The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 22, 1900, PART 1, Image 1

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NO. 33
The Allies Rave Entered Pekin Without
London, Aasf. 17. "The allies have
entered Pekin without fighting, the
legations are relieved and the foreigners
are liberated."
The foregoing, received from the
German consul at Shanghai, was given
out by the Berlin foreign office a 1 p. m
London, Aug. 17. The collapse of
Chinese resistance is explained iu die
patches from Shanghai as being due to
the failure of the Chinese to flood the
country below Tung Chow. The earth
works connected with the dam at Pel Ho
were unfinished and the canal at Tung
Chow was full of water, facilitating boat
transportation when the allies arrived
Signals between the allies and the
legationers holding part of the wall at
Pekin were exchanged during the morn
ing of August 15 (Wednesday).
Medal Wanted fur "Tip."
Salem, Aug. 17. Governor T. T. Geer
is today in receipt of a communication
from H. L. Wells, former captain of
Company L, Second Oregon, U. S. V.,
petitioning him to seenre a medal for
tbe mascot of said company for its serv
ices in the Spanish-American and Fili
pino wars. Said mascot was small
English pug dog which, Captain Wells
affirms, is duly entitled to a medal for
gallantry. Here are some of the prin
ciple excerpts of the communication
"Inclosed I take pleasure in handing
you a communication I received from a
committee of former members of my
Company, requesting a Spanish War
medal for "Tip," the company mascot,
which I heartily indorse. Tip is an
English pug that, belonged to one of the
members of The Dalles company, which
was consolidated with mine. He went
over with us and went through the en
tire campaign and into every fight with
us. There were two other dogs with
tbe regiment, but neither of them went
through the campaign, both remaining
in Manilla. Tip, however is a veteran
warrior, who lias smelled powder and
listened to the siren song of the Mauser
bullet. When the regiment was mus
tered out Colonei Summers gave him a
regular discharge, and now he wants
the medal he earned by gallant service
in the field."
The communication referred to from
the committee is signed by M. Bartell,
J. O. Elton, and C. E. Sanders, who ex
press their w illingness to stand the ex
pense of having eaid medal cast, which
will cost 75 cents, and Governor Geer
has ordered the medal made, which will
be in the form of a plate cast from the
borings of the cannon captured by the
Second Oregon Volunteers from the
Spaniards, and w ill bear the seal of the
State of Oregon, together with the in
tenption: "For gallant service in the
Towns to Follow Teddy.
Chicago, Aug. 17. According to in
formation given out at democratic na
tional headquarters, in his tour of the
west, Governor Roosvelt will have an
oratorical sleuth on his trail in the per
of Charles A, Towne, the silver republi
can leader. Within ten days Mr. Towne
Will open the campaign at Duluth,
where he will make an elaborate ad
dress devoted mostly to answering Gov
ernor HooBvelt. Later, Towne will tour
Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and other
western states, keeping close to Govern
or Roosvelt's path.
Mr, Towno will make an occasional
trip through the South, speaking at
Atlanta, Louisville, Memphis, Nashville,
and other important cities. Throughout it
will be Mr. Towne's mission to pay
special attention to the republican vice
preadential nominee and to answer ar
guments made by the latter during the
Tha Cnlnaia Convert.
Washington, Aug. 17. A cabinet of
Hcial said today that unquestionably the
native Christians In China, said to num
her seveial thousand, will be Included
in any arrangement made between this
Bovernment and China Incident to the
cessation of hostilities. At the present
tage of the Chinese situation the subject
lias not been seriously discussed by the
cabinet, but there is no doubt, accord
ing to this member, that the United
States is to honor bound to protect them
"1 will sacredly look out for their
"What will be done with them!" he
ws asked.
'That lias not been decided ; but rest
assured that in their disposition the
honor of the United States will be ful'y
preserved. It may he arranged for
them to go to tbe Philippines or one of
many other places that are available
may be adopted."
Bhanghai lha Storm t enter.
London, Aug. 19 Whatever of inter
est might attach to the events reported
in the night's dispatches is destroyed by
the capture of Pekin, as most of the
messages relate to matters proceeding
and leading to the capture of the Chi
nese capital. General Linevitch, com
mander of the Russian troops In PI Chi
LI, reports to St. Petersburg that Au
gust x.iti t lie Chinese intended to give
battle at Che Sin, wheie wen coneen
trated 50 battalions of the best Manchu
troops, commanded by General Tung
Fuh Sian, lut, losing courage, they re
treated, not waiting for an attack to be
The eves of the world, which have
been fixed hitherto on Pekiu, are turn
ing to Shanghai, where an imbroglio re-
suiting from the jealously and suspicion
of tbe powers will possibly shortly as
sutne a serious aspect. The British
landed Goorkas and Bombay regiments
Fridav, and France is hurrying 1700
Tonkin troops thither, some of whom
are reported to have arrived already
The situation In the v lley of the Yang
tse Kiang at Wu Chang is serious
Chang Chi Tung's troops mutinied, but
the outbreak was quelled.
