THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JULY 18, 1000. rturn ioc all ksuw. Saturday Duly. Fred Snipe left on th non train for f-berujan county. Mr. and Mrt. E. O. McCoy returned from Waico at noon. Dr. Chat. Adatn i in towo, having arrived from TyU jeitcrday. A. R. Thouipon went tj Pirt!and to epend Monday with hit wife, w ho i al the hotpital there. Mr. P. Dell off anJ her daughter, Mn. 3. K. McCornai-k, were passenger on the inid-day train for Portland. Mr. and Mr. V. O. Hadlcy went down on toe Dalle City this morning totpend aome time at Collie' Landiug. Mr. Marphy, wbo was formerly Mitt Mary Horsier, of this city, returned lo ber borne In Portland today after a vitit with Mrt. S. Klein. Mrt. James Sutherland. whowatcalled here on accouut of the illnes w hich re sulted in the death of ber brother, re turned last night to tier home in Spokane. C. J. Crandall left on last night train bound for North Yakima. Mr. Crandall has teen doing tome contracting work for that thrmog little city, and goee on husinesj trip. Mr. and Mrt. V. II. Hobton and little daughter left this morning to pin the campert al Caccade, where Mrt. Hobton nd little girl will remain daring the summer. George Maertz, wbo hat been em ployed in the D. P. & A. N. office in thit city for two weekt-paet, returned to tiis dutiea with the came company in Portland today. Mn. J. A. Douthit left to day for Salem, where the will attend the grand lodge, Degree of Honor, which convene next Toetday. She wat elected a dele gate from Fern lodge, of thit city. Geo. II. Himet, who is well known throughout the etate at one of the best friend Oregon hat, came up on the noon train, be being on a lour throughout Kaatern Oregon in the interett ol the historical society. Win. Michel!, wbo hat spent the past two week at Rulc epringr. on the Klickitat, returned today ranch im proved in health. He it very enthusi astic over the healing propertiea of the water there, and taya people are being helped every day. Monday's Daily. R. B. Hood went down to St. Martin' springs on the Regulator today. Mr. L. . Crowe went to Portland to lay to vitit her fitter, Mr. A. R. Thompson. Mrs. X. B. Waite it in (be city from Elberton, Wash., the gueet of Mr. Je!lie Wilson. II. Honywill, formerly a merchant of The Dalles, now of Prineville, is spend ing a few days in the city. Mrs. Edwin Mays and Mies Henley were returning passengers to Portland on the Regulator this morning. Mrs. J. W. Blakeney and daughter, Miss Lulu, are in Waila Walla visiting their friend, Mrs. J. Greeshaner. Mrs. C. B. Curbing and daughter, Miss Mate, j ined the campers at Cascades this morning, going down on the boat. Dr. Geisendorffer made a professional trip to Wafco this morning, where be a eieted Dr. Beers in a surgical operation. Miss Irene Adams accompanied her brother. Dr. Charles Adams, to Tygti Valley tbis morning, where she wiil spend her vacation. Mies Lula Bigbam came np from ber home at Vancouver Saturday evening and spent 8dn ly with ber brothei, Harry, returning today, Jliese Bertha and Hattie Gieno, ac companied hy Mav Jacken, left on the boat this morning to spend some time ai the Glenn cottage at Seavievr. Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Moore, Mr. and Mr. Wm. Henrietta, W. II. Rigedale, and Mr. W. C. William were Moroite bound for Coliins landing today. AlWafile, a brother of Mr. W. H. Flower, is down from Pendleton on bis way to the seaside. While in the city he i the guest of Lewis Porter. Wm. Heoiie, who has for year done a thriving express bosinet in our city, will make his borne near I-witon, Idaho, whither he took bis family yesterday. Misses Louise and Gertrude Ilnber. niece of Mrs. X. B. Sinnolt, arrived Saturday night from their home in L s Angelesi Calif., and wil! spend tome time with their relative here. Miss Xeliie Mcln.iis, wbo ia employed as stenographer in the warehonre at Shaniko, is making a short