The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 19, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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In all It stage, than
aaould be cleanimoM.
Hj' Cream Balm
cleanse, soothes and heals
the diseased mcoibraue.
It cure catarrh and drive
wa a cold in the bead
Cream Balm 1 placed Into the nostril, tpraiuU
oyer the membrane and U absorbed. Belief ia im
mediate and a cure follow. It I not drying doe
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 oent at Drug
gists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cent by mail.
i.V IXWT11EK3, M Warren Street, New York.
Saturday' Daily.
Hon. RoU. Mays weut to Portland on
this afternoon's train.
Dr. Tiny Lotian ia down from Shaniko
on a vUit to his father at d friends in
The Dalles.
Miss Grace Hill will leave early next
week for Monmouth, where she will
enter the normal school.
Mrs. J. C. Meins and daughter, Mrs.
II. Ziegler, returned at noon from visit
ing the Portland carnival.
A. MacAdam is iu from Snaniko
selecting the fall stock of goods for Pease
A Maya' store at that place.
Mrs. Mary Booth, who has speut the
past three weeks with her daughters in
and near The Dalles, returned to Port
land by boat today.
Miss Maggie Kelly will be among those
who take the norma! course at the Mon
mouth school this year, having left for
that place this morning.
Jessie and Lucy Doherty, of Shaniko,
nephew and niece of A. M. Kelsay, leu
this morning lor University Park where
they will attend school.
Mra V f! Sifnn. wr'in left here dur
ing the early part of the week, is now iit$
Central Kansas, visiting her old home
and lelatives whom she has not seen for
many years.
Francis Sexton, who after being grn-1-nated
from our hiith echool in this year's
class, left for Umatilla comity, where he
has since been employed, returned home
this morning, and will prohahly enter
school ag.iin, taking up the course which
has been added this year.
District-Atty. Menefee, Judge Brt'.d
ehaw, Judge Bennett, Attorneys Hunt
ington and F. W. Wilson, and D. S.
Dufur will leave tonight to attend court
which opens at Condon Monday, when
the.Collins murder case comes up for
trial, Judge Benuett appearing for De
fendant Cook.
W. C. Weigel, who left The Dalles
about ten years ago and has sinse been
emploved by the Union Pacific in the
office of the superintendent of motive
power and machinery, at Umaha, ar
rived in the city this morning and will
remain nntil the last of the month vipit
ing bis parents and brothers. His last
visit was made three years ago.
Dr. Geo. Wilson, one of Portland's
leading physicians, came up on last
night's train for the purpose of consult
ing with Dr. Geisendorffer regarding
A. 11. Curtiss. His diagnosis of the
case thoroughly agreed with that of the
attending physician, who, while giving
no bope of a permanent recovery from
the accident, is of the opinion that the
patient will improve sufficiently to
about in the course of a few weeks.
Monday' Daily.
. B. Wood and W. Kintz were in
town today from Mosier.
Judge George T. Pralher, of Hood
River, was in town today.
Mrs. Eshelm&n went to Wasco today
oa a visit to Mrs. W. II. biggs.
Hon. Charles Hilton is registered at
the Umatilla House from Porland
Superintendent C. L. Gilbert came op
from Hood Kiver on the noon train.
Charles McAllister is registered at
the Umatilla House from Glenwood.
Mrs. L. V. Wood, of Mosier, has gone
to ban Francisco to spend the winter.
Justice Timothy Brownbill has gone
on a business trip to ehermau county,
C. J. VanDuyn' and wife, of Tygh,
were in town today on their way borne
from Portland.
C. R. Smead came up today fioro
Mosier where he is running his fruit
drier night and day and, it is said, doing
very satisfactory work.
Prof. Leckerby, of the state agricaltu
a' college of Washington, Is in the city
fur the purpose of establishing an ex
periment station t this place.
Tnesday'a Daily.
Chris Dethman, a prosperons Hood
River fruitrnan, was in town last night.
