The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 15, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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Harry Hix,o( Kiogt'ey, wat in town
last nigbt.
Finley McBeth it registered t the
Umatilla House from Antelope.
Hon. F. N. Jonet, of Sherer't Bridge,
it registered at the Umatilla House.
T. and M. Balfour, of Lyle, were in
town lat night and left fur home on tbit
morniog'e boat.
Andrew Velarde left on thit morning't
boat to join bit motber and titter at St.
Martin's Sprmgr
John B!aser left on tbit morning't
boat to join hit family, who are camping
at St. Martin't Spriogt.
Doctor Td Hanna6n, the leading hy
eieian of Boorbon, bberman coooty, it
registered at tbe Umatilla House.
Congressman M. A. Moody, the Misset
Anna and Bessie Lang, Wm. Ellery and
Mrt. II. Mitchell left on thit morning't
boat to tpend Sunday at Cloud Cap Ion.
T.J. Seofert, wife and children. Mr.
and Mrt. Pat Gorman and Mitiet May
and Anna Healy, cf Portland, who bare
been visiting for tome time witb Mr.
and Mrt. Senfert, were pasaengert on
thit morning't boat for an ooling at
Collint Landing.
Mr. Jatnet Sowran, of Portage, Wit.,
who recently accompanied Mr. and Mrt.
J. . Welle to this coast, arrived in tbe
city latt night witb hit friend, H. Mar
tin, whom he bit been visiting at Cen
tralia. Wash. They will remain a few
dayt, probably making tbe trip to Cloud
Cap Inn witb a party who leave here
Roger B. Sinnott returned today from
m trip to tbe valley.
JoLn W. Minto, ex-cbief of police of
Portland, it in tbe city today.
Mrt. Kellie Wand left thit morning
for Portland on a business trip.
Phil Knowlet.tbe general proprietor cf
the 15-Mile house, it in tbe city from
Al Bettiogen and T. T. Nicholas left
no the boat tbit morning lor Collint
Hugh Gonrlay, editor of The Ciiboni
ci a, left thit morning for a few dayt'
. trip to the bocnd.
Mrt. George Blakeley returned Satur
day evening from a visitin Portland and
at Gearhart Park on Clatsop beach.
Walter and David Johns left for
Spokane last evening, where they will in
all probability make their future home.
Mitt Mattie Bailey, who hat been
tailing at tbe hone of her father. Rev,
C. P. Bailey, of this city, left yesterday
on tbe train lor Grass Valley.
Miss Grace Scott, of the Chronicle
force, left yesterday morning forCorvallit
where el.e will make a short vmt with
her mother and epend a few dayt at
Yaquina bay.
Jod'l. S. Kith left for the Greenhorn
mountains this afternoon, where he goes
V tpend a couple of weekt in the mines
at well at to take a well earned rest from
hit labors in the hotel.
Miss Clarke, of Bickelton, who has
been visiting for the past week witb
Dalies friends, left on the ttage this
morning for Goldendale, where she will
attend the teachers' institute before re
turning borne.
L. L. Van Ordwick, the popular bar
ber in the Umatilla House tooeorial
parlors, bat returned from bis summer
vacation and resumed bis duties in the
ehop, where he will be pleased to tueet
bit friendt and patront.
Lee Morehouse, of Pendleton, tbe
artist who bat become so widely known
on account of bit picture of the twin
Indian babiea, wat in the city yesterday
and made a trip to the Indian village on
tbe Washington aide, where be secured
eomo promising Indian picture!.
Mrs. A. Crosby and daughter left for
Salem today to vieit her brother, Dow
Palmer, who wat formerly Western
Union operator at thit place, and who
it reported dangerously ill. He hat
been ailing for several months, and it is
i eared mat he bas consumption.
Theodore J. Seofert returned last even
ing from Collint Landing, where hit
family hat gone into camp, and left on
the 12:30 train today for the Imperial
Group of mines in which he is interested,
and where he will spend his summer
outing digging for tbe yellow metal.
Mrt. J. V. O'Leary arrived in the city
Saturday from Ontario, Oregon, where,
with her family, the hat spent the win
ter. Mr. O'Leary is on bis way to Mon
tana with bit theep, and the will visit
friendt here for a time, but will proba
bly make her future home in Moutana.
