The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 01, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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Wednesday'a Dally.
Mr. and Mr?. I. N. Sargent returned
last night troni Long Beach.
Malcolm Mcinnis and family returned
last night from a short sojourn at Long
Mrs. Dan Baker and children returned
last night from a ten-weeks outing at
Ocean I'ark.
Rev. D. V. Poling and family returned
on last night's boat from their summer
outing at Cascade Locks.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wells aud chil
dren will leave in the morning le spend
a month at their ranch at Prosser.
Mr?. W. II. Wilson returned on last
night's boat from an outing with "The
Dalles Colony" at the Cascade Locks.
Mrs. Hugh Logan and sister, Miss
Minnie Lay, returned last night lroni
Ban Francisco after an absence of three
George Lang, an old-time and highly
esteemed locomotive engineer of the 0.
R. & N. Co., is in the city visiting
Ted Hannatin, a prominent Sherman
county sheepman, returned here last
night from attending the Astoria regatta
and is the guest of the I'matilla House.
Thursday's Pally
R. C. Wallis, the mayor of Rufus,
Sherman county, is in the city.
Dr. jeisendoiflVr went on this morn
ing's boat on a sick call to Lyle.
Mrs. Kirby was a passenger on this
morning's boat for Cascade Locks.
A. J. Dufur arrived on the noon train
from Portland on the way to his ranch
at Dufur.
Miss Minnie Michell left on this
morning'" boat to attend the teachers' j
institute now in session at Hood River, j
Miss Veva Sominerville, of this city, j
left on the noon train to spend a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Mays,
on Antelope Creek.
Dr. Reuter, of Jacksonville, is In the '
city, the guest of his college classmate, ,
Dr. E. K. Ferguson. Dr. Reuter is on
his way home irom a trip to Europe.
Mr. Clark, who has charge of the I
various pipe organs in Portland, arrived !
in the city last night and is engaged to-
day in repairing the vocalion at the
Methodist church.
R-v. U. F. Hawk returned yesterday
from a visit to his little son, who is a
patient, at St. Vincent's hospital. Mr.
Hawk found the lad making encourag
ing progress toward recovery.
Friday's Dally.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith French have re
turned from Long Beach.
E. H. Merril left on this morning's
boat to take charge of the Wasco ex
hibit at the Portland Elks' carnival.
Mr. McKenzie, auditor of the Central
Navigation Company, left on this morn
ing's boat for an outing at Ocean Park.
Mrs. E. M. Wilson was a passenger on
this morning's boat for Hood River,
where she goes to attend the teachers
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which haa been
in use for over 30 yean, has borne the Hijrnatnre of
and bus been made under bis per-
frf-f J! sonul supervision since its infancy.
'C6tCAtWi ii. ..v .... I , , , I i i . i v i- vm in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and 44 Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infauts and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, I H ops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tbe Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
have a government in the United Stales.
The evening program was entertain
ing and instructive. The recitation and
music was much appreciated by the
audience, and the masterly address of
Piof. Hawley on "What the People
Have Done to the Constitution," held
the closest attention. President Haw
ley has been a life student of American
history, aud It is a great privilege to
hear his lectures.
H. Blaiichard, wife and child came
op from Portland yesterday and spent
today in the citv, which was formerly
Harry's home, he having been purser
on the O. R. & N. steamers.
His Country Disapproves of His Militant
Designs in China and He Must
Change His Policy or Face a
Serious Crisis.
At Fairfield, Colombia precinct, Aug.
110, to Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Richards,
a son.
In this city, this morning, Aug. 29th,
to Mr. and Mrs. K. Clanton, a son.
Sunday, Aug. '.-'6th, to Mr. and Mrs.
.!. W. Dixon, of Kndershy, a son, weigh
ing nine pounds.
In a 1'eck of Trouble.
Thursday's Daily.
