The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 25, 1900, PART 2, Image 6

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Wednesday's Dally.
Atnoa Root, of Moaier, waa in town
3. N. Gulllford, of Prineyille, ia rtg
iatercd at tbe Umatilla House.
Attorney W.H. Wilaon waa a passenger
on tbe noon train for Portland.
Mra. Hugh Glenn waa a passenger on
tbia morning's boat for Portland.
Ke. W. Hoeklne. paatar of the Moro
M. K. church, waa in town today.
A. R. Thompson waa a passenger on
tbia rnorniog'e boat for Portland.
C. R. Smead, the Blalocka fruit man,
is registered at tbe Umatilla House.
Mra. T. J. Seufert returned on this
niorning'a boat to tbe camp at Collins
Miss Edna Driver left on tbia morn
ing'a boat for a ten days sojourn at
Cloud Cap Inn.
Professor PeMota and son, Henry,
were in town today from DeMosa spriogs,
Sherman county.
Deputy Sheriff Sexton ia spending his
vacation around his old stamping ground
on Tygh Kidge.
John Lee, the well-known San Fran
cisco wool bnyer, ia guest of tbe
European llou-e.
Conrad Houser, a Bakeoven sheep
man, ia in the city looking after the
disposal of his wool.
Mra. C. F. Stephens went to Portland
yesterday on business connected with
her office of Grand Chief of Honor.
George Rach, who baa spent tbe past
two weeka with hie family on Long
Beach, returned borne on the noon
Mra. Annie Johnson and her three
children left on this morning's boat for
Portland where they will make their
future home.
Fred Young and family and Miss
Young, of Shaniko, were in town last
night on their way bome froui an outing
at Long Beach.
Mies Martha J. Johnson, whohaa been
visiting with her grandmother, Mrs.
Coventon, of this city, left on thia morn
ing's boat for her bome at Trout Lake,
Walter II. Moore and wife. Mrs. II.
Moore, Mies Laundry and Mrs. Hayes
and two children came np on the lralda
today from Collins Landing and pro
ceeded on the noon train to their homes
at Moro.
Robert McMillen, a friend of tbe Hos
teller brothers of this city, arrived here
yesterday from Glasco, Kansas, and left
today for Shaniko, where he has accept
ed a position in tbe branch store of
Bolton & Co.
Hon. M. A. Moody and the Misses
Anna and Bessie Lang left on the noon
train for Astoria to take in the regatta
and probably spnd Sunday at tbe beach.
They were joined here by Mr. E. Y.
Jadd, of Pendleton.
J. C. Hosteller, and family left this
morning for a couple of weeks' outing at
North Beach. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Dawson, of thia city, and Mr.
Hoetetler'a brother-in-law, G. W. Ott,
and family, who are here on a visit from
ulaeco, Kansas.
Thursday i Dall7.
A. A. Bonney, of Tygb, waa in town
Dr. Logan left on this morning's boat
on sick call to Drano.
Judge Bradshaw left on tbe delayed
No. 3 passenger for Portland.
B. A. Gilford, the photographer, left
on the noon train for Portland.
Mrs. P. Ryan, of Goldendale, was a
passenger on tbia niorning'a boat for
Mr. and Mrs. John Filloon returned
on last night's boat from an outing at
Trout lake.
Senator John Micbell was a passenger
on the noon train on a short business
trip to Portland.
Miss Anna Haslam left on the morn
ing train to spend her vacation at As
toria and the coast.
Miss Sarah flendeiaon left on this
morning's boat to spend her vacation
with her mother at Hillsboro.
Mrs. C. W. Dietzel and daughter,
Miss Norma, left on this morning's boat
on a visit to friends in Portland.
Captain John Donovan has returned
from a ahort sojourn at St. Martin's
springs much improved in health.
C. W. Cnrtiss left on this morning's
boat for San Francisco, where he goes
to study medicine at the Cooper Medical
Will Healy, who has been visiting
wnn me lauiiiy ol Air. T. J. Seufert,
left on this morning's boat for hia home
at Portland.
