The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 14, 1900, PART 2, Image 1

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SUB Clrrfltutie
1 1P
NO. 46
Consul Coodnow at Shanghai Cables
Knmor That Legations at Pekin
Were Safe on Thursday Last
Ministers and Foreigners Will
Hold Out Until Rescued.
Shanghai. July 10. News from official
sources was received at 10 o'clock last
night to the effect that the empress had
June 30 resumed the reins of govern
ment, and appointed I ung l-'i prune
minister. It is ea d that she sent a dis
patch to Nankin hy courier route at the
rate of one hundred miles per day,
thanking the Viceroys of the Yangtse
Kiang provinces for their loyalty, and
recommending that they protect foreign
ert at any cost.
WisnixGTov, July 10. The secretary
of state has received dispatch from
Mr. Goodnow, United States Consul at
Shanghai, stating that it is given out by
the governor of Shan Tuntc that the !e
cations were standing on July 5, and
that the outlaws were dispersing. Mr,
Goodnow adds that this statement does
not obtain general credenca.
Wasuisgtos, July 10. General Mac
Arthur cables the war department that
the Fourteenth Infantry and the Fifth
Artillery will leave on Friday for Taku.
Other troops ore being sent to replace
Ties Tsin, July 3 It is reported
froru Chinese sources that foreigners at
Pekin have taken possession of the
Prince's palaces, opposite and con:
nianding the British Legation, and that
the native Christians have been install
ed therein.
London, July 10. Chinese official
sources furnished another surprise to
day, in announcing that the Dowager
Emprees, who had been reported within
two weeks dead, tied, poisoned and
hopelessly mad, has resumed the reins
of power. The date is given is June 30,
the same on which the wholesale mas
sacre of foreigners is alleged to have oc
enned. M'KINLEY IS
A Plot to Assassinate the President
Spanish and Cuban Conspiracy.
New Yokk, July 11. The World says:
"A plot to assassinate President Mc
Kinley has been frustrated. It was
concocted by a group of Spanish and
Cuban conspirators who had headquar
ters in New York.
"One of the plotters weakened and
sent a warning letter to a member of the
republican national committee. The
letter was placed in the hands of Secre
tary Charles Dick, who referred it to
Chairman Odell, of the New York state
committee, fur investigation. Chairman
OJell engaged a detective, who speedily
verified e-rtain allegations made in the
warning letter. Thereupon Mr. Odell
reported to Secretary Dick, who laid all
the facts before Chairman Mark Hanna.
"Mr. Odcll't report causes great alarm
among the president's close friend) and
dvisers. Mr. Odell made it plain that
he regarded the plot as a matter of the
utmost seriousness, and nrged that ex
treme precautions be taken to keep the
President out of harm's roach.
"Messers. Dick and Hanna laid the
whole matter beforo the President be
fore he departed for Canton, Ohio.
They instructed Mr. Odell to continue
bis investigation, and cautioned blm to
work with the utmost secrecy.
"To a World reporter last night Mr.
Odell admitted that be and certain
mem hers of the national committeo had
discovered a plot to assaseiuate the
Three Were Killed.
Astoria, Or., July lO.-The fWh oil
works of Deforce, located in the lower
harbor, was wrecked this afternoon by
t'i explosion of the boiler. Jack Shaw,
n employe, was killed Immediately.
Chrij Rentz, another employe, is tie
l'red to have been drowned, and the
engineer, Maurice M. Moore, is In the
hospital this evening. At the time
lier were four wl.ito men and four
Cl'inamen in the building. Mr. De
force had been tbero a halfhour pre
Tiously.but had his sou take him ashore
w his home before the accident occured.
The accident f id to Lave been due to
j to a defective boiler. The factory was
totally deetroved.
E"s''nL'er Sloore died at St. Mary's
II Jepital here tonight, and before bit
death tie made the statement that be
bad no knowledge of the cause of tbe
explosion. Tbe boiler at the time bad
! but sixty-five pounds of ileum. His
I death was due to internal injuries.
British raptor Bethlehem.
kw Iokk, July 11. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London savs: Lord
Roberts' reports at midnight again re
veal the progress in the Orange River
Colony by whicb the release of several
divisions for service In China is brought
nearer. The occupation of Bethlehem
hy Generals Paget and Clements, after a
hard fight, deprives General Dewet of
his chief center of supplies and forces
hive to retire to Harristnitb, tbe mount
ain district, where bis commandoes can
find little food. Vrede and Harrismith
are now the only towns of the Orange
Hirer Colony not under British control
me chances of a counterstroke are
rapidly diminishing both In tbe Orange
River Colony and in the Transvaal, and
it may bo possible, within a fortnight,
for Lord Roberts to send reinforcements
to China.