Charlet l ord it in the city today from
Arlington on a business trip.
James Baldwin returned from a trip
to Portland last evening and has resumed
work in the Baldwin saloon.
Mrs. A. Thornburv. havinv imnt a
short time witb her daughters here, re-
lurnea io rortland by boat today.
Mr. and M-t. Wm, Michell and
daughter. Miss Annette, accompanied
oj ineir guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. E
Wells and Miss Maude Wells, of Port
age, Wis., left on the boat this morning
bound for Cloud Cap Inn, where they
wut remain unni xnursaay aiternoon.
Messrs. James Gowran, of Portage,
Wit., and H. II. Martin, of Contralia,
were passenger on the Dallee City thit
uiurnioR-, me former on hit way lo visit
friendt in California, and the latter re
turning to Centralis, he being tenior
member of the large lumbering firm of
ii. ii. martin & Uo. at that place.
Ely's Cream Balm
Kaay and pleasant to
. Contains no In
jurious drug.
Jt i quick absorbed.
iire Kaiiefat one.
It Opens and Cleans
tha Nasal Paasairea.
All.-iys Inflammation.
Beala and Protect the Membrane. Restores tha
rmnas 01 i at and Kmell. ljiryt Hnte, SO cm It at
t'Pv? !y m"'1 'l'r,, 8,I. " by mall.
hit BKUTIIKRS, M Warren Street, Hew Vork.
Subscribe for Tat CaaoNicxt.
A New Taakes Ratioa That rUi
I Drive Bala) Heads twm ,
A Massachusetts Yankee baa been
tempting immortality by inventing a
hat the wearing of which will assure
to tbe most baldbeaded of the race
new and luxuriant bead of hair, say
the New York Tribune, To all out
ward appearance the new patent dif
fera not at all from the ordinary
derby. Ita secret ia concealed within
the crown. There, fastened to the in
terior of - the crown, and thereby
raised an Inch or more above the
hair, ia a small metal receptacle. Into
this receptacle is locked a specially
prepared pad, which ia soaked before
using with a aecret combination of
chemicals. When the bat ia worn th
heat of the head generates a chemical
action which throws oft from the pad
vapor. This vapor, acting on a per
fectly bald scalp, will produce a new
crop of hair, or it the hair has begun
to fall it will renew and strengthen
the growth. In this way a baldbeaded
man need lose no time in taking treat
ments, but may go about bia business
serene in the certainty that the vapor
is doing It work.
Poor Skewlasr treat ThU Country,
During the year 1S99 52.6G1 vessels
of 31,233,5S0 tons, entered end cleared
Chinese ports. Of these vessels 7U.
of 239,152 tons, were American.
Tha Artaslaa Wll.
The artesian well which the city
boring back of tbe distributing reservoir,
bas now reached depth of 400 feet
When first stsrted the drill bored a good
many feet each day, but they have now
struck hard basalt rock and are borin
only at the rate of four feet a day. Two
streams of water have been struck, one
at a depth of 105 feet, when the water
raised within 70 feet of the surface; then
again, at a depth of 200 feet of water wat
ttruck the second time, and the water in
the well fell, so that it only stood 105 feet
from the surface of the ground;
remained thus until another stream or a
seam in tbe rock was reached at a depth
of 390 feet, and the water then fell so
that it came within 200 feet of the sur
face, the weight of thit column of water
overcoming the pressure of the artesian
water below.
It it proposed to go to a depth of 550
fee!, which will then bring the depth of
the well below the level of one that was
bored by Kt-ufert Bros., near the river
last fall, which threw water over 25 feet
above tbe surface of the ground. If the
water does not reach the curlace at this
depth operations will be suspended.
Catarrh Cannot He Cared
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the teat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou mont take inter
nai remedies. Hall s Uatarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acta directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the beet
physicians in thit country for years, and
it a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tbe two ingredients is
what pfoduces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pillt are the best. 12
Urltlah-Amerlcan I'nlon Organised
Sas Francisco, Aug. 13 The Brit
ieh-Ainerican Union has been organized
in this city. Its purpose it stated to be
the furthering in every way of a better
understanding between "both great
branches of a common race," It is hoped
thus to afford a common rallying ground,
not only for the 50,000 Britishers in Call
iorn:a, but tor all those who recognize
the mutual intorestt of the British
empire and the United States. A board
of fifteen dtrectora have been chosen
under the presidency of William G.