Mra. A. W. Greely, of Washington,
D. C. came up from Portland nn laat
night'a boat and took the train from
here for the East.
Messrs. Ed Williams, W. II. Hobson
and W. Markillie returned on last
night's boat from "the Dalles colony"
at the Locks. Their families expect to
remain about ten daya longer, depend
ing on th.e weather.
Friday's Dally.
Jas, Stewart is registered at the Uma
tilla House from Monkland.
Hon. A. R. I.yle is registered at tbe
Umatilla House Irom Cross Keja.
Jno. Leland Henderson, of Hood River,
ia registered at the Umatilla House.
Wm. Fraser. sheriff of Multnomah
county, ii registered at the Umatilla
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Luighlin returned
yesterday from a trip to Shaniko and
' J. N. Gulllford and wife were nassen
vera on the noon train for their home at
Hon. E. O. McCoy and 'amily re.
inroea last nignt from an outing at
Ulateop beach.
A. M. Kelsay, who has been visiting
Ma family for a few daya, returned on
tbe noon train to Shaniko.
Mra. J. B. Condon, who has spent the
past aix weeks most pleasantlv at the
rottageuf Mr. and Mra. Smith French, I
on Ilwaco beach, returned bome on tbe
noon train yesterday.
Mavor E. B. Dufur and family ar
rived home today from an extended
outing on Ramsey creek, ten miles wes
of Dufur.
Chas. Michelbach and hie brotber-in
law, G. A. Schnlts, of San Francisco
left on the noou train to take in tbe re'
gatta at Aatoria.
Colonel Nye and wife, who have been
visiting for tbe past aix weka with
frienda in Portland and The Dallea, left
on tbe noon train for Pnneville,
Yesterday. AnauH 23d, to Captain
and Mra. Ad Keller, of tbia city, a son
The Wheat Trad.
The Portland Commercial Review of
August 23d says:
Tbe past week Las been a quiet one in
beat circles, yet nnder ordinary cir
cumstances the volumeof business whicb
haa been done throughout the Pacific
Northwest would be considered very
large, as more wheat has passed out of
primary bands than for the same time
during any prciv ioua eeason. In many
aectiona of the interior farmera have aold
at current prices, and bv ao doing have
placed tbemeelvea in easy circumstances,
In other localities a disposition to hold
back supplies is noted, in anticipation of
obtaining higher figures later on. On
the whole, enough wheat haa passed from
the first bands into those of exporters to
meet any tonnage contracts, and present
appearancea warrant the belief that
vessels from this port will receive
prompt dispatch. In and around
Pendleton and other large points In
Umatilla county there has been keen
competition on the part of buyers, and
in many instances farmera have realized
prices which were above tbe spot value
here. Liberal purchases on the basis of
58c per bu. have been made, and In a fe
cases high prices were paid. In the
Palouse country 46c per bu. waa paid,
which is much above the export value
at this port. In the Vallev competition
ia quite active and millers are pay log 50c
and 52c at home. Exporters are not
figuring very much on valley wheat this
seasou. Farmers generally are making
heavy deliveries at shipping points, but
to date wheat has not been received here
in any large amount. The movement
during September is expected to be very
large and the outlook for heavy receipts
from tbeinteriorand very liberal exports
from tbe Columbia river and Paget
Sound during the season ia very pro
pitious. The latest information from
Eastern Oregon and Washington is that
the total output this season will be larger
than that of last year, but the Valley will
fall off considerably. The quality of
Walla Walla wheat is a great deal better
than laet season, Valley also showing
better qualities. Winter wheat ia all
cut and moat of it threshed. Spring
grain ia being cut. Local prices here tor
Walla Walla Club 54c, 57c foi Blue Stem,
and Valley 56c per bushel.
The Dallas Harktti.
Wheat No. 1, 50 cents.
Barley $14 a ton.
Oats $1.15 cental.
Wheat hay $7 loose; $8, Daled.
