The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 18, 1900, PART 1, Image 1

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r x. 0
NO. 47
Shrnnkc frames of Thousands
Cattle Dot the Desert Wastes ! Djvis WM eummoned
Rivers and Reservoirs Without
Drp of Water.
Los Angeles, Cal., July 13. Report
from the drouth-stricken district of
Arizina are to the effect that ever;
water-hole and most of the wells have
gone dry. In consequence the cuttle are
dying by the thousand) and their
shrunken frames dot tho desert onotry
of PimOj Pinal, Santa Crofc, Yuma,
Cothia and parte of Maricopa counties.
The loss to owners of herds "Cannot be
computed, as in their preeeut gaunt
condition tto market can be found.
Rarely in the iiistory of the territory
has the water in the Gila andlSalt rivers
bein so scarce. Not a drop is reported
in the Gila, and there is none in the
San Pedro from Benson to "its confluence
with the Salt river above Thoenlx At
Casagrande the immense reservoir Is
dry, the supply having long since been
exhausted. Crops of alfalfa, barley and
wheat between Florenrjs and Casca, as Weil as on the Indian reser
vation at Sacaton, where the Pi mas
'dwell, are beyond hope. Added to all
this is the destruction of timber by the
forest fires, which continue to rage in
the Santa Catalina Mountains.
tioo in his chest. Mrs. Gear was called,
and she and Colonel Root applied
some simple remedy, which teem
ed to relieve the Senator' suffering.
At 2:30 o'clock thie morning Senator
Gear complained of serious difficulty in
breathing. His condition became crit-
of lcl, and the family physician, Dr.
An examina
tion convinced Dr. Davis that bis dis-
a:tingnished patient was suffering from
heart trouble, and, calling, Colonel
I Root aside, he informed him that Mr.
Gear could last ecarcely an hour.
About four o'clock the senator seemed
to be easier, and when asked by Mrs.
Gear as to bis condition, replied faintly:
"I feel a trifle better." These were
bis last words.
Held f ir Mattel aughter.
Kowrtw Yakima, Wash., July 13.
George Barrick has been held in the
tnm of $2000 bonds -on the charge of
manekwghtcr. He 4s accused of killing
an ol 1 Indian sqarw known as Nettie,
one of the wards on' the general govern
ment on the Yakima'Jndian reservation.
The crime was committed on the night
of Jane 30, and the tquiw died on July
1. Earrir-k has faild to find any bonds
man, and will be kept in the county j-ttl
until the September term of the superior
The accused is a married man, having
a wife and one -child, 11 years of
He frequently guts intoxicated, and (it at
'is given as theeause of the trouble.
All rForeignere Removed From Town trf
Wa Chou Sheqg Repeats the
Murder -ftUry.
Lonwcn, Julyilfir Tho otu'y news from
China list night was the following, is
sued at midnight:
"The.orelgn oflV-e has rceived infor
mation from 'the Consul-general of
Shanghai tlmt lhe7hole foreign commu
nity font Wan Cboi has been safely
landed at -lia.iglvaL"
As no intention U.niada of the alleg-
sd statement of heng,' the director of
railways and telegraphs of Clitaa, to the
.consuls at -Shanghai, annouolng the
murder of tha foroigivers in Pekin, it is
preaumed ttat this story, crediting
'Sheng with he aasortions and an
nouncing that lie blamed Prince Taun
for the attack o the. legations is one of
Hie many inventions emanating irom
Acvonling to a lispatoh from Iletlin,
'Hie mobilizatioa .of (.ior.uiany's et;j:e
ditlunacy force is bn'ug .carried out un
'lendid fashion. 5ome 00,000 voltwi-
rteers and 410 office have already bceo
accepted. It is announced tUat the gov
nrvuient,6ontemplute charioting thirty
f?he largrst vessels tietlonginf to two of
tle not Important companies', the Bre
me and Msmburg lin. as timsport.
TheKpeditrvgn is being organ iel on the
ban's ot a yen 's campaign.
Icl4i Ml J In, II. Ormr.
WAxiiufciTo July H. United tflntes
Senator John llry Gear of Burlington,
died at 4:30 . ir.. today of haart
failure In lila apartments at The Port
land in this eWy. While Senator Gear
had been in III health year or more,
death came at an entirely unexpected
AUne. He was In excellent health and
Perils Inst night. fthorllf before nine
"wck last evening,' acco.upsnied by
Mrs. deHr ,e went out jrvg with
KeereUry Wilson of the Agricultural
i)partjent. They returned about ten
o'clock, and the Senator retired about
' tour later, in his usual health.
