THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22. 1900. The Weekly Gbroniele. AdvertUlac Kara. Arnri Otth.en or lea In Daily 1 50 O r two Inchea and under tour iuchea I O er lour loche and, under twelv Inches. . 7& O .-er lwlvt luchea 40 DAILY AHD WXEKLT. Ju Inch or lea. ir Inch 3 so Urr one inch ana under lour Inchea i OYrt lour lnche and under twetva luchea. . I SO OTer twelve iucuoa "O MORE RCIS. According to Ihc Brjanile wallers, the United Mates is impoverished and on the way to be ruined bj the gold standard and the trusts. Half the British war loan has just been taken by this impoverisberl and ruined country, whi'.b would have gobbled the whole of it if it could bnve cot it. This impoveiished and ruined country has bo much money to invest that even in the present unparalleled expansion of business, it can't find wajs euougb at home ot calling dowa its profits. It has money to lend to England, as it bad money to lend to Russia; and it may soon be drawing interest from all ever the world. The farmers can't get men enough to harvest their crops. The railroads can't get cars enough to carry the fieigbt. The savings banks are so wamped with deposits that they "don't know where to invest them. Yet the Bryan spouters of lamenta tion are s urc that the country is being impoverished and ruined by the goM standard and trusts and is about la he wrecked totally by imperialism. Jf this is ruin, the American people would like to be ruined every year. New York Sun. as tbey are in 1900. The Bryanites bo were bowling about the value of the bets as an election indicator In 189C, when the odds against BryaD were only small, ought to be im pressed by the figures this year. If the narrow margin against Bryan among the pool sellers of tour years ago presaged a majority of 95 against Lim in the electoral college, what size of a republican majority do the immensely greater odds this year portend. VRY SEAR TO TMEASOX. There is giief and mourning and lamentation ic the camp of Brjanism -over the announcement that Mark ll-tnna is not going to send any trust fioney out West wherewith to buy Branite voles. The Baker City Re ptiiiicn thinks the chances are sironnly in favor of the worshippers of Bryan getting up indignation meetings or going on a strike and Tefuing to be Bryanites any more. Maik it treating them as if they were not worth buying. The San Fran Examiner credits Mark with saying that the Pacific coast will get no money because it has had more than its i-hnre of McKinley prosperity. Hut ht has prosperity to do with Boanites?" aks the Republican. I 'It is . Mark Ilanna's barrel they want. To think the Examiner should iash all their hopes to the ground in that way is enough to uiNke them go off and join the Bxers. Mark Ilanna's barrel! all their hopes cling fondly to that. That gone, the Bryanites have noth 4nij more to live for. Now many of Uiciii ill wish thnt they had gone to Cape Nome or Paris and get MrHiiilci), for perhaps the government would then be induced to furnish iu. Oh, Maik! to think a cold inier is criming on and you have derided' not to buy Bryanites! The wn i bey will howl imperialism and 'cteen to 1 from this time on will oui vie the hungry yells of ten million .coyotes." People who talk of this country backing out of free silver if it proves dangerous, demonstalo their ignor ance of the question. It would be a case of damage once done could not be undone. When a person loses money through carelessness, or other wise, it may be recovered or the loss be made good in some way. When a person, however, loses credit by cheating, it is not easy to get it back. Probably the only way is to go to a ne land and start all over again. Nations, however, cannot do that. There is no way for them to bide fro is the scorn and contempt of other civilized nations. Speaking of how the red shirts look after the consent of the gov erned in North Carolina, the Hartford Times says: "They rotten-egg the speakers, cackle like geese in concert and put out the lights. If this doesn't work they mount their horses and ride through t:ie crowds, firing off their weapons wildly." These festive Bryanites, however, are in favor of bestowing the sovereignly of the Philippines upon the Tagal bandits In the name of freedom of man aud the declaration of inde pendence. According to the Astoria News, they were still packing salmon on the AYushington side of the river as late as last Thursday. And the News, filled with burning zeal for the "preservation of the fishing in dustry," (as they all are down that way) mildly excuses the violators of the law on the Oregon side by saying "It was meet that the cases against the Oregon canners, arrested for il legal fishing, should have been dis