Oat 11.15 cental. Wheat hay i looe; J9 to ld ta!ed. Timothy 10 baled. Alfalfa Looe ,7.50; baled 8 50. Potato! 15 cents a tack. Flonr Diamond mill, 3.0 Ibl ; Du far m l!?, ti 00 Ecit 5 ceo it a doxen. Batwr Creamery, 60 cent; dairy, 50 cents. Chi. kent f3.50 a dczes; tpricg 12.50 t3. Applet Table, 50 centt; cooking, 40. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Hi. Kind Yen Haie Always Bcnghl Bears the Signature To Delinquent Taxpayer. Tie County Court having authorised tbe immediate collection of delinquent taxes, I am compelled to comply with its request, and will therefore proceed at once to advertise. If yon are delinquent you ill tave cost and expenses by im mediate payment. All personal prop erty on paid will be attached at tbe cost and expense of tbe owner without fur ther notice. Robxbt, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. The Dalles Sept. 17. 1900. 17-29d i For theconveniecce of parties want' tog ice in tbe afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; .Iocs distance 153. "Bin 'em op." 18m-tf Subscribe for Tbe Chronicle. T. A. Hrroy. . Notary Public Timothy Beownbill, Attorney at Law. HMBiOWMIIm xvetti XiStaie, Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing and Abstracting. We represent some of the largest fire insurance companiet in the world. We have a large list of property, both city ana c nun try, lor sale and rent. We have taonev to loan on real estate security at reasonable rates of interest We do all kinds of conveyancing, and are tbe exclusive owners for Rice s svs tern of abstracting, which precludes the possibility of mistakes in looking op tines to real estate. Any one having property for sale or rent will find it to their advantage to leave it in our bands. Collections and all legal bntinets left in our care will receive prompt atten tion. Will practice in all the courts of the ttate. Correspondence promptly answered. Offices: Washington street, next to r rencn & Vo. Ofep STATE FBIB SALEM, OREGON. September 17 to 22, 1900. BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. Grounds greatly improved, buildinzt repaired and renovated, all stork build ings thoroughly disinfected; everything in firet-claeg condition for the largest and best Live Stock Show and Agricult ural exposition ever held on the Coast. $20yooo ig premiuns purses Good racing every aftercoon. Music and fan at night. Ar.otion raleof llveatnrk will be made a lead. In feature. All liventork and other exhibit hai led free over the Houthern Paelric railroad. Reduced panseneer rate rn all rallrnadk. lot premium llat and other 'nformatlon addrea . 11. ni.tiAiii, rreataent. tllllrbnro, Or. M. D. WHUOJI, (Sec., Portland, Or. c coin ins team, reaves wrar ana tjv expense. Sold everywhere r.-m MhVT. BV ftfyL STAW0A.1O Oil CO. FRENCH cSc CO.. BANKERS. rEASilCTA EX EKAL BANKING BCelSES Letters of Credit 1srqh1 available in tha Eastern States. Riifht Eachanire and Telei?rsplii Transfers sold on Now York, Cliicaifo, ; St. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore-j eon, Keattle Wash,, and vnnout point? in Oregon and W aaiiinzton. Collections rn3u at all points on I&7- . orable trme. i f J the ffp To) M tiniT ! t: (cnEDrua. Ama:va I.. a J tec liuiL jfj -nt I .'.c Tiearer. Ft. Ft l:v p m Worm. Omr". Ku-: M tllT, rx. I.Uii. p. I VWUHV aW Atlactle Salt Lais. Eenrer. Ft! 4:15 a.m. tinwi , Worm. Omaha, Kaa-i lirr, m, u-u..; Via Hunt isftuu. Ltictu aud Eaat. eTkan WaMa Wil'a, ppoitne. 6ikau Mail and Epreta 1:3) a. m ilail Minreapoiia. M. f aui iJilnlb, M'.'.aaakee. t bleaco and Eaat, via ;aueaad Hqdi1ii t' n: aio all puinta in U abiot43 aud ut ern Oregon. a-jd jtireas S JS p. m Faca FoKTLavn. Ocean Bteainaliiya. For pan 'raEi-isco verv FiVtt Lar. 4 p. in. S p. m. i 4 p. m Ex.