The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 04, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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! 2
PEorLK coniwi ahu ouixo
Vednetday ' Dally.
Mri. W. Lord left on tint morniDg't
bout (or Portland.
Bar-tin. Mi Paroih wai a passenger on
the boat tint morning (or Sprague.
Judxe A. 8. Bennett left on t!:e noon
traia to j in hit family at Clatsop bunch
Deputy Sheriff E. B. Wood came op
from Mosier this uiorninu in Ujo f.HUJily
Prof. V. H. Hodaou and Captain G
V. Billington are in the city from
Klickitat county.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilton left on th
boat this morning to spend the month
of August at Ocean Park.
I. N. Sargent and wife and Mies
Rachel Morgan left on this morning's
boat to spend a n.onth at Long Bescli.
Miss Troshoni;, who has been visum;
friends in this city, returned on this
inurniiie'a boat to her home at White
. Walt. Bryant, who was formerly in
terested in the silk-a mines at Moeier, it
pending his vacation at the home of
Mrs, Mosier.
KeT. W. A. Mark, wile and son,
Charles, Dr. II. G. DaTis, and J. K.
McCregor and wif are in town today
from Mosier.
G. W. Phelpp, the Heppner attorney,
spent last niitnt in the city on bis way
home from Portland, and left for
Heppner on the noon train.
Ed French left this morning for Sea
view where he will open the French
cottage and prepare it for the arrival of
bis wife and Mies Eiirktt, who sail for
the beach from San Francisco today.
Sim Cole, the Isaac Walton of Camas
Prairie and Trout Lake, is a guest of
the Umatilla House, bam has the rep
utation of being able to catch trout
wherever there is a Kttle dew on the
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wells and daugh
ter. Miss Maude, of Portage, Wis., ar
rived in the city on last night's train,
and will spend a few weeks with Mr.
Welle' sister, Mrs. Win. Michell, whom
Mr. Wells has not seen for nearly twenty
C. L. Schmidt nml wife and son,
Ado.'ph, returned last night from camp
ing at the head of N'eal creek. Mr.
Kchuiidt says lie never enjoyed ramping
out more thnn he did this year. He will
go back in the near future and take the
rest of the family witli him.
Thursday's Dally.
Miss Lena Rose left this morning on
a visit to friends in Portland.
John Howe took, pasai;eon. this morn
ing's bout on a pleasure trip down the
Tom Twohig and sister, Miss Kilty,
left on this morning's boat for Collins
Patrick Radignn and J. Malone are
registered at the Umatilla House from
A. S. Mae Allister returned yesterday
from sending six weeks at his ranch on
the John Day.
Will Wunweilpr, a prominent Prine
yille merchant, arrived here from Shan
iko on tha noon train.
Frank, Peabody, the painter, was in
town today from budir.
Hainan tiarris ielt on this morning s
boat to spend a conple of weeks with
bis family at Ocean Park.
Mrs. C. M. Donnell left on this morn
ing's boat to join The Dalies colony of
campers at Cascade Locks.
Mrs. Burford left on this morning's
boat on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Ed
Cooley, at Cook's Landing.
President VanDugen, of the Astoria
chamber of commerce, and Councilman
A. Schemeckau arrived here on the
noon train.
Pat Fagan was a passenger on this
morning's boat for Portland, from
whence he will return and spend a few
weeks at Collins Springs.
Mrs. Jessie Kirby, of The Dalles, who
has been here for the past two weeks on
a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Curtis, has gone to Union to visit the
family of Ben Brown, esq. La Grande
The wife of James Duncan, successor
to W. A. Kirby, arrived here yesterday
evening from Garfield, accompanied by
her little daughter. The family are
moving today into a house they have
rented on Liberty street.
C. B. Cashing, accompanied by his
horte. dog, gun, fishing rod, fish basket
and all the trapping and habiliments of
sporting warfare, left on this morning's
boat to command an engagement against
. everything that flies, swims or runs on
four feet in the wilds of the Cascades.
Friday's Dally.
Mrs. Lang was a passenger on this
morning's boat for Portland.
Mrs. A. M. Williams left on the noon
train for her home in Portland.
State Senaior John Michell left cn
noon passenger on a fiyiug trip to Port
land. Walter H. Moore, the Moro banker,
passed through town today on his way
to Portland.