missed." Asiorisns have a delightful way of nim.ifesting their zeal for the preser vniion of the salmon industry. When thousand" boats continued to fish in violation of the law after the sea eon had closed and the cannerymen, in eq ial violation of the law, con tinued to receive the fish, a few cannery men were placed under ar rext and fined four dollars each. "The ctnnerymen," we are told, felt justified in operating as long as the canneries on the Washington side of the river were allowed to oper ate," and the prosecuting attorney tvidcntlv look the same view, for he moved that the cases be dismissed on te pament of costs. So the can nerymen at last concluded to close down, but as late as the middle of the week apparently anybody that wauled to fish was doing so without molestation. "Behold a republic," said Bryan in bis notification speech, "resting securely upon the foundation stones quarried by revolutionary patriots frotr the mountains of eternal truth Just so. Behold it paying out 100- cent dollars now as always through out its history, and imagine how it would look wilh a Jeremy Diddler grin trying to palm off 4.3 cents for a dollar, ssys the Globe Democrat An American officer writes from the Philippines: ''To leave here now would mean the death ot every Filipino in the islands who has dared to be friendly to the Americans." But what care democrats for these friendly Filipinos? They're only niggers, and democrats never liked niggers, nohow. "The republican candidate for governor of Minnesota, a steamboat captain, has boiled down the Bryan ile platform and presents this as the residue: "Pull down the flag. Rip the credit of the country up the back. Get a bugaboo and call it imperialism. Then stuff the people full of chaff." The Bryanites ore still grumbling 'fa-cause the betting fraternity do not offer bigger odds than five to one on Al Kirjley, says the Globe-Democrat. Later on in the campaign perhaps the margin on McKfaley will go op to nx or eight to one. The canvass is young yet. The odds against .Bryan were never o great in 1806 Mayor Van Wyck's ice trust div idends, according to bis own sworn statement, amount to $35,000 annu ally. I; was bis brother "Gus," who is also a heavy stockholders, that drafted the anti-trust plank of the Kansas City platform. The American producers pay 1200,000,000 annually lo foreign ship owners. Is there a single sound reason why this amount should not be expended so that it may find its way into Ametican pockets? Among the ten thousand words of Mr. Bryan's painfully wrought essay on the theme that "republics can have no subjects," tbese only are de serving cf serious consideration, says the New York Sun: If elected I shall convene congress in extraordinary session as soon as I am inaugurated, and recommend an immediate declaration of the nation's purpose, first, to establish a stable form of government in the Philip pine islands, just as we are now es tablishing a stable form of govern ment in the island of Cuba; second, to give independence to the rilipi nos, just as we have promised to give independence to the Cubans; third, to protect the Filipinos from outside interference while they work out their destiny, just as we have pro tected the republics of Central and South America, and arc, Lby the Monroe doctrine, pledged to protect Cuba. This is definite enough as a state ment of intentions and a pledge of action in case Mr. Bryan is elected president. He will convene congress in extraordinary session and use all the power that a president can Jexett to induce congress to withdraw the flag of the United States from the Philippine islands. When Mr. Bryan pronounced these words, did it occur to bimtbathe might be giving at that very moment the signal for the death of hundreds or thousands of our soldiers in the Philippines? The United States government rs engaged in stamping out the embers of rebellion in Luzon; and our men there are doing their duty under the 3ag. The insurrection in Luzon has found its mainstay in the encourage ment, to continued resistance which the utterances of certain American citizens here at bomb have afforded to its leaders. Most of Aguinaldo's sympathizers have been persons without official responsibility, like Atkinson and Garrison and Winslow. A few, like Pettigrew, hold federal olllcj without exerting much influ ence on American opinion. But the utterances of even tbese irresponsi blcs and light weights have serve 1, as Lawlon testified just before bis own death, to speed the bullets Jthat have sent our officers and privates to the grave. And now the man who', will be president of the United States if the democracy wins this election sends to the insurgents his message of hope and