Maker Cltj'e Water System.
Bakeb City, July 11. At a special
meeting of the city council tonight the
water committee was authorized to en
ter into a contract with Fife & Colan,
of Spokane, for the construction of the
gravity water system with bonds fixed
at f30,()00. Tbe bonds were approved
1 he contract calls for the construction
of the system by November 30, 1001.
The money for the sale of the nonds,
amounting to $100,801, was received to
day from N. W. Harris & Co., of Chi.
cago, and placed in tbe Citizen's Bank,
It is expected that work on the system
win commence inside a month.
Search Coutlnues., July 10. The body of Private
D. Gage, of Company C, who was
drowned in the Willamette river Sun
day afternoon, bad not been recovered
at a lute hour last night, though a tlior
ough search has been made with the
usual appliances. The fact that the
body is naked causes difficulty in recov
erin, it as It will roll much easier,
ami grappling would not take hold so
Sergeant Sam R Stott, of Sumpter,
whose leg was broken by the fall of
his horse Sunday afternoon, is getting
along well, and is as cheerful as the
circumstances will allow.
He. Ltouls lSoycott.
St. Louis, July 10. The boycott,
which hurt the Transit Company con
siderably during the recent contest, was
renewed to day, and wagons are again
carrying paseenger s, especially in the
north and south sides. There has been
no trouble reported. Donations for the
fund to buy wagons for the strikers'
'bus line are again being vigorously so
'Before the strike was declared off,"
said Treasurer Isaacs, of the executive
board, "we had 350 wagons in commis
sion. We have not disposed of any, and
we expect to largely increaso the num
ber." Hoera Ketlre Ftim ISeueksl.
Sknkkai., Orange River Coljny,
Monday, July 9. An .extended recon
naissance today resulted in the discovery
that the Boers bad evacuated all their
positions around Seuekal. Numbers
appear to have gone towards Ficksbnrg,
and the remainder In the direction of
Bethlehem. The British commanders
express the opinion that the retirement
of the Boers foreshadows speedy end
of the war in this section of the
country. '
Boiled to leath.
Ba Jomc, Cat. i July 10. George A.
Morse, an aged and absolutely helpless
patient in the Agnew's Insane Asylum,
whs slowly boiled to death in :i bath tub
in tbe men's ward of that institution
last night. lie was placed in a bath
tub, and after the hot water was turned
on the attendant left the room for ft
towel, forgot his patient and did" not re
turn until the imbecile was fearfully
.ftoothern Tactile Wreck.
Rkdpino, Cal., July 11. The rear
Pullman car of the California express
left the rails today, seven milts north of
Delta, on the Southern Pacific road. It
was finally stopped, bottom side up, ty
a ledge of rocks. The nine occupants
were all more or less injured, but none
fatally hurt. The accident occured at
the exact spot where seven freight cars
weie ditched yesterday.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Ten. A
pleasant herbdrlok. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money bsck. 25 cts. and 50 cti.
Blakeley & Houghton Druggist'.
Holds Powers blamable Orders
Suppression of Boxers and Pro
tection of the Legations at Pekin.
Washington, July 11. Wu Ting
Fang, tbe Chinese minster to this coun
try, this morning delivered to Secretary
Hay a copy of a cablegram received by
him, purporting to be from the Chinese
Imperial Government, believed to have
originated at the Chinese war depart
ment, disclaiming responsibility on the
part of the imperial government lor
Boxer troubles, and asserting that the
engagement at Tien Tsin was the direct
result of the bombardment of the Taku
forts by tbe foreigners.
New York, July 11. A dispatch to
tbe Herald from Shanghai says: An
edict of the Empress Dowager, prornul
gated on June 30, has just been publish
ed In Shanghai. Her Majesty expresses
sorrow for the death of Baron von Kette)
er, the German minister, who, she says,
went to the Tsung li Yamen on the day
of bis death against her wishes.