&anday Columb! Rv. 8ten. Ex.suq 10 AsToai asa nay, aiTirday lo p. m. Laildiuie. a. m. WrLLAwarrx Riveb. i4:n0r.m. Ex-outiday Oreron City, NewUrnr, Ex-suoday ba-em nay una a.: I I ; " a. jn, Wuxaiirrre aSD y an ; S 50 p. m. Ttiea.Thar.! hiij. Kivas. Mod., wed and C4U ; Orepon City. Dayton, and rn. and way-Lsndinga. B9AEI Eivia. Blpari to Lewiaton. Lcavb Lwitos daily 9:00 a. m Lv Rircria daily X . Jj. m. ! Parde deslriDC to eo to HeoDner or poiuta on ilolumbla feoutbern via BiKvs. abould take No. 2, leaving Ibe Iallea at U:4o p. m. maKinK flirect connections at Meppner junction and Bltrga- Retarnlng mokingdirectconnectlon at Meppner junction and Bitga witn io. 1. ur riving at The Dalles a' p.m. For full particular call on O. . X. To.' agent Tbe Lalle. or address W. U. mTRLBTRT. Gen. Fas. Agt., Portland, Or. m Yellowstone Park Line. THE 1)1X1X0 CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAXD TO THE EAST. THE OXLY DIRECT LIXE TO THE YELLOW 6IOXE PARK. Union Derot, Finland I sis Xo. 2. Fast mail tor Taeoma. Xo. Seattle, Olynipia, Gray's ' riaroorana boutb liena points, gp.ikane, Ross land, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewiston, Bul faloHuuip mining ortun- 11:15 A. M. 5;50P. M. itry, Helena, Mlnnenno llia, 8t. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louis, Cbioaifo and all point eaat and southeast Xo. 4. Xo.3. 7;00 A. M. I rueet bound Express 11;50 P.M.' for Tacoma and Seattle and Intermediate points Pullman first class and tourist sleeper to miiiiicapuiis, bi. raui auti jiissouri river point without change. Vestibiilcd trains. Union depot connection ill ail principal Clue. Baggage checked to destination of tickets, Kor bandsomelv illiiHcratedlpMnr1rtriv.Tnnrt.r tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or WIllV A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 2V5 Moni son Street, corner Ihiid, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Train leave The Da'.le for Portland and station at i:2o a. m. and 3 p. in. Leave Portland , . 8:30 m 7:00pm .12.30 am 10:50 p tn .UtSiam 11:30am . 5:00pm 4:8am . 7:46pm 8:15am " Albany , Arrive Ashland ' Bacramento .... " Ban f rancisco . Arrive Ogdnn . 6:45 a m . 9:(i0 a m 7:25 s m , 7:45 a m 11:45 am 9:00 a m 7:25 am V:o0am " Iienver , " KansaiCity... " Chicago Arrive Los Angeles ... . 1:20 pm :00 p m . 6:: a m . 9:55 a in , l.m a m fii'i m 7:00 a m 6:00 p m fi;: a m 9:.r5 m 4 :00 a m t . iS p m n rw Fort Worth M City of Mexico . . . " llouton " New Orleans " Washingbin " New York 6:42 a m o a m .12:43 pm 12 43 p m Pullman and Tourist cam on both in. Chair cars SacramenUi to Ogden and Kl I'aso, and tourit curs to ( hlcago, bt Ixiuia, Xe-.v Or leans and Waaulngton. '. nt, ri,iuin,:u Willi PPTPrHl atenmslilp llnea for Honolulu, Japan, China, Bee agent at The Dalle station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General Paaaenger Agent, Portland, Or NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice I. hereby given that the undersigned have tiled with the Clerk of the county court of the Mate of Oregon for Wasco county, thwr final act ount a. executor, of the last will and tot, ment of Henry Harnum, deceased, and that Monday, the 4th day of November, l!,ui, t the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., haa bwn tiicd by the County Court for said pmintv n. the time, and the county court room In Lialica city , tn,. place for hearing of objrrtinns to anld flnal ac count and tbe settlement of the anne J. W. I KP.NCil, F. P. MAVrt. et'5 lixw'Ulora. w one FOH A DOSE. ., , " . "ii'i k, 1-r.wni I.. '1.,,. .., -.,ulJ t . Ij.,,,,,) ; r.' il-rl-re mr .1 ll..wn... " 1 r" r m. ?,':.rvn; t Souinern Pacific Co Pfl s s XOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Lasd Omci av Thi lunri. Oa. I pepleoiber It, ( .Voti(M Is herbf five! tual lu lollowine Diiea uttler h tiled noUoe ol her iuientiun i.. n, linal t.r--f in ui.t-rt ol bet eiai;n, and ttal said pnit fill t u.iii be ore the rtxuttr !aiid rteener at! he Iilr, onijon, ua W cdue- day, Oelober t, l'juu. Til ; Kllaa K. Tlekrra, n .dov cf Kimuel J. Vlcker. daiel. of Mo- ier, Orwn, II. E. o. rr ine .n-, aad e'. S1 re 15. To 1 S, K li E. '. X. !e iime lh fr.lluwica; itnee o prove her rRiiimou remidciiee ua aud cultivatluu ownte k?ne. uf The Dalles, Orr n; Jtmea il.icr, Lxtt t.vaia, oniuiani, jioier. ur. tpli JAV V. Lf.As. hesUter. NOTICE FOB PUBLICAriO.N. LiN Ornca I VascocvxB, H ug.) Aug. 16, l'.uu. I Notice I. hereby given that the fmlowing named aettler baa filed notice of bia intention to u-ale bnal pro.f in support of his elain. and that said proof will be made before '. B. Preby, Cnited i-la tea I'ommlkaioner for lrtstrict of Wohiogton, at bia oiiice in Goldendale, Waab lugton, on OeU-ber 1, 10, vix: John Watson, P. O. addrea Centerriile, Wanh., who mtde homestead i plication No. 