The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 07, 1900, PART 2, Image 2

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f he Weekly Gbronicle.
AdiertUInf liat.
Per tar
OiiiiiChor leln Iily
O r two iueliu aud under lour liiche 1 i
O i I'-ur luetic simI uuiitt twelve tiichc. . .S
I) .sr twelve lQotim 50
UAilV ko wimt.
J jelnch or l... ir titrh 5"
Over one inch and under lour Inehp 1 uu
Ov?r lour lurtR- aud uiutrr lucbo. . 1 .
Otbi twelve iucUim 1 w
Tbe follow in; from the Colorado
priDR uszeue, is wonuy o. a wn-
ful leading:
rresi.ieiu jiciviciey w:u wlu
the coming presidential e'ection
cause bis candidacy is in accordance
with the spirit of American institu-
tions and of American projirtss.
also because he
material interests
Tbe democracy is on tbe
side, and it is on the unprofitable side
and it is on the untruthful side
There is not one of the main issues I
presented by tho democracy upon
which it ought to win, ami theie is
no better :ioof of this than the fact
that it does not state anv one of these
issues fail ly, clearly and honestly.
What a tissue of fraud and uiisiep
resentation is the cry of "impcria
lism". There is no imperialist in
this republic. The republican admin
istration is working out the problems
which have been brought before it
with skill and success. The difficul
ties are great, and dangers many, but
the failures are few. In the great
majority of cases it is doing not only
tbe light thine;, but the thing
possible under the circumstances.
In the attitude of the democratic
j arty toward the trusts the same in
sincerity is apparent. They are fer
tile in wholesale denunciation and
threats, but they propose nothing
that is practicable and that would
stand the test of court decisions.
The cureless citizen who would take
their invectives at face value might
suppose that the democratic success
would be followed by the banishment
of "trusts" from the land, if he, did
not stop to tbink that such a whole
sale revolution of economic con
ditions and methods is impossible,
and if it wete possible it would be
destructive and calamitous beyond
measure. But democratic speeches
and platforms are not intended for
the voters who stop to think.
The attitude of tbe democratic
parly on financial matters is absolute
ly insincere. The members of the
party are greatly at variance upon this
portant matter, and it is impossible
for them to presctt a coherent and
lionest policy. To the West they
must present a silver shield with a
steady disregard of facts and pos'd
bilities; to the Ivist the silver side
must be carefully concealed or treated
as of small importance; while at the
same time the populists must be con
ciliated with a tolerance of their fan
tastic theories of an irredeemable pa
per currency and the uselessness of
metallic money of any kind.
To a far greater extent than usual,
this year's election is going to be a
test of the good sense, the intelligence
and shrewdness of the American
Therj is not a fair minded, honest
and intelligent jury in the world but
would decide, upon truthful pre
ssnlalion of the facts, that the
interests of the American people re
quire the continuance of the republi
can party in power.
The vast body of voters who will
cast their ballots next November is
such a jury, and there is rjo danger
that it will be misled by the efforts of
democratic conventions, speakers or
newspapers to befog its mind and to
misstate the facts as they exist.
And that is why President McKin
ley will be elected.
A writer in the New York Herald
says the coming campaign will be
the most important in the country's
history tince the days of the civil
war. The campaign of 1896 was a
very important one. But we are In
clined to agree with the Herald
writer. A victory for the Bryanites
would be a greater misfortune than
would have been tbeir success four
years ago. It would be breaking off
in tbe middle of the great things that
nre under way. If such a misfortune
is to happen, it were better that tbe
great things bad never hee n under
lakea. liut we fee I every confidence
that the poople of Ibis country will
not think of turning tbeir faces tsk
anil leaving unfinished tbe grcal
undertaking ibey have in hai.l. It
would not be like this great couniry
in any pait of t'a glorious bistoiy.
