The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 15, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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riuni comiko amd oiso.
Wednesday Dally.
MiM Emma Bonney, of Tyith valle,
it registered at the Umatilla House.
George Summera, the postmaster of
Prineville, was in town Ustjuigut on bi
way bouie fioiu Portland.
Perry Read, a posperona ttockroan of
the Hay Stack, Crook county, country,
wa in town today, accoiupuie.l ly hi
wife and daughter. Tlie party came
here to purchase supplies.
Jame Frasier, a wealthy aheepman
formerly ol Sherman county, now of
Yakima county, Wash., arrived here on
the noon train from Portland, accom
panid by hit wife ami children, and reg
istered at the Umatilla House.
Thursday's Dally.
L. E. Crowe went to Portland today
on the No. 1 passenger.
O. H. Bllinger, of Portland, is regis
tered at the Umaiilla House.
J. G. Edwards is registered at the
Umatilla House from Hay Creek.
Mayor E. B. Dufar went on a busi
ness trip to Portland this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Curtiss, of
Rockland, went to Portland oo the No.
1 passenger.
Mrs. Henry Klindt returned on last
night's boat from a month's outing at
Ooeau Park.
Homer D. Angel iias returned from
an extended surveying engagement in
Southern Oregon.
Mrs. Hugh Goarlay returned on last
night's boat from a three months' resi
dence at Ocean Park.
A. M. Kelsjy returned to Shaniko
this afternoon, after spending a couple
of days with li is firmly.
V. G. WooJworth and son left oa
this morning's boat on a shot t visit to
Mr. Woodworth'a sister in Salem.
Win. Lauder, of bait Springs, came
lip on last night's boat from Stevenson,
where he was looking after hit sheep.
Miss Jessie Kent, niece of Horace and
Kufm Patterson, after visiting for a
couple of weeks, left on this morning's
boat for her home in Los Angeles.
Friday's Dally.
Thk CnsoKicf.c acknowledges a pleas
ant call from Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hus
bands, of Mosier.
8. F. Blythe, editor of the Hood River
Glacier, came up here on the Iralria this
morning and uiadn Thk Chronicle
oflice a pleasant call.
Ted HunneSn, of Kent, Sherman
county, lias retnrned fioui spending a
week at the St. Martin's springs, and is
guest of the Umatilla House.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hadley, who
have spent the summer at Collins Land
ing, arrived on the boat last night on
their way to their borne at Moro.
Mrs. Lon Stevens, of Lone Rock, who
is visiting in The Dalles is going to take
ber eon to Salem to school in a few days,
is at present visiting Mrs. Mat Shorea
oo the bluff.
Rev. U. F. and Mrs. Hawk returned
aome last night, leaving their little son
under the care of the Sisters at t. Vin
cent's hospital. The boy is getting
along encouragingly, and it is hoped
will coon be able to come borne.
Francis Kois of The Dalle died very
tudJenly In thi city of apoplexy. Mr.
Ross was visiting with bit son George,
who is agent for the C. 8. Ry. Co. On
Friday morning prior to bis death Mr.
Rjes complained of a slight headache
and cold, but on Saturday morniog It
bad entirely disappeared and be felt in
bis usual good health. On the morning
of his death he ate his breakfast and
then went went on the front porch and
sat down In a rocking chair, the family
going about their work around the
bouse. After remaing in the chair some
time he went to bi room supposedly to
lie down, a he was found with bi shoes
off sitting np in bed with bis back to
the wall.
valise or tool chst ha escaped rifling.
We bnrteJ a woman tbla afteri.oon who
bora the mark of recently removed
rings. Other details are too long to enu
Thai lllee Elas Mava Shown What This
Itrglun Will froduca In lha Liua
uf fruit and Waal.
.eee..fl Opernllo. ol IJrnnrlmeal
1 Aid Aaaoclaulu" t Goverw-
aarut OIHcea. '
"A few years ugo," said the secretary
Aa Indian Prlne Whoili the Eaarllak
Hold In lb Hlfhent
of a d
epurtuwiital nid association, re- ng
the Waahiutrton Star, '"one of the kuj
At last account "Coin" Harvey was
farming a farm, having made ai the
money that he could farming the farm
ers. St. Helen Mist.
