The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 12, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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Saturday s Daily.
J. F. Haworth went to Portland on
the noon train.
Miss Bertie Glenn ai a passenger on
thia morning's boat lot Portland.
Mn. Bert Campbell returned on last
nieht'i boat from an outini- at Ocean
Park. .
T. Bishop, of Hood River, was in town
last niirht on visit to bis ranub near
Grass alley.
State Senator Johnston and wife, of
Pufur, arrived here lrom Portland on
the noon train,
T. II. Smith, the San Francisco wool
buyer, left on the noon train to spend
Sunday in roruana.
Hon. M. A. Moody left on the noon
train for Portland With (he expectation
of returning tomorrow night.
Hon. F. P. Maya and family returned
y-eterdav from spending a short time on
t ia Mays' ranch south of Dufur. They
cpect to leave tomorrow for their bom
i 1 Portland.
Monday's Dally.
J. P. Isaacs ! registered at the Uma
tilla House from Walla Walla.
Miss Annie Dietzel left on this morn
ing'! boat to visit friends in Portland.
Tom IlHslam left on this morning's
boat to spend a week at fct. Martin's
Recorder Gates returned borne this
morning from a visit to the Portland
Mrs. F. P. Mays, son and daughter
were passengers on this morning s boat
for Portland.
Mrs. Leon Rondeau, of KIngsley, left
on this morning's boat to place her two
children In the Sisters' school at Van-
M. E. Gerow and Jay F. Stroud, of
Prineville, arrived her on their way
home from attending the Portland
Frank Malone, of Antelope, is in the
city accompanied by his daughter, Miss
May Malone, who will attend St. Mary's
Academy during the current term.
J. II. Cradlebangh returned here yes
terday from a short sojourn at Portland,
where he received medical treatment
that has greatly improved his health.
Mies Jessie Kent, of Los Angeles, re
turned here Saturday from a week s
visit with the family of Rufus Patterson,
of Mosier. She was accompanied by
Bin. tirittain.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Kelsay, of Fossil, are
in the city on their way to their old
stamping ground at Eugene, where Ihey
intend to spend the ensuing month.
Their danghter accompanied them here
to spend a term at the Sisters' academy.
The Misses Huber, having spent the
past two months with the family ot
tbeir aunt. Mrs. B. Sinnott, left for
their home in Los Angeles today. They
have made many friends among our
young people, who will heartily welcome
them on any future visit to our little
Tuesday's Daily.
Miss Merrill, of Portland, is visiting
.1 I :i M TIT r ITT J
luvHainrui . . nwu.
lion. F. N. Jones, of Bakeoven. is rer-
leierea at me umaiina nouse. .
John C. Hertz, lata a .oil. known
merchant of this city, now of Salera, is
in town.
Miss Bertha Butts and Mies Maeiiie
ss- . . . . . I
iioiton went to Portland on this morn-
Mrs. Emile Schanno and daughter. I
Miss Alma, went to Portland on this
""""'"a . i
Mrs. Isaac Perry, son and daughter
went to Yakima yesterday to spend a
montn visiting lrienus.
Eueene Loonev. a wealthv Wheeler
county sheepman, is In the city looking
after the sale of his wool.
Mrs. Simeon Bolton and daughter.
Mies ttuc, went to Goldendale ye'ter-
day to spend a few days with relatives.
George A. Young, wife and daughter.
Miss Georgia, and Fred Young, wile
and children are in the city on tbeir
way home from the Portland carnival.
Ia all Its stages thsrs
should bs cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes and heals
the diseased membrane.
It cores catarrh sod drives
away a cold ia to head
Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads
over ths membrane and Is absorbed. Relief is lm-
mediate and s care follows. II Is Dot drying does
aot produce sneezing. Large Size, SO oents at Drug-
gliU or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail
. KBT WKJTHER8, M Warren Street, New Tork.
Through the months of June and July
baby was teething and took a run-
ning off of the bowels and sickness of
t'10 stomach," says O. P. M. Hollidav,
of Deming, Ind. "His boweis wouid
move from five to eight times a day. I
hid a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrbwt Remedy in the
hose and gave him fonr drona in a tea
spoonful of water and be got better at
once, bold at tsiakeley s drugstore,
For Bale.
