THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, WOO. The Weekly Ghroniele. rut ualiiis. OKKOUN OFritUL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. f-Muhed in to pari, un Wedntsdayt and SMurdaw. BCBoCKimOS RATES. t hail, rorTAO rriiD, m adtahc. One year II SO moot'is 75 Z jrt month 60 Advertising rate reaeooable, and made known an a'-l'licalion. A-Mriiw all commanicatloui to"THJ CHRON ICLE." Tae liallea. Oregun.. LOCAL BREVITIES. Saturday Daily. I r. Sanders, rooms 1 snd block. Chapman If Mies Clara Niekeleen has accepted a position as stenographer at the scouring will. At the clerk's office today Daniel Larkin, an Irish subject, and James Mac Gregor, Britisher, were made citizens of the Unit! States. The case of Meade Hughes, which raiue up in the justice court last evening, on motion of the defense was postponed until 4 o'clock Wednesday, the 19. h. Miss Haven has received a large ship of pattern hats and novelties from New York. They will be displayed at her open ing, which will be held near the last of the month. A lady was heard to remark yesterday, as she with difficulty drove through the etreets of our city: "The Dalles cer tainly Deeds fair streets more than she needs a street fair." Mr. David Oilman, father of J. W. Giltnan, died at the- Corncob ranch, Wheeler county, on Saturday, Sept. 8, 1900, at the advanced age of 84 years. He was ill but three weeks. We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Chronicle, price $150, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. If One week from tomorrow The D.illes will he visited by two prominent divine?. Rev. Ackerman, of the First Congrega tional church cf Portland, and Rev, A. W. Polwine, of the Fendleton Epiecopa lian church. The Chronicle will be represented at the Portland carnival on its last day by the editor, Mr. Hugh Gourlay, who left on the early morning train to spend the day neer ina into the mysteries of the exhibition. He will return on to morrow's noon train. We understand that Ibe Dalles is soon to Lave just what she has long needed a sanitarium, to be built by the Drs. Ferguson on the lot adjoining their residence on the bluff, which will bo a beautiful site. We trust the project will soon he carried into eilect. as we are assured it will be. the Macedonian cry from terror- stricken Galveston has resounded throughout the union and is 'finding a Tesponse in hundreds of cities and vil lages. The Pacific coast is among those ho heed its call and yesterday $500 was sent from Portland, and tomorrow an other $500 will be added, among which will be donation collected by one of her citizenB at The Dalles. Salem's mayor has also started a fund there. Tiie friends of Miss Sarah Henderson leain with deep regret that she has re signed her position as stenographer at IVase 4 Mays and will leave the first of next week, for her heme near Hills boro, where Bbe will recuperate before accepting another position. Beside be ing an excellent stenographer, Mies Henderson will be sadly missed by the large number of friends whom she has made by her sunny disposition and lady like manner. Fruit men at The Dalles are not afraid to compete with any section when it comes to a show down, and although they claim to be carrying on a friendly rivalry with Hood River alone at the Precent, from the appearance of a bunch of grapes brought into the office by Andrew TJrqnbart this morning, would suggest that California look well l" its laurels. The bunch is of the Flaming Toksy variety and weighs threo pounds. It is a beauty and In appear rice is not deceitful, for the flavor is delicious. Tis strange how position of honor, be it ever so small, will affect even the dumb brutes, as Is seen in the case of nr erstwhile nuisance, Coinlni's goat, iiice returning from the Portland carnival, where he was clad in royal Purple and attended our Klks' queen, he aforesaid gOBt has decided that measly chrysanthemums are too thin for I'i'n and has taken to peaches. Conse 1'lently s box 0f t,is cholco fruit which s left in front of the express office last night will fail to reach its destination. Wiring the luscious fruit was pro ''"'ling from the "air-holes" in the box, be put his sharp teeth to good use and bence the destruction. There's no doubt bt this animal is "peach." Mrange to say, we nre informed by '""t night's Telegram that the fishermen " Mie lower Columbia have a "kick roniin,." Now, dew tell. Is It possible? nd all because the season didn't open rly enough to suit them and a fish or to slipped through their "Fins" and "'(bed the upper river. Truly this 'ate of affairs ii appauling, and the Fins, uiwi, ana !it not, who invest the waters of the lower river should im mediate!? tske steps to teach the legis lature of the state that in the beginning the Maker oi the universe created the sea, the