The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 12, 1900, PART 1, Image 1

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ftp Bilks Sift dtlrrtfuitk
NO. 36
In Tbat Case Kruger Will Find Xo
Refuge io Portugese Territory.'
New Yobk, Sept. 7. A dispatch to
the Tribune from L-indon says: The
news telegraphed from Lisbon yesterday
that a military expedition 1000 strong is
about to leave the Tag us (or Loureoeo
Marquee, has caused much speculation
as to the Portuguese Intentions In Sonth
Africa. For some time it bas been hint
ed that important developments in Por
tugese policy might shortly be expected,
and many people believe that there is a
secret agreement between Great Britain
and Portugal, which will enable the
former power to exercise a long-cberisli
ed right of pre-emption of Delagoa Bay
Others connect the Portugese reinforce
ment with an intention to refuse the
Boer fugitives an asylum in Mozambique
and the determination of the Lisbon
government no longer to permit the
Dutch forces to draw supplies from De
As long as the Transvaal was an inde
pendent state Portugal had no right to
prevent goods other tbaq contraband o
war reaching the frontier, nor could she
prevent unarmed burghers from enter
ing the territory : but if Portugal rec
ognizss the British annexation of the
Transvaal as valid, she will be entitled
to treat the Boers as rebels against
friendly state and could refuse to grant
Kruger or other leaders of escaped Boer
combatants permission to seek refuge
within the domains of King Carlos.
The English government is extremely
anxious that the ex-president should
not slip through their fingers, and For
tugal would certainly be doing the Brit
ish a very good turn if she denied the
old man an asylum and compelled him
to surrender to Lord Roberts. It is still
more important that supplies from Mo
zarnbique should be cut off from the
various guerilla bands which are quite
likely to remain in the field even after
the 6nal collapse of Botha's army.
There are many signs that the mil
itary authorities regard the end of the
war as close at hand. Lord Roberts Is
making preparations to retnrn to Eng
land, and has already sent four of his
chargers down to Cape Town. Tlio gen
eral belief is that Lord Roberts is com
ing home to take up the poet of commander-in-chief
of the British army,
which Lord Wolseley will vacate in Octo
ber. Other indications of the same
kind are that the personnel of the army
transport in the Orange River colony
haj been paid off and disbanded and the
imperial yeomanry and scouts employed
in that country bave arrived at Cape
Town, also with the object of receiving
their final pay prior to embarkation
It is hoped that war may be declared
officially over before the general election
which is almost certain to bo in October.
A compromise Suggested for Leaving
An loteroatiooal Guard to Protect
the Legations.
.Native Prisoners at Bilibid Attacked tt'ashiogtou's Congressmau on the Hot
me uuara loder Leadership ot a
Desperate Character Hard FiRht
Orator aod Bryaoisru.
Hjrrieaoe and Tidal
Appalling Calamity
aris, sept. 7. Active negotiations
are In progress looking to some compro
mise arrangement with Russi regard
ing the position she bas assumed toward
Pekin. The communications exchanged
by the powers now have better promise
ot success. Tbe compromise suggested,
it is asserted here, is the withdrawal of
forces of all the powers from Pekin,
leaving an international guard to
tect the legations, which, it is further
asserted in Paris, will be allowed to re
Washington, Sept. 7. Manila papers
just received at the war department give
details of a desperate mutiny among the
native prisoners in Bilibid prison, which
resulted iu the death of four and the
wonnding of fifteen of them.
The report states that the outbreak
came without the slightest warning,
nrr.B I . . a. . ...
' ineomciais oi tne prison were going
abont their duties on a hot summer
main at the Chinese capital pending a i:..i m-' -
. ... . v pcuuiiiB little Filipino, serving a life term, as-
, u...u uuu,ui ,ameda croaching attitude and beian
to creep up behind the native foreman,
peace settlement
troops, it is also said, will retire to the
neighborhood of Tien Tsin, leaving euf
ficient force along tho road to keep open
the route and protect the railroad be
tween Pekin and Tien Tsin.