Rev. J. H. Wood and family arrived
here yesterday, overland, from North
Yakima, and left on,this morning's boat
ior an outing at pragtie.
J. P. Abbott, prominent Wasco
county sheep man, is registered at the
vmatilla House from Wapinitia.
Mrs. C. M. Grimes and danghter,
miss reari, leu mis afternoon to spend
few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Sherar at Sherar's Bridge.
Rev. A. M. Achenson, wife and eon, of
Little York, III,, are visiting with the
family of Mr. Achenson's brother-in-law,
Mr. G. II. Riddel!, of th" city.
Miss Louise V. Cassuh , who has been
visiting for the past six v eeks with the
family of W. G. Woodwork, left on this
morning's boat for Portland and Clatsop
Beach, from whence after a few days
she will proceed to ber home in Min
neapolis. DOHM.
This morning, Thnrsdav, Augnst 2,
I'.KX), to Jndge Timothy Brownhilland
w ife, of this city, n f on. ,
Chicago Followers of the Red Flag
Meet Sunday to Express Approval
Of kiog Humbert's Murder, nod
to Preoare for Bie Congress iu
Paris .Next Month.
Cmc.UiO, Aug. 2. The Tribune says
According to Mrs. Lncy Parsons, an in
ternational congress of anarchists will
be held iu Paris next month. The an
archlsts of Chicago will meet locally
next Sunday to express approval of the
"removal" of King Ifnmbert and in
cidentally will consider the preparation
for the coming world's congress. This
informal ion wis obtained from Mrs,
Parsons, in an interview last evening,
The congress, according to Mrs. Parsons,
has been called by the beads of the
anarchists' organizations in the different
countries of Europe and America, and
will be attended by representatives from
every country where anarchists maintain
anorginization. America will send only
one representative. A New York teacher,
who is a native of Switzerland, who
speaks French, has been chosen.
"What is the purpose of thecongrees?
said Mrs. Parsons, repeating the question
pnt to her. "io map ont a plan of action
for the anarchists of the world, to bring
the followers of anarchy into closer touch,
and to perfect a world-wide organiza
"Does that mean that anarchists will
plan fresh outbreaks?"
Mrs. Parsons' black eves snapped, but
she Ignored the question until it was re
peated, when she said:
"It seems to me that they are pretty
active no.
Mrs. Parsons scouts the stories of a
plot to kill King Humbert. She said :
"Breesi was a militant anarchist.
There are militant anarchists and philo
sophical anarchists. The latter are
agitators and teachers and believe in
organization. The former will not bo-
long to any orRauiz.Uion, but believe in
action, and each one acts independently
of every one and in his own way. Bressi
did not even tell Jus . wife of his
Catarrh Cannot lis Cured-
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for yef8, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Emperor William Bellicose., Aug. 2. The papers print a
a sermon preached by Emperor William
last Sunday on board the imperial yacht
Habenzollern, from Exodus, chapter
x v ii : 1 1 : "And it came to pass when
Moses held up bis hand that Israel pre
vailed; and when lie let down his hand
Amalek prevailed." ihe subject was
"The Holy Duty and Holy Power of
Intercession." The reports show that
the discourse was quite bellicose toward
China. Of the soldiers going thither,
the imperial preacher said:
"They shall be the strong arm which
punishes assassins. They shall be the
mailed fists which smite that chaotic
mass. They shall defend, with sword
in hand, our holiest possessions
True prayers can still cast the banner of
Ihe dragon into the dust and plant the
banner of the Cross npon the walls."
The National Zjitang, is a leading ar
ticle on "America in China," says: "If
the movement npon Pekin has now
really begun, America undoubtedly
deserves great credit. Immediately after
the first direct news from Mr, Conger,
the United States minister, was received,
a communication firmly regarded at all
times in Washington as authentic, Mr.
Hay Insisted with all earnestness that
Mr. Conger's cry for held absolutely
demanded speedy relief. It even seemed
for a while that the American secretary
of state entertained the thought cf tend
ing a purely American expedition to
Pekin, if necessary." j
A Might of Terror.
"Awful aniiety was felt for tho
widow of the brave General Barnham of
Machias, Me., when the doctors said
she could not live till morning," writes
Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. "All thought she
must soon die from Pneumonia, but she
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery,
saying it bad more than ones) saved ber
life, and had cared ber of Consumption.
After three small doses she slept easily
all night, and its further nse completely
cured her." This marvelous medicine
is guaranteed to enre all Throat, Chest
and Lung Diseases. Only 60c and $1.00.
Trial bottlet free at Blakeley's
drng store. 1
Tht KaH-u, I anal, Ewjtfe
AaklBS (arlou
Jctikin U iufumoublv bt-liei!. by hi:
ciMiiiU-nuni-e a kin-.ple, frank und mo
Lir phxMognoni- that indonis nil In
,:ia 'itli umvorricil blantiiu . lit
tells how he nut an English toui'Ut on
board u hiiuiiiboiit in the Niaguia ri
,r, below the full. Hit' i-iitflin wiui
1st, lil:e u!l of his kind, was anxious H
u-k question, lie lixtd on J itl.ins at
a likely (source of information, t-ays tht
.New York I'omim-icial Advertiser.
"It's a line river," he said.
"One of the lincht iu the world," Jen
kiiia ans-.wt nil.
Could you tell me how deep the wa
ter is lit re'.'"
"About -J feet just here," Jenkins
replied, w ithout hesitation. "It" deep
er higher up."
'J he torn ist made u mental uole of it
and, Jenkins hoped the boat had not
sernptd the bottom as nhc left iht
w half.
"'ilie eurieih must be very strong."
"Not on the surface." Jenkins re-,
piied, brazenly, "but the undercurrent
makes at) miles an hour."
"Well, Weill (iood fi.-jdug, 1 sup
pose?" "Not very good. The current , yon
see, prevents the tlhh from coining up
A few crabs and limpets crawl along
the bottom."
"Weil, welll" He looked at the watel
with n new n pnreciation. "Have a ti
gar?" he said.
Jenkins took one as if he deserved it
"I'm a stra iiL'er to this country," I lit
tourist explained.
"Oil. indeed!" snid Jenkins. "You
speak our language very well."
"Ye-es," the other replied, doubtful
lv, "1 appreciate your courtesy, you
Jenkins nodded over his cigar.
"Suppose the boats do not run here
in the winter." the Ktriiiiircr went on
anew. "The river freezes over?"
"Well, no," said Jenkins, "the water
i?ets so heated at the falls it never
freezes over."
The tourist looked another look al
his infoi'iiiant.
"The friction there is very great,
Jenkins hastened to explain. "You
mnv have read how a professor at
Harvard made water boil by stirring it
vigorously. It is like that at the falls.
"I think I see that. Very curious,
Well, well."
They had already passed out of I lie
river into the lake. The stranger found
a new wonder. A storm blowing
m shore, during the previous night,
uid stirred up the imiddv bottom at
the river mouth and discolored the
hoal waters. A line of froth marked
the boundary of these yellow shallows
and the deeper waters f urt her out were
iistinctlv blue beside them. The
tourist remarked the difference to
Jenkins assumed his blandest air
Yes," lie explained, "that is the bound
ary between the .American and l ana-
linn waters."
The tourist gaped at it a moment.
Excuse me u moment," he said, rising
with an eye still on the line of the
"roth, "I left my camera downstairs in
Ihe luggage room."
He hurried down the after compan
on way. Jenkins did not wait for his
Ilie Dr After,
Mrs. Mixer Tell me the worst, doc
tor. Is my husband's condition seri
Doctor There is no cause for
alarm, madam; he is now out of dan
ger, although suffering acutely from
enlargement of the cerebral glands.
"But, doctor, how do you suppose
it was brought, on?"
"On n tray, probably." Chicago
Evening News.
A rrlcntrul Blander
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bncklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns,
felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile
core on earth. Only 25 cts. a box
Core guaranteed. SoldbyG.'C. Blake
ley druggist.
Calirornls Fruit Shipment,
San Francisco, Aug. 2. The ship
ments of green deciduous fruits handled
bythe Southern Pacific Company thus
far tins season aggregate 3050 carlods,
against 2709 carloads for the same pe
riod last year, an increase of 2(55. A
considerable proportion of this frolt has
been distributed in Atlantic seaboard
markets, and the balance in the cities of
the Middle West.
A Monster Devil FUh
Destroying its victim, is a type of con
stipation. The power of this murderous
uialsdy is felt on organs and nerves and
muscles and brain. There's no health
tlil it's overcome. lint Dr. King's New
Life Pills are a safe and certain cure.
j Best in the world for stomach, liver,
i kidney, and rowels. Only 25 cents at
Biakeley I drng store. 1
If you intend to take a trip Fast, ask
your ticket agent to route yon via The
Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All trains
ran via Niagara Falls and.'every through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Boss C. Clink,
Pacific Coast Pass. Agt
Los Angeles, Calif.
C. S. Ciiasi. O. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Subscribe for Tut Coboxici.
v. !!:bJrr.-T CTfv . xT?T?
The land Too Have Always
use for over 30 years,
'Srf-f-ji- sonal supervision since us inianc,.
WUcUti Allow no one to deceive yon In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations ana um,-us-buw
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or
Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR1A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphme nor other Narcotic
Mibstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
ss - mr
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Dalle Market..
Wheat No. 1, 50 cents.
Barley $14 a ton.
Oats $1.15 cental.
Wheat hay $7 loose; $8, baled.
Timothy $10 baled.
Alfalfa Loose $7.50; baled 8 50.
Potatoes $1 a sack.
Flour Diamond mills, $3.30 bbi ; Du
fur milh, $.'1 00
Eggs 17.'.j cents a dozen.
Butter Creamery, 55 cents ; dairy,
45 cents.
Chickens $3.50 to $4 a dozen. Broil
ers, $2.50.
AppleB Table, 75 cents; cooking, 50
to 00 cents.
Peaches Crawford?, 40.
The leat Kennedy for Stnmach anil
Dowel Troubles.
''I have been in the drug business for
twenty years and have sold most all of
the proprietary medicines of any note.
A niong the entire list I have never found
anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
stomach and bowel troubles," siys O.
W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
morbus in my family and I have recom
mended and sold hundreds of bottles of
it to my customers to their entire satis
faction. It affords a quick and sure cure
in a pleasant form." For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
SOUTH and EAST via
Soufnern Pacific Go.
Shasta Route
Trains leave Tlie Dalles for PnrtlnnJ ami n
tatluus at i:2i a. m. and 3 p. m.
Leave Portland
S:.K) a m
12. JO a in
7:00 pm
111:51)1) m
" Albany ..
Arrive Anhlnnd
' fSncrnin?iito . ...
" Han Francisco .
Arrive Oifrlon
" Denver
' Kansas City
" Chicago
Arrive Ln Angclca ...
r.l Kmk
Kort Worth
City of Mexico .
' New Orleans ..
' New York
1'nllnin l and Tourist para nn hoth t,i.
ChiiiriAr Hacrumcnto to ORik-n mid Kl 1'aao
unu iouriirnr mi mcaijo, (it liuia, Ni'vr Or-
icnii, huu u anillllgiotl.
Connwtiii nt Sun Krnn r!';!fl Willi HY-uriil
U-anihhlp line for Honolulu, Japan, Chill.
i-iunppiiica, Central ud Boutti America.
See agent at The Dalle, station, or address
General Passenger Agent, Fort.and, Or.
Letters of Credit issued available in th
eastern States.
Sight Ekchanire and,
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Lonis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fay.
orable terms.
Physician and Surgeon,
Special attention given to surgery.
Booms 21 and 22, Tel. 3M Vogt Blocs
..12tSam 11:30am r-.-SWi-r
. . &:() m 4 ; a in
. 7:t.-. pm 8:l,i am lt;:S-r:'f7
fi:45am 11:4.1 ami V'Mjf
VMl a in 9:ii a m -ximj-7:i
a m 7:25 am
7:1') a in 'J .M n m
.1:20pm 7 :00 a m
fi:00pm 6:(Klpm
. 6:.-tOatn i;::lium
k M 1
Dought, and which has been
has borne tne Biffnawro
has been maae unuer ms it:r-
m , V X v-wl 99 WA tkllfe
Signatur.3 of
The only 6tore ft
this city where tht
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen piocesof so-
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
ine haa the name
Btransky - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not beaeceiveu
First prize at 16
International Exhi
bitions. Hifthost
award at World s
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by the liest
certified to by the
mobt famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not runt
nor absorb frreaao,
ones not, uiscpior
nor catch inside, ts
not affected by ncids
in fruiUor
will boil,
stew, roast
and bake
tuvor of
food nnd
v.lll last
far years.
Oninsoisr French ai Co.'i hank
J)H. K. R, a-EUOl
Physician and Surgeon,
omco, Vogt Block (over rostoflloe),
Warlmo dw TIIK DAU.E4, OSKliOK.
fiOsUariflfctt. -a. 1
0:55 am !i:;Vm j ..oo
.4.00am 4:00a in
. naiin B:2ipm -ir We cau.
. 6:42m 6-4:! a m " -.'frfM f th.
.K:pin B'tlpn -V. -'47 'ion tha
I " ;-. v.vy ; :i:ri'.t
, I " ;v ' imitiitio-ij
I help the team. Saves wear and j
IV expense. Sold everywhere.
ii ar ;
r iTiNnmn ml nn. J
1 X T M
Notice ofSheriffT;
By virtue, ot an execution ,
clci of the cUciS ' l fa
c state of Oiegon, dated th. ?
pli-utirl r-ovreu judgment ..J " "Wot
Lee, oefei.daut, fcit the . ""11M " !
lar. ,d tweot;' '"trttVi
meut was enrolled and doeieZ Tl.bu i
tire in -id court.on luneMw uUV'cl'3
te . ond day of June. li bT ."
made iind entered on uid n, ,,, . ? orr.fa .
o'clock in thealtornramof S1.'
I!c auction to the hiKhet tiddefi"""
following described proper y, 5 '.ora,
Te """'"."'t Muarter of .otthi-
ouiuuanui souincas quarter na .w ,un
eat quarter of the southeaat ou.m-1 '
twentylght ft,), towu.hip
range seventeen (I7j eai:, ifn 9
lot number three i in i.i,''i. i-
. ..nine, or m. mupb thereo? r" J.
eafcary to sati-fy the .aid j,,d"u.,l1
). A. Scgsin agai- at ald N w i. nu"
Interest t ereoi at the rate of UghVli?'-'
annum from the day of juu, ''W
with all costs and dUbursem, , Xt h11
may accrue, m' wvc
, Dated at Dalle. VJ't
July 2, 1900. - """"'tl.Orfr
(Isolated Tract ) Public Land Bilt
Iasd Orrtti at The XxuM,0lt'
July 27,lsijo'i
Kotice U hereby given that in
tiiMructlo,,;, I,myt?e mL ?0TZ"
erol land ofliee, under authority 5
by section -24K U. B. Rev. Btai aa i hl
the act of congress appfovVeb'1, "
we will proceed to oiler at public wlL1
of 10 Pcloek. .7 m!, at'thi, Hi"a2,b
tract of land, to-wit: ' 8 ,0ll"u
-nt i r., u 11 K- W V
Any and all person, claiming th.
described lands are advised to m. SI
e'uillia in tills nllina k.. P' ih't
. .,, uu loruiiLd.
J AY 1'. LUCAS. Bl..
OH3 rATIKRSON', Reosrii.
Land Ornca at Tng Pauhk, om.,i
Notion I. h.h .i... .J.'."-':' ''' I
named settler has Hied notice of her InS
tn fiimimilu anil mnlra . , " ""Hlfll
her cl dm, and that said Till VT
-. - .... v. i.-rier al Ihe 11 1m
Oregon, on bulurday, Septembers, 1hjo,?u'
bols A. Illlin. nflha Hull., i,.
II. E. No. 6IB0, for the HW'4 p, I,,
and KW14 KWJi, Sec. il T. 1 it, li. ll E
..w mtuesesbinrorel)fr
continuous residence upon, and cullhaUon 3
... " 1 h.. .... . 11 1 1 1. a , V 1 .
1 I V n ii.,,,.
Land Imci at Tug Dug,ftn
July JO, liw.
Notice is hereby given that the (ntWi...
named settler has Hied notice of hia Intuition i
makellnal proof in support of hli claim, mi
til 11 1 said 1 roof will be lllllOe hcfnrnlh.
ami iieceiver ai i no ouiies, uregon, on Tliun-
tiny, Aujcusi mi, jyw. viz. :
John W. JulinstoD, of The Dsllsi, Or..
II. E. No. 5176. for the KK'i See 11. Tnjg Hi
E, W. M.
lie names the following witnesfcstonmvchh
coiiiiiiiious rvsiueuce upon, and cumruioaa
sam iiin, viz:
J . W. Marollia. fl. W. Johniitnn. Frnnlr Vr:l.
ley, Geo. K. Johnston, all of The IJnllei, Olrs'X
23 t JAV I'. LUCAS, Rcjiitet.
Land Office at Tin Dai.lim. Orhw.i
July V, laoii. i
Notice ta hprehv irlven that the fcllnwint
named settler has filed notice of hin Intention li
make final proof in supinrt of his cliOm.iM
that snid proof will be made before the
and Keit-iver nt The IialUs, Oregon, on To
aay, a ngusi 1, j'juu, viz:
Horace 11. Tatternon, ot The Dallot.Or,
H E. No. 54c4 for the BW 'i 8W, Sec. , at
KU SW'A- B'0. 81, Tp. N., R. 12 E., W. M.
He names tne following witnesses to pronto'
continuous residence upou and cultivation!!
a ni intiti, vis:
K. y. I'atterson, D. J. Roberts, A . T. Robert.
L. E. Huberts, all of Mosier, Oregon.
JAY P. ixm
JU 11-1 KeiI.
Notice is hereby given that the nndenirifl
have been duly appointed by th honnrii
county court, of the state of Oregon, lor "
county, executors of the estato ni Horstioi
son, dofeakcd. All pe""s -againat
said estate are hereby notllliKl toprwM
the same, properly veritle.1, to the undtnlmj
chorin. 17 r,ru,n nt Wukco. Kherman eonnil-
Oregon, or at the offlce of our attoriievi, ke
lee & Wilson, nt I lie mines, inegmi, "" -months
from the date of this notice.
Hated July I I, l'JOO.
Executors of the estate of Horallot'ono.'
Notice is hereby given that the under
ins been duly aniaiinted by tho honnrnblt ww
of the state of lliegon, for Wascc 1 cniini;,
eeulor of the estate of Aimiit Bsr"'"J
ci-a.ed. A II f ersons having claims W"1"1'"
estate are hereby notllled to P resent IMWJ'
iia'riv vermeil, iu in unu. .n..-. - - tf
fd, at The lialles, Wnic i conntT; "fS "
Iheolflceof his attorneys. Menelee
at 1 he Ilallea, Oregon, within six aionun
the date of this noilce.
lated this 14th day of July. iw. .
Executor of the estate of' Augut BWJ":
Notlos la hereby given that thj "''
nretofnre exisliua hetweeii r..
rank Henefcn, at The Dalit's, UWJV-
nk Henefcn, at The Hani's, """V"
linn name and style of Dnf"' I
1 dm dissolved by miilual co'. "f "V. ..ij
iifur retiring from said linn. '"" ';' M u
nes In which said tlrm is I'V'r'jrfrtW
tornevs, will be atUnded to "","'''.''
both nartners the same as though no dl
had occurred. ., . v, mHs1
Frank Menefpawlll retain i" .ni
mots of the tlrm, and will P;j? ' '"4
alms against said tlrm, and all P""'", "
1 tha tlrm of Dutiir & Menelcc are '?"m
ttlo the same with him at sn " '""TM i
Dated at The Dalits, Oregon, 10" m
July, l'.ioo.
14. BO YEAR'
s...TV -vriOMT &
jii," . .
arnna sending a ""JM i
HIT ascertain our l'nl"" "' nis""5
lllon IS nrnnwin 7 ".'. .... ik. IIO r'"-
tlnoa strict
M rlrt ly email nl lal. ," rw, p"1'
reo. ll.1st M".'' (""
l-aim.ia taken tlin.iufi ""' P
nxrloi wrflc. without uharira.
Scientific flacn.
A hsnilsomelr lllnrst'd iris. JLf
rnlatlim ..f any rM,l,.""2.f.; hi. I b',2
ur : lour momns, i- lUiuTnl
Uranch OfTVo.. tr F Ft-
F. Hooaav
wand 40, over u.