Russia's campaign in Manchuria
B'eins to be progressing satlsfactnrly
General Orlieff, chief of staff of the Rus
sian forces in China, reported August
14th that he attacked the Chinese
Medua Chi August 12th and sobse
qnently advanced to Y ih Shi and cap
tured an abundance of stores. The Chi
nese are said to be gathering in force
the neighborhood of Kobdu, from which
place the Russian and Tartar residents
have departed.
A Berlin dispatch, dated this (Sunday)
morning, sava the uerman battalions
arrived in Tien Tsin Thursday.
Llttlo "loknaaa At Noma.
Washington, Aug. 17. The treasury
department has received tbe following
telegram from Lieutenant Jarvis, of the
revenue cutter service:
"Nome, Alaska, August 6, via Port
Townsend, August 17. Secretary Treas
vrv. Washington Report, current in
states of sickness at Nome unfounded
twelve cases measles, la cases pneu
monia and typhoid fever, six cases
smallpox In isolation. All convalescent
Oaten War Blown Open.
Ti'so Chow, Aug. 12. The Japanese
entered Tung Chow today, blowing open
the gates. Where the heaviest opposi
tion was expected none was offered.
The Chinese are reported retreating to
Pekin and deserting wholestore.
The allies are camping today about
the walled City of Tung Chow, after
even miles of marching under a terrible
sun. Many of the Americans and Brit
are prostrated.
Flra In Yellowatono rark.
Washington, Aug. 17. Acting Super
intendent Goode, of the Yellowstone
National park, today telegraphed the
interior department that another big
forest fire has broken out there, ana is
now racing between the lake and the
upper basin. The department wired au
thority for the employment of outsiders
to assist in fighting the fire, but none
could be secured. The interior depart
merit has requested the department to
detail for this purpose some oi the men
engaged on the roads ther.e.
Raid to llo null l ltlii(.
Astoria,' Aug. 17. On information
that is entirely credible it was learned
this afternoon that the stations of the
combine at Sand Island received fish
last night and this morning. None of
its canneries are running on this side of
the river, so it is supposed that the fish
are beins sent to the cannery on the
Washington side. So far as known
these stations of the combine are the
only ones receiving fish.
Mnttars Agalnet Kooerta on Trial.
PitKToiUA, Aug. 10. The trial by
court-martini of Lieutenant Cordua, of
the Stasis Artillery, and the other lead
ers of the conspiracy to kidnap General
Lord Roberts, began today. The pris
oners pleaded guilty, but at the dig
gestion of the court, withdrew their plea
and the trial is proceeding.
' Devret Kludea In. f'urancra.
Pkrtohm, Bug. 10, Thursday. Gen
eral Dowel has manager to eludo Gener
al Kitchener in spite of the fact that all
the British wagons had double- teams of
picked animals. The Boers evaded the
British by marching at night over
grounds known to them, while their
pursuers were obliged to inarch In the
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Lots Cast in Naples and the Ones
Chosen Have Arrived But thej
Are Going Back.
New York, Aug. IS. The Evening
World says :
"A hinh government official Informed
the Evening World that there are four
teen anarchists under arrest at the de
tention prison of the bureau of immig'a
tiou. They are charged with being in a
conspiracy to assassinate President Mc
Kinley and have been taken singly and
in pairs from incoming ocean liners
within the last ten days.
The United States secret service
agents learned that an anarchist circle
in Naples had cast lots to determine
who should be the assassin.
Eleven Italians and three AiiNtrians
were selected. Closely followed they
sailed from different ports.
Their object was to strike indivdual
blows at the president at the same
Local secret service agents tonight
said that advices had been received
from the Italian government to the
effect that Notabe Marcesca and Mich
el Guida, two of the Italians detained,
are wanted by the Naples authorities in
It is understood here that they are
charged with complicity in the recent
plot to assassinate King Humbert.
All of the American men unite in de
nying that any of the foreign Italians
detained are accused of plotting against
the life of President McKinley. (
It is understood that twelve men will
be sent back to Europe at once on the
ground that they are undesirable emi
grants, but no warrant will be issued for
their arrest. Marcesca and Guida will
be placed under arrest and held until
the arrival of the Naples authorities.