stimulus. "Keep up your fight," be says to Aguinaldo's Tagals. "Keep on shootin down the men who wear the United Stales uniform If I am elected you will have won.' In the maze of bis theoretical ar gumentation and in the confusion of bis rhetorical detail, did William J. Bryan really understand how near he was to treason? Did he foresee the one direct, practical, murderous effect of bis promise to the rebels in urms against the United Mates gov ernment and flag? I One of the City's Own J that Dewhursfa inherent jelouy had ripened into positive rancor tor xnai there was a member of the fair eex at the bottom of it i almost obvious. The innocent cause of the trouble, little dreaming of the mischief she was crest inp, had thoroughly enjoyed the rivalry of the two men, as every daughter of Kve is bound to do, and she hadi not made it quite clear which of them was to be favored, which is more or less well-deserved ; cenamiy - y e- general The democratic orators are being instructed to use tbe soft pedal on the 1G to 1 plank of tbe Kansas City pliiform. Thus do they apply the scuttle policy to their own declara tion of principles. There is a marked resumption of the Democratic sympathy for tbe Porto Ricans. As a sympathetic or ganization tbe democratic is a marked success immediately preceding an eiccuou. The London Daily Mail now ad mits that "New York is the pivot of the world's money market," and the other great English newspapers are considerably worked up over the fact that millions of American money is being invested in the British war loan and other securities, and thus leads our frien I, Stewart, of the Fos sil Journal, to remark: "Where O where is Rothchild, who under the accursed gold standard was to own us body, soul and breeches within four years? Has he lost his nip? Ah, Weary Willie, surely our erra tic, mendacious, prophetic, loqua cious chickens are en route to roost," It will be recalled that Mr. Bryan wired his congratulations to tbe late Mr. Goebcl upon his "election" to tbe Kenturky governorship. He should hasten to felicitate tbe North Carolina red shirts upon tbe disfran chisement of the negro voters of that state. A red shirt orator in North Caro lina said that the object of the recent electon was "to bary ho Gftecntb amendment in the dust." Tbe idiot's grandfather was-a voter and he will therefore retain his ballot, says tbe Globe-Democrat. Why pay f 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when yon can buy James E. Pst ton's ton proof paints for f 1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & I Falk, agents. mI7 THERE were ructions in the count-inr-house of Tatterson & Dew hurst. One or two junior clerks had received a "w-ijfginjr." and there was feeling of worse to follow. At last a small office boy entered the clerk- office and said in, a shrill ! voice: "Mr. Red bolt is to go to the gov ernor t once." There was a mischievous grin on the young gentleman's face, as if he knew what was coining, and most of the others, delighted at their own escape, chuckled, like many people h when some one else is in trouble. Joe Redbolt turned just a shade paler when his name was called out, as if he, too, anticipated serious trouble, but he set his lips and stif fened hi back, like a man who is go ing to make the best of a bad job. "GoodSby, Itetidie, dear!" said some body, with an unpleasant sneer. "If the governor gives you a rise, don't forget to stand drinks " "Keddie looks worried:" murmured the cashier. "Perhaps she has refused him after all," remarked another. A moment later he was in the pri vate office. Young Mr. Dewhurst, who had man aged the business since the death of his father, gave him a furtive look as he entered, and then turned hurriedly to a bundle of correspondence by his side and selected a letter with an air of malicious satisfaction. The two men formed an odd con trast. -They were of about the same age 28 or perhaps 30 but it re quired no great insight to perceive the difference in their characters. Kecl1olt was tall, straight-built and frank-looking; his principal was small, insignificant and obviously one of nature's sneaks. One could imagine Redbolt being foolish, but never cowardly; one could imagine Mr. Dewhurst being sly, but never generous. The interview was unusual; there seemed to be something in the back ground about which neither man spoke. Mr. Dewhurst was clearly master of the situation, and resolved to use his power; his managing clerk looked self-reliant, but perfectly re spectful and polite. The ball was opened by Mr. Dew hurst unfolding a cantankerous com plaint from an unimportant customer. It was the merest trifle, and quite un worthy of the occasion. Nevertheless, Joe Redbolt was by no means sur