The two building, owned by Mrs. E. I
Julian, on Court street, between Second
and Third, now occupied as a lodging
bouse and dressmaking shop The
boildmg. will be sold, furnished or on-
furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to
Mrs. E. Julian. a.1.1 mil
Ptubling is still
loat cnas. Mublinz is still dolns a
retail business at bis new place.
lie I
ells in quantities to suit all customer,
from one bottle to a barrel. Family
orders delivered promptly.
For the convenience of parties want-
a . I
Ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman
Ice Co. will carry a stock at tbeir store,
corner Third and Washington streetr. I
rhone No. 107; long distance 1S3. 1
''Riniv a m nn " 10 . I
"f iom-ii I
Kaatacket Has 0 Eight Mllea Loasr
ad Bat Uaa Fersoa Carries
a Pass.
"A rather curious ar.d Terr econom
ically managed ruilroad is the an
tucket Central, which runs between
Nantucket and Siiii-cont, a distance
of about eitfht miles," remarked an old
resident of Martha's Vineyard to
Washington Star writer recently. A
round-trip ticket on this road costs 80
cents for the pastM-nger and SO cents
for his trunk. A second trunk is car
ried for 30 cents and a third fur 20 cents,
but as the schedule allows for only
three trunks the conductor hanon m-v
eral occasion ruled, that at the fourth
trunk he must begin over again at b'O
"Only one paaa is issued on the Nan
tucket Central, and that ia used by the
proprietor of rhe road. The conductor
ia the general manager of the road,
train dispatcher and division superin
tendent. The engineer i masler me
chanic, chief of transportation and
overseerof t lie road bed and track. The
fireman drives the express wagon and
kepa the books between trips. Last
year some 2U round trips were made,
and a novelty introduced during the
summer season was the entire aboli
tion of the steam whistle, purtly be
cause of its wasite of steam and partly
because it frightened the blue and
other fish off shore.
"The rolling stock of the road con
sist of two locomotives and six or
seven antiquated paststnger cara. The
earnings of the Central last year
amounted to about $16,000 and the op
erating expenses were a little over
$0,000." -
Hew Jersey Family Was Visited br
a Extrasrdlaary Series of
Francis Fielder, who lives at Turkey,
a small village near New Brunswick,
N. J., is wondering why misfortune ia
persistently pursuing him and his
family, says the New York World.
Recently his son Edward fell from a
scaffolding at Long Branch and was
so badly hurt that for a long time
his life was despaired of.
Then Mrs. Fielder slipped from the
stoop of her home, breaking her collar
bone and several ribs.
The next day Mr. Fielder slipped on
some loose hay and fell out of the mow.
He was shaken up so badly that he had
to keep in his bed for several days.
ext a favorite horse died of glanders
and ail his live stock had to be qnuran-
lined nnd the outbuildings disinftcted.
W hile this w as being done a message
was received from a son, at Asburv
Tark, announcing that he had lot a
Horse by theft.
The younger son, Garfield, was the
next vicitim of the family Nemesis.
lie Was ridinir hll wheel tn irnrV ,.-Vun
he ran Intn nh;,.i, ,,i .t
.-..... " mivnu
airainst a nost. hnvino. on. i,.
i t r 1 uu.jc
broken and a shoulder (lislncted
;now that all the members nf fh
family nnd most of the live stock have
keen victims of misfortunes in one wav
or another, Mr. Fielder hopes the fates
Mlave ben satisfied and that brighter
nflVS a a alini.4 a a J
Thar rass Through states of Seven
Years aad The Anal
the End.
It is held by a recent writer on worn-
n tnat he seven stages of her life ma v
e reckoned as composed of multiples
of seven. The first seven venrs are in.
.nc.'' ,ne woni1 vea childhood, the
"e'en innooo, tne fourth seven
brings a fully developed womanhood.
From 28 to 35 the fifth seven mitrht
ue cuneu tne infancy of age, for in
"'" j-m unr u-arns to exercise the
faculties and perceptions that have
been developed in the previous groups.
