THE DALLES WfiEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 8, 1900. " -i i , 4 ' : , i f I 5 a .Hi Hi FEdri- COMINO AND OINO." Saturday Daily. Mr. Thornbury arrived here on last eight,' boat from Portland. Jack Meant was a passenger on Ibis morning' boat for Hood Kiver. J. N. Binges, the Antelope ilairymaD it registered at the Umatilla House. ! Senator John Michel! arrived home last eight from flying trip to Portland. Will Menefee and wife left on thii morning' boAt for an onting at Wind Kiver. ' Attorney W. H. Wilon left on th noon train to spend Sunday with his family at the Locks. J. C. Ward, the Kiogaley merchant, arrived here laat night from Salem, bringing with him a vonpg bride, lie nors, the accomplished daughter ol Jess Lewis, of Salem. George DeMoiS and wife and Henry DeMoes. the "Oregon Lvrio Bards," pent last night at the Umatilla Honse on their way home to DeMoss Springs, Sherman county, after a tonr or a year and a half principally in the eastern states. 1 C. C. Dickens, of Victor, arrived here on last niuht s boat from attending the funeral of his mother at his old home in the Willamette valley. He was ac companied by his brother, James, wno will make bis future home in the Victor country. - ' - llouday's Daily. Mayor Dufur left on the noon train for Portland. W. B. Preeby, Klickitatcoun ty's lead. log attorney, is in the city. ' C. L. Phillips left on this morning's boat on a nsuing trip to Hood Kiver. Miss Anna L.ang has returned trom a week's visit with friends in Portland. ri. whealdon, the insurance man, went to Hood Kiver on the early morn ing train. George Ruch and family left this morning on a two weeks' outing at Long Beach. ' Fred Weigel and E. A. Schanno left on this morning's boat for an outing at Collins Landing. Congressman M. A. Moody left today for Portland to meet Speaker Hender son at that place. Mrs. Bud Hamilton, of Spokane, is visiting with Mrs. L. L. McCartney, of Thompson's Addition. Harry Northrup, of the U. S. land office, has gone on a week's vacation to the Willamette valley. Simeon Bolton left on the noon train for Long Bench, to join bis family, who went there last Saturday. Miss Carrie St. John left the city last night for Spokane, where she will spend a month visiting her sister. Tuesday's Dally. " N. Whealdon left on the noon train for Portland. J. B. Mann was a pnseenger on this morning's boat for Portland. Ex-County Clerk Kelsay arrived here on the noun train from Slianiko. Captain John Donahoe left on this morning's boat for St. Martin's Springs. Captain Whltcomb, of the steamer Billings, is registered at the Umatilla House. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houghton were passenger on this morning's boat for Portland. Mrs. L. 8. Fritz and children, of this city, are in Portland, the guests of Mrs. G. . Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. John Filloon left on this morning's boat on a two weeks' out ing at Trout Lake. Miss Mary Gilmore and Mrs. C. E. Rusk are registered at the Umatilla House from Qoldendale. George Johnston, of the New York Cash Store, left on the noon train today for an outing at Long Beach. Mrs. W. A. Kirbv and daughter re- turned on this morning's train from an extended visit with friends in LaGrande. II. W. Wells came up last night from the camp at Collins landing and left on the noon train for his shejp rauch near Prcsser. Max A. V'ogt and Dr. Sturdevant left this morning on fishing trip on the head waters of the Clackamas. They went overland by way of Wapinitia. Colonel M. C. Nye, Ben F. Allen and Will Wnrzweiler, of Prineville, arrived on the noon train from Portland and re registered at the Umatilla House. Hon. W. B. Presby, Goldendale's leading attorney, spent yesterday in the city attending to legal matters, and left for home by private conveyance this morning. Mrs. 8. F. Blvthe and daughter, Miss Clara, of Hood River, and Mrs. E. Bret telle and daughter, Miss Millie, of Port land, came np on last night's -boat to spend the day with Professor aud Mrs. Neff. Mr. G. W. Ott, son and nephew are here visiting the Hosteller brothers from their old home in Kansas. Mr. Ott has abont made np his mind to lo cate somewhere on the Pacific roast in