prised at the tone adopted. For some time past the smallest opportunities had been seized for fault-finding, and he knew by instinct that the climax had been reached, "How do you account for this blun der?" said Mr. Dewhurst suspi ciously. His clerk gave "a simple, straightfor ward explanation, which, to a reason able man, would have been sufficient. . Hut Mr. Dewhurst was not in a rea sonable humor. "Jt appears to me, then, that you are not in any way to blame, Mr. Red bolt?" he said cynically. "I think not." "You never make a mistake?" "Xot very often." "Who is to blame, then?" There was a moment's silence, and the two men looked into one another's eyes. '."You are, sir," said Redbolt, re spect fully. "I acted under your in structions." This appeared to give the un worthy little tyrant his opportunity. "You are more than half imperti nent!" he said roughly. "I give you my word I didn't intend to be so," said Redbolt, with perfect good1 temper. 'Terhaps not, but I'm tired of it. You forget your proper position, and have crossed my will in several ways." Mr. Redbolt colored rather pain fully, and his principal continued. with a smile of spiteful triumph: "ion understand what I allude to?" The clerk bowed slightly. "Then I think you had better look about for another situation." "Shall we calculate the month from last Mondny?" inquired Joe Redbolt, in a perfectly even, matter-of-fact voice. "Eh. yes," said Mr. Dewhurst. "But I won't ask you to continue your work here." With that he pushed across the ta ble a little pile of coins, which had been counted out already, clear.'y showing that he Intended from the first to make use of the opportunity. For the first time Joe Redbolt looked angry. It was adding insult to in jury to send him away adrift at a moment's notice, as if he had dis graced himself. It was the more outrageous because he was a distant connection of the Dewhursts by blood. The two young men had been for a short time at school together. They hail entered the firm together, and Redbolt had worked his way up by sheer ability, under old Mr. Dewhurst's eye, to a responsible position. Naturally, they knew the same pen pie, and to some extent visited the same houses, and it was In this way But Joe Redbolt was generally be liered to be the lucky man, and Dew hurst had vented his unmanly spite in a thousand annoyances in the office. However, in love, as in war, it is the unexpected that often happen Joe Redbolt proposed, and was refused point blank. Now most men, when they see a dangerous rival put out of court, bury their animosity and even become gen erous. But this was not the case with Fred Dewhurst. i'etty annoyances devel oped rapidly into daily insults, until the morning, as we have seen, he had found an excuse to cut ids former school fellow adrift. II. Joe Redbolt picked up the pile of coins, counted them deliberately and put them in his pocket. "Now, Fred Dewhurst," he said huskily, "we are no longer master and man, so that I can say what I think. Dewhurst looked rather alarmed and drew a small silver bell nearer to his side. "Oh, don't be frightened!" said Joe, with a smile of astonishment. "I'm not groinir to thrash you! It wouldn't be fair to uit a man your size!" Mr. Dewhurst tried to sneer, but only looked mightily relieved. "I want to tell you what I think of you," said Joe. "Go on!" said1 Dewhurst, with grin. "Seeing that you've had the worst of it all through, I suppose musn't mind a few spiteful words!" "I want to tell you you're the mean est cad I've met, and if that poor girl marries you I'm sorry for her!" "In fact, you're so sorry," said Dew hurst, "that you'd even marry her yourself! Capital! Anu, now you've said enough, I'll wish you good- morning. With a mighty effort of self restraint Joe pulled him. elf together, and, resisting the impulse to knock him down, swung out of the room. He had lost everything -the girl he loved and the means of earning hi living. He was alone in the world. with no prospect but that of com mencing life again in some counting house, and then suddenly he re membered. Only two nights before he had attended drill at the headquar ters of his volunteer corps. The men had been asked which of them wished to join the C. I. V. for the front. He thought of the glow that had burnt through his veins, how he had longed to offer himself, and had only been prevented by his feeling of obliga tion to his old friend's business. Now he was free! That settled it. Old England was in need of help from men such ns he. He was as sound as a bell in wind and limb; he had done his turn at volunteering and could shoot more than a little. Within half an hour his name was entered as one of those who were ready for service at the