The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 07, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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Thursday's Dally.
C. J. Crandall wtl passenger for
Ehatiiko today.
John Ilioricha and J. S. Harbison are
p from Hood liiter.
Mra. T. A. HuJson waa a paiMir en
the noon traiti to apenj a etk In Tori
land. Mra. E. O. McCoy and daughter, Miet
Ella, returned on tbe noon train from
N. C. Evans is up from Hood River,
attending to bis duties as county com
ulseioner. J. A. Douthit, of th Times-Mount-alneer,
returned today from a short trip
to i'ortland.
F. Vt. Wilson is spending a short time
t Seaside, Clatsop beach, with Lis sis
ter, Mra. J. T. Peters.
Mra. W. A. Kirby and daughter,
Maude, left today for La (irande, where
they will visit Mra. Kirby'eparentg.
Mr. John Huiuiston, of I-og Angeles,
Calif , arrived in the city Tuesday and
will make bia cousin, S. L. Brooks, a
abort visit.
Charles Campbell, who ia a strident in
the nnivereity at Eugene, arrived in the
city Tuesday tveuicg to spend his va
cation at home.
Mra. J. I.. Barnliouse and E. R.
Laughlin and family arrived in the city
yesterday from Caleb, and aro guests at
tne Obarr Monte.
Mra. John Sommervillo left for An
telope today by way of Shauiko. She
will visit for a timn with ber daughter,
Mra. Kobt. Maya, Jr.
Mra. Jeeeie S Vert, worthy grand
matron of the Eastern Star, returned to
I'ortland today, after opening a lew days
with Mra. W.'r?. Myers.
J. A. Morrow and daughter, Mleeet
Martha, Marion and France, who have
ben attending school in Tortland, left
this morning for Sinmaeho.
Wm. Zimmerman, traveling corre
spond -nt for the Xew York Staats Z"it
nng, came up the river yesterday and
. returned to Portland today.
Mr. and Mra. D. M. French and
daughter, Constance, U ft on the noun
train for their cottage at Seaview, ilwuco
beach. Miss Bessie will join them next
J. C. Clay, who for the past six weeke
baa filled the position of agent at Far
mington, Wash., has returned and today
resumed hi9 place as day operator at the
O. K. & N. oltice here, lhe bova eay
Farmington'a gain ia Tbe Dalles' loss.
Friday'! Dally.
AI Murcbie ia down from Wasco.
F. Joslyn came up from Tortland on
the mid-day train.
Misa Mary Williams, of Albany, ia
guest at tbe borne ot Geo. Kiddell.
Frank Fulton came down from Bige
yesterday and ia at tbe Umatilla.
A. D. Bolton ia in the city today from
Boyd and waa a visitor at the Ciikonici.e
a. Maertz ia np from Tortland em
ployed in the D. 1 & A. X. office for a
short time.
L. E. Crowe was anion the pnssengers
on last night's midnight train, returning
from Tortland.
Francis Sexton left the city last night
for Pendleton, where he will remain for
a few months.
O. W. Phelps arrived from Ileppner
on the noon train yesterday and left for
Tortland this morning.
Sirs. Cecil and Mrs. Sprout, who catue
down from Arlington yesterday, re
turned on todav's train.
W. J. Harriman.thenew county com
tnissionrr, ia in from bia coun'.ry borne
'tending to his new duties.
Miss Eiwenia Morse arrived in the
city yesterday and will spend some time
with her Bister, Mra, II. 11. P.iddell.
Mra. Otis Patterson and daughter,
M isa Ze, were returning passengers
from Portland on the Regulator last
Judge W. L. Bradshaw and eon,
Clinton, and Misa Clara Davis arf visit
ing relativea in Lafayette and vallev
Mra. J. II, Crooka and daughter. Misa
Minnie, of Prineville, and Albert Crooka,
of Albany, are guests of Mra. J. M.
Filloon, whom they will accompany to
Trout Lake on a camping trip next
M isa Douthit, who haa spent the
weeks since school closed with friende
in Portland, returned on tbe Regulator
laat night.
Dr. O. C. Hollisterand little daughter,
Florence, arrived on the noon train to
day Iron Portland and will return in
tbe morning.
