THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22, 1900. The Weekly Chronicle. THK UALLID. (KtUUM orricui. papk of wasco cocnty. Published in (tro parts, on Wednesday and !iturdati$. gCBtjCKIPTION KATES. it utiL, rorrAei rasraui, ia advaucs. One rear I so Mix mouths 76 I&ree montn 60 Advertising rates reaaonaole. ana made known ta application. K'L" In laUea, Oregon. LOCAL BREVITIES. Saturday'! Dally. A case in the supreme court is enti tled: 'on she-po agt. Wa-win-ya la- yekt. Two clips of wool belonging to Ted llunafio, of Kent, and Ales Mclntoeb, of Crook county, were sold yesterday at jpricf in the neighborhood of 14 cents. Mies M. D. Brandau, the expert face maseaegist, will be at the Umatilla House, room 33, from 1 to 5 p. m. every day this coming week, where she will be glad to eee all ladies interested. 18-lw Among the many attractions at North Beach, near New York, there is a wild man, who, according to the owner of the show, was "captured at great expense in the wilds of Borneo." The wild man's name on the show bill is "An-nabk-r-am," and it ia declared that be eats cats, dogs, birds and mice. The name spelled backward bears a close resemblance to that of a noted Ohio man. Mr. Hogarth has opened up the Diet aean cave, in terete, wnere zeus was nursed by the goat Amalthea. After blasting out the limestone that blocked the entrance a cave was found full of offerings, consisting of bronza weapons terra cotta statuettes and the like, all cf Mysenncan times. A shaft 150 feet deep led to a lower stalactite cave, where offerings were found finer than those in the cave above. He sat in the door at noon day, lonely and glum and sad ; the flies were buzz ing about him, led by a blue-winged gad. Not a customer darkened bis pottal, not a sign of business was there but the flies kept buzzing and bumming around the poor man's hair. At last in misery he shouted, "Great Scott!" I'm covered with flies." and the zephyrs tunefully murmured, "It's because you don't advertise." Willie, a Yakima Indian, was arrest ed this afternoon by Marshal Driver and placed in the city jail under the charge of being drunk and disorderly Willie got loaded np with booze, and on Frank Gunning's refusal toshoe his horse for $1.50, attempted to clean out the entire blacksmith shop. When brought to the jail he strenuously de- E:; d that he bad a cent of money ; but on the marshal's asking him what made the big lump that wag on his cheek, the Indian disgorged $4.50 in silver from his month. Joe Christians was arrested last night by Marshal Driver and placed in the city jail under the charge of threatening to commit bodily harm on the person of a man who had been guilty of the of feline of discharging and paying off an employe whose work was not eatisfac tory. Job loaded himself with booze ami threatened to carve into mince meat the man who kicked at paying a dullar in coin for fifty cents worth of labor. From the Antelope Herald we regret to learn that last Tuesday, while after a load ol wood in the Trout Greek country, N. V. Wallace, of Antelope, father of Mrs. Olivia Morgan, of this city, met with a very painful accident, caued by the upsetting of his wagon. He was moved to the home of Dan Crowley, and his famil notified. Upon examination it was discovered that cne ol Mr. Wallace's feet was very badly crashed, and that he had sustained other injuries about the body, from the fall. Considering Mr. Wallace's age, it is al Host a miracle that he escaped with his life. A lady friend of Tim Ciironici.k sends " the following: "The people of The Dalles should encourage 'home industry' o the extent of patronizing our home merchants and maintaining a lively, healthy business condition here instead of 'ending off to Portland, as many do, 'or their supplios, and helping to build "po'her places at the expense of this. The Dulles stores are "op to date" In every respect and are deserving of, and entitled to the patronage of The Dalles People. The people that spend their money in Portland should goto Portland to make it. It R not a fair deal to make il here and spend it there". The Wilkinson warehouse on First tret presented a busy scene today. 0vr thirty girls and young women e-e employed by Pete Stadleman and Kurls and ftechl-r packing Italian prunes an,i hartlet pears for shipment to eastern markets, besides smaller "' cf men who attend to the heavier w'"k. The alley back of the warehouse lined all the forenoon with teams n'l wagons delivering the fruit In bulk, 'lie another line of wagons was de ering pked prunes, purchased by A Sons, to a car on the track back 01 "e Pease A Mays warehouse. If the r could have been had, four would "v left tonight for points East, some to Ne York and others to Philadelphia or Cincinnati, or, possibly, to both places. Mr. Kyle, of Page A Sons, will have shipped five cars tbis week to New York. Messrs. Stadleman and Kurtz and Sechler have shipped during