river and all that in them is and gave the firshermen of that section do ruin ion over the while works. But, seriously speaking, and for the gratifica tion of these same swine we will just assure tbem that although the season did start out encouragingly at the be ginning and it looked as if npper Col nmbia fishermen might get at least smell of Astoria's fish ; the past few days the run has ben slacking np, and no djobt if the tnpply is sufficient for our needs before the season closes, another miracle of the loaves and fishes must take place. The educational facilities of a city are never complete until within its midst is an institution of leartnuit w herein young ladies from a distance may find home comforts and watchful care while pur suing their studies. This need is fully supplied in The Dalles by St, Mary's Academy, which starts out on this year's work with very promising prospects. While almost every one of last year's pupils have returned, a large number of new ones have entered, both from the city and abroad. The increase In the musical department is particularly noticable. During the recent vacation the building underwent repairs, which add greatly to its facilities In every way. Among other improvements stone slate black hoards have been placed In each recitation room, greatly facilitating the work. The SUters feel much encouraged at the outlook for this year. No doubt many of bis friends in this city were not aware of the death of a former prominent citizen of The Dalles in Spokane last week. We refer to the late D. M. McLeod, who was buried on Wednesday of last week at that place About thiee years ago Mr. McLeod developed symptoms of consumption, and later upon the arrival of Dr. Suther land he began a treatment for the disease, but too late, for while bis life was pro longed for perhaps two years, vet be could not be saved. During most of his illness, however, he was able to attend to his real estate business, and was con fined to his home during his last illness but four days. Mr. McLeod left The Dalles in 1889 having been a vcr popular resident of this city for yea.a and a member of the firm of Moody & MeL'oJ. He was also a leading worker in the Congregational church and super intendent of the Sunday school. Monday's Daily. The county court of Wasco county will meet in adjourned session tomorrow. Rev. G. M. Irwin, ex-state superin tendent of public Instruction, is now lo cated at Juneau, Alaska, where he is pastor of the First Methodist church. Hon. H. W. Craven, a prominent Seattle attorney, opened the republican campaign in Klickitat county by a speech at Goldendale, Saturday night. Thomas Brown, who lives on the old Ruffuer place on the Mosicr road west of town, left at this offiefl this morning two Gloria Mundi apples that weighed 20 ounces each. One measured 14 inches in circamference. They were both wind falls, having been blown off the trees in the storm of a week ago, and were im mature. A company of Goldendale prospectors who own several mining claims on the Little Klickitat, about nine miles down stream from Goldendale, have bonded their claims for $35,000. Work on the claims will be prosecuted vigorously in the near future.. Careful tests have shown that the mines will pay band somely. The ladies of St. Paul's Gnild have decided on the date for the concert to be given by Ella Lsrk Klein, for the banefit of the building fund of the church, and fixed Monday next, September 24th. It will be given in the Baldwin opera house and Mrs. Klein will be assisted by Mr. William Birgfeld and other local talent. "When Brighatn H. Roberts of Utah . . . . .-I i , was passing inrougn me uaruun ui Gethsemane, so to speak, last winter," said Chas. 8. Vorhees in a speech made at Spokane the other night, "a lady was asked at the national capital if she be lieved him guilty ol bigamy. 'Guilty of bigamy,' she asked, 'guilty of bigamy! why he is guilty of trigonometry.' The democrats of Klickitat county last Saturday nominated the following ticket: Representative, I. C. Darlsnd; sheriff, John Nimela; treasurer, Thomas Turner; clerk, John Smith; auditor, John II. i'.ratton; attorney, II. Dustin; assessor, Wm. K. Cahlll ; school super intondent, Miss Benlah Njhnb ; surveyor, A. K. Collins; commissioner second district, Elmer Hinshewj commissioner third district, L. Coleman. Representative M. A. Moody has re ceived a personal invitation to at'end the celebration of the opening of the locks on the Yamhill river, near Mc Minnville, on the 118th and 29th inst. The secretary of the executive com mittee expresses the wish that an tx cursion be artanged from The Dalles lo McMinnvtlle, and that a good-sizd del egation go from this place. At the request of the secretary Mr. Moody wiil bring the matter before the Commercial club. Mrs. Ada Taylor was examined yes