So far the gentleman in charge of the
democratic spell-binding have been un
able to announce any appointments for
the Hon. Grover Cleveland.
It is noj'jke or dream, but a bard.
cold fact that many of the Filipinos
think that Aguinaldo is running on the
ticket with Bryan. Sumpter American.
No democratic editor has succeeded in
explaining how Uncle Sam can have a
"secret alliance" with Russia and Eng
land at the same time. Globe-Demo
Those who vote for Bryan vote to
abandon a condition more prosperous
than any ever before enjjyed by any
nation, for the purpose of trying a fin
nancial experiment condemned by all
nations. Blue Mountain American.
Four years ago Eugene V. Debs was
one of the trusted Bryan managers.
This year the democratic national com
mittee has taken alarm at the prospec
tive injury to the Bryan ticket throngh
Debs' candidacy on a socialistic ticket.
Bryan encouraged Debs' socialism to bis
own injury. Buffalo Express.
Special Council Meeting-.
Yesterday, Sept. 13th, at Grand Dalles,
to Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Crawford, a son.
A Treat la Store, for Dalleaitea.
Mrs. Ella Lark-Klein, who is fondly
remembered by many psople of The
Dalles who knew ber years ago as Miss
Ella Lark, when she was here on a pro
tracted visit with her sister, Mrs. J. O.
Mack, is again visiting her sister, and
baa generously volunteered to give a
complimentary concert for the benefit of
the building fund of St. Paul Epieco
palian church. To those who do not
know the treat that awaits The Dalle
people through thi announcement, it
may be said that Mrs. Klein is a pro
fessional vocalist of a very high order,
She has devoted her entire life to the
profession, but ha not traveled outside
of California, where the is a great favor
ite, since ber marriage some six or eight
year ago. Before her marriage she
filled a most successful two years' en
Kagemenc in Australia, she is now
oprano soloist at the Second Unitarian
churcb, San Francieco.
The ladies of The Dalles who remem
ber Mr. Klein's former visit are unani
mous in insisting that the coming con
cert will be treat such as the people of
this town rarely have an opportunity of
enjoying. Mrs. Klein will be assisted
by the best local talent. The time and
plaie for the concert have not yet been
fixe), but fill particulars will be given
through Thk Chrroxicli in a few day.
A Mlulslet's Uvod Woik.
"I bad 4 severe attack of bilious colic,
got a bottle of Chamberlain' Colic,
Cboler and Diarrlnra Remedy, took two
doses and was entirely cured," says Rev.
A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My
neighbor across tie street was tick for
over week, bad two or three bottle of
medicine from the doctor. He need
them three or four day without relief,
then called in another doctor who treat
ed him for tome day and gave bim no
relief, so discharged him. I went over
to see bim the next morning. He said
bis bowel were In a terrible fix, that
they had been running off so long that
it wa almost Moody flux. J ar-ked bim
if he bad tried Chamberlain' Colic,
Cholera and Diarrh. Remedy and bd
aid, 'No.' I went home and brought
him my bottle and gave him one dote;
told him to take another dose in fifteen
or twenty minute if he did not find
relief, but he took no more and was en
tirely cured." For tale at Blakel-y'i
drug store.
Passed Away Suddenly.
The following particular! of tbe death
of the lato Franc! Ross are copied from
tbe Shaniko Leader: Lntt Sunday Mr.
' A special meeting of the city council
was held last night, at which all the
members were present except Andrew
Keller and A. A. Jayne.
A communication from Edwin Fish,
of Portland, was read announcing that
be had purchased the Baker City gas
plant and was contemplating operations
in The Dalles, either gas works or elec
tric work and power from water power,
and requesting unofficial suggestions
and information as to what encourage
ment, in the form of franchise and con
tracts for street lights, The Dalles might
be willing to offer and what price the
city could afford to pay for euch lights.
The matter was referred to the commit
tee on lights.
Councilman Gunning, of the fire and
water committee, to which was referred
the matter of repairing the fire bell at
the Mouut Hood hose bouse, reported
that tho bell could not be repaired, but
did not recommend tbe purchase of a
new one.
Councilman Llebe, chairman of the
committee on lights, reported that his
committee had conferred with the elec
tric light company and received the
same offer that had been made laBtyear,
namely $11 a light. Tbe council re
fused to accept the offer.