Last evenin? F. M. Naught came up
from Oregon City and left toda v lor Ante
JP where be will visit bia eisler, Mra.
N. W. Wallace, whom he hag not aeen
for nearly twenty yeara. Mr. Naught ia
an old aoldier, being stationed at Van
couver in the early MOj and came up
with Sheridan dnrintr the Ijlirkhnn
trouble. He waa also stationed atCitmp
Polk, and ia 'CI and 'B3 carried mail be
tween this place and the Prineville
A Oood Cough Medicine.
Many thonaandg have been restored to
health and happinesa by the use of
Chamberlain's Couuh Remedy. If af
flicted with any throat or long trouble,
give it trial for it ia certain to prove
beneficial. Coogha that have resiated
11 other treatment for yeara, have yielded
to tbia remedy and perfect health been
reatored. Cases that seemed hopeless.
that the climate of famona health resorta
failed to benefit, have been permanently
cored by ita uae. For rale by Blakeley
& Houghton.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cored by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cure constipation
and indigeation, makes you eat, aleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 eta. and 50 eta.
Blakeley A Houghton Druggist'.
The Hepablle, ar a Reetat DeeUloa,
Daaa Mat Reaosralaa Divorce
Graaled la tailed Blare.
The laws of Mexico have always
been strict in regnrd to inarriagea and
divorces. Recently a case haa been
derided in the City of Mexico which
attracted attention on account of the
I'liiiutirT'a prominence in fcotlitv and
the legal points involved. In fact, the
civil court found it necessary to estab
lish a precedent, hi no ease of-the
tame character has been tried in the
republic, says the New York Times.
In I.vjS an American citizen, Edgnr
Joseph fl.'thn, of St. Louis, married
a young1 Mexican ladv, Senorita Par
Iie Uarrosso. The wedding' wns a so
ciety event i.nd some of the chief dig
nitaries of the land were present.
Mutual disillusionment and a separa
tion followed, u baby firl beiujf left
with the mother. The lady in the
easu is the plaintiff, and, it is said,
she desires to marry again.
The rules of the Roman Cntholic
church ilo not permit a divorcee tc
marry. The question of one desiring
to do so was not to be considered by
the church, nnil there wus no civil law
to cover tin: case. The laws of re
form make a civil ceremony neces
sary to u le-fal miirringo. As liomrin
Catholics consider marriage u sacra
ment, both civil nnd r. tirioua rites
ore the rule, mid 110 former taking
place first. In case of unnnlment ol
the marriage contract new vows may
be taken.
The plaintiff in question claimed tc
have discovered after her ninrriiig-e
that her husband, bad a wife living,
from whom he was divorced. There
fore, as her church did not allow her.
to marry a divorced 1111111 or him tc
marry her she proved that the con
tract be declared null and void. This
it is said, lhe church was ready to do
but, a civil ceremony being necessary,
it fell to the court to decide her rea"
status, and it bus taken severa'
mouths to reach n decision, as it felt
the responsibility of establishing
law which, in view of the steady
growth of foreign colonies in the re
public, may be frequently tested.
If the man had no rij;ht to marry
the lady's situation was n peculiai
one though she chose to accept it, II
thereby she i:i allowed to make a new
marriage. Fourth Civil Judge Jesm
K. I'riute decided the luurriage to be
null nnd void, owing to 11 prior uiiior
on the man's part, thorgh he line!
been divorced from bis wife In th
I'nited States, where it was a hiwfu
act fur him to marry again. As hf
had acted in good f;iith in his Mexiear
marringe, 110 action against biin was
taken, and each party bad its owr
costs to pay.
Thus it is clear that, while Meiei
recognizes a foreign marriage, sh
does not recognize a divorce secured
in any country as giving a right tc
marry again within her limits.
The status of the child did not coin
before the court, it having died a few
months ago.
The consensus of opinion among
Americans vcenis to be that Mexico
through her courts, has taken 11 wist
step in endeavoring to preserve tin
sanctity of the marriage vow.
Encouragement fur the Little
Pars Much to nrlahten
Their I.lvca.