Russia's attitude is interpreted here
as meaning that she will withdraw her
troops outside of Pekin, but not necee
sairly a great distance from that city.
giving utterance to a low growl like a
wild beast. The effect was electrical on
the other convicts. In an instant the
mutterings had grown to a wild roar
every prisoner was making for the keep
ers with murder in his eye. The senior
captain of the native guard, when he
commanded the little mob to disperse,
was slashed across the back of the head
The following is from the speech of
Congressman Cusbnian, delivered Sat- ualveston, Tex., Sept. 10. Six hun
nrday night at republican rally in dred to one thousand persons killed.
Fortland: city almost in ruins, the wharf fron
"Lsl we lorget, permit me to remind entirely gone, every ocean steamer
you that Mr. Bryan is the same gentle- stranded, and death and destruction Jon
man, the same orator, tbat told us in every band with a money loss that can
18'JO what we needed was free trade, not be estimated now, is to far as can be
tbat in 1892 told us what we needed was learned at this hour, tbe result of th
tariff reform, and overthrow of the Mc- appalling calamity that has befallen
Kinley bill, and the same man that in Galveston
1896 said the free coinage of silver at 16 The gieat storm bas left her helpless
to 1, overthrow of the supreme court and her stricken people are compelled
and income tax law were needed. He to appeal to the outside world lor aid
was mistaken then. The same man to- Tbe estimates of loss of life vary between
day is trying to convince you by an ap- the figures given, but an accurate coun
peal to anti-imperialism and anti-trust of the dead is impossible new, and tbe
doctrines. He was mistaken in 1896. real number killed in tbe storm
ana, in uoa s name wnat makes you
think he is right now. How many
times is it necessary for a man to de
ceive us in order tbat we may have un
limited confidence in him.
"Tbe two longest periods in American
history, my Irtends, were the two
probably never be known.
No one attempts ta estimate the dam
aje to Dusiness ana resident propertv
the tine steamer Alamo lies upon the
top of the Mallory wharf, and a big
English cotton-laden steamer was driven
ashore at Texas City. Other vessels are
periods between 18G1 and 1865, and 1892 aground in different parts of the bay
and imjo. Curing the first of these we some hopelessly wrecked. The tug
were passing through a civil war; during Louise, of the Houston Direct Navlga
a democratic tion Company, la under water at Red
administration was passing through us. Fish. Two of the crew were drowned,
I don't think it is necessary for me the remainder escaping in a life boat
London, Sept. 7. A special dispatch
from Shanghai says Li Hung Chang has with a bolo,
made a request for a ao American es- Then the infuriated men started for
S-kt rt AswiArv. .... 1.! ! I 1 141 a. 1 . : i
p ,- ' ' journey me isaiewayoiuie pr.sou to overpower the ,ecolui o( thii periods
j-cr&ui, nu iiittii uuiieu oiuies consul I bua guaru miu escape, iney were met
Goodnow is considering bis request, by Major Rogers, the commandant and
V .1.... I ! .. . .. . .- . . I
. " T V:0''00"' mo m coniormuy a u.ii portion oi toe guaru, wno urea a to dlgcug, tbe ,anff quegtion to nlght. Yesterday morning a boat was char
.iu luuur.ginai American recoinmen- voiiey into me ranvs oi me iugmvee. t, Ha . u K.f, u ;ii i,. M.tH,,.innin i. n.
