o VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1U00. NO. 37 LIST OF DEAD STILL GROWS It Is Now Thought the Total May 13e Over 7000. Galvsstox, Tel., Sept. IS. "The situation continues to improve" is what one is told now when he applies at any of the various headquarters for in'orina- tion. in 13 statement is ueing maue with gratifying monotony all over the city. The work has been biought down to a business basis as far as possible and the system and order displayed in the various department would surprise any one who migh.t return toGalveston after an absence of three or four days. One feature that has caused a better feeling and a more pronounced willing ness to woik Is afforded by the fact that the time of all the laborers employed is being kept at headquarters. The men, being assured of compensation for their labor, naturally go about their unpleas ant tasks with a much better grace than heretofore. A thorough inpsection re veals the fact that every detachment is as well organized as is possible under the circumstances and that all are work ing harmoniously. Supplies and money ere now pouring in from all over the country. It is stated that at least seven figures are needed to express the amount of cash thus far received. This is being usod judiciously and the effects of the presence of such a large relief are already ap parent. The death list will reach the total of 4137, with the additions sent out todav. Only a comparatively small number of the negroes who perished have been re- ,rted. After considering all the facts, one can hardly do anything else but conclude that the total lo be finally reached will be above C000. Judge Mann dated today that in his opinion the list wou'd go as high as 7000. The exact number of courao will never be definitely known. There are no developments which would lead to the belief that the estimate of a property loss of $22,500,000 is too high. While one occasionally finds a business man whose property has not suffered greatly, it must be stated that the class is hopelessly in the minority and that large losses are the rule. The people are becoming more cheer ful every day, and it is more than re markable to observe the composure ex hibited by some of them under the terri ble circumstances among the individuals who have been lost in the community's grief, and on every, hand may be seen people w ho have lost their all doing everything in their power to comfort a neighbor who perhaps has not been so unfortunate. Everybody seems to be doinar all there is to do towards u'tima'e rehabilitation, and the determination to build a city which will be bigger and broader in every way than the one which has been destroyed appears to be genera'. The people are still leaving the city In considerable numbers, but the relief work locally has now been gotten down to such a fine point that is Is likely that there will be marked diminution of the exodus during the next two or three days. The fears of an epidemic have been allayed by the presenco and the distribution of medicines and disinfect' nts, and therefore a feature which would undoubtedly have had the effect of causing many to seek success else where has been eliminated from the situation. Colored Cubans on Top. Santiago D Cuba, Sept. 18. The elections for delegates to the constitu tional convention have resulted in favor of the black party throughout this en tire province, and the whites now open ly declare themolvrs fo ho annexation ists. Ten thousand colored men, who hud worked themB.'Ives up almost to a frenzy an 1 are wearing badges con'ain 'g a skull and erofs-bones, signifying death to the republican pariy, paraded through the prim ipsl streets of the city last night carrying t ill jw candles and torches. A mock funeral of the repub lican party was held today ami was at tended by about 1000 colored persons. The white people are cautious and are voiding conflicts. Miner Ala Win yulrkly. Philadelphia, Sept. 18. If, as Presi dent Mitchell, of the United Nine Work fs, claimed last night, 112,000 of the Hi, 000 mineworkors on the Pennsyl vania anthracite coal fields were idle yeiterday, it is curtain that this number lis been considerably augimnted today. Sports from the four big districts cm bracing the hard coal region are to the ;lect that fewer men aie at work today "'an were working yesterday and that the colliers that worked full handed or bad!; The weather has grown much colder than yesterday and this change is greeted with enthusiasm by the workers, who ar gus that the increased demand for coal will hasten the adjustment of the dilfi cuities between them and their employes Trouble I brewing. xIakrisbi'bg, Pa , Sept. IS Trouble ii brewi.