THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. JULY 14, 1900. riUFLI IOC ALL KNOW. Wednesday'. PallT. Victor M.rdeo went to Portland this tuoroiog. Gcorjre Wcodroff, a Victor former, ! in the city today. Prof. J. T. Nefl" returned on last night' train from Portland. Wui. Henry returned to liia duties io the ghaniko drug store today. Mitt Clara Davis hat returned from a visit with friends in the Valley. Dick Gorman has returned from a two weeks trip through the country south of here. Chas. Winneck, a Prineville merchant, returned home today, after business trip to Portland. Jntg A. S. Bennett and bis father, T. M. Bennett, are in Portland, having gone down yesterday. Mr. Jos. Clark, of Pan Francisco, who lias been the tweet of Mrs. C. W. Dietzel, left on the delayed train for Portland. Chris Schwabs and Ins friend, Henry Stoltie, returned to Portland by boat to day. They wil! go over to Clatsop beach tomorrow. Miss Ida Ward and her sister. Miss Pearl, came upon the Regulator last night from Torlland. Ibe latter will visit at homo for a few weeks. Miss II. Talpiferro, the professional nurse employed by Dr. Geisendorffer, went to fortland on the delayed train, and will spend a week in that city with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson and little daughter left this morning for Cascades, where they will spend the summer in camp. They were accompanied by Mies Nina Guthrie. W. E. Garretson and wife, of The Dalles, are in Baker City visiting friends. Republican. It is the intention of Mr. and Mrs. Garretson to make their home in Baker City. Mrs. W. Barrett left on the boat this morning for Portland, where sne will join her husband, who has secured employment there, and where they will make their home. Leslie Butler came np from Hood River at noon on a business trip. Mr. Butler is greatly pleased with his new home and says the little town is going to be unusually lively this season. Thursday-. Daily. Rev. Robt. Warner went to Hood River today. Frank Menefee made a buainees trip to Cascades today. Jess Crandall came down from Shaniko on the noon train. Mrs. W.O. Hartley is down from Moro to spend a few days with relatives here. John Chapelle, of Goldendale, spent this morning in thecity, returning home at noon. oirs. iiios woo J and little Ron, Vincent, left tho city yesterday on their way to Victoria, B. 0. Mrs. Freas Saunders came down on .the noon train from Arlington and is the guest of Mies Edith Randall. Misses Nan Cooper and Salina Phirman left this morning to camp near the family of J. M. Huntington at Lost lake. The family of Judge Bonnet tare Spend ing the summer at Yaquina bay, whither trie jnuge went to join them yesterday. Miss Eugenia Morse returned to her home in Portland yesterday, after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. 11. II. Riddell Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Gieger came down from Heppner yesterdav, end left todav to spend some time at eeaview, Ilwaco beach. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Parr, accompanied by Mr. Parr's mother and sister, joined tne party bound lor the Locks this morn ing, where the ladies will remain in camp during the remainder of the warm weather. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Huntington and family went down on the boat this morn ing on a camping trip to Lost Lake, near Alt. Mood. John Humiston, having visited for a week with his cousin, 6. l.. Brooks. left on the boat this morning on bis way to .