Little Dorothy came from the kin
dergarten with her eyes shining, hold
ing in her bund n braided nnt o!
bright-colored paper. The little r.iut
found approving words otid admira
tion in the family circle, and was ex
hibited when Miss Cury, ber mother's
friend, came to supper that night.
"It is very pretty," said Miss Cory tc
Dorothy, "and soon you will be making
more pretty things, sewing on card
board and making bright-colored pn
per chains. A little boy sent me this
word not long ngo in bis mamma's let
ter: 'Tell Aunt Beth I've made a chain
long enough to reach through two
rooms of the house.' "
Dorothy's eyes shone with pleased
excitement nt the little kindergorten
story, and eagerly she nsked: "And
what did you say back?" The quirk
question was a revelation. To the lit
tle child the success of the story lay in
what was "said back."
Words of encouragement are per
haps oftener called for in what we soy
back than any others; encouragement
to begin, to keep on, ond to try again,
hold within them the kernels of a hap
py childhood, nnd successful manhood
and womanhood. Let us watch these
words we sny bock to the children,
ond if possible make them wise with
incentives toward future uetivily.
Constance Conrad, In Woman's Home
It tkI HI Leg-.
P. A. Danforth, of L .Grande, Ga.,
suffered intensely for e;x monlha with a
frightful running sore on hit leg, I nt
writes that Bucklen'a Arnica Salve
wholly cured it in ten day. For Ulcers,
Wounds, Burns, Bolls, Pain or Pilea it'a
the best salve in the world. Cure guar
anteed. Only 25c. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton druggists. 0
Children for Adoption.
Twin girl babes 5 months old; one
girl babe, 1 month; one girl 3 yeara;
one boy 1 year; one boy 2 yeara; one
boy 9 years. . Apply to I. F. Tobey,
superintendent Children's Home Soci
ety. The superintendent will be in Tbe
Dalles this week and will receive written
applications at this office.
For tbe convenience of parties want
ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadeluian
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Third and Washington streets.
Phone No. 107; long distance 183.
"Ring 'em op." 18m-tf
Appoi tloameal of School reads.
Following ia th apportionment of tbe
county school funds made on the first
Monday in July. The total apportion
ment is SO; the total numberol
children between 4 and CO years of sge,
440S, aii-1 the per capita distribution, 60
cents. The next apportionment w ill be
nude on the riret Monday In October for
both state anj county fundi :
1 T C Benson 87 00
2 M 11 Xitkelsen 67 CO
Llleury 1H0 60
P D Hiurichs 75 00
C D Henrich 48 Oil
Wm H Editk 19 8i
J II Keak 40 20
W T McClure 13 20
A V Marsh 12 60
J W Johuaton 23 40
Jamf-s Cameron 10 80
C L Schmidt
8T9 00
W 11 Sharp
M M Cufbing . . .
August Deckert. . .
Wm BrookhoiiBe. .
M D Farrington . .
Leon L Davia
George Rice
C 11 Southern
O B Connelly
T F Gray
M D Adams
O L Walter
Win Meana
J W Nolin
W J llarriuian . . .
Geo W Johnston. .
Henry Hudson . . .
15 60
16 20
9 60
1) mi
24 00
13 20
32 40
42 00
20 40
10 80
22 20
10 20
11 40
25 20
19 8'
81 00
7 CO
7 80
II w Powell. .
W II Odell 13 80
B II Ilaynes
Orrin VV Moore. ... . .
W L Hendricks
James LeDnn
(i W Jordon
Henry Bolton
F M Warner
F E McCorkle
V C Young
E N Chandler
Joseph A Knox
24 00
13 80
7 80
20 40
12 00
45 CO
24 00
23 40
13 80
53 40
10 20
15 60
J M I-eJford.
J I West 14 40
O L Paquet. . .
N W Flinn ...
33 00
17 40
J H Chastain. . .
49 20
F S Fleming 24 60
Frank Irvine
72 00
Kenneth F McDonald.