visit in the city. Miss Mclnnis health it much im proved, the change proving a benefit. Ben Iremonger, one of Wheeler county's stockmen, left on today's noon train, bound for Lincoln, England, where be goes to visit bis mother, whom he has not teen for some years. He will be absent about three months. Mrs. W. Lord, Mrt. F. L. Houghton and Miss Lord, whoiaague?t of their' from California, wrre passengers on the boat for Hood River. There they will meet Mr. Houghton and proceed to the vicinity on Lost Lake on a camping trip P. Q. Rothrock, who was formerly i tudent in the Academy here, and after ward became a prominent lawyer of Spokane, spent yesterday in the city, having been on a visit to bis parent near Hsrtland. Mr. Rothrock has been very successful in mining, and expects now to make bis headquarters at Baker City.. He has just returned from a tour through Europe. Tuesday' Daily. R. J. Ginn, of Moro, is in the citv. J. M. Cameron arrived in the city this morning from Condon. A. R. Thompson went to Lost lake to day f r a thort outing. Mrs. James Fait wat a passenger for Hood River this morning. Geraldine Kelly left on the noon train to vieit with relative in Portland. Mr. and Mr. Alex. Mcintosh were visitor yi t'.erday from Glenwood. H. L. Kuck returned on the noon train today from a buaines trip to Portland. Mr. and Mr. D. D. Wilder returntd on the Dalle City from their wedding trip to Portland, and will make tbeir borne in Tb Dalle. Mr. and Mr. A. Smythe, of Arlington, were registered at tbe Umatilla this morning. Chas. Acker and wife came down from Wasco yesterday and left for Port land today. Mr. and Mr. B. A. Gilford and family tarted for Lost Lake thit moruing Ij enjoy an extended outing. Mr. and Mr. W. E. Waltber anJ family left on the boat thit morning to join the cam pert at Cascade. f-.aa far! XKrul Vi ram nn nn the Dalle City lact night, lrom Portland, j and i tbe guett of M it Alma Schmidt. ' Mita Lanra Tetherow, of Monmouth, arrived last night from Portland and win remain in w.e city tor a .uori "., Mr. E. M. Wi!on and F. W. Wileon ' nave spent tome lime at ?eatiae, iiai top beach, and returned home latt night. Mr. and Mrt. B. F. Laogblin and family will spend tbe remainder of the tummer in camp at G.enwcod, near Trout lake. Roy Ritnercamedown from Pendleton this morning and joined hi friend, Eldred Wattle, and together tbey left lor tbe tea coast. Mis Bertha Hill and brother, Roy, and Mis Pearl Bate and Roy Bate went down to Cook's Landing today to join tbe camper there. Wm. Cate left this morning for Rink springs, where be goes to bring hi father having spent tbe past few weeks there for the benefit of bis health. Mr. and Mrs. I. X. Sargent and Mis Kathryn Sargent will leave tomorrow morning for a camping trip to Moutt' springs. They wi l remain about three week. C. J. Crandall returned this noon from bis busiues trip to Vakima, where he found everything moving along smoothly on the work iu which he is interested. Adjutant Chas. Read returned last nicbt from Portland, having attended the encampment at Salem. He returned this afternoon to his duties In Johnston Bros.' store at Dufur. Mr. Kinkela, wbo was formerly a resident of The Da'les, but now resides in Astoria, is the guest of Miss Delpbina Velatde. She wili leave for St. Martin's springs Tbuitday, accompanied by Mrs. Velarde. Misse Mattie, Cassie and Lizzie Bailey were passengers on the boat this morning for Portland, where they will visit friends. They will also attend the Chautauqua assembly. Keep Cool. Advice to ''keep cool" ia good at all times, tut never better than in the heated term which now teems fairly upon tbis section. One method is to eeek the moun tain resort or theseacoast, where breezes temper the fierceness of the sun's rays. But all city worker are not able to drop tbeir business and leave town. It is possible to keep cool and stay at home if one will observe ordinary