-1 . i uio nome in j-.oa .mgeies. Geo. Jules, Mrs. Isaac Jules and her daughter. Miss Pearl, accompanied by Mies Blanche Emerson, left this morning tor a camping trip to lroot lake. S. J. Nutting, who has spent the past four months in the mining section of Eastern Oregon, returned to the city on the noon train coining by the Cclum'iia bontnern from bbamko. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Filloon, accompa nied by Mrs. J. H. Crooks, Miss Minnie Crooks and Albert Crooks, were paesen gera on the boat this morning starting lor a camptsg trip to trout lake. Maurice Cushing, who is interested in mining in the Sumpter district, came down on the morning train to visit his father, M. M. Cushing. He finds him improving, and he will soon be able to be moved to his farm. Key. and Mrs. D. V. Poling and family - went to Cascade today to join the campers there. Mr. Poling lias eo ar ranged that he will conve op each Satur day evening and hold the regular morn ing service on Sundays. Mrs. C. F. Stephens took the boat for lortland this morning, on her way to Salem, where (he will attend the grand lodge Degree of Honor, of which she is lady of honor. After the close cf the session she will visit in Albany, Friday's Dally. James Whitten is in from Antelope. A. M. Kircheiner, of Antelope, was in town yesterday. W. A. Campbell, tha insurance agent, it doing business ia the city. W. Woriweiller is in from Prineville attending to business in the city. W. T. Douglass registered at the Uma tilla House yesterday from Stevenson. Mr. and Mrt. J. B. Hosford came down from Moro on their way to Collins Landing yesterday. Mr. and Mr. James Kelly and family started today for Newport, Yaquina bay, where they will spend the remainder of the cummer. Mri. E. M. Williams, Mrt. F. Sampton and children and Florence William were on the Regulator this morning bound for the camping grounds at Cat cad, where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mr. F. L. Honghton returned home about noon today from their trip to Shaniko, which their made in private conveyance. Mrs. J. S. Fish went to Portland on the noon train, where she will meet two cousins from Los Angeles, who are on their way to visit her. Mrs. Freas Sa'inders and Mil Elith Randall left this morning for Inde pendence, where thev will visit Mrs. Saunders' aunt, Mrs. R.ce. Mrs. Edwin Mays and her friend Mis Charlotte Henley, of Berkeley, came np on the Regulator and will be the guests of Mrs. L. E. Crowe for a few day. Mrs. Snell. accompanied by her daughters. Misses Lena and Lillian, returned last night from the beach. Miss Lena will remain in thecity for a few weeks visiting friends, while Mrs. SnelJ and Miss Lillian will return to Arlington tomorrow evening. Wayland Fisher, whose boyhood was spent at and near The Dulles, arrived in the city yesterday and will remain nntil tomorrow. It has !een twenty-one years since Mr. Fisher left The Dalles, but he finds a number of tin old reui denters here yet. He is the son of the late Elder Fisher, who was pastor of the Baptist church which stood on the corner of Third and Washington. They also made their home on 3-Mile. MARKItll, At the residence of Sherman Smith, in Columbia precinct, Sunday July 8th. Mr. Scott McKeller and Mrs. Ltura Quirk, Rey C. I. Brown officiating. HOKN. On DcsChutes, Wednesday, July 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clem. Egbert, a danhter. HOllN. In this city, Wednesday, July 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. t. W illiams, a son. Appeal Through lha Hanks. The banks of our city Lave received the following appeal from the committee of 100 on the famine relief, who, through the agency of the various banks through out the union expect to