. . I t , I " mn a vug wluw uviwi o i w nili u7 I vwci,waa u u iiuiu URI CC bull
.... aareuuy ihm wun me ip. iu men leu na mil leemeu io cueci ,., ,, ... .,tj ,,,, . Te CM v. n,t on rhi. tt.. ir,
pruuauon least a majority ot tne me pr.aonera lor an instant, nut tneir American political platform to discuss Post correspondent had hurriedly de
lowed it to become definitely known type, urged them on. Though already that the AmericRn peop,e have ,n ob. from some of the fleeing" business men,
v... u.o onu.ii Bver.nmeni is oi me wuuiiueu uy iub unit ore, iu .pirn was inct-lesson In the nraolical annliratinn of he can assure the nuhlie that lh nnr,l
iu.i .- . . ..v. 1 I f .! ii :a . ' f-
'o" ior me ai- u..ur0. a,.u lour uiu wie niies .pone the law. And those of us of Galveston need immediate relief.
neu lorces to rekin until satisfactory oetore ne tell, xnen, like rats in a trap,
arrangements tor peace, etc., are con'
eluded with tho Chinese government.
Stettik, Sept. 7. The emperor and
emperessof Germany arrived here to
day to attend the imperial navy maneu
vers. In reply to an address of welcome
from the Burgomaster, His Majesty de-
declared his conviction that success
would attend the efforts being made to
establish in the far east a stable govern
ment and orderly conditions under
which the German merchants can carry
on trade undisturbed etid without risk
In conclusion His Majesty said he felt
no anxiety for the future and was satisfied
his olan would succeed and serve the
best interests of the Fatherland
LI Want an Amarlcan Escort.
Lonoon, Sept. 7. A apecial dispatch
frjin Shanghai says LI Hung Chang has
made a request for an American escort
to accompany him on his journey to
Pekin, and that United States Consul
Goodnow is considering his request.
Now that a proposal more in conform'
ity with the original American recom
Herniation has apparently met with the
approbation of at least a majority of the
Powers, the British foreign office has
allowed it to become definitely known
that the British government is of the
opinion tbat it is advisable for the al
lied forces to remain at Pekin until sat
''factory arrangements for peace, etc.,
re concluded with the Chinese govern
ment. Th KaUor lla No Faars.
Stkttin, Sept. 7. The emperor and
empress of Germany arrived here today
to attend the imperial navy maneuvers.
In rpply to in address of welcome from
the Burgomaster, his majesty declared
his conviction that success would attend
lie tfforts being made to establish in
tllft fu V.... - -1 - L 1 .. . n an.l
.... A.nti ) BlBUlie UTCI1IIUDUI aaiiu
orderly conditions under which the
German merchants can carry on trade
""disturbed and without risk. In con
clifi'in, his majesty said he felt no
nxiety for the future, and was satisfied
''i' plan would succeed and serve the
interests of the fatherland.
Hill Not Hay Cotton.
Manhirstkr, Kng., Sept. 7. At a
meeting of tt cotton spin ners here to
day It was decided, practically unani
iiously, not to purchasa Amrican spot
f"tton during September. Four-fiftlis
' l,'e employers in the trade were rep
fpiited. It is anticipated that the de
Cl!in will lead to the closure of scores
' "'ills for several weeks.
the prisoners tried first one gateway and
then another, and probably would have
overpowered tbe small guard and made
their escape had not American prisoners
themselves come to the rescue and
helped to capture the fugitives.
A few more volleys from their rein
forced pursuers and the prisoners scur
ried to their quarters in abject terror.