precautions. One authority put it this way : Tbe proper diet for the season is a light and simple one, consisting largely of freeh fruit and vegetables, and only lo a limited extent of meat. Alcohol should be used much more difcriminately than in winter. It predisposes to sunstroke. A free indulgence in iced drinks of any kind is to be deprecated. Cold fluids in the stomach are far more prejudicial to health than cool ones. The internal chill pro lured by the former, no matter how n-fieshing for the momeuf, is likely to cause congestion at some other part of the system and work serious injury. It is to be borne in mind, too, that many edibles and some potable deteriorate rnpidlr in warm weather. This ia par ticularly true of meat, fish, 'rait and milk. Too great pains cannot well be taken to insure their preservation. And the fresher milk ia when drank tbe better for the drinker. Ptomaine poison ing and disorders of the intestinal tract, work a vast deal of mischief when the mercury gets np to the wi and show a disposition to linger there. The maintenance of health at this time of year is fully a dependent on deep a food. As has already been intimated, susceptibility to many of tbe ill that flesh is heir tc colds and pneu monia in w inter and malarial and gastric trouble in summer is largely controlled by the 'ate of the nervous system. If this is kept toned up by plenty of re freshing sleep, a greater power of re sistance to threatened disorders results; whereas, if an adequate supply of nature' sweet restorer is not to be had, one's endurance is sensibly impaired. Fortunately, tbe people of this section always enjoy cool nights. The hottest day is succeeded by a pleasant evening and one can enjoy a good night' rest. If people observe the simple rule of health there need he no distress from heat. During Inst May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering form cholera in fantum. The doctors bad given np all hope of recovery. I took a bottle cf Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if nsed ac cording to directions In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have re commended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Brookwalter, Ohio. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton. For the convenience of parties want Ing ice in tbe afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at tbeir store, corner Third and Washington ttrtet. Phone Xo. 107; long distance 183. "Ring 'em op." 18m-tf ONE MORE UNFORTUNATE. Tklt Tlaaa a Death While )tallB7 KIU. It would teem only reasonable that having had to many lesion of fat a' lues caused b Healing rides on railroad trains, tbe foolish practice would cease. Such, however, it not ibe case, and al mot every week tbe nsatpapert con tain notice of "one iure unfortunate." lime tLe victim 1 a young man not over 25, fine looking, well dretaed, mootb (haven, about 5 feet ivx. in height, and had all tbe appearance ol having been brcnght np a gentleman. We understand that he came from a well-to-do respectable family in TVtroit, Mlch., mho no donfct ,re iBIon!y afrmitirjS new from the wandering boy. From what we can learn he is a v:n:ini;t and ba been wandering from place to place over the union, a book containing a memorandum of tbe different places visited being found in bis pocket, with his impressions of them in connection, written in a splendid band. B it be fonnd his grave in the city cemetery at Tbe Dalles tnis morning, having come to bis death in the following manner: From the testimony of a man named Remington, who is employed by Ward & Robinson, be Wednesday, and was in Bridal Veil accosting Remington i asfd bim wbo he was, etc. lib in turn ' .aij nj n4ma WM F. II. Weber; that ... . , , . ,. . ,, . he was a musician and that he d'.dn t . intend to work ; that he made some money by playing, bnt was going to steal a ride up. Thursday Remington aw him in this city, then