accomplish their good work. Little has been done in The Dalles regarding the matter, and we publish tlrj letter that those who have had no opportunity may understand the true state of affairs: New Yobk, July 5, 1900. Famine, from lack of rain, is now smiting sixty millions of our fellow- beings. At this moment, death by sheer hunger and thirst threatens one-sixth of that number. Thousands are starving each twenty-four hours. In that stricken land, the heavens are a? iron and the earth cf brass. Birds of the air drop lifeless from the burning sky. Hundreds of thousands of cattle have already perished. In the absence of food and water, fiercest animals let go their hatreds, and helpless lie down together to die. The decaying bodies of men and beasts pollute both plains and rivers. And the woe has not yet reached its '.lorat. Face lo ace with even such horrors still stand countless little children, and women, and men, whom food will save. Thank God, relief may almost instantly p iss, by cable, from this land of plenty to that India of starvation. Accordingly, only gifts of money are solicited. What, then, shall we do? What, will you do? For our answer we are clearly responsible to both God and man. Ought not America to send quickly at least a million dollars? In the famine districts are efficient, devoted men and women, not only American but also European, who are already engaged in the actual rescue, but who are pleading for larger supplies. Surely such supplies can be provided, and yet the customary gifts to long-established agencies for the up lifting of the people of India not be at all lessened. Meanwhile, the government ot Iudia is organizing relief on a r-cale unap proached in the history of the world. Both treasure and life are given without stint in the saving work. On Mty 14th, the number o' starving aided officially was 5,795,000. That official daily aid wilt be steadfastly continued and in creased, yet it will be unable to keep pace with the awful need. The death rate is by far the greatest in the native provinces, where the government has least influence and control. Only the united efforts of all the humane, the co-j operating good will of all the nations will suffice. In this emergency, the committee of One Hundred gladly puts itself at your service, the service of the cause. Messrs. Brown Brothers A Company, the well-known bankers, 59 Wall street, have freely consented to receive and acknowledge all gifts sent to them. Every expressed with of donors will he faithfully carried out, and the committee, on its own part, will earnestly seek the best, most efficient, most economical agencies for the destruction of un designated funds. Together ond at once let us move to the rescuer We can feed the starving. There is not a minute to be lost. From two to five cents a day will save a life. William E. Dodge, Chairman. L.T. ClIAMHKBI.AlN, Chairman of Ex. Com. Jon. Ciiobby Brow, Treas irer. Cores Heariacha (Julckly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigu. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke A Falk, druggists. janSt Ow HE WAS DECIDEDLY IN IT- Why Dallas Maa Calobralioa. Mlucd lata Wheu the can came in from the Eist on the evening before the Fourth, they showed evidence of the dusty condition of the op-river country. In fact the seats looked like a town lot in Biggs and the a iudowt were as dirty as a Montana election. The car were crowded with misguided patriot boned for Astoria, to get a day's rest and a glimpse ot the "blue briny." When he (no matter who) entered the car at The Dalles, he found every seat occupied by two per sons, that