THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY! SEPTEMBER 5. 1900. The Weekly GbFoniele. Aurtllii( l;ir Ptr inch O leli.rhor lei.a lil St O r two tnchu ud umler (our luetics . 1 'J .-at (our Inches wl under twelve luche . ,t O -er twelve lnrhea m9 DAILT ! WItt Jno luch or le, per luch iw? Over one Inch and under (our liu-he Over (our turtle and under twelve Im-he 1 50 Over twelve luetic 1 00 tbe meaning of tbe "epithet." They . leave it to do its supposed deadly work on tbe prfocipit thut t'urran applied tlio term "bypotberiuse" to i Ibe tUh-woroan, tbal it would bei effective in proportion to tbe ob-1 l KM OCR A 77' IMO.XSlSThM )'. G.C. Clemens, candidate of tbe PERTINENT PRESS COMMtN I . Ttie Salem Journal ealla tbe editor of I ii. u Wiuwll.iirii r.auer ' an mi iioverietieo Ot . . ,, . . . , : m.L mmA Haannltn diirffer." .Iliei.t LViiJ. oiw3u - M mm socia! deotociacy for governor ibe statu of Kan-as. said in a recent j Thjf j not m goo4 time t0 mllke ,lie, seceb: American lag eat dirt. And ties idee "Tbe democratic platform f lly ' there is no man big enough for tbe job. scurity of ita meaning. They do not 1 jll(jorscg MeKinley' course in tbe1 Democrat who contend that the I realize that in pursuing such a course julj.)pjllCg wlt.n it proposes that we ' woney question is settled, and that there j they are making what Thackeray A .,, . 8la,)le mmmm would call an indecent exposure of ttierc a01 protect the islands against i unM,e it their intelligence, ror Americans tan- all olhcr naliom?. fiOIT aro c to Wagtg or UrnJ ,)andi witi be low il j "I honestly believe," says Coo-i not be bamboozled by meaningless t.j,taoi,9u a stable government with- J Bryan i8 elected, is one of the points ol j irr. ssman Hartholdt. of Illinois, him- euilbets however hideous they sound. .-, thrniliini the armed bands amnment to be naed by the democrats. self a (.orman American, "that with Thev do not believe with Napoleon .... . ,,, ,iri.... na awtv? How this fall iu Umatilla county. Ha the election of Itryan the whole bot- that governments are run by epithets i are y0U lo stay jn a ,l0Use and put torn of of our business prosperity or tbal party victoiies arc won by luc furnjturP tG rights when a man is would again drop ou(, as it did in , their use. The faint gleam of light trying to throw you thiough the ItM, Then it wns the free trade their platform throws upon the "con-1 wj,ioir unless you first kick him scare, and this timo it would be the tents" of the expression, !tnlicstes int0 a pCaccfu frame of tuio'l ? ffM m I v cr Matt. We hear it . argued that they propose doing in relation ' i.if tho l'hilinniiu's arc not United that with the enactment of the gold 1 10 the Philippines Just what there j States territory, what business ia it standard law by the republicans, publican paity has been doing Gf ours whether they have a stab'.e Itiaalm. if installed in newer, -- - ,.. ,, ti,P end. . . ... lt 1 ti... i j , .. ,,, nil i - or any government nt " would lie rendered harmless. This j Thc pretense that the republican : Rre ftn lnc 0iuer side of the earth is a dangerous consolation. itryan's parly is committed to the policy of ; an(1 perpetual civil strife there could success would, of course, mean the 1 compelling the annexation of tbe I jQ UJ n0 uarm yc never worried simultaneous election of a democratic Philippine Islands against the will of ( ovcr ,he sla,j,;y 0f the government house, and what then:1 All that tbe people is a wicked pel version ol would stand between sound money ' tbe truth and could be resorted to and (6 10 1 are a few old men in the WtMtt, and at the very next (,ny in case of the greatest extiem election, in the in term, the sound could easily be wiped out. Mr Ha! thMt in ona truth the democrats bavt discovered. Pendleton Tribune. Mr. bryan pat hie foot in his mouth up to his knee when he promised to withdraw the soldiers and the au thority of the United States from the Philippine?, and yet extend the Monroe doctrine over the islands. That alone is enough to skin him. And .yet hi sslemnly promises to do these things I it he is elected. aiem statesman. A Contract. over the stability of the ; of the Philippine islands in years before that morning by no one, but the devil himself, proceeded to do business in bay. A contract has been entered into nnd filed iD the county c'.erk'a offiee between j W II Van Itahhor mill B7l( anil V. I nil Ihp an tue juam,,jn snd Wife parties ot the first, Dewey ; partj an(j p. jv-, George T. I'arr 1 Manila ; and A. M. Kelsay, parties of the second i liddle of Itryan's jty , and it may be disposed of in the toe money mnjoiity j language of Abraham Lincoln ia ; afial,i the itryan has consecrated his life to t:ie I Senator Douglas, when OMMfl of free silver, and, when once in power, his party will be with him. Why should wc worry now if islands are not ours? I am tiemociaia aie nyinK i" , .,: i,ia h t.., il,a, .,, Iha replying to his distinguished rival, gct