Lp to tne age of 42 the lessons go on.
Character is being matured and fixed,
the definite trend of life established.
After that few changesare made In the
real person. Slight variations and mod
ifications of opinion there may be, but
noinmg deep or vital Is likely to trans
form the life.
The common phrases, "a confirmed
old bachelor," and "a confirmed old
maid," applied to unmarried men and
women over 40 are tacit admissions of
that fact, intimating that mental and
physical habits are so strongly rooted
tnat tne adaptability of earlier years
has ceased to exist, and the person ia
lncaPaD1 OI adjustment to a new en-
l'!0?. I, Jh' ?T J1"''
, - piuiuj iiuuuio me, dj, ine en-croachmen-t
of age; 70, the span of ex
istence the decade of sevens, beyond
wnicn lies a mere waiting for the end
Drying1 preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh : they dry up the secretions.
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a for more serious tremble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
r..,t!? ?!Lf
and will cars catarrh or poM in tha l.a.i
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
m'led for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
irritate or cause aneezhnr. It snreads itself
over an irritated and an cry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With I'.lv's Cream Itnlm too ara arm ml
against A asiU Uatarrn and liar Fever.
From J-Koebel' Pture, three miles
mare. uo is a
"ra oay, branded II on left shoulder.
left hind foot .;. iv, .v, mn
" - e v a w siuviiv A A JJ
pounds. The other is brown, big D on
left shoulder, weight thn,.t Ron i.
A liberal reward will be paid for their
return to J. Knebel, or for such in forma-
. .... ....
lion SB Will lesd to their recovery. mi
Hmd Hut rruiu the Cua
Was the ball that bit G. D. Steadman
of Newark, Mich., In the Civil War. It
canted horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured hiiu. It
cures cuts, bruises, bnrns boils, felons,
corns, skill eruptions. Beet pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by B!akely, the
"My baby was terribly sick with the
diarrlu'i," rays J. II. Doak, Williams,
Oregon. "We were unable to cure him
with the doctor's assistance, and as a
last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and P.emedy. I am
happy to sjv it gave immediate relief
and a omplete cere." For sale at
Biakeley's drog store.
Murderer of German Mm liter Arrested.
Nsw York, 6ept. 10. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says: Chung
LI, military cimmandant of Pekin, who
is responsible for the murder cf the
German minister, has betn arrested and
is confined under German jurisdiction.
Working Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building op the health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by B'.akeley,
the druggist. 3
Mrs. E. Julian has bought the Cates
wool saw. Parties wanting wood sawed
will please leave ordeis at the Julian
l)dgin house, or communicate with
phone 201. flO lw
From the East End feed yard, one small
blue mare, branded something like
man's bead -on left shoulder. Liberal
reward for her recovery or information
leading to her tecovery. When laBt
seen had a snort rope around Her neck
T. J. Dkips,
a27-2tw The Dalles, Or.
Four or five boys, going to school
during winter, to board. $12 a month
with room and plain washing. Across
street from High school. Apply at
Chro.vicl office. d.ywlui
. Luxuries.
Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they
are necessities. A full line of cool and
refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and
beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home
for lunch. C J. Stabling. Phone 234,
Wanted A large room lurniebed or
unfurnished, in a private family. Ap
ply at the mil'inery store on Washington
street, between Second and Third. eS-9
Advertise in Thb Chronicle.
The only store ft
this city where tht
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlaati
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam -
eled ware.
Other wares look
like it.but thegenu
ine has the name
Stransky - Steel
Wareoneach piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize, at 1(
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award at World t
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago. Pre
ferred by the best
cooking authorities,
certified to by the
most famous cbem
lata for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because)
Remember, this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported forand
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not runt
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
not affected by acids
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, roast
and bake
flavor of
food and
will last
for years.
We cau.
tion tha
, r. mooss. joiik oavim
Rooms 19 and 40, oyer V. 8. Land OBlcs
Plays & sue
.rriaT tis scHSDiaa. Asrivb
rus t ws luuu. iron
Fast salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fat
Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mall
l.vwp. m. tty, nt. Uuii, li.Ju p m
Chicago and aat.
