The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 08, 1900, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
"official fapkb of wasco county.
PiMahtd in tteo ports, on Wedtutdayt
tnd Saturday:
t mail, romea raariis, in adtaxcb.
One year. II M
gumoothe. T
rhna month Dt
Adrertlilng rates reasonable, and mad known
"AddrewTaU coramunlesUoni o"THF fHROfJ
ICLK," Tas Delias, Jrwoilu
Saturday's Daily.
Mr. W. W. Rawson, of Tbree Mile,
left at this office today an apple of tbe
Bitigbeiuier variety that measure 14,1
inches ;a circumference aoJ weigh one
pound and (oar ounces. Who can beat
Tbe small amount of threshing that
has been done on Tygh Ridge fully jus
tifie the expectation of tbe farmer of
that district. Tbe yield of Willi Hen
dricks', on tbe old Griffin ranch, wag
4000 bushels from 100 acre, or forty
bushels to tbe acre.
The import and export of Porto
Rico for the month of May, 1900, were
ejch about 100 per cent greater than for
the corresponding month of tbe year
1899. Tbi is the poverty and distress
to which the democratic platform said
tbe republican bad doomed the island.
An army officer write from the Phil
ippines that "when we kill tbe natives
we find copies of Bryan' speeches on
them and also circular from their
juntas, in which Bryan is termed the
'greatest living American and a friend
of Aguinaldo.' " Testimony of this
kind from the army is so extensive tbat
no one venture now to dispute it.
Any pensioner, tbe victim of strong
drink and dissipated habits, wbo make
a public nuisance of himself may te in
vestigated by Uncle Sam, and if found
guilty ia likely to be dropped from the
pension rolls." This is tbe latest ruling
of tbe department lent out to pension
agents, and may have a restraining in
fluence with some of the veteran wbo
spend too much pension money for in
toxicants. One can form a pretty good idea of
the Sherman county wheat yield this
year, says the Grass Valley Journal,
from the information given us- by Mr.
Carl Peetz wbo ia farming tbe French
plare near here. Mr. Peetz says the
highest record of the French place waa
about 900 Back of wheat, while this
year it will go close to 2000 sack of No.
1 wheat. There are numerous other
reports ot wheat going 25 and 35 buehals
to the acre.
Captain II. II. Coe tells the Hood
River Glacier that the cause of the Bil
lings being thrown on the rock at
2iiinn' the other day waa the breaking
of tbe steering apparatus. The officers
of the Central Navigation Company in
this city inform The Chronicle tbat
there ia not a word of truth in Coe'a
statement. They aay that no part of
the steering apparatus ever was broken
or ia broken at this moment. It ia en
tirely new and intact and waa recently
placed in the boat at a cost of 650.
C W. Haight bet a twenty dollar gold
piece against 200 pounds of pork with
John Roth, of Kingsley, that McKinley
would succeed himself, Charley is so
confident that be ia going to win tbat be
has contracted to furnish all the pork
sausage the Chronicle man may need
for the coming winter. Dallea Chroni
cle. While sympathizing with friend
Roth in the loss of his pork, for two rea
sons the Dispatch hopes Mr. Haight
will win the wager. First: That the
Chronicle man may get bis pork sau
sage; and last, but not leaat, if Brother
Gonrlay gets tbe sausages, McKinley
will be our next president. Dufur Dis
patch. Monday's Dally.
A train of fifteen cara of aheep waa
shipped this morning to Chicago by
Wallace Fargher.
Hugh Jackaon has aold hla atage line
between Arlington and Fossil and gone
bark to hia ranch at Wapinitia.
Prof. Cbappell, who ia giving lessons
on the mandolin and guitar, can be in
terviewed at the Jacobaen Book A Muaic
"Sammy, gran'ma wants you to be a
preacher when you grow up." "Well,
gra'ma, mebbe I'll be a preacher, but 1
'ell you now I won't be a mish'nary."
John Bruhlman, while handling a
beer barrel at the brewery this morning,
K't l be fingers of one of hla hand
cnmlied eo aa to require the aervicea of a
Horn, in La Grande, August 2, 1900,
J Mrs. Jntii Press, triplets, two boys
'" a girl. The mother and children
'rf'li of about seven pounds in weight)
are doing wei,
Walter Green, a young man of 28
years, committed suicide yesterday at
H'kxI River. Green had been accused
oj Mealing 2I0 from a man In Bridal
'"'l- It appears Green waa well con
nected in the Est.
