THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. AUGUST 18, 1900. rcurti comino and going. Wednesday's DuilT. A. E. Mullen left for Port'and on th noon train. Henry Phi r man left on the afternoon train for Wasco. F. A. Seufert left for Portland thi afternoon on a business trip. F. 8. Gordon, the well-known Tys valley merchant, is in the c.ty today Mias M. Folev and Grace Campbell, of Hood River, are visiting friends in lu city. State Senator T. H. Johnston and wife and daughter, are in the city today from tbeir home at Lmtur. Will Wuriweiler. the leading Prine Tille merchant, arrived on the noon train from Portland. Ralph Moodv, of Portland, passed through the city on the noon train on bis way to linker City. Mis Edith Randall has returned home after a visit of several weeks with friends in Portland and Independence John Roth, one of the most prosper ous farmers of thevKings!ey neighbor hood, is in the city today, lie is opcr ting a large steam threshing out lit i that vicinity and reports an enoruiou yield to the acre. Heading will be fin isbed in a short tin: and threshing is fairly well advanced. Thursday's Daily. 8. I. Everett, proprietor of the Cen tral Hotel in Dufur, is in the city today Richard Hinton and family left last night for a visit with friends at 1 Grande. Mrs. C. T. Donnell returned last even ing from a camping trip with friends a Cascade Locks. Jay P. Lucas and wife left last even ing for Baker Citv, where they will spend a few weeks. Frank Gilmore, who has been dan eerouslv 111 for over a month with an attack of typhoid fever, is slowly recov enng. Otis Pattereon and wife and daughter, ill 198 .op. returned last night from trip to Walla Walla, where Mr. Patter eon went to spend his summer vacation Mr. A. J. Dufur and wife and dangh ter, Miss Annie, left for their home in Portland on the afternoon train todav They have been spending a few weeks in visiting relatives and friends at their old home at Dufur. Deputy County Clerk Simeon Bolton returned last evening from Long Beach where with his family he has been spending his summer vacation. Mrs, Bolton and daughters will remain on the beach until later. Rev. U. F. Hawk was a returning pas senger from Spragne last night, where be baa been spending bis vacation in camp. Mrs. Hawk is at present with tbeir little son at bi. Vincent hospital where he will undoubtedly have to re main for month at least. Friday's Dally. II. S. Wil-ion left on the noon train to join his wife at Long Beach. Master Herbert Clarke left on the boat this morning for a eliort visit to Collins Lauding. R. J. Gorman left today on the Steamer Iralda for an outing at Colling T 1 ' ianuing. Mrs. Nellie Wand returned last "night on the Regulator from a business trip to roriiana. Attorney John Gavin and his brother, Thomas, were passengers on this morn ing s boat for Lyle. C. L. Morris, of Victor, was a passen ger on this morning s boat on a visit to friends near Albany, Mrs. J. L. Thompson and daughter, Miss Lena, returned last evening from an outing at vjoiiins Landing. Mrs. Thos. H. Ward and daughter, Miss Lnla, were passengers on this morning's boat on a visit to friends in Portland. ' Horace Rice and wife returned on the Regulator last night from a two weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. Mann, near uoiiine Landing. Miss Grace T. Hill was a nasaemrer nn this morning's boat on a visit to friends in Brownsville, bhe was accompanied by Miss Ethel Martin, who goes to visit irienas in oaiem. Henry Skibbe. son of Cantain Max Skibbe, who has been visiting for three weeks with his uncle, F. W. L. Skibbe, of this city, returned on this morning's ooai io nis home at Astoria. Me was accompanied by his cousin, Richard Skibbe. Charles Dehm, an old-time Dallesite, has been camping for a time at St. Mar tin's springs. He left there yesterday to visit bis sister, Mrs. Ferguson, at Hood River, from whence he will go back to