Atlantic Halt Laks, Denver, Ft. 4:4&s.m.
Kx press Worth, Oinubs, Kan
li.jua. m. am t.itr, it. Louis,
Via Hunt- chleago and Eat.
Spokane Walls Walls, Bpokane, Bpnkane
iJail Minneapolis, ft. i-aul. Mail
and i) u 1 u t h, Milwaukee, and
Eipress Chicago slid Kaal, via Express
Bpukaneskd Hunting
fn ; alw all pointa in
:2J p. m Washington and tat- 8:30a.m
em Oregon.
8 p. m. Fbom PoETUXn. 4 p. m.
Ocean Hteamships.
For 6an Francisco
Every Five Days.
p. m. I 4 p. m.
Ex.auuday Columbia Rv. Stottnen. Kx.bunda)
To Astobia and Wsj
Es.urday landings.
10 p. m.
a. m. Wills mitts Rivsa. I 4:30p.m.
Ex.uuuday Oregon City, fewberg, Ex.bundaJ
balem di Way Land's.
7i.HI, WlLLAMVTTK AMD Ys- 8:30 p.m.
Tuea.Thnr. hill Kivebs. Mon.,Wed
and bat, Oregon City, Dayton, and Frl.
snd Way-landings.
Bhaii Rivkr. I.iiVS
Lv Rlparla Rlparis to Lewiston. LswihtoM
dally daily
:toa.m. 9:00 a.m.
Car"" Parties desiring to go to Beppner or
point on Columbia Southern vis Bigga, should
lake So. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:40 p. m.
making direct connections at Heppner junction
snd Biggs. Returning makingdirectcounection
at Heppner Junction and Biggs with Ho. 1, ar
riving at The Dalles at 12:30 p. m.
For full particulars call on O. . & N. Co.'s
agent The Dalles, or address
Gen. Fas. Agt , Portland, Or.
Niiilm I'nii;
Yellowstone Park Line.
Mod Depot, Firtnandists
So. 2.
Fast mail for Tacoma,
Seattle, Olympia, li ray's
Harbor and Houtb Bend
6;S0 P. M.
No. 3.
7;00 A. M.
K inu, hpokane, Koss
nd, B. C, Pullman,
Moscow, Leaiston, Buf
11:15 A, M.'faloIIumpminingooun-
try, Helena, Minneapo
lis, Ht. Paul, Omaha,
Kansas City, Bt. Louis.
Chicago and all points
eaat and southeast.
Pnget Bound Express
for Tacoma and Seattle
and intermediate points
No. 4.
11;30 P. M
Pullman first-class snd tourist sleepers to
Minneapolis, 8t. Paul snd Missouri river points
without change.
VoBtibuled trains. TTnlnn ricrwtt rtnnnn.MAn.
in all principal cities.
nnggHge cnecxea to destination of tickets.
For handsomely llluacrHhlrticrii,Hv m.tia.
tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morri
sou street, corner Third, Portland, Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
Soma Pacific Co,
Shasta Route
Trains lesve The Dalles for Port!.
stations st 4 :L a. m. and 3 p. m.
Leave Portland
.. S:30sm
..12.30 am
..5:00 p m
.. 7:45 p in
7:00 pm
' Albany
iv.w p m
11:30 am
Arrive Ashland
' Hanramentn . ...
' ban Francisco .
Arrive Ogdon
. 5:45 a m
. :II0 a m
7:25 am
. 7:45 am
11:45 a m
:UUa m
7:25 am
' KansasClty..
' Chicago
Arrive Los Angeles ...
. 1 :20 p m
. 6:K) p m
. 6:lam
.. :."ftam
.. 4:1X1 am
. 6:2ft am
. 6:42 s m
.12:43 pm
7:00 a m
6:nfi p m
KM sin
4:00 a m
6:25 p m
ft 42 em
12-4:1 p m
r.i raso
Port Worth
' City of Mexico .
' Houston
New Orleans.. .
' Washington
' New York
Pullman snd Tourist car.