'J3ii, for tbe ti'i eL.'i sec Ji, Tp 3 -S, K 11 E. W. M. Wbo name tbe following witnesses to prov hia continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Cbarle etrauhe, William Wilkinson, Jame C. Ualr and Patrick Haggerty, all ol tauten 111 P. V., tVabingtou. 1S-1 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Ornca at The DatLif, Or., 1 September 10, lio) I Notice I hereby given tiiat the iullowing nanied itller bas filed notice ol his Intention to make final proof in upport ol bis claim, and that sid proof will be made before the uezintcr asd Receiver at The ImlleM, Oregon, en Satur day, October 21, 1, viz: Arelioo. 6. Fox, of The Dalles, f r?gon. II. E. No. 51l, for the 8 hf N W or aud W bl S W qr, Sec 12, Tp 1 S, R 11 E, W. M. He name the following wltnetse to prove his oniinuou residence upon and cultivation of ta'd laud, viz: I. c. Matnev, C. H. Matney, Charles Gossen and W. t. Clark, all of Tbe italics, Oregon. cpl5 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lsd Ornc at The IUlle?, Oae.., July 2, list". ( Notice la hereby given that the following named settler haa tiled notice of her Intention to commute and make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the regiMer aud receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Thursday, September 20, 1KU0, viz: Lot A, Helm, of The Dalle.. Or.. H. E. No. 6159, for the NW' HK'yi, EJj 8W, and bV4 fc;i, sec. 3 T. 1 1., K. n t., . -m. bbe nauies tne following wltue-sea pi prove her continuous residence upou, and cultivation of (aid land viz: I'eter Fagan. G. Wctmore, Charles Matney, V. Fox, all of Tbe Dalles, ur. JAY P. Lt'CAS, 1-1 Re iML-r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Offic at Th Dallk. Obehos,! August 2.'i, 1'juO. i Notice Is hereby given thct the following named ettler bas riled notice of bis intention to make final proof In snpiiort of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Orvgon, on Satur day, October 6, 190O. viz : Hubert K. Phillip, of M oiler. Or., IT. E. Xo. 5580 for tbe NE'i XV.f, NW' XE', Sec. 9, and Hi bEHi bee 4, Tp. 2 X., 11 12 E., W. M. He names the following witneses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: lames Lewis, Dolly Mosler, Lea Evans, John Miler, all of Mosler, Oregon. JAY P. LUCAS, aug'29 1 Register. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed by the honorable county court, of tbe state of Oregon, for Wasco county, executor of the estate of Horatio Cor son, deceased. All persona having claims againtd said estate are hereby nodded to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned Charles E. Corson, at Wasco, Sherman county, Oregon, or at the olllce of our attorneys, Mene fee a Wilson, at The Dalles, Oregon, within aix months from the date of this notice. Dated July 14, l'JOO. CHARLES E.CORSON, WILLIAM K. COiUO.N, Executors of the estate of Horatio Coraou, de ceased. Jy21 11 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornca at Th Dallis. Or., Aug, is, 1900. I Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler bas filed notice of hia lnteution to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the II. R. laud office at The Dalle, Or , oa Saturday, Sept. 29, 1900, viz: Henry C. Gordlon, or The Ilallea, Or., II. E. No. 4911, for the XJi SE'i ace. . Tp 1 N, R13E. W. M. He names Ibe following wltnowe to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ernest