yesterday recognized bim as he lay a corpse in Crandall & Burget' undertaking parlor Saturday afternoon tbe cok on tbe diner attached to Xo. 2, eastbound ,aw a man fall off the train as they reached, Quinn', fourteen mile tbis tide of Arlington. Before he could inform Conductor Glendenning they were two or three mile beyond. He accordingly wrote a note and banded it to Conductor Thompson at Castle Rock telling them to look out for a man. Thev found tbe spot where he was knocked off and be' tween fifty and one hundred yards far ther came across the man, who bad crawled there. He said he was riding on tne step ot a car with two companions and was knocked off by a sand board, which shows he must have leaned out very far to have struck tbe board, which always clean the track well. He struck on the back of the head and both hands were badly cat, as If tbey had been run over. Tbe men carried him into tbe caboose and he answered eeveral questions, tell ing where he was from and bis name; said be realized be was badly hurt ; but he grew worse and only moaned tbe re mainder of the distance, dying about 8:30 o'clock, just after tbey pulled into the yard here and before Dr. Logan, wbo was called, could reach there. Among a few articles found in his pocket were three postal cards, one ad dressed to the postmaster at a certain place ordering any letters which came to F. II. Weber or F. W. Habenicht to be forwarded, causing the presumption that he travelel under both names. The verotct of the coroner's jnry was according to the above facts. Death or II. r. Isaacs. .H.P.Isaacs, well-known throughout Oregon and Washington and one of the most successful business men on the caret, owning large flouring mills at various points, died suddenly Saturday morning at tbe Imperial hotel in Port land. He arrived on tbe morning train from Walla Waila and' complained to Mr. Knowles o having bad a chill on the train, and requested him to send a physician to his room. Calling a short time afterward Dr. Macrnm found him dead in bed. and a coroner's inonest I proved that tbe cause was heart failure. His son, E. C. Isaacs arrived in Portland and his remains were taken to Walla Walla, where his family resides, for burial. In the early 50' Mr. Isaacs was in business in The Dalles, carrying on a large mercantile business in a stone building which stood on the present site of the Colombia hotel. Leaving this city abont '61, he went to Walla Walla, engaging in the flouring mill business, and later extended his interests into Idaho, until he has become known throughout the Xorthwest as a brsiness man of wonderful sagacity. But with all his varied and pressing interests, his life was filled with kind act and generous Impulse, and he will be sadly missed. Mr. Isaacs was a'ooot 75 year of age. It will ba remembered that several months since a drunken baker by tbe name of Bower, who was arrested made things lively In the beating hi head against the bar and otherwise injuring himself. Shortly afterward he left for Portland, wbero he ha since remained ; bnt "a bad penny always returns," and Bower erne back. Saturday night be again got on a spree, and proceeding to his wife's borne, where she has been supporting herself by taking lo washing, began to mistreat her. She at once com plained to the marshal and he was again locked n p. Being desirous, however, of ridding herself of him, the poor woman offered to pay his expenses back to Port land. Tbe nightwatchman therefore aw tbat ba boarded the morning train and he will live In peace for a thort time at least. Clark A Falk are never closed Sonday Don't forget thi. THE CALISAYA TOPER ! A Habit That Is Getting a Strong Bold in Chicago. Ih a. a fcsTeet al the PawtilalDrat Wkti Taken a a tlmalatat Claehnaa Bark. Caliaaya ha fiiuilly found its way into thedrink of the t hk-ag-o bich liver. The use of the dn:jr iu New York fit y us a me ans of atinmlatinc the f toromh of ilissiputrd mtn and women has ! ready ailruited attention from physi cians. Authorities of insune asylums have also lrun to note the j rceni'e of the "calisaya victim," although it ia probabk- he has been more or le.