Mrs. C. W. Taylor, of Walla Walla,
arrived here Saturday on avisit to
her mother, Mrs. . M. Wilson.
Representative M. A. Moody and M.
. T. Nolan went to Portland this afternoon
on the delayed train in order to hear the
speech of Senator Fairbanks tonight.
Mr. F..H. Hurlburt, cashier of the
Shaniko bank, and Mr. Hammond, an
official of the Columbia Southern, were
in town today and left for Shaniko on
the noon train.
Mrs. G. W. Seely, of Watsonville,
Calif., and Mrs. D. L.Mann, of Oak
land, Calif., accompanied by Mrs.
Mann's daughter, Mrs. Leonora Martin,
of San Francisco, are visiting relatives
and friends at The Dalles and Boyd.
Mrs. Msnn and her daughter were resi
dents of The Dalles twenty years ago
arid this is their first visit here since
that time.
In Grass Valley. Oregon, Wednesday
evening, Sept. 12th, l'JUO, to Mr. and
Mrs. J. V. O'Learv, a son.
Working" Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a tugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wmderful in building up the health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Elakeley,
the druggist. 3
Clark A Falk'a drug
fresh and complete.
stock it new,
ff "irwV
Cheapest aad Moat Mae live Alertlae
nieot Wun Coualy Evar Had.
The Portland carnival is over and the
net rctults to that city are acknowledged
on all hands to have far exceeded the
cst and trouble. It is reckoned that
not less than 50,000 persons from out
sidd the city visited the fair, and it ! no
veiy extravagant supposition that as
many more of the city's 00,000 inhabit
ants er once or oftener in attendance.
These Azores natorally suggest the
value of Wasco county's exhtbit as a
mean of advertising the resources and
capacities of this district, To have been
seen by a hundred thousand persons,
few, if any, of whom pasted it with in
difference, and many of whom gazed on
It iu wonder and astonishment,
enough to prove that the exhibit has
been a most effective piece of adverti
ing. Nor did it loose any of its effect
iveness in this regard by the fact that
was practically the only exhibit of the
kiml on the gronnds.
Hood River, as usual, deserves the
credit for the finest display of apples,
It was magnificent, and we say tli
without a grudge. Not that we are will
iog to concede that Hood Kiver can beat
the conntrv around The Dalles; but the
Hood River people know how to show
off their fruit to better advantage (ban
we do. They had their apples all, or
D"nrly all, handsomely packed in ordi
i ary apple boxes, as if ready for market
and each particular apple was polished
till it shone like a burnished mirror,
The apples from this district, on the
contrary, were only four or five of
kind and were placed on plates. There
was variety enough, and the fruit was
fairly up to t ho standard, but the dig
play, as it seemed to us, was not nearly
so effective as the shining, uniform rows
in the Hood River boxes. In peaches
and grapes The Dalles had It all to her
seif. Mr. Merrill assured the writer
that he was often asked if the grapes
and pt-aches were real or only wax inil
tations. And yet, fine as they were
they fell far short, in our opinion, of
hundreds of boxes that have been sold
in this market during the past two or
three weeks. And a similar remark
might be made as to the water melons.
pumpkins, squashes and roots. A plate
of nearly ripe figs and branches of the
flj tree containing figs in various stages
of growth excited great interest. These
were from the garden of Mr. Emile
Schanno, of this city. F. II. D.ewssup
plied some stalks of corn from his gar
den on the bluff, one of which measured
twelve feet and ten inches. They were
of the Cuban variety, and the ears
would have done credit to an Illinois
corn patch
Hood River bad a fine plate of silver
prunes, and a branch twenty-nine inches
long from a silver prune tree that con
tained 119 well-developed prune. This
Utter was from the orchard of W. P,
Watson and was preserved in a glass jar
in the Bureau of Immigration exhibit.
In this exhibit, by the way, was one
solitary apple from a Clackamas orchard
that measured 15)a inches in circumfer
ence and weighed Y.6K2 ounces. It was
of the Wolf River variety. It was the
largest apple at the fair. m
In the Dalles exhibit there was a
sample of little club wheat, grown by F.
