THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1000. rlOFLI COMINO AND GOING. Wednesday's Daily. Wirt. Kintz it in the city from Moiier. A. A. Bonney it in the city from Tygh valley. Mr. L. E. Crowe went to Portland on the noon passenger. Mies Hattie Cram went to Portland on this morning's boat. Ed Williams left on the noon train to join his wife at Portland. Deputy Sheriff E. B. Wood was in town last night from Mosier. Coroner Butts went on a business trip to Portland on the noon train. Donald McKay is registered at the Umatilla House from Antelope. Mies Maud Atwood, of Shaniko, left on this morning's boat for Portland. Mrs. A. B. Manley, of Wapinitia, went to Portland oa l he morning's boat. Mrs. H. A. Staniels, of Shaniko, was a passenger on this morning's boat for Portland. Hon. T. H. McGreer, of Antelope, ar rived in town yesterday with his little daughter, who is a pupil at St. Mary's Academy. Mr. and Mr9. A. S. Mac Ailister left on this morning' boat to attend the Portland carnival. Mrs. Olis Patterson and daughter. Miss Zoe, went to Portland this morn ing to attend the carnival. Mr. and Mrs, Jud Fish and daughter, Genevieve, were passengers on this morning's boat for Portland. Pat Walsh, of Antelope, and Ted Han nafin, of Kent, left on the noon train to take in the Portland carnival. Misses Louise and lone Ruch left on this morning's boat tor Portland, where they will remain till next Monday. Mrs. H. L. Kuck and sister, Mies Nettie Anderson, were passengers on the Regulator this morning for Portland. Mrs. Chas. Johnson, of Wallace, Idaho, is in the city visiting relatives. She is accompanied by her son, Al bert. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly retarned yesterday from Tygh Ridge, where Mr. Kellv bagged some thirty or forty prai rie chickens. Charles Nye and wife, of Walla Walla, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Bar ley last night, and with Mr. Farley and family left today on the noon train to attend the Portland carnival. Frank Egan left on this morning's boat to take in the Portland carnival. This will be the third time Frank has been in Portland during a residence hereof some thirty-three years. Mrs. Geo. A. Liebe went to Portland on the Regulator this morning. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Fleie Liebe, of Portland, who has been visiting here for the past couple of weeks. Duncan Chisholm, a prosperous Sher man county sheepman, who has been in town for some time looking after the sale of hie wool, left today without ef fecting a sale, for the summer range of his sheep in Crook county. Thursday's Dally Leslie Butler arrived here on the noon train from Hood River. Clyde Bonney was a passenger on the noon train from Hood Kiver. Marshal T. J. Driver left on the noon train to attend the Portland carnival. A. Mowery, of Dufur, left on the noon train for Portland to take in the carnival. Jeff Mosier was in town last night froai Mosier and left for home on this morning's boat. Miss Myrtle Smith, of Heppner, was a passenger ou this rooming's train for the Portland carnival. Mrs. William Weabeck.of Tjgh Ridge, and four children loft on this morning's boat on a visit to friends in Albina. Attorney W. B. Presby, of Golden dale, left this morning for Boston, Mass., in response to a dispatch informing him of the serious illness of his mother. Henry Stegman and wife, of Hartland, and Mrs. Stegman's sister-in-law. Mrs. J. B. Melleker, of Iowa, were passengers on this morning's boat for Portland. G. B. Small, editor of the Baker City Democrat, accompanied by Mrs. Small, passed through town th's morning on hi way to Portland to attend the carni val. Judge Blakeley and Commissioner Evan and wife went to Portland laet nlgbt to attend the carnival. The judge and Mr. Evans are expected back to night eo as to resume county court in the rooming. Among the passengers who left on the special train this morning to attend the Portland carnival were the following: Joe Yogt, Bert Baldwin. Horace Scott, B H Grant, Mrs T J Driver, Mr and Mrs Han I Inn-en. Mr and Mr J P Benton, Will Johnston, Archie McColly, Mis