is, all except one. That seat contained, beside a lone female of a certain age, a pasteboard box, the news paper covering it permitting a bit of snowy tablecloth to show around its bulging edges. Its bunch-grass fatness indicated that the lone female had pro posed, in time of peace, to make war on some patriotic citizen shon'd she be fortunate enough to get him corralled on top of a Clatsop county kopj. "He," the tourist from The Dalles, was dressed in a suit of light-colored goods, aitb a dapper liuen hat (cost 25c) and vore besides a gaudy necktie, a smile ap propriate to the point of visit the mouth of the Columbia river. He paused in the aisle opposite the paste board box of the lone female aforaiJ and gtzed longingly at it. He wanted to take its place, not on account cf its proximity to the "moire antique" damsel but to give his feet, which were protest ing againet the siz; of bis shoes, a much needed rest. The female gave him one glance, and not being pleased with his style of beauty (it was an odd size) gave him also a steady view of her back hair, while she admired the ever-changing scenery of the grand old Columbia. Seeing no chance of getting the seat, he turned his back on both basket and its owner and rested his irame on the arm of the seat; but he did not rest long. As the cars swept around a curve, obey ing the law of centrifugal force, he started to describe a tangent, but the attraction of gravitation acting at the same time caused him to describe a parabola nnd land right side up squarely on the summit of the pasteboard box. There was a gentle yielding of the paper, a silent but effective "squash," and he was in it with remarkable neatness and considerable dispatch. There was a mingling of custard, mustard, cream, lemon pie, cake, pickles, 'sandwiches, chicken, hard-boiled egg, napkins, vinegar, salad, eusar, profanity, tears and preserved fruit. As he extricated himself from the wreckage, a smashed of strawberries sent its red juices soaking through the tablecloth, a silent but startling witness to the deadly stab he had given the combination. It seemed indeed the blood of his innocent victim crying aloud to its owner to avenge ite premature, unexpected and inglorious destruction. But why prolong the dreadful tale? He made a sneak for the Bmoker, brake beam or anywhere he could get, eo it was far, far away from where he was. As he left the car there were titters and giggles, mingled with ill-timed com raents and unseemly jests. On his new trousers were the accusing stains cf murder. UeKfltho train at the Cas cade Locks and came home on the mid night train. He did not see Astoria and the Bounding sea. He missed the fire works, the pink parasols and lemonade, the merry-go-round and the lurid oratory. And besides all this the box contained a three-tined fork thnt was placed handle down. He didn't see it, but he knows it was there. And here endeth the first lesson. A Honed at the July Terra. Following is a list of the bills allowed at the July, 1900, term of oonty court : S M Baldwin, cierk and rent of room $ 7 00 E P Williams, registering voters 9 00 E F Bird, putting op booths 5 50 Robert Kelly, board of prisoners' 79 17 Dr. Hutch Logan, professional services 5 00 W II Whipple, services assessor 212 10 M Callaghan, rebate on taxes. . . . Effa Bolton, services clerk's office Vesta Bolton, same Frank Hill, same J loherty, juror inquest 3 08 24 00 24 00 C 00 1 (10 James Harper, same .... 1 00 Paul K Paulson, ame 1 00 Chas bchutz, same Frank Lagan,1 same L O Hawn, same Lf C Campbell, witness inquest. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 G A Phirman, same 1 S O Dorris, same 1 50 50 Albert Nelson, lame Dr. J Hudson, expert witnets W II Butts, coroner fees J II Ferguson, juror inqtiet-i. . W W Brown, same Wm Thompson, same E 8 Olinger, same 1 50 5 00 15 10 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 (X) (1 S Evans, same 1 00 W H Allen, same 1 00 m Hanzerlman, witness H Wells, same A J Carre!, snme W II Butts, coroner fees., T Brownhlll, justice fee. , 1 50 1 60 1 60 frank Hill, constable fees t. iu M 8 Kvans, wor on roaJ 3 no Lost Ukt Lnmber Co., lumber. . 3 r0 C II Crocker, supplies ... 0 70 J M Tootnev, board of pan per 75 (,eo 1 1'rather, eiam insane... Dr. M F Shaw, same P C Fa (fa n, services supervisor Frank Kincaid, same Ales Frsjiier, same A Ii Billings, same 10 00 10 00 31 00 41) 00 T4 00 20 50 Andrew Urquhart, same 33 00 DKPt'TY SHEQirrS EI.KCTIOX. WO Kemp 3 00 S D Fisher 3 00 Harry Cook 3 00 Asa 6togsdili 3 Lawn Rondeau 3 Willi Hendrix Harrv Mallear W A Saling O L Wallers Walter Douglas (i Bolton ' Wm laenberg ! II Lige ' l Si l.',.,.,. Orviu Moore C Hay ward W D Wooarow Chas Foots Win Staats J M Udford M F Bird VltK'ELLANEOl "8. Ezara Henton, reg voters W A liaband, services super visor E Wyt", work on rual Frank Lj Pier, tame S D Fisher, making tools for road district Motier Mill Co., lumber J H Goit, surveying Neal CUik, labor on bridge J B Goit, services clerk's office. . Dr tjeiendortf--r, professional service 3 00 3 00 3 CO 3 00 3 00 4 0) f0 00 4 50 2 24 3 35 40 35 15 00 17 00 2 CO 73 00 18 82 Pioneer Mills, lumber. . . J S Had. won, services supervisor 120 00 John flenrich. same 03 50 Dr Rineharr, exam in'ane 5 00 Pease A Ma vs. supplier paupei . 1 00 Dalles City Water Works, water rent May and June 12 79 Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co. , rent and message 20 30 D S Ciapper, services supervisor. 94 50 M Kenuedv, viewing l.eadfor I road ..." 2 00 John End, same 2 00 S B Driver, same 2 00 J W Purcell, chainman Lead ford road 2 00 J W Beaty, same 2 00 t E Stoey, marker I.eadford road 2 00 W J Harriman, reg voters 2 30 L Blount, hall rent election 2 50 Chronicle Pub. Co.', printing and publishing 13 Ot) J F Armor, services supervisor.. 100 00 K Sigman, same 119 (HI Geo Kuch, supplies pauper Clarke & Falk, drills pauper.... Wm S Crapper, deputy sheriff election putting; up booths, etc. 10 00 Prints & Nitschke, covering table in clerk's office 1 J II Cross, supplies pauper. . 5 N C Evan?, commisiouer 1-1 W J Harriman, same 8 80 Advartl.ed Letter. following is the list of letters remain ing in the postofSce at The Dalles nn called for July 13, 1900. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertieed : LADIES. Allan, Mies A Gunn, Mrs Peter Depee, Mrs Nettie McConn.MrsFrances Chamberlain, Ella(3) Ulm, Frances GENTLEMEN. Campbell, Mr G R Depee, Dick f.vaiip, Ira Fisher, Frank E Franev, M Goldh'ill, Dr Chas Hanna, L O Lanu, 8 W Mammon, Aage Smith, F M Thomeen, John Falarelie, Julius Hanson, Edward Johnston, Chas Martin, 8 B Peterson, P P Patrick. E Scott, Walter Welch, G B Yerl. Clahis Mr and Mrs T P II. II. Riddkll, P. M. Ward CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature GOING EAST. If you intend to take a trip East, atk your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through, trains from Chieago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Palis. Ross C. Clink, Pacific Coast Paps. Agt,, Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Chase, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and ald JSature Id strenirthenlriir anrl struct! ntjtlie exhausted ditrMtiva nr. ilEASE 1 j helps the team. Save wear and fj t j. expense. Sold everywhere. 