Chair cars Hacramento to ( ia.d.n e-i t..n'
and tourist cars to Chicago, bt Louis, New Or
leans and Washington.
Connecting at Han Francisco with soversl
steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central and sou lb America.
Bee sgent at The Dalles station, or address
Oeueral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or
ti.tu it.. . r
-v.jr. mo ram, c-vaves venr axii
txiKUUS. swiu every where.
V t Tracc Marks
''mil COrVRIGHT &C
Anronsaeixllng ske-h and ilewrlrtlon ma
oiit. klr aorenm our oinnion free hrther a i
li Vemion i. probably p,aentable. f 'ommuiilr...
!l!m..tnotlr'nadenlil. Hundbookon Patents
9rnt (res. Olrteat sw for ec-unii i"u-
l'aiei.ts takn tbrouuh Muim Ca rll
Mvruil notice, without clisrue, in tne
Scientific Jftnericasi.
mlnlioii ot any riemino J"'irnaL 1erni. 3 a
rrr: four months, L bo.dl.rall newadoaierj.
MUNN&Co.36,Broad"1-New York
Uriuol. omos. ZU V Bt Waahiuaton. D. f
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at ail points on fav
orable terms.
Just What
Yoa uiant.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a Bingle stock. Real imita
tion ere ton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Land Office at Ths Dallih. Ore(ion,(
August l'joo. (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler baa filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support of bis claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, October 6, 1900, viz:
Robert K. Phillips, of Moaler, Or.,
H. E. No. 55H0 for the NEJi NWW, SWli NE'i,
Bea9,and BJ, SEJ4, 6eoi, Tp. 2 N., K. 12 E
He names the following witnesses tn prove his
continuous residence upon snd cultivation of
said land, viz:
James Lewis, Dolly Moslcr, Lea Evans, John
Miler, all of Mosier, Oregon.
UK29-1 Register.
Land Omca at Ths Dai.i.ks, Ors.,)
July 2H, I IK to, I
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named settler has filed notice nf her intention
to commute and make flual proof In support of
her clslm, and that said proof will be made, be-
oro me register ana receiver at The Dalles
uregon, on inurBday, September 20, 11)00, vis:
Lois A, Helm, ofThe Dalles, Or..
H. E. No. r.150, for the NWJ4 HVM, V.i 8Wi.
and I 8WJ HWJ4, Hec. 3. T. 1 , R. i1 E., w7m.
Bho names the following witnesses to prove ber
"on tin nous residence upon, and cultivation of
niu innu VIZ :
Peter Fngnn, O. Wcfmore, Charles Matney.
- -, ' v. . v.iiusi V I .
, , JAY P. M'CAS,
i'1 Re tistcr
Notice Is hereby given that the nnderslsned
nave been duly itnnolnted hv tha hmmnhi.
couri, ni ine suite 01 uregon, for Wasco
county, exeiMivors 01 tne estat j of Horatio Cor
son, aeceasoi. All perrons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to nresent
Ml. ..IIIC. IMIIPVM. VVrilllll. Ul in. II llHi.r.l
,.ine. r.. t.orsou, ni vt asco, Hberman county.
I I Tilt: 1 ,1 1.. a ( V . , ll'i ... . . "
. in. ,m,i, v oi uur aiuiruevs, Aicne
fee & Vt llson, at The Dalles, Oregon, within six
M,..,,.n 11, nit me unu (uiB notice.
Aaieii juiy l-i, iwu,
WII.UAU LT tuuaixI
Executors of the eatntn 1.1 n,.r.i. ......' .!
ceased. ,.;., ,,
j .
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names of
Jesus and Mary.
thL. " 1. j l pleamantly situated near
.k. . . ' V" """oi in i. k. A n. Co.;
thence It Is easy of access for all those who do'
" T'V ? "''"'"'tabla home and a progres
sive neat nf learning for their daughtcra or
wards. The location of the Academy Is one of
IfnT,"1.' milUy ,he '"" '!. this ' por
tion of Oregon being pmverhlal for Its mire
7h. Hrjl .,n,y , "TK'nU'1 """ '''ri.ed by
the Huts to confer Academic honors.