The suggestion of Fi?b Comtais-
! sionet Reed are probably wise, says
' . 1 1 . , 7 if ., r. I. n i n M VArV
The catch of sduion in
I the
Columbia river has fallen off
i Lllf ,D a few years, and there is r,o
j pretent pr091ject tLal t)le butcheries
j e,lab!lsbe(, w, he iuI.icient to re-
Q ryer an,, up ll)(J 8up.
i ply. Sir. Keeil thinks the only
represent, tbei e(,y u to bh(tnm l(je flsLhlJ,
of the American j8easonjeoasto a ,argcr jr0.
I Dortlon of salmon to ascend the
river. This inonotition will Le
I erccy C0inlj3te(1 by flslicrnien an(l
! others, but the legislature must look
j beyond the interest of any locality
j or class of cople, and do what is
j best for tbe people of the stale as a
whole. Little can be accomplished,
however, by CVegoa alone, without
concurrent laws and action by the
state of Washington, and to secure
uniformity of laws and co operation
in administration in andby the two
states has hitherto been irr possible.
Since the good times came to the
country under republican rule a great
many men who were leaders in the
free silver party in 1890 have real
ized the absurdity of the representa
tions they then made, . says the
Union. They sec ignoiniuious de
feat staring them in the face this
year, and they have worked ever'
way they knew how to relegate the
money question in its present form
to the tear. There have been rumcrs
that Bryan was also coming to his
senses. But the Nebraskan is so
thoroughly soaked with the free
silver idea that its fumes intoxicate
him and he cannot listen to icason.
With Bryan it is 6ilver or nothing.
He cares naught for the international
question of bimclahsm, and his rep
resentatives from Nebraska Lave
clearly deGncd the leader's position,
lie proposes that the convention shall
follow his wishes, and he probably
will save bis silver plank in the
platform. Imperialism and militar
ism are secondary considerations.
One good and exceedingly grati
fying piece of news for the nation,
and especially for the people of
Oregon, is that the magnificent battle
ship Oregon has been floated, aud
will not be the wreck which it was
feared she would be on the second
anniversary of her splendid perform I
ancc in .Santiago harbor. It was two
years ago Tuesday w hen the Oregon J
pel formed such valiant woik in
destroying Cetvera'sJ fleet, immedi
ately after her notable and record
breaking voyage around Cape Horn.
Her destruction on a Chinese reef,
that seemed imminent two or three
days ago, would have lain heavily,
almost as a personal calarrity, upon
the heart of every patriotic Ore-
gonian, and the 'announcement that
she has been floated, and is not
scriuosly damaged, will rejoice all
tbe public-spirited people of this
state. Telegram.
"Senator Hoar's loyalty to a party
which he condemns indicate that he
considers himself wedded to repub
licanism for better or worse and is
faithful to bis vows," says the St.
Louis Kepuolic. No; the old gentle
mnii is in the situation of the cross
old woman who scolds the members
of her own family, but seriously ob
jects to outsiders doing so.
One of our bright exchanges says:
"What Oregon needs is the fice and
unlimited coiuagc of machine shops
and factories. The raw matcnul is
already here."
ItUmarck'a Iron Aerr
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
yon want these qualities and the success
they bring, rise Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop" every power ol
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 6
DeWitt's Little Early Riser are
famous little pills lor liver and bowel
troubles. Never gripe.
Historical Mortality List of
Dread Disease.