Mayor Dufur nominated Ned II.
Gates for recorder for the current year,
and the council confirmed the nomina
tion by a nnanimous vote.
The claims contracted in connection
with the lately contemplated sewer sys
tem, amouoting to $ftl6.6o, came np be
fore the conncii and were ordered paid.
They are as follows:
W J Roberts, preparing plans
nd specification 300 00
A 8 Bennett, attorney's fee .... 152 60
Times-Mountaineer, advertising
ewer assessment 76 50
J M Huntington, making sewer
assessment 39 65
Ch'onicle Publishing Co, pub
lishing sewer notice 12 00
F E Broneon, computing cower
assessment 30 00
C F Stephens, expense on sewer
system 6 00
Twenty Miles of Dead.
Houston, Tex., Sept. 13. Mrs. John
J. Moody, a member of the committee
sent from Houston to take charge of the
relief station at Texas City, reports as
"To the Mayor Sir: On arriving at
La Marque this morning I was informed
that the largest number of bodies were
along the coast of Texas City. Fifty-
six were buried yesterday and today
within less than two miles extending op
posite this place and toward Virginia
Point. It is yet six miles further to
Virginia City, and the bodies are thicker
where we are now than where they have
been buried. A citizen inspecting in the
opposite direction reports dead bodies
thick for twenty miles.
"The residents of thi place have lost
all not habitable building left and
they have been too'basy disposing of the
dead to look after personal affairs.
Those who have anything left are giving
it to the others, and yet there is real
suffering. I have given away nearly all
the broad I brought for my own use to
hungry children.
"A number of helpless women and
beggared children were landed herefrom
Galveston and liai no place to go and
not a bite to eat. Tomorrow other aie
expected from tbe same place. Every
ten feet alonj the wreck-lined coast tells
of tbe act of vandalism; not a trunk,
The Oregonian compliment Wafco
county by publishing In today' paper a
handsome picture of the county' fruit
ami wool exhibit. Speaking of the ex
hibit the Oregonian ayi:
"There is one spot in the fair that
never fails to attract the careful atten
tion of the passii'g throng. It is the
Wasco connty exhibit, in the southwest
corner of the horticultural building,
which was prepared by CtfCide Lodge,
N 303, B. P. O. E., after designs fu
nished bv Georeo Orton. of Portland
It occupies three sections of the bo' M
ing, and contains a display of fruit nd
wool from The Dalles and an exhibit of
the famous apples of Hoed River. E. II
Merril, of The Dalles, and Hon. E. L
Smith, of Hood River, are in charge
and are occupied every minute in an
swering tbe questions of the curious
In the center section is seen the ex
tensive display that represents the great
wool industry of Wasca connty. Huge
bales, containing over 400 pounds o
snow-white wool, thow the manner i
which it is prepared for shipment to tl
woolen mills, while overhead of the en
tire exhibit is a canopy formed of alter
Date strips of the scoured and nnscoure
article. Fully a ton of wool was used i
carrying out tbe design.
"The south section is given up to show
ing the elegant samples of of fruit an
vegetables that grow in euch abnndanc
around The Dalles. Artistically ar
ranged in a semi-circle around the fron
are scores of large plates, every one ot
them being piled high with apples, pears
peaches and grapes. In the backgroun
are monster onions and egg-plants, an
nearly every other form of toothsome
vegetation that finds a home in a well
ordered garden. Nearer to the front and
far more noticeable are some example
of w hat Wasco county can do in the way
of raising gigantic squashes and water
melons squashes that would furnie
pie for a boarding-house table through
out the winter, and watermelons of euch
remarkable sizo'and charming appear'
ance that extra precaution are required
to keep the crowds from breaking in an
devouring them on the impulse' of the
moment. Monster bunches of grapes
whose weight is measured in pounds.
depend from stout cords, and cause the
eyes and mouths of the beholders to
open with astonishment. Twenty-our.ce
Pippins, Alexanders, Gravr.nsteins, Ben
Davis and other big apples that have
won Oregon an international name as a
fruit-producing state, beautiful Hislop
and Siberian crabs, Baitlettand Spanish
Beauty pears, Albertha and Late Craw
ford peaches, and Chassler Rose grape
attract the admiration of all who pars
that way.