,"ltl" wr arholaatln year, llflO.
tn leswl nre,un,e.lTueiny1B..I.te,,,l,er;4tn
fin,""11" ""'"""' ai'l'ly to the Hl.ter
Sn'nor- augft-lm
T. A. Van Norden
TRED. W. WIIj-on,
s jicademy
of Application for Liquor Lit
To All Whom It May C'otneru:
i-f court, apply to the County . o,m'
o, .n,.,!! "sco county, f0,r,r"'-
spirituous, malt and viu,,,). ,?
quantities than one g.llo," .
sier, in theeountv .,,1 state If.LH
peuod aa his receipt from the nV,'
ol said county may call for- ... t Tnv. license, which beVl VHetn.'
lou,.t, Court ou said date!" uTn.
Dated this 7th day of Octol,er 1S(0
Petltlo- f, l,vuot LeMfc
To the Honorable County Court of .u .
Oregon, for the County of W.sco- '
We, the undersigned residents ind u.,
of Mosier preciuct, in the ( n,iDr.T!J'
orable body to grant a license to P".
to sell spftituous, .na.taudviuou '
less .quantities than one gallon ii',fc J
......... ,-ooiiiy ana state tinLI "
such period as bis receipt lr"r!
r-atr a Kemeck,
L Lamb.
Lewis Meekr,
P Henningsou,
K P Hardwick,
Christian Wyis,
Arnold Wyss,
E B Wood,
B Kben.
Jas 8 Hunter,
Frank Lapler,
H Btoneman,
M lhlel,
Jacob Fltwh,
John Armstrong,
A H (jodberson,
M Duty,
t P Weidner,
J K Mi tiregor,
J X Mii
N -' Stutu,
l , Hmninnoa.
C A t r.mer,
M fpellman
H Thiel,
E (iraiilutH
James Josi,
t 1 isher,
Axel E Peterine,
A h McCougber,
N P Sturgess,
L J Davenport
W m A Hay,
Chas I'rather,
A J Prober,
Jas Nurse
H V Patlersoa
N C Weiduer
A Nordir
A T Koberts
Andy Prat her,
Rue Prather,
(ieo Judy
Cleo Ireland
O H Davenport
A M Prlcbard
John Korinup
Sale of Real Property.
Notice is hereby given that under and btvk
tue of an order dulv made and enteml 7. Z
County Court of Wasco County, Orts , S
2lth day of August, 190 the undeSM LV
minlstrator with Ihe will annexed, of ttieiiu.
of Jonathan Jackson, deceased, in, iKkZ
after the 1st day of October, P.hjo. sell tt
sale In the manner provided by lawfurtiU 1,
of real property by cxecuU)rs sad sdminiii!.
tors, all the right, title and interest of iX
Jonathan Jackson in and totue lullowlord.
scribed real property, being in Wsmo Coomr
Oregon, to-wlt; - '
Tho NW of the $.4 of secnon Utteen fti)
the 8I4 of the HEj-4 and the ol the 8HU l,
section twenty-two (22,; the iiy. ol the 0E1
of section fifteen (15), the K'of theE'iin'
the NK'4 of the8K'4 of section tweatj-tso
the Y. of the Nis and the bW'4 of tbe SK
and the 8EM of the NW) cf section twent?
seven (27), all in township four '4) south, nut
fourteen (14) east, W. M. ; said sale to be lot
cash or upon credit in the manner provM bi
law for the sale of real projierty upon credit k
executors and sdmliil: trutorw.
Administrator, with the will annexed, ol
estate ol Jonathan Jackson, deceased, ttpk
L4NB Orncg at Vancouvks, Wih.i
Aug. 10, 1SWJ. (
Notice Is hereby given that the lollowiii
named settler haa filed notice of his intettw
to make final proof in support of his claim, ui
that said proof will be made oefore W. B. Pmi"
Cnlted States Commissioner for lllatrlcl a
Washington, st bis olllce In Goldendale, Win
Ingtou, on October 1, l'JUO, viz:
John Watson,
P. O. address Centervlllc, Wash., who nn
hoinestead application No. V'M, for theSSiH-,
8ee 2S, Tp 8 N, R 14 E, W. M.