Shortly before 2 o'clock this morning
!' Senator summoned his confidential
'iretary, Colonel Root, and informed
th,t VM Iront'led with ocnge.
First Aecent at lh Season.
Corvai.1.18, Or., July 14. List night
Dr. Harper and Professors Kent, Mc
Eifresh, and McKellips, of the Agricul
tural colledge, reached Corvallis from a
two weeks' trip, in which they made the
ascent of Mount Hood. They were the
first to climb the mountain this season.
They intended to ascend the mountain
on the Fourth of July, but on the even
ing of the 3rd they were 13 miles from
Government Camp. Two days of rain
followed, and the trip up the mountain
was not undertaken ontil the morning
of the 8th. The started from Govern
ment Camp at 3 a. ui. attended by a
guide. After reaching Crater Rock they
were compelled to wait three hours for a
fog to lift before they could make further
advance. They crossed the crevice, the
opening at the time being but a few in
ches across. On the summit, the climb
ers were almost swept off of their feet
by the strong winds.
Chinamen Want Mg- Damages.
San Francisco, July 13. The Chisiese
residents of the recently quarantined
district ot this city aro preparing to de
mand compensation for losses alleged to
have been sustained owing to tho action
of the health officials. Detailed lists of
losses are being prepared whirtt are ex
pected to form tire basis for a suit for
damages, estimated by the attorneys at
about $2,000,006, against theity of San
Fanc?-co, or of a claim for -about that
amosnt against the federal government.
Consul General Ho Yon -says it lir.s
not yet been determined which conrse.o
pu-reue. ilie tit'.orneys will claim that
tle bubonic piague never existed in
Chinatown, end that there-was no justifi
cation for the action of the national -end
municipal authorities.
Itrexfiott'e Higfure.
PttRMcarnr, Arir.. July I; A seer? of
t'lie greatest desolation and a feeling of
deepest gloom prevades this town' today.
All that rnmalns of the 'principal irusi
tees portion of the town is tottering
walls and .piles of charred kid. horning
The fire, which started at 10:4C or.lcok
laet night, -was not under;ontr61 until 3
oVlook this morning, when the filters
wtn a conswlerable distauce in advance
f the flames and blew up the buildings
ms the south side of Goodwin street,
preventing the fire 'from crossing that
street. The most conservative ati
loatee (4 the total losses are from fl,-
mfsm to fc?oo,ooo.
Ae -Italian on:lfcaU,
Se(ii, (Jr.. July 14. Some vgrnea,
in wkW'h a qnnntity of rough on rats had
been 'mixed, .caused some consternation
in the family of T. A. Livesly, the ikop
boy4 in this ccity, yestcnlay. 1J'he
uistape was in a can on a pantry -tkelf,
and a domestic, -having exhausted 4he
regular napply of germea in preparing
breakfast and desiring more, iiscaved
tho poieened articU;, which vm nenr'sy,
unlabeled, and used it. Sho;ly rtit-r
breakfast i)emliote of the fumilky
becaino ill, and ouapienn points to I'.m
probable uiistake of the cook. Anti
dotes were guickly giwin and a phf-eidinn
sutnmonod w ho succeeded in gettiag the
aflected persons out of danger.
Kutal Itunawajr,, Or, July J'L D. PeterOvMi,,
Uiving one mile feoai thls.tity, met wUii
an accident this afternoon which wvtl
pscbably p-ove faioJ. Wfille driving
two horses to a Under t,cnr the fair
gro.ndf, the horses berame frightened
and ran into a fence. Mr. Pnerson was
thrown under the hore, and the ma
chine fished over his body, crashing his
legs an I causing Internal injuries. Dr.
Davis woe called, ana ar lie s in a
critical dvidition, and csn hardly re
The Air Is Full of Semi-Official Reports
and Counter Reports rurportiog
to Define the Fate of the Foreign
ers in China's Capitol.
London, July 13. A nens agency re
port says that an official message receiv
ed in London states that all the foreign
ers in Pekin weie murdered July 6.
Brussels, July 13 The Belgian for
eign office has received a cable dispatch
from Shanghai announcing, on Chinese
authority, that General Nl Chang has
defeated the rebels near Pekin, and has
relieved Prince Ching and General Yung
Ln, who were trying to defend the
Eoropeans., July 12. Foreign consuls
are offering large sums for the produc
tion of the letter which a Chinese mer
chant Is said to have received from Pekin
dated June 30, saying the legations were
demolished and that the foreigners bad
been killed. The merchant declines to
show it, alleging that he fears punish
ment from the Chinese officials.
