THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27, 1900. ftOPLI IUU ILL KNOW. (Saturday's Daily. Frank Bulger, of Portland, is in the city. Ex-Governor Moody left on thia morn ing' train for Silera. O. F. Angell wu a passensrer on tbe boat this morning for the Lucks. Miss Maybel Mack was a imen,:er on the Dalies City this morning for Port land. F.W.Wilson and J. T. Peters were pAseengers on the morning train for tStevetnon. Jim Nolan and wife, of Dnfur, were paseengera on the Dalles City tbis morn iuir for Hood Kiver. J. R. Warner, of Wbite Salmon, was in town today on his way home from the G. A. R. state encampment at La Grande. Mrs. Balfe Johnson, of Astoria, ar rived here yesterday to atteutl the funeral of her cousin, George Rucb, Jr. Rev. J. II. Woods, of North Yakima, arrived here yeeterday and attended tiie funeral of George Rcvh, Jr., this after noon. Miss Lena Merriman, who lias just closed a term of school at Upper Eight Mile, left this morning on the Italics City for her home in Linn county. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Micliell. of Steven son, and their daughters, Ursula and nd Nellie, and son, Ed, arrived here yesterday to atUud tle funeral of George Ruch, Jr. T. J. Seufert and C. A. Borders ex pect to leave tomorrow morning on trip to the Meadows to inspect the ditch recently dug there for tbe improvement of our water supply. Miss Boston, who was severely scalded in this city some three month ago by tbe upsetting of a large coffee pot full of boiling coffee, is so far recovered as to be able to return to her home at Lyle tbis morning. She was accompanied on tbe boat by Mrs. II. Wilier ton and daughter, Miss Bertha. Monday Patty. A, J. Dufnr passed through town to day cn his way to Portland. F. II. Wakefield left at noon today on , a business trip to Portland. Sam Broyles and wife, ofTrgh, passed through town yeeterdav on their way to Portland. Mrs. Lee Wigle, of Bear Creek, Crook connty, arrived here today on her way to Portland to visit friends. J. X. Gallifordand wife, of Prineville, re in the city on their way to visit friends in the Willamette valley. II. II. Learned and wife were passen gers on the Regulator this morning for Stevenson, where they go to visit tneir eon. Mrs. Sheldon and Miss Georgia Samp son were passengers on the Regulator this morning on a visit to friends in Portland. Tom Hudson was a passenger on No. 2 yesterday on a business trip to Pen dleton. He expects to return abdnt the end of the week. J. B. Cartwright, of Hay Creek, and John Little, of Antelope, were passen gers on the Regulator this morning on a pleasure trip to Astoria, Harry Clough and family were pas sengers on the Regulator this morning for Collins Lauding, where they go to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. Wakefield, who has been visiting with Mrs. S. L. Brooks for the past week, returned today on the No. 1 pas senger to her home in Portland. Tuesday' Dally. Miss Julia Nickelsen went to Hood River omhis morning's steamer to visit friends. Edgar Bnrlingame, of Dufnr, was in town last night the guest of the Uma tilla House. J. R. Warner, of Bingen. Wash., was in town last night, the guest of the Umatilla House. William Glasius took his family on the Reliance this morning for an outing at Collins Landing. Laughlin O'Brien, familiarly known as the "Larrybuck." was io town last pight from Centeryiile, Mrs. J. t. Peters and children were passengers on the Reliance this morning on summer outing at Seaside. C.J.Hayes, J. W. Hicks and A. L. Antone, of Hood River, were in town today attending to business In the land Office. !!ss katle Brngan, who has been teaching school in the Antelope country for several months, has returned to ber home in tbis city. Mrs. A. J. Cummings stopped over here last night with the family of Rev. C. P. Bailey, on her way from Portland to her home in Mount Vernon. Rev. W. C. Smith, of Dufur, crossed the river this morning on his way to Goldtndale to assist in the camp meet ing now in progress there. W. A. Wilcox, agent of the United State fish commission, ti in town yes terday and today gathering statistics of the fishing industry in these parts. Rev. O. B. White, I. J. Powell and Miss Hastings, of Dufur, were passen gers on the Reliance this morning for Portland, to