Chinese Cruiser Stood by to
Assistance. A Russian
Ran Francisco. Aug. 17. Mail ad
vices from Yokohama, Japan, contain
the following story in connection with
tbe stranding of the Oregon on the Chi
nese coast rtcently :
The Chinese cruiser Haichi, comand-
ed by Captain Sah, a thoronehly west
ernized officer, on her way from Taka to
Che Foo, descried the Oregon in her
perlious plight and offered her valuable
assistance, which was most gratefully
received by Captain Wilde. The Haichi
anchored close by to be of further use
needed. The next day a Russian
cruiser came along. Iter commander,
comming aboard the Oregon, eyed the
Chinese vessel with suspicion, and ask
what she was doing there. On being
told, be shook his head and said it would
nevertheless be his duty to take posses
sion of her. Captain Wilde nodded and
answered :
"Vell, a bit embarrassed just
now, tun there, is ammunition nnoaru,
my guns are Iu excellent condition."
Tho next day after the departure of
the Russian, Captain Wilde visited the
Haichi and suggested to Captain Sah
that as he was protecting some refugees
on board, it might be well for him to
run up tho American flag to the fore.
lhia was done, and no questions were
asked by passing cruisers afterwards.
VerdU-t f (iuilty,
Gkowiktown, Ky., Aug. 18. The ver
dict of the jury in the case of ex-Secretary
State CaUtb Powers, charged with
being an accessory before the fact to
the murder of William Goehel, was:
"We find tho defendant guilty and fix
his punishment at confinement in the
penitentiary for the rest of his natural
The jury retired at 1 :32 p. m. and re
turned Its verdict at 2:25, being out only
fifty-three minutes. Juror Craig stated
afterward that the verdict could have
been returned even sooner, but consider
able time was taken up reading the in
structions. The vote in favor of a life
sentence was unanimous.
Mcalded to Death.
Portland, Aug. 19. Lnla Ethel
Ganlt, the bright 5-year-old daughter of
Mrs. Mary Jane Mayes and stepdaugh
ter of John Mayes wai fatally scalded at
her parents' home at Montavilla, Thurs
day, between 12 and 1 o'clock. She
lingered till evening, when death came
to her relief. Mrs. Mayes bad been
washing and had boiler partly filled
with boiling water on the ito7e. She
lifted the boiler off and set it outside
the rear door. Presently the) child
came along and accidently pulled the
boiler over her left side, nearly drench
ing her and scalding her little body in a
most shocking manner. Her screams
brought Mrs. Mayes, who summoned
Dr. A. W. Botkin with all possible
haste. As the burns were deep and
covered over half of the child's body her
life could not be saved, but every effort
was made to relieve her sufferings. She
died about 5 o'clock that evening, and
the funeral took place Friday. The
mother is prostrated with grief over the
Irouh la Hiniii.
Kansas City, Aug. 19. Two-thirds of
Kansas, west of the three easternmost
tiers of counties, is experiencing one of
the most severe drouths in the history
of the state, and the general opinion is
that the Kansas corn crop will be the
smallest in proportion to its require
ments for feeding, that has been raised
in many years. In 1899 the was 223,
000,000 bushels. Secretarv Coburn's
report of conditions in August indicated
a yield this year of about 14.",000,000
bushels. Since then there have been
two week of hot, dry weather, which
has materally reduced conditions, and
tbe most liberal estimates of well in
formed men on 'change do not exceed
100,000,000 boBhels. Tbe plowing for
winter wheat is delayed by the dry con
dition of the soil. Pastures are dry and
stock water in many ciBterns is scarce.
Oregon's Cdlirto of Study Commended
Sai-km, Aug. 18. Profeesor G. A.
Gregory, formerly superintendent of
tbe public schools of Jackson county,
Oregon, has been spending tbe present
summer at the University of Chicago,
where he has been making a special
study of school methods. In pursuing
that course be has had occasion to study
courses of study for graded and tingrad
ed schools. In writing of his observa
tions he says.
"I have not yet met a state course for
rural and town graded schools that is as
practical as tbe one Superintendent
Ackerman prepared for Oregon. I find
some so rigid that, if followed, would
become a hindrance to progress; others
so brief or indefinite that the average
teacher will have difficulty in rsing
them. The Oregon course seems to be
the golden mean, and I expect to see
the Oregon schools prosper under it."
Slain With a Hammer.
New York, Aug. t9. Catherine
Scharf, aged 22, was beaten to death
wilh a hammer in her rooms on the
second floor of C74 Second avenue, some
time between 7 p. in. and midnight
Saturday, the body not being found un
til early this morning. Her brother
made the discovery when bo came home
after midnight. The woman's body lay
in a pool of blood, face downward. Near
by on the floor was a bloody hammer
and the rooms had been ransacked of
everything of value. It is the opinion of
the police that a thief entered the house
and was surprised in his work by the
girl and that he killed her to prevent
Uored by a Mad Cow.