G L Carroll
Chas Goeson
F J Reese
II W Cooke
M F Kird
J C Wingfiold
C C English
J G Bolter
J I Miller
J E Kennedy
11 40
25 80
19 80
9 00
7 80
28 80
21 00
11 40
2 40
45 00
24 00
H Stoneinan 13 80
A C Martin 28 80
A Poor Dog Mangled lhe Gent fnlll It
W11 Ktctiiarr to Have It
Allegheny, To., has produced the
champion dog story of the season. It
is a champion tlog because it chewed
the corner olf a diamond stud. Peter
Donaldson, u Second ward saloonkeep
er, is a little sore ever the loss on his
diamond, for it wi.s damaged so that
it had to be reeut; but he ct.n't help
feeliiig- proud of n pug dog with such
powers in its jaws, says the Pittsburgh
The story is told by August Loch, a
jeweler on Federal street, Allegheny.
Donaldson walked into his store one
day lately with a diamond that lis
wished reset. Mr. Loch took the stone,
and on examining it found it was
cracked. He told Donaldson, who gave
the following explanation:
A few tlays ago Donaldson left his
diamond stud, a beautiful two-carat
gem, on the dresser nnd went into nn
adjoining room. When he came back
he noticed his pet dog chewing some
thing and saw that his diamond was
missing. I'pon investigation he found
the dog hud got it ond crushed the
mounting out of shape. After some
time he succeeded in taking the dia
mond out of the dog's mouth, and ot
his earliest convenience started to have
it reset.
Mr. Loch then examined more close
ly and discovered the dog hod bitten
n piece from the stone and damaged it
badly. Donaldson was certain the
stone was perfect before the dog got
it in bis mouth. He could scarcely
credit the jeweler's statement until
he saw it through a magnifying glass.
Telling of the mnl ter t he other morn
ing. Mr. I.och said: "I have been in th!
jewelry business for 15 years, and it
was the first time I ever heard of such
n case. The diamond was a beauty and
to all appearances as hard ns the or
dinary diamond. One corner, however,
about one-fort ieth of a carat, bad been
bitten off by the dog. The tlog that can
bite pieces off n diamond is a wonder."
The stone had to be reeut and set,
nml that cost o fair sum.
There is a great moral in this ease,
too. It ili-mouslriites the fact that :i
pug tlog has inure power in his jaws
than the average person imagines, ant!
the moral is that people should keep
their gems nut of their pet:' reaeli.
The news of Donaldson's tlog chew
ing up n diamond is widespread in Al
legheny, anil every person wants to sec
the flog that has eclipsed nil bis ermine
friends. The cose is being talked about
everywhere, and all claim that Alleg
heny leads the country with the sensa
tion. Taken t'p.
At W. D. Richards place near Fairfield,
Thnrtday morning July 6th', a brown
aaddle horae, weight about 1050 lbs.,
with two while bind feef; star in fore
head ; full shod all round ; with aaddle on
but no bridle or rope; branded L. T. on
hip. Owner can have same by proving
property and paying all charges.
W, D. Richards,
Jn'ly7-ltw The Dalle.
Good, pure natural ice from the Blue
mountains for sale by the Columbia
River Ice A Fuel Co. 'Phone 33 or 81
Long Dist. ; 75 or 8 Seafert A Condon.
lis? m-
...C. J. STUBLING...
Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars
Celebrated Yellowstone Whisky.
Columbia : Brewery
173 Second St.
$1.00 per month.
Strictly first class loral n. long
distance telephone eeivico within
your home.
Linesdo not croif-talk. Your con
versation will be kept a secret.
Xo cost for installing.
You (ret the standard HunninK
Long Distnnt Instrument.
Continuous day and niht service.
We will accr-pt your contract for
ten yeara and allow yon to cancel
same on Riving na thirty days writ
ten notice.
If. '
Btrsmrrii schedule,
Str. Regulator.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
I.v. PorlLinrl
nt 7 A. M.
. . . VVcilnnniiy
Arr. IihIIih
at 5 r. M.
i i v. iiHiica
H nt 7 M.
J' Tumilny
J, Tliniwlay
4 HaturdHV ... .
Arr. Hor'tliind
, Trnvel by the 8tcmr of the RcgiilnK.r l.lno. The I'nmpanv will eniimvnr tn give tin Mt
J K'lisilie best civic tMwulljle. For further InlormHtliui a.iilretn P"
S, Portland Odlce, Oak Htrcet Doric. W. C. ALLA WAY, C)n. Ag-t.