"The grower of Hood River have fill
ed the north section with what has often
been spoken of as the best display of
choice apples that has ever been seen
here. They are shown by the box, and
every specimen is the most perfect of
it kind. There are the Arkansas
Blacks, the Gano, the vellow Newton
Pippin "the king of all apples" ti e
Gloria Mundi, the Wolf River, tbe
Gravenstein, Hyde's King of the West
nearly all of which are large enough in
size for three tier to fill the ordinary
bushel box. Besides the more than 30
of the most select varieties of well
known apples on exhibition, there is
one box of Flemish Beauty pears that
cannot be excelled for form and color,
One of the odditiea of the collection is
the Flory or winter banana, handsome
apple, that has the fragrance and a alight
taste of the banana of the tropics. This
is frequently referred to a the most
beautiful apple in the world.
"The whole exhibit is remarkable for
Its completeness, for the quality and
quantity of it samples, and for the
novel and artistic manner in which it
has been prepared."
Through the months of June and July
our baby was teething and took a run
ning off of the bowel and sickness of
the stomach," says O. P. M. Holliday,
of Deming, Ind. "His bowei would
move from five to eight times a day.
had a bottle of Chamberlain' Colic,
Cholera and Diarrheal Remedv in the
bouse and gave him four drops in a tea
spoonful of water and be got better at
once. Sold at Blakeley drugstore.
"My baby was terribly sick with the
diarrhiei," say J. II. Doak, Williams,
Oregon. "We were unable to cure him
with the doctor's assistance, and as a
last resort we tried Chamberlain' Colic,
Cholera and Diarrl.a;a Remedy. I am
happy to aay it gave immediate relief
and a complete cure." For tale at
Blakeley' drng (tore.
From J. Knebel'a pasture, three miles
south of town, two mares. One Is a
dark bay, branded II on left shoulder,
left bind foot white, weight about 1150
pounds. The other Is brown, big D on
left shoulder, weight about 800 pounds.
A liberal reward will be paid for their
return to J. Knebel, or for such informa
tion a will lead to their recovery. s4
Clarke A Falk have received a carload
of tbe celebrated Jame E. Patton
ttrictly pare liquid paint ,
The gaitwar of I! a roc a, who it pay-
Li fourth visit to hnjr.anu. It
ports the Waahiuirton Mar, oneoiuie kuowa in ria as "a model prince,"
abuse of departmental lire was uie oi- jndj in Europe ns an eclife'litened advo
mobt constant paasiE;? around of the cate o( ,ro?rest. Born iu ISC I. he has
hat for collections to aid the widow and now ru!e( tbt important state of iia
fumily of a clerk who had died, ill serv-, f )(,a w iJh conspjeuous success and. ad
ice. I vantageto hissubjects during2J years.
"Very often the deceased had been ,n ,hat period he has devo-ted. his chief
for many year la the service of the attention to works calculated to ben
goveruuierkt and at. hi death it would j egt js people, and to improve their
be found that be left scarcely enough; con(ri;jon (rom the moral as well as
to buryi him, and aomttinies not that, j t)je ma;riaj standpoint. The gaik-war
And this would be true of clerku in the : ia( a g,eat patron of education, hav
higher grades. It made a clerk appear . fouled niauy s?hoo!s and colleges,
mean to refuse to contribute with the. amJ STJec:a;j. interested himself in the
others though he may have had but, ,hornv question, in India, of female
a Kpt-uking acquaintance with the de-, eilUcatjon. He is now giving further
ceased. To those on the outside it. proo 0; hjs zeal in educational mat
would not teem that th-se contnbu-j ters bv the jipfigjon oe has formed of
tions would be made sunieientlj often iell(jing his eldest son to Oxford, and
to amount to a drain, but they wrre, ' some cf his younger sons to tchools
of Application for Liqaor
To All Whom It MurToIi7rn:
and 1 have known of thrte elf rks uying
within a month in oue large division. 1
recall the chief clerk of a bureau dying ,
suddenly, and hi w idow djd not have
n England. This is a startling deci
sion on the part of a prince of high
caste and royal rank. His highness
has shown himself in another respect
enough money to pay for his laying, a)CYe the practice of most ori
out. I he worn was passtu uiuuuu m, entais jn beinir a strict monogamist
the bureau that the chief expected the
clerks to contribute liberally, and most
of them handed in from $3 to $5, but
there was a btrong undercurrent of
"Jn all of the department the solicit
ing of money for any purpose is strict
ly forbidden now. All have their ow n
benevolent associations, which are eu
couraced bv the chiefs. These asso-
The present maharahi, mother of nil
his children except the eldest, was a
princess of Devas and accompanies! her
husband on his tour.
