THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. AUGUST 18. 1900. The Weekly Ghronlele. Advertising Kataa. Per tnck O talneh or Wa la Paily II SO U r two inchea and (our Inche 11 O ?er (our inche. sad uuder twelva lucaea. . D.-ar twelve inchn 60 DAILY AND VIlKLf . One inch or rrw, per Inch 2 SO Orer one Inch and under four inches 'i 00 ()?ur (our Inches and uuder twelta Inch. . 1 60 Over twelve inches 100 JVO TKMPORIZIXO WITH CHINA. Tbe powers will not temroiize with China. Tie fact is clearly in. tlicateil by the flat-footed lefusal of the United States, Great Britain and Franco to listen to tbe peace propos als of Kwang Hsu, representing Lira self as actual emperor of the Chinese empire, says the Spokesman-Review. The edict appointing Li Hung Chang ns envoy plenipotentiary to negotiate for peace with the powers is only a subterfuge. Were the powers to nccede to the request of the emperor it would only allow more time for China to gel her armies into shpe for the serious woik of attempting to drive tbe allied troops to the sea coast. It is pretty clearly established thnt no terms offered by China will find favor that do not include entrnnce of tbo allied armies into Pekin for tbe safe conduct to tbe seaconst of tke diplomats, missionaries and na tive Christians now besieged in l'e kin. It would be worse than folly to back down at this juncture from the position assumed hy tbe civilized world. The powers have set out to teacb China that she must be decent in her treatment of foreigners. They have demanded that tbo ministers accredited to Pekin be safe-guarded and have time and again asked for proof that their demands have been complied with. No satisfactory an swer has been had. Instead of put ting into operation all machinery at hand in Pekin to preserve tbe lega tions 'rom barm, China has permitted tbe imperial troops to daily besiege the legationers and has summoned to to tbe front all the troops within marching distance of tbe foreign in vaders. Every avenue through which news of actual conditions in Pekin might be had lias been effectu ally closed. The same conditions m any other capital of the globe would long ago have been rause for a dec laration of war by every nation in terested and something would drop, Altogether too much latitude has been given the Chinese. They have been permitted to take their lime to answer every proposal and ultima tum given them. Wkep they failed to reply to important notes excuses have been made until invention has been exhausted. The only safe course to pursue with China is to compel her to biwb'e herself and apologize for the gross insults offered tbe foregn ministers, and the powers must exact ample and immediate reparation for the excesses com mitted by the Boxers and the im perial troops. To make tbe lesson a thorough one they should have a complete understanding with the Pe kin government on matters of com merce and missionaries. If tbe powers fail to do this China will be a closed book for many years to come. I The powers agree that it is impos sible to take seriously the proposals of Kwang Hsu until it is well estab lished that he is in reality the em peror. That they will falter in their determination to force entrmce to Pekin seems improbable. When the ministers and their establishments, the missionaries and native converts are in places of safety it will be time to consider China's appeal for ccssa tion of hostilities. primary schooling, and, at an earl) age, his "lime." He earned S4 tbe first year of self-support. His wages included bis board and clothes, so that of the t8 be saved every cent On his way to California he was de layed wilb others three months wait inz for a north bound steamer; but while otheis merely waited and used Bp their substance in being comfort able, he lived worked and traded so as to increase his cap ital from 1200 to 5000. All that be ncquired in wealth and power he owed timply and solely to his own exertions, iron will, patient accumu lation and retention of useful infor mation and application to sagacious plans and prudent safeguards. It is impossible to speak of Mr. Huntington's career, great in achieve ment and inspiring in example as it was ltr many ways of patient indus try, strenuous endeavor and bold enunciation of the practical views cf life and society he held, without reflecting in regret upon the stu pendous power he exerted in a po litical way for the benefit of the vast private interests with which he was identified. To man so influenced congress in questionable ways, what ever be thought of the justice of the ends be sought. Bui if we are sin cure we must recognize that the 'principal in these offenses is the cor rupt oilicial and tbe corporation is the accessory. The average man will prefer to carry on his business in alawful and honorable way if he is let alone. The original source of railroad corruption is to be found in unscrupulous olackmailers who have sworn to do their duty to tbe state. With honest men elected to office, all that is unlovely in the public career of C. P. Huntington could never be. Tbe first move of the corporation in politics is self-protection. Tbe next step to self-aggrandizement is easy. Huntington, no less than Skakes peare or Lincoln, is tbe product of tbe life of his time. them from poer. The republican party under McKinley is continuing tbe anli-impetialiscn work of Lincoln. "To over ten millions of the human race living in tbe Philippine islands it has given 'a new birth of free doaj.'i" The responsibility of caring for the new "wards of the nation" wi'.l be met as faithfully by tbe re publican party as it has been in the case of