Jordan, Albert Jordan, John Pashek nd Jaines Thomas, all of The Dalles, Oregon. aug221 JAY P. LL'CAH, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAKDCmciatTHR Dali.rh, Ork.,1 August 31, 19UU. Notice ia hereby given that the following named aeltler has Hied notice of hia intention to make final proof in aupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made befori. ihn K and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes day, October 10, 1900, viz. : George V. Johnaton, of Th Dalle., Or., If. E. No. 5im, tor the NW',' KK'i and KEM NW( Sec IM, Tp 1 N, R 14 E, W. M. He names the following wltnecae. to prove hi eon tlnu on. residence upon, and cultivation of aid land, viz: . P. Taylor, V m. Bhrp, J. W. Johnston and R. E. Teague, all of Tbe Dalles, Oregon. JAY P. LI CA8, Register. NOIICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Orrici at Ths Dai.lxh. Or., i , . . Hcptcmber l i, 1IK0. Notice Is hereby riven tht tha (nllowlnn. named settler haa flu-d notice of hor intention to make dual proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be niadii liefnrn tha II....I.I... and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregou, on Wednea duy, October 24, 1900, viz: Janet F. Stewart, of Tha llallea. Or , H. E. No. 51, for the K'j HF.'i SE or NK or He TR 1 K 12 E- 1IU 1' S ir Bee 30, Tp 1 , n 1,1 r., ,ii , ihe names the following wllnease o Movo her continuous rcsiilcncu iioon ami niiiv,,ii.... Of salil IrniiL v i . i. i ,1,uNt1"' K- F- 81,"rr- J"' Fleming, Daniel Stewart, ail of Thu dalle.. "'"plj JAY P. Lt CAf, Register. BO YEARS' U EXPERIENCE Truce Marks Anrnn .cmllng a .ketch and dmcription ma" ei'il'.iy A.rt,ii our opinion troe whathnr a liivctitlon t pnihalily p "omiiniiilr a lions utrletlyeoiitnu.Mii.j. lUnrttiookon I'nl-nla lent fron. i l-t .vein r for securing patenis. I niei.ia tnke-i ihroimh Miiini A ( u. reeelva nntict, without clmrtra, in the ScieEUiftc Unttr.cati. A hltl1iomntr llln.'r il-d wccklr, l.nrrnit elf. rnliitioti of nor 'initio , '.iniil, I'erina, ( a .'.'V.I'.VT K'Jldbya'l Tiaw.deiilnra. WUNN & Co.205"1". Nsvv York Hi aiien Kmc., rm K KU vraahtiianin, l).C J)"' OEISKNIlOltr r EK riiysiciau and Surgeon, Bjionlal ittviitlon given to mrgcry. Room 21 and 22. Tel. S2a ;Vogt Block f. ?' . iis NOTICE of Application fo, Liqaor L! To AU Whom It May Concern: id eurt. ai.-jlr to the cramt. Ik. Ol 'frt ! u fur U ao eountr.lur uj .r-H'!"i. mait and vidou, li-inTS". quanv.::( thn one g.llon, in xL 1 Z " I T-fi.-l at at hlav rnMr,t . . ,r-a. fur .. I 6l ..Id ec-auty niVci n ,"' ' said licenae, whicn be al l p,, P""" County Court oa .aid datP iTta- lated thla 7th day of Octolvr laio UiUi KISI7. PatHlon for Llq.., Lle... To the Honorable Connty Court of th.fc Oregon, for tbe County ol wJco! 8u,t We. the nnderaigned reaidenta and Imi . cl ,Mt1i;.r """. 'n tne CountyT1.!"! fcU! "on' reapeetfully petj,,,,; ."" orable body to grant a liMTto VfUlS to aell apirituous, malt and vinous H i."1 lea quanUUe than one gallon i.i th.11?0 Morei, In tbe county ,!d ,u,i VF' ueh iieriod a hia receipt lrora thTl treasurer of said county may cail for- """"t Edw A Reineck, J N Mosier, L Lamb. Lewis Meeks, P HennineMin, R F Hardaiek, Christian Wy.s, Arnola Wyts, E B Wood, B Eben, Ja8 Hunter, Frunk Lapier, H etoueman, M lhiel, Jacob Floch, John Armstrong A H Gealberson, M Dutv. F P Weldner, J K MiUregor, Andy Prat her, Rue Prather, Geo Judy Geo Ireland C H Davenport A M Pricbard John Norihup C Stutts, J M Elii tt, r Hmiungson, Clinbiu WiJ, R P P. ttersou 8 D. Inner, 4' A 4 rmuyr, M fpelhuiu H Ibiel, E Graulund, James Joss, M Dich eumaller, 8 t r rsner, Axel E Peterson, A E MeCnughey, X P Stuniets, L J Davenport Wm A Har, ' Chas Prather, A J Pr her, Jas Nure H V Patterson N C Weiduer A Nordjr A T Robert Sale of Real Property. Notice U hereby given that under ard bvrtK tue of an order dulv mads and er. tend in th. County Court of Wasco County, iireg,,,, S! 29th d..y of August, 190 , the nudSuS Ij ministrator with the will