his business of steainboating on the Sound. Wanted to Be a Wreck. Victor, Colo., Aug. 15. Arthur Taylor and George Featherstone, each about 9 years of age, are under arrest here charged with, causing the wreck of the Midlanl Terminal passenger train ball a mile east of Independence, and trying to wreck the Florence and Cripple Creek train from Bull Hill in the yarda at In dependence. In the first instance tbey tnrne I a switch, sending the passenger engine crashing into some freight cars on the siding. Two passengers were in jure 1. About 140,000 worth of property was destroyed. Tbey were detected and captured while making the second attempt at train wrecking. Their excuse was that they wanted to see a real big railroad wreck The Fight Off. New York, Aug. 15. There will be no fight between the winner of the Sharkey. Fitzsimraons match and James J. Jeffries, as was originally intended. Jeffries has decided to declare this match off, as he does not think there would be any credit in defeating Iran who had another TiArt Vi. M I in Ihm aamA 1 ! - ... kbuju nee. nKBlll. tbe winner might not be in condition to fight. This would give Jeffries all his I hard work of training for nothing. Jeffries is willing enough to fight some good mac before September 1, but, it is said, be realizes that should he defeat Fitmuiruons or Sharkey his victim would claim that he was out of condition. No lllght to Igllness. The woman who it lovely in face, fjnu and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she bas con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, tkin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters Is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomachy liver and kidnevs and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety tkin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-do n invalid. Only 5Q cents at Blakelev'a drug store. 2 Molh Cavalry to Ball. .n Francisco, Aug. 14. The Ninth Cavalry will sail on the transports War ren next Thursday, with a full comple ment of officers and men. Owing to the large number of officers who will occujry the quarters on this transport, no wo men will be permitted to sail, and many of the officers who had planned to take tbeir families to China will be dissap- polnted. A sergeant and forty privates of the signal corps huve ariive here from Fort Meyer, V. They , will be sent to China. Senator In fall Dying. Atchison, Kas , Aug. 14. Ex-United Senator John J. Iogalls.who is in Las Vegas, N. M., for his health, is sinking rapidly and bis eon, Sheffield Ingalls, todav started for the bedside of his father. A telegram from Mrs.Ingalls received here today announced the serious con dition of Mr. Ingalls, who lias beeu In the Southwest for over a year for a throat difficulty. It has been believed for three months that he was fatally ill. Hli Lire Waa Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverence from a frightful, death. In telling of it he says : "I was taken with Tvphoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I waa so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave. great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the Burest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 2 1'arle Ksposltlon Doea Not Pay. New York, Aug. 14. A dispatch to the Times from Paris savs: The report that the exhibition is a fail nre is not borne out by facts. The en trance's Sunday reached 500,000, or near- y twice the number admitted the best day of the last exhibition. The great show is a financial failure Ironi the point of view of the administration, because the public gets too much for its money, but certainly the visitors are not disap pointed. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering form cholera in fantum. The doctors bad given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- hoea Remedy to the house, telling them felt sure it would do good if used ac cording to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child s now vigorous and bealtby. I have re commended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Brookwaltar, Ohio. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Funeral of Baroa Busscl. LOXDOX, Aug. 14. The funeral ser vices of Baron Russell, of Killowen, Lord Chief Justice of England, took place at Brompton Oratory this morning in the presence of a large congregation Father Matthew Russell, brother of the deceased Chief Justice, celebrated low mass. At the conclusion of the services a heane, bearing the plain oak coffin, and six coaches containing tbe principal mourners, proceeded bv road for Epsom, here the interment will take place. Ex-Senator Ingalls Is Dead. Atciiihon, Kan., Aug. 16. Ex-United States Senator John J. Ingalls died at East Las Vegas, N. M., at 2:25 o'clock this morning surrounded by his wife and wo sons, Ellsworth and Sheffield. The news came to the Ingalls' borne here in telegram at 10 o'clock today. The neral will be in Atchison. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree ably aromatic It is received throngb the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole stir face over which it diffuses itself. Druggist sell the 60c. size ; Trial size by, 10 cents. Teat it and you are sure to continue the treatment. Announcement. To accommodate tboee who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nanal passages for cnlarthal tron hltt, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream linlm. Price including the nrnrinff t T 1 1 . A t 17 fmntm itninnial. 1.1- mail. The limiid form embodiM th tno.L icinal properties of the solid preparation. CATARRH mead n". Ontaiut no In I It i quickly ntworbH. iiiWti Uttiivf ml E&nte- COLD 'N HEAD Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restore, the Benies of Tula and hinell. Large Srse, & cent at Drus-irts or by mm! ; Trml Size, 10 cents by mail. fc.LV l(millla, W Warreu blrcet, .New Vurk. Knconragins; Conditions la India. Bom hay, Aug. 15. The last of the cot ton crop was sowed today. The food crops were all sowed by the first of the month. Here the crops are reported above the average. In Tonkan, in the Cirnntic and in the Eastern Decern they are promising. Eleewhere, south and north of Neerbudda, in Jngaral, Kathiawar and Baroda, the raiiilall has been insufficient, and there has been but little sowing except in a few jl.ices. In the Carnatic provinces exc:lior.t raiua have prevailed lately. If ti e monsoon continues frvorable within the cultivated area crops will fall short only at Haj; pur and Chattifgard. Karled lu Polter'a Field Nfw York, Aug. 16. Geo-g Fergu son, who superintended the burial of some 8000 bodies n the Kings Connty potter's field, has himself been buriid there. He was G3 year ) old. He died August 5, and as the authorities could nnd no trace ol his relatives, a grave was dug for him in the place where in lite he directed the burial of so many paupers. A I'owder Mill Kaploston. Removes everything in sight; so do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer hreee, do the work perfectly. Cures Headache, Constipation. Only 25c at Blakeley's drug store. 2 Kurd Fired on British Consul. London, Aug. 14. The British foreign office has received a dispatch from Sir Nicholas O'Connor, British ambassador at Constantinople, announcing that the British consul at Van, while traveling near Elk, was fired on by Kurds, and bis dragoman was wounded. The consul got his party away with difficulty, and his baggage was lost. The ambassador has lodged a strong protest with the Turkish govern men t. Luxuries. Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they are necessities. A full line of cool an refreshing porter, ale, mineral water an beers kept on ice. Take a bottle borne for lunch. C. J. Stuhling. Phone 234. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distance 183. "Ring 'em up." ISm-tf Why pay f 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can boy James E. Pat ton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fa'.k, agents. ml7 'Meet us on the Midway" Event of the Times The Great Street Fair and Carnival! Occupying many solid blocks, taking in an entire street, frorr curb to curb : : : : PortM, Sft 4-15 OrecoL.. t'nder the aimplces of the Fort liinil Klks, surrMfnliiK In msttiil tilde nnd grandeur anything of the kind ever attempted on the i'aclflc Coast. The Streets ol Cairo I The Oriental Theatre I The German Village f The Dancing Girls t Aa Arabian Tageaatl Crowning the Qaeen '. Hex. King or the Carnival, At tended by HI Magnifi cent Coart. The Great Patsdeof the Elks and other orders. The Italian Park and Fountain. The Muxiilfi- rent Triumphal Arch and Grand Midway tilled with wonderful attractions. Mining, Mercan tile, Agricultural, Horticulture and other In dustrial exhibits. The Woman'. I'.vlllion, de signed by women, built by women and deco rated by women for the exhibit of women's Industrial work. The Grain Palace, built of Oregon and Washington grains and grasses. Ml SIC, TVX AMD OAYKTT. NIGHT Tl'KKED 1STO DAT. .1 to Portland from all parts of the Pacttlo Northwest. THE CLK-IN'SIXO AND 11 KALI NO CURB FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream B3!m KtrT and ulewaut to WANTED TO HUG THE CASHIER Tkt Relief of Tws Wa Who Were Embarrasae la a Laacaroosa. Two jouiix ivciucu went into a dowutovtu hinchroom one Sunday ufleriioon recently uud ordered what for woiueu was u very substantial re yaM. 'lhry bad a pot of chocolate, some sweetbread croquettes, with peas and potatoes, a salad, cheese and, lastly, wilh a recklessness for conse quence dreadful to behold, ice cream meringues. As they slowly consumed these viands ihty chatted of the bargain counter victories that hud been theirs that nioiniu;,', for they were oa tueir way uptown from the busy marts of trade, says the Baltimore .News. All went will, us the novelists say, until the waiter presented their check and stood with his head respectfully bowed uud his little silver tray within easy reach, waiting for the w herewith al to pay it. Two-ten," said the elder of the young women, consulting the figure on the check; "I wish you'd pay it dear, and when we get home we can straighten up our accounts." "l'ay it," exclaimed the youngergirl. in tones of consternation; "why, 1 huveu't but 5U cents in my purse. 1 thought you hud plenty of money with you." "I spent it all, said the other, gloom ily. "I spent everything in my purs but one English piiinv. a ni''ht ke and a silver glove-buttoner for a fou lard silk ind such luxuries, but now we have lived riotously and have no monej and we'll probably have to leave ou hats as an earnest tlrat we intend tc come buck and settle our accoun while we go and try to borrow funds from reiuctuut friends. "I wish you'd be serious," said tht vouuirer irirl. hysterically; "the cash ier's looking." "I'm more than serious; I'm positive ly frantic. The cashier probably thinks we're bunko people und wil iCiid for a policeman to carry us off 1 wish we hadn't eaten everything; il would have looked better if we had left i little piece of cheese or one cro quctte," and both the young vvoniei laughed half-heartedly to deceive th cashier and the waiter into believinj their plethoric purses contained inon ey and. no't samples. Then they discussed the situatiot nervously in w hispers and finally, us b last resort, determined to take thi cashier into their confidence. He proved a very amiable person in deed, when approached. Just giv me y-our address," he said, reassuring ly, "and stop in and puy the accounl some other time." "I'm glad I didn't hug him," tht youngergirl remarked, as they emerged from the building. "I thought ) would for one wild moment, but lit mightn't have liked it. I think, how ever, I never met so fascinating a mar. in my