-g tonight in the Lykens valley region between the union and nonunion anthracite miners over the refusal ot the men at Williamstown to join the strike The strikers in the neighboring towns of Lj kens and Wuconisco threaten to com pel the Wiliiauietown men to quit work A meeting of the Williaruetown men was held tonight, at which it was decided to stand firm against any attempt on the purt of the strikers to force them to join the strike. Sheriff Reiff today ewcre in 150 depn ties, w ho will act in conjunction with oouoie itrce ot watchmen on duty at Williamstcwu colliery. The Williams town coldery was in operation today with a full complement of 1100 men and boys. Rev. Father Lcgue, rector of th Catholic church at Williamstown, i working among the mine employes there to induce them to etay at work. Some of the strikers at Lykens and Wuconisco threaten to drive out the men at Wil lhitnstown before Saturday, and serious trouble may L j expected ut any time 1 hero has been bad blood between the Lykens and Wuconisco miners and the men at Williamstown ever since tho re fusal of the former, in 1884, to join the latter in their etiike against a reduction of wages. A Minister' Good Hark "I had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Choler and Diarrhre Remedy, took two doses and was entirely cured," says Rev A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or thrfe bottles of medicine from the doctor. lie used them three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treat ed him for some davs and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning. He eaid his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long that it wes almost bloody fins. I asked him if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbw. Remedy and hd said, 'No.' I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one doee; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if he did not find relief, tint he took no more and was en tirelv cured. for sale at Blakeliy s drug store. Not Ready to Open Negotiation! Beiilin, Sept. 18-. The foreign office has sent a circular note to all the powers announcing that the German government considers that an indiepeneible pre Iiminary to the beginning ol leace negotiations with China is the delivering up of tl,0S3 who were responsible for the outrages. Hosa Koxo, Sept. 18. It is reported in the West River district that Chinese fop pa are visible in every town and they are actively drilling. A Chineso gunboat is again patrolling the river and it is expected that some action is con templated. The Sandpiper, which lias been patrolling the delta, has prcceeded to Canton. Million Otven Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering, The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have tho sutsfne Hon of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands ofj hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchit's, how -?ness ond all diseases of the thrr it, chc st and lungs am turely cured bv it. Call on Blnke.ey, the Druggist, and get a free trial bottle Regular size 00c. and $1. Every battle iruaranterd. or nrico refunded. 3 Ilattle of Koniatlpoorl. Loimilnco Makqcks, Sept. 13 Fight in is proceeding at K-.nialipoort. AI the available men have been sent to the frontier. It Is expected that tho Ko mallpoort bridge will lie destroyed. There is great uneasiness here. Komutipourt is a town on tho frontier of the Transvaal, and tho railroad lead ing from Pretoria to Portuguese territory. It is Biiuated about fifty miles from Lou refieu Marque. With the occupation of Komalipoort, the British would be able to cut off nil supplies reaching the Boers Ik railroad from Portiiw'ii'se territory. Hustling young man can make (00 per month nn I expenses. Permanent posi- tion. KirenenrG nnntc?sa.ry. rua nuli'k far particular?. Clark A Co., - - . ,.. , . til !t . .1.. I Fourth and Locust Streets, rimauei- nearly so yesterday are either crippled or shut uowa toilav. phla, Pa. 8 " IT IS WITH- DRAWAL OR WAR German Note Brings the Chinese Situa tion to ail Acute Crisis Caused Activity at Washington. Wvbhisgtox, Sept. 19. The general impression here is that the German note of ytsterday, demanding the punish ment of Chinese responsible for the out rages upon the foreigaers as a condition precedent to peace negotiations, has brought the Chinese trouble to an acute crisis as lar as the LUteU Mates is con cerned. Ibis conclusion is based upon the belief in official circles that the Chi nese government cannot accept the Ger man proposition, so that it is now for the United States government either to withdraw its forces from China imme diately or to join Germany and England, and perhaps some other of the allied powers in n prolonged war with China. Baron von Sternberg, the Gorman charge d'affttirs, just returned to Wash ington, called at the state department today to talk with Mr. Adee, the tecond ustislant secretary