Professor NefT, principal of The Dalles
school, was united in marriage last
Wednesday with Misa Annie M. Bret
Mli', of Woodstock. Oregon. The pro
feMor arrived here with hla bride Satur
day evening and ha gone to housekeep
ing in tbe Laae building, east of tbe
academy. Tui Cbkokiclb extends
sincere congratulations and wishes Mr.
and Mrs. Keff many bappy day.
Altgeld defeated Bryan in l.96, and
Altgeldisrn i not helping him in 1900.
He ha been over in Ohio, addressing a
convention of Ohio democratic club. If
the national committee will keep him
il . ... . . I
men a lew wee, utilo electoral vote
will be clinched for McKinley.
At 10 o'clock yesterday morning the
house and barn of Adam Fleck, whose
place is back of Odd Fellow cemetery,
waa burned to tbe ground, lue barn
contained about seven tons of bay. Mr.
Fleck carried $600 insurance on the
property destroyed. His net less is in
the neighborhood of $1000.
Tbe Pendleton wool-scouring mill baa
scoured 948,711 pouuJs of wool thia sea
son thna far, and there is 750,500 pounds
in sight to be scoured. The mill was
rnn night and day for six weeks, then in
the day time only for several weeks.
Last week an attempt was again made
to run day and night, but it bad to be
given up, owing to acartity of men.
Two very pretty children, a boy of 8
yeara and a girl of 6, passed through
town yesterday on their way to Port
land. They were from British Hon
duraa, Central America, and were tagged
to an uncle in Portland. Passengers on
tbe train treated them with marked
kindness, and voluntarily contribute.
more money than they needed to bring
them to their destination.
The Chronicle has been asked to
voice tbe complaint of quite a number
of people who say that the tower of the
bell at the central fire station ia so low
that the bell ia not beard in many parts
of the city where it would be beard if it
were placed on a higher tower. Influ
ential taxpayers insist that tbe tower be
raised at least thirty feet above the
present height, or to such an elevation
that an alarm will be heard in any part
of tbe city.
A traveler visiting a small community
not far from Condon, desiring to know
the whereabouts of a certain friend, ac
costed a little lad, whom he recognized
as a son of tbe gentleman be was In
search of. On inquiring of the youth
if bis father was at hom, he stood
amazed at receiving the following reply :
"I presume you refer to 'my paternal
ancestor. ' Well, he has just taken his
ax npon bis shoulder and gone forth
into the primeval forest to procure fuel
for the coming winter." Condon Times.
The mine at Crofton Prairie, which
we have spoken of several times, is
turning out better than was expected of
it, aaya tbe Goldendale Agriculturist.
Wm. Van Vactor, Wm. Cooper and
aon, A. W., Mr. Polan and othera have
claima there, and are now forming a
company for the purpose of running
water down to tbe mines for hydraulic
purposes. An assay was made of this
ore last week, which went $10.16 to the
ton. It is cement gravel, some 50 feet
deep, and covers a large area of ground
in that country. There is from 1 foot
to 200 feet of lava on top of this cement
gravel, but can be easily removed by
hydraulic power as they can easily get a
400-foot fall of water right to their
claims. These men are Jubilant over
tbeir find and aay if it will even keep up
to $2 or $3 pii ton all tbe way, it will
be a bonanza and will be one of the
biggest finds in the northwest, aa there
are millions of tona of thia gravel there.
Tuesday's Dally.
Mr. N. Markillie baa moved hia family
Into one of the Peters' bouses on the
northeast corner of Fourth and Laugh-
Representative Dolliver, of Iowa, and
Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, are to hold a
political debate next Thursday at Shel
byville, III.
Wm. Michell has just finished refit
ting and painting bis undertaking par
lor and they present a very neat ap
pearance in their new dress.
It is reported tbat the 1400-acre farm
of Ladd & Reed, near Amity, one of the
best tracts of land in tbe valley, yielded
but 3,'s bushels per acre of fall wheat.
See the 18-karrat oil painting on glass
in the window of Jacobsen's book store,
where prices for such work or instruc
tion in the art will be fully explained
to all inquirers. a7-lwd
Do you want a bargain In men's straw
hats? The New York Cash Store is
offering special values in this depart
ment. Call and aee their gooda bofore
making your purchases.
From Arlington we learn that A.
Smythe A Son, of that place, yesterday
sold 05,000 pounds of wool at between
11 and 12 cents a pound. Messrs.