life." "lie wouldn't have liked it," said hei companion, tersely. "Let's go to tht drug store nnd get something for out nerves w ith your SO cents. I never w as so upset in my life." Volcanio Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Beet Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley's drug store. '1 Iteuieraber That Chas. Stubling is still doing a retail business at his new place. He sells in quantities to suit all customer, irora one bottle to a barrel, family orders delivered promptly. Oregon SUITE FfllR SALEM, OREGON. September 17 to 22, 1900. BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER - BEFORE. Gronndi greatly improved, buildings repaired and renovated, all stock build ings thoroughly disinfected; everything in firft-c'asg condition for the largest and best Live Stock Show and Agricult ural Exposition ever held on the Coast. $20,000 17 premiums purges Good racing every afternoon. Music nnd fun at night. Auction mile of llventnek will be mde a lesd Ins; feature. All livestock nnd other exhibits hsnlrd free over the KmithiTii I'srlfio rsHrosd Kwlupcd iismwneer rstes .n nil rnUromU kr premium llt snd other 'nforiiiHtlon sdilrens w. il. vt l-.HKLNil, President. Hlllahoro, Or. M. 1). W IriUOM, Bee, l'oitlsnd, Or. II ' 8TURDEVANT, Ientist. Office oi er French A Co.'s Bank Phoria , THE DALLES. OREGON JjR. K. E. r EHGl'flO, Physician and Siirgeon, Otnce, Vogt Block (over Postoffloe), 20tplmodw THE DALLES, OHEGON. J. r. MCOIE. OHSI OAVIN MOORE & GAVLV. A 1 1UKKYS AT LAW Rooms 39 and 40, over U. H. Und Office. JJK. C. T. SMITH, Osteopath. Rooms 10 snd II, Chnninsn Blwk, The Dalle. Oregon. Tuesdays hii.( t rldays, a i. m. to " ' may 18 I m I i 0JML tiriT Tias sciiidcu. Aita:vi rua t to Diuu. Fson Fast Suit lkr, DetiTer. Ft. Ft Mall Worth, Omshs, Ksa- Mil 1' Wp.m. ms ity, tit. Louis, U:i p si Chicago and East. Atlantie 'Bait Lske, Denrer, Ft. 4:45 a.m. Fxpress Worth, Omaha, Kan U:oi . m. s City, Ht. Louis. Vis Hunt- CLieagK and East, instou. Spokane Walls Walls, Bpoksne, Spokane iUil Minneapolis. Bt. haul, Mall and i) a lu t h, Milwaukee, and Express Chicago and East, via Express Bpokanesxd Hunting ton: slso ali points tu 9:25 p.m. Waabiugton and taut- 3:30s.m era Oregon. p.m. FaoM PosTLiND. 1p.m. Ocean steamships. For San Francieo Every Five Days. 8 p. m. I I 4 p. m. Ex.buudav Colombia Rv. Steamers. Kx.sundsj To Astoria and Way Eamrday Landings, lu p. in. 6s. m. I Willamette Rivir. 4:30 p.m. Ex.buudaylOrcgou City, Kewberg, Ex.bunda j Salem it Way Land's.; . ! 7 a. m, 'Willamittb and Yam- 3:30 p.m. Tues.Thur-l HILL Kivers. Moil, Wed and ohc : Oregon City, Dayton, and Frl. and Way-lindingk. 1 Skaxx Rivih. Liavi Lr Ritarla Riparia to I-ewiston. Lkwikton dally daily 8.36 a.m. 9:00 a.m. I Etf Parties desiring to go to Heppner or points on Columbia Boutntrn via HiggH, snouid lane io. 1, leaving 'i ne Danes at p. m making direct connections at Heppner junction and Higga. Returning niakingdirectcounectlon at rieppuer junction ana inggs una jno, riving at The Dalles at U.M p. m. For full particulars call on O. .it X. Co.'i agent The Dalles, or address W. H. HCRI.BCRT, Gen. Fas. Agt , Portland, Or. Yellowstone Park Line. THE D1KIXQ CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EA8T. THE ONLY DIRECT LIKE TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK. Union Leiot, Finn and I Sis No. . Faat mall for Tucoma, Seattle, Olyinpia, Gray's j Harbor and booth Hend pomta, Bpokane, Ross lland, B. C, l'ullnian, Moscow. Leaiaton. Hnf- No. 11:15 A. M. falolliinipminingcoun- 8;50 P. M. try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points eiut and southeast. Ptlffet Hound Kxorem No. 4. No. 3. 7;00 A. M. 11;30 P. M.i for Tncoma and Seattle and intermediate points Pullman flrnt-elasa nnd tnnriit iImtwm tn Minnennolia. Ht. Paul and MIkhohH rl vpr nil n tit without change. Vttstihuled trains. Union depot connections In all principal cities. Baggage r.nooked to destination of tickets. For handsomelv iJlnsiiateri riranrlntt vn rn u t tor tickets, sleep! UK cur reservtitioiia. etf . itkl I riti write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General PoKsenger Agent. 