Melva Dawson, Mine Anna and Lena Thompson, A R Thompson and son, Grant May, Kment Sherar, Leo Schan no, John Little, Dr and Mrs Hugh Logan, Mr and Mr Tom Kelly and son, Gilbert, Judge W L Bradsbaw, Louis Heppner, W Vogt, Tom Haelam, Mr and Mr C L Phillip, A Keller, Will Crossen, Mr and Mr Cha Stubling, John Hampshire, Mr and Mr J Blake ney and daughter, Lala, Gu Bonn, II C Liebe, Dr Sturdevant, Mr and Mr J A McArthur and daughter, Mr J F Moore and son, Mr and Mrs C F Steph ens, Mr Dawson and two children, H V I'arkniH, Miss Lay, Bred Weigel, Mrs A Urquhart, MiRfl'Lena Liebe, Earl Sanders, Km Me Schanno, Mrs J Mel quist. on and daughter, Mrs A Nelson, Mrs A Anderson, Mis Nellie Weberg, Vic Schmidt, Mr and Mr Sam Wilkin son, Mr J O Mack, Mr T A Hudson, Mies Martha Schooling, J A Blondln, Joe Stadelman, Carl Hansen, Juliu Fisher, A Henderson, Joe Kohler, A Kandvig, J T Lynch, C F Allison, Mr J B Crossen and Mis Emily Crossen. Mrs L F Sandoz, Mr and Mrs E Bononi. Friday a Dally. Mr. Markillie and children left on the noon train on a short visit to friend In Portland. Attorney Hosford, of Moro, passed through torn today on his way home from Portland. Mr. O. P. Cresap and daughter, M!sj lion Clara Cresap, of Canyon City, spent vesterdav in the city, the guest of Mr. Cresap's brother, Mr. J. A. Douthit, and left for Portland on this morn'ng's boat. Mr. B. A. Gifford, the photographer, Uft at. a aa!n ..n u KnaitiuBii trin . in l I'll HIT- nwil ,1,1... m f In Phi-airr. to be rone a counle of weeks. Mrs. D. P. Ketchum and child and Mrs. Ketchum'a sister, Miss Hall, were passengers on this morning's boat for Portland. Mrs. Louis Rorden and daughters, Misses Dorothy, Nettie and Myrtle, were passengers on this morning's boat for Portland. Misa Maude Mirhell left on the noon teain for tirade, Wheeler county, where she has accepted a position to teach a term of school. ENJOYS A GOOD CaGAR. Thera la No Mrana of in icerilag Hi, Ulrl Who Site lu Smokers' Seat. Men who w ish to enjoy a smoke when coining downtown after breakfast are often "put out" by the feminine pa trons of the street curs who perwsfin fretting in the sents reservci! for smok ers, even though the rest of the ear may he empty. One sufferer from this pro pensity on the part of the fair sex de clared the other day that the only wuy to cure them of the habit was to smoke them out, says the Chicago Chronicle. The young man took his place on one of the tents, cigar in mouth. At Loom! street a young WOn&a and escort entered the car. Many vacant seats ui re ahead, hut she calmly took a seat beside the afore said smoker. The escort clung to the strap and chatted in small talk. "Here is my chance," thought the smoker. Insitantly thiere issued from hia lips enough smoke to remind one of the power-house smokestack. The move ment of the car blew it all in luer face. Looking up at her escort the said, sweetly: "I'm In a smokeT's seat, ain't I?" He agreed. The smoker was overjoyed. He felt, that he was doing a kindness to all puffers of the weed. "She's weakening," he thought, "and she'll move in a moment.'' Still (lie sat. The smoker puffed and puffed till he was nearly black in the face. "Do you know," she suddenly said to her escort, "I do love the odor of a good cigar?" with a cruel emphasis on the word "good." The puffing ceased and the p'uffer kept his eyes on the floor as she left the car. GOING IAST- If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains- run via Niagara Falls and every througl train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all ticket at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Clink, Pacific CoaBt Pas. Agt Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Crank. G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo Telegram's Apology for Jupiter l'luvlus Oregonians are not afraid of a little rain, anyway. A few hours' moisture wont't hurt, but a week of it now would make a good many people feel blue. People who went to bed at a proper time and waked up late in the night were unanimously curprieed, no doubt, to hear the rain pouring down, as nei ther the sky nor the