M. Warner, of Tygh Ridge, from a field
that went 45 bushels to the acra; an
other by Alex. Strachan, of Dufur, from
a field that went 43 bushels; another by
G. D. Ried, of The Dalles, from a field
that went 33 bushels; another by Mike
Callagban, oi Dufur, from a field that
went 40 bushels ; another by Mrs. Julia
Obarr-Smitb, of The Dalles, from a field
that went 35 bushels; and other sain
pies by Hon. M. A. Moody, A. T. Hill
gen and O. Jones from fields that went
50 bushels to the. acre.
On the top of big bales of snow-white
wool from The Dalles scouring mill,
which formed an important part of the
exhibit, was George A. Young's eight
legged lamb, with one bead and three
bodies attached at the shoulders. This
freak of nature has been on exhibition
in Blakeley's drug store in this city for
some months. It was dropped, or rather
taken from its mother, last lambing sea
son and Mr. Young had it mounted.
The twn heads of a double-headed lamb,
also belonging to Mr. Ycucg, were sus
pended from a post in the background.
A canopy of wool covered the exhibit.
It was handsomely arranged in alternate
stripes of scoured wool and the wool as
it comes from the sheep's back.
Wasco county owes a debt of grati
tude to the local lodge of Elks for givirg
her the opportunity, free of charge, of
making a display -of ber products, in
such a way as we believe will ' prove the
most effective advertiiement the county
has ever had.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
Drrlnrr preparation simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing afar more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and .nulls
and nse thut which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
COo. size. Ely Brothers, f8 Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain, docs not
irritato or canse sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful Inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balntyon aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Remarkable Story of Thomas Colt, the
Subject the First Sabine Operation
Surgeons Made a Xew Face fur
Nxw York. Sept. 17 The Belltvue
Hospital patient, known at the "Man
With the Iron Mask," is dead. Thomas
O'iver Colt was his name. He wes re
lated to the family of gooujakt-rs of thAt
name, and was born in Connecticut. At
t'ie age of 15, while playing ball, be was
struck in the faca by a ball, hi cheek
bones being fractured and his nose
broken. Erysipelas fallowed and the
nose was lost, as was a portion of bit
face. He was brought to Bellevoe
Hospital by his parents, the head of the
surgical division of that institution be'nj
Professor Thomas C. Sabine, who heard
the story and ssid he would make the
boy a nose. The result was the first
Sabine operation as It is now known.
Colt's left hand was placed on his face
and the thi'd finger relieved of the nail
and placed on the bridge ( f the nose. It
took two month's to grow there, while
it was held in position by a platter cast,
and then it was cut from the hand at
the second joint. Thirty-two operations
and two years in the hospital gave a new
face to Colt.
In 1896 he married Miss Piste, of
Change, N. J. She said she reciprocated
bis affection because of his miud. In
November, 1SU8, ho shot her in New
Jersey, and then shot himself. Both
lived, and be was tried for murder. He
was convicted and sentenced to fifteen
rears in the penitentiary. After serving
two years he was pardoned.
He took every means of concealing bis
features when in public. In August be
was admitted to Bellevue Hospital, suf
feriug from Bright's Disease. He was
fearful that other patients would see his
face, so he kept it muffled and became
known to the other patients as the "Man
With the Iron Mask."
A I'liotuurapulu Cliecklnit Clock.
An apparatus that has at least the
merit of novelty is oni exhibition in
London. It is designed' as a checking
clock to record! the hour of the arrival
of employes at their places of work.
The novelty consists in a sensitized
photographic ribbon attached'to clock
work. Each employe, ns he or she ar
rives, presses the button of the ma
chine and immediately his. or her
photograph, together with ft photo:
graph of the clock showir.v the mo
ment of arrival, is impressed on the
movable ribbon. It is said that the
photographs can He mnrte at the rate
of 40 a minute. Youth's Companion.