Sinythe's sheep range is across the river
in Klickitat county.
President J. J. Hill's scheme for a big
steamship line to the Orient seems to
have taken shape in articles of incorpor
ation filed with the secretary of state at
St. Taul, Minn., by the Great Northern
Steamship Company, with a capital
stock of $0,000,000.
James Stewart arrived here this morn
ing from Monkland, Sherman county,
and ia registered at the Umatilla House.
Mr. Stewart last March sold hia band of
sheep at $.!0 a head, reserving only
the bucks. Ho is ready to go into the
sheep business again aa soon as he finds
a band and pricee to auit him.
"Bryan opposed the maker of sound
General Belief and
Private Opinion.
It isn't always that you'll find everybody
agreeing upon any subject. Every pro haa
it con, and all medal have a reverse aide.
On ths question a to the best place to
buy clothing, however, there's no room for
division. Everybody s bo know enough
to go in out of the wet, knows that we are
far and away the leader. For fear that
somebody (but lately landed) may not
know it we append some very con
vincing arguments.
$3-85,. $5-85.
$7.50 and $9.85
That are positively worth twice tbe amount.
Bear in mind, save the absence of a few important
sizes, there is nothing whatever against these
They are odd and they Must Go.
Buy your Boy' Clothing here and you won't
have to buy so often.
What we 6ay we do, we DO do.
In order to have the Hosiery Department
how np with tbe balance ot the depart
ment in the house, we are willing to sac
rifice our entire stock of
Tan Hosiery
Our Regular 25o Goods for jfjQ per J")llr
35c Tan Hose for 22c.
In this lot are some drop stitch and extra fine
Special Values for 39c.
You can have your choice of 40c, 60c, 60c and 75c
Hose. In this lot are some of the finest gradea of
lisle thread, fancy droD stitch ; just the hose you
want for hot weather.
Children's Tan Hose
All gradea in the bouae for j gq per pair
Sale commencea Monday morning.
suggests cool, comfortable clothing.
Keep your feet cool by wearing
They are cool ami dressy this hot
weather and wo aro making prices
that is rapidly closing them out.
Men's $4.00 KUSSET
Shoes for $300
Men's $3.00 RUSSET -
Shoes for 2.00
Ladies' $3.00 RUSSET 0
Shoes for 2,Jj
Ladies' $2.00 RUSSET n
Shoes for 1 .O
Misses' and Children's at half price.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
money in 1896; he i opposing hia own
maker now. He wants u to run from
what God Almighty intend u to stand
by." This is tbe view of expansion
given by Hon. David B. Henderson,
speaker of tbe national house of repre
sentatives, to an Oregonian reporter in
Portland yesterday.
Charles H. Dodd, a former well-known
implement dealer of Portland, has filed
a petetion in voluntary bankruptcy in
the United States district court. His
assets consist of 740 shares of stock in
the Charles H. Dodd Hardware Com
pany, par value $74,000, and real estate
of an estimated value of f 1000. The in
debtedness greatly exceeds the assets
The sheriff of Skamania county haa
been notified that the family of Ed Un
derwood is afflicted with smallpox. Mr
Underwood lives at White Salmon,
across the Columbia river from Hood
River, The family has been quaran
tined and every precaution will be taken
to prevent the spread of tbe disease.
One of Mr; Underwood's daughters,
who had been attending a sick patient,
carried the g erms home in her clothes.
The cases are of a mild form.
The local woo market is gradually as
suming strong features and the tendency
of the buyer and seller to meet on a
common ground is the most marked
feature of thr situation. The Chroni
cle is assured that as high as 14,'g cents
was refused yesterday for a choice clip.
This morning Pease A Mays sold a clip
of 40,000 pounds at 13,'i and centB.
The expectation ia atrong that a large
amonnt of wool will change bauds in
the near future.
F. Bennett and wife, of Boston, are
registered at the Umatilla House. Mr.
Bennett ia vice-president and acting
president of the National Woolgrowers'
Association, and while out on tbia coast
he ia taking under consideration the
advisability of holding the next annual
meeting of the association in one of the
large coast towns. It is understood that
Mr, Bennett is favorably impressed with
Portland. If the meeting shall be held
on this coast it will be the first annual
meeting the association has ever held
west of tbe Hub,
Frank Gunning yesterday received a
letter all the way from Bombay, India,
inquiring the price of his patent weed
ing machine. The writer, Sorabjee
Eurjorjee, siya he saw a notice of the
machine in a newspaper, presumably
the Chronicle, and that if the weeder
will do satisfactory work a large number
can be disposed of in the Bombay neigh
borhood. Mr. Burjrjee asks no favors
and offers to pay spot cash tor all the
machines he may buy. He says the i
means of traction generally used in that
country is by bullocks.