tbo freedmen of tbe south schools for the children, fair trails by jury, equality of opportunity with the white man, these are some of the things the republican party has accomplished for the negro race of this country, after it rescued them from their bonds; and will do also for tbe millions it has since rescued from tbe cruel "dominion of Spain. In China the republican administra tion is opposing imperialistic parti tion by European nations and is ad vocating tbe "open door," not." There are many men in East ern Oregon who are not indifferent on the subject, and they can remem ber tbe time when sheep were almost valueless as a result of the tariff law Bryan helped to passed. "Elect me to tbe presidency. The senate is safely republican, and it would be impossible for me to do any harm to the country during tbe next four years." Does the country want a chief executive who is com polled to make such a plea in bis own behalf? Anxiety as to the tate of the Pe kin relief expedition is acute. News may come any hour that it has met serious resistance before the gates of the capital, and the losses of tbe last engagement were so serious that tbe powers expect the next will bring with it a talo of heavy losses. If tbe Imperial troops are ordered to resist tbe final entrance of tbe allied troops into the city, tbe invaders will have a more desperate task than has yet been given there, for there has been ample time for Chinese commanders to place artillery at oil weak points to fortify the natural approaches, There is hope, that China will weaken when tbe Imperial authorities sur rounding the empress dowager are actually brought face to face with the relief forces, but that hope can not safely be based on any action heretofore taken by China. There is an interesting subsidence of the hue and cry from democratic sources about "militarism." Tbe phenomenon has been coincidental wilb Bryan's long silencd about China, and final confession that the administration was doing tbe right thing there. If "militarism" is right in China, as Mr. Bryan admits, why is it wrong in the Philippines? Troops in China may avenge crimes that have been committed, but can never restore tbe lives of people that have been already massacred. In the Philippines the use of Arucri can troops has prevented the perpe tration of such horrors as in China have shocked the whole world, In eluding even Mr. Biyan. Manila was prevented riom occomiog a charnel house only througn the vig ilance of American troops who were on guard duty the night that Aguin aldo had set for the general massacre ot all Americans and Europeans in that city. How about the old adage that "an ounce of prevention is worth one pound of cure?" There is one army that goes up with a great bound when the demo cratic party controls tbe country, and that is the army of the unemployed. mays & 6 i owe s Y COLL1S P. IIVSTISOTOS. In the field he bad chosen for tbe exercise of his great talents, Mr. Col lis P. Huntington was supreme, says the Oregonian. His power in trans portation circles, and especially in tbe relationship transportation en terprise sustains to government, was something no man ever attained be fore and no man, perhaps, ever will attain again. His career is another of those monumental rebukes to tbe assertion of charlatans that there is no show in this country for a poor man. Huntington was born a poor Connecticut country boy. All that This is the way Towne looks at it, He says he was in doubt, when tbe democrats adopted their "splendid platform" at Chicago in 1896, whether they were actuated by an impulse or a purpose, but the "mag nificent achievements" at Kansas City have settled all doubts on the subject. Here we have it then. Tbe ''paramount issue" may go a glim mering for all of Mr. Towne. It is tbe "magnificent achievement" of re affirming 16 to 1 and tbe whole Chi cago platform that has so enamored him of the democratic party that be declines the populist nomination in order to crystallize that "splendid platform" into an administration pol icy by the election of Mr. Bryan. Here is one man at least who is not biding behind an anti-imperialism decoy with a 16 ta 1 gun. W. S, Stratton, who recently sold his Independence mine at Cripple Creek for 10,000,000, gave 23,000 to the dcrrocratic campaign fund in 1896, and was one of Bryan's most enthusiastic supporters. This year he says he will give more than 25, 000 to the republican campaign fund ind will support McKinley. The democratic cry of "imperial ism" is like tbe thief's cry of "stop thief;" in order to divert tbe pursu ing crowd from himself. The re publican party was the means of freeing the slaves whom the demo- At Chicago on Monday Bryan de livered a part of his speech of ac ceptance into the phonograph, and this will be ground out in different sections of the country, and become an important part of the campaign. There is no advantage in this it is machine both in original and coun terfeit excepting lhat the counter felt will be slightly more automatic. Tbe circus managers will certainly all avail themselves of this opportu nity. Mr. Biyan is a great enter tainer. He appeals to tbe ears of the people, but this does not lead any great number of them to conclude that they want him for president. The only store U this city where th Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enaiu eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look likeit.butthegenu ine has the name atransky - Steel Ware on eac h piece Do not be deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred by the best cookingai'thorities, certified to by the mobt famous chem iste for purity and cluraDiuty it is cheapest because The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hag bi in use ior over jcurs, iuu uumo me signature .r stuu iu rvtcu uus-ue UllUer Ills pfV t. sonal supervision since Its Infancy 1CCCAMZ Allow no one to deceive yon In thit" All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castor!;. Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic taibstance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of BEST. Mr. Bryan promises that if elected he will undertake to give the tilipi nos self-government. But suppose they prefer a dictatorship under Aguinaldo, what then? Will Bryan insist on establishing self-govern ment by force? Besides, if the United States has no established right to the islacds, what right would Bryan have to even suggest wbat kind of a government tbey should have? That would be a variety of imperialism that the German kaiser would hardly attempt. Icrats would have kept In chains had -his father could give bim was a brief the election of Lincoln not forced Tbe Des Moines Leader, an anti- imperialism" organ in Iowa, says: "Let it be granted tbat imperialism will slay its hundreds; 16 to 1 would slay its thousands, Let tbe Novem ber news be that Mr. Bryan is elected, and although it may bring gladness to the far-off Filipinos, as to tbe struggle for their liberties, it will bring despair and a short larder to tho American business and work ing man." Every democratic editor is bard at work trying to convince his readers tbat tbe 16 to 1 plank of the Kansas City platform doesn't mean anything. But he doesn't attempt tD account for Mr. Bryan's persistency in forc ing its adoption. American fruit carried off tbe honors at the Paris exposition. Had the Oregon fruit been in greater evi dence, in its perfection, tbe lead in favor of tho United stutcs would have been more pronounced. While a member of congress Mr. Bryan said in a speech in tbe house: "Speaking for myself, it is immate rial whether the sheep-grower re ceives any benefit from tho tariff or Remember, this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is not affected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake without imparting flavor of previously cooked fooil and will last for years. We cau tion tha public mr;iiii?t iinitat iozii The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THK OKNTAUH OOWMNV. TT MUNMV VTRCrT. NIWVOM CrTV. r3 CLiOUD GAP Iflfl NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scsnery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. Buy your tickets from the MOUNTAIN STAGE & LIVERY COM PANY, Hood River, Oregon. jiyi2 St. juaiy's Hcaaemu Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - OREGON. Thin Inatitutinn la pleaaantly altuatcd near the Columbia on the line of the O. R. A N. Co ; thence it la easy of acccaa for all thnae who de aire to aecure a comfortable home and a proirrttt alve aeat of learnliia; for their tlauirhtera or wards. The location of the Acuilciny ia one of the moat hralthy on tbe Pacific alojie, thia por tion of Oregon being proverbial for Ita pure water, bracii air. anil nfrinr m ...,... Tha Acachynyla incorporated anil authorized by the State to confer Academic honor. Hoird and tuition tier achnlii.Hn VAar lirjl Htiidiea will rxresnniei TiipmIhv. i(tcmh..r.4ih' For detailed information H fit 1 1 V fll thai Ulafo Superior. burO-Ihi Wasco Warehouse Company Headquartersfor Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot piikin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, i' Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr Tnis loar manufactured expressly for family nse ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wa sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if yon don't think w call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. tS Mr00!19' clot,lin. Bot nd Shoes, at much less than wholesale prices. Will eel I in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before thirty days. All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Conetl and Outterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Comer Second and Court Sts. Chicten Lice Conprei i USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The most efficient Wood I'reiervln Faint alaoa Kailical licineily HKtiii'-t Chicken Uo. Ita application to In ide aallaof poultry houses will per manently exterminate all lieu. Kc- auita healthy chickena, pentv of cr. Wrile for clreulara and nilcca. Mention thia paper. Jos.T. Peters & Co., t THE IIALLU, OltKOO.N. ff; C. F. Stephens .Dealer In.. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Root, Shoe. Ilata, fapa. Notion, lor W. U liouglaa shoo. Telephone No. 8S. Becond St., MaM Tbe Dalles, Or, 0000 0-000 OOOO O O O O 0-0 O $ 0 $ Good News ? to Good Dressers.... I o a of T . .... i pxrpnfi a i . ... . . .1 - - - i., X ,17 , , " ynaiion to an id inneci tuo bbihii. ... W , 00b".? ,ro,u t,,e CKOWN TAILORING CO., Chicago's famous Coi jti torn Irtilors. Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. frit, workmanship and entire satisfaction guaranteed. A JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. &00000Q. 0-0,0 Qffl Q Q OOOOOOOO OOvft o o Before you place any orders for a tombstone or for r-nrliina. fencinir or other cemetery work, call on Louis Coinini. I will not only give you all the information you need but I will quol yon prices ynu cannot beat anywhere.- l et no one blurT yon. It will tke only a few minutes to call and see me. If you have a neighbor who ever did buainess with me consult him as to me price and quality of my woik and abide by the result. : t iiintuiiBum " Louis Comini