attend the U. B. conference t that place. - Rev. U. F. Hawk went to Goldendale this morning to assist in the camp-meeting now in progress at that place. He was accompanied by Rev. J. H. Wood, of North Yakima. EIGHT MILE PICNIC. They Had a flrind, Good Time-Iteanlta Of the Race. Eight-Mile enjiyed one of the best picnics of the season Friday, The weather was splendid after the rain, and the crowd was as large as could be wished. Probably 500 people were present to enjoy the festivities of the occasion. Tie literary program was creditably rendered at advertised. All through the program a hearty good will was manifested and eacb received a good amount of applause. Tbe literary pro gram was a tn8e long, but this could not be avoided when so many were taking part, and it was wished that none should be alighted. Tbe following races took place, amid great excitement and cheering: Race for girls, 5 to 10 years, won by Gertie Covert ; prlz, large doll. Race for boys, 5 to 7 years, won by Ernest Dickson; prize, pen knife. Race .for girls, 10 to 18 years, won by Ruby Coveit; prize, toilet case. This race resulted in a tie and bad to be run over to determiue a winner. Io th second attempt Ruby Covert crossed the line first, with Zjra Miller a close second. Ra -e for boys, 12 to 16 years, won by Arville Acgell ; prize, fishing rod, This was close and exciting, and had to be run over to determine who should re ceive the fishing rod. The second time Arville Angell proved too fast for his larger competitor Elton Koontz and amidst deafening shouts he crossed the line in time to leave no doubt as to the winner. Race for boys, 7 to 12 years, won by Willie Wilhelm ; prize, suit of clothes. Race for girls, free for all, won by Zora Miller; prize, pair of shoes. Race tor boys, free for all, won by Guy Teel ; prize, book. Sack race for boys, won by Wilbur Dickson; prize, harmonica. Fat man's race, won by James Benson ; purse. Nail-driving contest, won by Mrs. McCabe; prizi, note paper. This was comical and exciting. Running jump, won by R. A. Miller; prize, a hat. Three-legged race, won by Arville Angell and Lester Johnson. Tbe picnic was a great success and everyone went away with a smile and a promise to remember Eiht-Mile on picnic days. The teachers, one and all, wish to thank the various merchants who contributed so freely and so much to tbe success of the picnic in the way of prizes. One of tub Teachers. Attention, II or nemon Tvgh Valley. Or., June IS, 1000. Editor Ciirokk-i.k : I hand you herewith a notice to horse owners that I hope you will publish at the earliest opportunity, for I deem the matter of very great importance to every owner of a horse in the county. I am advised hy the state veterinarian that mange is a highly contagious disease. He recommends as treatment that I1... pounds of sulphur and V., pounds of nnslacked lime be boiled in a gallon of water and daily applications made. Or any good sheep dip used at five times its strength for sheep. Anyone can readily see that if this disease should get well scattered among the work and saddle horses of the county, and the infection got into the public and private stables, it would be a task of giant proportions to ever get entirely rid of it again. By united effort now it can he eradicated, and tbe effort must be made, and made not-. Any delay only makes the matter worse. I would request that every person knowing of cases of this disease wosld at once inform me confidentially of it: whereabouts and who the owners of the horses aie, or what brands they cany. A. A. Bonney. OWNERS OF HOUSES TAKE NOTICE. Information having been filed in my office that numerous cases, of mange among horses now exist in Wasco county, I hereby notify all persons hav ing horses so elllicted to immediately remove said horses froir the public range and to keep tl)ptn separate and apart from all other horses not so aiuCU ed, and to immediately treat said slllici ed horses for a cm c of said disease. And any and all persons owning or hav ing in his Or their possession horses dis eased with mange, who refuse or neg lect to take heed of this notice and re move said horees from danger of contact with other healthy stock, will be dealt with according to laws made and pro vided to cover such cases. A. A. Bo.n.vry, Stock Inspector for Wasco Co., Tygh Valley, June 18, 1900. J19-4tw Nasal CATARRH In all lu stages there iliouid be cleaulinetn. Ely's Cream Balm cleansce, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and driven away a cold la the bead quickly. Cream Bnlm la placed Into tbe nostrils, apreada over the membrane and Is absorbed. Relief la im mediate and a cure followa. It la not drying doe not produce neezlni!. forge Size, SO centa at Drug gilt. .r hy mall ; Trial Size, 10 centa by mall. WV IKWTHERS, M Warren Street, New York. (Men Lice Conprei. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The most efficient Wood Preiervlng I'nliit alao a Radical Remedy against Chicken Lie. Ita application to In aide walla of poultry nouses will per mnuently exterminate all lire. He nits healthy rhickena, p enty of eg. W rite for circular and price, Mentloa this paper. t Jos.T. Peters & Co., THE DALLES, OREGON, T FRED. W. WII.PON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, THK DALLES, OREOON Ottlc nvet First Nat Binn. GENERAL NEWS. Tbe Pendleton woolen mills have be gun the shipment of blankets to Eastern houses for the fall trade. The wheat harvest will commence in Walla Walla county this week. The season Is a month earlier than last year, and two weeks earlier than usual. In honor of the nominee for vict president, ttie republicans of Walla Walla will organize a Roosevelt Club, and purchase rough rider hats and suits. Owners of harvest machines in Uma tilla county met at Milton today to fix a uniform rate for handling the season's 1 croo. A seals of wages is also to be agreed upon. The Mennoniles, at one of their set tlements in Pennsylvania, recently elected a pastor by lottery. There were ten candidates and ten bibles were placed on a table before them. One contained a slip of paper, end the preacher who selected this one was duly chosen. Father Joseph Jose!, of Desmet Mis sion, for fifty years identified with mis sionary work of the Jesuits among Cu-ur d'Alene and other Northwestern Indians, died at tbe mission June 19th. He was 90 years old and the last of the band of missionaries of whom Father Desmet was the leader. He came from Europe in 1S10. A New York man has a coat which is interesting from its long tail to the tailor's band on the collar. It is a wed ding dress coat which belonged to his grandfather, and it was made by Andrew Johnson, afterward president of the United States. At the back of the coat, under the coll$r, is a little clip of cloth marked "A. Johnson, Tailor." Three male babies were born to Pro feesor II. S. Brode and wife at their home in W alia Walla Tuesday morning, says the Miiton Eagle. Mr. Brode is one of the instructors in Whitman college, the professor of biology, "the science of life, which pretaina to the destruction of animals and plants." Tbe professor ap pears to be sharing in the "distribution" to a considerable extent. The most remarkable giant tbe world has ever known is Lewis Wilkins, who is now arousing great interest in the scientific circles of all Europe. WilkinB was born on a farm near St. Paul in 1874. When he was but 10 years of age he measured 6 feet in height, and has now grown to the tremendous height of 107,'4 inches just thiee-quarters of an lush less than 9 feet and weighs 364 pounds. When Charles Dudley Warner was editor of the Hartford Press, back in the 60s, arousing tbe patriotism of his state by his energetic appealB, one of the type setters came in from the composing room one day and, facing Mr. Warner, said : "Mr. Warner, I've decided to en list in the army." With mingled emotions of pride and responsibility, Mr. Warner replied that it pleased him that the man felt the call to duty. "Oh, it isn't that," said the truthful composi tor, "but I'd rather be shot than set your copy." The general opinion of her majesty, Queen Victoria, was curiously put by an old Scotchwoman who heard that an estate in Fife had gone io the crown for want of heirs. "Weel," she said, "It micht bae gaun a waur gate, for the queen's a rale deservin' body." Only as "the crown" on these occasions means merely the exchequer, the Scotchwoman would probably have thought that the estate had "gaun a waur gate" if she had known that her majesty would derive no benefit whatever from" it. fjtrange to say, Senator Bailey