I Land Orrica at Thk Daliei", Ob., J
September, 10, l'K-0. )
I Notice in hereby Kiveu thiit the followtiiR
I name.) eettlrr lma Hied notice ol his intention
1 to inrtk-p Hum I t roof ill ttiMiort of his claim, aud
ciutions bave by-laws, constitutions that aniil ir.xjf will be made before the register
and ottierrs. Their object is to furnisn . ivii.T ' "
to the clerks who are nieiubi rs an in-1 ciiarla n. Matney,
surnnce which will be immediately i of The cues, Oregon, H. F.. No. sow, for the S
available on death. In fact, the money ' hf NK or aud W hf bli qr, tiec 12, lp 1 S, a 11
. , . ., . . 4. , is, vv. M
is iiirueu over iu iuc uciis un mc
day that the association is notified of
the death of the member, and this
ready money is often all that the
widow or the heirs have in the world.
"The Pension liureau association
publishes a complete pamphlet report
annually; others render a report to the
board of directors only. The annual
receipts from the assessments of the
Pension I.ureau association are about
$0,600, and $250 is paid on death to the
beneficiary. Last year it lost about
25 members, and. $;i0,000 has been dis
bursed since its formation in, 1891. The
assessment is 25 cents, and the mem
bership is 1,000. Clerks do not lose their
mernberhip in these associations if
they retire from their respective de
partments, voluntarily, or involuntar
ily, as long as they pay their assess
ments. The assessments range from
25 cents to $1.
"In the post office department the as
sessment is 50 cents, and tbe amount
paid varies from $200 to $275, according
to the numbpr of members.
"The treasury department has two
aid) associations, one of which pays
$250 on the death of a member and the
assessment is $1.
"The interior departments associa
tion numbers about U00, ami it was or
ganized' in 1895. About 100 members
have since died; each, receiving at death
$200, while over $20,000 has been disbursed.
'The beneficial association of the
war department has recently been re
organized, having been in existence 14
years. It has a membership of 430, the
assessment is $1, the amount paid at
death $250, and about $5,600 has already
been disbursed."
noon, on Moiidsr. tha ail, h ,u" ''i u.
th 7f bei.,, UXZ
of t.r,.g. ,n for ecu : y Y.? "
aplritiioua, malt and v1qou, ,
Humiain wu one r ill,.-, ; : .riwi 1
l-r, in the county D I .tati " ,h
PjMiod a. hi. receipt fmmft V
ol mm eouuty iny call for; ..LTS'NI
u i m o, wnu n he i r,L.Z.le
countycourtoa ?SH&Z
Uated thU 7th day of Octn
1'e.ltloo for I.,,aor llt(
To the Honorable Counry ( .
Oregon, lor the County of i.
We, the undersigned resident tIld w
of Mosier precinct. In t, i ?,,"? "U-.
State ol O.CKou, respeetfu y 2'' ' -orable
body to grar.t a UL'J
to sell splrftuoua, m;t n,,d vlnoo !
less quantities than one Kail,.i
Moa'ei. in the county j ..i".
.mh period hi, r, ,
treaurer of said county uiy call fa!
Edw A Relueck
1. Lamb.
Lewla Meek,
P Heiuitua'auii,
K Hardwick,
Christian WytH,
Arnold Yv,
E B Wood,'
B Eben,
J as 8 Hunter,
Frank Lspier,
H btonemau,
M Thlel,
Jucob Finch,
John Armstrong,
A H Godbersou,
M Duty,
K V Weidner,
J 1C M Grt gor,
Andy Fraiher,
Rue Prattler,
Geo Judy
Geo Ireland
C II Davenport
A M Prlcbatd
John Korlhllp
J V Monier
N (' Statu,'
J M Elli tt.