front, and he was ordered to go before the doctor. That gentleman laughed at him. "If we get I.4D0 men as fit ns you are," he said, "we shall do well!" Huing successfully passed all thr tests, and been duly enrolled. ns one of the city of London imperial vol unteer corps, he felt slightly easier in his mind. At last the final moment camp. He had attended the service at St. Paul and sung the national anthem until he was hoarse. He had been slapped on the back by hundreds of warm hearted but heavy-lmi-dened citizens. He had even fought his way success fully through a mob of enthusiast ic patriots all the way from Itunliill Row to Nine Elms, where he was one of the first (o arrive. There stood the train waiting to lake them to Soul hampton. There, too, stood the long-suffering band, nnd every minute groups of breathless, excited men in khaki, who had also fought their way through the crowd, rushed onto the platform. Of course it was all over. There was nothing to be done but get into the train and say good-by to old Lon don for monthsperhaps forever. Once more a gloomy sense of loneli ness enme upon him. Everybody else had a ehum or a relative to see him off. And then an angel came from heaven? Not quite! Hut an earth ly angel appeared, in the shape of a slight form in a long blnck cloak, who was pushing her way feverishly through the crowd, engerly scan ning the faces of the "gentlemen in khaki." Then their eyes met, and in a min ute he was clasping In his arms the girl who had refused him a month be fore and in whose presence he had always been so shy (hat he had never dared to press her hand. How had it hapjiened? There seemed no need -and certainly no time for explanations. Why had he accepted her foolish "No" when In the way he had asked her! had given her no chance to i B. And it was only last niKht .h. v . l'fened - learned what had ha Dewhurst a own lips arut t the mischief .v. . . done, and would he foririve ,.., f4 cried all night .en. n-v . Aid hn rare for . u..,. ,. ' na "Take your seats, there," roartj officer. It was not the time for mock mod esty. With her arms round his awll and tear-stained cheeks pressed tl his. she promised to wait for him. "God bless you!" he whispere4 "And God bring you back to ra.. she answered. And then, with cheers and whijtie, and the band playing "God Save ths Queen," and men shouting and Ws ing and crying, the train moved out and the City's Own were en m., the front. Black and Whit. for meant him to? She always thought he would speak to her again. Why had he been so awkward and briisriuo fit. flngel College and Seminary, Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. I)Cted 40 miles south of Portland Ppot. of the Willamette Valley. 1 he lea .face v , ; i." Kr"eU Classical, Commercial and Hcien'ific Course Music 1 J'c I , ' 1 "P""10'. For particulars apply to the President. julylfl octl8 "Meet us on the Midway" Event of the Times The Great Street Fair and Carnival! Occupying many solid blockf, taking in an entire treet. froir curb to curb : : out SejL 41S Under the auspleo of the Port. Isiid Elks, auriiNt-nliiK in niHvti1 liicle and grandeur ar ytuii'.- -1 the kind ever attempted ut- 1,0 Pttillic LoaM. 1 he Streets of Cairo I The Oriental Theatre ! The German Vlllacu I The Vaoelng Olrl I An Arabian Pageaut I Crowning the Ouen! Hex, Kins; or Ilia Carnival, At tended by ilia Maaalfl ceut Court. The Great Paradeot the Klks and other orden. Tbe Italian Park and Fountain. The Matmti cent Triumphal Arch and iirand Midway tilled with wonderful attractions. .Mining, Mercan tile, AKricuIturnl, Horticulture and other in dimtrial exhlbita. The Woinan'a Partition, de sisrned by women, built by women and deco rated by women for the exhllilt o( worueni Industrial work. The drniii Palace, built ii Oregon aud Washington grains and graeaei. MUSIC, TVS AND OAYKTY. NIGHT IlKSED INTO DAT. aTSF" Lowest rail and water rates ever riven toTortlt west. rtlaud trora all parts of tbe Pacilic North- mays & Cue urn The only store ft this city where tht Genuine Imports Stransky-Steel Ware U sold. A little higher it price, but outlasti a dozen piecesof so called cheap enam elod ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has the rm Stransky-Steel Ware on each ptecft Do not be decern First prize at K International tjm bitioris. IliRhest award at World i Columbian Exhibi tion. ChicaKO r ferred by the test cookingauthonte certified to by 'th most famous chera lata for purity m durability " cheapest becau BEST. Remember " tW celebrated en cledwareiB'pww )y imiortedf r W .old inthisc r clusively by It nor alrt does l0t, nor catching otflbles, will' '' gt(,wr row and bsk without impart"1? flavor 0 lor yei We cs tlon r.i nirai juiitu"00 blio nt