The health authorities of The Dalles
and Hood River, Ore., and Klickitat
and Skamania counties, Wash., have
established a quarantine against Cooks
Landing, Drano, Underwood, White
Salmon and Ringen, Wash., and the
D. P. A A. N. Company are forbidden,
till fni ther notice, to receive freight or
passsengers from these places for the
other points mentioned. The action of
tho health officers is based on a report
that there are some twenty-five raes of
smallpox in ihe neighborhood of Under
wood and White Salmon, four rases at
the latter place and twenty-one at the
former. It Is said the diseaso haa been
raiting there for upwards of two weeks,
but that the people kept the matter
concealed till two or three days ago.
Tbe quarantine regulationa do not, of
course, prevent freight and passengers
being landed at tho points infected.
The editor of the Fossil Journal, who
is himself from the land "o the mount
ain and the mist," apologizes in charac
teristic Scotch fashion for the mildness
of the rebuke recently administered to
young Chester Dolph for abusing bis
wife, by Police Judge Cameron. Says
the Journal: "The people of Portland,
in passing judgment on their new police
judge concerning this bis first important
case, should extenuatingly consider
tbree things: First, he ia new In the
judge business and may be a henpecked
husband himself ; second, he ia a Scotch
man, and it is a widely-known axiom
tbat 'Scotch coortin' ia fechtin' an'
acartin';' third, he may be from Olesca',
where half the women would leave tbeir
men if they failed to trounce them regu
larly at least once a week."
A Dutchman, addressing bis dog, said :
"My dog you haf a schnap. You vas
only a dog, and I vaa a man, but I vieh J
I vaa you. Efery vay you haf the best
of it. Yen you vant to go wit der bed
in, you ehust durns round t'ree timea
and lay down. Yen I go mit der bed in
I haf ter lock up der blace and vind up
der clock and undress mine self und my
vife vakes op and scolds me, den der
baby cries and I baf to vawk him np
and down, den der byraby ven I shust
get to sleep it's time to get up again.
Yen you get up you stretch yourself and
scratch a couple of times and you are
up. I baft to light the fire and put on
tbe kettle, scrap some mit my vife al
ready, and den maybe I get some break
fast. You play round all day and haf
plenty of fun. I haf to work all day and
haf plenty of trouble. Yen you die you
still haf the best of me; you shust lie
Btil. Yen I die I haft to go to hell yet."
A Ten Thousand Dollar Fire.
If all the stories in partisan papers of
accessions to the republican party from
the democrats and vice versa, are true,
and tbe changes continue in the same
proportion till November, a'.l the repub
licans will vote for Bryan and all the
democrats for McKinley.
There Is one redeeming feature of
these reports from China. If the one
published today does not suit you, just
wail nntil tomorrow, and the other An
anias of the cable will have his innings.
Denver Times.
Kansas has been the prolific breeding
ground of populism; but populism" is
largely a matter of bad crops, droughts
and grasshoppers. This year there is
an enormous wheat crop in Kansas, ami
there la a practical certainty of a ready
market fur it. Nothing more untoward
could have possibly happened for the
politicians whose prospect of success is
based upon a reasonable amount of ca
lamity. The wheat crop ia likely to
carry Kansas tor McKinley. Philadel
phia Record.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
For Halo.
A good second hand threshing ma
chine fur sale at L. Lane's blacksmith
hop, on Third street. j4dAwliu
At 3 Monday morning a Ore broke
out in the grocery store ot C. 6. Smith,
in tbe East End, or possibly, as some
think, in tbe narrow alley between Mr.
Smith's store and that of bis neighbor,
Charles Cohen. Before the alarm was
t irned in the 6 re bad got considerable
headway and had lighted up tbe entire
East End. Tbe alarm was turned in by
Chief Charles Lauer, and in short
time seven powerful st'eama were play
ing on the four buildings that were
doomed to destruction before it was pos
sible for the fire department to get in
their work.
The efficiency of the fire department
and the superior advantages of the water
supply were in marked contrast with
those of tbe big fire of 1891, which start
ed near the same place, and to both, but
especially to the superior water supply,
is due the fact that a large portion of the
East End is not in ruins.
The amount of property destroyed will
aggregate in the neighborhood of $10,-
00Q. Tbe most of it waa covered by in
surance. The only exception waa Cbaa.
Burchtorf, who moved his bicycle repair
stock and tools into one of the burned
buildings yesterday without having pro
cured a transfer of insurance. Mr.
Burchtorf estimates his loss at $1000.
The C. S. Smith stock of groceries was
a total loss and waa partially insured.
The building, owned by Fred Fisher
and valued at $1100 waa inauredfor $500.
The Biondin barber shop was partially
intured, but not sufficiently to cover
Mr. Blondio'a loss. The soda water
factory of Weaver A Hayward waa in
sured for $2000. Weaver A Hayward
owned their own building, which is
practically mined, but tbe machinery is
only partially so. Charles Cohen's
stock of gents' furnishings ia badly dam
aged and tbe building is a wreck. Cohen
carried $2000 insurance, which will prob
ably cover his loss. The personal effects
of Wallace Weaver, of Weaver & Hay
ward, were insured for $150.
Mr. Weaver's sister-in-law had re
cently come here from Kansas and was
stopping with the Weaver family over
the soda factory. She lost all her cloth
ing and a purse containing $500, $480 of
which was fortunately in gold, and was
recovered intact.
Teachers' KiamlnaMons.
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route yon via The
Great Wabasb, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in ever particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls andjevery through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Mop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agnra Falls. Rosa C. Clink,
Pacific Coast Pass. Ant,,
Los Anneles, Calif.
C. S. Ciiank, O. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Notice is hereby given that the county
superintendent of Wasco county will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants for state and county papers at The
Dalles, Oregon, aa follows:
Commencing Wednesday, August 8,
at nine o'clock a. ra., and continning
nntil Saturday, August 11th, at four
Wednesday Penmanship, history, al
gebra, reading, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, book-keeping,
physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical .
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
Commencing Wednesday, August 8th,
at nine o'clock a. m., and continuing;
until Friday, August 10th at four
1st, 2nd and 3d grade certificates.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, school law.
Friday Geography, mental arith
metic, physiology, civil government.
primary certificates.
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phy, reading.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods.
Dated The Dalles, Or., July 27, 1900.
C. L, Gilbert,
j27-10t School Sopt. Wasco Co., Or.
All persona having thistles growing on
property owned by them within the
city limits are required to have them
destroyed on or before Friday, the 10th
instant. Otherwise the law covering
th offence will he enforced.
7-:)t T. J. Driver, Marshal.
Ilnrve Lost.
Last Wednesday (Aug. 1st) a dark hay
horse, branded "C. M." on left shoulder
and a bottle on hip and left side, was
lost. Finder will deliver the same to
Charlie Mell, near Ninth street cut, who
will pay charges. aO iitw
Best Kemedy for Stomach sad
Howel Troubles.
"I have been in the drug business for
twenty years and have sold most all of
the proprietary medicines of any note.
Among the entire list I have never found
anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
stomach and bowel troubles," aaya O.
W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This
remedy cured two eevere cages of cholera,
morbus in my family and I have recom
mended and sold hundred of bottle of
it to my customer to their entire satis
faction. It affords a quick and sure car
in a pleasant form." For sale by
Blakeley A Houghton.
Children for Adoption,
Twin girl babes 5 months old; one
girl babe, 1 month; one girl 3 years;
one boy 1 year; one boy 2 years; one
boy 9 years. Apply to I. F. Tobey,
euperintendent Children's Home Socl-
etv. The superintendent will be in Tbe
Dallea this week and will receive written
applications at this office.
A CJ'Miri Cough Medicine.
Many thousands have been restored to
health and happiness by tho use of
Chamberlain's Couith Remedy. If af
flicted with any throat or lung trouble,
give it a trial for it is certain to prove
beneficial. Coughs that have resisted
all other treatment for years, have yielded
to this remedy and perfect health been
restored. Cases that seemed hopeless,
that the climate of famous health resorts
failed to benefit, have been permanently
cured by its use. For ralo by Blakeley
.V lionet n.
Wanted. Immediately.
A good harness-maker. Apply to
H. Krause, of Wasco, Or. ji-lf.
Clark A Faik's drug stock is new, ,
fresh and complete.