-s in existence for a preat i.:a:,y year paht. Il ia not so very io:: njro. says a writer in the t lii-:io Tinie.'.-IK raid, ibat it was i:iieou.i:u;n iu thevM to have n drinkintr mm order calisaya in ronnrvtion with his liquor. In feet, he was ashamed to t!o so if he tii.-Ie rMr.rx! its use. and enei ally took it in the privacy of his roon s or through the prescription of a lenient physician. Now il ia quite a fad to mis the li.(iior and raiisnya iu tbe delusion that the body is being i-rnii.nently ro-t-i'tcd and the nerves protected from the evil ef fect of too much stimulant. I saw the other day the bra'n of a v. ho hn-.l 1 1 it- I from a combination of too much whisky nml calisaya. A local physician baa nlso culled my attenlii'ii to two aseg of men under his treatment for the purpose of Ikmiiij freed from the use of the jowerful driif?. Calisavu. or yellow cinchona bark, reaches in its permanent effect on the system the heart and Ibe bn:in nt about the same- time not ejuite so quickly as small doses of arsenic would or med ical doses of strychnia, but quie-k enoug-h to produce at on early period some form of idiocy iu the mind of the user. The thought centers of tbe tirnin are quite rapidly enten out. A tissue is destroyed which under or dinary circumstances ought to last un til a mau has passed his sixtieth ear. The limbs beffin to tremble ns the use of the drug increases. There may be more or lees uncertainty in speech. Thought, which at first has been quick ened by the influence of the calisaya, grows dull, and the liquor which is taken with it does not serve to quicken it. I am told that a cloud seems to pas over the brain, and things are seen by the mental eye as through a r.iist. Of course the drinker who needs h's "brace" every 24 hours ascribes the first s inptoms of disintegration to the liquor and a bad stomach and takes more calisaya. I'.iit this simply serves to hasten his end with a lorm of idiocy said to be not quite so painful as that from IiiUor alone. Men who cat heav ily, drink much nml take but little ex ercise are noted as tbe ones who now publicly absorb calisaya ami point to it as u doliylitful innovation intro duce.! by their b4er educated broth ers of the east. In time their doses of calisnva fail to produce tbe desired lcnericial results. I f meUii'al assistance is then desired the victim has in most instances gone so far toward making n little something lower than a beast of himself that it is only necessary to write out his death certificate anil ascribe the cause to some other reason than yellow cinchona bark. Cinchona, or chinchonn, is so called after the countess of ( hinchon. Chin ebon is n community in Spain mar Madrid. The countess was the vice' epiee n of Peru. who. in ls:is, was cured ot lever hy the use of cinchona lmrL and who assisted In making the re ni cely known, without regarel to nil the conscenieiid s. . '1 lie. bark from which the drug is ninele e-o;iies from a genus of evergreen trees, nr.tives of the Anelrcs from Colombia to Bolivia, growing chiefly on I he e-astern slopes nt an aver age altituele of from 5,11(10 to fee t, lie re are found the sources of Pe ruvian or cincbon.i bark lend quinine. There are about 4:i species, but t be eiiiedieina bark of commerce is prrieluced by nboul a elozen. The barks commonly founel at any pharmacy are c-h icily ef three kinels the oielinary Peruvian bark, calisaya nnel red cincbe.iia. Ordinary rinchona bi-.rk is valuable as a remeely in fevers nnel ns a general tonic, but the alkaloids obtainable from the bark have in practice largely taken the place of the bark itse-lf. Jf t he calisaya toper e-onlel confine himself to iiir.liciiial doses he probably