order to escape the rigors of the Kansas climate, Frank Kline has returned from spend ing two yeart and half in Alaska, principally In Dawson City. He did fairly well, working part of the time at mining and part at other employment, bat he has had all of Alaska he' wants nd will not go back. Sheriffs Bnrgen, of Klickitat, and Kabeneau, of Skamania county, and Dr. Goddard, health officer of Klickitat county, were pasteoger on this morn ing s Doat lor the smallpox-infested dis trict down the river, on business con nected with the quarantine. A Mounter Devil Flh Destroying its victim, is type of con stipation. The power of this murderous malsdy is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. There's no health tlil It's overcome. But Dr. King's New Life Pill are safe and certain cure. Best in the world for stomach, liver, kidney, aud rowels. Only 25 cents at Blakeley's drug store. DALLES POSTMASTER ARRESTED B. H. blddl I Charged With Destroy lug ead DatalalBC lltr Oat oa 500 Bands. Postmaster H. II. Riddel! was arrested here Saturday morning by United States Marshal Roberta on a warrant charging him with "destroying and detaining letters." When Mr. Riddell was ap pointed postmaster of The Dalles in March, 1899, Robert Mays, A. M. Kel say, A. B. Mac Allister and W. H. Wil son signed hi official bond with the understanding that they should have the right to name bis chief clerk. Mr. Riddell was confirmed in January, 1900, Shortly after his confirmation he pre sented his sureties with a new bond, which each signed; but in this case they did not appear before any officer to jus tify, and hence considered the bond in complete. It appears Riddell completed the bond in tome way and forwarded it to Washington January 7, 1900. During last May employes Id the office found, in the common waste basket ol the office, three letters addressed to W H. Wilson, one of his bondsmen. Mr. Riddell, as is known here, is a lawyer and tie letters related to case in which he and Mr, Wilson were oppos ing counsel. The employes called Rid- dell's attention to the letters and banded them to him. They were never seen afterward. About a week later an em ploye found in Riddell's private desk a letter addressed to the law firm of Hunt iogton & Wilson aud another addressed to the "County Clerk of Watco County." These letters bore four postmarks dated about four months prior to the time they were found. In this case the employes did not deliver them to Mr. Riddell, but to the parties to whom they were ad dressed. The letters in each case were from Oiborne & Company of Poitland, in quiring what had become ol Kiaiieii. They had,' months before, sent him n note of $161.00 for collection and had written to him five times and got no answer. It is presumed Riddell destroyed the letters addressed to himself without answering them and, seeing the imprint of Osborne & Company on the letters addressed to Huntington & Wilson and the "county clerk," suspected their con tents and delayed their delivery.- Riddell had collected the amount of the note and after the discovery of the delayed letters he paid the money over to Osborne & Company. On May 30th Riddell was requested to meet his bondsmen. He did so. They told him the facts relating to the de- ayed letters and notified him that they would no longer remain on hie bonds, requesting him to take steps to have them relieved at once. Riddell prom ised to procure new bondsmen, but in stead of doing so he made a false justill cation of the incomplete bond already in his hands and forwarded it to Washing' ton, This was done July 7th, but the bondsmen did not learn of it till July 31st. Up to th? latter date Riddell's bondsmen were disposed to overlook his faults and they personally requested the poBt office inspector notto prosecute him, but be as lenient as it was possible for him to be, consistently with bis duties. When the bondsmen heard of Riddell's action as to the false bond they imme diately notified Inspector Ball, who went to Portland and laid the matter before the United States district attor ney, with the result that Riddell was placed under arrest as above stated. As if to complicate the difficulties un der which Riddell was laboring, he