annexed, of ttieeitftt of Jonathan Ja kson. deceased, will, (rom " JJ after the 1st dy of October, VM, ,tn at sale In the manner provided by L for the uk of real properly by executors nnd sdrainUtn tors, ail the right, title and intere-t of tkeuu Jonathao Juckaou In aud tu the fnilofl'o.ty scribed real propei ty, being in VscoUoul Oregon, to-wlt: '' tbe b'i of tue tK' an 1 tbe s'j of the sw'' ol rectlon twenty tw.i 122,: ' iheeEU of the of section fifteen (15), theK'Jof theE'is:lJ the NE'4 of thefciU'i of section twenty-two in the E'i of the Nt and the tsW'A oi the K'K and the eE" of the NW'4 cf section taeiitt aeven 27), all in township lour 4) smith, raon fourteen (14) east, W. !.; said sale to be lot cash or main creoil in the manner provided bi law for the sale of real property upon credit bj R. E. SAI.TMAHRHF Administrator, with the will annexed, of th eiauj ui jonaman jaexson, deceased, tepl-li CONTEST NOTICE. V. 8. Laud OrniE, Ths Dalhs.Oi.,! eentembcr IS. l'o A sufficient contest afhdavit havlnn been flled In tbla'oflice by Joseph H. 8!ierar, conlesUnt, against homeate d entry No. 7452, made June I, 1S99. lorohf NW qrScc w, and EhlNEarfg , Tp 8 S R 14 E, by William (.ill couteitee, ;i which it ia alleged that said WUiiara Gill he wholly abandoned said tract and changed hia residence therefrom lor more than six mootlu since making aaid entry, aud nixt prior to dk of contest; and that he did not abandon tbe tract to enter the military or naval service ol the I'uitcl States, said paftie are hereby DOli tied to apitear, reapond and oiler evidence tonrb lug said allegation at 10 o'clock . m. on uctcta 27, lsa 3, before the register and receiver tt tat I'nited HUtea land otlice in The Dalles, Oregm. The said contestant having, in a proper Hi davit, filed August 11, 1900, set forth facts whlfb show that after due diligence personal aerviee of thia notice can not be made, it is bettbf ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. sepl JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lako Ornca at Thk Dallis, 0k., j Hcntemlier. 10. 1900. Notice la hereby given that the follower named settler has filed notice oi Ills Intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, iwl that aaid proof will tie made before the reeiita and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturdsj, uciouer j), i9uu, viz.! Cbarle U. Matney, of The Dalles, Oregon, II, E. No. 50MI, for Ibe 3 hf NE or aud W bf bK qr, Sec 12, Tpl8,kU E, W. M. He name the following witnesses fonmri hia continuous residence upon and cultivstloa of said land, viz.: , A. 8. Fox. P, ts. Fagan, Charles (iossoo sua U. Clark, all of Tbe Dalles, Uregnn, epl5 JAY P. Ll'CAS, R-fWer. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice l hereby given that the tmdenlfMt has been duly appointed by the honorable eoM of the atate if Oregon, for Wasco county, n ecutor of th entiite of Anaust Bachmsn, ceawd. All persons having claims .slmt estate are hen-by notirted U presenl ths " pnijieny vermeil, lo tne unueisigiiwi "" Lii Th. t..n... a ..iv,niiir. Oref"", at the office of bis ttornejs, Jlenelee nt 1 he Dalles, Oregon, within six ruontbi iron the date of this notice. Dated thia 14tb day of July, 1900. OKOKtiE D. RF.FI' Executor of the esUte of August Bcb. deceaseil. T. A. Van Norden Kccpa constontly on hand a large "f lino of all Hint is Ih-sI In ""'"'" ",, Clock., Hpn-tacle. Field i losses, H i verw",,,. at prln thai defy compi'lltlon. M" "V ( iciiiKil io wltn prompliieaa aiei m-r-graving neatly done. CMcken Lice Conprnl USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The most efficient Wood I re'" . Point, also a Kadlcal Id "." V Chicken Llco. I'sapi'll'""""!''" mt.ia ..lla ..f vwlllltrY lllltll''. nl" '.. . manrntly exterminate all Hr- 0, anlta-healtliy rhlckeiia, T'' ' cirga. tt rltM for circuni for c it'll mm r .Mention this paper. s- 1- n i J?, C.O., UOS. I . reiei a v i rnr i.Al.I.ES. OltKOO J . r. acoal. aMOOUE & GAM. - AirOBXKVBATMW Room M aud 40, over V, v