Rioting Is reported to have occurred
at Mingpo, but no confirmation of the
reports have been received.
Bkiu in, July 13. According to a nemi
official telegram from Canton, dated
Thursday, July 12, LI Hmig Chang, on
July 6, received a written imperial edict,
dated June 17, and cent overland, in
whicta all the governors were urged to
dispatch troops with the uiuost speed
to help against ttro rebels, among whom
Prince Taun was clearly indicated.
Acting on this edict, which is said to
be undoubtedly genuine, Li Ilung
Chang is sending some thousands ol
troops to PetJin and the governs are
probably doing the same.
WAsiiiwcrrofj, July 13. The. Chinese
minister, Mr. Wu, has undertaken to
get throcgh a cipher cable message
mensag from Secretary Hay to United
States ?Iinister Conger, all Pekin,
and to have the answer brought
back, rf Mr Conger is alive. The mes
sage was prepared toy Secretary Hay,
and its contents are unknown to any one
save 'him. It wae nt to Shanghai
with-explicit instructions fran Minieter
Wsta spare no efforts or erense to get
it into the hands oi Mr. Cogger.
AAairal Scymocr Saw That Prajer'
Granted rfcey PvaSerred It tt
Tortures fy Barboftas Chinese.
The law holds both maker anil fir-
lator of counterfeit equally guilty.
Tli dealer who sells you a dangerous
counterfeit of bsWitt's W'ihh IUxel
Salve riik your life to make a little
largar prolit. You ttn not trust bin.
DeWitl's i the oJy genuine and
original U'ltrli Hazel f've, well
known cure for piles and ai) skin dieases.
See that your dealer gives faa DeWitf
Clark A Falk'a drug stork il ntw,
freib and complete.
"New Youc, JSy 10. a. dispatch -te
twe Jourortl and Adverlieer from Ties
1-ti.o, July i, eays: Ineffectual attempts
itre bern tad to onre'. the horrible
ioct that Admiral Seymjir was coia
ed to shoot tiiaawn wcanded durieg'
tit recent dieoetrww retrsat of the Pe
km relief expeciiliom.
VSl the wounded and prisoners wlio
feUinto the haade of the 'CiiineBe were
frigktfiiliv tortared. The bodies of two
utaruies who- were captured by Chin
eee-re recovered. Tiie btxiies hail been
cut into piecea. Firnt, the eyes had
bean-Lacked out; then the iiks, arms
and lurs cut off until Uathhad ended
the snrmgs of the poor fclhm.
When Admiral Seymour, in his re-
ibreat fuimd himself so hard prtrM'd that
Uo was .unable longer to nvry his
.wounded with him, he akl tl.e men:
"Which yU do prefer, to be left ;tx the
Mcies of the Chineae or be eliU by
your own covirades?"
As Aduiirat Seymour put thetjuealiun,
thetaars weren lining down Lis oheeka.
' prefor i'ath to torture. Shoot
us now, that weuiay die like men,''' was 1
the piLeoiji reKjvjr'Stj of the hl pleas
men. .
A firing rquad wo told off, and w hile
the little allied foroe stopped and beat
off with gun Are the Chinese) horde that
surrounded it, inside uU lines an act of
mercy wa performed, as the firing
,iquad carried cut its orders.
CniintiTltr'a I'aiaJma.
UtNii.A, June 10. (Correspondence
of tb Associated Press.) The large cir
culation of silver money in Manila and
the Philippine has made an opportun
ity for couoterfeiters, and there i el-
ilm of ona or more "gangs" In Manila
and th provine? who manufacture
spurious eoiu, The counterfeiters
make Mexican dollars from a bss-r and
cheaper metal, the American nickel 1
counterfeited and the brown f5 bills hava
been eocceestully imitated.
Bat the cleverest and most successful
scheme of all is the coining of American
silver dollars from Mexican silver dol
lars. The silver in a Mexican dollar, if
stamped with the facings of our Ameri
can dollar, at once doubles in value, for
any one will giva yon t'2 Mexican for $1
American. The advantage of this
scheme is that a sufficiency of good
metal can be obtained by melting up
Mexican dollars and when stamped with
American facings the new coins produce
100 per cent profit.
Raids have resnlteJ in finding several
baskets full of bad money in the rear of
Chinaman's house, and a Filipino was
discovered with Beveral thousand dol
lars worth of counterfeit 5 bills and a
box of recoined American silver dollars in
bis possession. The Chinamen and
Fillipino have made partial confessions
and given damaging testimony. It is
now evident that thev are memoers of a
gang operatingon a large scale in Luzon,
and in which are several Americans and
Europeans as leaders.
rrevented lra(eily.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre
vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two
lives. A frightful cough had long kept
her awake every night. She had tried
many remedies and doctors but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. Ono bottle wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medrciue also cured Mr. Long of a severe
attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of
this grand remedy for caring all throat,
chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and
$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed; Trial
bottles free at Blatoley & Houghton's
Drugstore. . (i
lack, Vh Choker.