weather bureau gave any intimation of a shower yester day afternoon. But rain muet always be expected at this time of the year in Western Oregon, Stewed Veal. Heat one tablespoonful of butter, fry in it a tablespoonful of chopped onion until a golden brown, add a. pound of lean veal cut into inch pieces, season with salt and. paprika, add a table spoonful of flour and stir until slightly browned.; then add one. cupful of good stock, cover closely and let simmer for one hour. Ad1 one cupful of diced raw potato, cook 20 minutes and serve. Good Housekeeping. Stranberrlea nnd Rice. Boil 1U cupfuls of rice, be-intr careful to keep the kernels whole, adding, when it is nbout. half done, the juice of two lemons. Drain thoroughly. Cover the lottom of a fruit dish vith the rice then add a layer of strawberries and sprinkle generously with sugar. Coru- tinue until it is all used. Serve yvith cream. N. Y. Tribune. One of rhlna'i Snperst Itlona. Black dogs and black cats are the favorites in China in the line of food, because when eaten in midsummer they will insure health nnd strength. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. ThB Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. From J. Knebel'a pasture, three mile Roath of town, two mare. One I a dark bay, branded H on left shoulder, left hind foot white, weiht about 1150 pound". The other i brown, big I) on left ahoulrier, weight about 800 pound. A liberal reward will be paid for their return to ,1. Knebel, or for och icfortna- a will lead to their recovery. 4 PERTINENT PRESS COMMENT. "Large crop few pops," eiugi the New York Son. Co!. Brvan says we cannot secure title to a people by force or by purchase. . . . . - Accordmg to this theory must have cqmrel Louisiana ami texas un a Christmas tree. Globe-Democrat. The best way for a man to appreciate how much time have improved is to contrast his condition now with what it was when Adlai E. Stevenson was vice- ptesident. Plaiudealer The which New Yoik Journal, a paper for are selected from the metropolitan euc Bryan writes political editorial', i ceases produced in New York and points to the pension roll of Union sol dier as evidence of the militarism of the present admioistratiop. The democrat must feel highly hon ored to fee former republicans and pop ulists like Senator Turner ami Oot. Rogers driving the democratic mine down the tow path these days. Walla Walla Union. Mr. Lincoln denounced the man who! ... . n I,,..,,,,, unhtlor I that "he ia fighting in a bad cause, for a wicked administration of a contempt!- hie government." The quotation has escaped the notice of Bryan and Towne. Globe-Democrat. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering form cholera in fantum. The'doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used ac cording to directions. In two day time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have re commended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Brookwalter, Ohio. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. School Opeus Next Monday. New classes in the first primary are organized only at the beginning of the term. Children 6 years of ago, or those who will be t by the first of November, may enter these classes. The entrance examination for pupils of the more advanced grades will be held at the high school building on Sat urday, Sept. 8th, beginning at 9 o'clock a. ro. The preliminary teachers' meet ing will convene at 4 p. m. Saturday. Volcauic Irruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, BurriB, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Vile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley's drug store. !i THE CLEANSING ANI HEALING CATARRH CUKE FOH CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to tlflr. Contains no in jurious drug. It is quickly absorbed. (iivea Relief at once. Tt t i u t u aH ...... aKSSS- LULU 'Nr. LAD Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Large Size, 60 cents at Druiriristsor by mull; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BKOTilEltS, 06 Warren Street, New York. T. A. Van Norden KCCTVS OOnsfnilflv in