Her majesty expresses regret that the
capture of the Taku forts should have
complicated matters, but orders that
the ttoxers be surpressed and the foreign
legations in Pekin protected. The
whole tone of the edict is to bold the
foreigners blamable for the gravity of
the crisis. Two hundred and fifty white
refugees from Tien Tsin have arrived in
Paws, July 11. The Chinese minister
here informed M. Delcasse that LI Hung
Chang bad cabled him from Canton, an
der yesterday's date, Baying that ho had
just received a telegram from Pekiu as
serting that the rebels and soldiers who
surrounded ttio legations had gradually
Berlin, July 11. The German consul
at Che Foo, telegraphs that the govern
or of Shan Tung announces that, accord
ing to reports on July 4, the foreign
ministers at Pekin were out of danger,
and the revolt was decreasing.
London, July 11. Although Shang
hai today repeats the statement thnt
both the Emperor and Dowager Em
press are ali re, and telegrams from
Chinese officialdom again testify to the
safety of the legations, the assertion no
longer stimulates hope here, and pessim
ism will prevail as long as the author
ities, who, on their own showing, are
able to get messages to the coast, fiiil to
send confirmation of the safety of the
foreigners by some member of a lega
tion at rekin.
Smallpox at Nume.
Washington, July, 11. The treasury
department received a telegram from
Lieutensnt Jarvis, of the revenue cutter
service, saying that there had been been
twenty rases of smallpox to July 2 at
Cape Nome, and asking for medical of
ficers and supplies.
The telegram is dated Cape Nome,
July 2, and was sent to Port Townseod,
the nearest telegraph station. Licnten
aut Jarvis was sent to Cape Nome as the
special representative of the the treas
ury department. He does not say
whether these cases have appeared in
the crowded camps or on shipboard.
Two vessels that started for Cape Nome
recently found smallpox aboard shortly
after leaving Dutch Harbor and it. is
possible that the cases spoken of are on
board these vessels, although there are
many rumors that the disease has brok
en out ashore. The treason department
has ordered 1000 vaccine points sent to
Nome and a number of physicians have
gone there.
Catarrh t.'annnt He Cured-
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
In order to cure it you must tak inter
nal remedies. Hall's Cat an h Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous snrfaees. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not a quark medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians In this country for yer.-s, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the lest tonics known, combined w ith
tho best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciiksky A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnggists, price 7.ric.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Eaten by Cannibals.
Victoria, B. C, July 11. Bushmen
from Cape Oxford, according to a letter
received by the M lower from Sydney,
were killed and eaten by rannibles on
the coast of New Britain. The German
government is taking steps to punish
the cannibals.
Tbe natives wbo were made victims
bad been trading, and wben they got to
the landing, tbe canoes they were in
were fired and at once sank. Many
were killed and their bodies carried
ashore. But the most horrifying part
was when several men er captured
alive and dragged to the actual scene of
the feast their bodies were to provide.
They were clubbed an J afterward roast
ed or baked and eaten.
This tribe of native ghouls is one of
the most notorious In the islands for
man-eating. They are uot head hunters
in the Solomon Islands sense of the
term, but bloodthirsty Kanakas, who
kill for food aoley. The victims were
not all killed at once, some of them wit
nessing the killing of their comrades
and the first part of tbe cannibal feasts.
Story of a Blare.
To be bound band and foot for years
by tbe chains of disease la the worst
form of slavery. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tells bow such a
slave was made free. He says: "My
wife has been o helpless tor five years
that she could not turn over in bed alone.
After usiug two bottles of Electric
Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and
able to do her own work." This supreme
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. This miracle working medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
60 cents. Sold by Blukeley & Houghton
Druggists. 6
Few New Facts.
Tacoma, July 12. The Inquest over
the victims of the street-railway acci
dent discloses few, if any, incidents of
the disater not already known. Graph
ic accounts of the affair are given by
witnesses who were in the car at the
time it went over the trestle. The
courtroom where the inquest is being
held is crowded to suffocation.
Rev. G. L. Cuddy, pastor of the South
Tacoma Methodist church, in bis funer
al sermon over the remains of two vic
tims of the horror, declared the cause of
the accident was due to a badly manag
ed corporation, meaning tbe railaay
Prevented a lraaefly.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre
vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two
lives. A frightful cough had long kept
her awake every night. She had tried
many remedies and doctors but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. One bottlfl wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medicine also cured Mr. Ixingof a severe
attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of
this grand remedy for curing nil throat,
chest and lung troubles. O.ily 50a and
$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at Rlakeley & Houghton's
Drug Store. tl
Crnte of Clark Coiintr. s
Vancouver, Wash., Jnly 12. Farm
ers in this county have been taking ad
vantage of the past ten days sunshine,
and the hay harvest is in full operation.