Tacoma, Jaly lb. An unknown man
attacked Mfss May Feltx, an operator at
tho Snneet Telephone office, at Twenty-
fifth street and Tacoma avenue, Satur
day nigfet, and came near choking her
to death before a policeman arrived on
the Kene and her assailant took to flight.
Mits Ftsltz is now lying at her -home
In a serious condition. Her friends are
at sea as to the causes actuating 'the
ruffan. It seems to have been iits de
liberate intention to murder 'tiro girl,
la addHion to choking ber, be "kicked
ar.d bruised her to a frightful -manner.
Some are inclined to believe that a
criminal of the Jacfc-the-Ripiier type
fcas temporarily made Tncoma "hrs head
Miss Felti i charming yonng woman
of the brunette type of beauty and has a
host of friends here.
htorj ot a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease ie the worst
torm of slavery. George IS. Williams, of.
Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slave was made free. He says: "My
wife has been sa helpleee dor live years
that Blie could not turn over in tied alone.
After using two bottles of Electric
Bitters, eheis wooderfwHy improved and
able to do her own work.1" This supreme
remedy for feiuaU, dieeaeeeruickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. This miracle working medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
50 cents. Sold by Blnkeley A Houghton
Druggists. 6
Prepared to Commit 4nlrlfle(
Bukmn, July Id. The correspondent
bere of tho Associated Press has receiv
ed private information frm London
tLat a private letter was received there
frxn Lady Claude MacDonald, wife of
th- British ambassador at fein, writ
ten when the situation was growing
threatening, 8 tying that all the ladies of
the tgatioii had supplied themselves
with (Hiison.
Catarrh Cannot Ha Cnrd-
with lotal applications, as they run not
reach th seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disca, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
i alto n internally, and acts direct)? on
tiio blood and atiucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ona of the bert
physicians In this country for yee-s, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the liett tonics known, combined with
tlu liest bkiod purifiers, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky 4 Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat. 12
Von will not have boils if yon take
Clerks A Falk'i inra cura for boils.
Seven Thousand Troops of All Nations
Stormed Chinese Stronghold in
Vain Friday, Retreating With too; room, Mis Anna Thompson taking the
Killed and Hundreds Wounded.
Teacher for Seat Year.
The assignment of teachers for the
coming year in the ublio school has
been made, the only cl angi from those
of the prt'celirg year ten that Miss
Se ina Ph rmtn baa ben allowed a
year's respite on account of ill health.
Miss Nan Cooper will take charge of her
Washington', July 10. The navy de
partment this morning received official
confirmation from Admiral Remey of
the reverse of the allied fircea at Tien
Tain on the morning of the l;)'.h. The
dispatch is dated Che Foo, July lti, and
says :
"Reported that the allied forces at
tacked the native eity.lhe morning of
the 13th, Russians on the right, with
the Ninth intantry and murines on the
left. The loss of the allied force is large ;
Rnsf-ians, 100, int'ludingnitillerj colonel ;
Americans over 30; British over 'AO;
Japanese 68, Including colonel ; Ficnch,
"Colonel Liscum, Ninth infantry kill
ed; also Captain DavH, Marine corps.
Captain Lemely, Lieutenants Butler
and L"onard wounded.
"At 7 in the evening an allied attack
on the native city was repulsed with
great loss. Returns yet incomplete;
details not yet confirmed. Rbmky"
. London, July 10. The Evening News
prints a dispatch dated at Shanghai to
day giving a detailed account of the at
tack of the allied forces on the native
city of Tien Tsin, as reported in the dis
patch to the associated press, dated Tien
Tsin, July 13, vU Che Foo, July 15, and
Shanghai, July Id.
Accodingto tho evening news dispatch
the allies were repulsed and compelled to
retreat with a loss of more than 100 kill
ed, the British losing 40 and tho Japan
ese 4M. The Americans and Russians,
it is added, also suffered heavilv.
The dispatch adds that the Chinamen
fought witli great desperation and their
markfnnnship was accurate, and deadly.