m jnt0 troublc by inducing us to j neighborhood of Chenowelh creek for part, whereby Messrs. VanBehber and j Champlin grant to Messrs. Kretzer, j I'arr and Ke!sa the right to go upon They did not demur at Kansas City because they no longer believe in the refuted and disproved proposi tion of It! to 1, but because they feared to lose the election on account of it. And what will a candidate do who invites defeat rather than to give up his hobby, in the case of his triumph, when he is beyond the power of the voters' Why, to put the question is to answer it. The very first thing the democratic hou-c will do will be to repeal the gold standard law, and, as a lesult of such letioo, a note of alarm will immedi ately he sounded throughout the business world. Our prosperity, based as it entirely is, upon the con fideuce of the people in our financial system, will receive a severe shock. Investments will cease, and money will be withdrawn and hoarded. As result, labor will be thrown out of employment, and a crisis will be upon ns t ven before the new demo, cratic rttglBM has made its intentions known. "Have no fear. The GtrmaDS will not materially assist in killing the hen that lays the golden egir, and in bringing about another carnival of rags and soup houses, such as we had to go through during Cleveland's administration. In whatever disguise Itryanism presents itself, they will recognize in it a menace to Ameri can prosperity and the country's best interests." IMPERIALISM A KII.ABAROO. "Epithets are a convenient recourse for those to whom argument is un attainable but they are not likely to prevail wi'.h intelligent people who never mistake them for argument," says Congressman HrosiDiis, of Penn sylvania, iu the August number of American Commerce and Industries. "To set up a man of straw is an easy device where no real object of attack exists. This is the familiar trick of attacking something different from what is asserted. And ngtin where there is a course of behavior which is unassailable on its luil which admits of a inetaphoi ical designation, Ibe adversary whose cause can only rely ur.on the artful he said 'Does the gcntleinan mean to stand in majestic dignity aid pass through his' apotheosis and become a god by his antagonism to a proposition which neither man not mouse in all (iod's creation has ever advocated?' "In the light of the discussion in the populist-democratic press for the last few months the epithet 'im perialism' id its relation to realities finds an apt illustration in un anec dote told by a fiiend of mine. A wag exhibited a queer looking box which contained, he pretended, a terrible animal that would cat people alive. He exhibited it on one oc casion in Is'ew York. The beholders asked him what it was. A 'Kila baroo,' he replied. 'Where does it come from?' 'It came from Africa.' 'What is its color?' 'Green as jealousy.' 'What does it live on?' 'It lives on snakes.' 'Where do you get the snakes?' 'I get them from i uavc us to resort to my biother-in law. 'Where docs lie get tljem?' 'Well, he gets them out of his imagination when he has de lirium tiemer.s.' 'Oh, then, they are imaginary snakes,' exclaimed the crowd. 'Oh, yes, it is nn imaginary Kilabaroo. There is nothing in the box but it scares many foolish people.' " meddle with the private affairs of other folks. "Again, if the islands are not ours, but belong to the rilipinos, why should we propose to protect them against all other nations? Has not Oeimany or Hussia the right to pro tect them against us as we have to protect then' against Germany and Russia? "And if the Filipinos own the country themselves, ought we not in common decency to wait till they ask us to protect there ? Perhaps they might piefer some other pro tector, and it is exclusively their own affair. "And how are wc to establish stable government and then become and remain protectors? Are we to use moral suasion alone? If tier many should conclude to send an army to the Philippines what are we to do? Surely Mr. Uryan would not hated 'militar ism' to repel the invaders! Perish the 'imperialistic' thought! If the islands arc part of our territory what is a president to do with a rebellion there against the authoiily of the United Stales? What could any president do but precisely what MeKinley has been doing put down the rebellion first, reserving all if Bryan were elected president questions ot ultimate disposition pos there is not a bit of doubt that he . sible. the purpose of prospecting fjr "coal, oil, iron and all other minerals of whateo ever kind or nature, including natural fcas, by boring or any other means that may be deemed proper or advisable." In ease the parties of the second part discover on the premises in question sufficient quantities of coal orother min erals mentioned to warrant the develop ment of such discoveries, they bind themselves to eonvev to tbe parties of the first part un undivided half interest in sucn coal or oilier mineral?, anu