Reports state that timothy has suffered
considerably on account of continued
wet weather two or three weeks after
tho crop was ready to harvest. The hay
cut before and during the rains in June
was (is a rule totally ruined. The wheat
crop generally promises a fair yield,
though there nro some complaints of
met and aphis.
The Bent Krttiedy for Atomach and
llowel Trouhlee.
'I have been injhe drug business for
twenty years ami have sold most all of
the proprietary medicines of any note.
Among the ent ire list I have never found
anything to equal ChnmbeiLun's Culic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
Btomach and bowel troubles," siys O.
W. Wakefield, of Columbia, (Ja. "This
remedy cured two severe c.ihs of cholera
morbus in my family and 1 have recom
mended and sold hundreds of bottles of
it to my customers to their entire satis
faction It all'.rds a quick and sure cunt
in a pleasint form." For sile by
Blakeley & Houghton.
rince for I-. II. 'Joiigne.
Hillmiou.) July 12 Harrison Allen
of Astori.i, the nwly elected District
Attorney for tho Fifth District, was
in this city yesterday ami announced
the appointment of E. B. Tongue, son
and luw partner of Congressman Tongue,
a, liia deputy for his ouiity. Tongue
receive! Lis r commendation through
B. P .Cornelius, who was defeated In this
county nt the last election for joint sen
ator. Good, pure natural Ice from the Blue
mountains for salo by the Columbia
River Ice A Fuel Co. 'Phone 33 or 81
Long Dist. ; 75 or 8 Seufert A Condon.
Is the Significant Message Sent by the
British Consul General Believe
Their Worst Tears Will Be Realiz
ed. Nkw York, July 12. A dispatch to
the Journal and Advertiser from Che
Foo, dated July 8, says: A courier from
Sir Robert Hart, in Pekin, has just ar
rived, bringing this menace, dated June
"Close to good-bye. Nearing
Biiok, July 12 A dispatch to
the Herald from Shanghai, says: A
private letter from Pekin. d ited June
24, and received Tien Tsin June 3d,
says :
"We are in danger of death. Thirty
thousand troops are attacking. Only
three days' food is left. No news from
troops, it no troops come, all seems
"Malien'a store has been burned and
the Hotel de Pekin bombarded. The
Italian, Dutch, American, and part of
the British legations have been burn
ed." This confirm Sir Robert Hart's dis
patch of the same date.
Yuan Shlh Ki has telegraphed Taoti
Sheng that be has received a verbal
message from Pekin, dated July 5, to
the effect that two legations were still
uncaptured and that more than half of
the Boxers had been dispered.
Refugees who arrived today from Tien
Tsin, which they left on July 5, regard
the position of foreigners as hopeless
since July 20.
Cms Foo, Monday, July 0. It is re
ported on good authority that Prince
Tan u has become insane.
In consequence of the movements of
the rebels toward Tsin Tau, the Ger
mans have withdrawn sjine of their
troops from Taku to protect Tsin Tan.
The women and children from New
Chwang have arrived here.
Shanghai, July 12. It is reported
that a Chinese merchant here has re
ceive.: u letter from IVkin, dated, June
30, saying that tbe legations were de-
uiuli.-lml and that the foreigners had
been killed. It is announced from a
good source mat ;su,UUU Kussians are
marching on Pekin from the country.
A nnoil Cough Medicine.
Many thousands have been restored to
health and happiness by the use of
Chamberlain's Cough. Remedy. If af
flicted with any throat or lung trouble,
give it a trial for it is certain to prove
beneficial. Coughs that have resisted
all other treatment for years, have yielded
to this lemedy and perfect health been
restored. Cates that seemed hopeless,
that the climate of famous health resorts
failed to benefit, have been permanently
cured by its use. For rale by Blakeley
& Houghton.
After many Intricate experiments,
scientists have discovered methods for
obtaining ali tbe natural digesUnts.
These have been combined in the pro
portion found in the human body and
united with substances that build up
the digestive organs, making a com
pound railed Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It
digests what you eat and allows all
dyspeptics to eat plenty of nourishing
food while the stomach troubles are
being radically cured by the medicinal
agents it contains. It is pleasant to
take and will give quick relief.
Transport Chartered.
San Fijancisco, July 12. The new
freight steamer Californian, with a ca
pacity of 8000 tons, has been chartered
by tho U. S. government to carry freight
to Manilx. The Strathyle, a vessel of
equal si.!", will also bo lo.tda 1 at once
w ith stores for the Philippines.