t'-ie season about fifteen cars, It is esti mated that the season's crop of prunes in tbis neighborhood, if all were shipped, wonld fill fifty cars, but it is not reck oned that more than half of them will be shipped green. Outside buyers are doing tbis year what they never did be fore in this neighborhood, paying cash for the fruit in advance. Thegiowers net three-quarters of a cent a pound from the prunes and about 83 cents hundred for the pears. Monday a Daily. Four cars of U. S. cavalry horses were fed at the Salttnareh stockyards this forenoon. They were on the way from E'giu, Union county, to Portland. Mr. A. E. Mullan, of Mill Creek, brother-in-liw of Dr. Hudson, of tbis city, was married at the First Presbyte rian church, Portland, last Thursday, to Miss Jessie McRae, of Toronto. According to cablegrams to the Orego- man received Saturday, the O. R. A N. Co., with headquarters at Portland, was awarded the first prize, or grand gold medal, for the best exhibit of cereals at the Paris exposition. The Observer says, Ralph L. Kuney of Wasco, has charge of a surveying party on the line of The Dalles Southern, np the DesCbutes from Trout creek. The surveys will extend through most of the winter, with headquarters at Warm Springs. Mr. F. G. Church and the representa tives of four families that arrived at Portland a lew days ago frcu Minne sota looking for locations for mixed farming, are guests of Rev. O. D. Tay lor while looking over the country around The Dalles. The party brought with them two cars of stock and all their household goods. The population of Greater New York, as indicated by the count just com pleted at the census office, is 3,437,202. This includes the population of the Bor oughs of Manhattan and Bronx, previ ously announced, and thoeeof Brooklyn, Richmond and Queens. An approxi mate estimate of the increase since 1890 shows it to have been 37.9 per cent. Tbis forenoon Charley, a boy of 5 years, living with Doc Aikins, in Laugh-li-u's bluff addition, fell about ten feet from the window of a barn and lighting on tils head was rendered unconscious for a short time. Dr. Geisendorffer, who was summoned to attend the lad, apprehends no serious results and ex pects the boy to be as well as ever in a few days. Four men were injured near Viento last Friday by the falling of a railroad bridge on which they were working. The fireman, Jessie Moore, son of Ike Moore, of this city, was injured in the back, but not seriously. Pete Jacobsen, who was working a pile driver, bad his tkull fractured. Another man, whose name we could not learn, was injured internally. The men were taken to St. Vincent's hospital. No man knows the exact population c f the Chinese Empire, but it H believed to consist of between 400,000,000 and 50'- 000,000 persons. If a census were taken by compelling the Celestials to move past the enumerators in single file, three feet apart, at the rate of four miles an hour, the process would consume about 8 years, 37 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 38 and a fraction seconds, allowing two days for leap years. phone lines, yet, with very little labor and water plug in the city. In the future and a small outlay, a very good service ( any officer cf the water commission or may be had. A number of persons have i property owner who desires to know the already signified their intention I I exact location of a supply pipe has only putting in phones in this vicinity, aud to consult this map and make his if the people will only look into this ' mearurements accordingly. matter it ill onlv be a short time till! n ;,.,... i, t r a 1 1 - , n , .... . . ,. .' U-Richards, of Fairfield, while in Condon will have Ulephonelineecommg ' ,-,,, i ,rw ,w . i- c . . , ,, . ... ,. town today, reported that a big fire oc- country. A switch board, connecting The seiners were most all in luck this year, good luck, two or mree oi me grounds catching over 200 tons each, and two or three others taking over 100 tons each, says the Eat(le : "Their good luck was not confined to the seiners on tne lower river either. We hear of one seiner named Shaddock, at Willow liar, on Sauvies island, who cleared up $4000 from his ground this season. Shaddock had a little piece of seine about 110 fathoms long, seven' men and Bix horses. Astoria News, The Dalles correspondent of the Ore- gonian Inadvertently failed in yesterdays communication to give The Dulles full credit for the amount of fruit shipped from here during the past week. There were ten cars, all told, instead of eight. Kurtz A Sechler shipped two cars, Pete Stadleman two and Page Son six. Kurtz A Sechler shipped a car yesterday, (Sunday) and will have another one out tonight. Page A Son will also ship a car tonight. The indications are that the shipments this wr.ek will exceed those of last week. Mrs. Joseph Southwell, of Ton Mile, met with a peculiarly painful accident last Saturday