The financial troubles of the Central
Navigation Company continue to multi
ply. This morning the Dalles office of
the company was attached by Sheriff
Kelly on an execution issued at the suit
of J. T. Peters & Co. for supplies,
amouting to !HX), and of S. J. Brown,
for team work, amounting to f.300.
Justice Rorick, of Grand Dalles, today
qualified as asignee on behalf of labor
claims and the claims of certain mer
chants of The Dalles for sums amount
ing to some five five or six thousand
dollars. Winters Chapman, con
tractors, have filed liens on the road bed
across the river for $24,497.72 The
Oregon Lumber Company has filed a
lien on the same property for $1 ,804.00.
Mays A Crowe, of this city, have at
tached the company's Imat, now in
course of construction at Portland, on I German people
a claim for supplies amounting to some Nevertheless well-informed persons
3,800 and a parly If ft here today to at-j here continue to maintain that there is
tach the wrecked Billings up at Qtiinns. an understanding between Herman and
The impression isqoite prevalent in these j Russian governments on the territorial
New York, Aug. 30. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says: A good
deal of interest has been created bv the
announcement of an official organ in
Berlin that no aggressive or expansionist . I
policy in China would ho regarded favor
ably by the German government. This
is taken in some quarters as a sign that
the Kaiser has abandoned his militant
designs in the far East, outlined in his
recent speeches, but the explanation is
to be found in the attitude of almost
all influential German newspapers out
side of the official ring which have given
expression to a feeling of alarm created
in the fatherland bv the suspicion that
the emperor desires to plunge the
country into a series of ha.irdous ad
ventures in Eastern Asia.
This apprehension ii not confirmed to
radical and socialist organs; it is freely
expressed by conservative j mrnals and
even by some of those which usually
take up strong imperialist lines. A
parliamentary crisis and a refusal of sup
plies are openly t hrciitcned if the ad
ministration persists in ambitious pro
jects opposed to the sobriety, common
sense and business interests of the
that he murdered his father by shouting
him with a rifle. Arthur said his father
abused him and threatened to kill him.
The killing occurred near the boundary
line between Union and Umatilla coun
ties. The remains of the murdered man
will be brought home. Mr. Kelly left
a w ife and nine children. The boy told
the details of the ci ime, evincing neither
emotion nor callousness. Apparently lie
does not realize his position and the
enormity of hiscrime.
iMMifli in U tea m sill.
Skdai.ia, Mo., Aug. 30 Todav will
witness in this city one of the most
important political gatherings ever held
in the state. Theodore Roosevelt, of
New York, will be the principal speaker.
Prominent party leaders from ail over
the country will participate in the occa
sion. Vast crowds have rune to hear
the "war politician," as Roosevelt is
called, and the uffair promises to eclipse
anything of the kind ever held in Mis
A 1 1 . i i i . i I. niter..
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for August 31, 1900. Persons
calling for the same w ill give date on
which thev were advertised :
Beard, Georgia Fry, Mrs L F
Gaff, Mrs Frank Henzie, Mrs May
Johnston, W M Moore Mrs J A
Thomas, S E Yarhongh, Mrs C
Asberg, L
Rradv, Philip
Erickson, John
Hester, L ll)
tienzie, .las
Johnson, Isaac
Lawler, G F
McNarv. Mr
Perry, Wilfred
Sanedaker. Dr J F
Smith, Mannie L
eit, Ludwig
Anderson. John
Draper, Norman
tireelev, P
Henzie, W'm (tl
June, J O
Kellev, Divid
Lusher, L S
Pat tattoo, W m
Robinson, R
Stephens, Edgar
Seii, Alex
Wilson, Chas D
Wider. T E
parts that the tioubles of the company
have their origin in a Kilkenny cat fight
over the management. That all claimants
will be ultimately paid in full is con
fidently asserted by parties who claim to
have inside information.