Lakevikw, Or., Aug. 15. Word
reached Lakeview esterday that Mrs.
Rufus Phelps was badly gored by a mad
cow at her home near Paisley last Thurs
day. Mrs. Phelps attempted to pet the
cow when the beast turned upon her
and tossed the defenseless woman on her
horns, and dashed her ngaiuet a fence,
then jumped upon and gored her. The
timely arrival of Presley Taylor saved
Mrs. Phelps from being torn to pieces.
The animal's horns tore a terrible gash
in Mrs. Pnelpe' shoulder and otherwise
injured .her.
Heavy Storm In Soutli Dakota.
Abkkdkrn, 8. D.. Aug. 10 A severe
tun ami wunl storm is raging in this
city. At Columbia considerable dam
age was done. The spire of tbe Congre
gational church was blown off, and nu
merous barns and other buildings un
roofed. Extenuve damage to grain in
stock is reported.
Fahgo, N. D., Aug. l'J A heavy
electric il storm begin at Dickinson
early tonight, and was still raging at
midnight. It was accompanied by a
high wind, and serious results are
I'alnnaa M heat Yield.
Colfax, Aug. 10. J. W. Wiseman,
whoso fine farm Is about five miles west
of Colfax, completed the thrething of
his wheat crop yesterday, consisting of
240 acres of fall-sown and 100 acres of
late spring wheat. Tho fail wheat
yielded an average 32 bushels an acie,
and the spring whsat 20 bushels. All
tbe wheat is of fine grade.
Subscribe for Tut Ciikoniclc.
Why Steward of .Nevada Will Vote for
Mckinley. Antis Prolonged Fil
ipino War.
Nkw York, Aug. 20. Senator Will
lam M. Stewart, of Nevada, called at
republican headquarters today and said
he had decided to vote for President
McKinley. He made the statement in
part as follows:
"The United States went to war with
urged on by the democratic
party. The popularity of that war was
such that Mr. Bryan joined the armv.
The war was successful, a treaty of
peace was entered into whereby the
United States agreed to pay 120,000,000
and accept the sovereignty and public
property of Spain in the Philippine
Archipelago. The was opposition to tho
ratification of tha treaty. Mr. Bryan
came to Washington and persuaded his
democratic friends to vote for the treaty
and it was through his influence that
the treaty was finally ratified. It then
became the duty of the United States to
maintain law and order and protect the
lives and property of all residents in the
islands, whether native or foreign born
"The United States at the time of the
ratification of the treaty held military
possession cf Manila and immediately
after such ratification assumed the sov'
engnty of the islands. The people of
the United States, especially of the Pa'
cine coast, became entitled to the vast
commerce of the Pacific ocean, of which
the Philippines furnish the key.
"One Aguinaldo had raised a rebel
lion in Luzon against Spain before the
commencement of the Spanish war with
the United States. This adventurer
had sold out or settled his rebellion
with Spain for $400,000 before Dewey
set sail for Manila, and as part of the
bargain with Spain Aguinaldo agreed to
leave the islands and never return.
"Dewey took the wily Aguinaldo back
to the Islands, supposing, as a matter of
course, that Aguinaldo would naturally
be an enemy of Spain and a friend of
the United States. In this Admiral
Ddwey was mistaken. Aguinaldo, as
soon as he landed, organized a rebellion
against the United States, which would
have been of little consequence if he had
not been able to obtain comfort and aid
in this country. An organization was
formed in the United States called the
Anti-Imperialist League, which has for
the last two years co-operated with
Aguinaldo's Tagal juntas, with head
quarters at Hong Kong, to supply lit
erature and materials cf war for Aguin
"President McKinley had no author
ity to buy out Aguinaldo's rebellion
against the United States, but bound by
the treaty (which was the rupreme law
of the land; to maintain law and order
and protect life and property in the is
lands. It required a large army and the
expenditure of hundied of millions of
dollars to put down Aguinaldo's rebel
lion. The assistance and the encourng
ment he received from the Auti-Im-perialUt
league and the enemies of the
United States, both at home and abroad,
made bis barbaious and irregular war
bloody and expensive. Congress, how
ever, made all necessary appropriations,
providing for tho executive men and
money to maintain the nuthority of the
United States ih tho Philippines. The
socalled anti-imperialists declared that
the rolicy pursued by the government
to put down the rebellion and maintain
law and order in all territories of the
United States, without regard to the
time when euch territories wero ac
quired, was 'imperialism, and that any
use of tho army to maintain law and
order, however necpssary, was 'militar
ism' and that (living aid and comfort to
retiels in arms against the United States
was 'maintaining the principles of the
Declaration of Independence.