Tbe Iroarit of India Date from the
Sreoad aad Third t'ralarle,
B. C Horror of la
The following figures convey an
Mia of tlie fearful iaDL'os of the bu
bonic pln'iK! from the lime of the
first Iiis'oiiial record of its cibtcuce:
T.'.e IiUtvry of mtouic iit.gnv dales
from ll:e second hh.1 third centuries
1 fore (hri-t, unil two Alexandrian
phv.iieisiis. Jlioycoriili'S and l'osiilo
i.iut, who were contemporaries of
' hii.-t, hac left a description of Hie
cINciisc vthich leaves no d.jul.t that it
was the same as that of modern
time. The plague never died out,
lnl it was not until the middle of the
fuiiteent li century that the horrible
epidemic t.nowu as the "black phignc"
vi.itrd Kuropc nrd caused the death
of more than "'i..'i.'.(:0 people. The
disease was epidemic in London in
li'ls, 1 ': 1 and 1!0. In 1'J'.' two-thirds
of tl:t Headeinic population of Oxford
ilied of it. It was aaiu epidemic in
London in 1 HKi, 1 p, 1 UTi and
1 I'jO. In llrtfi over 4'i,iiii0 persons died
if it in l'arjs. In 15i.'i it broke oat
again in Loudon, and the mortality
was more t!,;in l.OMr per week. In
Lyons lo.-t 5i)Jl'0 of its popula
tion from the plairoe. In 1575 it vis
ited Venice and carried off "U.OOU per
sons. In lijdS the mortality of an
other epidemic in London reached
.,o'M. In Idc an epidemic in K;;ypt
is raid lo have resulted in the death
of l.tjim.Oti') people. An epidemic in
London, in lOL'j, caused a inortali'y of
:;.i,;Hi, and in loilG more than lii.ixn
Londoners were carried off. In Ifi'i'i
there was a terrific epidemic which
carried off 3i.,i;i0 in Naples, Gn,fl()( in
(ienoa and 14, din in Koine. In Id',,')
a fresh epidemic in London resulted
in the death of GS,5(0 people. This is
the first absolutely nccurate estimate
on record. In KiT'J Vienna lost "O.Oii!)
iy platfiie and in ICS 1 rn.-jfue lost S.1,
000. In 1704 Stockholm had an epidem
ic, with about in, (mo fatal cases. In
1720 nn epidemic in Marseilles carried
off from lO.Otm to CO.OOU people. In
17"i) and 1771 the plague killed 309,
OdO people in Moldovia, Wallaehia.
Transyhauia, Hungary and Poland,
and in the same year one-fourth of
the population of Moscow died of
plague. Since that timu there have
been frequent outbreaks of the dis
ease, and it has constantly existed in
Lower Mindostan and about Constan
tinople, but there have been no
really preat epidemics. Coming to
recent times, Iionibay suffered an
epidemic in 1 SOG. In January the
mortality was nearly 5.000, and in
February, 4.(i(Ml. Tho totirf mortality
in the presidency of Itoinbay has been
lfi 1,03. In l'una. last August, there
was nn average of ICO deaths a day,
in n population of fiO.flOO.
It is n remarkable fact that Euro
peans seem scarcely susceptible to the
disease nowadays and are able to
withstand its ravages when infected.
During the recent outbreak in Hong
Kong only 11 European were at
taeked. and the mortality in their
eases was but 1S.2 per cent. Among
Japanese (10 eases) the mortality was
ti" per cent., among Portuguese resi
dents (IS eases) the mortality was
fi'i per cent., and among Chinese 2. (ill)
cases) the mortality was 93.4 per
Dr. Ceorye M. Sternberg, I,. L. D.,
in an interesting article in the Geo
graphic Magazine, says:
"I shall have the satisfaction of
stating that preventive medicine has
made such progress during the past
SO years that there is very little dan
ger lhat bubonic plague will ever
ngnin commit serious ravages in the
more enlightened countries of Europe,
or that it is n serious menace to the
lives and prosperity of citizens of the
Unted States."
Orrg-ou Ksner7 llrnt the World.
"Natural advantages?" Hsks Colonel
Pat Donan in an interview with the
reporter of the Fargo Forum. "Take
Oregon n an example. It hs an area
of ttti.OuO s'luaremilts or 01 ,409,200 acres.
It is 3000 square miles or 2,2-10,000 acres
larger than New Hampshire, Vermont,
Massachusetts, Khodo Island, Connec
licut, New York, New Jersey and Dela
ware all c unbioed, with the District ol
Cjluiubia, the white house and the na
tional capitol and ail their occupants
thrown in for good or rather, had
incasur, lis ec;:iery includes all lhat
is iid, 'tnhiinip, picturesque and en
chanting in glacier-crested mountain
ivl crystal stream, gem-like islam),
biundless forest, crag, cataract and cat-cult-.