also full rights of way to and from such places upon such premises as may be selected for carrying on of work of pros pecting and developing said mines, to gether with such tract of land, not ex ceeding ten acres, as may be necessary for the development of said mines and for dumping grounds. Messrs. Kretzer, Parr and Kelsay are to commence pros pecting within one year and to continue the name without interruption for a lon ger period than three months under penally of cancellation of contract. CASTORS ANefMable Preparationfor As similating the Food and Reg ula ting ttie Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion.CteerfuK ness and Rest Contains neither Opittm.Morplune nor Mineral Not Narcotic. Stv VOUVrSAMCELPlTCWH sltx.SmM -.'.-' w (tlCurixrw itila IlitnSnd- fi tin Sugar n rtavar HiiiUrjrmm Aperfecl Remedy forConslipA ion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness mid Loss of Sleep. IC Simile Signature of NEW YORK. CASTORH muts ana L'hii. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AAlT rvt Ji EXACT COFY OF WRAPPER. Use For Over Thirty Years CAST01 TH CtWTAUII COMPANY. HI n OUT. VHUt would construe it as a proper in dorsement of his lfi to 1 ideas. He would say that the end had justified the impeiialisti': means by which he "The democratic position is utter ly inconsistent if we do not own the islands ; it is a brazen proposal 1 hat wc abdicate our sovereignty if we Arthur Sewall Iltig. Bath, Me., Sept. . 3. Arthur Sewail democratic cadidate for vice-president iu 1SH6, is in a critical condition at his summer home at Suiail I'oint, sixteen miles from this city. Mr. Sewail was seized nith an attack ot apoplexy at 10 o'clock last night, and has been un conscious most of the lime since then. THE CELEBRATED r .. .COLUMBIA BREWEP.1L AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-know n brewery the United States Health Reports for June 28. 1900, says: "A more superior brew rmver enteral the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on tho other hand is co-cposed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are ol the h'xtfi "St and it can be Mod with the greatest benelit and satisfaction hv old anil young. Its use can conscientiously bn prescribed by the physicians witli the ner?uintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could net possioiy oe rouna. East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Wasco Warehouse Compaq Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ell kin BATH, Me., Sept. 412:30 a. in The condition ol Arthur Sewail was uu- j changed at midnight. Ha had not re gained eontcioueness, and it was TTpftflmiartOT'C frT T?VI1a1 noi-n a;11rin(is by the physicians that there was ah- ' AWiicu viu.!!, and all klndi of MILL FEB imposed his will on the builders of I do not own thetn. Mcivinlcy's the democratic platform, he beinj; . course has been logical, at least. He indeed "wiser than they knew." In has assumed that the islands arc his inaugural address ho would say ' American territory, lie has assumed that ihe will of the people as cx-j that Aguinaldo is a Jefferson Davis, pressed at Ibe polls was that the gold ; and MeKinley has been dealing with law must go, and the policy of free j him as Lincoln dealt w ith the head silveiism lie ushered in. He would J of the southern confederacy has then proceed to impose on congress ' been treating him as a rebel. Van tbc imperialistic methods by which j landighatn liked Lincoln no better he won in the democratic committee . than Hoar (Hoar has now puolicly on resolutions at Ktnsas City. When j stated that he will support and vote congress had done his bidding, and tor MeKinley. Jvl.) and some free silver was accomplished, ho i would humbugged honest money demoeiaU feel about their own share ( position immediate withdrawal of ,in the dishonest work (if making! our forces from the Philippines. merits ! piesent 100-ccnt dollars worth 42 . That was at least logical. Hut to others seem to tike MeKinley. Ury an should have adhered to his first eolutely no hope for his recovery. HiB death is expected at any m jment, and ho probahlv will not coma out of the stupor in which he has Iain since trfekaa. The family is about the bed side aw ailing the end. Ilio Ural llfMuvcly lor Stumadi ami I'.. .v.. I Trouble. 'I have been in tbe drug business for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach nnd bowel troubles," says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, (ia. "This remedy cured two severe ctges of cholera moi buB in my family and I have recom mended nnd sold hundreds of bottles of Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle Qjn FlOUr This Hour is manufactured expressly for famiifl use : every sack is guaranteed to give sstuficuoaJ wa sen our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don t MM can anu got our prices ana be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats DKAI.KK IN All kinds of menueii anu sold hundreds of bottles of m . - it to my customers to their entire satis- funeral OUPPilSS! cents? They would feel "like .'to cents." undoubtedly ! deny our right to the islands and still propose that wc shall exercise aj protectorate over them what logic , i is i Rev. Dr. Theodore L. f'nvler. of strnt.igems of the diah ctilian chooses , ,, ., ... ' is there in this ? The actual truth itrii.iu vti. reiept the nmcrrnm nf the ...:. 