ye terday, without consulting his bondsmen as he had agreed, discharged his chief clerk, Forest Fisher. This action his bondsmen regarded in the light of an additional breach of faith on the part of Riddell and it naturally increased their indignation against him. The law pro vides that when a postmaster is placed under arrest the responsibilities and duties of the office shall be discharged by the bondsmen or their agents. The bondsmen, accordingly, this morning put the discharged chief clerk, Forest Fisher, in fall charge of the office, who immediately qualified as acting post master and appointed as his assistants J. M. Huntington and Miss Dawson. Mr. Riddell was released from the custody of the United States marshal on providing bonds in the sum of $500. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Former Hewer Ordlnanca Kepealed and T. J. Driver Confirmed a Marahal. The regular monthly meeting of the city council was held Friday night, three of the members, Messrs. Kelly, Johnson and Jayne being absent. The application of J. L. Harper and the trustees of Calvary Baptist church for deeds for lots purchased from the city was referred to the judiciary com mittee. An ordinance was introduced and passed repealing the ordinance assessing property to be benefited by the late proposed sewer system. The claims against the city, contracted on account of the late proposed sewer system, were referred to tbo judiciary committee. On motion of Councilman Wilson the matter of repairing the fire bell on Union street was referred to the com mittee on fire and wtter. Residents in the neighborhood of the bell complain that it cannot be beard at any great distance dnring an alarm. Mayor Dufur placed in nomination T. J. Driver for marshal and the ooocil confirmed the nomination with one dis senting Vote, that of F. 8. Gunning TSBAtL'BKB't BIPOBT. July 1-Availablecashgea. fund. $5120 05 Receipts for July , . . . 149 63 Total July 5 By warrants issued , WX9 73 . 478 87 Bal. available cash H791 ltt BILLS ALLOWED. N D Hughes, marshal's salary .$75 00 . 75 00 . 4 00 . 5b 00 . 50 00 20 CO . 60 00 . 3 00 Geo Brown, engineer G A Pnirmao, nightwatcbtuan. . . JasLike, nightwatobmaa Ned Gates, recorder ........ .-t .. . C J CranJall, treasurer Dalle City Water Workt, rent. . . P F liarbaoi, hauling. . Jacobson Book A Music Co, suppls Payette Fetvl Yard, maonre H Cloogh, repairs Kergnson Ltrot, hauling Electric Light Co, lights R B Hood, Jr, hauling Geo C Blakuley, nidve S W Slark, hauling 8 A C Tel Co, tel. etc M T Nolan, in dee F S (ionning, repairs Jno E Ferguson, hauling Payette, Feed Yard, sprinkling. . . L A Porter, team hire H Gleenn A Co. mdse Columbia Feed Yard, manure J W Blakeney, hauling W A Johnson, mdse , A A Urqubart, labor Cba Kouts, labor.. Mr Flock, labor F Stone, labor E Patton, labor 7 00 0 50 4 00 2 60 15 05 2 50 3 05 4 00 IV 20 1 75 50 2 50 2 50 4 00 . 25 Catarrh Cannot Km Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the beet physicians in this country for yeers, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifieie, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces buco wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drroggists, price 75c Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Japaneee Labor Problem Solved. Washington, Aug. 6. A dispatch has been received at the Japanese legation here, from the Japanese foreign office, announcing that the government of Japan had prohibited for the present the emigration of all Japanese labor to the United States and Canada. Cold Steel or Death, "There is but one small chance to save yonr life and that is through an operation," was the awful prospect set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Liaie Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvellous power of Elec trie Bitters to cure stomach and liver troubles, but she beard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided sur geon,s knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It is positively guar anteed to cure stomach, liver, and kid ney troubles and never dissapoints. Price 50c at Blakeley's drug store. 