The I'p-to-Ilate Maiden.
lie Will you elope with me if I will
bring am automobile around at 11
o'clock to-night?
She Yes, but it must he an electric
automobile not one of those horrid-
smelling gasoline affairs. Bomervllle
A Her York Tree.
A towering elm tree which used to
stand in St. Paul's churchyard. New
York, and which was said to be 100
years old, has been cut down. The tree
used to stand on a line with Vashing
ton's pew, and was one of the pictur
esque landmarks of lower Broadway.
September 17 to 22, 1900.
Grounds greatly improved, buildings
repaired and renovated, all stock build
ings thoroughly disinfected; everything
in firsl-clasg condition for the largest
and best Live Stock Show and Agricult
ural Exposition ever held on the Coast.
520,000 ii? premiums purses
Good racing every afternoon.
Music and fun at night.
Auction sale of llymtork will be made a lend
ing feature. All livestock and other exhibit
hauled tree over tho Southern Parltio railroad.
Reduced paaaena-er rate on all railroad).. For
premium lint and other 'nformation aiMret
w. M. BiithUMi, rreident. HUlnborn, Pr.
M. D. WI4UOM, Bee., Portland, Or.
The Weekly
for $2.00 a year.
All subscribers to the Weekly Chron
icle who pay one year' subscription In
advanc , will be entitled to the above
iberal afler.
The Dalles, Oregon.
OirET Tins CHIU.
u 'bjm Dalles.
12:2- p. in
sult Lk", Denver, ft.
Worth, Omaia, fi "
rr City, cf. uiuu,! i.w v
Chicago and East, I
Atlantic Slt Lake. Denver., rt.l 4:4) a. m.
2 j" a. in.
Via Hunt
u City, HI. Loui.,
I bicagu mid East.
mi J
tt-.ll. Walla. Krwkane,
Minneapolis. t. r'nul.
u I u t h, Milwaukee,
Mill-ago and East, via,
hpokaneasd Huntin-
ton; lw mi pnnni i
W a.hirmtou and Eaat-: 3 i1a- m
ern Oregon. I
i:i p. m
8 p. m.
Fbom PoBTHNn.
CHwail Steantahlpa.
For bbii Kriinciwo
tveijr Five Davs.
4 p. m.
8p.m. i j 4 p. m
Ei.suLday Oolnmsla Rv. Steamers. Ex.sunf-
.10 ABTOKIA anu "a)
Smur'luy Landiiiiss.
10 p. m.
6 a.m. j V.'.LLAJIKTTS Riveb, i 4:30 p. m.
Ex.ounday Origoii City, New berg;, Ex.sunday
1 Ijaleai A Way Land'a.;
7 a. m, WiLLAMfTTM a;:d YiJi
Tuea.Thur.l hlLL Kivxbk.
8:30 p m.
Mod., Wed
aud Fri.
and tat. ! Oregon City, Dayton,
and ay-I.:inding!.
Ska eb Rivkk.
Rlparia to Iwiaton.
9:00 a. m
I.v Ripirla
3: i a. m.
Pariiea denlmi to so to Heppner or
point" ou Columbia Southern via Bigs:, should
take No. 2, leaving The Dulles at 12:40 p. in.
inaklnir direct connections at Heppner junction
and HIkks. Returning mnkinirdirect connection
at Heppner Junction aud Ult'irs with No. 1. ar
riving at The Dalles at 1-j:bo p. m.
For full particulars call on O. . t N. Co. 'a
agent The Dalles, or address
Gen. Fas. Agt , Portland, Or.
Yellowstone Park Line.
leavk. -! Union Dsiot, Finland I Sis
No. 2.
Fast mnil for Tacoma,
Seattle, Olympia, Gray's
Harbor and south liend
points, Spokane, Ross
laud, li. C, Pullman,
Moscow, Iiston. Buf-
H:l& A. M. fnloHtimp mining coun
5;50 P. M.
try, Helena, Minneapo
lis, Bt. Paul, Omaha,
Kansaa City, St. Louis.