Timothy $10 baled.
Alfalfa Loose $7.50; baled 8 50.
Potatoes 6) cents a sack.
Flour Diamond mills, $3.30 bbl ; Du
fur mill", $3 00
Egs 20 cents a dozen.
Butter Creamery, 60 cents; dairy,
50 cents.
Cnickene $3.50 to $4 a Jt zen.
era, $2.50.
Apples Table, 75 cents; cooking, 50
to 60 cents.
Peaches Crawfords, 30 to 40c.
Brltlah Still buffer Lostes.
Loxdos, Aug. 22. The war office has
received the following dispatch from
Lord Roberts, dated August 21:
"Lieutenant-Colonel Still well, recon
noitering near Ventersbury, engaged the
Boers. Two British were wounded.
Lieutenants Spedding, Davenport, Sur-
teea and Watson, and a medical officer
and twenty-four men are missing.
"Hamilton bas crossed the Crocodile
"Paget and Baden-Powell engaged
the commands protecting Dewet August
20th. Lieutenant Flowers and one man
were killed. Lieutenant Kirby and six
men were wounded."
Implicated la the 1'lut.
Prrsoria, Tuesday, Aug. 21. The
tral of Lieutenant Cord n a, formerly of
the Transvaal artillery, on the charge of
being concerned in the plot to kidnap
General Lord Rob r is, waa concluded
Tbe prisoner was found guilty of all
ttie counta in the indictment against
him, but sentence was deferred until the
findings of the conrt ehall have been
confirmed by Lord Roberts.
During last May an infant child of our
neighbor was suffering form cholera in
fantum. Tbe doctora had given up all
hopes of recovery. I took a Lottie of
Chambrliti' Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them
I felt sure it would do good if used ac
cording to directions. In two daya time
the child had fully recovered. The child
ianow vigorous and healthy. I have re
commended tbia remedy frequently and
have never known it to fail. Mra. Curtis
Baker, Brookwalter, Ohio. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Clarke A Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
atrictly pure liquid paints ,
The Kind You slave Always
la use for over 30 years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jast-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Inliiuts and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock
Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale
prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out
before thirty days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets
and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure
Corner Second and Court Sts.
is being advocated by all parties regardless of (ace, color or pre
vious condition of servitude. Remember we make our custo
mers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paints. There is a
finish and gloss to ita work that ia admired by all.
Paints, Oils. Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Be sure and inspect our 6tock of Wall Paper
Design; for 19U0on Display
Washington Street,
between Second and Third.
Crandali & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot P n kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grai n, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, :fndM?"Lk ;rEdD
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Hour
use : every
We sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get i?ur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whoat. Barley and Oats.
Before you
place any
work, call on lx)uis Comini. I will not only give you all
the information you need t,nt I will qnot yon prices you
cannot beat anywhere. l et no one blnff you. It will take
only a few minutes to call and see me. If yon have a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the price and quality of my work I m.;0 n.-,-
and abide by the result. : LOUIS LOITlini
Bought, and which has been
has borne the slgrnatnre of
and has been made nnder his per
sonal supervision since Its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
Banal Shoes
is manufactured expressly for famllj
sack is guaranteed to civn ..ticfooti
orders for a tombstone or for
fencing or other i-cmeterv
Advertise in the Chronicle
Dinar Tina bchdclb. j Aaa:va
rua tuoa iJiUla. FuM
. 1
Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. I Fat
Mull Worth, Oniaba, Kan- Mail
;Wp.m. sas City, Ht. Louis,: li:3U p in
Chicago and Eaaf.
Atlantic Salt Laks, Denver, Ft. 4:15a.m.
Kxpresa Worth, Omaha, Kau-j
12:50e. in. aas City, St. Louis,,
Via Huut- Chicago aud EaL
gpokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane
Mail Minneapolis hi. haul, Mail
and i u 1 u t b, Milwaukee, aud
Express Chicago and Kaat, via Express
Spokaneaad Huntlng
ton : also all points in
9:25 p. m Washington aud Eat- 3:30 a. m
era Oregon.