evening. While milking a cow in the corral the animal became frightened by a horse, and in some way, that the injured lady cannot account for, the cow threw Mrs. Southwell prostrate and then fell on her with the animal's full weight. The doctors Ferguson went . t j out to see the injured woman ami lounu her suffering from eeveie bruises In the renion of the hips. Word was received today that she was getting Blong as well at could be expected. Oulte an Interest Is being manifested in barbed wire telephone lines, says the Condon Times. W herever mere are barbed wire fences the telephone is com ing Into use. W hile It is linpossiuie io make these lines as efficient as standard ten lines, would cost about $40, and more than half of this has already been promised. A band of 114 bead of range hortes and mules belonging to W. Wuizweiier, Alf Allen and otben.of Prineviile, while on the way Saturday night to the Regu lator landing for shipment to Portland, stampeded near the brewery and scat tered all over town, employing the riders who brought them here the entire night before they were rounded up at the stock yards. Extra help was ob tained yesterday and the band, with some six or eight head missing, were loaded on the boat and taken to Port land. Two of them were badly cut up by barb wire, a third was injured so se verely that he died, and three or four could not be found. The beasts did not seem to know what a fence was for They jumped over the excellent fence tbat surrounds the Chinese garden on the B. F. Laughlin premises on the bluff, and damaged it to such an extent that the Chinaman wants $500 dam ages. Frank Woodcock of Warulc spent yes terday in the city on bis way home from the Cape Nome country. Frank's de scription of Cape Nome tallies with the worst accounts tbat have been given of tbat region. He says he found nothing there, for the reason that there was nothing to find, never was anything, and never would be. He predicts that before a year Nome City will be reduced to the dimensions of an Indian fishing village, The whole thing is a gigantic cruel fake, There were thousands of persons that bad no means of getting awav and no means of subsietance while they staid There were merchants who had brought in immense stocks of merchandite that feared they would never be able to dis pose of half the goods. Mr. Woodcock and three others built a large skiff in which tbey sailed from Nome City to St. Michaels, following the bays and inlets, a distance of 300 miles. He was gone two months and a half, and comes back about $300 poorer than when he started, unless he reckons as a valuable asset the rich, ripe experience that will keep bim from ever hungering for an other trip to Cape Nome. Tuesday'! Dally. The city council of Astoria has at last settled the street-lighting difficulty by authorizing a one year's contract with the West Shore Mills Company for fifty arc lights at $7.50 per light per monib. There are now at Yanconver Barracks 105 inuleB and 100 horses brought from all parts of Oregon, and the majority of which are destined for China. There are sixty pack animals, the rest being team mules. Al Bettingen and T. T. Nichols ap pear to have struck a rich coal prospect on the east Bide ot md river mount ain. At a depth of sixty feet they have struck a three-foot vein of what prom ises to be a superior quality of hard coal. A party of Warm Springs Indians ar rived at Silvies River from Stein moun tain. One of their number died while on the mountain, and his brethern took him back to the reservation, a distance of 200 miles. The defunct Indian was carried on horseback. This morning while George Hearth, of Columbia precinct, was moving bis threshing outfit from the old Hire ranch, near Fivu Mile, and while making a short turn on the county road the traction engine left the grade and rolled into the ditch practically ruining the machinery. Charles Butler shipped this morning to Port Townsend 000 head of mutton sheep that be purchased fiom Ed Griffin, of Nansene. Mr. Butler will tonight ship to the same destination two carloads of beeves that he puichased from J. Mackin.of Kent, and Newt Burgess, of Bakeoven. T. Ouiatn, a Japanese laborei working at the Summit for the O. R. A N. Co., while handling railroad iron this morn ing, had one of the rails fall on his left hand, badly lacerating Ms thumb. He was brought to town and bad his Inju ries attended to by the company's sur geon, Dr. Hugh Logan. The Dalk'S correspondent of the Ore gonian must have been in a most hila rious mood when he sent that commu nication about the band of Crook county wild horses having been stampeded Saturday riinht bv the "electric lights" on Second street and then scattering all over town as far as "Thirty-second street." Willis Hendricks was io town today from Tygh Ridge. He reports that bis fall wheat averaged forty-one bushels to the acre and bis spring wheat twenty- eight. Charles