Wasco County Teachers' Institute.
questions. Everything Will be done to
facilitate a settlement with the
Chinese government and the retirem-nt
as soon as circumstances allow of the
allied troops. But Russia, supported by
Gernuny, will endeavor to assert the
right of those powers specially injured
by the recent Chinese policy to obtain
territorial compensation.
The first session of the annual insti
tute if Wasco county began at 10 o'clock
Wednesday at Hood River, with an at
tendance of about seventy-five teachers.
Prof. Landers, superintendent of the
Dalles schools, led the institute in sing
ing. Afrer a brief, but hearty welcome ; father, forty five miles northeast of
to the teschers, Snpt. Gilbert read a I Milton, eirly Tuesday morning. Frank
Killed Hli rather.
rHIH UK. Or., Aug. 30 Arthur
Kelly, who is not quite 12 yeary old, was I depot ticket offices.
brought here this afternoon by Depot v
SlierilF Rlakeley, for the murder of his I
A tlood Cough Medicine.
Many thousands have been restored to
health and happiness by the use of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If af
flicted with anv throat or long trouble,
give it a trial for it is rertam to prove
beneficial. Coughs that have resisted
all other treat men t for years, have yielded
to this remedy and perfect health been
restored. Cases that seemed hopeless,
that the climate of f.iiii' Us he I'th resorts
failed to benefit, have been permanently
cured by its use. For rale by Blakeley
A Houghton.
Tllta' Special iMSISlH "lent. Olli.
F'or the accomodation of The Dalles
Elks and their friends the O. R. A N.
Co. will run a special train to Portland
for the strept fair, leaving Dalles at
8 a. m. Sept. filh. Round-trip fare for
this train only, $2,110, tickets limited re
turning to three daye after date of sale.
Tickets on sale at Umatilla House ami
a.'IO set Ii
olranic Krnptlnna
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
f i n - - , .
ui yy. nucaien s Arnica Halve cures
Tba heal Market.
The Portland Commercial Review of
j August 30th sayt:
"The local best market has moved
! within narrow limits throughout the
iwerk, though the volume of business
has been larger. A more active move
I merit from the interior is noted, and we
j may c insider that hereafter daily re
ceipts will show steadily increasing pro
! portions. Tonnage is beginning to ar
: rive, and altogether we may witness a
good September shipping trade. Har
vesting is well advauced, and in many
j places they are finished and farmers are
turning their attention to selling
I Walla Walla club is quoted nominally
! at Soft 56c vtt bushel on track here, and
Valley 57c. Biuestem, 58'59c. The
strong position of freights still operates
to a greater or less extent against wheat,
but it is veryd:fficult at present to see
howj freights can came down with scar
city of toonsgo and good prices ship
owners are leceiving from the; .west
coast of Sruth America. The en route
list is small, not enough to cury away
ovtr fifteen percent of the crop. Most
of the tonnage listed, chartered, is for
loading before D-cemrier 31st. Interior
warehouses are beginning to fill up with
wheat, anil farmers seem to be housing
their crop as soon as harvested.
Reports from the valley show some
improvement, anil it may oe possible
Cat the crop will be larger than that
first ta'culated. Reports from other
parts of the state are very conflicting,
ami it will take yet three week" before a
definite idea of the size of the crop can
be made. Expoiteis are not bothering
themselves about the size of the crop,
hut would like to have more ships to
move tl.H same. The only disengaged
vessel here is asking 4tis 3d. With the
price of cargoes in London, wheat would
he worth here about 50c per bushel.
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverence from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says : "1 was taken with
Tvphoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of Cousumption, when I heard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle gave
great relief. I continued to use it, and
now am well and strong. I can't say
too much in its praise." Tins marvellous
medicine is the surest and quickest cure
in (tie world for all Throat and Lung
Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley's drug
store; every bottle guaranteed. 2
Haloeli Iturued at Long Heach.
Long BxAtii, Aug. 30. A fire at 4:30
this morning destroyed JelF Nye's piece
on the railroad near the station. The
house was completely destroyed and all
Long Reach turned out with buckets to
hail water and prevent the sparks from
tiring the other houses adjoining. Ail
bar fixtures, tables, furniture and a
costly mirror were destroyed, a small
Btoek of liquors being saved.