Iteport from llruca.
London, Aug. 19, 4 :20 a. m. Rear-Admiral
Bruce cabins to theadmiralty from
Che Foo. August 19, as follows:
"Am informed on the authority of the
Japanese that street fighting still con
tinues in Pekin, part of which is on tire.
"Yung Ln prevented theemprtss from
leaving, and a lust stand is now being
made in the inner city, which is sur
rounded by tho allies and being bom
barded." tterioua I'rohletn.
Washington, An 4. 20. The adminis-
tration has a very serious problem to face
In the settlement of the Chinese question,
It is already known that large Indemni
ties in tho way of territory will be de
manded by the foreign powers, and such
persons in the United States as under
stand the Importance of commercial in-
teresis in China have already begun a
quiet campaign in the interest of tl e
United States securing its share, or
"sphere of iuEuence," iu the fettlement
of the late disturbance. The policy o
the administration has been to inl t
that China shall remain territorially In
tact, but the administration cannot pre
vail against other powers, who are deter
mined upon territorial aggression. At
present it is known that the administra
tion is determine I to resist the pressure
In the direction of obtaining Chinees
territory as a result of the recent disturb
Disrupted Imperial Court Headed
Westward with Treasure Train,
Protected by 30,000 Troops.
London, Aug. 20. The Japanese cav
airy has left Pekin in pursuit of the
Dowager Empress and her court, ac
cording to telegrams from the north, re
ceived at Shanghai by Chinese oflicials.
These dispatches aver that the Em
press and her treasure train, protected
by 30,000 troops, have already arrived
at Wu Tai San, in Shan Si province.
The field telegraph north of Yang Tsun
la interrupted and nothing under Pekin
date appears to have reached Yang Tsun
since August 17. Heavy rains have
been fulling ln the province of Pe Chi
The landing of the British troops at
Shanghai is not causing excitement
among the natives. A detachment of
100 French marines landed there today.
A customs cruiser is reported to have
gone to Tien Tsin to take away the for
eigners rescued from Pekin.
Many influential Chinese have inter
ested themselves in the fate of a China
men sentenced by an English court at
Hong Kong to six month's imprison
ment at hard labor because he was a
member of a triad society.
Washington, Aug. 20. The Japanese
legation has received several important
dispatches. One received today from
Tokio, dated August 19, says:
"After entry into Pekin was effected
by the allied troops, the Chinese troops
on August 15 betook themselves to and
remained in the Imperial palace. A
body of Japanese troops was told off to
guard the place and there they met with
obstinate resistance by the Chinese
troops. Fighting is still going on. The
headquarters of the Japanese army is in
the legation, and the division is mainly
quartered in the villages outside of An
Tnig Man."
Another telegram, dated the 19ib,
gives the report of the Japannso consul
general at Shanghai, eaylnir Kheng
credits the reports that the Empress
Dowager and probably the Emperor
also had left Pekin, as the privy council
crossed the Luken bridge on the 15th.
bearing the banner of the imperial cor
tege. Also that Prince Clung is still in
Pekin, although Prince Tuan has fol
lowed the Empress Dowager.
Beat Kemedy fur stomach
Jlowel Trouhlaa.
'I have been in tho drug business for
twenty years and have sold most all of
the proprietary medicines of any note.
mong the entire list I have never found
anything to equal ChambeiLtin's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
stomach and bowel troubles," soys O.
W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
morbus in my family and I have recom
mended and sold hundreds of bottles of
it to my customers to their entire satis
faction. It affords a quick and sure cure
in a pleasant form." For sale by
Blakeley A Houghton.
flerniany Kxpelllnc Anarchlt.
Bkrlin, Aug. 20. The German police
have agreed to stop all anarchist meet
ings in Germany, and four have been
suppressed in Berlin. It is raid that
180 foreign anarchists, of w hom 103 are
Italians, have In en exie'.led from
'jermany since the assassination of King
A flood Couch Aladlrlne.
Many thousands have been restored to
health and happiness by the use of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If af
flicted with any throat or lung trouble,
give it a trial for it is certain to prove
beneficial. Coughs that have resisted
all other treatment for years, have yielded
to this remedy and perfect health been
restored. Caees that teemed hopeless,
that the climate of famous health resorts
failed to benefit, have been permanently
cured by its use. For rale by Blakeley
A Houghton.
('lark A Falk are never close I Sunday
Dvtn't forget this.