Frailey, of Kingsley, had just finished threshing a crop of 8000 bushels that he had never estimat ed higher than 6000. And so it goes on the Ridge; the crops everywhere turn lug out better than expected. Recorder Gates and Mr, Borders were today engaged in marking on a city map, specially made for the purpose, the loca tion of every water main, private pipe curred last night, between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock, in the neighborhood of the PeeChutes, east of bis place. Mr. Richards taw the fire from his house but was unable to locate it. From the fact that it did not spread Mr. Richards supposes it to have leen a grain stack or possibly a barn or dwelling. There has been appropriated out of the general appropriations for surveys the sum of $2:,000 for surveys of public lands in Oregon during the coming vear. This is a comparatively large appiopria tion tor the state. Settlers living on claims still unsarveyed will do well to write to R. A. Hibereham, surveyor general for Oregon, Portland, for blank applications for surveys and secure the suivey of their claims as soon as possi ble. The Kansas populists are really state socialists. The state already has a plant for the manufacture of bindery twine. In their platform the Kansas populists "especially favor the develop ment of our oil resources by the state, and the relief of our people from the exactions of the Standard Oil monopoly by the erection of a state refinery to re- fine the products of the oil fields of our state and supply oil to our people for their own uee, at the cost of production without paying tribute to that over grown monopoly." Monday afternoon Genevieve Firh en tertaincd a number of ber little friends in honor of her eleventh birthday. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in play Ing games, music and refreshments, i ne nrst prize in a guessing game was won by Drusella Moody and the second by Elizabeth McArthur. Those present were Drusella Moody, Lela Kelsay, Alice Brown, Maiiorie Tackman, Rose Donovan, Leila Guthrie, Nova Dawson, Erma Dawson, Etta Farley, Dorothy bommerviile, Calanthe Ready, Zoe Gun ning, Elizabeth McArthur, Josephine Mclnerny, Delia Brogan. Eliza Jana George, a spinster of 50 years and a native of Missouri, was ad judged insane yesterday and committed to the asylum on complaint of J. W. Cramblet and Lucy Cramblet, of this city. Owing to a little misunderstand ing the woman was not sent below yes terday, and as she appears perfectly rational most of the time, It was thought best to let her have her liberty for three or four days and await results. The woman is harmless, and about the worst tbat can be said of her is that she talks incoherently at times, indicating that she is off her base. It is claimed that she was never herself since about eight years ago when she had an apo plectic stroke. The Dalles has two cases of diphtheria. So says Dr. Geisendorffer, who is the at tending physician. Fortunately they are in u remote part of the city, some two or three block's south of the end of the Dalles Lumbering Company's flume. The victims are two daughters of George Bonn, wlioseson, Peter, was tinned last Sunday. The children are aged five and eight years. They were ill at the time of their brother's funeral, with what the parents supposed was merely "gore throat." A physicianwas not called till last evening, when Dr. Geisendorffer pronounced the illness diphtheria. Ttie marshal was duly notified and the house flagged this morning. It is claimed that the afflicted children have not been in the company of the neighboring children since they began to complain of being ill, but with a funeral from the house it will be a miracle if somebody does not manifest the resuit of exposure. K. j. ttorman returned last evening from Collins Landing, where be has been visiting his relatives for a few days. lie states that he was more than sur prised at finding that Collins was such a splendid camping place, aud that moie campers do not spend the summer season there. The hot springs are equal to those at St. Martins and much more con veniently located, as they are close to the landing and within a five minutes walk of any of the camps. As yet but few people know anything of these springs, but as it is the intention to put up a large hotel, and thoroughly ad vertise the place as a sunni er and health resort, there will probably be hundreds there next summer. Those who enjoy hunting and fishing, find these enjoy, merits to their hearts' content, while mountain climbers can get their fill in making the accent of Wind Mountain. The springs and grounds are conducted by accommodating gentlemen, who do everything in their power to make it pleasant for campers, and it is safe to say that every one who is there at present will be a walking advertisement f r the springs. . SLllle by FuHiftr Tula. Ned Gates, acting as coroner in the absence of Mr. Butts, who