3 843 WAI BY 4ftr g STANDARD 0!U CO. cfcyi IS 8. fans. It Is the latest discovered dljrest 4 20 , ant and tonic. No ot her preparation O .fi, Mn n a n v. V. . . 1 A, . . vau Buiuuituii ib in ernc enrt. it in. istantly relieves and permanentlfcures j Drspppsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, j Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea i Sick Headache. Gftstralffla 1 Uotherresultsof Imnprfectdl Creoared bsy C. C 0Wlt A Co- Crjleago. To Vara Coin in (in May, Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money. Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer lor them. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke A Falk't tnre cure for boils. 00 00 F7I T5) a NT 3 1)0 .. Ii, i f atV. I I 3 00 in i ii is i mmmmmmmimmmm 3 00 . . . rr 3 00 1 I iriii1 okmbt ti kchikoh. i Aa:v JjJjj rua Kaiajis. j tM s oo ! 1 "1 00 Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Fat Mail li.3u p Mall IU p. m. Worth. Omaha. kan- m City, M. Louia, Chicago and ha. I. Atlantic Ex ureas I'-.uii a. m. YU Hunt illJt-JU. Soil Laka, Denver, Ft. 4:45 a. m. Worth. Omnba. Kan. a City, Ht. l-nula, Chlcagu and bait. Walla Walla, Bpokane,! Spnkan Mail and Express Minneapolis. M. raul,; Mall ia 1 u I h, Milauke, and Chicago and Kast, via. Express t-p-kane aad llnniin- ton: alw all poinu in Yahiuf(ton and Last- 3:11 a. m i p. m. eru Oregon. I p. m. Fbom POETLANn. Oreau Steamships. For San Kraucihco - Every Five Iavs. 4 p. m. ip.m. I 4 p. m. Ei.Sunday Columbia Rt. Steamer. Ex.ijundaj 10 astobia ana Yiaj Faturrlay 10 p. ui. .Landings. I 6a.m. I WiixaniTTE Rivr.a. ("0p.m. Ex.bunilay Orojon City, NeKberg, Ex.sunda I toalem & Way Laud a.; 7 a. m, Tucs,l hur. and tut. Vi'lLlinWTTK and Yam-' 8:30 v m. ed BILL KIVKB9. Moil., Wed Oregon City, DaytOD, and FrL and Way-landings. Snake River. RIparia to lwiston. I.EAVB LEW1ST03 daily 9:C0 a. m. I.T Riparla daily S :3d a. in. Parties desiring to yo to neppner or K'iiitH on Columbia Southern via Bit'ifs. should take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 1J W p. rn. mnkiiiK dirtfet connections at Heppner junction nd Biggs. Returning makingilirectcnnnectlon at Heppner Junction and Biutts Kith Ho, 1. ar riving at The Dalles at 12:30 p. m. For full particular, call on O. R. & N. Co.'. agent The Dalles, or address W. H. RCRLBURT, Fas. Act., fortland, Or, Gen SOUTH and EAST via men Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland nnd way stations at a. m. aud 3 p. in. Leave Portland 8::!0 a m 7:00 p in 1U:0 p m ll:n0am 4,:tr a in 8:1) am Albany ...l.'.soa in Arrive Ashland ' Haerntu.-nto " ban f rancisco . .12:31am . 5:00 p m . 7:4." p in Arrive Ogdon " Denver Kuhstial.'ity. " Chieago ft. i'i a m . l:m a m 7:25 a m 7:45 a lu 11:1.". am 9:Ja m 7:2.) a m icaoain Arrive 1is Angeles . 1:50 p m 6:m p m 7:00 a m 6 :(H) p in 0:30 a in M fi'i a m 4:00 am i:2i p m 6 42 a m 2 '1.1 p ill hi raso Kort Worth. :: a m City of Mexico !I:!V a m Houston ;(iu a m New Orleans 6:2ft am Washington 6:12 am New York 12:13 p m Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair ears Haeramento to Ogdvn nnd El i'aso and tourist nan to Chicago, St Louis, New Or leans auu n asiuugion. Conneetlng at Ran Francisco with acvcml steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, i-uinpplues, Central and South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or addrts. C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Poitland, Or HIlD I iltlll u Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- HI ONE PARK i Union Depot, Finn acd I s;s No. 2. Fast mail for Tacoina, Peattle, In, (irny s Haibor .1' d Houth lli-n.l point., Cp.iliHiie, land, II. c, Pullman, Moscow, Iastoli, Hilf-. faloliiimp' try, Helena, MinneaiHi-1 ills, St. I'sul, Omaha, I Kansas CHy, Ft. liuls,; .Chicago and all points! ' ent and southeast. No. 3;."j0 P. M. No. 3. 