8 p. ro. Fbom Poetlanh. 4 p. m.
Ocean Steamsbipa.
For San Francisco !
Every Five Day. (
! .
8 p. m. ' 4 p. m.
Ei.tiunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.sundaj
To Astoria and YVay-j
Ra.urday i Landings. i
lo p. m.
a.m. I Willamitti Rivia. I 4:30p.m.
Ex.euuday. Oregon City, Newberg, Ex.bunday
j balem Si way Land's.,
7 a. m, Willamvttb and Ya- 8:30 p. m.
Tues.'ibur. bill Kivias. Mon.,Wed
aud eat. Oregon City, Dayton,1 and Frl.
and Way-I-andlngs.
Snakx Rivib. Leavb
Lv Hi paria Riparia to LcwUton. Lbwihtos
daily daily
8:36 a.m. 9:00 a.m.
Parties desiring to go to Heppner or
points on Columbia Southern via Ultras, should
take No. 2, leaving 1 he Dalles at 12:40 p. m.
making direct connections at Heppner ju nctlon
and Biggs. Returning maklngriirectcoiinectlon
at Heppner junction and Biggs with No. 1, ar
riving at The Dallea at U:Jt) p. m.
For full particulars call on O. . & N. Co. 'a
agent Tbe Dallea. or address
Gen, Fas. Agt , Portland, Or.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Union Depot, Firth and I sts
No. 2.
11:15 A. M
No. 4.
Fast moll for Tunnm
5;50 P. M.
No. 3.
7;00 A, M.
Seattle, Olympia, Gray s
naruorana oouin ncnu
points, Spokane, Ross
land, B. C, Pullman,
Moscow, Iiealstou, Buf
faloilump mining coun
try, Helena, Minneapo
lis, St. Paul, Omaha,
Kansas City, St. Louis,
ChlpHirn anrl all ivjnt.
east and southeast.
Puget Sound Express
for Tacnma and Seattle
and intermediate points
11;30 P. M.
Pullman first olaas and tnurlet sleepers to
Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Missouri river points
without change.
Vestibuled trains. Union depot connection!
in all principal cities.
Baggage checked to destination of tickets.
For handsomely illustrated descriptive matter,
write " p c" rc-'rvationa, etc., call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 MorrI
son Street, corner Thiid, Portland, Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
TrfllnB lOMVO Tlltt flaiMnai ,.. U.l a
vmv'"" - ' n. tu, nilU a) la 'ft .
Leave Portland ft-an am 7-m-nm
All""'y 12. am 10:50 pm
Arrive Ashland
..12:S)am 11:30am
.. 5:(l p m 4;.Ta m
.. 7:4.'ip in 8:1. a in
" San Francisco ..
Arrive Ogdon
" Denver
' Kansas City
" Chicago
.. 5:45 a m II :15 a m
.. !l:ooa ni H:la m
. :i a m 7:25 a m
.. : l.) a in ::io a m
Arrive 1-os Angeles
1:20 pm
1:U0 p m
. :! a m
!l:55 a 111
. 4 .01 a in
H:25 a in
7 00 a m
:( p in
r.i i'ao
" Fort Worth.. .
" City of Mexico .
" Houston
New Orleans ..
" Washington
" New York
.;; a m
v r,s m
4:00 a m
:2ip m
6:42 a 111
.12:4:1 pm 12 4:1 p m
ii v : a m
Coniiecting at San Francisco with several
1 hillpplncs, Central and Mouth Amiiiea.
Sec agent at The Dallea station, or addrcsa
General Passenger Agent, Port.and, Or.
CHctei Lice CoDiiierei.
Carbolineum : Avenarius.
The m-mt rfflclmt Wood Pre-ervlng
h ek-JT," K"'1,"'"1 "'"""ly gln-t
Hile walls of poultry nouses will per
maneiitly , t,rmliiale all w,
suits health rlilrl.,,. "...
suits health
evgs. w rite for elrenl-r. ., ' '
Mention thia paper.