is confine.! to bis room through illness, held an inquest ; rriday afternoon al Ciandall A Bur. get's undertaking rooms on the body of T. May ids, a Japanese, who was killed at 1:10 p. m., at Celilo, by being struck by the locomotive of passenger train No. 2, eastbound. The deceased was a section hand, and the accident occurred just after he had picked up shovel that was lying at the side ot the track aud pro ceeded to go back to the place w here he was working, walking in the middle of the track. The section foreman warned biiu to look out for the passenger, and the engine sounded an alarm, but in stead of leaving the track, be turned around as the train was on him, the locomotive striking him on the chin and throwing him thirty feet in the air and twenty feet from the track. The man never spoke after the accident and died in a few minutes. The jury returned the following verdict : We, the jury impaneled by Ned II. Gate?, recorder of The Dalles and ex officio lusticeof the peace, (the coroner oi w at co county being unable to act) to inquire into the cause of the death of the body now before us, alter due and careiui consideration, find the facts fol lowing and come to the conclusions hereinafter set forth : That the name ot the deceased was T Mayida, a Japanese, aged about 33 years, and bis last residence place was Celilo, Wasco county, Or. Being a la borer on the railroad be bad no fixed place of residence. That he accidently came to his death on the 17th dav ol August, 1900, at the hour of 1 :30 pi id. of said day at Celilo while employed on the Oregon Railway A Navigation rail road shoveling sand in section 17 of said road. That the cause of said death was concussion of the brain, bing the re sult of a blow he received on his chin and body by passenger engine attached to train No. 2, being east-hound. From the evidence wo find that no one is respon-ible for said death, the engineer of sai I engine giving due warn ing by blowing the whistle of said en gine, and the deceased being further warned of the approach of said train by the section foreman. Dated Dalles City. Or., Aug. 17, '00. A Strenuous lien. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke A Falk. The Coi vallis Times says, the grittiest hen in America lives over in Alsea. Her right to be called a brave hen has been tested, and no one who reads these lines will deny tbat sheiseverlikely to shrink from any duty, public or private. She is notonly a brave hen, hur.a"gtrenuous" hen. She Is the. property of one of the Hayden brothers. They also own a threshing machine. The latter was taken out of the shed for the first time last week, and a small field of grain was threshed, to see that the machine was in good running order. When the job was finished the machine was returned to the shed, when, to the auiazeirient of all, there in the corner of the separator sat the strenuous hen. Under her was aneBtofeggs that she was endeavoring to batch. She had been on the nest when the machine was taken out. She was there when the belts and pulleys began to whiz, when the fan began to sing and wbentheriddles began to shake and rattle. The wind from the fan milled her feathers and almost took her breath, but, like the boy on the burning deck, she stayed at her post. What her thoughts were when the swift cylinder began to chew up straw cannot be guessed. She may have believed her self in the midst of a woman's rights convention or she may liavo guessed that the world was at an end. When found the ben was uninjured. There was dust in her teeth and a some what frightened look in her eve, but she was on her nest. Of the eggs all were safe save one. A Filling Testimonial. Merael aa Malea for the Atmj. The most remarkable sale of hone and mules that ever occurred in Eastern ! Oregon has just been consumated here. says a dispatch from Athena. Th principal sellers were N. II. Pinkertoa and Frank Beale, who brought In soma horses and mule from Arlington. Otuer sellers were Garrison Bros, and ' Long Bill" Buker, from the north fork ot the) John Day, south ot Camas Prairie; E. A. Dudley and R. J. Boddy, Athena; "High Pockets" Thracker, from th Umatilla reservation. The highest Dries piid for mules was 300 a span, E. A. Dudley getting f'HX) for three spaa. The lowest price for mules was $150, paid to High Pockets for a span of animals that weighed only T'.M and 880 pounds re spectively, Horses brought $75 and $S0 each. Only three horses were n j-cted out of all offered, and not a single mole was rejected. All told, there were nine teen horses and forty-six mules pur chased. The United States army was the buyer, Captain B. II. Cheever, of Walla Walla, and H. M. SwarU, of Vancouver Barracks, being here fur tha purpose of Inspecting, buying and re ceiving. The animals were driven to Walla Walla by Charles Dunn and Dave Boniter. The prices paid are considered to be good by the sellers, and there ia satisfaction