hanrl a laakt . I l.a line of all that fa hoV it. K ... ... ",u Clocks, Spectacles, Field (ilasses, Silverware, ,v"c! at prices that defy emnpetition. Mall orders at tended to with nrnmntnohu graving neatly done. MaSl "COB- JOHN OAVIK 3I00RE & GAVIN, ATTORNEY8 AT LAW Rooms 39 and 40, over U. 8. Land Office Oregon STATE FBIB SALEM, OREGON. September 17 to 22, 1900. BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. Ground greatly improved, buildings repaired and renovated, all etock build lngs thoroughly disinfected; everything in first-clasg condition for the largest and best Live Stock Show and Agricult ural Exposition ever held on the Coast. $20,000 ) premijTi5 PJr$e5 Good racing every afternoon. Music nnd fun at night. Auction sale of livestock will be made a lead '"''" All livestock and other exhibits hauled free over the Southern Pacific raHmau Reduced i.asseiurer rates on all rallr.,rt prcmluM list and other information address w. II. v r.llKI. G, President. Illllsboro, Or. M. D. WISDOM, Sec., Portland, Or. y i.h-i MxiKrrtn Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery. Itooms .". a:id .'-, Tel. .T2S Vigt Block A Great Shaw By Great l'aople. No doubt the itreet fair and Elk' carnival at Portland will alt-act a great crowd, but nothing will be seen thero that will equal or be more entertaining than the Roy Crawford Slock Company that appears at the Vogt opera house Monday, Sept. 10th, and week, includ ing Saturday matinee. Thi company come highly recommended by the pres and public, and from what can be learned from the pres account in eastern cities, this company rank as first among many. The plav to he presented here Boston last season, and will be given with the lime superb and magnificent scenic effects as was used in the original production. Some of the play to be presented will Deselected from the fol lowing : "A True Kentuckian," "Fanst," "Friend," "Sure O' rerinee," "Ala bama," "Danger of a Great City," "Sappho," "Camille," "Sjwing the in(V Otfier. The Real Widow Brow n," and Monday will be ladies' free night. One lady and gentleman or two ladies will be admitted on one paid 50- cnt reserved seat ticket. Prices for this engagement have been leduced to 25, ;!5 and 50 cents HABIT IN A HORSE'S WORK. A Contractors Animal That Wn Use. leaa When Grocerymnn Houtcht Mini. "When I retired from the contract ing business a short time ago," said a well known man, relates the Xew York Sun. "I had a number of horses that I was anxious to dispose of: among them was one named Jerry, which for several years had been used to working on the drum. In such work a horse becomes accustomed to lifting his feet high to avoid striking the hoisting ropes. When the horses were put under the hammer Jerry went to a Harlem grocer. "About a week later the purchaser of Jerry called at my house and told me he had a lot of trouble with the horse. He said that Jerry would go short distance when he would stop short and lift his feet high, and after doing this would go a little further only to repeat it again. I told the grocer why the horse stopped short and lifted his feet and also advised him to look up some contractor and sell the animal to him for hoisting purposes. He did so, notifying me that he received a larger price than he paid me for the horse." ' Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Halm, which is agree ably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the 50c. sizo ; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are sure to continue tho treatment. Announcement. To accommodate, those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou bles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will bo known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. Tho liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of tho solid preparation. The Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle for $2.00 a year. All subscribers to tho Weekly Chron icle who pay one years' subscription In advanco, will be entitled to the above liberal offer. CHRONICLE PUB. CO., The Dalle, Oregon. NOTICE of Application for Liquor License. To All Whom It May Concern: tvnMtieolr !"'