terday at Hood River by Dr. M. F. Shaw and adjudged insane. From the papers we learn that she is a native of Missouri aged 21 years; that she has been subject to attacks of insanity sines she was 19 year old ; and that her first attack dtes from the birth of a baby threo "vears agn. She talks unreasonably about tier dead child and aoout imaginary enemies, and is at times violent and destructive. She was taken to Salem today. a very pleasant surprise party was given last WednesJay afternoon by Miss Krauss iu honor of her mother, Mrs George krauss. The porch, parlor aud dining room were beautifully decorated by the choicest of flowers, ar.d a delight ful afternoon was spent iu varied imute meats and brought to a close by an ele gant reliction, lhose present were: Mrs. P. Hopkins, Mrs. George Bunn, Mrs. George Graham, Mrs. Schwabe, Mrs. J. Frederickson, Mrs. L. A. Tur ner, Mrs. II. II. Campbell, Mrs. George Krauss, Mies II. Schwabe, Miss B Bunn, Miss L. Turner, Miss B. Camp bell, Misses M. and F. Bunn, Miss H Krauss, Mr. D. Sim son and Mr. II Campbell. Judge Blakeley and Commissioner Hamman went to Hood River yester day where they met Commissioner Evans and, in response to complaints, viewed a piece of county road that had been changed by the O. R. & N. Co. in their work of improving their road bed. The court concluded that no damaee had been done to the public through the change. They also inspected what is known as the Rand-Coburg road, where Mr. Rand wants that part of the road that goes through bis place closed, and the part that goes through the Coburg place left open, and Mr. Coburg wants the changes in exactly opposite direc tions. The court concluded that the brethren would have to settle the diffi culty between themselves before it felt justified in taking any action. A fire occurred in the east Bhow win dow of C. F. Stephens' dry goods store about 6 o'clock Saturday night that, happily, was soon extinguished. It caught from an electric lamp that ac cidentally came in contact with a cur tain in the back part of the window. It was first seen by a boy on the outside who gave the alarm and Mr. Stephens in a few minutes had it under control The window was dressed with ladies cloaks and lur collarettes, which were damaged to the amount of about $125, The property was fully insured. The super-heating of the lamp that caused the fire, by the flames outside, softened the glass and the vacuum inside drew in the glass till a dent was lormed larpe enough to lay one's thumb in. The lamp was otherwise uninjured and is doing service In Mr. Whealdon's office, ine Danes street lair committee is making satisfactory progress in arrang ing for the fair. Two members of the committee in a little while this forenoon secured promises of exhibits from thir teen of the business bouses of the city The committee's reception was such that they feel justified in believing that this number will be nearly doubled, and In any event it, will greatly exceed any thing of the kind The Dalles has ever had. It is practically settled that the fair will be held on the two blocks on Third street lying between Washington and Laughlin and including the block between Second and Third streets on Federal street. The thirteen exhibitors already obtained are A. M. Williams and Co., Pease & Mays, Jacobsen & Co., Clarke & Falk, C. J. Stubling, F. 8. Gunning, Farley & Frank, D. P. & A. N Co., Dalles Soda Works, Victor Marden, Great Northern Furniture Store, Maier & Benton and J. Bonn. Tuesday's Daily. Tbe ladies of St. Paul's Guild will meet with Mrs. J. F. Moore tomorrow afternoon. A full attendance Is desired. A marringe license was issued yester day to Stanley McManeny and Mollis Smetser, both of the Dufur neighbor hood. Tin Ciibonicle regrets to learn that the infant eon of James Benson, Jr., of Fife Mile, died at the family residence this morning of spinal meningitis. Rev. A. D. Skaggs, former pastor of the Christian church in The Dalies, will preach in the Christian church at 7 :30 Wednesday evening. All cordially in vited to tittend. Susan B. Anthony, the woman suffra gist, is ill at her home in Rochester, N. Y., having suffered from a collapse. Membe'S of her family say her condition is not alarming. She is 80 years old. The Seventh U. S. Infantry band passed through town from Vancouver vesterdav on- the way to Pendleton lo fill a week's engagement to play for the street fair that commenced tiiere this morning. A young homing pigeon belonging to Sam Wilkinson was taken np the road and set free Saturday morning at a point near La Grande, 87 miles from here. The bird got back here at 10 o'clock this forenoon. The ladies' Good Intent Society will meet at the residence of Mrs. Smith French tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2 o'clock. The president desires all w ho possibly