Al'owdsr Mill Kaploslon.
Removes everything in sight; so do
drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty
dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate
machinery of your body with calomel,
croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's
New Life Pills, which are gentle as a
summer breez?, do the work perfectly.
Cures Headache, Constipation. Only
2 )c at Blakeley 's drug store. 2
Suicide of Indian Family.
Burns, Or., Aug. 10. A few days ago,
Snowdie, a Piute Indian of thit county,
committed suicide by eating wild pars
nip. Last week, his child, a 14-year-old
girl, on account of bad health, ended her
life in the tame way. Her mother, upon
finding th child dead, procured tome
paranipt, and, eating them, also ended
her life. It it unusual for Indiana to
commit tuicide.
helps the team. Saves wenr and
expense, hold every where
Last of Powerful Sacs and Foxes
in Tama County.
Follow the Caatnaas of Prlaal
to tavaaea ln Man? !
Live la t tit
Hold Dear Feaeta.
Tama county, Iowa, has a settWmen
of 400 Indians, the niot primitive and
wildest tribe of red jiu-u in tbe I'nited
States. Thev are the Musk wakia. For
in years they have been a source
TpIexity to the Indian bureau. Sev
t-ral years ago a government agent vis
ited the camp, and was horrihed at th
savagery of on of their "dog feasts.
He attempted to stop the dance, at tb
mi me time throwing in a few remark
about the beauty of free education
tuvi the Chicago Inter Ocean.
''Muskwaki Indian no likem educa
tion; it make Indian work like h 1,'
explained one of the chiefs.
Recently the I'nited States suiwrin
trndent of Indian whools, Mi8 Kstelle
Keel, made a vixit to the tribe to try
to persuade the M wakis to send
their children to the reservation school
The conference lasted four days. Mis
Keel drove out to the camp and found
it crowded with Indians and children
Some of the latter having run away
from school, die had gone out to in
duce the old people to allow their re
turn. She induced "Charlie lireen
shake" to allow the return of his tw
daughters to tho school, but "Thomas
Jefferson" insisted that his boy could
not go back to school until they had
(.one out to the traps, as he expected t
catch two skunks that morning. On
the promise of a big dinner to Jeffer
son, however, he agreed to allow his
boy to go to school.
Under the influence of their leader
and the government agenta, the most
of the Muskwakis removed to Kansas
between 1H42 and 1845. but scarcely had
they been settled in their new homes
when they became dissatisfied and be
gan to return and settle in smail vil
Inges along the Iowa river in Tama
county and Johnson county. When the
government became convinced of thei
determination to remain in Iowa,
reservation of about 4,000 acres was
nssigned to them on a site they select
ed. Here one generation succeeds an
other, living as their ancestors did. in
wigwams and wick-i-ups. The wick'
i-up is used for winter quarters, is ova
in form, from ten to twenty feet high
in the center, and covered with a mat
ting woven by squaws from rushes
gathered along the streams.
They still dress in primitive fashion
The majority of the members of the
tribe cling tenaciously to the moccasin
legging, and breechcloth, and loose
flowing shirt und blanket, and only a
few are using the clothing of the white
man. The Indians have adopted to
some extent the culinary utensils of
the whites, but there are only five
stoves among the tribe, and nearly all
the cooking is' done over an open fire
n the center of the wick-i-up, and the
smoke is almost intolerable. Xearlv
everything that they eat is cooked in
lard, and they are content if furnished
plenty of hot fried cakes, pork and cof
fee. They seldom eat beef, and show a
marked preference for pork, chicken
turkey, skunk and dog. They relish
rkunk particularly, and dogs are
raised in large numbers for feasts on
special occasions. These Indians are
excellent judges of good flour and
nothing but the finest patent made of
northern wheat will meet their ap
For 13 years there 1ms not liecn
single convert to the Christian faith,
and no member of the tribe has ever
been given a Christian burial. Only one
civil marriage has occurred.
The Muskwakis are the tattered rem
nant of the once powerful Sac und Fox
Indians, the terror, of early white set
tlers in the region of the great lakes
and the Mississippi valley. In 1815 the
Lnited States made a treaty of peace
and friendship with the Fox nation.