woulel never sit Iter any ill effect, but he absorbs the drug in practically 1 he snme ejuant ities as he eloes bis whisky eir branely. I ar ked l)r. Frank X. Douel, n st uelent of c.ilisnyie victim, what particular ill effe-ct local user of I he elrng w on 1,1 feel, n-oile from 1 ir.ave ment'el. He said that they would be pari ieularlv liable to k or la grippe, and that this poison in their ay! cm woulel elrive the la grippe to the heael. with tein porrery or pe-riuaiient insanity follow ing. A pe rson aelelie'leel to the use o? oalisava is much ineire apl to take l-i grippe in its severe or fatal form. Dr. Dou.l noted al.-e) that bard drinker who suddenly e-easeel the use of liepieir eventually take elisa a n a substi tute and find that they have jompcel from the frying pan into the fire. He deplores the use of ralis.iyn in soe inl drinking. Imciiii-c eif its damning ef-fee-f upon the nerve centers. s Ih.' habit is rapidly growing in Chicago elriiiking e-ire-e we shall emn Irnie for treatment the ralisayie heart, the eali sayie stomach anel the e-alisa.iic brain, w ith a fit te rmination in a caiisae ie in sar p asv Inm ir v nu-terv. Maw Location, C. J. Stabling hi moved hi who1a)e and retail tor opposite the old Hand, where be will be pleased to meet hi old friend and patron wbo will find here a fail line of choice wine, liejnor and cordial. Free delivery to any part of the city. I'bone 234. BJiML capiat tva via scHiDCLa. faoa Diuu. aaaxvx Fiioa I Fat salt I-akr, Penver, Ft. Fat Mail p. m. Worm, uiuaria, .n- mil taa t'ity, ft- Louia.i 11. Al p m Chicago and t'ac j .-alt Lak?. Denver. Ft. I 4:a.m. Wortb, Omaha, Kan ue t iter, M. Louia.i Chicago aul tait. Walla Walla. Ppokane, Spokane .Mail and Expreai ia in t b, ati!aukee. i hte-ago and Kst, via i?pekancaid Hunting-I ton: alao all puinta in I Warlugten and Last era Oregon. 2 p. m. ':00 a. m S p. m. FKOM POBTLISD. Gcean Steamships. For San Frineisee Every Five Vt. 4 p. to. p. m. 4 p. in. Ex.eunelay Columbia Rr. Steamers. Ex.cuoda) lo Astoria ana Ytj Saturday iu p. m. Landings. (a.m. I Wiunrni Rites. ! 4:30p.m. Ex.tuniiaj Oregon City, Xewberg, Ex.bundaJ I tfaiern it Way Laud s.. 7 a. m, WlLLXHTTTK AND Yam- Tues.TBur.j hill Kivih. and cat. i Oregon City, Dayton, lid Way jindingv. 8:30 p. m. lon.,Wed aud Fri. Smakc River. Biparia to Iwiston. LlAVB I Lkwistos I daily 9:G0 a. m. Lt Rtnaria daily 1:35 a. m. Fartict desiring to ro to Hennrer or points on coiumDia southern via Kiggs, tnoum take .So. 1, leaving 'Ibe Imllcs at 12:40 p. El. making direct connections at Heppner junction and biggs. Heturnlng masingelireetconnecUon at Heppner junction and Iliggs with No. 1. ar riving at Tbe Dalles at 12:50 p. m. For full particular call on O. R. & Jf. C'o.'i agent The Dalle, or address W. n. HURLRUBT, Gen Fas. Agt., Fortland, Or. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains lenvc The Dalles for Portland and vav station at 4:ii a. m. and 3 p. m. Atlantic Kxirera oil a. in Via Hunt iu ton. Spokane Si ail a net Express Souinern Pacific Co T:t1 p m 10:60 p in 11:S0 a m 4 :a m 8:1." a in 11:15 am a tin a in 7 : .' " a m 'J :30 a m Arrive lw Angeles 1 :jo p m 7 00 a m (Ml) p m 0::u a m 0:55 a in 4:u0 a in i .H5 p m 0 42 n m U'43 p m r.i t o H em p m " Fort Worth G::nain " City of Mexico 11:55 am " lioiiMon I ti n m ' New Orleans :s5a m " Washington fi lJnrn " New York 12:l.lpm fnllmeri nnel Tourist cars on hnth. tralna. Chaircars HiieTainentei to Ogde-n anel El Paso and tourist cars to Chicago, St ixiiiis, New Or leans iinn uasningteiu. Connecting at Pan with novcml steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, riiinppi'ies, Cun trnl anil South Amciica, Sec rgent at The Dalles stutien, or address C. H. MARKHAM, tieueral Tsasengcr Agent, Poitland, Or Yellowstone Park Line. TIIE DINING CAR BOl 1 K FROM PORTLAND TO TIIE EAST. TIIE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YKLLOW- islONE PARK HIVE, Umcn Depot, Fif;& acJ I s:s : anatva. No. 2. Fnst mall for Tucoina, 1 No. ecattli-. eilvmi la. lirny V llnilKirnno South llciid points, Spokane, Koss- land, It. Pullman, Moscow, leaiston, Hiif-. II : I.i A. M. faloll urn p mining conn- j 5;."i0 P. M. try, lleli'tia. Miuneapo-: lis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas Clly, St. I.onis. Chli'agii am! all points! No 4. e'iit and southeast. No. :t. 1 Pmrel Sound Kxpre'ss 11, SO P. M. for Tae'oma and Seattle! 