7;( A. M. II. lj A. M No 4. ! I'nitet Foiiuil Exprcs 11;. P. M. for Tscoina and Kentllu! .and intermediate poiius! Pullinnn first rlass and tourlit sleciicrs to W im..-H,K.ll., wt. Paul and Jllssmirl river pnlnt. without chnme. 1 inli'. "'!"".' lr."''?",- acmt eonncctlon. In all elites. Hngiricre nhcf-kiil to destlnaMon of tickets for handsomely illiisiialrddcscrlptlvemaMpr, "rite ,'i"ff e'" r"'fvalious, etc., call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (Icnctal P.iscngir Air'nt. 2V, Morrl son btreet.corner Thlid, Portland, Oregon. THK t I.KANSfNO tll II KALI NO Cl'ItK Foil CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to ns C'onta.u. no In. J'.rions drnn. It Is quickly absorbed. ivcs at ones. It Oocn. and lATARRH aKTSss- COLD N HEAD tLI "KOiUtilti, M Warren street, w Vwk. i Pacific CO. SUMMONS. tN THK CIRCUIT cocrt ofOr,on.Ior WaL"' TH Sir.. Kate Hasting-., puinua; Donald M. Hasting,, Dtfen. To Donald M. Haatinv. . fen Jam : n"ngs, ta. bovt-ntl ! tilt Kama . tL. r. l.Uini tiled .Min.t ,ouVn,1 ': la Mill o.l or before rh. w,k j " u? Our. ISt Ifrill In .1 W ITfc. If you do n.H. for want thZf i m juugmeni agalntt run .Zi "'"Uf , the court for lb rWiel 'p?"" ' will plalut, lo-wtt: f or a deer TArV L' foe said defendant, ISd M 'H i uis summons is served nw. '"a H f. by order the coun, ft PbH of June. 1X), whien ia orderdw JW summons be .erved ui,n u JI hereof for si eonu.Ci?, o?TWb"5 r"rm r'um7- "at thi ,','.?.r.vilb a'r ol June: iij r.Dr'a . tuts nrat m -" n rajuiru to SIiDMr . T"" u ' uhib uriliK ina 1m Mt r1 7' " JOJv The date of the first publicwlW . ousi. JuueiL luoo. puDUC,"a of m. 6i . w. H. VHjr,v Guardian's Sale. tl1 Hereby givt ,h ,, ' "i saie made m d i.7vJ. " ?? 5VJr i.1 ?' 'S9, Person. VtoXt, wwuu.j .uii,ua ma Bute or nrM,nn ; ut l.ounty on the 6lh day of i '! W the lst day of Inly, m ). a i'i,:,' 1 U. door in Dalle. City, at the h"r i "" m. of said day, Kll to the hiJbJ.?c'H seventh, interest in and to the " ni ,?x nn Lot. 1 and 2ol Sec. 1."., and th rlJ-fT- " of land bounded as follows: Mmel1, stake on the north line of tX , ? u ' Donation Land Claim, where it etmZV thence went 80 rods: theT: ntiy- U llllVltl in tut'Hfnt I. , v .1.1. !.,. I. .. . . .'." J' dition to Dalles Cltv. dr. " lu W jaii llOMKtt W. MOORE, Gnnriiltj. CONTEST NOTICE. Department or hib Ixter oa LMtsu KTATKa LAu (irra's I . ... .',HE lLLI!S,OR., XUvla,i A sufficient con t.-Ht amdavit l.nH'i... i iL in this otlice by On. 8. Alexander, r., aeainst bomeslend e:itry No. 5777, M u 1!H, for sw(i of n sec. 6, tn 1 n rsiw! it by John T. vVrlKbt, clntwlee n " ioSTl I' leged that said John T. t rig: 1 h?s hi abandoned said tract, and ohnnR l,s Ihertfrom f..r more than six ni.inih, ti.,o: 3 mk pmiiu cinry, sou nt'xi prior to GUI' ... hat theabs'iieeofdeii-udnnt finmsuid i,',. ' IKtt ilti tfl him UII. nm. . . 1 naval service of the Lulled btaU-s.siW rsrtie, are hereby notified toapjnr, nmi evidence touehlng said uMiwiiilnn si io ,M a. m. on June 80, Jy, beiote tit It-irMtr tn Keceivcr at the United Mate lunu oliiee in In, Dnlles, Oregon. The mln contestant having, in s TiroorA vlt, tiled Muy li, lis 0. set forth fuels hi. h thiif alter due dilisenee isoiihI wivieeoltte notiee ran not be mude, it is hereby ordewi directed that su: h uo'iee be given bv due ud proper publication. 