.rcby.l?!v'" ,hat the nrideraigned, William kintz, will at 10 o'clock In the ford main, on Monday, the nth day of Oetob r, 1DMI the same being the regular October, 1'XIO term of court, apply to the County Court of the state of Oregon for W asco county, for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous Honors in less itiantlties than one gallon, In the town of Mo sler, In the county and state aforesaln. for .,,..h ( as his receipt from the County Treasurer i j I, "") " " ;" i"r: ano nis petition for said license, which he will piesent to the said county Court on said date, Is hereinafter set Datied this 7th day of October. 190Q WILLIAM KINTZ. Petition for Liquor Means. To the Honorable County Court of the State a Oregon, for tho County of Wasco: W ,., the undersigned residents and legal voters of ......... piniiivi, in me i.ounty ,i W ,iM,, "JWii, resi,,ctruily ,etlt on vollr I orshle b'Xly to grant a license to Wlllfam Klnt to sell spirituous, malt and vinous Honors, i less ,,uantltlcs than one gallon in the town of r.M, .Vi a '."u"1)' stare iitorcsald lor ,vi,.i n, tun i , i .r rrnm the treasurer of said county may call for: county row a Reineck, J N Moslar. L Lamb. N C Stutts, J M EMI tt. T llenningson, Clinton Wiaid, It I' P. tterson, H D Fisher, C A Cramer, M Sw-llman h nut, f Granlund, lames Joss, m DMA nunaiiar, S E Klsher, Axel K. Peter-on, A E MeCoughcy N P sturguss, I. I Davenport W in A Hay, ' t has Prather, A .1 Praiher, las Nurse H U Patterson N 0 Mm A Nordtr A T Roberts ICwli Mceks, P llenningson, H F Hardwlck, (hristlan Wyss, Arnold Wyss, E B '.Vood, It Kben, Jaa H Hunter, Frank lapier, II Htoneinan, M Thlel JMMb Floch, John Armstrong, A II Godberson, M Duty. F P WeldniT, I K McGregor, Andy Prather, Rue Prather, Geo Judy 1 M i rtlaud l' H favensirt A M I rl, hard John Norlhup 0.R.&N. DiriaT schsdcls. abb.vs roa Fault Daxlm. Ftrojt Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fat Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mall 40 p.m.; aaa City, St. Iouts, li.V) p m Chicago and East. Atlantic Salt Laka, Denver, Ft. 4 :45 a.m. Express Worth, Omaha, Kan l.jia. as. aaa City, St. Louis, Via Hunt- Chicago and Eaat. infton. Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Mail Minneapolis. St. Paul, Mail and iuJ u t h, Milwaukee, and Express Chicago and Eaat, via Express Spokane akd Hunting tun: also all pointa in 9:J5 p. to Washington and Eaat- 3:30 a. to em Oregon. 8 p. m. Faox Pobtlaiid. 4 p. m. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco Every Five Daya. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex. Sunday ColumD'.a Rv. Steamers. Ex.sunda To Astokia and Way Saturday Landings. 10 p. m. I 6a.m. Willamette Kivkr. 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Ncwberg, Ex.sunda; Siileill A; Way Land's., Willam kttk a s i Y , m 3:30 p ro. Tuts.Thur. ntLL kivebs. Hon., wad and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-I nndings. -n ikk Rivkk. Lea VI l.v Riparla Riparia to U-wiston. Lewiston dahy dally :35a. m. 9:00 a. m. Parties desiring to go to Heppner or points on Columbia Southern via Biggs, should take No. 2, leaving 1 he Dalles at 12:40 i. m. inal, I nit direct connections at Hennncr junction snd Biggs. Returning makingdireotconneetlou at Heppner junction and liiggs with No. 1, ar riving at The Dalles at 12:30 p. m. For full particulars call on O. . it: N. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. H. HCRLBTRT, Uen. Pas. Agt , Portland, Or. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK Union Depot, Finn and I sis No. 2. Fast mail for Tamrna. No. Seattle, Olympia, (irnj 'a iiiii nor ana nouui iienii points, Spokane, Ross- land, B, ('., Pullman, Moscow, I.ewitnii, Buf 11:15 A. M. falollumpmlningcntin-1 try, Helena, Mlnneapo lti, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Ixiuis. M P. M. Chicago and all Hjntsl east and south, -ost. l'uget Sound Lxess No. 4. l;M V. M. No. 3. for Tacoma and Seattle 7;00.. M. and intermediate points Pullman first class and tourict Bleepera to MinnpajKilis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vvstibuled trains. Uulon denot e,,M ,,e M 1 1 a in all iirinclpal cities. linggHgc checkixl to destination of tickets. rr niiiiosomeiy iiiustiatci di-scr i.tiv ii.