Chicago and all points
east and southeast.
Puget Sound Express
for Tacoma and Seattle
and intermediate points
No. 4.
11;30 P.M.
No. 3.
7;00 A.M.
Pullman first clans and tnurUt sleepers to
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points
without change.
VeBtibuled trains. Union depot connections
in all principal cities.
Baggage checked to destination of tickets.
For handsomely illustrated descriptive matter,
tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent, 253 Morri
sou (Street, corner Third, Portland, Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
Soutnern Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way
stations at 4:' a. m. and it p. m.
Leave Portland R:30am 7:00 pm
" Albany 12.3U a m 10:80 pm
Arrive Ashland
.12:Stam ll:30m
. 5:00pm 4; am
. 7:4i p in 8:15a m
" Sacramento
" ban Francisco ...
Arrive Ogdoft .......
... ft:4Sam 11:45am
... 9:00 r m 9:ima ni
. . 7:25 a m 7:i.i a in
... 7:4." a iu 9:30 am
" Denver
" KansasCity..
" Chicago
Arrive Ln Angeles ...
.. 1:70pm
.. 6:00 pm
.. 6::)a m
. . !:.r5a m
... 4:0Oa m
.. 6:5 a in
7:00 a m
8:00p in
9:.Via m
4:00 a in
6:2A p m
hi raso
" Fort Worth
" City of Mexico . .
" Houston
' New Orleans .. .
" Washington
" New York
.. 6:42 a Dl
o -i a m
12:411pm 12'4:ipm
"una. vnin uii unui vrnins,
Phiiir f.aru ArsninnKi tn. I i V 1
- ....... niiivii ww k k'ivju niiu r.i I no,
and tonrlHtPHrntoi hlcagfi, tit Louin, New Or-
Lane auu yy aniJinguru.
Connrctlna nt Sn Krnnrlwo with
steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Mjii,iivn, vciiuni .uii ouuiu America.
Bee agent at The Dalles station, or address
Geueral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or
helps the team. Saves wear and
expense, bold everywhere
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
have been duly appointed by tha honorable
county curt, of tu. stau, of Oregon, f r aaeo
eouuiv. executors of the es'.at-- of Kor.tio tr
",n. deked. All jm.n. having elalms
against said estate are hereby notided b present
"he same, properly veririeJ. to the undersigned
Charles E. Corson, at Winds Sherman county,
Oregon, or at t.le ..Siee ..f our attorneys. Vene
rea 1 Wilson, at The Dalles, Oreg .o, wllhlu SIX
nionlhs from the date ol luis notice.
Dated July 14. Isw. cnARI E r0RS0S,
Executors of the estate of Horatio Corson, de
ceased. J'i-1 "
Land Ornci at Th Dalles. Or.,
Aug, 1, lsuu.
Notice I htrcby given thut the following
named settler has tllel notice of his nteution
to make tiual proof in support of his claim, and
that pro..! will be made before the register
and receiver of the IJ. s. land office at The
Dalles, Or , on Saturday, Sept. 2tf, VMO, viz:
Heoiy C. Gordloa, of Tha sialics. Or.,
H. E. No. 4!U, for the N.'i SK'i fcec. 6. Tp 1 N,
h 1:1 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and oultivuUon
of said land, vU:
truest Jordan, Albert Jordan, John Pashek
and James Thomas, all of The Dulles, Oregon.
aug-'-l JAY P. LLCAS, Register.
USD Office at The Dalles. Or., t
September 1 2, 19C0.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed noltce of her intention
to make final proof in .upport of her clnim, and
that said proof will be made before the Keirister
and keceiver at The Dalles, Oregou, on H ednes
day, October 24, liu), viz:
Janet r. Stewart, or Tha Dallas, Or ,
H. F, No. 521, for the E"i 8KW PE qr SE qr See
i Tp 1 N, K 12 L", and sW qr N Vi qr iec 30, Tp 1
N, K 1.) K, W M.