2-V Morrl son Btreet, corner Third, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via 11(011 Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Pnpiu,,H .a ......... . . tj m in, nuu O p. ill. Leave Portland .... s:30a m ....12.30am . . . .12 :t( a m .... 5:00 p m .... 7:4.) p m 7:00 p m 10:60 pm 11:30am 4:85 am 8:15am 1 Alhany , Arrive Ashlnnd Sacramento 1 San Francisco . Arrive Ogdon .. IS:4o a m ... :). m .. -. 7:45 a m 11:15 am Denver 1 KaliaasClty ' Chicago 9:iio a m 7:25 a m Mill Arrive l.os Angeles ... . 1 :'20 p m :tK) p m .. (!:; a m .. :Viam .. 4:()a m . H:?!) a m . 0:42 a in .12:48 p m 7:00 a m :() p m :: a m 9 - h'i a m r.i raw 1 Fort Worth ' City of Mexico . 1 Houston 1 New Orleans... ' Washington. .. . 1 New York 4-tio a m :2 p m 6 41 a m 12 43 p m Pn!lma-l snd Tonrl.t w .... 'hair cars Kaeramento in nH..n ..... v , ' and tourist cars to ( hlcago, st Louis, New Or leans and W asblngton. "I? ." ranclsoo with several Jtcam.hlp lines for Honolulu, Japan. China, Philippine., Central aud South Ainiriea. See agent at The Dalles station, or addrra. C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. lightens the load- Grease - helji tlic team. Save, wenr and :ix;ue. hold every when STANDARD OIL OO. iilrn Pali; TXfttla r-C Ci 1 -.w v oaring ro, Btate of tlieg,,,,, date? thf V si 1 1'Juo. In a certain i; V.'1 std county and state wIImI 2'?" face, ccfe,,d... tJ'iti r, Ottawa.. letl-si Jlanrurtt A. Booggiu as .,. 1 1 ort . snd ' - ."! of ,v 5 was ub,tit.,.".',"1 given that I will on sSksI, August, 1JU0, at the ,unty cunJt a Dalles City, In ald Watco c.T, . huu" w -o clock In the .Itcrnoof J' He suction to the hiAc,t i T, , y' followiug described P The southeat qairte of Vomh t: south half of uVhJ.t ouL,1?""') T"" 1.. ..'V ,ne ootheast Qurt',,f i twenty-eight m. tow ,, XV t.unc' i range seventeen (17. east u- P . t number three f!) int- : I .i in i auithiiu s sdditlon to th. t-J snd V vied upon .. to; l" On. &f . nanace, or sc much therHjf.. esaarT to u.l. n..... . , 'alilc... W. a: Scoggiu ."gal, "tMi 'TOT !? Interest hereon at the rat of'eL, ?l1.e' ' annum fiom the :m , 'n! Wretti., with .11 costs ana ti&VKmT may accrue, "iuenis that Dated st T)H.K.?.??.RT"KUY,She,;. July luuo. ' ' u'co -unty, 0r.E" i-i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Liko Ornca at Vancovvir, w', Notice Is hereby given th'hi6'.1''' ' named settler ha. filed notice of hu V110 to Htial pr,x,f In supSoh 'i'el '".'.IS" J-Vli n.ide before w ... omuitsHoner for iu. 'I Washington, at hi.otlin i P "w 1 Ington, on Oct.,ber 1, at tl " John Watsoo, P. O. address Centervillc, Wash .h. homrstead application No. Wi f.w'uIifS Sec -22, Tp 8 N, K 14 E, W. M ' toe Who names the foil. ,iv,,,.', . o,;.a,nTfad?v,z.?Siae"Ce"S Charles Htriiube, William Wllklnsnr J.. C. Daly and Patrk-k llaggtrtv ill m5'. f.O., Washington. "Mggtr,' " 01 ' tL. c e. a 181 W. R. D IN BAR, BctutB. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION, Land Crncgnt The aus,om July ID. lHu' Notice Is hereby given that the fn0i named settler has nied notice of hi. In Ho mske final proof In support of his r .ii .,' that said i.rH.f will he made f-.(.L',aLL,! and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregoti, in ThuT day, August;), 1U0O. via.: ' l""1,r John W. Johnston, of The Dsllci, Or K W Jl oL;Scc25, TpJS, E He. name the following ltnet(etTrnvtV continuous residence upon, and cuUiVuioo said land, t s: J. W. Marquis, G. W. Johnston, Frank Trie Icy, Geo. E. Johnston, all of The Dalles, Out.