When the blaze was first discovered a
puff of w ind threatened to carry the fire
into the Pratt cottage on the east. By
hard work the goods in the confection
store and Dr. Park's store were saved
by the bucket brigade. The origin of
the blaze is a mystery, but it is thought
to have been spread by the explosion ol
a can of gasolene in a rear room.
Messrs. Grove, Johnson and Farrell
were the first to enter the building after
the alarm sounded, and the entire upper
part of the place was then enveloped in
The amount of loss is uncertain, and
there is believed to be no insurance.
MAKING BOYS' CLOTHES. .1 ikIk me iii of Mothers Adda in
the HapplBvit of the
Boys are not generally supposed to
know or care n great deal about fash
ion, but they would be saved from
much mortiiicntiou if their mother
would exercise greater judgment in the
selection or making of their apparel.
The small L'irl is usually a dainty
enough object in her fluffy skirts to
satisfy the soul of the most exigeante. !
It's, not so with the lads, however, most ,
of them being atrociously dressed not
to put too fine a point on it. The aver-j
age mother seems to regard her long,
lanky, thin-leggeds frecklednnd.tanned
on as a thine of beaut v that needs!
Chicken Lice Conqnered
: Avenai ius.
hit-ken Ue. lu appiicaii ""'Ml
ilde walls ot poultry house, if01'
nancntly exterminate all iZ '
MUta-heelthy chicken. Z ,. -eti.
rite for rircn l ' !nt'
l,. - 1i
-..U.1...U mis ia).i r.
Jos.T. Peters & Co
Notice is hereby given that
only adornment to call .: ,,, upon his jaSSS- S!
in name ana style o( Dufur .. VI: "
white cnes in which said firm m inter! ""?,u,al
socks, Uiat display to much advantage ! boXpartncV.
his scrawniness, and adorns his cropped . hud occurred. """oistii,
hair with a broad-hri.nmed hat with I eJJtJf mm
ribbons that would suit a chubby t'upid- j claims agulnai aahi lrm,and ail turn i ?
,. , ,. ...., ... ,. ' to ii a nrm or iiirn r .,. i..,..
iiKe enno oi innr, inn i ;i.i'. o i i v un- ,ia " ; : - "iiiht ire
head the bravos of an adaiiiring world.
Therefore she puts un hini a white duck
blouse, very short trousers and
tilted to the boy who 1ms attained the
munificent age of eight or ten, says a
domestic exchange.
The average small boy regards his
Fatiutleroy costume with absolute
iMtMag w hen he begin, to think about
clothes at nil. He longs with intense
yi-nrning for a collar that stanils up
stiffly and proudly and for a pair of
stockings that do not leave so much to
be desired.
They do these ihinys belter in Eng
land. There the lad of ten has his stiff
shirt aad collar and hat, his long trou
sers and Kton jacket. He's done with
ribbOBI by ebjfM and he's not expected
iinbliishinjjly to face the world anddiV
p!ay his mo.-iiiito-bit ten legs, to his
endless embarrassment, after he's ac
ciiired the dignity of having his hair
cut close.
nettle the snme with him at
Paten at I he liallcn
July, l'JUO.
- i-any ante.
tic si!' , mii I the S'j ul the SIV. of
enty two f,i the eKW ol the V
If teen (I'll, the v i-. - '
the N 1 . of the Ski. ii iu.ii i.n i . . . ,
rd of a cupful of cold theK'jnf the Xh't anil the sv , n( the X
til dissolved, add. two ' "n! ,n!Lsi:,', ' ,he Mv' " wet'.oa ttw
, . , : -even (2,), all in tmviishln lour 1) n inth, ri
of tarragon vinegar, fuurteen (11) cast, W . . , said sale to be
To m il lo Jelly Sill II (I.