Jos.T. Peters & Co.,
ien Pac 1
Souinern Pacific Go
Notice ofSheriirrs
By virtue of an execution ,
clerk of thy circuit irt J b, ,
co, atale of Oiegon, dated .i f! J"""' n5,
plu'Dtltt recovered ludgm.m ; wr"
Ue, Oefei.dant, for tbl fim o(",'u" -v ? i '
lar. and tent,.na eenu" m 'CV
meut waaenrolled and do7ktt glZ't&
tiit in said court, on June 1 10 ihtr.'?
tbe .econd day of j, Vm ??"
.nade and entered on saU court ""l
Margarvt A. begem aa ... "4 Vi
ill and tau.Btd,it ".I 04 fi
geoggin, deceased, waa subfii,I5e.,' Sf
W. A. Be. win m' .aid c.uJi''1,
given that I will on Mo Ld k"J '
Da lea City, in said U'c'ou nt. ,M
o clock In th aitcrnoon of 2 '.0w"
lie auction to the bighem t K
following described pror
The aoutbeaat ouirter of Jll'l .
south half of souLhew, quaruWnr
eaat quarter of the southeast on.-' tb "B
twenty-eight ft). towu.C X' ? 4
range seventeen (17, east. ' S
1". it' '". ,ne m ay o June wl, r"'i
n.ted .t !,.. R,?.I!?.RT KELLY, ax-.
July iliTlSil. ' " "tco -oul.
Kntlola h.roK. ., . .
heretofore existing hetwpen v S WswKi
iven that I be r,t
ftetween E. B. bi,
frank &,. . Tk. t..,.
me uaiies, Ore .
Jle of Dnfur.Xwr'
sy mutual coue 'I.1
aajd dm,. All anBuuJ.
thin iiHV riiuuJf
rii.fiia t
4IbS1 in lavhii.K .ol,l at m A1 unflnuhi
torneva, will be attended to and f
both partners the same as though np e.tal k'
had occurred. mougn no di,;alu
Frank MinpfMi will
counta of th arm ...V ' Sim.
claims agilust said firm. and all L', Lb?
to the firm of Dufur di Meneire are rti!f,M"
oitln th ih ki.' ". ,re "re. requested i.
Dated . t i h n.nVJ" "'""r J te.
luly.lWO. W11'
LandOfmcb at Tun Daluho,., ..H;"l,' r.".,,n"1 foil,,.,,
to make final proT.f in rt J h
that proof will be made be ore n?
and receiver of the IJ. k. 1,1011
Dalles, Or , on Saturday, Sept. 2l, I'M)"
H.nrjr C. Oordl of The Dallas Or
II. E. No -4H f, for the .W SE'i Hec t t i"
R 1:1 K. W. M. ' TP 1
He mimea the following wltne,,, uwmt
0fl.aCiOdnid?v?x,;e8MenC,!U,,0n "' CU1S
Ernest Jordan, Albeit Jordan, John fubet
and James Thoma,, aii of The Da le. Om"
aug221 JAY P. LUCAS. X
Notice Is hereby given that the dndenlirned
has been duly appointed by the honorable mn
oi me suite or Oregon, lor Wasco couuiv n
ecutor of the estate of Auaust Bachmin,a
ceaed. All persons having claims maln.t nil
estate are hereby notiiled to present the mm?
properly verified, to the undesigned GenrgeD'
Kced, at The Dalles, Wasco county, Ore
at the office of hia attorneys, Menefee Win
at 1 he Dallea, Oregon, within six n.onthi im
the date of this notice.
Dated this Nth day of July, 1000.