All kinds of
Tho Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
External and
Internal Treatment
Coroutine ol CLTICLRA SOAP (25c.), to cleanse tho
kin ol crusts and acales and soitca tho thickened cuti
cle. CUTICURA OINTJIENT (SOcO. to Instantly allay
Itching, Irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and
heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT (SOcO, to cool and
cleans tho Mood. A single set Is often sufficient to cur
the most torturing, disfiguring akin, scalp, and blood
humors, rashes, Itchlngs, and Irritations, with loss ot
hair, when the best physicians and all other remedies
tall. Sold throughout th world. POTTER DRUCl AND
CMEM. CORP., Sol Prop., Boston. "How to Cur
Baby Humors," Ire.
and Retail
for the
: Beer : on : Draught
Phono 234.
' 1
of the KoKtiliittir will run ikt thf fill
lhe Comimny rwrvliig the right to chiuijre'3
Str. Dallas City.
t.r. I n lien
nt 1 a. h.
Mondiiy . ..
Vilm'Mliiy . ,
Arr. 1'iirtlniiil
ut i :.M r. M.
. Portland .
nt 7.ii) M.
Tui'Mlny -
. . . ThtirMlny .
... Siituplny
Arr. DiiUt't '
t A r. a. .
Burial Shoes
For Sale,
One Second-Hand
One 3 1-2 Bain
Header Wagon.
IVIaier & Benton
Cliicta Lice bmi.
farhAlinonw A
? The most efficient Wood Presmin
f Paint also a Radical Kcmedv Kirnlmi
4 inifSen Llc. lla,.,,iiratioii loin"
K Bide walls of poultry houses tu .,.
J manrntly exterminiite all lice ki
uit neullhy iluckcna, p entv of
eKH. W rite for circulars and pile,
.Mention this paper.
Jos.T. Peters & Co.,
!. Orricc at Vax oi veii. Wahh.i
Notloe Is hereby Riven th.iM'he4'fn"itoin,
nnnird settler him tiled notice of his in tecum
to uiHke filial proof In mpport of his cUiir ind
that raid proof will be imide bvfwe v II h'ebr
I'nited Mates romnilsfioner for IHsto'ei of
Wahlri?toii, at hia oflice in linldrndalc vtuk
ii.Kii.ii, vii .umiuaji iiuiy lo, VIZ:
John Watson,
Homet3td KntrT No. 9:t'2, for the south half of
the Kimlhcnsl quiirter of Mftl.m -i,
north, of rnnire 11 cast, Will. Mer.
I Ia li.m... I ha f.. 1 1.. ... . .
m" "'" iiiir-M-? mi prove du
continuous residence upon, and culllntiMiot
l liiirlea Ktraube, Williiim Wilklnnon,' Jma
C. Ualy, latiick lluggerty, all of lintmiiu,
P O., Wash. W. K. Ul. XD VR,
J"rO I Hegisttr.
Land Okfick at Vancouver. Wash,,
MhV 17. l'NKI
Notice la hereby given thut lhe ftillnwiPd
n u muH uftln V.u Ml. ..I n .11 ..n ... I.i i...
,.. mi i nn. nicu lllillic fH III. IIIIVIIDOQ
to make final proof In support of his claim, nd
that s ltd proof will be made before V. B. Frebr,
United Suites Coinmlstiontr, ut Goldeodtit,
on July fi, 1!IU), viz:
Asahrl K. Ollar.
who made If. E. No. !Wx.-, for the frnetlonillP.
N WIS, fee W), Tp 3 N, K 1:1 K, and mi "t SlZ
Sec l!5, Tp J,.N Kll K, W. SI.
He names the following wltnee to prove bii
coiiiinuou residence upon, and cultivation of
said land viz:
Hubert a. Strouthers, C hris E. Franzcn, Will.
Inm (lamer, John Kure, all ol I.yle t. 0.,
W. K. Dl'NBAB,
maj2::l Ktgliter.