1 During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering form cholera in fantum. The doctors had given np all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used ac cording to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have re commended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Brookwalter, Ohio. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton. Kemember That Chas. Stubling is still doing a retail business at his new place. He sells in quantities to suit all customers, from one bottle to a barrel. Family orders delivered promptly. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely' Cream Jialm, which ia agree ably aromatic It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heal the whole aur face over which it diffuse itself. lJruppintg tell the 50c. aize ; Trial size by muil, 10 cent. Test it and you are cure to continue the treatment. Announcement To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizer in applying liquids into the nasal paamaget for entnrrhal trou ble; the proprietor prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as tlv'a Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the prnyiag tube it 75 cents. Druggist or by mail. The liquid form embodies the metU icinal propertie of the solid preparation. Under the direction of the Sieters of the Holy Names of Jesup and Mary. THE DALLES, - OREGON. Thta Itiatltutlon If pleiuantly altuated nr the Columbia on the line ol the ). K. tc N. Co. ; theme It In eaay ol norcnn for all thooe who ilu Ire to Mpoure a eomfortahle home anl a troTe iilve aeat o( learning for their iluhti-r or wardn. The locution of the Afiwii-mjr a one of the mot healthy on the Pacllle elope, thin por tion of Otroa being provvrlilul for lla pure water, braeli air. anil Metnrcoiue arenprv The Academy la Incorporated anrl authorlzi-d by uiv tmiv uiroiiit-r Aiwinnir nounrn. Hrnird and tuition tnr acholaatlR rear. Ilftl. Htud lea w 1 1 1 be reannied Tnendnr. t,u-in ber. 4t h For detailed information bduIv to the Muter 5i. Diary's Hcaaemy Kuperior. augfi 1m BROUGHT HIM TO THE POINT, Hew a, Yeans Brahl Larvae Lara A certain young1 man in Waahington, aocietr was very fond of discussing aciolot'ical and moral question, and tfnrterl oil Ihlt Bobby COUld scarcely be beaded in any other direo tion, aa an exchange of that city, lie had been quite devoted in hit at tention to one youotr woman, for ninth at aix months, but the had been unable to bring him to hi tense hough the was willing to confest that she had tried repeatedly to do to. Of course, the had done it in the delicate ivavt women have in those matter, but what be needed was a club. Not a great while ngx he wa call ing, oa usual, and as usual he wa nejr- lectinc tentimcnt for something- that only make a girl tired. This time be was moraliiDg on the temptations of life and the proneness of people against them in whatever form they might ap pear. However," he said, in conclusion Uisplnvinsr a commendable spirit of ! charity for the weak, "it is a very diffl' cult thing for anyone to soy 'No. Here was an unexpected change for her. . "And, conversely," she responded slowly, so he could get the full force of it, "it should be very easy for one to say 'Yes. M He looked her straight in the eyes at last, and a hush fell upon the scene. "L'm-er-uro," he hesitated, "Miss Kate, am I a chump?" "It is very !ifficult for one to say 'No,'" she said, with a pretty little rsmile, and later she found it quite easy to say "les." THE WORLD'S OLDEST BRIDE. Aa Eaatern Woman Who la Almost Centenarian Become II ride. At the age of 93 years a woman of Waterloo, N. Y., lately took" upon her self the vows of matrimony and is proud of the fact that slie is probably the oldest bride in the world. In 1832 she was first married to Thomas Tres- ton, with whom she lived happily for many years, and at the age of 68 be came a wiuow. in 1873 she was wooed and won by Albert Brainerd. The union was not altogether a happy one, but the husband put an end to his ivife's misery about a year ago by dying. Then Samuel Decker appeared upon, the scene, and immediately fell in love with the gay aud festive widow, and a few tfays ago the Rev. Pulaski Smith, of the Magee Baptist church, drove up to the little brown dwelling. There was a simple but touching