The original of thistreety is now in the
possession of the chief of the tribe in
Tama county, and is preserved in a lit
tle buckskin sack. It is prized verv
highly and guarded jealously. The
ribe attaches as much importance to
his treaty as the American people do
o the declaration of independence.
They boast with much pride that they
have never violated anv of ita nro-
isions, and from its date to the pree-
nt tune none of their bnnd has taken
up arms against the government.
With the passing of
lie last war chief of the tribe, who
ied in 1897, one of the strongest bar
riers to civilization was swept away.
Ma-tau-e-qun fought to the last ngainst
(1 neat ion and civilizing influences
mong his people. Jlis funeral was nn
ffair of state, nnd conducted nccord
ig to the rites made most sacred by-
ages. I he burying ground where his
body rests is situated on the south side
of a high bluff along the north bank of
the Iowa river, about nn eighth of a
miles east of the "Narrows," where the
Chicago & Northwestern railway
crosses between the bluff and the dani.
If you intend to take a trip EaBt, ask
your ticket agent to route yon via Tbe
Great Wabash, a modern and op to-dnte
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New Ycrk
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls and.'every through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Mop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Ko C. Cunt,
Pacific Coast PaJt. Agt
I)t Angeles, Calif.
C. S. Cban. O. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Clarke & Fa!k have on tale a fall line
of paint and artitt't brasher. ,
Teacher Biaralucllea.
The following were tuccvttful appli
cants for certificates at the teachers' ex
amination held here last week :
Firtt grade Blanche Dsvey, Edna
Brown, P.ebecca Wilson, Alice M. Ball.
Stcond grade Hester Kent, Ina Fill
gerald. Stella Brown, Mabel O'Brien,
Nov E. Harvey, Martha K. Baldwin.
Third grade Maude Michell. Laora
Harvey, Z. E. Freer, Martha Whealdon,
Dora Nielsen, Maie MaUker, 0)a Nor
man. Martha K. Baldwin received a second
grade certificate with a first grade stand
ing. Maude Micheli received a third
grsde certificate with a first grade stand
ing. All others receiving third grade
certificates made good seeoi.d grade
There were twenty-two applicant for
county papert. Misea Minnie Elton,
A. May Sech'er and Casie M. Cheese
lock the examination for state papers.
For Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought'
Bears the
Signature of
Healthful drinkt are not luxuries, tbey
are necessities. A full line of cool an
refreshing porter, ale, mineral water an
beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home
for lunch. C. J. Stubling. Phone 234.
For Sal.
From ten to twelve ton Italian prunes,
and other plums and prunes. Inquire
( f II. Hobx,
all ltdiw Thompson's Addition.
We are offering our entire stock of
men's straw hats at attractive prices.
Any of out 75-cent, $1 and $1.50 straws
for 50 cents'wbile they last. No trouble
to show'fgoods at tbe New York Cash
Clarke & Falk baye received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
Floral lotion will care wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
'Meet us on the Midway"
. Event of the Times
The Great
Street Fair
and Carnival!
Occupying many Bolid blocks,
taking in an entire street,
frorr curb to curb : : : :
StjL 4-15
Under the atvplces ot the Port
land Elks, surpHsxIng In magni
tude and grandeur anything o(
the kind ever attempted on the
l'aciftc Coast.
Ihe streets ol Cairo!
Tha Oriental Tbeatra t
The Uerman Village !
Tha Itanclug Girls I
An Arabian Pageant!
Crowning tha Queen '.
K, King of the Carnival, At
tended by His Magulfl.
eent Court.
The I ; rent Paiadenf the Kiks and other nr.ler.