She names the following witnesses o prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said lund, viz.:
I. I). Nelson, K. F. Shnrp, John Fleming,
Duniel Stewart, all of The Holies.
seplS JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Lakd Office atThe Dalles, Oheoos,)
August 25, l'JUO. i
Notice is bcrebv given that the followiug
nHuitd settler has tiled notice of bis intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, ana
that said proof will be nmde before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, ou batur
day, October 6, 1900, viz:
Iiobert JC. I'hllllpa, of Mosier, Or.,
H. E. No. .WO for the NE)i NW', NW NE'4,
Sec. 9, aud BW SE!, Seel, Tp. 2 N., It. 12 E.,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous lesideuce upon and cultivation of
said laud, viz:
lames Lewis, Dolly Mosier, Lea Evans, John
Miler, all ol Jiosier, Oregon.
aiig29 1 Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, On., J
September, 10, l'.HHJ, (
Notice Is hereby given thut the following
named settler has tiled notice oi his Intention
to make final proof in mpport of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday,
October 20, WOO, viz.:
t'harlra II. Matnejr,
of The Dalit s, Oregon, II. E. No. 501, for the 8
hf N i: qr aud W hf bE ir, Sec 12, Tp 1 8, K 11
E, W. M. v
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said laud, viz. :
A. H, Fox, P. ;. Fogan, Charles Gosson and Vi.
C. Clark, all of The Dalles, Ortgon.
seplS JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., (
September lu, l'.;0) (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof insupiortof his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalle:', Oregon, on Satur
day, October 20, 1900, viz:
Arellous S. Fox,
of The Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. S15I, for the
S hf N W qr and W hf SV qr, Sec 12, Tp 1 8, K U
E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land, viz:
I. C. Matnev, C. II. Matnejr, Charles Gossen
and W. C. Clark, nil of The Dalles, Oregon.
cpl5 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Ore., I
July 28, I'.Ksi.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias filed notice of her Intention
to commute and make final proof in support of
her cllm, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on Thursday, September 20, 1900, viz:
Lola A . Helm, of The Dalles, Or.,
H. E. No. fil.W, for the NW'4 8E!, EU BWU,
and SWJ4 SW, Sec. li T. 1 S., R. 11 E., W. M.
She names tnc following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said laud viz:
Peter Fngnn, O. Wctmore, Charles Matney,
V. Fox, all of Tho Dalles, or.
Land Office at The Dalles, Ou. I
September 12, lm).
Notlco is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her Intention
to make final proof in supiiort of hei claim, and
that said proof will be made be.'ore the register
and receiver at 1 he Dulles, Oregon, oh Wedncs-
uy, uciouer 2-1, 1'juu, viz;
Ellsa K. Vlekers,
widow of Samuel J. Vlekers. deceased, of Mo
sier, Oregon, II. E. No. VrijO, for the
and B'i Heo K. Tp 2 N, R IS E, W. Sr.
She names the following witnesses to prove
I'l umiuui resilience upou ana cultivation
of said laud, viz. :
George Renoe, of The Dalles, Oregon; James
Miler, Lee Evaus, Eric (jrmiuitid, Mosier, Or.
P15 JAY P. LUCAS. Register.
Lnb Office at Vancouver, Waxii.1
.... , . . Aug. 10, l). j
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will 1 made before W. II. I'resby,
Milted states Commissioner for District ol
Washl -ton, at hisolliec In lioldcudalc, Wash
ington, on October 1, lot), viz;
John Watson,
P. O. addre Centerville, Wash., who made
homestead application So. u:i:l for the H's' HE US
Sec 22, Tp N, R U E, W. M. x
Who names the following witnesses to prove
hlsennliuuous residence upon ami cultivation
of said laud, viz.:
Charles Htrauhe, Wllllnm Wilkinson, Jam
A,l,n,',,'"tl'l,!l, Hnmtorty, ll of Ceutervllle
P. O., ahlngtu.
" W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned
have (lied with the Clerk of the county court of
the state of Oregon for Wasco county, their final
ac mint as executors of tha last will aud testa
ment of Henry Hamum, deceased, and that
Monday, the 4th day of November, l'.ion, at the
limir of in h'k rw.k ... I i L . '. ::
;; : , inw, m-vn nxeti ny me
Couuty ourt for said county as tha tune, and
the county court room in Dalles city aa the
place for hearing of objections to s. id final ac
count and the settlement of the same
, . r . i , Al A 1 H,
Letters ol Credit insued available in tha
Eastern Stntei.
8itrht Exchanirn an. I Tl...... ..l.
Trariiferi sold on New York, Chicago!
oi.. a-iuib, can r rancisco, I'ortland Ore
Bon, heattle WmIi,. and variong polnti
in Oregon and Washington.
Collectiona mado at all point on fa?,
orable terms.
of Application for Liqnor U
To All Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given th.t ,t
William Kiutx, ill.? h
noon, on Monday, the sih rt.. . l tWi
the a being the regu," "ef7
.M U U,T A60O ftOllfirv f.7"
.r.irtiuous, malt and viu.,V tcl
111...!. ..-!. . "" W K ilPftr. .
qiiHUiiiiei than one
amines man oneg,ll,,, fn .Vi"'"1 li
r, lu the county an 1 sta 1 . " T
of said county may call If. r- Xj?!,?
said license, which heViVp'.etn'.'S?"1
County Court on ..f.i rf .. .F'.w.n' te th..
usy oi octoW inW
r.tui0 fur Li,inorllc,ifc
To the Honor ibie County Court ol tk.
Oregou, for the County of WaJcS- 3ui,
We, the undersigned residents snd V,.,
h.tul K1. .
State of O.egou. reXp ful- peUifa " Z
orable bidv to grant. Initio Tttl7S
to sell spfrituous, malt and vinous 1?
lesa nilatitiriM th-n . . 1UVUI 'I'iUdn -
Mrtei. in tha bounty .,7" Site". '"
such peri.-l as hi. recel .T 5 "
treusurer of said couuty may call for
Edwr A Reineck,
J N Mosier,
L. Lamb.
Lewi. Meeks,
P Henningson,
R F Hardwlek,
Christian Wy.s,
Arnold Wyss,
E B Wood,
B Eben,
Jas S Hunter,
Frank Lapler,
II Stoneman,
M Thiel,
Jacob Floeh,
John Armstrong
A 11 Godbersou,
M Duty,
F P Weldner,
J K Mi Gregor,
Andy Pratlier,
Rue Prathcr,
Geo Judy
Geo Ireland
C H Davenport
A M Prichard
John Northup
J M Elii tt,
i H. nniusrson,
Inton Vtmi,
R P 1' tlursoD,
81) Usher,
C A C runer,
M Speiiuura
H Thiel,
E Grunlund,
James Joss,
8 h I isher,
Axel F. Peter-on,
A E McCoughey,
N P Sturges,,
L J liavenpurt
WraAHuy, '
Chits Prather,
A J I'r. her,'
Jas Nurse
H V Patterson
N C Weiduer
A Nordjr
A T Iiobert.
Sale of Real Property.
Notice is hereby given that micer.ndbrrt,
tue of an order dulv msda and eiiteMinrt.
County Court of Wasco County, (ne,,, ,, E;
29th day of A ugust, i'.io the n.ffi3 t
mlnistrator with thewill annexed. nf tnoeJiTi,
Hle lu the nmiiner provuitd bv l or the iS
... .. . r'rti . uy niors sna S'lminbtr,
tors, all the light, title and intercut of tteni
Jonathan Jeckson iu and to the followinirds
seiibwl real property, being in Wawotoiun
Oregou. to-wit; ''
Tho VWli or Ilia CVl v
the S',4 of the BK!-4 and the S' of Ui. ByiA j
section twenty-two car. the SEli oi the Vi
the E! of the NE and the BWW ol the N'7i.