KTMtnlnrnf rim ul.l. .r . ..... '
deceased. n.j
Land Ornta at Thk, oei.,1
. . July 2H,
Notice is hereby given that the lollowlDf
named settler haa tiled notice of her Intention
to commute and make final proof In support of
her clilm, and that said proof will be made be
fore the rcgirter and receiver at The Dnlla,
Oregon, on Thursday, September 20, lsoo, via:
Lola A, Hello, of The Dalles, r.,
H. E. No. filfV.i, for the NW'! SE!, K'i
and 8Wi 8W4, Sec. A T. 1 B., K. 11 E., w.M
She names the following witnesses tnnmvehff
con tlnuoua residence upon, and cultivstion of
said land viz:
Peter Pagan, G. Wctmore, Charles Mstner,
V. Fok, all of The Dalles, or.
1-1 Ke liter
(Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale.
Land Orrici at Thi Dalles, Oekcoji)
July 21, law. I
Notice Is hereby given that in purnnw of
imtrnctiona from the commissioner of the ren-
eral land oHice, under authority vested in Dim
by section 24f5 U. 8. Rev. Stai., as amended br
the act of cougresa approved February S, IN,
we will n'roceed to oiler at nubile sale on Satur
day, the Nth day of September, next, at the hour
of 10 o'clock, a. m , at this ollli-e, the following
tract oi tana, to-n it:
Lot 4, Sec 1.1, Tp. 1 N., R. 12 E , Vt . .M.
Anv and all oeroiii claiming the (bore-
descr'ilMHl laiirts are adviseil to file lb a
claims In this oltlce on or before the day bov
designated for thewnntnencernent of said wle,
otherwise their rii'hta will be forfeited.
JAY P. LICA?, Register,
al l OH9 PATTERSON, Receiver.
LAKDtFFicaatTita Dalles. 0.,
July 20. 1W. I
Notice ia hereby given that the followh
lamed settler has filed notice of his IntenliooB
.. . .. . . . ..Itin
niaae nnai prooi in supiatri oi m,
that said proof will be made la-fore the Kei(lM
and llrivlvi-r at The Iialles. Oregon, on Ihuri-
John W. Johnston, of The Dalles.
II. K. No. 5170, for the BE'4 H TP 1 K B
'lie names the following wltnesestnpri;yeij residence upon, and cultlvu""
auld land, tit : .
J. W. Marquis, O. W. Johnston, Frsnk rrlw
ley, (ieo. E. Johnston, all of The Dallea, 0i"-
2.VI JAV P. I.l'CAl), KeglsleL
Au. IA, l1"1- t
Notice la hereby given that the I"""
named settler has filed notice of h1 ,'?r.d
to make final pnsrf In support of Idj'11"; '1
It at said priKi! will be made la-fore . B . i wg
flitted States I nmmis.louer for ..
Washington, at hlaolllcc III tinldemiale,
ington, on October 1, l'., viz:
John Watson,
P. O. adilrci-s Ccntervllle, Wash., "IT application No. " I"""
.c V, Tp it S, K 14 K, W. M. w,
Who names the following witnesses p
his continuous residence upon and cumisi
of said land, viz.: . Jn
Charles Htrauhe, William W I !'
Daly and Patrlrk liaggerty, all "I e"1"
P. O., W ashington. .
ala l W. R. DI SBAR, BfL.
Notice Is hereby given that t'' tle
have been duly iippolnted hy ,ro
niuntv court, of the sUiie of Oregon,
r..,i,nitf av.M,iit,.r. of theCStSt
:, ..r .mi tat.! ol II'"." .
son, dweascd. All I"''"" ''.VJi", pr
against said estate are hereby noli" naertaT"C
harlea K. Corson, at Wascn. nher n sn
llr.-g.oi, or at the office of our ,t,irl,..njri ill
fee Wilson, at The Dalle., Oreg l'm
months from the dale of this hour.
D..edJu,y.4. ' CH A HI F4 F.. CJJJJy
Kieculoraof the estate of Hor dloc . , ,u
Ceased .
coaa. T
3I00UE & AIN,
i. .
Room. 3 and 40. over V. 9 J-n
pit. K. B. riBul S"",
TJiysiciiui and Surgeon
Office, Vogt Dl. Cver Vo'W
2Caj lino dw