ceremony in the paTlor. The Widow Brainerd was again a bride. When the clergyman had gone Sam uel Decker went out to work in the garden. He was working there the next day when a correspondent of a New York paper calledt The bride called him in. When he learned of the mission he hastened to put on his Sun day clothes. When asked about her healfh the bride said': "I have rheumatiz some, but other wise I'm purty smart." The bridegroom said that he, too, nan "smart." MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Charlestown was settled in 1029 and was annexed in lioton in 1S73. The occupants of a balloon a mil" high command a rutlius of 9(1 miles. The first New Kngland bank, the Massachusetts, wuh established in Boston, March 18, 1S74. Cooper Union, in New York city, had a revenue last year of $3S,0D.78. Its ex penditures were $.19,087.09. An orange hit in the exact center by a rifle ball will vanish at once from sight scattered into infiinitesi IID) I pieces. A party of Americans employed in the construction of the Mexicon Cen tral railrond near Tlujoimilo, on the Pacific coast extension, recently un earthed n big collection of prehistoric relics and nn earthen jar contiiinlna $15.(1011 in old Spanish gold. Tin wealth was divided among the discov erers. Auburn hair is enjoying popularity at present, and history avers that women witli unburn hair have wield ed a strong influence in all ages. Tlu women familiar to history who be longed to the sisterhood were Isabella of Castile, Helen of Troy. Catherine f of liussin. .loan of Ate. Kliabeth ol Kngland. Mary Stuart. Anne of Km sia, cx-Knipress Kugcnie, Lucrcti.i ilorgin and Hentrice Cenci, One of the most curious plants, ir the world is what is called the tooth brush plant of .lainiiiea. Itisaspe cies of creeper, and has nothing par ticularly striking about its appear since. Hy cutting pieces of it to t suitable length u ml fraying the ends the natives convert it. into n tooth brush; and n tooth-powder to ncco:n pany t lie use of the brush is nls prepared by pulverizing the deat atems. TITE CLEANSING AND IIKAM.NO CURE ru CATARRH 1 Ely's Cream Balm Kfinf and bleanant to n. Con taint no In Jurion dnip. Jt in qiiirkiy ahanrhetl. irve Kclit f at on e. ti OlM-na aalirl laaav.A. :atarrh LULU "VHtAD Heala ami Hrotaru the Membrane. Rrstorre the Bi-naes ol Taste and Smell. Urge Hum, 80 cents at Drug"l:ta or hv mall ; Tr'al Rise, 10 rents hr mall fcL BlUn'UEKS; M Warreu Strcio; Nw Tori. ml prAt Tin acHtDOi.. A:v to i'aoM liALLia. Ha - Fnt Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Fat Wail Worth, Oinana. kan- Mail l t0p.m. Fae City, bt. Louia, 13:dU f m Cuicafo and Eaal. Atlnntle Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. 4:45a.m. Exureoa Worth, Omuha, Kun-l-2-5ii a. m. City, St. Louia, Via Hunt- Chicago aud Kaat. luglon. Spokane Walla Walla. Spokane, Spnkan ilait Alinneapolie. t. faul, Hull aud ia lutb, Milwaukee, and xpreaa Chicago and taut, via Eipress Bpokanc and Hunting ton: alao all polnta in ?-5 p.m. Washington and taut- 3:30 a. m era Oregon. I p. m. Txou PoarLiKD. 4 p. m. Ocean Bteamahipa. For bau Krancincx) Every Five Dava. 1p.m. 4 p. m. Ex.Sundar Colombia Rt. 8teamora. Ex.buudaj To Autokia and Way Eniurday Landings, 10 p. m. 6 a.m. WiLLiMiTT Rivaa. 4:30 p.m. Ei.bunday OreRon City, Kcwberg.jEx.Bundaj Salem A nay Land'a. . 7 a. m, WiLLAMtrm and Yam- :S0ti. m. TueisThur. bill Kivkrs. Mon.,Wed aud tiHt. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-Ijindinga. Brakx Rivik. Lkavi Lr Riparia Blparia to Iwiaton. LiwirtoM dully dally 8:3."; a. m. 9:00 a.m. Parties deslnrg to go to Heppner or pointa ou Columbia soutnern via JiiijKs, snuuiu taite ro. i. leaving ine Dimes at u:w p. 1:1. making direct connections at Hennncr (unction and HIkks. Returning makinfrdirectconnectlon at lleppuer Junction and HIKKs wltu AO, 1. ar riving at j ne Danes ar p. m. II particulars rail on O. . & N. Co. agent The Dulles, or address W. II. HURMH'RT. Uen. Fas. Agt., Portland, Or. Yellowstone Park Line. THE Dl.VIXO CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW. STONE PARK Union Depot, Finn anil Sis No. 2. Fast mail for Tueoma, Peattle, Olynipia, tiruy's Harbor and Soutb Ilend pointa, Spokane, Ross land, B. C., Pullman, Moscow. 