Cardinal Satolli, one of the most
scholarly and cultivated men who ever
represented his holiness, the pope, in
this country, declared thai the sc( fiery
of the Columbia river valley and ihe
CaRcadt) uiouritnine, along the lines ( f
the Oregon lUilroad A Navigation Cj.,
surpassed everything he had elsewhere
beheld in America. No pencil, pi n nor
tongue has ever yet portrayed the snow
covered glories of Mount lloodortho
irridescent splendors of Multnomah
falls." ;
Columbia River Ice A Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver lea to
any part of the city at all hours of Ihe
day or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Long
Diet. ; 7 or 8 beuiert A Condon.
For Hat.
A good second-hand threshing ma
chine tor sale at L. Lane's blacksmith
hop, oo Third street. J4 dA w lin
Accidental Discovery ef Process
That Made Millions.
liTtr aad II obcjaeat laa
pawreaacat Mad
Mark Mxaef.
A boy at before the fire and
watched hi mother's kettle boil. The
lid quivered, rose a little, aud the
boy gave (team power to the world.
John Mercer, nn English dyer, fil
tered cauitic soda through a square
of cotton cloth. Thence a new verb
to nierc. ize in the language, a new
fabric cm the market, and a new busi
ness, engaging millions of capital, to
cheer the unemployed.
The story of the boy, John Watt, is
old, but Mercer's story is new and in
teres'.inj. Mercerized cotton, either
cotton yarn or cotton cloth, resem
bles silk absolutely. It has the luster
of silk; it will take on, like silk, the
richest and most brilliant dyes, and it
lias ihe unmistakable soft-harsh,
nestling feci which nothing but silk
ever lind, says the P.rooklyn Eagle-
Also cotton, under this process,
does not weaken, us might have been
feared, but it acquires strength. A
skein of cotton yarn in the natural
state that will carry 13 ounces with
out breaking will carry, after mer
cerizing, 19 ounces. And if you take
three coats and line the first with a
plain cotton lining, the second with
mercerized cotton ajid the third with
silk, the cotton and the silk will wear
out, about together, but the mercer
ized lining will outlast them two or
three times over. ;
Mercerized cotton is used in linings,
in underwear, in spindle banding, in
stockings, in dress goods, in negligee
shirts. There is a profit in merceriz
ing of from 1U0 to per cent. In
the last year or two many public dy
ers have added mercerizing machines
to their plants, and a good number
of mercerizing mills have been estab
lished. Mercerizing began as far back as
1S1G in the English town of Aecring
ton, where John Mercer, manager for
the firm of Hargroaves, filtered caustic
soda through n cotton cloth. Mercer,
by accident, kept this cloth by him,
happened to test its strength, hap
pened to splash it with a dye. He
found that it was about twice as
strong ami about twice as susceptible
to dye liquor as it had been before.
Slight savings, in connection with
big outputs, come in the long run to
astonishing' totals. Here was a sav
mjr by no means slight. Here, just
by runniug a cotton thread through a
liquid as cheap as water, it would
come to do the work of two threads,
and in being; dyed it would save half
the quantity of the dye stuff.
Mercer rejoiced. He refused for his
secret an offer of 9200 (;00 from a
French firm. He had the idea of an
immense syndicate, with himself at
the head, rolling up millions of profits
per annum.
Then it was found that cotton
shrunk in the mercerizing. A yard
of cloth would save in dyest tiffs and
in raw stock, ;ay five cents to its
manufacturers, but it would come out
of the merei rizing bath only three
quarters of a yard of cloth. Against
the profit of five cents a loss through
shrinkage of about ten cents would
have to be set. Tins' is why Mercer
never formed his syndicate, why mer
cerizing was .' no commercial impor
tance until latterly.