can to come, as there Is busi ness of importance. Walt and Charley Douglas, of the Des chntes precinct, have just closed a threshing rnn of thirty-two days with a J. I. Case 32-inch thresher, during which they averaged over $2000 bushels a day, commitment or a total of 65,000 bushels. The largest run was 1523 sacks of wheat in one day. They would like to hear cf any machine of (he same slid that has beiten this rccoid. Cue of the largest fees ever paid a gen. eral practitioner for services in a single case will be received by Dr. J. N. Mc Cormack, of Bowling Green, for bis at tendance upon William Goebel after be was shot at Frankfort, Ky. The fee paid is $10,000. Next Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Congregational church, Mrs. Halen Harford, state president cf the W. C. T. V., will meet with the union. A most cordial invitation is extended, to tbe public to attend this meeting. Joaquin Miller, tbe poet, who is Iu China, credits Li Hung Chang with sav ing that it it had beeu known that there was not much loot in Pekin, the allied forces would not have been in such hurry to get there. Miller met the old statesman at Canton, and had a long interview with him. A gravel train was wrecked this fore noon at a point this side Celilo and fonrteen cars thrown off the track. It occurred just in time to obstruct No. that arrives here at 12:15. Transfer was made with No, 1 west-bound, and the substitute for No. 1 passed through here west-bound at 3:30 p. in. Whipple Bros. & Douglas, of the Des chutes precinct, have just finished threshing a crop of 7000 bushels of wheat and b ailtv from a 340 acre field, sixtv acres of which they cut for hay, whi! fifty acres oi the wheat, as well as tbe barley, were spring sowing. The boys have 400 acres of summer fallow ready for seeding. Mrs. Helen D. Harford, state presi dent of the W. C. T. U., will address i public temperance meeting in the M. E. church on Friday eveningat 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Harford is a very logical thinker, a clear reasoner, and a very pleasant and winning speaker. The local union be speaks for the lady a large audience. Labor is so scarce that the hop-grow. era at Puyallup wait at the trains and quarrel over who shall have any men in search of work. That goes to show that if Mr. Bryan depends upon the army of rnemployed for his support in Wash inuton, his vote is likely to be as numer ous as the proverbial corporal's guard There are ninety-one veterans of the different wars In tbe Oregon Soldiers' Home, classified as follows: Nine Mex ican, twenty-five Indian, fifty-six Civil and one Spanish war veteran. Of these twenty-one are hospital patients, most of them permanently such. There are but two empty beds in the hospital, a number inadequato'to meet emergencies which may arise any day. Uncle Johnny Graham, who returned yesterday from a visit to Sherman county, says ail the farmers over that way say they are coming to The Dalles fair, sure, 119 says, what is quite true, that hardly any of the farmers attended the Portland fair. They were too busy; but moat of them will be free to take a two or three days' lay off by the time the Dalles fair opens, and they are going to do it. VV. II. Van Bibber has abandoned the dairy business and sold the younger tion of his milch cows to B. T. Collins. The older cows he will fatten and dis pose of for, beef. Mr. Van Bibber has been in the dairy business for thirty-five years. Every morning of these long years, with one exception, if memory serves us, at a little alter midnigni Mr. Van Bibber covered the three miles be tween here and his ranch and delivered to his customers the two milkings of the previous twenty-four hours. He has grown rich and prosperous and nngnt, years ago, have retired from business on an ample competence nau not oiu habits kept him In the harness. On his last visit to England Bishop Potter, of New York, was addressed as your grace" nntil the phrase became a nightmare. When he arrived home again it happened that the first person to address bim as he walked down the gangplank was a longshoreman who knew bim. "Hullo, bish, how are you? said the man, and the bishop fell to thinking which of the two styles he pre ferred. Dr. R. E. Smith, of the Oregon In firmary of Osteopathy of Portland, and graduate of tbe American school of oste opathy of Kirksville, Mo., under the founder, Dr. A. T. Still, will open an office in The Dades Tuesday, Sept. ISth, where he will be prepared to treat all chronic and acute dieases. Office rooms 1 1 and 12, Chapman block. Office hours 0 a. ni. to 12 m. ; 1 :30 to 4 p. in. every day except Sunday. There seems to be no money In the cay use-canning business and consequent ly the abattoir at Linnton will shut down within a short time. The expor tation of canned horse-meat to European