The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 15, 1900, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Ad.artl.lnc ttala.
"Oielwhor Iwwln Daily $1
O r two luchea and under four inehe 1 11
O .or lour lochw ma uuiler twelvt luetic.. IS
Over twol?e inchen 60
!i Inch or lew, per Inch 12 50
Orfrone inch ana under lour tuchea i 00
tivt lour Incbe aud under twelve tuchea. . 1
Over twelve im he 1 M
Gen. Paul Van der Voort, of
Ouialia, for years irominent in the
management of the populist arty,
lias declared Lis intention of voting
for McKinley and Roosevelt. He
said William Jennings Bryan is a
tyrannical political bos nnd a trim
mer. "On tbe single issue of expan
sion I abandon the populist parly
and return to tbe republicans," be
said. "I mado a long nod earnest
lIort to build up a new parly, but
when the controlling element of tbe
party fuses wilb bastard democracy
I am done. I have not abandoned
any of tbe principles I advocated,
but I will not follow any party that
wants to haul down the American
flag and turn over territory where
tbe hones of our soldiers who con
quered these possessions are buried.
I do not believe the democratic party
will ever carry out any reform.
"I regard V. J. Bryan as the most
intolerant and tyrannical political
boss in the nation. He is ungrate
ful, dictatorial, and simply believes
in Bryanism and compels everyone
to bow before bis joss bouse. He is
wedded to no political piinciple,
lie wiil abandon an issue as soon as
be goes down to defeat under its
'banner. He was first for free trade,
then for free silver, and now it is
anti imperialsm. 'if be loses it will
be something else. Another thing,
I am an American. Mr. Bryan
seeks to consolidate under bis banner
tbe foreign vote of Ibis nation.
"I will not support a pretended
reform candidate who is supported
by a Tammany ball, tbe Mormons,
the ballot-box stuffers, anarchists,
and all tbe wild-eyed elements who
believe in no government at all. He
Las at bis back the slum clement of
tbe nation. He destroyed the only
iwrty that meant reform. Ho sup
ports Goebclism and favors laws
tha( disfranchise the people of the
South, and should be be elected his
administration will be in the hands
of the worst element in the country
So sure are the eastern democrats
that bo cares nothing for free silver
ihat they support bim cordially.
1'In regard to the Boers, I am a
descendant of the oldest Dutch fam
ily that settled on Manhattan island
A man of my name waj the fifth
man tnartied on the island, and I am
in sympathy with the Boers. Had I
been president I would have inter
vened, but the Bryan shoutcrs scream
About an entangling alliance or in
terference with any foreign power,
and when they take breath they de
mand that our government sbsll do
o in the case of the Boers. They
are not sincere; it is simply tbun
tier. I believe tbe British empire
will find its grave in South Africa
and India, nnd nearly all its colonial
possessions will be independent in
Jess than twenty-five years. Tbe
United States should take every ad
vantage to increase ber trade, and
make this the dominant nation of the
world. Therefore, on the single is
sue of expansion and tbe develop
ment of our trade. I declare in favor
vandals have evaded the laws that
were intended to give the flab one
day of freedom in the week. It is
fimpl an outrage that must be
Determination to set foot in Ptkin
should be tempered wil'i reflection
that Chinese repugnance to tbe im
pending forcible entry is naturul.
See what bitterness crops out today
in France at the recollection of Ger
man troops marching nlong the
Champs Elysecl Perhaps it was a
dim foreboding of such a day as this
that induced Bismarck to advise
against humiliation of the French.
If he had bad his way, Paris would
not have been entered in 1871, and
these protests against Wuldcrsee
would not now be beard. The
power that sympathies with China's
desiro to save Pekin from devasta
tion may some day reap its reward.