The Italian Pnrk and Fountain. The Mutnln.
cent Triumphal Arch and drand Midway tilled
with wonderful attractions. Mining, Meremi
tile, Agricultural, Horticulture and other tn-
iintrial exhibils. The Woman's I'avlllion. rtc
signed by women, built by women and deco-
rntcti by women for the exhibit ol women's
industrial work. The (irnin Palace, hnilt of
Oregon and Washington grains and granges.
afV Lowodt rail and water rntes ever given
to Portland Iroin all parts ol th Pacific North-
Under tbe direction of the
Sisters of tho Holy Names of
Jesus and Mary.
iuis iitAuiuiion is n ess nr v sitnti .
me i momma on ine line ol the (. K. N. Co.;
thence it Is easy ol access for all this. hn i..
sire to secure a comfortable home and a progres
sive seat of learning for their daughters or
wards. The location of the Academy is one of
the most hralthr on the Paclllc slope, this por
tion of Oregon being proverbial fir ita pure
water, krscii g air, and pleturesqne scenery
The Acsdemy Is incorporated and authorized by
Ine Plate to confer Academic honors.
Bixtrd add tuition per scholastic Tear, itm
Studies will be resumed Tuesday. September 4th'
For detailed Information apply to the Sister
Superior. augfilm
Physician and Surgeon,
Special attention given to surgery.
Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. s Vogt Block
Ifiaru's ncacfemy
Tiaa srHxccLa.
t'soa Daixsa.
ft on
!.op. m.
Kelt tke. Denver. Ft
11:30 p
Wortb. umana, a,an-
hs lit?, frt. Louis,
Chicaf o and East.
Vi:.'. m
gait Lake, Denver. Fx
4:46 a. m
Worth. Omaaa. Kan
sas City, 8L Louis,
Via Hunt-,
Chicago and Latt.
i press
9:25 p. m.
Walla Walla, Bpokane,
Mioneapoiia. bt. Paul,
iiuloth, Mllwaakee,
Chicaco sad East, via
Bpokane atd Huntinf
Ii.d; alkO all point in
Washington aud East
em Oregon.
I p. m.
Faoa Postlamd.
Ocean Steamships.
For ban Frncieo
Every Fiva liars.
t p. m.
4 p. m.
Ei.buudaf Colombia Rv. Steamers. ET.suudaj
i To AsToaia ana nay
Saturday landings.
10 p. m.
WrLUHSTTI Rivsa. 4:30c in,
Oregon City, Ncwberg, Ex.bundaj
balem Way Lands.)
7 a. in.
Wiuisim AHD Yam-I 3:30 p.
HILL Kivsas.
M on., wed
and bat.
Oregon City, Dayton,
and Way-Ijindings.
and FrL
Bxin Rivia.
Riparia to Iwiston.
Lv Riparlai
f:3d a. m.
:00 a. m.
Parties deslrinc to so to Heppner or
points on Columbia bnutnern vis niRga, snouia
take No. 2. leaving The Dalles at 12:40 p. m.
making direct connections at Heppner Junction
and Biggs. Returning mskingdireot connection
at Heppner junction and liiggs itn AO. 1. ar
nving at 1 ne xiaiies at l-':au p. m.
For full particulars call on O. .A N. Co.
agent The Dalles, or address
Hen. Pas. Agt , Portland, Or.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Omen Depot, Firm an! I Sis;
No. 2.
Fast mall (or Tacoms,
("cattle, OlympiR, Gray's!
Harbor and South Hendi
points, Spokane, Ross-!
5,50 P. M
No. 3.
7;00 A. M.
land, B. ('., Pullman,
i Moscow, Leaiston, But
11:15 A. M. falolliiinp mining coun
try, Helena, Minneapo
ills, St. Psul, Omaha,
i Kansas City, St. Louis,
j Chicago and all points
No. 4. east and southeast.
Puget Sound Express
11;30 P. M. for Tacoms and Seattle
and intermediate points
Pullman first class and tmirirt alwtura
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points
without change.
vastibnled trains. Colon depot connections
ah i iiiiiuipai clues.
Baggage checked to destination of tickets,
For handsomely illustrated rfMfrinHvum.n..
tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent, a"3 Morri
sou Street, comer Third, Portland, Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
:rn Pacific Co
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way
stations at 4 ii a. tn. and 3 p. rn. '
Leave Portland
10:5.) p m
4 .Ho a m
:l.ja m
" Albany
..12. 30 a in
.12:11 sm
.. 5:l p m
.. 7:4o p in
Arrive Ashland
" San Francisco .
Arrive Ogdon
. f:45 S m
. :i a m
7:25 a m
:4A a m
11 I ', a m
S ims m
7 . i" a m
' Denver
" Chicago.....
Arrive los Angeles ...