51 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lnd Ornca at Vancouvik, Vm. June!, I'm i Notice Is hereby Riven that the follosiui named settler has filed notice of his inter.!. to make final proof in support of ht clniir, it; thnt said jirool will be made before W. B.Prob;, United Htate. Commissioner for Dlstricl oi Washington, at hisoiliee in lioldendalc, Wit lUKton, on Monday, July 16. 1'JoO, viz: John Watson, Homeatsd Entry Ko. 9:!32, for thenonth half '4 the southeast quarter of section towmkip: north, of ranee 11 east. Will. Mer. lie nnmcs the following witne-wstnprnv.'liii continuous residence upon, and cultiritimii said bind, viz: Charles Straube, William Wilkinson, Jam!. C. Ualy, Patrick lliiggcrty, all oi Centeniiie P. O., Wash. ' W. It. l)l'NBl, JunOl iiegil(. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notiee is hereby given thnt thf j-artnon!.:) heretofore existing between E. B. buinr aK Frank Menefee, at The Iinlles, Ongon, uirfe the firm nnme and style of llufiir Ment-I. :i this dn dlssolviKl by consent, 1. 1 iMifur retiring from said linn. All urtiolibd eases In which said firm is Inreri'sltd tornevs, will be attended to and eoinp'ete.i -jf both partners the same us though no tlinsolul; a hud occurred. Frank Menefee will retain the books and f rouiits of the firm, and will p.iy nil tlcr-ta f! claims ngalnsl said linn, and till parties iudeb! to the linn of Hiifur & Menefee are riieul '.' settle the s.ime with him at an early date. Iiated at 1 he Dalles, Oregon, this 1st day July, P.U). K. H. MU K, jly7-w FliANK MKNKHE. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Lawd Ornc at Ths Vai.i.m.Owm.1 Jnly,i w- I Notice Is berit.v given that the folio named settler lias li'.eil notice ol hlsiutentionw make llnal proof in support of Ms cUlm, anJ Ihiitsaid prisif will be mude before the' and Kent-Ivor at The Italics, Orcg..n, on day, Auust 21, l'.o). viz: Horace IT. I'attrrann. of Tlin Dsll.0'' II E. No. H4 for the W"4' MV'., Sec. J'' NW',;. S.-c. 31. 1 p. It .V, It. 12 v. lie following witnesses '!'?" ' j co. .11. in. .us icsl.loiice iiKn and rultiuU""" ssld land, vis: . H. 1!. P. Patterson, I. J. !tolerts. A. I. KoD', I E. K.-bcrts, all of Muster, Oregon. J W 1- IJTIi JMll AD.MIXISTUATOR'S NOTICE. Notice I hereby given that the nnderalenel by nn onlcr of the County Court ol ilio , Oregon lor Wasco County, hss Java '" 1 , administrator of tho estate ol llclri '"' ' dccensel. All j-r..ns having rl" "". ,,,V the estate of said deceased are n lllien J sent them, with tno proi'r voiieli. ' ': H.sslKlver, Oregon, within six ""ntb' ,f the ante of tlii. notice. UaUdMay.,.. a Adm n strntor of the r.sune ... ,, 1H ford, lH-ceused. KXKCU TOR'S NOriCE- of the ssld Kvaline Evans are nei ; .,u. tn present the snmo to lilm, pmi mj by law r.-iiired,at Mo-. r, Oregon. months from the dale hereof. Paled this l.ith day j'J'i," J- KVAN'-, ( Executor of the last will' and Ir"', Evalino Evans, ilcceascd. - Chicken Lice Conincrcl USE Carbolineum : Avenarius W.s-I IT'""1,' The mini em. b-t.t 1'nliit also a Kadlcal ( hl k"il l.lcc. lis si ..licatlon "' side wa s of poultry o""v. -,. Kl i. manenlly exterminate sn , suits -healthy chickens, 1 ' etrgs. Write for cli-culiirs and V" r ,! Mention this psK-r, Jos.T. Peters & Co.. J -THE". Oil""- i AX. loenre itn sum n.u tK-ginnliig. being a part of the VImTJt Douatiou Land Clalii, in tie. u .llt'J?" being in Tp. 1 N. K 13 E. VM 'a iJVi terest In and to Lot 1 ..,) r-'riL'. " Notiee Is hereby given that l' hss tieen duly appol. by the e " ., the state of Oregon, executor '.'""", and testament of Evallnn Evan'. fc All wrsens having claims sg.iin- '"TOI,;P,I