of Texas, who is such a hero with the sentimental women frequenters of the house galleries, is not a favorite with tbe men visitors. One day last winter his dramatic conclusion to a rather long winded speech elicited from a gray haired man in the second row of the members' gallery the ejaculation : "Too bad, too bad!" "Whut'e too bad?" asked his companion. "It's too bad," replied the venerable auditor, "that the Lord Almighty when He made that roaring Texan should have used up so much material in fashioning his thorax that he had nothing left for bis brains." The following telegram was handed in for delivery at the postoflice at Chepstow, England: "Going to Lianfairpwligungwi 1 gogerhwilclydiligo gogoch ; shall be home by 4:30." The postmaster, thinking that there was more than a fair penn'orth of conso nants in the name, referred it to his surveyor, who wrote back: "It is an attempt at the name (of a village in Anglesey), but is evidently not written by a Welshman ; the spelling is incor rect, and, but for tbe joke of the thing, the ordinary abbreviation Llanfairpwll would have been better. The full name correctly written I give bMow Llanfairpwllewynkrvllgogercli- wrmydromwillaudisilliogoirogncb." Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of tbe body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir h as never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley k Hough ton's drug store.. is God's Good Blessing I feel that God has blessed Dr. that grand medicine called Acker's Troubles. It saves cauuren cvcij Every mother should know about it, and I will tell about my expe rience. I had a darling boy of four years to die with croup. My doctor did all he could, but the child could not be made to vomit. That was before I knew of Acker's Eng lish Remedy. After I did hear of it, I got a bottle. When our little eighteen -months -old girl was rt,iri-eii with crrmn I crave her '- " ...... i ' - o--- - 1- this medicine, and insideof twenty M;i,i.t EhN vomited And was bet- ter right away. During the win ter she had croup four times, and it brought her through each time all right. I, myself, had bronchitis pretty bad, and Acker's English Remedy cured me completely. of my neighbor's boy, named Jobe Nana. He had bronchitis, too. He got worse all the time. My husband went over to his house and told him about my case. Then his mother went to town, got a 50-cent bottle of Acker's E111 Remedy, and he took it. He came over to our house a few days later and said he was all right, and also said two doses relieved him from the start. You can un derstand by my letter why I think so much of Acker's English Remedy. I re peat that God's blessing must surely have been bestowed upon Dr. Acker.' (Signed) Mrs. John Yeager, Rochester, Pa. Sold at 25c, 50c. and $rabottle. throughout the United States and Canada; and in England, at is. 2d., 29. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. ire author Ue the above guarantee. W. U. flOOKER & CO., Proprittort, JVrw York. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. STORM AROUND ENDERSBY. While ft Did Much Harm to Some, Waa a Bleaalng to Othera. It Endersby, June 25, 1900. Editor Chronicle: . Eight Mile was visited on Saturday afteinoon by one of the greatest wind and rain storms known to this vicinity. It was rather a cloud-burst, accompanied by a terrific wind that uprooted trees and overturned buildings in a manner never before witnessed by even the old est inhabitants. The storm began about 3 p. 111. and lasted about an hour. Fifteen minutes after it began raining the ground was covered with water and it commenced running everywhere. Be fore it stopped all the gulches leading to Eight Mile were roaring torrents, carry ing down rocks of all kinds, trees and parts of fences. The water rolled ten feet high in the gulch in front of F.nders- by school house and had a frightful ap pearance. Eight mile could not hold all the water, so it ranevery where, de stroying hay and gardens and uproot ing trees of all kinds. In some places boulders weighing many tons were car ried down the gulches, and now all are to be seen lying at Eight Mile. It will cost some money and labor to remove them and other debris. Some families living on the creek were compelled to leave their homes and brave the