1-ealHton. B11I- No. 11:15 A. M. taloilump mining coun 6;50P. M. try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St. Paul, OmRha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points eat and soiitheant, Puget Sound Express for Taemna and Seattle and intermediate pointa No. 4. No. 3. 7;0O A. M U;30 P. M. Pullman first-clatm anri Innrlit .u.nAM tn Minneapolis, St. Paul aud Missouri river points Vastibuled trains. TTntmi riennt ii nil MllUl'lll UILICT. BHKKHffe cnocKeo to doat nutlnn of trVtia Kor OHIldKOmelV illllltflr. iirinivamattA tickets, leeping-car reiiervationi, etc., call on or "ilW A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 2A.i Morrl- oireet, corner riuru, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via 8 Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way tatlons at 4:Aj a. m. and 3 p, m. cave Portland . :)a m .12.30 a 111 12:W a m . 5:(xi p in . 7:li p in Albany 7:00 pm 10:60 pm 11 :30 a m 4 ,:io a m 8:15 a in Arrive Aslilnnd " Hiternniento " San Francltco , Arilve Ogdon " lunver " KiinsasCity " Chicago..... 5 45 a m . :( a m 7:25 a m 7 : 1.', a in 11:15a m :(! m 7 :'.'. a m !)::) a ui Arrive 1is Angeles ... ' El Paso " Port Worth. .. " City ol Mexico . " Houston " New Orleans... ' Washington " New York .. lsflpm . tl:(i p 111 .. A: :ma 111 . . !l: .Vi a 111 . 4:(ma m . . 6:'i'i a m .. :4Jam . I p m 7:00 a. m A 110 p m ii;:0 a m It : 55 a m 4:00 a 111 : 25 p in H.-.'a m 1.-1:1 p 111 t h-i'le".' J"'1 Tnnr.,,t r"r" on '" -l. hair ears Saeramento to Ogden and F I Paso and touil.t ears to hlcagu, it Loul New In' leans and Washington. ' r romieetltig at San Frnnelseo with seve .m.hlp l7ne. to, H01.0I w hlllppines, Central and South Auurlea several na. See agent at The Dalles station, or address C H. MARKHAM, : . Oepcral Piwwnyor Aetit, Portland, Or. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNEKALBANKINQ BUSINEH Letter of Credit Issnwl available in th 01 u Eastern State. Blunt ExcharjK and Telegraph Transfer, .old on New York,, bt. 1mu, Ban trncico, 1'ortland Ore on Keattle Wh,. and varloui poinU In Oregon and Waahington. Collection road at all point on far orabie term. HWHTIKOTOM Tf UNTINdTiiM a, aiiiaou WILaoM iiiiii Pan ouinern Pacific Co 11 ATTOHNKYH AT LAW, Oinc. over final J..? AU "N. By virtue of an ' ': -.. ' clerk ol the circuit conri dl th. J '" a. co, btate ol Oregon, dated th. wi WOO, in a certain aclonu the 4,1 C aaid eountjr and slate wherein w ?" ruL pluiutirl recovered 'udgm.n, ; -1-,1! lace, celdidant. Icr Ui;.UmV!?iu V lar. and twentn. wn'm.'' 't meut was ennxlej .nd docketiS h flee In said curt, on Ium iSS 1" 'hl?5 the .eeond day ol Jnn lio?"1 """-t made and entered on aaid court aid to Margaret a. ecmrii aa rr.. ... k will and tesumenf." dsUuTol" beoggiu.decwu.ed.wa. aubsTitutiS W. A. Bcoggin in said cause. B7?, ,0"!1 riven that I will on CdS A ugust, l00, at the eountr m ? ri Dalle. City, in T,SJ 2 o clock n the Wtcrnoon ol tsia JaV IT lic .uctioa to th hlgheat hkWeVri,Jl"h following deacribed pruport. to-Tit The southeast quarter of Vo,hiL. aonth hall of aoiifheM.t ..TV'1,l!etni. eaat quarter ol the aoutiJeast "wft twentjlght (iS), township . . -- v -. rase, YY lot number three (3) In block n i - m ft) in laughUu'. addition toS, SIV lope, In Waaco county, 8Ute olTiti,0' and bvicd upon aa the oe S"!'- s W-WaluvocoF k mucbiKli' 'h,'l? esaary to satl-ly the said Inl". W. A. Scoggio agal. st said N v u ii t interest thereon at the rate ol eight 1 annum from the 3d day ol June im? Tn r with all costs and dlKlmrl "JTett m.y accrue. "" " Imv n.,e .t r1.,,..R,?BE" KEUY,Shir July J6, l'JUO. ' "00 Loi""-0r1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATI0X. (Isolated Tract.)-Public Land 6.1. Lakd Ornta at Th Dallus, 0' Ju'y w, isu) ! Kotice la bereby given that In . ni.iruenons irom the comroissioneV of ih. " erai land office, under authority vaitai it P by aectio ! 2455 U. 8. Kev. 8u" a. li" l' the act ri congress approved Vebroan Jnif wa will nrneuMtti tn. . . . T m, lwl ol 10 1 o'c oek, a. m., t thla orB w.iL tract ol land, to-wit: ' IoUij Ifitl Hm tl T.. , J y ... .. uo,A.,.vu .... .iicuuiuinenec-aient nl uirt otberwiae theiftri;hts will be forfeited. JAY P. LUCA8, BegLter, OTI3 PATTERSON, Boceive,. all NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Offick at Th Dau.m, om 1 otiee 1. hereJw ... J"l' !' 