The director of the mint estimates
that the stock of gold in tbe United
States has increased 60 per cent in
four years. And ns gold increases,
silver coinage can be increased, tbe
silver dollars being kept at a parity
with gold. Thus our per capita cir
culation has increased over four
dollars during tho past four years,
and is now greater than ever before
and larger than that of any other
country. Hence every prop of tbe
money agitators, whose clamor was
for more money, has been taken
from under them by events that
could not be resisted, and tbe "silver
question" is in tbe mud. Telegram
that tbe total catch is even somewhat
smaller than it was last year, and
only about sixty per cent of what it
was some years ago, says tbe Tele
gram. This fact, together with
others that for several years have
indicated that tbe run of salmon in
the Columbia river is gradually de
creasing, speaks urgently and elo
quently for such legislation as will
better protect and preserve Ibis great
industry. One of tbe principal diffi
culties in the way of accomplishing
this object, however, is the apparent
unwillingness of the Washington
stale fish commissioner to co-operate
with the Oregon ' commissionbr in
recommending necessary legislation,
and more especially in entorcing
present laws. For the sake of grant
ing fishermen and cannerymen on
the Washington side some privileges
and advantages not accorded to
those on the Oregon side, the Wash
ington commissioner seems to be
willing to jeopardize tho future of
tbe fishing industry on tbe Columbia
river, and allow it to be destroyed.
Without co operation on the part of
tho Washington legislature and Wash
ington oflicials, efforts to protect and
preserve tbe industry and give to It
an upward instead of a downward
impulse will he in vain.
Throw from Hi. Wheal I'adar a lec
in Car La.1 Eraalnf la fartlaad.
A review of the past platforms of
the democratic party will reveal the
fact that the party is short on prom
ises fulGlIcd and long on false proph
esies. It declared that the war was
a failure; it wasn't. It declared that
fiee trade would bring prosperity; it
didn't. It promised to benefit the
laboring man; it didn't. Having
failed in all its promises, it now
comes up with a new stock declared
to be better than the old and asks
for indorsement.
of McKinley and Roosevelt, and I
Roosevelt is my kind of
am g'ad
rv a . .. .
iue nexi legislature win put a
top to drag net fishing in the Colum
bia, a thing which should have been
done thirty years ago, says D. C.
Ireland of the Morn Observer, a
former resident of Astoria, who
knows as much about tbe causes of
thf decline in the salmon industry as
any newspaper man living. The
drag net, miscalled gill-net, has a
loaded lead-line which drags the
natural spawning grounds like a field
barrow. We have seen 3000 of them
covering 1500 miles of river bed at
work at one time, and the mystery is,
'how did a salmon ever get above
Woody is'and ?" All the hatcheries
in Christendom could never success
fully compete with vandalism like
that. Then sec bow those same
If the democratic party succeeds
in persuading the business man that
free silver will help business, and
persuade tbe laboring man that free
trade will help wages, and persuade
tbe colored man that he is better off
without the ballot than with it, and
convince the soldiers that their blood
and bravery has been spent in vain,
then the party may have some chance
of winning next November.
Une hundred thousand negroes m
North Carolina are disfranchised
They will not have a voice in making
tbe laws of the state or tbe United
States, which they must obey. They
pay taxes; they work in the fields, in
factories and at various trades
Where is there a democrat who talks
about the "consent of the governed"
when it applies to the colored men of
North Carolina?
Tbe Dalles used to have a paper
that was called the Inland Empire.
It was intensely democratic, but it
providentially turned up its little
toes before the aunties Invented tbe
oogey man of imperialism. Had it
lived till now It would have com
mitted suicide or changed its name.
New Jersey is a great state. It is
the borne of the trust, the breeding
ground of mosquitoes and anarchy
and Grover Cleveland lives there.
Walla Walla Statesman. And the
Statesman might bavo added tbttt
Grover is a democrat and an anti-
If the democrats elect their candi
date for president, and elect a demo
cratic congress f bis fall, they feel
sure there will be nothing done to
disturb foreign shipping in its pres
ent enjoyment of 93 per cent of our
foreign carrying.
President David Starr Jordan has
been studying the causes of tbe
trouble in China, and thinks tbey
are principally two, of wbicb tbe
work of Christian missionaries is the
lesser one, the greater one being tbe
invasion ot railway and mining en
gineers, who proceed with their ex
plorations, surveys and locations
with little regard for tbe ownership
of the soil appropriated. Very like
ly he may be conect, for with the
Chinese as with other peoples, mate
rial possessions arc of greater conse
quence than an intangible spiritual
faith. Religious belief, custom nnd
prejudices may be utilized to foment
and inflame passions once aroused,
but the weight of testimony now
seems to be in favor of the theory
that tbe Chinese uprising is due
quite as much, at least, to commer
cial and industrial innovations as to
the activity of Christian preachers
and teachers. When to these ore
added repeated seizures, on slight
pretexts, of slices of Chinese terri
tory as vantage points for nations
that were threatening to partition
the ancient empire among them
selves, it is not strange that an up
rising of Chinese people occurred;
the wonder rather is that more of
them are not Boxers.