7;00 A. M. and intermediate points; ! 1 Pullman first class and tourht slce't-e-rs lo Mlnnearilis, St. Paul and Missouri river points w llheiut chanae?. Ve)stlliiill trains, fnion depot connections In all principal cities. Hiurange cheeked to destination of tickets. For handsomely iiluaiiatnl de-scilptlve matter, tickets, sl.-eping car reservations, etc., e'all ou eir write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant liencral Passenger Aircnt. Morri son Street, eeirner Thlid, Portlnnd, Oregon. Qictea Lice CoHspreil. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The mes-t efflclent Wood Preserving Paint also a Haillca) Kemedy against Chlcki'll Llc. 1 1 applie-atlon to In side walla of poultry houses tar ill per manently estermiiiate all lice. He. snlta healthy chickens, penty of Tg. w rile for circulars and prices. Mention this paer. Jos.T. Peters &, Co., I TIIK DALLIn, OHIOON, Leave Portland 8:30 a m " Albany 12.00 a in Arrive Aslilntul .. 12:1 am i-aeTiiini nto 5:110 pm " ban Francisco T:t p m Arrive Ogdnn 5:15 a m ' Deliver tf:eio a m " Kansas City 7 :i'iam " Chicago 7:45 a 10 Irn Pacilic CATARRH i jtirioaa drug. J It U qakkijr itworbed. It Open aod CleanM tb NftrMU fUli. AlllV I iiiiammai i. Henaew ot Taate and SnelL Uri,,??"" " Dr.itTirta or hr mail ; Trial SIm ia J?' ?. fcLY WWTHElu;. WarrJa's- ucui iuu i niuwta irui u a k. SUMMONS. IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TI'E r of Oregon, lor Wasco County. "'-'ft jira. Kate Hastings, Plaintiff. vs. ' Donald M. Hastlnn. Dcrewrf.nt hereby required to appear and ai "iTp, .X?1 " In tria Vm ff aaA -a- suti on or the IS h day ot j'Tr i ji"1 ii you do neit, lor want thereof the nlaii.e v m lake judgment against you and iu ,Lm the court for the relief p.aetl for In i, Pp'rte plaint, to-wlt : lor a dteraol divorli fi'L the said defendant, Donald M. Has'lnii Jot' Tbis .amnions is serred ojion you hi m.tie t i n, by order of Ibeey.nrt, rWon tLVl ol Jnne, li), which said order dlreeui ., summora be served upon you by bubi?r..i thereof for six eonseeotiVej wee-k ii A. m.01 Wa-KICLY Chbonicli, a newspaper BublLhtr1 aaid Weo county; ibat the rk'tPpUofX'' be wade on the 6th day of June. lo .ii 'S the defendant be required to appear and tB,f the complaint on or before tbe iVih da, of J," I'M), aaid date being the last dhy of 'the t?ir nrOMTlhi for th uul 1 me tine The date ol the first publication 'ol this nn mon is Juneei, lsexi. " na- , ...w- 'VILS0X. )b I Attorney for I'lsintiJ. Guardian's Sale. Notice Is hereby given ibat purs-ant loan cense and order ol sale made ai d i-sned to , as guardian ol the persons an, I rsmp ol , Mtxne and e.aiMeM minora' hr ek! 1 nnnlv :oiirt of hA star. ..r . ln - . . . .., vi rcmi n. Whim county on the 6th dov ol June. 1hJ 1 wiliT the 21st day of lulj, 1J', at the eie.urt hl,', d.iorlu Dalles City, at the hour of i n pleii, m ol said day. sell to tbe hihet bidder for cash in hand, all of the interest of ,u minore ill and to the real propeity hrelnHlier sciibed; said interest being a coiitiiig.