The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 25, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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-; i
Saturday'! Daily.
J. A. Crotfen, rx-poitmBter of tliia
city, ia here visiting friends.
Mrs. Robert Mava, Jr., arrived liere
od tbe noon traiu from Antelope.
Mr. C. L.' Gilbert left on the noon
train for her Lome at Hood River.
Mrs. J. M. Marden left on this morn
Ing't boat tor an outing at Cascade
Colonel Nye and wife, of Prineville,
were passenger! on llils morning's boat
for Portland.
Mrs. Olivia Morgan was passenger
on Ibis morning's boat for an outing at
Cascade Locks.
Max Lneddemsn of the Antelope
Herald, is in the ciiy tbe guest of tbe
Umatilla House.
Sam Waters and family, of Golden
dale, were passengers on this morning's
boat for Portland.
Charles Bennrd, a prosperous Crook
county sheep man, is in tbe city looking
after bis wool clip.
. C. L. Schmidt and family were pas
sengers on this morning's boat for an
outing at Hood River.
Mrs. Frank Taylor, of Three Mile, ac
companied tier relative, Mrs. J. U. Tay
lor, on this morning's boat as far as the
Chris Dethman, a prominent fruit
roan of tbe Hood River valley, was in
town last night, the guest of tbe Uma
tilla House.
T. A. Hudson returned here this
morning from a trip through Eastern
Oregon in the interest of the American
Fire Insurance Company.
Miss Lettie Powell, of Prineville, ar
rived here on the noon train on her way
to visit friends in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mcintosh, who
have been guests of the Umatilla House
for a few days, left at noon today for
their home at Paulina, Crook county.
Mrs. C. L. Richmond and children, of
Tbe Dallee, are sjemlin? the vacation
at Charlie's ranch in Ferry Canyon.
Mrs. Richmond visited Mrs. T. G. John
son Monday. Condon Globe.
Monday Dally.
C. II. Stevens wits in town today from
John Havely, a prosperous Boyd farm
er, was in town today.
Mrs. K, Beck was a passenger on this
morning's boat for Portland.
Father Itrongeest was a puBgenger on
the belated noou train for Portland.
Hon. F. X. Jones came in yesterday
from his ranch near Sherar's Bridge.
Mrs. H. A. dirties, of North Dalles,
left on this morning's boat for Portland.
Frank Aldrich, the Goldendale wheat
buyer, is registered at the Umatilla
Mrs. A. A. Jayne left on the boat this
morning to join her family at Wind
Miss Maude Gilbert has gone to spend
a month with her parents at Hood
Mrs. E. C. Pontland, of Independence,
is visiting her sister-in-law. Mrs. S. L.
Mrs. (iriino was a passenger on the
boat this morning for St. Martin's
W, Menefee aud family left on this
morning's boat for an outing in the
Wind River country.
James Snipes and daughter, Mies Bes
sie, were pneeengers on the boat this
morning for Portland.
Claud McCoy came down yesterday on
a short visit from Pendleton, where he
is engaged in the St. George hotel.
8. G. Dorris left on the noon train for
Arlington, where he has obtained a
position as foreman on the Record.
Miss H.ttie Gunn, a teacher in the
Goldendale eclioolc, for the past six
years, is in tbe city visiting her sister
who is under the medical care of Dr.
Captain John Niinela nd wife, of
Columbus, spent yesterday In the city
the guests of the Obarr hotel. The cap
tain is master of the steamer Nellie that
plies between Columbus and Grants.
Rev. D. V. Poling left on this morn
ing's boat for Albany, to conduct the
services over the remains of Martin
Payne, a pioneer of '49, who died at
that place yesterday of cancer of the
The following Dlcsites visited the
campers at Cascade Locks yesterday:
J. Lucas, Simeon Bolton and wife, Fred
Fierier, wife and daughter, M. M. Cueh
trig and daughter, li. D. Parkins. W. H.
Hobson and daughter, Earl Sanders,
Mr. Smith, Otis Patterson and family,
Luella Nelson, Florencft Sampson, Net
tie Frcdden, Mr. and Mm. C. L. Phil
Mrs. Frank Taylor, Ed Williams, (i T
Pair, W H Wilson, W E Walther, M.
Markillie, W. Williams.
Tuesfay Dnlly.
John Karlen, of Bakeoven, is at the
Umatilla House.
W. Lord went on a bueit.eis trip to
Portland this morning.
Thomas Farlow and wife arrived in
t)wn today from Wamic.
Phil Knowles, of Fifteen Mile liou-e,
D lfur, was in town today.
John McAIIcter, of Glenwood, is regis
tared at tbe Umatilla Houte.
Walter Mclnnia has returned from
three days' trip to Portland.
A. E. Scott and J. W. Proctor, of
Gjldendale, were in town last night.
Profesor C. L. Gilbert came np from
Hood River on the noon passenger.
D. W. Mann came np yesterday on n
short visit from his ranch near Collins
Landing. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams were
passengers on Ibis morning's boat for
Cascade Locks.
John A. VVIIaon, a highly respected
resident of the Hood River valley, was
in town last night.
Judge Fradshaw left today for Yam
bill county to accompany to her home
his little niece, Miss Littlefleld, who baa
be?n visiting with bun lor a short time
W. Wurxweiler and family arrived
here on the noon train on their way
home to Prineville.
R. H. Weber and Mrs. Blanche
Montgomery and son went on this morn
ing s boat to tascide Locks.
Jamet Harper ami family and C. V
Chaiuplain returned yesterday evening
from a two weeks' outing at irout ivike.
C. H. Doild, of Portland, was a guet
of the Umatilla House last night and
left on this morning's stage for Golden
Silvev Kelsav. Charlov Heppner and
Rex Ward went on this morning's boat
to Stevenson on a ton days' fishing aud
camphig trip,
Mrs. Toouiey, of tbe Columbia Hotel,
went to Collins Landing this morning
to make arrangements for an outing for
herself and children at that place.
C. C. Hobart arrived here this riorn
ing from visiting his son in Spokann
and will leave in the morning to spend
three weeks with bis family at Ocean
W. II. Moore, wife and son, Mift Rey
burn, Miss Thompson, Mrs. G. N. Bol
ton and Mrs. A. E. Cousens, all of
Moro, left on this morning's boat for an
outing at Collins Springs.
At three o'clock this morning, to Dr.
and Mrs. G. E. Sanders, a son. Mother
and child are doing nicely.
Nla,ta Fair.
The state board of agriculture is mak
ing a great etl'ort this year to make the
state fair a representative agricultural
and life stock show. The premium list
is out and is being thoroughly distribut
ed throughout the state, and personal
efforts are being made to attract the at
tract the attention of farmers and stock
men to the very liberal piemiums
Several counties in the state are pre
paring a county exhibit for the fair, for
they realize it will be a good opportunity
to advertise their county in a most prac
tical way. Each exhibit will be a lec
ture room, and an object lesson for the
home-eeeker, where he can get informa
tion along intelligent lines, and will be
worth many dolla-s in advertising the
county's resources.
Tho live stock show will be without
question the best ever held on the coast.
Breeder all over the country are pre
paring to exhibit at the fair this year.
There is an opportunity here in Oregon
for the farmers who have been running
in debt raising wheat to turn their at
tention to the profitable production of
beef, mutton and pork, or engage in
dairying, which bas already ta't-n its
place as a leading paying industry in
this state. There is a demand for the
beBt specimens of all breeds, which will
continue to grow for years to come, ami
there is nothing that will encourage this
industry so much as stock shows at
state and county fairs.
Towns' Intentions.
Lincoln, Neb., July '23. A ram storm
kept W, J. Bryan indoors today, but
time did not hang heavily on his hands
He had a number of visitors, three of
political prominence General James B.
Weaver, of Iowa ; Louis C. Ehrich, of
Colorado Springs, Colo., and John E.
Pitts, of Cincinnati. Mr. Pitts is of the
national democratic campaign club, and
he claims many accessions to tbe ranks
of the organization. He told Mr. Bryan
that the trust question wsan important
one, and on this issue he would make
great gains. Ha said the democratic
traveling men proposed to eetablish
headquarters in every city of importance
in the country.
Mr. Ehrich, w ho is the Colorado mem
ber of the anti-imperialistic leauge,
called to tell of the progress being made
in the West. Ho told Mr. Bryan that
while he voted with the gold democrats
four years ago, he was for him now.
General Weaver was on his way home
from Idaho, where he had attended the
fusion Btate conventions. He and Mr.
Bryan were together some time.
A story circulated here today, thongh
not credited to Mr. Bryan or his visitors,
Is to the effect that Charles A. Towne
will remain on the ticket, as populist
candidate for Vice-President for the good
his candidacy will do in the strongly
populiatic states of Kansas, Nebraska
and South Dakota. JJ. Towne's letter
of acceptance er withdrawal will be held
back, it is asserted, until the national
committees of the democrats and popu
lists have disciiPsed the matter. A con
'erence will be held in Chicago early in
righting Hob r.Tuni' Opiulon.
St. Loi-is, July 23. Captain Um bier
D. Evans, United States navy (fiV'tirg
Bob), who has been taking baths at
Hot Spilnzs, Ark., for two month,
pasted through this city this forenoon
en route to Washington. While nt
Union station he talked freely about the
Chinese situation, and , among other
things said :
"In my estimation, the great powers
of the earth are facing the moat critical
situation that has arisen in modern his
tory. To put it vigorously, they are
sitting on powder barrels, and an ex
plosion may come at any time. If It
does it will annihilate present national
boundaries and change the map of the
world so that it will not be recognizable.
I do not believe in the talk that China
may become a world power of its own
force. It stands in immediate danger of
dismemberment, and the partition of
the empire can only be prevented by the
United States. I approve of the policy
of the administration as now outlined.
This country cannot afford to stand by
and see China divided np among tbe
European government without making
a protest that will shake the world and
announce to all the earth that this
nation must be supreme in the ea8t, be
cauae It holds the Philippines."
Cougrrss In Doubt.
Washington, July 23. Chairman
Babcotk, of the republican congressional
committee, altera somewhat extended
tour of the East and Middle West, says
that tlie-eituation, as far at the national
ticket is concerned, is entirely latiefdiv
tory, ami that McKinley will poll at
least as largo a vote as he had f jnr years
ago. He Siys the republicans seem to
be equally contented with the democratic
ticket and platform, which he considers
the beet that could have been named to
strengthen the republican ccu-e.
Mr. Babcock ia more apprehensive
about the congressional campaign, for
while the g' 1 1 democrats will support
the national republican ticket, many of
them will desert the sound-money party
on congressional issues, and for local
offices. In order to retain control of the j
next House, he says, every republican
should vote. While this is a discourag-1
outlook which the republicans must face, I
it is yet the fact, and the sooner they j
get to work the better. Attention is;
called to the fact that many states, such j
as New York and Pennsylvania, which ;
will give their electoral vote to McKinley, I
have a large number of democratic rep
resentatives In congress, which, added
to the Solid South, makes the proBpect
an thing but bright for the republicans 1
and proves that the carrying of the na
tional campaign does not necessarily
mean success in the congressional Gght."
We ore offering special values in
ladies' tan oxfords. A $2 50 silk vesting
top, turn-sole oxford for $1.75 while
they last. Every day is bargain day at
tbe New York Cash Store.
12:10 p. m.
Suit I.nk. , Denver, Ft.
12:M p m
Worth. OniRha, Kan
sas 4'ity, tst. Louis,
Chicago ana tasu
Salt Luks. Denver. Ft
4:4.') a. in.
worth, unitiha, Ktiti-
12:'i0 a. in.
flHs City, Ht. Louis
Chicago and Kast.
ia Hunt
Walla Walla, frokane,
MlnneHpoliB. Ht. Haui,
iJulutb, Milwaukee,
CblOHgo and Kant, via.
Spukaneakd HuntinK
ton ; also all iHJnr in
Washington and Lust
em Oregon.
9:25 p. m.
8:30 a. m
8 p. m.
From Poktland.
Ocean Steamships.
For han Kranciwo
Every Five Days.
4 p. m.
8 p.m. I I 4 p. m.
Ex. Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.Bundaj
To Astoria and Way
BfttnrHav I
iu p. m.
6a.m. Willamette Rivkr,
4:30 p. m.
Ex.bunday!Oreon City, New berg,
buiein di way Land s.
7 a. m,
Oregon City, Dayton,
and Way-Ijindlngs.
8:30 r m
aud Fri.
Tuea.l hur.
and eat.
&NAII River.
Riparia to Iwlaton.
9:00 a. m.
Lv Riparial
t : ib a. in
Panic desiring to go to Hennner or
pointa on Columbia Houthern via HiggM, thould
take No. 2, leaving I he Imlli at I t 40 p. m.
making direct connections at Hennner iunction
and Kjgga. Returning maMngdirt-rtconnection
at Heppner Junction and IliKifs with No. 1. ar
riving at Tbe Dalles at 12::i0 p. m.
Vn, full t,o ..Inn lur. null mi f O m. V I 'r.
agent The Dalles, or address
Owl Paa. Agt., Portland. Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dallea tor Portland and ny
Ktatlons at 4:2a a. m. and .'! p. m.
Leave Portland
" Albany
Arrive Ashland
' hHcrani.-nto . . .
" Bun rruueiHCO
. X:.T0 a m 7:(K1 p in
.l'J.Mani 1U: ', pm
.1 v:i:i a m
. .Vim p in
. 7:4 . p m
11 ::m n in
4 ::r a in
:l".a in
Arrive Ogdon
11 KansaftClty.
" Chicago
f Ah a m
mm a m
7 : 2 a in
7:4') a iu
1 1 : r. a in
!l lU in
7:'.'.r a in
II M a iu
Arrive 1is Angeles 1 : '0 p m
" Kl I'hso d im p m
" Fort Worth ::i a in
" City of Mexico 'J Via m
Houston 4 (Kl a in
New Orleans a :-.' am
" W ashington M a m
" New York 12:4:1pm
7 no a m
1:im p in
::) a in
II : .'. a m
4 mi a m
tt:l p in
13 a m
U U p in
Pi.llirml and Tourist ears on both trains.
Chair cars Kacrarnento to Ogdcn and Kl I'ano,
and t niiist cars to I hicngo, Ht Ixiuia, New Or
leans aud Washington.
Connecting at Pan Praiicp-co with severs I
stcHinshlp lines for Honolulu, Jaati. China,
I'hillppiiiea, Central and rjouth America.
See agent at The Dallea station, or address
Cieueral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or
Men Pacific Co.
Str. Regulator.
Ship your
I v. Dalle
Lt. Portland
a' 7 A. X.
. . MllUflMT
at 7 a. M.
. . . Wednewiy
8-tturtlav . .. .
r;rt.iy ! t?aosti T a
Arr. t'orlland
Arr. Dalle
at :." r. M.
at 5 r. M.
jf. Travel by the Steamers of the Regulator Mae. The Company will endeavor to give ita pat
a ron the bent service possible. Kor further luformatiou addreaa
(, Portland Offlcc, Ouk -Street Dock. W.
I . w . rirLVTYilriT.TlTiT.TtV.TTlTlTiTrr'w-1,,r--vVAwrik"'
Retiring from
Closing out my Entire Stock
Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
prices. Will eell iu bulk or in lots, or
Entire stock must "be closed out
before thirty days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets
and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure
Rpfnro unn pIflce 8By
DCIUiC JfUU curbing,
place any
work, call on Lonis Comioi. I will not only give you all
the information you need but I will quote you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. let no ono bluff you. It will take
only a few minutes to call and see me. If you have a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the price and quality of ray woik I ) Pntnini
and abide bv the result. : LUUlO UUillllll
is being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or pre
vious condition of servitude. Il"iueuiber we make our custo
mers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paints. There is a
finish and glos to its work that is admired by all.
Paints, Oils. Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Be sure and inspect our stock of Wall Paper
Designs for 1900 on Display
Washington Street,
between Second and Third.
Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest
Buy vour tickets from the MOUNTAIN STAGE & MVERY COM
PANY, Hood Kiver, Oregon. j!yl2
fill kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
Wasco Warehouse Comply
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, :fndM?"Lk feed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr Thi" I'lonr " mnfactrl eipressly for fatnlli
, ,. , " , nee: every sack ia (juarantoed to give satisfaction.
We i sell our goods lowor than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get cur price and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oit3.
Subscribe for
iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiin i r. x pi I ii vivnnr
Steamer of tho Regulator Line will run an ir the fol schedule, the Company reserving tbe right to change'
schedule without notice.
Str. Dalle City.
Lt. Dulles
at 7 A. .
Wednesday... .
Arr. Portland
at4:JUr. at.
Lt . Portland .
at 7.'W a. u.
. ... Thursday .
Arr. Iallea '
at 5 P. at..
trr T .i no
C. ALLAWAY, Cen. Agt.
Shoes, at much less than wholesale
any way to suit purchasers.
Corner Second and Court. Sts.
order8 for '
fencing or
orders for a tombstone or for
other cemetery
& Barget
Burial Shoes
the Chronicle.
Uheivby glvm that th rjnder.)
duly l.p..r. ted br the wrJN
of Ore.,,, ejnt.,r ol tSu
uieut uf Kvsllne Evuns. d.i ,ul
du irea a
Ike tle
nod u Lumen!
AH Imriair t-laiius against
o( tbe stid E villi. Evans ar heu bt rL
to present the ame to him. prorlv verir'ed"
nioiilhs fr..m lliedate here.,1. iuua
lnU-il this lota day ot June. Wo
ExcaUir of the last will .ud lesta'a, -tvunue
Evans, deceased. ,., t
Ud Ornca it Tua Dam.,. oreoo.
Jul) .1jwi j
Xotire Is hereby riven that the fri,
named settler haa tiled notice nt hi. it,u-nu i
mate final proof Id support of his cLim"?,!!
that said proof will be made before ihe u.
and Receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon oiT,""
day, August 21. Isuo.vU: ' 00 Tu
floraca t I'attrrson, of The Dall,, fc
H Xo. 51-4 for the SW;.' BWi .-,
N y. Bee. 31, Tp. N , R. lj E ,
He name tne following witnees to nr..'.v
tinuous residence upon and cultivaujini
Said land, viz:
K. V. Patterson, I). J. Roberts. A. T
L. E. Roberts, all of .Muster, Oregon. nil t.i I.Mtiwv ' -a.
Notice is hereby Riven that the rwtnerni.i.
heretofore existing hetween E. B. Jjiifnr ,J!
Frank Menefee, at The Dalli-s, Oregon uiuw
the Ann name and style of Utifur & ileuelil
this da dissolved by mutual consent R '?
Dufurretiiing from said lirni. All unti'nUtud
casea in which said firm is interestid si
tornevs, will be attended to and completed b
both partners the same aa though no dibsolutio.
hud occurred. "
Frank Menefee will retain the books and
counts of the firm, and will pay all debts ami
claims agaiust said firm, and all parties iudeblsd
to tbe firm of Dufur & Menefee are requested I
settle the same with him at an early date
Hated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 1st dar u
July, I'.IUU. E. B. lil Kl'K,
Notice is hereby given that the undersiitnej
have been duly npuointed by the honorable
county court, of the state of Oregon, for Vium
county, executors of the estate of Horatio Cor
son, deceased. All persons having claims
flguinst said estate arc hereby notitled tn present
the same, properly verified, "to the undersignel
Charles K. Corson, nt Wasco, Sherman county
Oregon, or at the office of our attornevs, Mene-'
fee & Wilson, at The Dalles, Oreg in, within ill
months from the date of this notice.
Duled July II, l'JOu.
Executors of the estate of Horatio Corson, df
ceased. jijm
Land OrFtcK at Thr 0Aun,niij,
July, I'M. )
hotice is hereby given that the tollnwin.
nnmel settler has filed notice of his immUonto
muse nnai priMr in support ol tils claim, tni
thHt said proof will be made before the Ri-kUh
anu j.eireiver at I ne Danes, Oregon, oa Thurt
day, August 1!"00. viz.:
John W. Johnston, of The Inlles, Or,,
II. E No. 517i, for tho SE)i Sec 23, Tp 2 N, 82
E, W. M.
Ho names tho following wltne-ses to prove ha
continuous residence upon, and ciiltivatlnoo!
said land, viz:
J. W. Marquis, O. W. Johnston, Frank Fried
ley, Geo. E. Johnston, all of The Dalles, Oiegoa.
25 I JAY r. LUCAS, Registir.
Notice Is hereby given that the tindersiinri
has been duly appointed by the honorable court
of the state of Oregon, for Wasco eoiintv. fx-
ecntor of the estate of Auaust Bachman, de
ceased. All persons having claims against nil
estate are hereby notified to present the shim.
properly verified, to the undersigned (ieoriel.
Heed, at The Dalles, Waso county, Oregon,
at the office of his attorneys, Menefee v. Wi'sni,
nt The Dalles, Oregon, within six mouths from
the date of this notice.
Dated this 14th day of July, 1M0.
tiEOKli K D. REED,
Executor of the estate of August Buchmss,
deceased. JljiUii
CkicteD Lice Coiiprei.
Carbolineum : Avenarius.
The most efllficnt Wood Preicrving
l'nint also a Radical Remedy agitinst
Chicken Llc. Ita application to in
side walls of poultry houses will per
manently exterminate all lice. Be
tulta healthy chickens, p.enty of
eggs, w rite for circulars and ptlces.
Mention this paper.
Jos. T. Peters & Co.,
Yellowstone Park Line.
; Union Depot, Firih and I s:s.
No. 2.
lllj A. M
No. 4.
ll;:w P. M
Fast mall (orTiicnrna.i
Seattle, II viiiidH. i.roy
HailHirand Houth llenl
points, HpukaiH. K'is
fund, II. (.'., full niMii. ;
Moncfiw, llstoii. Bill-, ,, a
try, llelenii, Mlnneaisi-;
I lis, Ht. I'aul, tlinaha,
! Kansas Cllv. Kt. bmli.
Cliiengo and all pnliit w .
east and southeast.
i I'nget Hound's . , u
for'l aeoinn and SestHe
land liilerrncdl-ite poinl'i
rullinan first class and toiiri't lw"lnB
Wlnnea.olls, Mt. Paul and Missouri river p"
without change. .tmi
VtistlhiiliHl trains, fnlon depot conn"
in all principal cities. , i,.i.
Ilnggiige checked to dcstlliatloii ol tir'
for handBomely -crlpll" 0
tickets, sleeping ear reservations, etc., can
. . t ,' Mi'"
Assistant (ieneral Passenger Agent.
noli Mtreet, comer Thlid, Portland, urn
h.i,v,tl.etenm. BaJ
V IiVl. " - 1
Notice is hereby
ilrlta Pad