of state, ia explana tion i f the points of the German note. Mr. Wu, the Chinese minister, iiad preceded him, showing visible signs of nervousness and disquiet over this last move. Mr. Adee made an appointment for him with Dr. fliil, who, having re- cjvered from his indisposition, is again acting secretary ol state. Then Mr Adeo repaired to the White House to com municate to the president the substance of the conversations lie had had with the two diplomat and to assist in the consideration of the German note. He refused to disecuss the latter publicly in any phase. Attention was directed in some quar ters to the fact that in the very begin ning, in the note July 3, Secretary Hay had notified the Chinese government that he expected the guilty parties in connection with tho outrages would be punished. However, this demand was not made a condition precedent to ne gotiations. Now the belief is growing that if the United Slates government is forced to a speedy decision as to the Ger man proposition, it may resort to direct negotiations witi the Chinese govern ment .and. having settled its scores with that government, withdraw from China, giving notice to the allied powers there of the arrangement in order that the ar rangement should bo in full force on- affected by any settlement that the al lies may make thereafter as to China. A Terrible Tragedy. Sumpter, Sept. 19. A terrible tragedy took place near here today, the particu lars of which are blood-curdling. Fred Kane, who resided with bis wife and stepdaughter, a child about 7 or 8 years age, about six miles northwest of this p ace, at wtial is Known as fticniiiocu i Fork, in a fit of temporary insanity shot his wife and daughter and burned the body of the latter by setting fire to their cabin home. Ha then attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself. Persons passing on the road between this place and Granite found Kane and his wife in a dying condition a short dis tance from their home, and brought them to Sumpter. Both are thought to be mortally wounded. Kane shot himself through one lung, and his wife was struch by a bullet, the ball entering the chest just below the heart. Both are in the hospital at Ba ker City. The tragedy took place some time about 7 o clock this morning. It Is thought that Kane became of unsound mind, and his crimo w as I hat of a de mented man. The murderer is a son of Mrs. Dan Kane, a respected widow lady residing with other members of the fam ily near Auburn. He was married only a few months ngo. Ilia wim was form erly a Mrs. Toney, and is a daughter of Charles Nie'ioltor., a pioneer of Baker county, en.igcd m farming on Muddy creek, in Powder river vuiley. Kane- had always been je.alom of his wife Bince their m.irriMjre, and this is siippnteil to have unbalanced his mind. Ho wns her third husband, and she married him within six months after the death tf her previous husband, they aro both well known In Sumpter, and the tragedy took p'aee in the Cibln that was built on the mining roper: y owned by Kane. Appropriation by Mexico. City of Mexico, Sept. 18 A bill lina been introduced in tho Mexican congress providing for an appropriation of $10,000 for the (ialve-ton sufferers. Clara Hartnn Srlouljr III! CuicAdO, Sept. 19 A social to the Tribune from Gulvetton says: Clara Barton, president of the Red Cross So' ciety, who came here to distribute re lief supplies, has been stricken doTO a! v. . u 1 i. : i :i, t f F by three nurses she will leave for her home in Washington today. She retires from the field only npon the im perative orders of her physicians. She was stricken yesterday at a con ference in her rooms at the Tremont ho tel with her staff of nine gathered about her. She had just fiaished an outline of her work, assigning each member of her staff to the particular part of the work that one was to df. Catarrn Cannot K Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must tako inter nal remedies, tlali s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one ot the bett physicians in this country for yee-s, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the beet tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chknky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrnggists, price 7.rc. Hall's Family Pills aro the best. 12 Will Demand Absolute Independence. Havana, Sept. 19. Matters connected with the coming constitutional conven tion are being freely discussed by the Havana delegates and other prominent Cubans. The conclusion reached is that the convention will be controlled by the revolutionary element. In the main the delegates are capable men. Moat of them it is said are in favor of immediate and absolute inde pendence without tho intervention of a protectorate. The defeated republicans and fusion- iets here have raised a cry of fraud and have already held a mass meeting to proteet' againBt illegal practices. lira re Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feel ing. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I couid take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only BO 'cents, tit Blakeley's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 Want Chriatinn to I'rrxrnt Claim. "New York, Sept. 19 A dispatch to the Herald from Hong Kong says: The mandrains of the Karoon district have requested the native Christians to send in account of their losses for compensa tion, and the names of the "rowdies" who committed the outrages. Two ring leaders have been decapitated and their heads exhibited in a miesion church. Ever-increasing bodies of rowdies on the North river are plundering villages. A bogus proclamation circulated in Canton describes the allies as defeated and appealing to the Empress Djwager for peace. Mow Chins Will lie Divided. Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 19. In the North China Daily News Li Hung Chang is reported ss having said that as China could not possibly pay indmenity which would be demanded from her, there wil be no alternative but to give territory instead of money, in which case Japan would gut Shin King, Russia would be. gived Shin Kiang, and Thibet would go to EiiiiUnd. iced Mot From the Gun Wns tho b;U that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped fur twenty years. Then Biicklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It cures cuts, bruise?, burns boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Twenty-fivo cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeloy, thw drutrg'et. 3 Svrr York' Hulmrrlptluli. Nmv York, Sept. 18. Subicriptions received to dale in this city for the suf ferers in Gilveston amount to $210,010. The police fore? gave $77:!3. "My baby was terribly sick with the diarrl lm," eays J. H. Doak, Williams, Oicgon. "We were unable to euro 1 im with the doctor's air-t itice, end a last r't-ort we tried Chamberlaii.'s Colic, Choloia and Diarrl. on Remedy. I am happy to sjv it gave i'limeilint relief and a cimplete cure." For file at Blakiley's drug store. Clark A Falk's drug stock is new, fresh and complete. THE REBELS ARE WAITING Their Only Hope Is in of Brjarj. the Success Wasiiixuton, Sept. 19. August 17, Secretary root cabled the Philippine commission f r a report of its operations to date. Following is the reply iu part : Manila, August 21, 1W0. Secretary u" War, Washington: Replying to your dispatch, tho commission reports: It has for two months and a half made dil igent inquiries into the conditions pre valing. The mass o' people has apti tude for education, but is ignorant, superstitious and credulous in a remark able degree. Hostility against Ameri cans was originally aroused by absurd falsehoods of unscrupulous leaders. The distribution of troops in 300 posts has by contact largely dispelled the hos tility and steadily improved the temper of the people. This improvmcut, fur thered by the abuses of the insurgents, affirms that a large number of the people long for pence, and are willing to arcept government under the United States Insurgents not surrendering after defeat have divided into small bands under general officers or become lad r ones Nearly all the prominent generals and politicians of the insurrection, except Agninaldo have since been captured or surrendered and have taken the oath of allegiance. The policy of leniency culminating in amnesty has had a marked effect to induce surrenders until the defining of political Issues In the United States, re ported heie in full, gave hope to insur gent officers in arms of a changed policy and stayed surrenders to await the re suit of the elections. Disturbances in parts of island, kept up and avowed by the insngent proclamation and orders to influence the election, do not show an unfriendly attitude of a majority of the people of the provinces where they occur. It is conceded by all but men in arms, and is implied in their proclamation, that if the election confirms tho present policy, tho remnant of the insurrection will disappear within sixty days by sur render of the leaders and fudiag out of the rank ond file. A change of policy by turning the islands over to a coterie of Tagal pol ticians will blight their fair prospects of enormous improvement, drive out capi tal, make life and property secular and religions most insecure, banish, by fear of cruel prosecution, a considerable body of conservative Filipinos who have aided Americans in the well founded be lief that their people are not now fit for ge'f-government and reintroduce the same oppression and corruption which existed in all the provinces under tho Malolos insurgent government dur ing the eight months of its control. The