M'lton wvt
H P P ttr'
8 UHmer, '
' A I rmer,
M flwlliuiu
H I hiel,
ji Graulunil,
James Joia,
Hi isher,
Axel E Peters,
h. I'avcnpott
m A Ht, '
l'h I'rathcr,
A J Pr, h,
Jas Nurs
V Patterson
-N 0 Weidner
A Nord'r
A T Hobera
Ho nmnes the following witnesses to prove
hin continuous resiileuee upon and cultivation
of feuid iind, viz. :
A. 8, Fox, P. ;. Paean, Charles Gosson and V.
C. Clurk, all of lbe Dalles, Oregon.
sepl.j iAy!';AL'P AS. Rfgisttr.
Land Offic at Th Pai,li, Or, I
.September 111, 1!KU
Notlee Is hereby given that the following
named pettier has filed notlee of bis intention to
nuiku finnt proof in support of his claim, and
thiit Bald proof will bo made before the HegiMer
anl Keeeiver at The liallex, Oregon, on bntnr
d iy, October 39, 1900, via :
Arelloua 8. Fox,
of The Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. 5151, for the
8 hf MV ijr and W hf SV or, tiec 1-', Tu 1 S, R 11
E, W. il.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his outiuuouM residence upon and cultivation
of taid land, viz:
I. '. Matnev, C If. Mutney, Charles Gossen
and W. (J. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
sep!5 JAY P. LL'CAH, Register.
Lisd Offici at Thk Dalles. Oil,
Hcnteiii ber I''.. 1!K0. I
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng
n.uned tettlerhus filed notice of her intention
to make llnal proof in support of her claim, und
t li ti t said piool will be made before the Register
and Receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, on Wednes
day, October 4, Kuu, viz:
Janat K. fttawart, or Th Dallea, Or ,
II. E. So. KM, for tho E'j SK.'i SE or N K or Pec
25, Tp 1 X, R n E, and SV or N W or bee ao, Tp 1
N, R 13 E, M. ti
8Ue names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivution
of said land, viz. :
I). D. Nelson, E. F. Shar., John Fleming,
Daniel Stewuit, all of Tbe Indies.
'PlS JAY P. I.UCA9, Register.
Philadelphia Glrla Follow the Ad
Tlca of the C hinese Minister,
Wa Tlngr Fanar.
The corset has been relegated to ob
scurity by many of the most fashion
able young; women of Philadelphia.
Mme. Goches Sarrante, who believe
that women vvearinar thie unhvirieiuc
thing should be punished by Jaw, hat
rallied a host of followers from Phila
delphia around her flag-.
!Led by Dr. Grace Spiegel, of the nor
mal school, many of the young girU
of Philadelphia are banding togethet
against this article of feminine wear
They consider it not mildly unhvgien-
ic, but actively harmful. Dr. Spiegel's
opinions on the question are:
It Is really wicked for women, and
especially growing girls, to force
tha-mseive into such strait iacketx.
They need free play of muscles to irive
them the best, physical and mental
neann; nicy need loose clothing to
allow free play of muscle. No need, as
some think, of a girl's looking untidy
because she does not wear corset to
(Worm her natural figure. She can
be neat, carry herself properly and
feel happier without them."
u Ting Fang, the Chinese minis
ter, put th? wearing of corsets on a
par with foot-binding," said a mem
ber of the Society of the Philadelphia
Woman's Medical CoHcire. the- other
day. She knows, because she has
been assisting in th entertainment of
he distinguished foreigner during his
recent visit to that city. "In his ad
dress to our alumnae,", continued the
medical woman, "he cited the Chinese
ress as one mark of the emancipation
of the women of hi country and their
upenority over Americans."
Land Officb at Tint Dallrs, On. (
henternher Id. 1,MM. I
Notleo is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled nolice of hnr intention
to make tliinl proof in support of hei claim, and
that said proof will be made before the rrglaler
and receiver at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes
day, Ociober Jl, 1UO0, viz ;
Eliza K. Vlckers,
widow of Samuel J. Vlckers, deceased, of Mo-
ler, Oregon, if. K. No. 5fi:f0, for the N8Wu
and SI, N Peo l.i. Tp 2 N, R 13 K, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her i oiiiinuoiis residence upon aud cultivation
of said land, viz. ;
Ucorge Renoe, of The Dalles, Oregon; James
M.lcr, le Evaus, Eric Oruiilinid, M osier. Or.