Jerry Simpson predicts that tbe
nomination of Mr. Stevenson will
give Kansas tD tbe republicans. It
looks as if Adlai was nominated in
order to have a good-natured person
upon whom to blame tho unpleasant
Wb'.Io the fishing season just end
ed on the Columbia river was not a
failure, fishermen and cannerymen
having generally made good profits
owing to the good quality and bigb
price of the fish, yet It is noticeable
Republican managers have mapped
out a large territory for speech-making
by their vice-presidential candi
date, but they have selected nearly
every western state visited by Bry
an in his spiing tour. The presence
of tbe war hero, now one of tho most
prominent figures in public life in
America, is to bolster up the waver
ing voter. He is to visit every
doubtful state in tbe Northwest.
Minnesota, North and South Dakota,
Montana, Idaho, Washington, Ore
gon, California, Utah, Wyoming,
Nebraska and Kansas are figbticg
ground. Enthusiasm goes a long
way in bringing out the full strength
of a party, particularly in the West,
where polling places are not always
at the door of the voter, and it evi-
dently is expected to wake up this
section as Bryan woke it up in 1896.
Governor Roosevelt will draw im
raense audiences everywhere along
the line because of his record in war.
If he has tbe ability to make a last
ing Impression, as did the distin-
guished democratic leader, it may
cause great inconvenience to demo
cratic campaign managers.
Ihe bowl of ''imperialism" is
raised as a political expedient, in
order to induco men to forget the
crazy silver scheme of four years
ago. But tho bowl about imperial
ism is as irrational as the howl was
for silver, only it is not so dangerous.
It is a pity we have a political party
that must always play tho fool.
Volcanio eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve enres
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Tile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold at Blakeley's drug store. !4
Robert J. Marsh, of tbe Marsb Print
ing Company of Portland, and formerly
a respected . resident of Tbe Dallos, was
thrown from bis bicycle by an electric
car on Grand avenue in Portland Mon
day evening and dragged beneath tbej
wbeels fully fifty feet, receiving Injuries
from which he died an hour later at
Good Samaritan Hospital. Being de f,
be was nnable to hear the approach of
the car, and before tbe niotorman could
see that he was not going to ride off tbe
track the car was upon him.
Mr. Marsb was riding along Grand
venue toward bis borne at about 6:43
in the evening and was directly between
the car tracks between East Abler and
East Washington street when East An
keny car, No. 57, N. E. Lowe motor
man, came np tbe street behind bim.
Tbe niotorman rang tbe bell several
times to attract bis attention, but as be
did not seem to take warning by the
sound, the brakes were applied and tbe
power reversed. As the car was nearly
upon bim lie turned sharply, apparent
ly to ride np East Washington street,
and rode directly across the track in
front of tbe car. An instant later tbe
car, which was still moving at a moder
ate rate of speed, knocked him off bis
wheel and be was thrown directly nnder
tbe front truck, bis legs being caught
beneath the wbeels. In epite of every
effort of tbe motorman, the momentum
of tbe car, which is a very beavy one,
carried it forward, and when it was
stopped fifty feet further along the track
Marsh was found to be hopelessly in
There was much excitement, and of
the great crowd which gathered, only a
few retained presence of mind enough
to act. Among these was J. L. Welle,
who with much difficulty extricated the
injured man from beneath the wbeels
and sent for a physician. Dr. M. A.
Flynn, who responded to tbe call, could
do nothing more than order Marsh sent
to tbe hospital. Both legs were nearly
severed at the knee, and the femur of
the left leg was shattered to the hip.
Despite the terrible shock of the acci
dent, Marsh was conscious and asked
Wells to take bim home. He was told
that bis condition was such that he mnst
go to tbe hospital, and be replied, "Do
whatever is best." He survived bnt
little more than an hour after bis arrival
at the bospitel, dying at 8:30.