Washington, July 16. An unofficial
report has coiun to tho attention of the
Chinese nfliciats here to the effect that
300f) Chinese officials at Pekin petition
ed I'riiu-e 'I'nan to tiroleri t tie foreigners,
whereupon Prince Taun ordered nil
those w In, nnitM in t)i petition to be
The only store ii
this city where tht
Genuine Imported
St ransky-Steel
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlastt
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enaiu
eled ware.
room tantfht ty MUs Cooper in the East
Hill primary.
Miss Anna Thorn psor. 1st B, 2ad B,
2 id A.
Miss Emm Roberta 3d A, 4th B,
5th B.
Miss Mary Douthit 1st B, 1st A.
Miss EIU Cooler 2nd B, 2nd A.
Miss Catherine Martin 3d B, 31 A.
Miss Etta Wrenn 4th B, 4th A.
Mis Nan Cooper 1st B, 1st A.
Miss Maggie Flinn 2nd B, 3.1 B.
Mrs. Kate Roche 4th B, 5th B.
Miss Alice Ball 5th B, 5th A.
Mrs. Ellen Baldwin 0th B, 6th A.
Miss Louise Rintoul 6th A, 7th B.
Miss Tena Rintoul 7th B, 7th A.
Miss Minnie Michell 8th B, 8th A.
Miss Melissa Hill, assistant; Mr. J.
T. Neff, principal First year A, First
year B, Second year, Third year, Fourth
J. S. Landers, superintendent.
Other wares look
likflit.bnt, theuenu
ine hua the name 'cored by its U9u
Stransky - Steel & Houghton.
ware on eat-n piece.
Do not be deceived
First prizo at It
International Exhi
bitiona. Highest
award at VVorld s
Columbian Exhibi
tiou, Chicago. Pre
ferred by the best
certified to by the
most famous chem
lata for purity and
durability it
The Beet Itemed y fur Stomach aul
Bowel Trouble.
'I have been in the drug business for
twenty years and have sold most all of
the proprietary medicines of any note.
Among the entire list I have never fonnd
anything to etpial Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
stomach and bowel troubles," says O.
W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
morbus in my family and I have recom
mended and sold hundreds of bottles of
it to my customers to their entire satis
faction. It aff irds a quick and eure cure
in a pleasant form." For eale by,'
Blnkeley A Houghton.
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wab:b, a modern and up-to-date
railroad iu every particular.
Through trains from Chioago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls amrevery through,
train baa free reclining chair cars, sleep--ing
and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets ot Ni
agara Falls. Ross C. Cline,
Pacific Coast Pass. Aftt,,
Los Angeles, Calilt
C. 9. Crank. G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
A (Jiott Cough Medlclue.
Many thousands have been restored to
health and happiness by the use of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If af
flicted with anv throat or lung trouble,,
give it a trial for it is certain to prove
beneficial. Coughs that have resisted
all other treatment for years, have yielded
to tins' lemedy and perfect health been
restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, the climate of famous he.ilth resorts
failed to benefit, have been permanently
For ralo by BlHkeley
ttlftiuarek'ii Iron ,e
Was the result of his splendid health
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out ol order. If
you want tl.esj qualities and the success
1 they brill, use Dr. Kiiu' r lu
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and tody. Only 2'w at Blakeley
A Houghton's drugstore. o
cheapest because Jt 9i liie Leg.
P. A. Duiforth, of L,Grande, (ia.,
sotiered intstiSL-ly for six months with a
frightful running sore on his leg, I at
.writes that Buckl-n's Arn'ci Salve
Remember, this ' wholly cure I it in len davs. Fir Ulcer?
ly imported for and llB lest salve in tl.o world. Cure guar
sold in this city ex- anteed. Only 2."k Sold by Blakeley A
clusively by us. Houghton druggists. " t
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catcli inside; is
notatfected by acid.
iu fruits or
A gentleman recently cured of dys
pepsia gave the following approbate
rendering of Burns' famous blessing:
"Some have meat an I ca eat. and
some have none that want it; but we
have meat and we can eat, KoJol Dys-
will boil, pepsin Cure b thanked." Tl
stew, roast
and bake
imparting i
flavor of
lis prepara
tion will digest what you eat. It in. t.mtly
relieves and radically cures indigestion
and all stomach disorders.
Children tor Adoption,
Tain girl babes 5 month old; ona
food and girl babe, 1 month: one inrl :i vrun
will last ono boy 1 year; on boy Svcart; one
' ' ,loy t) years. Apply to I. F. Tobey,
-- luperintendent Children's Home Socl
We cau. l,ty- TnB uperintendent will be in Tbe
tion t ha , Dalles this week and will receive w ritten
pupuo applications at this cilice.
Subscribe for Tua Cuuoxicg.