'i namen settler h... ai. '"0W1D. .. ...... i piiMu win do made Iv- Oregon, on Thuraday, September 30, lyuo, vir Lola A. Helm, of The Dalle, tir H. E. No. tM. fnr (ha K'U'l ulh . , 1' .. . and I BWJi m. Sec. 3 T. 1 , K7flfi. V bhe names the following witne-ses to prove bn i""d bind '"i1 U0C UPD' "d cuW,,u l'eter F.ignn, G. Wetmore, Charl Mtny V. Fox, all ol The Dnlles, lr. .1 A V I M'. i b all NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Tm Daueii,0ii, July JO, WW. Notice la hereby given that tha t.,llnin.. named settler has filed not ire of hl t ntnntmn tn make Hnal proof In supiiort of his elaira, mil that said proof will be made before the Rejiiw and Receiver at The Dalles. Ore. on. nn TlmrL day, August 30, 1900. vU.; John VV . Johnston, of The Dalles, Or, H. E. No. 5176, for the 8 E '4 Sec 25, Tp 2 N, Ell E, W. M. .- He names the following witneestnirnvehli continuoua residence upon, and cultivation of aaid land, viz: J. w. .Marquia, u. W. Johnston, Frank Fried ley. Geo. E. Johnston, all of The Dalles, Giefon. 2S-I JAY P. LUCAS, Register. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is bercbv given that the undertime! bave been duly itnnolnted bv the honorable county court, of the state of Oregon, for Wuct county rxeeutorB of the estato ol Horatio Cot son, deceased. All perrons lisving cliimi against said estato are hereby notllied tnpretwt tlie aaine, properly verlllej, to the undertlrned Cliarlea E. Corson, at Wasco, Sherman eountr, Oregon, or at the oltice of our attorneys, Meat- lee & viison, at The Dalles, uregon, witmii hi months from the date of this notice. Dated July 14, I'm CHARLES K. C0HS0X, WILLIAM K. C0M0S. Executor of the estate of Horatio Corson, de ceased. Jly21 U EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby artven that the underlined has been duly appointed by the honorsbl. etrari of the state ol Uregon, for Wasco oonnly, n ecu tor of the estutu ol Auiust Baehmm. de ceased. All persons having claims against aM estate are hereby notified to preent the ww. pronerly vcritied, to th anderslaned GeotieO. Keeil,"at Hie Dalles, Wasco county. Oreyoo, at the oft! re ol bis attorneys, Menefee Will lit The Dalles, Oregon, within six uonttM fro the date of this notice. , Dated this 14th day of July, lwo. (iEOKUK D. RFED, Executor of the estate of August Baehmei;; deceased. Hi"' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Ornci at Th Dallks. Oa'w,j July, l'. f i-otif-e is pereny given nim n named settler lias filed notice of his IntentiMiJ make final proot In aupimrt of his ellm.n inai prom win dp mue wiwrw u day f n iiiin iiwv, Tia. raea V. r.tter.on. nt Th. Dallas. Or. E. No. M4 for the SVi SW'4, Hec. . j NW'4, Beo. HI, Tp. I N., K. 12 K , . It. ie name, tne loiiowing witne tlnuoiis residence upon snd culUvsllon" i i ..i . con id V. I'.tterson, D. J. Hoberts, A. T. iobe. ;. KolicrU, all of Mosler, Oregon. JAV P It Ml II ueiiHw- DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice 1 hereby given that the rrt'nJ' eretofore exl.llng between h. B. ,a1";, i. rank Menefi-e, nt The Dalles, ie linn name ana siyie oi jmuui d lis day diKsolvcd by mutual cn',""5l' f'uj ufiir retlrlna-fiom aaid firm. All nnflnls" Casea ill which said firm is liiterentta n tomevs, will be attended to and c,"lP'',"YJ both partners the aame as thotign no ui---bad occurred. . .fll. Frank Menefee will retain the book" . counts ol the firm, and will VJ " ."Tebf claims against said firm, and all parties ibo ... i i, ..i... .. u..n.r., .ia mines" settle the same with him at an early itc Dated at The Dallea, Oregon, t hi" .' " July, I-"H IJ't'Jl.rg. jlyf w FRANK Mh.M'' D' K- OEiaKNIlOKrrEK Physician and Surgeon, Bpeciaf attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22. Tel. vo' II4' 8TURDEVANT' Den list. Offlci os ar French A Co.'s Ban tti'i:nll Pho... 8. TIIK n.u-i .-s . k. k, rEiior ?. Physician and Surgeon. Office, Vogt Block (over PoatotKO' . . - .ri:05. 20aplino tlw THE DALLfc-. " " ,neiTI' . f. mcori. . ' . 3I00RE & 0A1, ATTORNEYS AT toom.39n4 40, over U.S. Und 0IB 4