Oar Man Withdraw,
Washington, Sept 8. Orders have
been cabled to General Chaffee to pre'
pare his forces for withdrawal from
Pekin. Further than that the war de
partment has taken steps to bave a Takn
a sufficient number of United States
transports to lemove these troops to tbe
Phillipines as soon as - they reach port,
These orders are preparatory and do not
necessairly indicate that our govern-
ment bas decided finally upon an im
mediate withdrawal from China. It is
simply itself In a position to carry out
the pledge conveyed in the reply to the
Russian note In this language: "The
result of the considerations is tbat cn
less there is such a general expression
by the powers in favor of continued oc
cupation as to modify the views ex
preseed by tbe government of Russia
and lead to a general agreement for con'
tinned occupation, we shall give in
structions to American officers in China
to withdraw our troops from Pekin after
due conference with the other com
manders as to the time and manner of
KutHla Italia on Approral
St. Pktkbshiro, Sept. 8. It is be
lieved in well-informed circles that the
island, but even there the native whites adherence of the United States and
and colored each out number the foreign France to Russia's proposal to withdraw
Aiomnnt u l,il tntflther thev outnumber the troops of the powers from Pekin
them nearly three to one. may now be relied upon. Japan's ac
In Ponce the native whites are moreH ceptance Is also expected, jne support
than three times as numerous as the or l.ermany ana ureal cruain is not
forelirn element, and the colored are dispaired of. But if they do not agree
double this number. to do so, Kussia, it is again asserieu, win,
ri ....loa i,l vniino In Pnrln nevertheless, firmly maintain her de
pi,.,. 7inin nr an a nr mnt. ar rnlnr- clsion to w ithdraw her troops from le
who have survived the experiment now
thoroughly understand the- subject.
Tbe souphouse is an argument that ap
peals to the intellect and reaches the
understanding of the mott obtuse. For
a lack of other issues, a great many
democrats are becoming hysterical In
discussion of the trust question. Tbe
greatest trust existing in the United
States today is overlooked by the dem
ocratic orators. It reaches every com'
The object in sending to Texas City was
to get in touch with the outside world
and let it know that a stricken city is in
miefortnne, and ask the people of the
country to send food, water and cloth
The water works are in ruins, and the
cisterns ah blown away, so that the lack
of water is one of tbe most serious of the
present troubles. Ruin is everywhere.
The electric light and teleeranh Doles
n.unity in this country and has been en- are nearly all prostrated, and the etreetB
tirely over looked by them. I refer totbe are littered with timbers, slate, glass,
Porto Itlcao Statlatlc.
Washington, Sept. 8. General Sang
er, director of the 1 orto Kican census,
has just published a third bulletin re
lating to the population of Porto Rico,
This deals with the citizenship on the
basis of literacy, with special reference
to the effect upon the voting population
of the educational requirements impoeed
by the Foraker act.
The males of voting age number 201,-
201, and but 3.8 per cent are of foreign
birth. Of the white persons of Porto
Rican birth. 29.43 per cent can read or
write, while 17.2 per cent of the colored
population are literate. Under the ed
ucational qualification, the number en
titled to vote in tho island would be
47,973, or 25 cent of native-born males
voting ai:e, restricting tbe suffer age to
about one-fourth of the adult males,
The cities of Sun Juan and Ponce con'
tain most of the foreign element of the
trust that exists in tbe hearts ot 75,000,-
000 people fn William McKinley, and
their trust in the republican party."
To show how confidently he should
expect one preaching the ruin and die
aster Air. isryan predicted lour years
if free coinage of silver at 16 to 1 were
and every conceivable character of
There is hardly a habitable bouse in
the entire city, and nearly every busi
ness house is badly damaged. The
school buildings are unroofed, such edi
fices as the Ball High School and Rosen
not adopted, would continue harp- burg school buildings being badly wreck
ing sucn a doctrine the speaker took eu. it.e nne cnurcties are almost in
np a paper with the speech of accept- ruins. The elevators and warehouses
once at Indianapolis and began to are untit lor use, the electric light plant
read as though it were a repetition of has collapsed and so has the cotton
free-coinage arguments. "But they are factory. From Tremont to P street and
not here. Tbes doctrines on which the
salvation of the nation depended are
ommitted, and another salvation is
brought forward."
down to the beach not a veetage of a
residence is to he seen.
In the business section of the citv the
water was from there to ten feet deep in
age limit of 64 years. General Wade
will be temporarily in charge of the de
partment of the lakes until General Otis
arrives. Generol Wheeler will go to bis
home in Alabama and later he and hi
daughters will take a trip abroad.
Appaal for Aid.