-, JAVP. LUCAS, Register EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undent have been duly appointed by the honor euuuiy couri, oi iiie state oi uregon, ft r sir eouuiy, vxet'iitors oi tne esiata ol Horstio( son, deceased. All pertons having cll; against said estate are hereby notiiied tn nn the same, properly veriHed, to the undent J i nariea c. nasco, Mierman counr orc-gon, or at tneomce of our attornets, Me: fee dt Wilson, at The Dulles, Oiegnu, wltiia t mouthH from the date of this notice, Dated July I I, I'm. CHARLES R. CORSON WILLIAM K. C(kIS' Executors of the estate of Horatio Corson. e ceasea. iij., NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale, Land Office at The, Omtoosi July 'HI, law. i Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance: Imtructtnns from the commissioner of the f ernl land olllce, under authoittv vested In il: Dy section 24na u. H. Kev. etai., as meiinea t the act of congress amiroved Februsrv. 1 we will nrocoed to oiler at public sale on Satnr dav. the Hth day of September, next, at the hw of 10 o'clock, a. m., at this olllce, the folloslii tract oi land, to-wit: Lot 4. Sec 1.1. Tn. 1 V.. R. 12 E.. W. M, Anv and all persons claiming the it" deatiribecl lamia are advised to file th""! claims In this olllce on or before tbe dav ibo" designated for the commencement of ulil Hit. otherwise tliulr rights will he loriciiea. JAY P. LUCAS, Rcgiiter, al l OTIS PATTERSON, Receir. NOTICE FOR rUBLICATIOS. Land Orncg at The Dalms, 0m.,i July w, ito i Kntlcn la berchv slven that the followini named settler lias filed notice of her inlenlia to commute and make final proof In inpiioo " her clulm, and that said prool win w fore tbe rcgirter and receiver at The W Oregon, on Thursday, September 20, llsa, vis: Lola A. Helm, of The Dalles, H. E. No. f,l50, for the NW SK!f Vi :' and SWU SWi, Sec. T. 1 ., R. " r.., uh.n..nM ',. r.,ll.w1iiwitne.sestoDr0TeH' continuous residence UHin, snd cultivation Mid land vis: , . Peter Fngan, G. Wctmorc, Clurlei M"'"l V. Fox, all of The Dalles, Or. JA l P. I-i i a3 al l ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATI0S. Laud Ornca at The ' Notice Is hereby given that the foll named settler has tiled notice of hU to"'""'"' make final proof In support of hit J1'"" that said pr.Kf will be made before the ws and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, o day, August '21, 11MI0, viz: Horace U. Tattrrson, of The '"a'' II . E. No. 54-4 for the SW)4' BW'i, m NJ SVt4, Seo. HI, Tp. s N., K. 12 " "' K, fle naines toe foll.lwlng witncsiw W Continuous residence upon and cuim"" said land, vis: . , T s.rt R. P. Patterson, P. J. Hoberts. A.t.' L. K. Roberta, all of Mosler, Oregon. ja r. " Jit II t Kefi' DISSOLUTION NOTICE. . ...nHI Notice Is hereby given that M T" " ,J da dissolved by muio"' - j.,, I)ufur retiring ftoin said tlrm. r. M s esses In which said linn ia i- tornevs, will be attc iideil to ""'' jiwlutin both partners the same s though no ol" had (s i nrrcil. iAt stiid ac- - Frank Menefea will retain the r"" i ooiints of the firm, and will iy indfti" claims saalnst said flrin.aiid all P""" lai to tne nrm ot lonur "jr,ai 1 ol Dufur Meneli "' J same with him at an esrl) d ,, Hhe Dalles, Orcg,f. settle too an Hated at July. Paw. J'yt w FRANK EXECUTOR'S NONCE. Notice Is hereby given that th J'S! has hecn duly appointed by !" """-,ntT. of the state of Oregon, for " s mi. tor of the estate of Au u.t a ceased. All persons having claims eauta era heny notified to pre" Ufrt,p properly vended, to no ""'"''.r.. or'"' . k.'e.l. at The Dalles, W asco c " t; " at the offl. of his attorneys. i. ' M (r at The Dslh. Oregon, withl" the date ol this notice. . Dated this day J;,WiK P ExecnUirof the estate of Aug""' ,1,21 deccaaetl. DB'UsTISENI'OHrra." meut was enrolled .H . "tm, W ru-e lu aid court, on luueY,' 10 i1',, the second day of J J 'A r-.ade und iii, ii nn !.. or so ora neretolore existing neiwc u r.. ... - Frank Menefeo, at The I'1.' ;..jem;' the Arm name and style of Dufur A t , this da dissolved by mutual h'i,mI Physician aii.sirc""' Special attenUon given to . V Roomi21anJ23,