P15 JAVj.LHHLReostjM
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
rave filed wtth ti e Clerk of the county court of
the rjtateof Oregon for Wasco oomitv, their final
ae ount as executors of the last will and testa
ment of Henry Harnum, deceated, ana that
Monday, the 4th day of November, 10(H), at the
I our of loo cl(K-k a. m., bas been fixed by the
:uuty Court for said county as the time, and
the county court anom in Dalles City as tho
place for hearing of objection tu said final ac
touut and the settlement of the same.
. Vh Eiecutors.
Laud Orrica at Thb Dalles. Okkooc,i
August , l'.uu. 1
Notice Is berebv aivrn lht ti, r.n. I
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to
make linal proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the ReglsUr
Kobart E. I'hllllps, of Mmltr, Mr.,
II. E. No. fiVtftfor the NE'i NWJ.', NW'i NE'i.
wV.'""1 8-' m tp.2 n , r ie:
lie nnmcs the following witnesses to prove his
eoiittnuous residence upou aud cultivation of
said land, viz:
'ames lwls. Dolly Moafer, Lea Evans, John
Sale of Real Propsj
Notice la hereby given that under imv,
tne of an order dul made s id eitoj?
I'ounty Court of Wbsct County, oim .
2th day of August. 1M1. th.
liiinlstrator with Ihewill annexed. oltnij
of Jonathan Jackson, deneaa.-al. uin iJl
afler the 1st day of October, luin, Kn'u ,3
sbIo In the manner provided by li.w for ibe'J
ic., uy rxeciiiursana titmiM
tors, nil the riKht, title and interest ul
Jonathan Jackson in and to the folloiai
scribed real property, being in Wawo
Oregon, to-wit:
Tbo NW4 of tbe SK'i of section llte i
the of tbe HK and the of tbt
section twenty-two (12,; the sKWofilfi
of section fifteen (to), the K',' of tbeE ,
the NK'4 of theSE'4 of secllontwentt-u
the K4 of Iho NE and the BV'4 of ihtV
and the kE'4 of the NW'i rf section ni
seven (J7), all in township four 4) ihiiIi, nJ
jourietni easr, v. .u.; Saul sale ti)
cash or upon c.renil in the maimer provi,
law for the sale of real property upou ciei
executors aud admlul- trators.
Administrator, with the will annexed.
estate of Jonathan Juekton, deceased, r
Land Office at Thb Dallm.Oi'
August 31, M.
Notice is hereby given that t!ie MoiJ
named settler has 11 led notice of his intentui!
make linal proof in support of his rlum J
that said proof will be made before the Hvi
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on A
uay, yeiooe: iu, iyw, vix.:
Qeorg V. Johnston, of Tha D1Im,o
IT. E. No. Stt, for tbe NW'4 NE'4 indS
NW Sec IS, Tp 1 N, R 14 E, W. M.
He names the following witnevsestonrim
eon tin nous residence Ukiii, and cultl un
said land, viz:
F. P. Taylor, Win. Sharp, J. W. Jobniton i
R. . league, all of Tbe Dallea, Oregon.
S5-1 JAY P. Ll'CAS, KefMr
Nolice Is hereby given that the nndrmrJ
nas been amy appointed oy mo nonorsoitr,
of the state of Oregon, for Wnsco cnnnti. i
ecutor of the estate of Ai:sut fischmin .
ceased. All persons having claims againstai
estate are hereby not Hied to present tbe ara
proicriy verllied, to t lie underslirned Genrf',
Heed, at The Dalles, Wasca county, W
at the oflice of his attorneys, Menefeedi
lit The Dulles, Oregon, within six montbi fit:
the date of this notice.
Dated this lltta day of July, M.
OKOKuK D. Rltt.
Executor of the estate of August Bu:
Land Orrica atTiii! Dau.s.0t.,i
Au. 18.1 I
Notice la hfn-hv a-iven tliul the folloM
nameil settler bus file 1 notice of his lntwi'1
to make final proof In suportof bla claJui. ij
and receiver of the li. H. land office tt W
Dallea, Or , on Saturday, Sept. W, l'JUU, r.