Hoi sro.v, Tex., Sept. 10. The follow
ing official appeai has been Issued to the
people of tbe United States:
"Our sister city of Galveston has been
vis'ted by a frightful hurricane, and Is
still cut off from all rail and wire com
munication with the outside world.
Relugees bring alarming reports of great
loss of life and property. The nets
papers give extended accounts of this
awful calamity, which (places It among
the most distressful id modern times.
The people of many towns and villages
are now in sroe distress, and as further
reports come in the death list grows and
damage to property increases. The
stock is killed and the crops are ruined.
We urgently ask your liberal and im
mediate assistance. Houston was in
ttie track of the storm, but will take
care of her Injured and help the more
seriously affected. Contributions sent
to either of the undersigned will be
gratefully received and judiciously ex
"S. II. BitAsiiSR, Mavor.
"B. A. Rkaskk,
"Chairman Relief Com."
Catarrh Cannot B Cunil,
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the beet
physicians in this country for yee-s, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of tbe best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifieis, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciiknev A Co., Trope., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnggiBts, price 70c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Referring to "paramount issues," the stores, and stocks of all kinds, including
speaker illustrated democratic facilities foodstuffs are total, losses. While the
fauna r Von Kattalar' Death.
Bkulix. Sent. 8. A dispatch from
Shanghai, dnted September 7, says:
"1 he staff surgeon of tbe (ierman le-
CrlaU Io Alanchaatai.
Lonoon, Sept. 8. The morning pa
pers comment upon
the crisis
the seriousness of
which has arisen at Manches-
gatiort announces that an examination ter, where suffering Is likely to be caused
shows the cane of Baron Von Ketteler's by the idleness of operatives, and es
death to have been a bullet through the pedully if, as Is possible, the stoppage
neck, which must hav" been Instanta
neously fatal. At the funeral, Minister
Pnnirer made a stirring speech to the
rl i tilfiltl ntln hodv. All the foreign de
tachments were present."
Agreed on Threa foliiU.
London, S-pt. 8. Lord George Ham.
ilton, secretary of state for India, speak
ing at Shifupl tonight mid that the com-
munications between the rowors had
resulted in practical concord on three
points; First, that tnere snaii no
nartition of China: second, inni inero
shall bo no torntoria! i?.'.r.:yv. ?
ililrd. to demand reparation 'or past
ml a guarantee against their
continnes into October. The prospects
of a satisfactory American cotton crop
are regarded as slender.
Ilaily Treesory Materarnt.
Washington, Sept. 7. Today's state
ment ot the treasury balances in the
general fund, exclusive of the l.r)0,000,-
(XX) gold reserve in the division of re
demption shows:
Available cash balance I34 073,2tW
Gold 68,504,865
Ileal lata for Hale.
Twenty-three lots, located from Sev
enth street to Twelfth, for sale at from
I'jO up. Inquire at the Columbia
Hotel. a29 tl
for this by recalling his mother's iron'
ing. She had one handle and eevera
irons. One iron becoming cool, tbe
handle was detached and attached to a
hot one. So it was with the democrats,
They bad attached one paramorit handle
to burning issue after burning issue, un
til they grew cold by use and were at
tached to another.
Senator Foraker'a comparison of Mr.
Brvan to the Platte River 1000 miles
long, two miles wide and six Inches deep
MrCusbman thought wrong, as the
Platte river dried up sometimes.
A Mlnlatet' Oooit Work.
"I hail a severe attack of bilious colic,
got a bottle of Chamberlain s Colic,
Choler and Diarrbic Remedy, took two
doses and was entirely cured," says Rev.