Let simmer together for lo minutes
one pint of stewed tomatoes, foul
cloves, one bay leaf, one blade of mace,
one-half teaspoonful of salt, one-fourth
teaspoonful of paprika, and ten drops
of onion juice. Press through a fine j
sieve, and. add one-third of u box of j
gelatine w hich has been soaked for one
hour in one-thi
water. Stir U
and pour into wet indivithinl mole's.
Whin firm turn out on lettuce leaves,
and garnish with mayonnaise. Home
The yew Vella.
The new veils are very-clear and have
quite small spots, not too closely set.
Fine white and flesh pink tulle is
strewed with small black spots, and !
the all-white veilings are exceedingly 1
thin and the spots small. Theyiare stiil J
tied beneath the chin, the old fashyin I
of wearing them only to the lips not '
having found many admirers. On j
tonnes the veil is cut only to the re-I
iiuired length and not turned in at all.
so as to lie barely noticeable over tin
brim. Wiishinirtnn Star.
uregon, this i,t 'a.r .,
Noticeisherc-hvirlvi'ii Utat o
have been duly :n.iioin!..,i ., n?er"'
county court, of the state of OrtVni lu, w ?
couniy, executors of the estat ,,f hS.tSU'
ton. deceased. All pernms hnvi,' ,7 ":"
BffHinut said estate are hereby untiiied Limi!'
he same, properly verified, t., the uadeKrS
Charles t. Corson, at Wasco, shern J Ti , . '
Oregon, oral the office of ollr att.r ,v. r'
fee .v W ilson, at The Dalles, OreVrS Slff?
months from the date of this notS
Dated July u, Utb,
wfiVi'. J0' C0R.
"JI.I.IAM K (YirtaUlV
ce i'sXedU,0r8 ' tSt"Ui ' Hor"uo t'onS,.
! jiy'.'i a
Sale of Real Property.
Notice is hereliy Riven that
under and by Vr.
i ue oi an oruer nun InaUe Mini entered in ii
county Court of Waseo County, OreaeTa? S
joth day of Onst, l80-,thc uiulJSiS 2
lninistriitnr with the will annexed, of tbaeaal
of Jonathan Jaekaon. deeeaacd, will (r,
sfltl tht 1st day n October, IDOol nil at " S
sale in the manner pri.viiied bv !tr for Hit .
of real properly by executors nd sdminhtri"
torn, all tbe rifbt, title ami intere.t , ,e m,?i
Jonathan Jaekaon in Mini to the tulluwinc de
taribtd real property, being 0 WawuCouatv
Oregon, to wit;
i ili fu.lhL' of section liftcen (1
section iwi
of section
the NKH
eaau or npoai ereuu 111 ine inuiiiier prOTMM bl
law for the sale of real iroiertv iiiam credit bt
cxi eutors and admin!
R. K. SAl.TMAltsHE,
Administrator, with the will annexed, of llu
esiateol Jonathan lackion, deceased. lepl U
(Isolated Tract )-
Public Land Sale.
Catarrh Cannot lie Cured'
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it von must tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Corn ai
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the test
physicians in this country for yer-s, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directh
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
Mfttsf Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cmm A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrngffists, puce 7rV.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
The Heat lleinedy for stomach and
HiiwhI Trouhlea.
'I have been in the drug business for
twenty years and have sold moat all of
the proprietary medic. lies of any note.
Among the entire list I have never found
anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
stomach nml bowel troubles." aivs O
The Weekly
for $2.00 a yea
Land Orru s at Tub Dau.II, Orioos
July fl, ISO).
Notice Is hereby given that in nuiMiauce of
instructions from the commissioner of the gm.
eral land ofllcc, I'tidcr authority vetted in bin
by section MM U. H. Kev. BUI., us amended bj
the net of congress approved Kehruary US, Uft
we will proceid to offer at public sale on Hiitnr
day, the Hth day of Hepteniher, next, at the hoar
of lu o'clock, a. in., at this oltlce, the followlnf
tract ot lanu, tn-wit:
Lot I, sice l.i, Tp. 1 N.. 1!. 11 K , W. M.