For the remaining 20 years of his
life the man toiled inclTtct iinllyou.and
he died disheartened. Itn t his name
lives. That is because, somewhere
around l'jo, Horace Lowe, in England,
and Thomas aud Provost, in ( ierinany,
began to try to see if it might not
be possible to mercerize a cotton
thread and to prevent the thread from
shrinking in the process They more
than succeeded.
Mercer had taken his cotton, steeped
it for about three hours in caustic
soda, then washed it. That is mer
cerizing in its simplest terms. To the
Englishman. Lowe, and the Germans,
Thomas and Provost, came simulta
neously the idea of keeping the cot
ton stretched while sleeping it in the
caustic soda bath. They tied the ends
of their cotton threads to sticks and
then mercerized them. The sticks did
not break, the thread did not. even
show signs of shrinkage. So easy was
it to do what Mercer had been Tailing
ut for year ami years.
liut, more than this, they found that
cotton mercerized under tension came
out, glossy, soft and rustling. To
their amazement they found lhat they
had transformed cotton into silk. Anil
ever since the Englishmen and Her
mans Jiavc been fighting over the pat
ents on this wonderful discovery.
The explanation of the luster lhat
cotton, being mercerized, takes on, is
simple. The soda ami the tension to
gether change the nature of the cot
Ion fiber. The u.itiiial fiber is flat,
shriveled; the nierceried f.r fill.)
out, becomes round ai d unoolh. And
just as a flat, dried raisin has no
lufter, whereas the full ripe grape
catches, nml throws back the liirlit, so
there is no luster to the Hat fiber of
the natural cotton, but on the mercer
ized sort the light shines and is re
flected just as on the grape.
Caah In lour Cheek.
All count? warrants registered prior
to Antf. 1, 1890, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after June 30,
'"00. C. I Phillips,
''onnfv Treasurer.
Pa.tton's (stent fly and
killer at Maicr & Benton's.
There are no later Ills mad than
PeWitt's Little Enrly Risers. Always
prompt and certain.
ASegetatle Preparalionfor As
similating lticFoodandB2gula
Lng the Stomachs and Bowels of
Tronwles Digeslion.Cheertur
ness and Rest.Contatns neither
Ciuin.forphine norIiiiraL
TStiyx tfoUDr&iMlTLPtTCHEJt
sl!x.-ttm -lUAtUtSJll-
Clmft td tuav
iHHxye rumr.
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Conwilsions.Feverish
ncss And Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
new' von k.
Before you
I lace any
work, call on Louis Comini. I will not only give you all
the information you need hut I will quote yon prices you
cannot heat anywhere. let n.1 one bind you. It will take
only a few minutes to call and eee me. If you have a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the price and quality of my work I Pnmlnl
and abide hv the result. : LUUIb UUllllfll
S NIa-NatNaf
Good News
g to Good Dressers....
I extend a cordial invitation to all to innnect the samples of
Woolens from the CROWN TAILORING CO., Chicago's famous Cus- ft
torn Tailors.
Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. $
T 5 f trir!rnianaiiin ami ctf.tira eil iufnr.l Iak naanlaol X
JOHN" PARTTF.TT Mernhv,t Tail or Ao-Pnt
wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot n kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, StTit
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr Ihisnoor ia manufactured expres!y for familj
, , ' hho: every sack is guaranteed tu give satisfaction.
W e i sell our goods lowor than any honpe in the trade, and if you don't tttink so
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer csr.
is heing advncited hy all parti regardless of nice, colnr M I""'
vinna conditmn of servitude. It mi'tnlicr we inako our inco
mers glad whi-n they hnv or 1'ure 1'riM.arcd I'alnts. There n
finish and glois t j Its work that is admired hy all.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
He sure and inspect our stock of Wall Taper
. i-cmHm wr 1
hetween Second and Third.
For Infants and Childrpn
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
orderB for a tombstone or for
fencinj or other cemetery
'.run on uispiay.
t .llv In
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