Ilanrv C. Gordlon. of The Dallas, Or.
II. K. No. 4fll , for the 8K!i Hue. . Tpl S
He naniea'the following wltneMei to sm
his continuous residence upon and cuKo"
Ul snni mini, vik; , , . m . u
Kmest Jordan, Albert Jordan, Job" r1
and James Thomas, all of The Uaiie, orw,
angJ-1 JAV P. LLCA8, Kegil"
JAt P. I.tlCAS,
Keg Is lr
Laud Orrica at The Dali es, Om.,1
v ., . J,,iy 'i i!). t
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has riled notice of her Inlet, on
toc.,mmnleat,dmakennalpr.K.f In support o
J"e-;'m'"n?;n"l'l'rc.fwlll be made be
fore tb'j register and receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on 1 hursday, September a), vl:
Lola A, Helm, or Tha Halms.
and Hrt swi, Her. :l T. 1 H, II. il 'K . M '
Hhn names tne following wltiir-ses to prove her
"dland'vr,7 C,''H!,',K,n' "" cultvHon It
v'V. n""l"i.(-,WV,,n"rp' l'arles Matney,
V. 1 ox, nil of 1 he Dalles, or.
Notice Is hereby given that the
nava been auiy apno" "J "". iiw
county court, of the state of JlnjJ
cfiuuiy, exi-eiiiom oi mc ---- ,
son. deceased. All pertona hsvlnj :
against s.Uil estate are hereby """"Lpii
the same, prorly verified, to the J
j i..,i l Shermsns""'1.
Oregon, or at the olliee of our attorne'
fee di v llson, at 1 he lmiies, oin, , -
mouths from tliedateof this notice.
Dated July 11, 1(.HARI KS RcojJ
Kxofutomol thoCHtate uf lIor-UoCori,nV'
' v
T. A. Van Norden
In all Its atacea tbera
hould be cleaiilinasa,
Elj'e Cream Balm
lenses, soothes and ho all
tha disuased Bieinhrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold la lb bead
Cream Halm Is placed Into the nostrils, roreada
over tha metnhran and is absorbed. Jteilef la im
mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying-does
Bot produce sneering. Large Size, SU cents it Drug
gists jr by mall ; Trial Blu-i, 10 cents by mail.
irri f.JlUER,M Wjrren Wrwt.X.w Yorg.
Re nstcr
LtNa Offii e at Vancouver, Wash.)
., . . Allg. li, PHSI. (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named sett er has (lln.1 b..ii.. .. .. . . ''. ! '"
to make linal .,r,,,f !,... J.V. '7".
that said .r,! will l mii.. '".'. "J"'
uI.'lioL,:,""' :"nmN"""",r iMainci ,,i
M, ,m.H lioiuenrln e. Wash
1 MR ton , on Oct ,be r I, I'.sw, vis:
John Watann,
P. O. sddresa Cenlervllle, Ws.h., who made
,il,Vi'" tol'lowmg witnesses to prove
Si Mn'i;:nrA.r',le,,w utna ""
hnrk-d Htmulrp,
C Irlllv atlli V 1, li IIRItlWMT,, Jfimff
P. O., hlniioii. ' "J'n" ".
' H:Jt Ii,:'V"A". Register.
I. f. ooa. jomii"oa"vTs)
Rooma and 19, over U. 8. Land (jillca
I 1 1-
Keeps cons ton tl yon hand
line of all that la best 111 "' 'rWsi,J,
Clucks, Miwctaclea.rieldiilaases."''" orfer
at pileeathnt defy competition, i'l'n.trti. I
tenilel to with promptness ana "'"i ,(3
graving neatly done.
Ckicien Lice Coi
Carbolineum : Avenarius.
The most emvieot Jto'
Pain., also a Ha " " S l.l
hleke.i '."rV,V..iU will f'
side walls of po'iH'T '1,'"'',m" K
manenlly est.rm n"te all I ,
anils- heallhy "! '."" nrice
mas. VVrltel
.Mention this psa-r.
healthy cnies. . ,
i for enviii"'-
5 Jos.T. Peters
T!!. i