Itlsmerck'n Iron Aerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitub'o will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want thos qualitiei and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop nvery power of
brain and body. Only 25 at Blakelev
A H melton's drugstore. 0
McKlnley Nulineil.
Canton, O., July 12. William Mi
Kinley was today ofiicially notified of
his st con 1 nomination by the rcpubli
on party for the highest office in the
gift of the republic.
There was enthusiasm to spare, an
ti many of the pointed utterances of
both Senator Lodge and the president,
hearty and ordial approval was shown.
Important features of the speech of Sen
ator Lodge and the response by Presi
dent McKinley were the references t
the Chinese situation. H it rinsed a
great deal of discussion during the con
ferences following the form 1 1 S eech
m iking and the imprecsiou created was
that these utterances were a notification
to the world that the Tinted States in
tended to preserve all iis rights in
China. The most impressive parts of
the president' speech were his refer
ences to tho maintenance of the gold
I audard and the financial publio faith ;
th preservation of a protective tariff
and the enlargement of our market,
especially the phrus"prosperity at borne
and prestige, abroad." When he ask
ed, "Shall we go back to the tariff of
four vears ago?" there were shouts of
"N. No," from every part of the audi
ence. Another prolonged cheer greeted
his words relative to the maintenance of
our authority in the Philippines.
During last May an infant child of our
neighbor was suffering form cholera in
fantum. The doctors had given up all
hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of
ChambeiUin's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy to the house, teliing them
I felt Hire it would do good if used ac
cording to directions. In two days time
the child bad fully recovered. The child
is now vigorous and healthy. I have re
commended this remedy frequently an i
have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis
Baker, Brookwalter, Ohio. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Children for Adoption.
Twin girl babes 5 months old; one
girl babe, 1 month ; oue girl 3 years ;
one boy 1 year; one boy 2 years; oue
boy 0 years. Apply to I. F. Tobey,
superintendent Children's Home Soci
ety. Tbe superintendent will be in The
Dalles this week and will receive written
applications at this office.
Nasal Catarrh quiukly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Cream liului, which in agree
ably aroniatio. It ia received through the
nostrilti, clenuKea and heals the whole sur
face over which it diffuses itsolf. DrugKiuts
sell tho CUo. size ; Trial size by muil, 10
cents. Test it and you are sure to continue
tho treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou
bles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will be known as Ely's,
Liquid Cream Halm. Price including tho
praying tube is 75ccut. Druggists or by
mail. Tho liquid form embodies Uie med
icinal properties of tho solid i reparation.
It hr s been demonstrated hy experience
that consumption can be prevented by
the eiirly use of One Minute Cough Cure.
This is the favorite remedy for coughs,
colds, croup, asthma, grippe and ail
throat and lung troubles. Cures quickly.
Be sure and txtmiue our ttoi k of wall
papor thoroughly before buying else
where, as wo hare tbe latest shipment
made to this city, no ready for inpec
tiou at If. Glenn itc Co.'s. al"-lw
for Hule.
We have at Portland n stock of fine
lubricating oils and greases. Prices and
terras are right. Write for prices. Cen
tra! Refininz Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Why pay f 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when yon can buy James E,
Patton's sun priof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 year. Clark &
Falk.agentS; ml7
For burns, injuries, piles and fkin
diseases use DeWilt's Witch fUzel Salve.
It is the original. Counterfeits may be
off-red. Use only DeWitt's.
Wo are offering spicial values in)
ladies' tan oxfords. A $2 .'0 silk vesting
top, tuin-sole oxford for f 1 .75 while
they last. Every day is bargain day at
tbe New York Cash Store.
for Hale.
A good svcond liand threshing ma
chine for sale at L. Lane's bWkr mitl
bop, on Third street. j4-d& w lin
Trimmed hats nnd patterns at cost for
the next thirty days at the Campbell it
Wilson millinerv parlor?. 23-tf
Special values in ladies' tan ox'onK
A low cut in shoes. All prices redne-'d.
No trouble to show goods at t!,e New
York Cash Store.
DeWitt'. Little K.rly
famous little pills f ir liver
troubles. Never gripe.
Hiser" ar
and towel
Dayton's latent Hy and
killer at Maier A Bt nton's.
One Minute Cough Cure is the only
hirmless remedy that produ.vs im
mediate results. Try it.
Wiiilnl, Immediately,
A good harness miker. to
II. Krause, of Wasco, Or.
j-' tf.
Thero are no l etter
DeWitt's Little Early
prompt and certain.
pilli made than
Risers. Always
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at th
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. meh2j-t
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