result will be factional strife be tween jealous leaders, chaos and an archy, and will require and justify the active intervention of our government or some other. The creation. of a central government within eighteen months, like that ot Porto Rico, under w hich substantially all rights described in the bill of rights in the federal constitution are to be secured to the people of the Philippines, will bring to them contentment, pros perity, education and political enlight enment. William II. Taft. Dkas C. Worcester. I.I'kk K. Wright. Henry C. Idle. BkltNARI) MOSKS. SAY ROBERTS IS WRONG Contend that His Proclamation Misrepresentation Keuger's tion Defended. is a Act- Nun- Yohk, Sept. 1!). Charles D. ' Tierce, consul general of the Orange. Free State ami trustee and treasurer of the B ier rel:ef fund, bus retelvel the j fo'.lo.ving cable from the Boer envoys, who aro now at Dordrecht, Holland : "We have been informed that proc-1 lrtinaliou issued by L i d Ro'oirt', com-. m tnder-in-chief of the l'.rit'sh trooos in South Afiica,cmtains a statement to the eir.'ct that President Kru,er has (rested tho borders ot the republic and conse- qu'nt'y ehould havo forira'iy resigned as president, and tliBt l is foriaking the cause of the Boers ought to convince the J The Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle for $2.00 a year. All subscribers to the Weekly Chron icle who pay one years' subscription In advanc, I 1 be entitled to the above liberitl offer. CHRONICLE PUB. CO., The Dalles, Oregon. blithers how useless it will be to con tinue fighting. "I feel obliged to protest agalnet this new insinuation, desiring to say that if the state president of the South African Republic should have crossed the borders of his country, be must have done so by order of the 'Uitvorende Raad' (exevntivo council ), which body, by virtue of a special warrant of the 'Volksraad,' in its sesion of 1899, is fully entitled to to authoiizi the presi dent to go abroad for soma purpose or other; according to the constitution, the vice-president in such a ca'ee immedi ately enters upon the duties of the state president and the government is curried on aB before. "f-'o, as there is no question about ab dicating as president, or of forsaking the cause ot the Boers, the proclamation thus can have no other purpose than by a false representation of facts harming the enemy, who cannot bo brought into submission even by the application of measures contrary to low and justice." Turner Ielrr Campaign Fnuda. Washington, Sept. 18. Senator Tur ner, of Washington, has been chasing Chairman Jones, of the national demo cratic committee, all over the country. He wants to induce Jones to put a large part ot the campaign fund into Washing ton state, in order to carry it. Turner said to some of his friends that he be lieved there was a chance of winning Washington state, and he hopes to pull Rogeis through, whoso nomination he forced at the recent fusion gathering. Through the moutiiB of June and July our baby was teething and took a run ning off of the bowels and sickness of the stomach," says O. P. M. Holliday, of Deming, Ind. "His boweis would move from five to eight limes a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhu'i Remedy in the house and gave him four drops in a tea- spoonful of water and lie got better at once. Sold at Blakeley's drugstore. Kruger Did Hot Sail. Lourenco Makutes, Sept. 18. Presi dent Kruger has not sailed on the steam er Ilerzog, as he intended. Working Night and Itnf The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness intj strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist i Rerugee at Delagoa Hay. Lourk.nco MARtu'es, Sept. 18. Five buudred Boer refugees arrived here this evening. Twenty are wounded. Don't Kub It In, Just wet th a (feci i part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Wantrrt. Four or five boys, going fo school durinj winter, to board. $12 a month with room and plain washing. Across street from High school. Apply at CiiKoxici.K office-. d.twlm I.uxurlei. Healthful drinks nte not luxuries, they are necessities. A fil l line of cool and refreshin; porter, hI.-, mineral water and beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home for lunch. C. J. Stubling. Phone 2:14. The largest and most complete line of fall and winter mi.lirery ever liieplayed in the city at the Campbell A Wilson millinery parlor'. The ) rics wi:l sell the goods. i8tf Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you cm lu James E. rat ton's sun proof pain'.s for $1.50 per gallon, guarantee! f jt 5 year -. Clark & Fa'.k, aeuts. ml Keutember That Chas. S ubl n j is till t'oing a retail business at his i ew'place. He sells in quantities loeu'tall customers, from one bottle to a barrel. Family orders delivered promptly.