terrific storm to escape the torrents of water that came roaring down Eight Mile and adjacent gulches. A good deal of damsge was done to young poultry of all kinds. They were unable to escape the water as it carried them completely away. The greatest damage was Io those w ho had mature wheat and barley. Hail stones meas uring halt an inch in diameter were found on the Fligg ranch, and it is said that the ground on the hill above End- ersby was white with them. The bail Btones completely destroyed whole fields in this locality. A part of the grain was threshed while standing; some was beheaded, while a great deal lay flat on the ground. It is a heavy blow to those in that region, as they were coqnting on a large crop. The storm, while doing much dam age to some, as above stated, was a benefit to others. Those having late spring sown greatly benefited by it. No one can now complain of a lack of moisture. The writer is reminded of one neighbor who has been complaining ot the small showers of the past, and said he was like the preacher when he prayed; that he did not pray for miets and showers, but for "gully washers." Probably he wont want any more gully washers after his present excitement subsides. Tiie Eight Mile people being somewhat practical in their way, look upon the matter as one being a blessing in disguise, and leave the matter to him who doeth all things well. Yours Respectfully, O. II. Kerns. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. One Second-Hand Hack. One 3 1-2 Bain Header Wagon. fIaier & Benton For uk Acker with special kwdg. J Prep", English Remedy fo r g "" yZ, Mr. W. S. Whedon, cashier of tbe First National bank of Winterset, Iowa, in a recent letter eives some experience with a carpenter in his employ, that will be of value to other mechanics. He says: "I had a carpenter working for me who was obliged to stop work for several days on account of being trou bled with diarrhtvji. I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhrui Remedy had cured me, He bonghtja bottle of it from the druggist here and informed me that one dose enred him, and he Is again at his work." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. A Good Congo Medicine. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists use it in their own families in preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedv for the past five years with complete satisfaction to my?elf and customers," save. Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. "I have always used it in my own family both for ordinary coughs and colds and for the ouch fol lowing la grippe, and find it very effica cious." For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured. "At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E. Cary, editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. "After using several well recommended medicines without success, I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to say that relief came as soon as I began its use and a complete cure speedily followed'" Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Editor' Awful flight. F. M. Higgins, editor Senaca, Ills., News, was afflicted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he triad Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's the surest pile cure on earth and the beet salve in the world. Cure guaran teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggist. 5 CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, v llHITKD STATKH I.AKII Of FlC K, J THK Dai.i.kk, Or., May 15, l;i00. A aiiflirlriit context atliriavit having been (lied In thin ollice by (ina 8. Alexander, rontextiint, neiiliint homenlemi entry No. iull, made May 14 lh, fur viV. of iiw'i, 6, tp. 1 n, nuiKe 13 e, by Joint T. WriKht, eonteMee, in which It i al iened tht KHicI John T. Wriirlit haa wholly abandoned anid tract, and chHiigeii hia residence therefrom fur more than nix months tlnce mak ing; unlit entry, and next prior to date: ami. that tbe Hbnence of defendant fiom anlil tract ia not due to hia employment in the inilitnrv or naval aervtce of the United Htatea, aiiid parti arc hereby notified to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching auid allefftitioii nt ID o'clock a. 111. on Jnncati. Woo, before the IfKlsfer and Hcceiver at the Uuited Btntes land ollice lu The Dalle, Orcfton. The nln contestant liavlnir. In a proper affida vit, tiled May l pan. act forth facia which allow that alter due diligence personal acrvlce of Ihla notice can not bo made, it la hereby ordered and dlrecltd that am b HoUce be Riven by due and proper publication. lt 1 JA.Y P. UTAH, RcglMcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orr11.1t at Vak:oi-vr. Wash., I April :!, I'm) Notice ta hereby Riven that the follow Inc named aettiir hna hied notice of hia Inten tion Io ninke final proof In utippott of hia claim, and that hnld proof will be made before . 