.. 1:20pm
imp in
.. 6 ma in
... :Vam
... 4 i"i am
. : 2ris m
.. S:42a m
.12:1:1 pm
7 on a m
s imp m
.;) am
4:00 a 111
."2 p III
42 a in
12 44 p m
r.i fsso
' Fort Worth.
" City of Mexico .
' Houston
" New Orleans
' Washington
" New York
Pullman and Tourist cars
Chair rsrs Hscramento to Ogden and Fl Paso'
ni'.".ri",',",:.,0, Mrn- 1-'". oT
leans aud Washington.
te-..nrhTnif"tsB"nwrT"nH'0 l,h several
K "n'P Honolulu, Japan, Chins,
Philippines, Central and South America. '
See agent at The Dalles station, or address
tiDer1 Psssenger Agent, Portland, Or.
Offleaover French Co.' Bank
Phottst, Till DALLE', ORRGON
J)R. . rrncrsrK,
Thysician and Surgeon,
Office, Vogt Block (over Postofflce),
20aplmo-dw THK DALLES, 01EOON.
. r. Mcosa.
jftUB! a. VIM)
Rooms m snd 40, over V. 8. Land Office.
In rail;
Notice of SheriirTsaU
said eoonty aud stale wne"in 2 s'nt
plit'utlfl recovered ludgineui K Wni .
lace, flefend.nt, l. the J!'lu a
Ur. and
meat was enrolled and tuekxT
flee in said court, on Juuei TSib?tafM
Ibe iccond day ot inn, ili T14 Wr. 1
5!d !Bt5'd M eourt sd to I
bcoggin. deceaaad, wm suasu,0"
W. A. Scoggin in laid t""1.14 tbst
that I will on MT." !:
Augnst, laoO,
at toe county court h Z7U
n said V, acoycoCrh,?Jw 3
Dalles City,
, iii-rnoon of M:a ,1' . !
He auction to the highest b.d&Ti"
following described oronert. I ;.l0,ss.ik.
o clock in the aiternoon of
,0K:'s.. 5?ertiM p'7'" tSZr
south us , arssss rn.,si?-'w
east qnarter ol the southeast aumZz T
twenty-eight town.h! V' ' "5
range seventeen (17) eut P
aud 1. vied upotTXuhi ?." C 3
U(l 1. vied upontsihenroiJriwi Tw',"'S
t. Wallor-K. mucbthesof-J??1"
essary to satl-ly the said iudmen. . ,
W. A. Scoggin agal. st said N?V T. ?J'W
interest t. ereon at the rate of eight Ii?2!' "
annum from the 3d day of June 'Sn'f'"
with all costs ana dlaburwmeaV
may accrue, -nmt uui kit, ,
LaD Cmc. st Ta.'o., ,
Notice ts hereby given that tsl '
named settler na. filed noUcVof iuiH
make final prool In support o hi. 5fa"k 11
that Mid prool will be E&
aud Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon J""
day, August 30, 1900. vis. : ""s0". n Than.
Jaba W. JohsstoB, of The Dall,, ,
rI,w.M0MT4, ,0' ,he TPSK.IE
He names the following witnesses to .l, 'dence
1. vy. Marquis, O. W. Johnston. Frsni, .,..
ley, Geo. t. Johnston, all of The Uslies Oiwn. J
Avi nvt y
Lajid Ornci it Ths Dallis. Out,, i
Jul) , two 'j
Notice Is hereby given Inst thA inii.
namedrttler has flW notice ofh'iSU'K
make final uroof In snnnort of t,i. .ilSr?
that said proof will be made before lie Si
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, obtIs!
day, August 21. lisJO, vis: " Iu""
Horse V. Patterson, of Tha Dalles, Or
H . E. No. 544 for the a-,, m .J
N'-i N Sec. 31, Tp. 2 N.,4R u t, W '
He names toe following WltllPMsaJj frt sm.. Li.
continuous residence upon sod culUvsilon oi
. I pt"?rson, D. J. Roberts, A. T Roberta
L. . Roberts, all of Mosier, Oredoo. '
(Isolated Tract )-
Public Laml Sale. Ornca at Ths Dauis, Ohooxi
July 21, I'M).