Anv mill nil iutsiuis elui in i to. the nhm.
describcit landH are advised to lile Ih'i:
claima lu this office on or before the day above
designated for the coiinnetice;nent of said sail,
otherwise their rights will he forfeited,
JAY P, LUCAS, ReglMter,
al l Ol IS I'ATTKKMOS, Receiver.
All snliscrihers to tin- W.-. k'v Chron
icle who ia i ne rears' su hscri pi icm p
adv.ince, wdi Nm entltied ta I Ihi abtrM
I i hen, I t der.
onaomoLi fob. go.,
Tli. 0,11 ,.Oreg Kj,
T. A. Van Norden
abort sketch of the history of institute
work in Wasco county during the past
four years. Prof. Robinson, school su
perintendent of Multnomah county,
discussed the subject of numbers in
primary grades. He is very practical,
and his work is much appreciated by
the many young teachers in attendance.
The afternoon session was attended
by eighty-five persons. Sopt. Kobineon I
conducted the work in primary reading '
and President Hawley, of Willamette '
University, told the teachers why we
Kelly, the mnrdered man, was about
fifty years old. and lived a few inllea
from Milton. He and Arthur !iad been
in the mocntains for a week. Arthur
returned Wednesday and said his father
had left him. Blood waa found on the
blankets which the boy had brought
back with him, and an investigation was
made. The boy then said that his father
hail killed himself with a revolver.
Deputy Sheriff Blakeley got tiie boy at
his home, brought him to Milton, and
at 3 o'clock this afternoon he confessed
them ; also old, running and fever sores, i W' Wakefield, of Colombo, (ia. "Thin
remetiy cured two severe r ises of cholera
morbus in my family and I have recom
mended and sold hundred- ,,( kajMM of
it to my customers to their entire satis
faction. It affords a quick ami sure cure
in a pleasant form." For sale by
Blakeley A Houghton.
Physician and Snrgeon,
apeclal attention given to surgery.
Rooms n and , Tat, ajg ft MM
Ulcers, Hoils, pelons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Bet Pile cure on
earth. Drives ont pains and ados.
Only 25 cts. bo. Cure guaranteed.
Sold at Blakeley's drug store.
Healthful drinks are not Injuries, they
are necessities. A foil line of cool and
refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and
beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home
for lunch. C. J. Stubling. Phone 234.
K ocpsc nsto, tly,,n hand a large and varied
line of all that lis 1.-st In Watches, lewilrv.
' k"' i;i't'ieli ". V I, 1,1 i, , sv, , . Ar
1 ndcn'T '!,,:!1"",' ' '"..petition. Mali llrder at
LrL, . h """' I" " Mini dispatch Kn
gravliur neatly done. 1 angi
September 17 to 22, 1900.
'r oi tls greatly improved, buildings
repaired and renovated, all stock build
ings thoroughly disinfected; everything
la hr.t-clasg condition for the largest
and heel ,lve Stock Show and AgncTilt
oral Imposition ever held on the Coast
August 25, 1900. I
Notice Is hcrehy given that the followibf.
named settler lias lileti notice of his intention to
make llnal proof in support of his claim, ml
that said proof will be made before the Keiri
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Sutur
day, Octotier 6, 1900, viz:
Hubert r . I'hllllpa. of N OlltV, 9lt,
B K. No. IWO for the NE' NVV1,, SW.4 NF ,
riic. !t, and i HEX, Sec I, Tp. -1 N R. Ill-
lie names Inc following wit 's t" prove M
continuous residenci' upon nii'1 eultiwiti.'i. :
sid land, viz:
lames l-ewls. Unity Hotter, Lea MR Jobs
.wner, all ot .Mosier, Oregon.