Who names the following witnesses to prnri
hla continuous residence upon and cullivstlos
of said laud, viz.:
Charles HtrHiihe, William Wilkinson, Just
C. Daly and Patrick Haggerty, all ol Ceutenut
P. O., Washington.
alS-l W. B. DUNBAR, BeIiKr.
Land Oitici at Thr Dili.s.0mj
August 81, WW. I
Notice is hereby given that the followlig
named settler baa filed notice of his Intentions
make final proof in support of hla claim, ini
that said Droof will be made before the Kerliai
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wedw
duy, October 10, lwo, viz. :
Oeorgs W. Johnston, or Ths Dalles, Or.,
II. E. No. 51OT, for the NW NEJ and XEK
NW Sec 1H, Tp 1 N, R 14 E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prowl
continuous residence uixiii, aud cultivation"
said land, viz: :
V. P. Taylor, Wm. Sharp, J. W. Johnatoa v
R. E. Teaguc, all of Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
so t JAY P. LCCAs, KefllW.
Notice Is hereby given that the nndmltMj
has been duly appointed by the honorable w
of the state of Oregon, for Wasco eonnlr,
ecutor of the estate of Auiust
ceased. All fiersons having claims agaimlsaa
estate are hereby noticed to present the sum.
proiwrly verified, to the undersigned tiwrtfil
nen, at ine uaiies, nasoo comii),
at the ofllce of his attorneys, Mcuefee ' "
ttt The Dalles, Oregon, within six uiontba ICT
the date of this notice.
Dated this 14th day of July. PKtO.'
Executor of the estate of August ok''
deceased. "'-
(Itolated Tract ) Public Land 8l.
Lad Ornta at Th Dai.lm, 0sooj
July 27.1WI I
Notice Is hereby given that In 1"'
Int mictions from ths commissioner of IM rr
eral land ofllee, under authority vested In a1'
by section 24n V. H. Rev. Htal., as smendrt 7
the act of congress approved Kebriisrj . i"J
we will proceed to offer at public slJ,J
day, the nth day of September, next, at t
of 10 o'clock, a. in., at this ollli, the folkWii
trai t of land, to-wlt:
lit 4, Beo. 1.1. Tp. 1 V., R. 12 f-i lMr
Any and ail uersons claiming U!w?T
described lands are to n
claims In this olllce 011 or before tM,a"'JZ
designated for thecommencement of asia
otherwise their rights will be lorleikd.
JAY P. I.l'CAB, Keglwr
al-l OTI8 PATTERSON. Itsw-
LAHoOrrica atTh I'1-'-"'
Aug. i?Jt
.. l i . 1. .. , n 'i i'
nameal sfftler has file notice of hla '
i. si I I I ... ..r atf till flsUW
that Mid priait will be made ta-fote the I4I
and receiver of tho IT. H. I'"'11.'',.
Dalles, Or , on Bnturday, Sept.
llanry C. Onrdlon, of Ths Halls'-
II. K. No. 4014. for the NW 8K'i Hec. -r
K 1 K. W. M. M u, .nirt
He names the following ltn'i',.U,aUo
hla continuous residence "ion snd c'
of said land, vis: , h. p(.tirt
Kniest Jordan, Alln-rt Jordan. ,)rll0n
and James Thomas, all of The K"1'1'"' AJ,u;r.
aug22-l jai r. i-i
- .sAl
CkicteD Lice Con
Carbolineum : Avenarius
The mtt efficient Wood l'""
Paint slsos Ksillcsl Keinclr ','.
Chlck-n Lie. Its application I"'"
aide walla of poultry h"'""""',11 V
iiianenlly exlrmlnc . 0f
aulta-hmiltliy chicken", V "'Jiret,
esgs. rite for circulars and P"
Mention this psiH'r.
Jos.T. Peters & Co,
Til It DALLE, '"""'
.-Nonce is Bereby given th n
William Klnt.,will It l
. ' s-trvtiiur iw.i.