1,1- I.,. . . I J 1 i in .... ,,, I. . II.-:.... i. uni, nui-iuci .in iv ui ui my un oe the next president, precisely Ihe a metaphor suitable to Ins purpose, a term or epithet of reproach ttrat is supposed to carry odium Of oblitpiy. "Il is a stupendous concession to the weakness of their cause that our populislic-detuocrattC brelhrcn are driven to the employment of the devices to which I have referred in llie conduct of their warfare on the r .1 T. or i luuieui. iv an irns a uuiCK and sure enre in a pleasant form." For sale by Blakeley A Houghton. STRAYED From the Last Knd feed yard, one small blue mare, branded something like a man s head on left shoulder. Liberal leward for her recovery or information le.iding to her recovery. When last seen had a short rope around her neck. T. J. Dkiiw, a27-2tw The Dalles, Or. anti-imperialists who met at Indi anapolis because he considers Uryan "an eloqucni political agitator, with out a shred of executive experience, " who (MM "never originated a solitary scheme of statesmanship, nnd has constantly employed his vigorous literiry powers in ,tbc ndvocacy of No ICIghl to l glHMM, The woman who i lovelv in ha snmc course will be pursued toward j form and temper 111 always have the Filipinos, for Itryan's position : friends, but one who would be attractive pledges him to McKuilcy's course. i nillBt KueP ''er health. If she is wpak, "Tbiscrv of imperialism wearies ! ,ick,y "n1 rnn down- ,n b . ,. , . . , i nervous and irritable. If she has , n me BBjllOW. It has been during lcr r wi,Inv .,,,., blood will cause pimples, blotches, i-kin f Grandall&Barget UNDERTAKERS tfi EMBALMERS The Dallos, Or. Robes,, Burial Shoes Etc. RpfflTP Ifill P0 MT fdn for a toml ?tiine or fur UCIUIC Jf UU eurbirisr, fencing or other c. metery work, call on LOOM Coniini. I will not only give jroa an the information you need tint I will (tot )'" prices yon cannot beat nriyw here, el no one IdnrT you. It will take only a few minutes to clt an.) see me. If you have neighbor who ever did Imilness w ilh me consult him 10 the price and QMltty ot my work and abide by the result. : Louis Comini I.'- il and confident predictions made in bis campaign of 18M arc now n laughing stock." the most ncslilrnt fimmeial heresies." l ; . . . - . 1 rcpuo.ican p,r.,. xue paramour.. whe ..r(.itcr!lled issue, mcy say, is imperialism, whatever that may be. It is obt ious . . i . .i i i . cinniou mat mat iney iiiieuu to con- 1 vcy some "hideous" if not "tragic" j The protection of American life meaning by lhcuse of this terra and and American honor without the: that its application to the republican consent or advice of yawping poli foreign policy is intended to cover ticians is the duty of the administra-1 Ibis administration with the foulest tion. The MeKinley administration reproach and the deepest odium and has a pleasing way of performing its' bring it into universal discredit, j duties without pandering to the They do not take the pains to difinc cheap element in politic?. imperialism tint Rogland. has became in all hut form republic. At the beginning of her dominion in India not even business men could vote in Kngland. In lb07, Disraeli, the most imperialistic of prime ministers, gave woikingmcn the right to vote." Th (). ; N. Cn. will run a special train from Tlio Dalles to Portland on Thursday, September till), to aceomo date visitors to tbe Klks' carnival. The train will leave Tbe Dalles at 8 a. in. are eruptions and a wretched ,- unpiexion. j Electric Itit'ers it the beet medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify II. u blood. It' gives strong uerves, bright eyed, MMttfc. velvety skin, ricli complexion. Il will make a good-looking, charming matM of a run doAn invalid. Only 50 cenli at Iilakelev's drug store. 2 Fare for n uud tiip tickets, good for three days, not including day of sale, AO CJI -OIOI LuittNi Ilealtlifuldriuksarenotbixiirlef, Ibey ! necessities. A lull line of cool n.i reircening porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ice. Take a bottle bwM for lunch. C. J. Stubling. Phone ML Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entiro Stock Regardless of Cost Dry floods, nothing, Roots and Sboee, at much less lhn ho,,'', prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchase"- Entire stock must be closed out before 30 day All goods will be iarriflo! except Thompson's Otov-nMlrJj "tut Htittenck Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early sol W bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Becood tnd t 'nrt