-m iwZ sevenths lnteretit in and to the VV'.; of thB tt, the aE'i of the SW, and U.t I of am 14 L'd Lots 1 and 2 e,f Sec. 15. und that ceruin pa'rctl of land bounded as followa: Coiomt-ueiilr st t stake on the north line of tlieVle-torTrcTltt Donation Ijeiol claim, where It erntsa. (tuci). thenee in a southerly direction eri the bnt tiim 011 Hie lluee.i the pieswnt feiire hi rude thenee west hu re Is: thence iionhweit HI mli thence along said line 80 ;roels. to the place of beginning, being a art of the Victor Tretiif Doiiatiou Land e laim, in Sec. II, all said lir being in Tp. 1 .V, K 13 K, W. M. A. so a llkeln. terest In and to Lot 12. and 1i'.J3 fejet p'eat sine ee iah 11 in nines e 01 UllvIlliM lllull Ad dition to Dalles City, tr. j li HO.MEK W. Mcoiti:. (Juaidittn. NOTICE FOIf. PUBLICATION. Lvsb Office it VaIvcoi-vek, Wish.I ... . . June 4, Imu. j Notice is hereby given that the foilowing namcd settler has filed notice eif his inter.Uon to make final proof in support of his claiip, iwl that said proeI will be made before W. B. Prwbj, I nited States Commissioner for District o( Washington, at hia oMiee in (ioldendale, Wiik lugton, 011 Monday, July lei, 1900, vie: John Watson, Hnmeit3d Entry No. 9;02, for the south half of the southeast quarter of section towtualpi north, of range 14 east. Will. Me-r. lie names the following w itiietses to prove bit continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol said land, viz: Cilleries Straube, William Wila:nson, Jam C. Daly, Patrick liaggerty, all ol Ceiitervi.'n, P. O., Wash. W. R. DI NB VR, Junes I llcKiskr. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Hie j lertncnhip heretofore existing between K. II. Duliir and Frank Menefee, nt The Dalles, Oregon, under the firm name and style of Dufur & Menefee. il this da dissolved by mutual consent, K. B. Dufur retiring fiom said firm. All itnllnlshrd cases in winch said nun is lnteiesttd aa it tomevs, will be ntumled to cepinpletedbf both partners the same as though nodissuiullni hud oe'iMirreil. Frank Menefee will retain the bneiks aiidsc counla of the lirm, anil will pay all iltbts and claims against saiel lirm, and all pnrtle imlelitesl to the ri nn of Dulur v Menefee ate retneste-d to settle the same with htm at an e-urlydate. Dated at I lie Dalles, Oregon, this 1st day ol July. I'.M). K. B. M'M'R, jly 7 w FRANK MENCFEE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAfDOFFtcl itThi DJ.i.r.Osnios,j July,W. I Notice Is herrtiT given that the fullnwiaf mimed settler has lileil neitice of his intention K niase final proof In supiort of Ills clsim. and that saiel prea.l will be made before the KejrW"' and liejreiver at The Dalle's, Oregon, on Tin day, August vl. isasi, via: llnrare V. I'attrraon, of The DallrP, Or, H E. No. M-4 for the IsW'f KW';, See. . ixl SK Ml ?;. ,-ie-c. , Tp. i N , K. 1-2 K , M. lie nauiea Ine following wltne-ssea to Pr"ell'J Ceiiitiiiuous residence Usin and cuHliaUon" sli land, vix: . . K . v. Patterson, D. . I. Huberts, A. T. RoberPi I. E. Kolx-rts, all of Moe-ter, Oregon. JAY P LITIS. Jhllt KeltiW- 4. BO YEARS' 'EXPERIENCE 3 D 'rTilW Copyright Aft Anroneser .ling a sketch and ""'C1.'! LJ", anlckly ascerliilii enr nianlon ,imlf. is p'llenl'il''". V'-imU 1 Ions l rice ly coiilt.lenl lal. 1 1 nnill"" . lr,-. Ol.test L-,.ncr for siM-umiJ.r'Jrt Paioi.ea taken tliroiigh Mumi A lei. re ii tUt, wlehoiiti'barae. Intna Sclennnc Jimcncait A han(1oTncly lllnstrntsi wi'cklr. L'J pt nilaiiou of loir scH'Miii-' l"ii"m . ' rt-iin. rc,r: tour months, U I'M hy al l"'"!",Jr I Uraucli ll.s. 1,-a F ft . Wnshins""- u'' JjK. V. T. aviiTii, Osteopath. Rooms 10 and 1 1, Chiiinnan Rli . T',,il1j Oregiui. 'luvsla)s and F ridays, s a luayin-im DReGurjrJS PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Hsmna Piniplf,, PT-Tni Itoiotii.i,. I'iril Hie HOnmI. " r" ' 1 1 u,o,pail,i lsi..isift. , A m.iTmsiii r elm Ix.ivaIs acli dr is ae"; f"f hallti. rin-T nllh.r svtiN, rrs"' l'n:, V', ,m fine. T,,u, as will mail snil-l fr"-. n -s aWiabtdrugiuts. )H. 0CSAHK0 CO.CkiiaJ Taroaa joitM"' " moOKK & OAVIIV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Sooms TO and 40, over IT. 3. Z- Clarke h Fafk7 flavorinit rx,rc'" tl.e. bet. Ak your .rorer lor tli"1- THE CLEAN anta AU HEALIXO CUKE fOR CATARRH ia Ely's Cream Balm Eaj and pleata&t to fia . ( Vkfila'r. - l