Land Office at Vancouver. WatM
.May 21, lno.). I
Notico la hereby given that the followlm
named aettlern have tiled notice nf tbeiriuteo
tion to make final pioof in support uf their
claim anil that snld proofs will bo made befmt
W. II. Fresbv, I'nited Stiitea Comnilulnmr l
1 lis trie t of Washington, at bis oltiee in Ooldes
dule, Wunh., Monday, July , l'.mO, vU:
Henry Yenrkel,
Itomcitesd entry No. WUrt, for tt.eSEofSef.
2 Tp. 4 N , H U h, W. M, who iiHines the folli
lug wltnesH to prove his pnnlliiueiwrwlilfli
Uwin and ciiltlviition of said hind, viz.:
Manuel I-eotiardo, W illiaia M. Mnlllg."n1 John
Mulligan, Francis I Bunnell, nil of I'aiten'lk
P. U., Washington.
Frinrli L. Itunnrll,
Homcsti-nd Kntiy No. 10,1.1', tor tbe fraclinml
NWij of eeo. 7, Tp. 2 N, K l"i E, '. M.,l
names the follow ing witnesses to prove hiicM
tlnuons residence upon and cuuivauoii w
land, viz. : " ,
Mininel I eonnmo, William M. Mulllg'n. JoM
Mulligan, Henry YcHCkel, all of CenlenUw r.
O., Wnshingtoii.
msTat-ii W. R. f)l.'NBAB.Bll-
Notice la hereby given that lhe tTlnratij
heretofore exlallng belweeii E. B. I'ufiir sm
Frank MenefiK', nt Tho Ihilh-s, Oieg' n. an
the firm name mid style of Knfiir A Meiieii."
Oils 1u dissolved by mutual consent,
Dufur retiring from m fine. All nrHlnW"
casea In which said mm is
tornevs, will be att.ndid to sua ''" '"";"'
hoth partners ine same a inoun"
bad (H'cnmd. . ...
Frnnk Menefeewlli retain inc -j
counts of the firm, and will Pv s
clalma against said flrni.sndall fS-UlJ
to tlx firm of lii(ur A Meneh-e are r'i"
setlle the same with him at an early "''.
lialml 1 l,a I miles. (Jreif.ill. tlu.'v
July, l'.mu. K. B. bl't
Jly 7 w
of On-gon, for Waw i.ouniy.
Mra. Kate Hastlnga, IMalnlUr,
.... ... t.
I'onani w. Hastings, im" .
Td r.,i,i iiii.tiiiirs. the iiwn"
fendnitt: . nn Von r
hereby rcinir.'.i to ''; ,"'!! '. rmi"J
plslut llleil gainst yon 1" ,. V
suit on or tadoie the lih day ,"' J'l'rl,.,ir mil
It yon do not, for want tnrrcoi r;
i.C. i...ii...tit milnst vou and
the court for the relief praK'l '"'., ,r,, j
he said defendant, Koiiald M . II ' lW,
1 ma siimiiiona is ai rv. u . jinor
tl-.ii. by order of the court, "'"''.'"Jt, ti,.l I'1
or June, I'.mi, which saoi - - ,biiro
suinmora he served ua'ii 5"" 'fmlliU
Ihereof for ! eoinMiillve '" ' ,jli.l"1
WRSKLT CIIIIONICI.K, new-P" I nubllritf
aid county; that he '" J'", its
tie l.isi'e on the tilh day of ' . ,j n-"
the defendant be re.iilrcd t'' ',ll M ol J"
the complaint on or before lhe J71W u'
I'ssi, aald date being lhe "J
prescribed tor the aani I" " " 0 tliil '
I lie UalH fl ine nr imi.
minis is June A, I'"'. , ,i ivll.1.
Attorney lor I'"101"
Nolle. Is her-hy fJXSi
l,y sn order of the I 'T ' ,-n I J
l.regon lorWs-eo '"""f;.' i p-le-i
idinlnlstrator of the "''"", .. ...inn ":
ilifHiafle 1
. All persons ' M s r
e of said deceased sre ,r''
. i. ..I
sent them, with the prot-'
sent tnein, wnn wo , ,
i uu... iinia-on. wllhlu
the date of thla notice.
i.ud.May is. r.m$fa
Administrator of the h.-M
ford, Ixveaaeil. "TnTf
m..Wa X fr'alk havo on ' 1
of pilot and artist's braih-f.