" VI -o'siiseiiu
seven 27), all in township four '4) soutb, unj.
fourteen (14) east, W. M.j said .slotokif
cash or upon creolt iu ihe manner vmvldel b'
law for the sale of real property upou credit if
executors and uduiiul' fritter.
Administrator, with the n iiUaiiuexed, of tl:
estate oi Jouuthau Jncksou, deceased, kpi-
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, 0i.,I
Sei.t amber is. iwtu. i
A sufficient contest attidavit havlnu been Bis:
ln this 'office by Joseph II. Sherar, conteiUm
ni a est homestc ,d entry No. 7io2, made June.
imm. lor snt w qrsec 2M, and EhfNEnrtf
s.', ipSKi4r.,Dv tiiiatu i,i u eoniestee.
which it is alleged lhat said William Gill hi'
wholly abandoned said tract and changed ta
residence therefrom for more than six montt
since making said entry, and ntxt prior to to
oi contest; ana mat neutu not aoanann re
tract to enter the military or naval service
the I'r. itel Htatts, said parties me lierebj do;,
fled to app?ar, respond and otter evidence toocb-
ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Octrtr
27, I'M J, before tho reeikter and receiver at the
I nited Htatcs laud otlice lu The Dalles, Orefv
The said contestant having, in a vruneniE-
davit. filed August 11. l'JOO, set forth fiiou which
show thataftor duo diligence pcraoiiul ieivi
ot tuts nonce can not he mane, it l nercv
ordered and dlte!ted that sueli notice b
by due aud proiier publication.
sepia' JAY P. LUCAS, Rejuter.
Land Office nt The, 0u.,
August 31, lm I
Notice Is hereby given that the follow!
named settler has tiled notice of hla intention lo
make final proof in support of tin claim, n
that said proof will be made before the K"
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on vaim
day, October 10, l'JOO, viz. :
George W. Johnston, of The DsllM,0'.
II. E. No. fi'.o:), for the NWK NE1 ana U
NW 8ec IX, Tp t N, R 14 E, V. SI.
He names the following witnesses to prow
continuous residence upon, and cultivation
said land, viz: A
F. P. Taylor, Wm. Sharp, J. W. Johniton mi
K. . Tcaguc, nil ol xnc imnea, uregou.
s5 1 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Notice is hereby given thi't the nnl"!2i
nas rjecn amy sppouiieu uy wie uu - -
... .i ........ .:' ... mnntr. fi
oi inu sinie oi wienou, mm ..m .
ecutor of the estate of Auut Bsc hman. oe
ceased. All persons naving eisnn. ...--
estate are hereby notified to present tn '
proiieny veiinod, to tnc unaersisu -
Keen, at The Dalles, Wasco county, 0Wi
at tne oince oi nis attorneys, ' ,
at The DalUts, Oregon, within six uiontM u
ineaaieor tins noinru.
Date.1 this 14th day of July, l'.l.
Executor of the estate of AiiUt Bachniij
T. A. Van Norden
Chicien Lice CoiipfeJ.
Carbolineum : Avenarius.
The most efficient Worst
Paint, also a Radical 'J'XV
J Chicken Lie". ''"''V''1 II per-
( side walls of poultry I'"1'" ' " V
I manently exterinlnnK' v o(
2 suits-healthy rhlckeiis. V!
9 uriieforc irulars aim P"
J Mention this pawr.
. o. r.n..
1 JOS. I . meters t r j
TIIR ALI.. ,C00:' i
1. t. MCOEE.
Keeps ronstnntly on hand " I"rJL"j.'tlr?.
line of all lhat Is t-st lu
Clocks, Hpectaelcs, Field GIssses.Hmc"
at price, lhat defy competition. , h fn
tended to with promptness nd !" 1f3
graving neatly done.
Rooms 31 and 40, oyer V. 8.