11. I'reahy, r tilted wtntea Commissioner for IHatiirt of nahlnRtoii, at hia o'tlee in tiolilen dale, Wash., on Friday, June J, I'jon, viz: Deitrich H. Stegman, devisee of Dietrich Strgman, deceased ; Homestead Kntrv No. KTIfi, for the anutlivest 4 o( ecUon township s mirth of ranga II raat, He namea the following witness, to prove hia conilniioiia residence iian and cultivation ol aaid land, viz: Manuel H. lonardo, of (Srand Dallea P. O Wash.: Herman Kngelke, W illiam Wilkinson, of (.entervllle I', o Wash . and William C rawford, ol t.rand Dallea it. o., Vt ash. W. K. DtlNRAR. Relator. ADMIXISTUAIOK'S NOTICK Notice la hereby prlven that the nnilerslgncd, by an order of the ( ountr Court of the tttatr of Oregon lor Wasco County, haa been aiipnli ted n.Mii.ii,.tiain 01 ,iih rniaw 01 iiciei nradford, dcccascl. All persona bavin clalma a-ainl the estate of said deceased ara n tilled to pre sent them, with the proper vouchers, to me at lloml River, Oregon, within six month! from the oris of thla notice, liaud May 1ft, I'.Mi. ...... , I'tlTUAM P. rlRAhronr., Administrator of the Ka.ate of llelau Brad ford, lcccaed. , f. MCOIR. M00IIK & GAVIN, JOHN OA vm ATTORNEYS AT LAW Room 39 end 40, over U. S. Und OHlc. SUMMONS. IX THK CIRCCIT COURT OP T of Oregon, for Waaco County HE ATi A " .J18 Ha8,t"S. Haluuir, Donald M. Ha,Unga, Defendant To Donald M. UaaUnga, the fendant: """e-iUuiiea fc. u ...cis.uivoi me state of OrtMroa v reby re-iuinal to aimer .,, . " ' car e court for the relief prayed for in VWl "; o-t: for . decVof d "o, h" e said defendant, Donald M. lhS''00 . rhia .umuiona la aerved upon r l- ,n lr 4.. r.1 .k. . Ull VOU fat IH.HK- plail the a lnia aurcuioria la aerved upon tion, by order of tbe court, made ft of June, which said oWrd'S.V1 "? summons be aerved Umn yoa h, u "' Uu, thereof for six consecutive wjX .M"1"," Weekly Cukomiclb, a u,,m,J, J Un id Wasco eounty; that tbeT t''?, be made on the tith day of Juno i ol,f the defendant be required to ai.rJfr 'J ui the couipriiiut on or before the 1Mb d.. ,1? P.ju, mid d,.te being the last Atv TP,?1 prescribed for the said publication Uit NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Land Offici at Vakcoi ver, w.,h' , Notice ia hereby given that the f'SJ named tenler haa hied notice of hii nT' to make, final proof in support of hi , that said pro.. will be made before wr'?' I'nlted Bute Commissioner Washington, at hi. office in UoMead. e Vj on Saturday, June 30, lisjn, viz: ' ueorge u. Liudaay, Homestead eutrr. No. f Jjn. for h ou , In, Tp 3, N of K 13 E, W. M. 01 He nnmc. the following wit,,,,, , his continuous residence upon and cuiViv.o of said land, viz: ' u culttu John . McDonald, of Hnrtlard P n k Wendelin Leidl. Goldenoale P o Wash". 1 C. Berry. Hartland P. ., Wahi.'.; tSoJ. j" llrinna. IiartlKori V. II wk ' la0I" J. m'l8i 1 .W. R. DUNBAR, RegUter. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. JNUUCE OK PUBLICATION. V. 8. I-amd Office, Vakcoi vkr, Wash i April Si, !'.).'' Kotio I. hernViv .Iv.n ,hn, t. r. .. .. by I. H. Stomal!, her attorney m W, hlijy ....... "-' " "nv .in hi nrMt befoM V.- It I'Mhv. I niti-rt Urn,..- .., "Wc District of ashlngton at hi, oDicc In'tiowS dale, V ashington, 011 J-ridav, the J!Hb dvl June, WW), on Timber-culture Awlloation . . .- . ii.i ,0 semen .