Those who witnessed the accident say
that the car was not running at unusual
speed, and that had Marsh not tried to
turn out he might have escaped. They
attribute tbe accident to bis deafnees,
which was such that he was obliged to
carry an ear trumpet. The motorman
gave amplo warning of the approach of
the car with his gong, and did every
thing in his power to check the car when
it became plain to bim that the bell was
not heard.
Mrs. Marsh, tbe wife of the nnfortu
eate man, who is at Clatsop, was noti
fied, and will be borne today. Tbe de
ceased is well known in Portland. He
lived at 449 East Ash street, where he
bad a handsome cottage. He was the
senior member of the Marsh Printing
Company, and bad been in Portland for
about twelve years. Before going to
Portland he lived in The Dalles, being
foreman in the Inland Empire office,
afterward a partner with John Michell
in publishing the Times, and later pro
prietor of tbe Wasco Sun. He was very
highly respected as a man of Integrity.
III. rn.
.us axe was over ou years, lie was a
member of Fidelity lodge, A. O. U. W.
A wife and one son Harold, a boy of
about 12 years survive bim.
Bryan is remarkably slow in getting
against the government on the Chinese
question. It will not be many days,
however, until he will discharge an
arsenal of criticism upon all that has
been done. Then bis "me tooo" wor
shipers will bail his discoveries as the
honest expression of a genuine patriot.
Bab I When was such uncurrent stuff
ever before allowed to pass for true coin?
La Grande Journal.
Mary Ellen Lease has the ad van (aire
of No-Socks On-IIis-Feet Simpson," ob
serves the Tacoma Ledger. "She retired
from the populist party with an oracular
damnation of it, while Jerry has been
cast forth inglorioujly."
In 1873 the gold coin in the United
States amounted to $135,000,000. Jan
nary 1, 1899, it was 1945,800,000. "I
not tbe amount of gold in circulation
keeping np with the growing needs of
trade in this country indeed isn't it
increasing about twice as rapidly," asks
tbe bpokane Chronicle.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
Yon will not have boils if von take
Clarke A Falk's sure cure for boils.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts ore
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
For the convenience of parties want
Ing Ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman
Ice Co. will carry a stork at their store
corner Third and Washington streets."
Phone No. 107; long distunce 1S.1
"Rln'm op" ,8lI1.lf
Prune packers wanted. Apply t
once at tbe Pacific express office.
ANcgefable Prepnralionfor As
similating theroodandBcgula
tmg rhc Stomachs andBowels of
fii.Tii tills,:.
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur'
ness and Ifcstcontatns neitner
Opium.Morphine norIineraL
'ot Narcotic.
MKt tfouA-smjzptrcHDi
tfvrrmme - .
MMjnH Ftmrtr.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stonrah, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signature of
!!". Ill
Tor Infants and emu
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
aW W tW VUV W 4
Signature M
IF fl
IM M i I
ii u r it
I 3 AT a A If
jjv' For Over
I Thirty Years
einT.un eoi t, new Tom efTr
Retiring from
Closing out my Entire Stock
Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale
prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must he closed out
before thirty days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Coreets
and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure
J. p. mcinerny;
Corner Second and Court Sts.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Fuw&
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr Thi ,ODr " manufactured expressly for familj
use : every sack Is guaranteed to give satisfactioa.
We sell onr goods lowor than any honae in the trade, and if you don't think M
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
RpfflrP Vnil plce any orders for a tombstone or for
UGIUIC J UU curb0g, fencing 0r other cemetery
work, call on Louis Comini. I will not only give you all
the information you need bnt I will quo?.? you prices you
cannot beat anywhere, l et no one blnfT yon. It will take
only a few minutes to call and see me. If you have a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult bim as to
the price and quality of my work
and abide by the result. : : :
Louis Comini
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Crandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes
State journal School,
Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900.
H,JnX,;'nt' lhe Snn--l fl,'h'' l.r-pare.1 to Ink. tho Kioto .Yrtlficto l,m.U" '
Ht7nU.T T"!7 "C'"rC ""A f'0"1"""'- KM ol r from l t , ,,.,,
to, catalogue containing full ,nnoc,.mell Mrp
! t-. CAMPUKIX, rrwlilcnt. or W A. w ANN, HtwUrj of fiu