JAY P. Lti AS.
nurJ'.lt Kesiiter.
Notice Is hereby given that the undemigrwl
tins been duly appointed hi the hi rablrroo"
of the state of Oregon, (or Wascu onntf, n
ceutor of Ihn estate of Aumel Buclimsn,
ceased. All persona having claims siiiiil"M
estate are hereby notllled to ptcscnt the '
rOfWtly verified, to tin undeiskiicd Georfl
Kia'd, at The lialles, n. . cutiiy, ihcgim,
at the nfflce of hi, attorn. s. M. ... -fee ! '"
at The lialles, (iteito,,, h iihln six n:onth !
tiie date of tols nollce.
flatcd this 14th day of July. I'""'
i.ktiKi.K I), un
Kxccutorof the eatittc of Amrust NtHM
.: ...i !"
r .si.iiLii. . t Tit lui. i.ks, OR.,
imi, . v.m.
I Notice la hereby given tlml the 52
I named settler has hied noth f her Ititn
to com in ll I e mid make llnal pn in '"I't"'
her 1 1 ,1m, an. I said prool will Is' nis K
' foro th? ngl-ter and receiver at The Rw .
Oregon, on Thursday, Mel ten. Is r
l.ola A . Helm, of I'lie DallSSi '
I B, K. No. SIM), for the fi W 1 , Sh 'i'WJl "
and s.W'4 hVV'See :i T. !- 11 ' U
! NhiMiames trie following wlttii -scsteprow
I contl.iiioin residence up. md i ultlv""u
. said laud vis: , , y.,.,H.
! I'eler Kogan, ii. Wctmore, ( liarles " '
V. TO, all of The Dalles, l 'r. . ..
jay r,
lie aff
Land 0 ffick atTiik VAUmP'i
given that ine
notice aal
rt ol nisei.'-. .
Iiefora "fS,
1!SW, raa
. .... Or ii
Henry D,
Nollce Is hereby
flamed selller Un tl ll
to make final pnaif in siipp
that ald pnad nil'
and n eel ver of the I . s
llHllev. tlr . on soitlirdav. Si nt
. . f I he !"'-
1 II K. No I1HI, fol the N', -I , '" '
It l:i K. W. U. M , m
He naiiies the following ., ...iltlvsil
resilience il'"
j2o,ooo ii premiums Purses
Qm4 raring every afternoon.
Music and fun at night.
I... i i , " "veslm k and other eihllilts
auled f,.m.., the Motuhern I'acllle ra' r. ad
r. u'ln", , IT," ' ' " railroads' ' r r
H".';; ."'"'.'"'"O.ihIIo, res,
M l I'JJSPV", or.
" HI'M, Sic, Portland Or
tils eoiitlnuous i
of said land, vl
Krnest Jordan,
I'i. '
"s '-. . ... i riM.'"'1
and James Thomas, all of " ' ' ufl
I.trionrrica at ;';,, , .
I..'1' ,,,rtl.
t iii-
Ni.lli'e I. hcrehv liven
" "j -" 1I1..1 ,,.,n.
iiiiiiico seiii,-! un , riirr. -
to make llnal proof In support "' ' Prr.b';
I,. I .ul.l ..r,-.' will lie IIIHllf tM-frC ..
I nlted Htati-a Commissioner I ' , ..(
Washlnglon. athiaolllee I
Ingtori, on IX't itx-r I. l'"- v"
dohn Wal-.-n. 4f
P. O, oddresa Centervlllc. w,,"nr'tMH',f'
Ikiiiii application N" 1 '
.tec -It, Tp :i N K 11 K, M. n arjj
Who nan c the Mb." "l" ,,,i,'
hlscoutlniious residence "I-"' """
id aald land, vl. : vviltlna"1" ,
I h.rle. hlratil--. 1A i ' i !,f i "eulcn '
C. Haly and I'atll. k llaggertr.
St W K hlNLHR.M"10'