-Sofia township No. 2 north, range No. lteatt W II Hlie namea aa witnetaca: .Manuel S. l'iMrj. of Grand Dallea V. O., Wash.; Herman Knew? William Wilkinson, of Centerville 1'. O, VV.jh and William Crawford, of Hrnnd Dnllei p 0 vVl'h- W. K. DL'NBAi,' ' nmy-M RmI.u, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Land Office at Va.ncowf.r, Wah. '....... . June 4, liw. ' Notice is hereby given that the u niinicd settler hna (lied notice of his inteuiim to make tinal proof In support of his clnlir, and that said proo: will be made before W. B. Hrmbi I lilted states I ommisMoner for District of W ashirgton, at his ollice ift lioldeudalr, ' ington, oil Monday, July hi, Woo, viz: John Wateon, ' HomestMd Kntry No. 9:132, for the smith hall ol tbe southeast quarter of section it', township! north, of range 14 east, Will. Mer. He namea the following witne-scs to prove ha continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol said laud, viz: Charles Htraube, William Wilkinson, Jama C. Daly, Putrick Huggerty, all of Centervillr, P. O., Wash. . W. K. DCNBAR, juna 1 Uegiatcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancoi'vkr, Wash , Mav 17. l'JHI. Notice la hereby given that the following named aettler baa filed notice of his intention to muke final proof In support of his claim, that a lid proof will be made before W. B. Frebr, United Hutcs Commissioner, at Uoldendale, on July 0, I'.rnu, viz: Aaahel K, Ollar, who made II. E. No. K, for the fractional W'f N W'4, Hec UU, T11 3 N, K 1:1 K, and Hi:. ol NEi Sec 25, Tp 3, N K 12 K, W. M. He names the following witncsei to prove bh continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol aaid land, viz: Robert A. Htrouthcrs, Chris E. Frnnzen, Will lam (iaruer, John Kure, all of I. Tie P. 0., Washington. W. K. ih:ndak, raaySl-l Kiiler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officc at Vancoi-vfr. WsMi., Mav 16,110. I Notice la hereby Riven that the foilowlnt named settlers have f lei notlceof their Intention to make lliial proof in support of theircllm,il lliataald proor will bo made before the retisiet and receiver of the IJ. H. land ollice at Vancou ver, Wush., ou July C, WOO, viz: fieorga H. Hanford, who made H. E. No. Mm, for the K' sF.'ipl rice :t, and N1, 8W f-4' Hec 2. Tp :t N. K 12 who namea tiie following witnesses to provli continuous residence upon und cultivation said laud, viz: Haskln Trabue, Chrlatlnn meckaon, , Tn" M. WbitconiO, Edward A. liopiajr, all of LyU, Wasb. Christian Itleckaon, who made It. E. No. 9S.'.', for the H'j, SWK J Kl HVt'4', re 111. Tp 3 N. K 1.', -,,-wh" names the following witnesses to prnyi n continuous residence upon and cultivation is snld land, viz: , -, lusklu Trabue, John Paulsen, Jam. riH. Cwrge II. Banford, all of I.yle, V. aslncgton. Ilaakln Trabue, who made H. E. No. for the S'sSW'.w :t,andN', NW';, fee lo,Tp3N, K -,: who namea the following witnesses to P'nJ continuous residence upon and etilmn"" said land, viz: ,,., Chtlatlan Dclckaon, Thomas M. George II. Hanloid, Jamca HI., all of U"''" Wash. may'23-1 W. R. Dt SHAB.RH,er- Guardian's Sale. Notice ia hereby given that l'""0"" ot cense and order of sale ma. le ai d I ' " as guardian of the jajrsona and estate m M.k.ic and (,artlcl,I Moore, '""'"; , 5p County Court of the Hlate of Or.von I " County on the tlth day of Jum;- ' J wm the Hist day of Inly, l!. t 'Si door 111 Hiillea City, at the hour of J " w m. of said day. to the KTnnr cash in hand, all 01 me mu -o.-. - ,,rt Donation Und Claim, where it 1 n " , tlience In aontherly direction a. t nlrt, fom on the llncoi tn pn .sen. . H)v&. thence west HO rods: thence tiorth j ff thence Rlong said line so n ;' ,' !L' Tri! beglnnliig, being -art of U' ' rt i.,id I atloii f.and claim, In Sec II, ,,,,,0. teng In Tp. 1 N. K 13 k',Vi,dcTtM'? tereat In and to l-ot li, and H.J.i ' "" D, g side of I.t 11 in bl.a k ti of Uuilhlln u" dltlon to Dalles City, Or. .,..... .nnrilH"- a IMOVIDTI) ATriR'Sl SALE. Notice ii hereby glwn tlmt nnjlet by virtue of n order o( the iT ol CUck.mM connty, Oregon, ,K)0,1 entere.1 on the Wth lv o( M7. will offer lor ple, t pr iv." - w n.l after the 7th dy o Ju v. 1 m .f cash In hand, 11 the "L,Ae teret of the nUt of W f W it, ceed, in and to lot 12 I Woe Laughlin'i Addition to I'"1 Waico county, Oregon. Admlnlatfator of theeitateot v. Flih, deceaned. , iof A fitf.,. reived bv Attorney w . mlniitrator. J. T. Whalley, i-fj., Tifft, Portland, Or. In nn.l to thi. real lirolHTI) scillicd: aaid interest Wing "nt imj ' Vr sevenths interest In and to the ) " ,4 the BKU of the HV4. and l.t I " ' Lota 1 and 2 of fee. C. and that ' ", a of hind bounded a. followa: ( ;"-' ""J , .i.l. ,h. i,rlh line of the M' "' .,.h: