The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 21, 1900, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Advertising Kataa.
Per inch
O or Iwa In Daily fl M
I) ei two luetic mid uii'ler four Inches 1 UO
U .-or (our tucket sod uuUer twelve Inches. . 7
O.-sr twelve Inches SO
ttnetnch or le, er Inch 12 SO
Over one Inch and under four Inches 2 00
Over (our Inches and uuder twelve luche . 1 50
Over twelve iucuea 1 00
Ksc-Sciiator Corbctt bas caught his
' second political wind and is a candi
date fur the United States senate
ngain, says the East Oregoninn. lie
announces his candidacy in a letter
to the Portland Orcgonian as follows.
"Previous to the recent acts of
icy political enemies, I bad hesitated
to become again a candidate for the
United States senate. I now offer
uiy services to the state In that
capacity, pledging myself to fight
for the best interests of the state
with the same energy I use in fight
ing all b'acUmailing, nil forms of
repudiation, for the development of
the oiiental trade, and lor whatever
will make Oregon and the northwest
great and prosperous."
Did mottal man ever witness
vainer and coarser work! There is
even an appearance that the ex
senator ban too 'blacknmil suit
started against himself for "political
reasons," in Older that he might
have excuse for offering the worn
out issue of "too much Corbctt" to
the pcoplo of Oregon once more.
The "fair Inez" should never be
forgiven for driving the old states
man into the field of politics again,
where he expects to fight the battle
of bis life for the double purpose of
vindicating his character and satisfy
ing' an unruly nnd unnatural desire
to servo a people in the United
States, when and by whom he is not
wanted. Some people have appetites
nnd ambitions, but this aged man
has more than his share of them. He
really needs a guudiao. It requires
more than a scandal, a suit of black
mail, a fat purse, a subservient news
paper and an easy boss to enable a
man to break Into the United Slates
aenate against the people's will.
other nation on earth, should vote
for Biyan, for he is pledged to that
very thing. All other citizens of
the republic, no matter what their
previous political affiliations may
Lave been, should and must unite
against that financial heresy, which,
if adopted, would plurgo the country
into a state of business anaichy, sucb
as b-ts never been experienced by
any people since the invention of
coined money.
If you do not like this hot weather,
says an exchange, move on. l)o not
stand around and grumble. This is
Ood's country. There are lenly of
cooler spots in this PuciQc northwest
land, with mountains and lakes
galore, where the heat is not opprcs
sive and the nir is cool and sweet.
Tuke a pair of blankets, a slab of
bacon, some flour and a match, and
be an autocrat of the f. ixst, of the
mountain, or of the lake. Do some
thing during the hot months. Dream,
or bathe, or fish. The fond dreamer
loves the shore ; the fat man loves
the babbling brook, where he can
fish and snore.
The lest Hill could say at Kansas
City for the platform was: "If there
arc some issues democrats do not
desire to present as strong as some
others, they can at least talk about
something in this platform that is
worth) of their approval." If the
feast is a failure the mustard and
toothpicks are recommended as not
half bad.
The announcement is made that
the "Jeffersoniun Democratic Club
of The Dalles" will hold a "jubilee"
Saturday tiiifbt for the purpose of
ratifying the nomination of Bryan
and Stevenson. Good music is prom
ised and "enthusiastic" speeches are
to be delivered. In addition to these
attractions it is srcrclly hinted that
the brethren have imported a brand
new "imperialistic" spook, from
Lincoln, Nebraska, that is warranted
tohoriibly shake the disposition of j
McKinleyites with thoughts beyond
the reaches of their souls.
A dealer in lemons left nt this
cilice today a sample lemon from a
lot recently received from California,
which is literally covered with the
San Jose scale. Here is a Geld that
calls loudly for some effective mis
sionary work by the horticultural
powers that be. We had no fruit
pests till they were brought here, as
the scale is still coming in carload
lots of affected fruit every day. All
efforts to stamp out the fruit pests
must be unavailing so long as ship
pers and dealers are allowed to
handle affected fruit without even
the pretense of a restraint. The
Cuhosiolk hopes the day is not far
distant when no fruit raiser or dealer
will dare to offer for sale in The
Dalles market even a wormy apple
without the certainty of arrest and
Stripped of all glamor, the demo
crats have entered upon a flag
furling campaign. They condemn
expansion, yet welcome Hawaii, be
cause its one vole alone enables them
to again attempt to overthrow the
staiile currency of tbc country. TLey
decry "imperialism," yet shout them
selves hoarse over nn Hawaiian
"prince." They are welcome to nil
the votes and glory they can make
out of such duplicity and treachery,
which will nauseate, but never de
ceive, the true American people.
ropuiists wuose political stock in
trade is denunciation of the money
power for depriving them of the
right and opportunity to work had
better stay away from Kansas until
the crops are all in, says the Kansas
City Star. The farmers arc going
out with shotguns, rounding up all
the tramps they can find and com
polling them to work in the harvest
fields for kl 50 a day ond board.
Exports to Porto Rico in May
iiave more than dou-bled ns compared
wi.h the preceding May, and im
ports from the island have nearly
doubled. Exports to the island from
the United States in May, 1893, were
30.r).5G4. and in May, 1900, were
$G9G,479. The imports into tbc
United States from tbe island in
May, 1899, were G47.179, and in
May, 1900, $1,103,807. The May
commerce with Porto Iiico shows a
much greater increase than is the
case with any of the other islands.
Willi Cuba the commerce of May
differed little from that of May,
1899, and this wes also the case with
the Hawaiian islands; whilo in the
Philippine islands the imports show
no increase, though the exports show
a rcmatkuble gain.
The Kansas City convention at
tempted to square a circle when it
tried to construct a sound-moncy-free-silvcr
platform and nominate
a pxir ot free-eilver-sound-moncy
candidates. Tho two things will not
mix. One is rigM and the other is
wrong; ond no amount of word jug
gling, wool pulling, hedging or
evasion can deceive the people.
Those who sincerely believe in the
free and unlimited coinage of silver
at the ratio of 16 to 1, without await
fng the aid or co operation of any
At the league meeting of rcpub
llcan clubs in St. Louis, a resolution
was passed recommending the forma
tion of a republican club in every
ward and township of the state.
Thai's all right if tho clubs so formed
would not copy the example of The
Dalles republican club, which met
and organized nnd then adjourned,
sine die.
The Oregonian knows of only one
democra'-ic tmper in tho northern
states that opposed Bryan in 189G
and is supporting him now. The
single exception is tho Chicago
Chronicle which is opposed to the
lG-to 1 fallacy, claims it is obsolete,
outdated and not an issue at all.
McKinlcy has not a single clement
of an imperialist in his makeup, but
if he had, Bryan is an autocrat and
a despot, as is evidenced by his
forcing the democratic national con
vention to declare for the idiocy of
free sMvpr when three fourth" of the
delegates did not want it.
If Ex-Senator Corbctt hs con
cluded to run for United States sen
ator because somebody has sued him
for $ 100,000 for alienating his wile's
affection?, it is a safe presumption
that he would have run for president
if he had been sued for, say, a quarter
of a million.
Imperialism is a misnomer. We
are in the Philippines today and en
gaged in subsiding insurrection as
the result of the Spanish war. His-
tories written in calmer and later
days will prove ttat we have not
been "shooting civihzition" into the
Filipinos and establishing govern
ment without the consent of the
covcrned, but rather that we have
been putting down by force a die
tatorial government supported by
force and a rebellion inspired by
ambitious leaders. It will show that
tbe masses of people have opposed
us, not from long chctished hopes of
independence from America, but
from hostility to America and Amer
icans brod by the false teaching of
unscrupulous natjves, ex-Spanish
civil servants, foreign juntas nnd
American sympathizers.
In the last six months, hogs have
advanced $3 a bead. Apply this to
50,000,000 bogs, and there is a profit
of $150,000,000 for western farmers,
, Gen. Aguinaldo says be never
heard of Adlai E. Stevenson before,
but that be will vote for him on Col.
Bryan's resommendation.
Schedule or Expenditure
Showing the amounts of all claims pre
sented, the names of all claimants, the
article or claim for which payment is
made, the amounts allowed and the
claims continued or rejected at the extra
July term, 1900, of the County Court of
Wasco county, Oregon. The following
list, however, does not contain any
claim for which the salary or fees are
provided for by statute :
Dr. Hniih Logan, profeeeional
M Callagban, rebUe on taxes.. . .
Lost Lake Lumber Co., lumber. .
C II Crocker, supplies
J M Toomey, board of pauper
5 00
() 70
In the opinion of the Philadelphia
Press the electoral vote In November
will stand McKinlcy 277, Brynr. 157,
with Kentucky's thirteen lu doubt.
The most earful estimates made from
present conditions vary but little
from these fitrures.
The failure of the democrats to
denounce the annexation of Hawaii
w.ts doubtless due to the fact that
the rote of Hawaii alone enabled
them to revive the 16 to 1 corpse.
Ex-Secretary of Agriculture, J.
Sterling Morton, reduces the demo
cratic national platform to an essence
wbenhcsrrys: ''Bryan is 16 to I.
Silver at 16 to 1 is Bryan."
Mr. Bryan is opposed to McKinlcy
becoming an emperor but bo has no
objection to himself being the most
imperialistic boss American politics
has ever known.-
Gio T Tratlier, exam insane 10 00
Dr. M Shaw, same 10 00
Ezara lienson, rest voters 4 til)
S 1) Fieher, making tools for road
district 3 35
Mosier Mill Co., lumber 40 35
Dr GeisendortTer, professional
services 73 00
Pioneer Mills, lumber 18 82
Dr Uineliart, exam insane 6 00
Pea we & Mays, supplies paupei . 1 00
Dalles City Water Works, water
rent May and June 12 79
Oregon Telephone & Telegraph
Co., rent and meesir8 20 30
Chronicle Tub. Co., printing and
publishing 13 00
Geo Ruch. supplies pauper 4 70
Clarke & Kalk, drugs pauper. ... 7 35
I'rinU cx Mtschku, covering table
in clerk s ofhee 1 o0
J II Cross, supplies pauper 5 50
I, A. K. Lake, County Clerk for
Wneco county, State of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the above and fore
going is a full and complete statement
of the claims presented and action taken
thereon by the County Court of Wasco
county, Wrfgon, sitting for the transac
tion of county business at the July
term, 1900, thereof, save and except all
claims the ealaryor fees for which are
provided tor by statute.
Witness my hand anil the seal of the
County Court affixed, this 20th day
of July, 1000.
SKAl,. A. K.f.'.KK,
County Clerk,
iiy f-iMKos I', Deputy.
Siim'njr Kieiimlin In Itntincvlll.
Take either the I'acifin express, leav
ing The Dalles at 4:50 a.m., or the
Portland special, leaving The Dalles at
12:35 noon, for the Bonneville picnic
grounds Sund.iy. Fare 50 cents for the
rouud trip. Good music, vaudeville
performance, specialties nnder the pa
vilion, free. Return on the evening
train. frdv&sat
An astrachan cipe was found last
night In the road near the fair ground.
Owner can have the tame by calling at
this olfiee and paying for this notice. ,
All persons are requested to give credit
to no one on my account without an
order from me. M, Thoirhocrk
Wall Street is betting 4 to 1 ou Mc
Kinley ; it mV-l he li to 1 by next Oc
tober. "That open door in China seen to be
tiffin the hinges," suggests the Seattle
An exchange asks, "Who discovered
William Jmnings Bryan?" Easy; firtt,
his father's family physician ; next, him-1
self. Telegram.
About nine tenths of the people who
went to Nome to dig gold would have
done better to stay at home and dig
potatoes or almost anything else.
The Tacooia News says "it has been !
suggested that Adlai's letter of accept- j
ance will reBd something like this:!
'Sirs Any old ratio with an fXOOO sal j
ary to it is good enough for uie. Yours, i
Adlai.' " !
"President McKinley urged that j
duties to be levied under the Dingley j
tariff should 'revive and increase umuu
factores.' This bas been done, as our '
wage-earners well know," states the
Oiyuipia Olympian. i
The democrats dare not openly attack j
the administration for protecting Auier-j
ican interests In China, but they are j
uttering cowardly iuuuemiiee, intimat- j
ing thai there is something mysterious
about its nolicv. Yaauina Biv News. I
Silver is advancing. It has found an ,
inducement to go up by reason of the j
fact that there is a demand for it in
China and soine buying of Mexican dol- j
lars for use in 'Manila. If silver is a
merchantable article so eaeily fluctuated i
as thai, what condition would it be in
if we had free coinage and were at the
mercy of the world's stock of silver?
"If the leaders of Bryanism would
but make a candid confession of aim and
purpose," says the American Economist,
"it would read like this : ' We are knt e
deep in trust stocks gas, electricity,
traction, steel, ice, etc. but we have
got to have a party cry. We must cuss
something. Tbe Philippine war is over;
the Porto Rico incindent didn't p in out
much for us; the imperialism bugaboo
has collided with paet history of demo
cratic policy and with the obvious
purpose of McKinley to do the right
thing by our new half brothers; tariff
reform anJ free silver are has-beens.
What can we do but make the most of
popular discontent with the trusts? We
must make tbe people think that the
republicans and their tariff are respon
sible for the trusts. Of course, we don't
mean to harm our own folks, nnd so,
when the republicans ia congress pro
posed some practical anti-trust legisla
tion, something real and definite, we
looked the other way. In fact, we are
a good deal like tbe Irishman who was
looking for work and praying to heaven
that he wouldn't find it."
ium rto
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has hfL
- ana nas Deeu made nnder his pe.
LfZzT sonal supervision since its infaiT
OcAlW: auo no one to deceive von i.. 2
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " brt
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Iniituts and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pa,,.
gric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, it
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarootie
Mibstance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic.' It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Before you
7. i
.... 1 L--
place any orders lor a tomcstone or for I 're-
curbing, fencing or other cemetery
work, call on Louis Comini. I will not only give you all
the information you need but I will quote you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you. It will take
only a few minutes to call and see me. If you have a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the price and quality of my work
and abide hv the rpnnlf.
Louis Comini
Clarke & Falk's ii ivoring extracts are I
the best. Ask ytur crocer for them. I
mays & Giowb
is being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or pre
vious conditi. in of servitude. K -nii-mber we make our custo
mers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paints. There il s
finish and gloss to Its work that is admired by all.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Be sure and inspect our stock of Wall Paper
Designs for 1900 on Display
Washington Street,
between Senond and Third.
The only store u
this city where thr
Genuine Imported
Ware ia sold
A little higher in
price, but outlast!
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
has the name
Stransky - Steel
ware on each piece,
Do not be deceived
First prize nt 1(
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award at World t
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by the best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
i...G0IiUuM BREWERY....
This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Ileer and Porter
east nf the Cascades. The latest appliances for t lie M.anufacture of go-id
healthful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will
. a- va j ij iiju uini RfU
t East Second Street. TT7P. T) AT.T.TTia OREGON.
.3 -1 7 A. . t
Str. Regulator.
Htramen rf th Rcmilator Une will run !' ,1'e'
ow.nir M-hidulr-, the Compiiny rovrving the rlht to cbmri
Mrlicdule without notice.
, I.v. Ii.illc
nt 7 A. M.
' 1 llfttllH v
Lv. I'nrtl.uii
a' 7 a. N.
TliuiMlay .VVli,..,i.I
HHtiinlny rrl'lny
ait. iiriiimn Arr Dull...
, Ml l::0 r. M.
at .1 r. M.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dallas City.
t.v. Halloa
at 7 A. M.
V lmflnf
Arr I'nrtlHlij ! -T
atl:.IO F. u.
at 7 '
' . . Tli'i''1'"'
I .U
It does not rust p TrBVl., b tlle Mnmm flf . ,...,.. , llv, (lie
nor absorb grease,
flnaa nnt. rliafnlnr
nor catch inside; it I' ,'or,11"1 sirc-t Dock.
a i Lr
Travel by the Htcamer. ot Ihc KnKit,r r.lne. The Coinpnnv will cirl.-nvor to give
roin the bci.t H'lvlce imKlble. Kor turtlior liiloriiintlon aiiilrena
not affected by acid?
in fruits or
vegetables, I
will boil,'
stew, roast
and bake
flavor of
food and
will last
for year.
W. C. ALLAWAYi Gen. Agt.
We cau
tion tha
Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest
1 AMY, Hood River, Oregon. J'yI