all around. The sale was a foOOO deal. While these prices may seem very high to those unacquainted with the market! fur the past two years, it must be re membered that the English government is paying about 75 per cent more than these figures for the same class of stock. PERTINENT PRESS COMMENT. Dear Doctor McKinley : Four years ago I had that idle feeling and craving tor food in my stomach that I could not seem to fill for the want of something to eat. In fact, my entire family suffered from the same complaint. I had severe pains in my back from carrying the mortgage on my home. My condition was such that my friends hardly knew me. I looked so much like a tramp. Then, hearing of your Prosperity Remedy, I tried it, and today I am a changed man. I am glad to say that all my "Hard Times Pains" have left me. We could not now get along without your Prosperity Remedy in my family, and we shall continue to use the same. Your obedient servant, Amkricam Workman From Judge. hnnk For Heventy Neeomls, Chicago, Aug. 20. A special to the Record from Vancouver, B C, says; The, steamer Cutch, which has arrived from Skagway, brought news that an earthquake, on August 10th, shook Skagway tor 70 seconds, and was even more severely felt in Dawson. All the way down the river the ehcx-fc was ap parent, aud at several places was par ticularly defined. At Dawson, two small government buildings In course of construction were toppled over. Arrivals from the Stewart River, half way down the Yukon to Dawson, say the mountain there was split in two. One stream was damned np partially by fallen rock, and It turned Into the new Iv formed canyon at the mountain. Five miles ot this stream and two miles of the second tributary of the Stewart were left dry. A hot campaign? No. The leople are satisfied with the present condition of affairs, and are seeking no chai ge. For a hot campaign it needs a dissatisfied people. Tho American people are well pleased with existing conditions. A hot campaign? Nay, nay, Pauline. St. Helen's Mist. If the democratic party succeeds in persuading the business man that free silver will help business, and pertuade the laboring man that free trade will help wages, and persuade the colored man that he is better off without the ballot than with it, and convince the soldiers that their blood and bravery has been rpent in vain, then the party may have some chance of winning next November. Albany Herald. Coming at a time when there are still armed men opposing Amorican sover eignty In the Philippines, Mr. Bryan's audacious proposal is little less than treasonable. Hartford Post. Mr. Bryan asks whether the Filipinos are to be citizens or subjects? Here is something harder. Are the blacks of North Carolina citizens or subjects? Senator Jones says that he thinks the failure of the gold democrats to nominate ticket means that they will vote for Bryan. It has been decided, however, to allow Mr. Jones one more think, and to permit bim to wait until after the election before thinking it. New York Sun. Tho Berlin correspondent of the London News regards the German Ameiican reciprocity treaty just con cluded, as of great commercial and political importance ; and he concludes : "By Mr. McKlnley's compliance German wishes in the customs question, a large number of Germans in America will be won over to his eido." While this is not exactly an authoritative view, it goes to show that German-American sentiment which the Bryanites have been claiming for their own is siihslnntially with the republican party, as it was in 1806. New York Sun. Gorman has announced that he will take no part in the campaign, and thirty or more democratic newspapers of Min nesota have come out agains' Bryan. These are straws favoring McKiuley's chances. They indicate that Maryland may possibly go republican, and that the German farmers of the Northwest are not as scared over "militarism" as has been supposed. Incidents of tbis sort may be given exagerated importance, usually are, in fact, by republican papers, but it is probably safe to regard them as trUHtworthy sinns of the trend of opinion away from Bryan. To Aid the Memory. Remember that Washington was in augurated in 1789, aud that he, Jeffer son, Madison, Monroe, Jackson and Grant served two successive terms each, ttieBe four lines (committed to memory) become valuable to anyone who re members when aii event took place but has forgotten just who was president at that time .- W hen a Jk make me a Joker, Van had to poke the lire poker; Hut laiiKhhot Joke fret heavy greeting As comrades hold company nueting" The first letter of each word in these four lines, taken in order, gives the first letter of the names of the presidents in order. A l'owiler Mill Kaplonlon. Removes everything in eight; so do) drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures Headache, Constipation. Only 2,'c at Blakeley's drug store. 2 Advertise In Tim Cubonu'i.r,