countries , has been discouraged by re strictive legislation, and by the acts of foreign countries in every way. This being the case, the peaceful career of the herds of horses on the hillsides of Eastern Oregon will no longer be inter rupted. J. R. Burton, a prominent lawyer of Abilene, Kan, made a republican speech at Sedalia, Mo., a short time ag) to an Immense audience and received the closest attention. Onlyonce was he interrupted when a Bryanlte on a front seat called out In stentorian tones: "The republicans have nominated two! kings." Barton stopped and in tbe most suave manner said : "My friend. dou t you know that two kings always' ocaltwoj.cks?' ' j "If I were to give you an orange," said a learned iudire. "I would ainm'v i 6y, 'I give you the orange,' but should tbe transaction be intruded to a lawyer to put in writing he would adopt this - - ( turm: I hereby grant, give and con vey to you all my iuterest, right, title and advantage of and in said orauge, to gether with its rind, skin, iuice. puId and pits, and all rights and advantage therein, with full power to bite, suck, or oinerwise eai me same, or give away wilhor without the rind, skin, juice, pulp or pits, anything hereinbefore or in any other deeds or deeds, instruments of any nature or kind whatsoever to the contrary in auy wise notwithstanding." County surveyor J. B. Goit has re turned from Juniper Flat, where lie made two surveys, ono from Clear creek and the other from White river, for the purpose of determining which is tin more practicable way to get water for Irrigating and domestic purposes on the Flat. The ranchers, who have made up their minds to do tbe work without ask ing outside help, finally decided on the White river route and expect to com mence operations this fall. It wiil take nine miles of flume to bung (lie water on the flat, at an estimated cost of $0000, or some $50 for each quarter section lo be benefited. It is calculated to build a V flume, with three foot sides and a ca pacity of 1100 miners' inches. The flume will have a grade of a little less than an inch to the rod, which will give a flow of four and a half miles an hour, These estimates will give each quarter section to be benefited live miners' inches of water. The ranchers will erect a saw mill of their own for the purpose of getting the lumber utviled for the flume. They expect in a short time to have their organization perfected so that they can accomplish as much work as possible before winter sets in. Kinchtri on tha Warpath. The Condon Times says: "On Au gust 2Sth tbe camp of Wilson A Burton, sheepmen, of Rock creek, was set on fire by some ranchers and completely destroyed, only the coat and vest of tbe herder escaping tbe flames. The incen diaries had Bet these garments out of reach of tbe flames, and they, along with the ashes, were all that remained to show the herder where his camp had stood. On August 30th Wilbur Curl's camp was set on nre and demolished, every thing being lost. On September 6:h Frank Curl,who is herding for Joshua Hardie, was awak ened from his slumber by a fusilade of rifle shots in close proximity to camp, and on examination in the morning he found eighteen hend of sheen killed. Mr. Hardie was sent for, and as he has the rtnge be was herding on rented, he decided to stay. Ihe desperadoes re turned on the nigbt of the 7th, but this time their volley was returned and they were put to flight. The defenders were able to recognize the forms of three men, two handling the guns and the other holding three horses at a safe dis- por-ljnce, but could not identify then:," The Hick. Saturday's Daily. After an illness of three months, Mrs. II. W. French is now able to be about the house, and take very short drives through tbe city. Mits Elizabeth Schooling, who has suffered for the past two months from a serious stomach trouble, is now per in it ted to sit up for a short time each day. Airs, iorwood, who after a eenous illness of inflair mation ol the stomach, was taken to I food River to recuperate, is said to be improving as rapidly as could be expected. Richard Bray, an employe of Pease & Mays' grocery department, has been con fined to his bed for the past week with a bad case of ton?ilitis, and it will be a week at least before he can resume his duties. Much anxiety has been felt for some weeks past regarding the condition of Mrs. Henry Steers, who is very ill of heart trouble ai.d other complications of a serious nature Her suffering to day is increased by an attack of neuralgia of the head. However, no fatal results areanticipated. The two scarlet fever cases on the Huff, one in a family by the name of Johns'in, and the young son of C. F. Curtis, Dr. Rinehart Informs us nre getting along nicely. The former case was very light, but the latter was much more serious and difficult to cope with. No danger of further cases is ap prehended. GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and np-to-date railroad In every particular. Throiwh trains from Chicago, Kansas I City, Omaha or St. Itms to New York and New .England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni- ! agara Falls. Hoss C. Clink, 1 acillc l.nast 1 ass. Agt,, Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Cbanx, U. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS- ,'r"nU, r iht. V..r-n. ..... .... . , . ; public school work for this year closed I im.t.. 11 , 1-.. 1:.: j . . IU I ,11 . lD IVIIUH411U III, I promising prospects of any previous year, and with an enrollment of 680 pupils. No doubt each succeeding week j during the ensuing term w ill add many j new names to the present enrollment, I aud uuder the management of ruclt efficient prcfessors and teachen our schools will excel, if tniihle. theip , former record! for educational profi- j ciency. Perhaps no former school jear in its history has witnessed so maov changes in the corps of teachers, one of the num ber Miss Ella Cooper so far overstep ping the UMial order of things as to leave the lieaten path and join the matrimonial ranks. Their places have, boa ever, been filled with as competent substitutes and the work will not be re tarded thereby. The course of study in the High school has been changed materially, thus strengthening its efficiency, and requiring more time to complete the come. While a number who expected to finish this year have decided to re main during the two years, arrange ments have been made whereby others who desire to graduate this year will be given as complete a courso and even more satislactory than would have been acquired undor former coinlitions. Two of last year's graduates have entered and taken the new course. The assignment of te.tchers, with tbe number enrolled, is as follows: EAST I1II.I. SCHOOL, Mies Cheadle IB, 2B, 2A ; enrollment 42. Miss Roberts 3A, 4B, 5B ; enrollment 27. Total, CO. COURT BTIIEET. Mies Douthit IB, 1A; enrollment, 32. Miss Elton 2B, 2A; enrollment, 43. Miss Thompson 3B, 3A; enrollment, 40. Miss Wrenn 4B, 4A ; enrollment, 61. Total, 174. ACADEMf I'AKK. MiBB Cooper IB, 1A ; enrollment, 42. Miss Flinn 2B, 3B; enrollment, 47. Mtb. Roche 4B, 4A ; enrollment, 34. Misa Ball 5B, 5A ; enrollment, 41. Total, 164. man school bi'ii.dino. Mrs. Baldwin, Miss L. Kintoul, Miss T. Rintoul, Mies Michell; 6B, OA, 7B, 7A.8B, 8A. Total, 193. HIGH HC1IOOL. Miss Hill, Mr, Neff and Mr. Landers; enrollment, 78. Total enrollment of EchooU, 6S0. SCHOOL NOTES. Miss Martha Whealdon, of the class of '99, baa been engaged to teach the Center Ridge chool in district No. 33, and will assume her duties on the 24th. Miss Elsie Ball, one of the most suc cessful of our public school teachers will take up the normal course at Monmouth this year, and left tbe city yesterday for that place. During her absence her sister, Mies Alice Ball, has aseumod her duties in the 5th grade. While the Dalles High cchool has every reason for taking pride in the energy displayed by her graduates as they take up their chosen duties, the course- pursued bv the class of 1900 would seem to be particularly worthy of commendation. Although young in years to assume the active duties of life, feeling that such a course was necessary. they have, almost without an exception, bravely started out to practice what most of the modern graduating essays preach and to fill the places which are ever open to those who seek them. Most of the young ladies have taken chargeof schools in the surrounding districts, whilo the voung men are engaged in various kinds of business. Thus are they attesting their faith in the truth of their motto, "Honor waits at labor's gate." To I)ellnurut Taxpayer. The County Court having authorized the immediate collection of delinquent taxes, I am compelled to comply with its request, and will therefore proceed at once to advertise. If you are delinquent you will save cost and expenses by Im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid will be attached at the cost and expense of the owner without fur ther notice. Robert Kelly, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. The Dalles Sept. 17, 1900. 17-29d-w CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bough! 8 nature of LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. From J. Knebel's pasture, three miles south of town, two mares. One Is a dark bay, branded H on left shoulder, left hind foot white, weight about 1150 pounds. The other is brown, big Don left shoulder, weight about 800 pounds. A liberal reward will be paid for tl.eir return to J. Knebel, or for such ir forma tion as will lead to their recovery. a! fur Hale. Rubber-tire buggy, at Porter's stable; nearly new ; good condition. se61sr