-tt.T. tickets, sleeping car reservation etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, sslstunt General Passenger Agent. 2V, Morri son Street,, orner Third, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via ifn Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains (Mr The Dalles for Portland and way stations at 4:i'. a. m. and 3 p. m. Leave Portland a m " Albany 12:30 a m Arrive Ashland 12 33 am " Maeraincnhi 0:ijo m " San Francisco 7:44 p m ":00 pm 10:50 p m 11:30a m 4:S1S a m a :15 a m Arrive Ogdon M Denver " Kansas City " Chicago J : 15 a m 9:00 a m " 25 it m 7 15 in 11:15am 0:ooa m 7: 25 a m 0:30 am Arrive Ixis Angeles " El Paw " Fort Worth . . " City of Mexico . " Houston " New Orleans " Washington. . . " New York . . 1:20 pm 0:00 ' m . . ft: 30 a m :5fiam ... 4:00a in . 0:25 a m . 0:42 m .12:13 prn 7 :00 a m i; ii p ,,, r,:30 a m ii 55am 4:00 a in ft. !M p m o 12 am la 43 p m ntS5 J1"1 To"rl"t on both trains, (hair ears Sacramento hi Ogden and El Paso and.ourstcarsto. blcago, rU IaiuU, New leans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with seversl sU-amshlp iTne, for Honolulu, Japan. CI, Philippines, Central and South America. Bee agent at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or Mica lightens the 'Axle load shorten Grease tho road. hcltm the team. Raves wear aad Iuse. nom everywhere. IfAI'K HV STANDARD OIL CO. MiWD Pacific sout(( Property. Notice Is hereby riven that under, tue ot an order duh made ., . ,, mini, t nitrt nf Yi ,...., ...... . -u "- ' ountv, ),,' Watt, 190), the unrtSES. fl -Wl.Il UKJ UI A U intnlstrator wit ,.f Jonathan Jackson, deceaaed win J"" after the 1st day ol October, laOO ZSh "m sale in the manner provided bv l )Exl ol real property by azaeabjr, ..Z 2J1 f Jonathan Jac tors, ail the rt e right, title and intend 7? Jackson In and to the . , Jonathan scrib-M real property, being 1U Wa-...,." The KWV of the SEW of sect! "i :tc rteen (14) eaat, W. M; said 7, ?i h or upon credit in the manner t'r,,1? ,nw iuchic i real pmittrtv i, i executors and administrators crwi,l Administrator, with the wfl!'aVji!2R estate of Jonathan Jackaon, dwea.ed NOTICE FOR PUBLIcTrlor (Iolated Tract ) Public Land Sal, T HIE DALLES, Ob. July uacj) given mat in tIUI,,,. Instructions from the commissioner of TS" V-.f... i. i . ' ,19t. erai iana omce, unacr authority v,iia, TO by section 24K D. 8. Kev. Btai.a, J. meat; or congress approved K ebruar7LiiI wc will proceed to offer at public saleLT." day, thesth day of September .x, Jfl of 10 o'clock, a. m., at this offlee the oHoif tract of land, to-wit: ioij, Lot 4, Sec 1.1, Tp. 1 V., R. w k. w u Any and all iwrsons claiming toe described land are advised " Su claims in this office on or before the rl., t" designated for the commencement of s.w otherwise their righu will be forfeited, J A? P. LUCAS, Register OTIS PATTERSON, Receive, NOTICE FOR PUBUCATloy, Land Ofhce at The Dalles, Ori00, , August rM. ' Notice is hereby given that the folim,. named settler has filed notice of his iuS, " make final proof in support of l " that said proof will made before tl i M and Receiver at The Dulles, Oregon oalH day, October 6, 1900, viz: su,"nsut. Ilobert E. Fhllllpa, of ti,ner, 0p H E. No. BAM for the SE4 NV ., xwi wL W. M. " " He names tne followlncr wltnu. continuous residence upon ami culUiaaL? Sdld land, viz: 's JAY 1' LUCA1 BQj2t-1 heiiito. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOS. Land OrncE at The Dalles, Om i . t July 1900. "i Notice is hereby given that the f,,llotiM. named settler has tiled notice of her Intent to commute and make final proof in Minn her clxim, nnd that said proof will be made fore the register and receiver at Th n.iu ! Oregon, on Thursday, September 20, 1900, ill: Lola A. licit f I'M. Ilalles, Or., and m ti4. Sec. :t T. 1 S., R, 11 E , )l I She names tne (ollowUlf wltue-sei topfoitk) , o, ,,,,,, resiueuce upon, ami cultivation V' said land viz: l'cter Fagan, G. Wetmorc, Charles Matnej . 