A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My
neighbor across the street wa sick for
over a week, had two or thrte bottles of
medicine from the doctor. He used
them three or four days without relief,
then called in another doctor who treat
ed Mm lor some days and gave tiim no
relief, so discharged him. I went over
to see him the next morning. He said
his bowels were In a terrible fix, that
they had been rnnnl.ig off so long that
it was almost bloody flux. I asked him
if he bad tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrh.ct Remedy and hd
said, 'No.' I went home and bronght
him my bottle and gave him one dose ;
told him to take another dose in fifteen
or twenty minutes if be did not find
relief, but he took no more and was en
tirely cured." For sale at Illkely's
drug store.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for Inferior
paints when you can buy Jnmcs K.
Pat ton's sun proof paints for fl.r0 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
ra;k, agents. ml
PoH correspondent was in Galveston
Saturday night, it was a common sight
for him to see women and children
emerging torm once comfortable and
happy homes, dazed and bleeding from
wounds, tlia women wading neck deep
with babies in their arms. To add, if
possible, to the calamity, the city is cut
off entirely from the world. The tele
graph lines are down and the cable
which connects Galveston with Mexico
is cut.
The storm commenced raging between
9 and 10 o'clock Saturday morning, and
by noon the waters from the gult bad
inundated tne island as tar inland as
twellh street. From there tbe water
gradually encrouched farther inland,
rising about 15 inches an hour. At 6 p.
m. the were Ji) Indies ot water In Hie
lobbies of the Tremont hotel, the high
est point in the city. Across the street,
where the ground is lower, a horse was
drowned. At 9 o'clock the water on
Market street was level with the seats of
the street-car. After that its gradually
receded, but the wind was cyclonic in
its force. It reached a velocity of 84
mi lei an hour, ami the instilment In
the goverynicnt observatory were
wrecked., Tex., Sept., . 10. Hun-ton &
Th is Central Railioad cfiicials at noon
received bulletins from their general ! tion of knowing it has absolutely cured
Mauley to Hanna.
Augusta, Me., Sept. 10. J. H. Man-
ley, chairman of the repullican state
commltte, sent the following dispatch
to M. A. Hanna tonight :
"Maine stands by the splendid admin
istration of William McKinley. Tbe
voters of the pine tree state have given
today the largest republican majority
ever given in the history of the state to
any party, with the single exception of
four years ago, when our opponents were
completely paralyzed and threw the
mallest vote they ever cast in a presi-
entlal year since 1840.
"The republican, against a determin
ed and unrted democracy, bave carried
every county save one in the state elec
tion, and more than 150 out of tbe 180
members of the legislature. They have
elected our delegation to congress by
majorities ranging from 7000 to 10,0'X).
We bave carried the state by 31,000 ma
jority out of a total vote of 115,000."
Hrava Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons in
the blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tired, listless, run-down feel
ing. But there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville,
Ind. He says: "Klectric Bitters are
just the thing for a man when he is all
rundown, and don't care whether he
lives or dies. It did more to givo me
new strength and good appetite than
anything I could take. I can now eat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only 50 cents, at Blakeley's drug store.
Every bottle miaranleed. 3
Klectlon la .Maine.
Pobtland, Me., Sept. 10. Carrying
out its tradition of many years, with
but one break, Maine went republican
in the state election today by a good
old time majority.
Mlillona (llren Aw a jr.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the
needy and suffering, The proprietors
of Dr. Kind's New Ditcivery lor con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine ; and have the sntVac-
offices In Houston that the loss of of life
will reach :!000 in Ga'vsto:i. The M.
K. & T. reiiet forces near Galvtston and
along the coast telegraphed at r.oon that
the loss of life w ill not be less than 5000,
and may reach 10,000.
(lanoral t heeler KMIre.
Chicago, Sept. 10. tieneral Joseph
Wheeler, United States Army retired to
private life today, having reached the
thousands ofj hopek-s raset. Asthma,
bronchitis hotrteness and all dis -asi's
of the throat, chest ai.d lungs ore i rarely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley, the
Druggist, and get a free trial bottle.
Regular size 50c. and f I, Every battle
guaranteed, or price refnn led. S
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarko
A Kalk.