Notice Is hereby given that in
imtructions from the commissioner of the rm
eral land odice, under authority vested In Mm
oy m'ubh --kxj u. o. rev. nisi., as snieudrd In
the act of congress approved February , m,
we will proceed U ofl'cr at nubile sale on amnr
day, the Kth day of September, next, st the hour
of 10 o'clock, a. in , at this ofllce, tha (ollowiui
tract of land, to-vt it:
Lot 4, See l.t. Tp. 1 P., R. 12 E , W. M.
Anv and all Dersons claiming ths stnn.
described lands are advised to Die tbeir
claims In this olticeon or before the day short
designated for thecommencctnent of said site,
otherwise their ri,;bt will be forfeited.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register,
si t Ori9 PATTERSON, Receiver.
Land Ornca at Tin Dallis, 0m.,
July 2H, 1911ft I
Notice Is hereby given that the ftilloirinr
named settler has tiled notice of her Intention
to commute and make final nrnof In lurrorl of
her claim, and that said proof will be msde be
fore tbe register and receiver at Ths Dalles,
Oregon, on 1 buraday, September 20, iwn, ru
Lola A, Helm, of Ths Dalles, Or.,
H. E. No. filfti. for the Nff1.' BKtf, K! 8W,
ana see. s r. l ., k. u t., w. a.
HhA names tne following witnesses to Drove bet
continuous residence upon, and cultlrstioa of
saio. iana vis:
Peter Fagsn. G. wetmore, Charles Ustnff,
, Fox, all ot The Dsiles, Or.
sl-l Eejliter.
Notice Is hereby given that the nndenlfnid
have been duly itiinointed by the hononiue
county court, of the stale of Oregon, for
county, executors of the estatj ot Horstiol-
aon, aecnasea. All perrons iisvuv
against sold estate are hereby notified to pre
the same, nmiierly verlfle.1, to the undenlr'
Charles K. Corson, at Wasco, Bbermss eM"t'
Oregon, or at the office of our attorneys, tf
lee di HI I son, at The Dalles, uregon, wimu.
months from the date of this notice.
Dated July 14, WHO. 0n
Executors of the estate of Horatio Coras",
ceased. ,1"
Notice Is hereby given that the psrtnmlils
heretofore existing between t. B. ""'
Frank Menefee. at The Dalles, Oregon, nww
the Ann name and style of Dofur a: """'r
this dav dissolved by mutual cnineiit, .
Diitiir retiring from said Arm. aii """""
csm-s In which said firm is inier"' "V
tornevs, will be attended to snd wmv"-'
both psrtners the same as though no dlnoiuuos
had occurred. . . . ,
Frank Menefee w 11 reUIn tne rj. .. . -
Counts of the firm, and will Py ' aeZkui
claims against said llrm.and all partlm lisieo""
to ths Hrin of Dufur Menefee are nf"""0 "
settle tbe same with him at an esrly
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, rnis
nlv. !. K. B. I'l ri
Notice Is hereby given that the nrtj
has been duly ai.polnted by the h",""',T .
of the stale of Oregon, for 'uf",, I
ecutor of the estate of August Bschm"
ceased. All nersnns having claims "'
estate are hereby notified to present ins ft
properly verllled. to rnc uiiot r-....-- - (
ie'i, si 1 ne Danes, rasc:i n i -: 'aMa,
t the office of his attorneys, MeiieW "
t The Dalles, Oregon, within sis ."-
the date of this notice.
Dated this Nth day of Jtiir. n RrtD,
Executor of the estate of Aug"" Liil
s.vk4 B0 YEA"'
s.-atV rVRIOMTt ;,
Anvnna sending s sketch '
nnlchly aaiwtsin onr I","Vn,,iI ('.,inml,7i
li.vo.llon Is t't'sblvpsleni.l'l , fsi"
Sent free. Oldest sgei"-T 'L'Tm la ll
inix.l lSen lfir'ri Hunn
ISWM4 les, without chsrye. In .
Scientific JWtfg
A handsomely lllastrsted wseklv. rm,.lis
r-isilon of "V shcie;oidnJ"-ir"J. .jlem
;-..ri four months, L si ,., tfr
IsraoeB mos. iu m -w. .-
aTlORKKVSAftAW, ay,.
u A
Oars over First Mil, Bank