1-ox, all of Ihe Dalles, Or. JAY P. LUCAS, Ke :uttr 1-1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The, Or., i Aug, IS, 1901 i rotice la hereby given that the followint named settler has filed notice of his Intentin to make Ilual proof in support of his claim, ml that said proof will be made before the resins and receiver of the IJ. H. land oillce at Tin iianes, or , on Saturday, Sept. 29, 1900, vlx: Heury O Uordlon, of The Dalles, Or,, H. K. No. 4914, for the NW SK'i Sec. 6, Tp 1 .V R 18 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to his continuous residence upon and eultlvsiim of said land, viz: Ernest Jordan. Albert Jordan, John Puhtt and James Thomas, all of The Dalles, orion aug22-i IAY P. I.PCAB, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LNn Office at Va.ncocver, Wash.! Aug. Hi, Ml. I Notice is hereby given that the fullowlni named settler has filed notice of Ills Intention to make final proof in suptinrt of his eluiir, ircd that said proof will be made before W. II. Presby, I'nlted States Commissioner for District ol W'nhlrgton, at Ills ofllce In Coldendale, Will ington, on October 1, 1900, rift John Watson, P. O. address Centervlllc, Wash., who mdt homestead application No. 9332, for theSKUX BM 2-f. Tp f ST at 14 E, W. M, W ho names the following witnesses tnsrare hia continuous residence upon and i nliivstiot of said laud, viz. : Charles strauhe, William Wilkinson, June c. Dalv and Patrick Haggerty, all ol ( eoterrllle P. ()., Washington. alH-1 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION, Land Office at The Dalles, 0m.,! August 31, MR. I Notice ia hereby given that the fnllowlnt named settler has tiled notice of his lntenuon t make final proof In support of bis rlsna, sua iron said prist! win he liolfle hclore uie and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wedn day, October 10, 1900, vlx. : Osorgs W. .lohnaton, of The llalles, " H. E. No. 6103, for the NWW NE'; and KKH NW Bee Is. Tp I N, R 14 E, W. M. He names the following wltm -m s to prove blj continuaua residence ufmn, and oultivatlonoi said land, viz: , F. P. Taylor, Wm. Hharp, J. W. Johnitnn H. K. 'league, all of The Dalles, Or, gon. 6 I JAY P. LUCAS, Regiete'- EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the underslftiH have been duly appointed l.j the hoiwnK, county court, of thu state of Oregon, !' "J" county, executor of the estat ol Hurstioi ui son, deceased. All pcrtons Inning Citw against said estate are hereby notified nP2"" the same, properly verified, I" the 'r.uknW Charles E. C0MM, at Wasco, Sherman Oregon, or nt the oltlce of our attorney J fee di Wllaou, at The Dallca, Oreg ,n, wlikia months from Ih date of this notlee. Dated July II, 1900. ,,Bans CHA III KB E. ( "R"J Wl I.I.I IM ! '"L Executors of the estate of Horatio Corim, ceased. EXECUTOR'S NOriCK. Noth e Is hereby given that the "odfj!! h lu.,.n rtolv ui,rw,1l,tHt hv the llolniraOlfW". of tho state of Oregon, for Wasc, egoil, for Waseo couu.,, tate of August Barhrnt'-J ,ns having rlslnis sgslii" wutor of the estate ceased. All I ers, I estate are hen by notllled to pre" nt IM V ,'in,e are iieri'oy noioo-o c" . y. properly verified, to Ih. uwlcr-lgne. I c.wri . His-d, at The Dalles, Wascn county. "''S..,,;,,,, at the ofllce of his attornejs, Meiieleea " at Tho Dalles, Oregon, within six nio,i tie- date ol this notice. Dated this 14th day of J"11.; . kKEP. ExccuUirof the estate of'Augnst SatJJgJ' Chicken Lice Conprt use Carbolineum Avenarius. K preerrlnl I he most emeieni - i,i l,.i. .1.,.. utiles Ki uosly sgsin Chicken Lice. Its aipinai i .. i. ..... c, ,1 on side walls of poultry .,. ... . manently exterminate all lire. . suits healthy ehlckens, "T"-, eggs. Write for eirculars and pr" Mention thla paer. J Jos.T. Peters & Co., TIIK DALS.M. our.""' - . Sale of Real ' the 8V, of the SE',, and the s , ,,V ih.'ftl section twenty. two m,: the -Ki .S of section fifteen (IS), the K . , ?, J1? U the N4 of the SE'i u'f sect.W r,,' ,! .'. me t', oi the fcH and the su ',0.! ' the -E , ! tl.e Ml , cl J t seven (27), all in township f?,,,r , . '.'.'?. l,i